HE :: Volume #9

#890: Mainland map!

Chapter 890 第890章 Whish!” “哗!” The slight hesitation, a Daqin Ruozan fierce show, has not spread out the map of roll-up. Nearby, flame one bright, had U-Tsang Cavalry to hold a flare to collect. The bright flame shines on the map, appears the innumerable gullies, lines outlined the entire western region earth, U-Tsang Plateau, Western Turkic Khaganate, outlined west of Suyab City grand Cong Ridge, as well as the city of remote Talas. 没有丝毫的犹豫,大钦若赞猛的一展,摊开了卷起的地图。一旁,火光一亮,自有一名乌斯藏骑兵举着一根火把凑了过来。明亮的火光照耀在地图上,现出无数的沟沟壑壑,一道道线条勾勒出整个西域大地,乌斯藏高原,西突厥汗国,也勾勒出了碎叶城以西雄伟的葱岭,以及遥远的怛罗斯之城。 Mainland map!” “大陆地图!” In this map most place above, writes these characters with the U-Tsang article. 在这张地图的最上方,用乌斯藏文写着这几个字。 An exhaustive map, outlined around the entire western region all influences, moreover all details were extremely exhaustive. Such map, priceless, does not have including Wang Chong. Wang Chong once spent for several months, wants to draw such this map, but the result can only cause a general Talas sand map, but bigger region beyond one's reach, cannot draw up. 一张详尽的地图,勾勒出了整个西域周围所有的势力,而且所有的细节都极其详尽。这样的地图,价值连城,连王冲都没有。王冲曾经花费数个月的时间,想要绘出这样这张地图,但结果只能弄出一个大概的怛罗斯沙盘图,而更大的区域则力有未逮,绘制不出来。 However in the hand of Daqin Ruozan, Talas City, faintly has appeared on the map including remote Caliphate Empire incessantly, all proportions, the detail, perfectly presents, its exhaustive degree is shocking. Even by Suyab City that secret channel reveals above. 但是大钦若赞的手中,不止怛罗斯城,连遥远的大食帝国都在地图上隐隐有所显现,所有的比例,细节,完美呈现,其详尽程度令人震惊。甚至就连碎叶城旁那条隐秘的通道都在上面显露出来。 If Wang Chong sees this map, definitely extremely will vibrate. 如果王冲看到这张地图,必然会极其震动。 Because such map precisely he pursues vigorously! 因为这样的地图正是他极力追求的! Mainland map, this is the entire U-Tsang map exhausts hundred years of time, goes on an expedition in the western region and all influence unceasingly, finally draws up. Different with Great Tang, the western region is the U-Tsang Empire sphere of influence, this is the reason that they can draw up the mainland map. 大陆地图,这是整个乌斯藏地图耗尽百年时光,在西域和各方势力不断征战,最后才绘制出来。和大唐不同,西域一直都是乌斯藏帝国的势力范围,这才是他们能绘制出大陆地图的原因。 Takes a broad view at the entire world, such exhaustive mainland map also only this one opened! 放眼整个天下,这么详尽的大陆地图也就仅此一张了! Talas!” 怛罗斯!” Daqin Ruozan lowers the head, the vision is brilliant and bright as snow, but sweeps, immediately has locked on the map a symbol of prominence. 大钦若赞低着头,目光睿智、雪亮,只是一扫,立即锁定了地图上一个突起的标志。 Five thirteen li (6,500 meters), is Great Tang / the patrol limit of army. Great Tang Falcon Squad should appear, almost, take action!” “五十三里,正好是大唐/军队的巡逻极限。大唐鹰鹫小队该出现了,差不多,出手吧!” Yes, Great Minister!” “是,大相!” Sound just fell in Daqin Ruozan talked during sleep, immediately the sound resounded from Daqin Ruozan behind shadow. tí dā dā, the horse's hoof is intermittent, like the thunder, taking advantage of the ray of flare, the military commander who sees only entire feeling of heaviness in the limbs armor speeds away to go heavily, the dim light of night is deep, cannot see clearly his appearance, only visits him to directly soar Great Army end, rapid vanishes does not see. 就在大钦若赞呓语般的声音刚落,立即有一个声音从大钦若赞身后的阴影里响起。蹄哒哒,马蹄阵阵,沉重如雷,借着火把的光芒,只见一名全身重甲的武将疾驰而去,夜色深沉,看不清他的长相,只看着他直奔大军的末尾,迅速的消失不见。 Nighttime, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi looked at one mutually, two people from saw the doubts to the grid, but no one has asked. 黑夜里,火树归藏都松莽布支互相看了一眼,两人都从对方眼中看到了疑惑,但谁也没有开口询问。 The time passes by slowly, four surrounding quiet, suddenly, the bang, a steel sound of click-clack transmits from end of team. In the darkness anything cannot see, but one after another, as if had any thing to fly from some metal cage. The time that the sound continues is long, moreover along with some sudden air current surging sound. 