HE :: Volume #9

#889: Daqin Ruozan comes!

Chapter 889 第889章 hē hē, genuine and fake, genuine and fake. So long as in ten evidence has nine real, last was really or fake nobody cares. Wanhe Peiluo had a guilty conscience, confessed without being pressed, the Caliphate envoy was the vacation nobody has cared.” 呵呵,真真假假,假假真真。十个证据里面只要有九个是真的,最后一个是真还是假就没有人去在意了。万赫裴罗做贼心虚,不打自招了,大食使者是真是假已经没有人在意了。” But, if he did uncover really?” “可是,如果他真的揭了呢?” Although knows that this issue is inappropriate, but Xue Qianjun cannot bear ask. This issue he endured to be very long, like hundred grasped torments the mind general, had to speak out, even if were handled him also to recognize by the military law. 虽然知道这个问题不合适,但薛千军还是忍不住问道。这个问题他忍了很久,有如百抓挠心一般,不吐不快,就算被军法处置他也认了。 We were really unfair to him.” “那我们就真的冤枉他了。” Wang Chong indifferently said. 王冲淡淡道 „!” “啊!” Xue Qianjun has tarried all of a sudden, the mouth opens in a big way. 薛千军一下子呆住了,嘴张得大大的。 Wang Chong sprinkled however smiles, shot a look at Xue Qianjun one, wielded the sleeves, left. 王冲洒然一笑,瞥了眼薛千军一眼,一挥衣袖,离开了。 Xue Qianjun standing there, long time, understood anything suddenly, has smiled. Anything treats unjustly, Lord Marquis teases him radically! 薛千军怔怔的站在那里,半晌,突然明白了什么,不由笑了起来。什么冤枉,侯爷根本就是逗他! „The Lord Marquis thoughts also are really difficult to guess!” 侯爷的心思还真是难猜啊!” In the mind flashed through this thought that Xue Qianjun pursued quickly. 脑海中闪过这道念头,薛千军很快追了上去。 ...... …… Dim light of night gradually evening, all in methodical is carrying on. 夜色渐暮,一切都在有条不紊的进行着。 Chong'er, matter some do not suit.” 冲儿,事情有些不对劲。” How long has not known, when Wang Chong is inspecting, Wang Chong's father Wang Yan and a Big Brother Wang Fu military garb, suddenly from Great Army. Wang Yan brow tight wrinkle, as if looks like somewhat restless. 不知道过了多久,当王冲正在四下巡视的时候,王冲的父亲王严和大哥王符一身戎装,突然从大军中走了过来。王严眉头紧皱,似乎看起来有些不安。 Did not have sound Caliphate People to present, this is really not the normal phenomenon.” 大食人到现在还没有动静,这实在不是正常的现象。” This war, they probably lost 80,000-90,000 military strength, but majority is the infantry, only then about 2-3 tenths Cavalry, remaining 200,000 main force Cavalry have not received big influence. Completely is capable of fighting back, is maintaining to the present tranquil, is not truly normal.” “这一战,他们大约损失了八九万的兵力,但是大部分是步兵,只有两三成左右的骑兵,剩下的200000主力骑兵并没有受到多大的影响。完全有能力发起反击,到现在还保持着平静,确实不正常。” Big Brother Wang