时间缓缓过去,四周围静悄悄,突然,轰,一阵轧轧的钢铁声从队伍的末尾传来。黑暗中什么也看不到,但却接二连三,仿佛有什么东西从某种金属笼子里飞了出来。声音持续的时间非常长,而且还伴随着某种急剧的气流涌动声。 Nobody knows that had anything, and Daqin Ruozan most intimate Huoshu Guicang is puzzled. 没有人知道发生了什么,就连和大钦若赞最亲近的火树归藏都是一脸疑惑。 Although Daqin Ruozan the motion of major part, is completed by him, but is actually not all motions is so. Daqin Ruozan in the dungeon several months time, saw many people, he asked them to chat anything, told anything, does not know Huoshu Guicang. 大钦若赞虽然绝大部分的行动,都是透过他来完成的,但是却并不是所有行动都是如此。大钦若赞在地牢的数月时间里,见了许多人,他找他们聊了什么,吩咐了什么,就连火树归藏都不知道。 gua!” “呱!” When doubts in people heart are deepest, suddenly, a crying out strangely baby cries aloud from the sky deep place transmits. That sound, resembles to cry strangely, resembles to call, had a scare all people. 就在众人心中的疑惑最深的时候,突然之间,一声怪叫婴儿啼哭从天空深处传来。那声音怪异之极,似哭非哭,似叫不叫,把所有人吓了一跳。 Looked quickly, looks there quickly!” “快看,快看那里!” Suddenly, in the team, some people look up the sky with U-Tsang, the hand are pointing at somewhere, yelled. 突然之间,队伍之中,有人用乌斯藏抬头望着天空,手指着某处,大叫起来。 Huoshu Guicang and in the loosen Mangbuzhi heart moves, subconscious raised the head. Sees only in the sky, round bright moonlight is bright, hangs the sky, is clearing away the surrounding darkness. But in instant, sees only in that disc bright moonlight that two people raise the head, the distinct giant shadow opens the both wings, passed over gently and swiftly from Full Moon. 火树归藏和都松莽布心中一动,下意识的抬头来。只见天空中,一轮明月皎洁,高悬天空,涤荡着周围的黑暗。而就在两人抬头的刹那,只见那圆盘般的明月中,分明一道巨大的黑影张开双翅,从圆月中掠过。 Even if separates, but that unique flight attitude, as well as both wings, made two people one eyes recognize 即便隔得很远,但是那独特的飞行姿态,以及双翅,还是让两人一眼就认了出来 Cinereous vulture! 秃鹫! This is on U-Tsang Plateau is most common vulture, the U-Tsang People celestial burial the time, not buried, does not burn down, feeds on fiercest the birds vulture to Plateau, and regards as an extremely high glory this. Although in U-Tsang Plateau, the vulture is common, but west of Cong Ridge, the vulture is not the common birds. 这是乌斯藏高原上最常见不过的秃鹫,乌斯藏人天葬的时候,不埋地,不火烧,就是喂给高原上最凶猛的禽鸟秃鹫,并将这视为一种极高的荣耀。虽然在乌斯藏高原,秃鹫非常常见,但在葱岭以西,秃鹫都不是什么常见的禽鸟。 Saw vulture that in this moonlight passed over gently and swiftly, no matter Huoshu Guicang or Dusong Mangbuzhi, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly an astonished look. How long however this type has not continued astonishedly, was substituted by an extreme shock. 看到这只月色中掠过的秃鹫,不管是火树归藏还是都松莽布支,眼中都掠过一丝惊异的神色。但是这种惊异没有持续多久,就被一种极度的震惊所取代。 Quack!” “呱呱!” A one after another vulture yelled to transmit from the dim light of night deep place, after the first vulture, an intermittent crowded wing fanned to transmit from the dark night, in Dusong Mangbuzhi and Huoshu Guicang, as well as tens of thousands of U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry vision, whish, vulture in groups passed over gently and swiftly from the sky deep place like the dark cloud generally, that crowded vulture group even covered the sky bright bright moon. 一阵接二连三的秃鹫啼叫声从夜色深处传来,就在第一只秃鹫之后,一阵阵密集的翅膀扇动声从黑夜中传来,就在都松莽布支火树归藏,以及成千上万乌斯藏铁骑的目光,哗,成群结队的秃鹫有如乌云一般从天空深处掠过,那密集秃鹫群甚至将天空皎洁的皓月都遮盖了。 In an instant, star moon/month is dim, in world suddenly dark many. Innumerable military force(s) in this flash, hidden entered in the darkness with armor. 刹那之间,星月黯淡,天地之间陡然黑暗了不少。无数的兵马在这一刹那,和身上的铠甲一起隐入了黑暗之中。 Silent, four surrounding silence! 寂静,四周围一片寂静! Pair of both eyes light looks at the vulture group of sky to be dumbfounded, could not speak. Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi two U-Tsang Empire Great General dumbfounded. U-Tsang Empire always extremely does not attach great importance to the spatial birds and beasts army, Empire all cores, place in the training of Heavy Cavalry. 一双双目光望着天空的秃鹫群目瞪口呆,一个个都说不出话来。就连火树归藏都松莽布支两位乌斯藏帝国大将都呆住了。乌斯藏帝国对于空禽部队从来都不是太过重视,帝国所有的核心,都放在铁骑的训练上。 They have not thought, Daqin Ruozan is in dungeon, unexpectedly is hiding the truth from them secretly, trained such huge quantity of vulture Legion. 两人从来没有想到,大钦若赞身在地牢,居然偷偷瞒着他们,训练出了这么一只数量庞大的秃鹫军团 Experience teaches, a Triangle Jag service, haven't you felt? Spatial birds and beasts Great Army is playing more and more important role in this time, at least,...... Is playing more and more important role in that individual hand. If we cannot defeat him, the best means are to imitate him.” “吃一堑长一智,三角缺口一役,你们还没有感觉出来吗?空禽大军正在这个时代扮演着越来越重要的角色,至少,……在那个人手中扮演着越来越重要的角色。如果我们不能打败他,最好的办法就是仿效他。” Daqin Ruozan light sound, tranquil incomparable, transmits from the darkness. 大钦若赞淡淡的声音,平静无比,从黑暗中传来。 Walks.” “走吧。” The last few words said, Daqin Ruozan clamps the barrel, vertical leaps from two people. 最后一句话说完,大钦若赞一夹马腹,率先从两人中间纵跃而出。 set off!” 出发!” Along with the order of Daqin Ruozan, the tí dā dā horse's hoof is intermittent, tens of thousands of U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry are travel-worn, in forming groups, under the vulture group shield of blotting out the sky, turns toward the city of illness Talas to gallop to go once more. Several miles distance flashes, is the time of moment. 随着大钦若赞的命令,蹄哒哒马蹄阵阵,成千上万的乌斯藏铁骑风尘仆仆,在成群结队,铺天盖地的秃鹫群掩护下,再次向着怛罗斯之城疾急驰而去。数里的路程一晃而过,也就是片刻的时间。 Cry!” “唳!” The distant place, a rock hawk is walking back and forth, has drawn a huge arc in the sky. Looks at the horizon place, crowded steel Great Army yelled suddenly, just thinks that the tone departed. Suddenly, gua, a baby cries aloud crying out strangely from airborne spreads, has not waited for that rock hawk to run away the transmission signal, in an instant, whish, innumerable cinereous vultures, dense and numerous, from airborne falls in torrents, strikes from crazy throwing in all directions. 远处,一只岩鹰逡巡着,在天空中划过一道巨大的弧线。看着地平线处,密集的钢铁大军突然啼叫一声,刚想调头离去。突然之间,呱,一声婴儿啼哭般的怪叫从空中传出,还没等那只岩鹰逃回去传递信号,刹那间,哗,无数的秃鹫,密密麻麻,从空中倾泄而下,从四面八方疯狂的扑击。 Only listens to a wailing, that gigantic rock hawk was ripped the fragment instantaneously, the innumerable black feathers, sprinkle in abundance, from airborne falls gently. 只听一声尖啸,那硕大的岩鹰瞬间就被撕成碎片,无数的黑色羽毛,纷纷洒洒,从空中飘落下来。 Walks!” “走!” Under of rock hawk, a U-Tsang military officer stands and waits for a long time on the dark earth, the vision is bright as snow, looked continually has not looked airborne, but waves, tens of thousands of U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry pass through the region that the rock hawk makes immediately, howls to go. But in the sky, the vulture group was yelling, was similar to a mobile black streamer, continued to swoop to go toward the front. 岩鹰的下方,一名乌斯藏将领伫立在黑暗的大地上,目光雪亮,连看都没看空中,只是一挥手,成千上万的乌斯藏铁骑立即穿过岩鹰巡狩的区域,呼啸而去。而天空中,秃鹫群啼叫着,如同一条流动的黑色飘带般,继续向着前方飞扑而去。 Cry, but several miles distance, the second defense line appears again, two rock hawks in the airborne relative flight, back and forth are walking back and forth. The vulture group swoops on, rips the smashing the defense line of this heavy surrounding once more. Third Layer, Fourth Layer......, The short more than ten miles, people at least meet the 78 defense lines under Great Tang arrange/cloth. 唳,只不过数里的距离,第二道防线再次出现,两只岩鹰在空中相对飞行,来回逡巡着。秃鹫群飞扑而上,再次将这重外围的防线撕成粉碎。第三重,第四重……,短短十多里,众人至少遇到大唐布下的78道防线。 The quantity of each defense line are not many, often only has one, or 2-3. Although the quantity are not many, but at the flight altitudes of several rock hawks, namely will not be low, simultaneously exactly sufficiently the sound surroundings ground looks clearly, obviously after the careful computation. 每一道防线的数量都不多,往往都只有一只,或者两三只。虽然数量不多,但是以几只岩鹰的飞行高度,即不会太低,同时又恰好足以将周围地面的动静看得清清楚楚,明显经过精心的计算。 Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi and the others also thought after oneself occupied , the superiority that sends, had not been realized by Tang People. However comes, meets that hawk birds and beasts defense line one after another, in the people heart slowly cannot help but heavy. 火树归藏都松莽布支等人本来还觉得自己占据了后发的优势,没有被唐人察觉。但是一路过来,遇到那一道接一道的鹰禽防线,众人心中不由得慢慢沉重起来。 Felt? This is his style, overcautious, will not leave behind a wee bit opportunities to you. Only then a wee bit clue, will be discovered by him immediately. Fights with him, we must whole-heartedly, unable to have slightly negligently.” “感觉到了吧?这就是他的风格,谨小慎微,根本不会给你留下一丁点机会。只有一丁点端倪,立即会被他发现。和他交手,我们必须全力以赴,不能有丝毫大意。” As if knows that in two people of hearts is thinking anything, Daqin Ruozan sound at the right moment resounds in two people ears, the sound is tranquil, is passing a calm strength. 似乎知道两人心中在想什么,大钦若赞声音适时的在两人耳边响起,声音平静无比,透着一股令人镇定的力量。 He was too careful, by this deploying troops for defense situation, we are very difficult is smooth through, but by him is discovered.” “他太小心了,以这种布防情况,我们很难顺利的通过而不被他发现。” Some Huoshu Guicang worries said. 火树归藏有些担心道。 Good, the defense line under his arrange/cloth were too many.” “不错,他布下的防线太多了。” Dusong Mangbuzhi also echoes saying that in the item shows the similar anxiety. 都松莽布支也附和道,目中透出同样的忧虑。 Said that is very difficult to believe that that fellow who they must deal with, war in southwest, but also merely is only not worthy of mentioning youngster of one on martial arts. But a war, his whole person changed completely. This thousand li (500 km) rapid march, although has not seen that youngster, but that another, after the bird distribution of careful computation, made Huoshu Guicang this Great General feel an invisible pressure. 说起来很难相信,他们要对付的那个家伙,在西南之战,还仅仅只是一个在武功上微不足道的少年。而一场战事,他整个人已经完全变化。这场千里急行军,尽管还没有看到那个少年,但是那一只又一只,经过精心计算的鸟雀分布,却让火树归藏这种大将都感觉到了一丝无形的压力。 Tang People was too formidable! 唐人太强大了! Said that Great Tang essence or quintessence of things Tianbao, peaceful dozens years, dispirited, the battle efficiency has been not as before, but U-Tsang actually when the military strength is most powerful, defeats another defeat, unceasing defeat in the hand of Great Tang. Moreover in one's own side is occupying in the situation of overwhelming superiority military strength. 都说大唐物华天宝,太平了几十年,人心涣散,战斗力已经大不如前,但乌斯藏却在自己兵力最强盛的时候,一败又一败,不断的战败在大唐的手中。而且还是在己方占据着绝对优势兵力的情况下。 Present U-Tsang, was compressed pinnacle by Great Tang the military strength. But existence of that person, is makes the entire U-Tsang night not sleep well, even if above Plateau, is hard to feel at ease. 现在的乌斯藏,已经被大唐将兵力压缩到极致。而那个人的存在,更是让整个乌斯藏夜不安寝,即便是在高原之上,也难以心安。 This is also the reason of people dispatching troops. 这也是众人这次出兵的原因。 Does not need to worry are too many, is the person has the flaw, even if he is no exception.” “不必顾虑太多,是人就有破绽,就算是他也不例外。” The Daqin Ruozan light sound conveys from the ear: 大钦若赞淡淡的声音从耳中传来: „...... Moreover, I had found him to empty the rule that the birds and beasts deploy troops for defense.” “……而且,我已经找到了他空禽布防的规律。” wēng! 嗡! Hears these words, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi are the whole body shake, in the swift and fierce double pupil shows the surprised look, has restrained the warhorse in pairs. 听到这句话,火树归藏都松莽布支都是浑身一震,凌厉的双眸中透出吃惊的神色,双双勒住了战马。 Daqin Ruozan smiles, clouds are thin, wind is soft, takes out that mainland map from the sleeve, spread out looked at one gently. 大钦若赞只是一笑,云淡风轻,从袖中取出那张大陆地图,摊开了轻轻瞄了一眼。
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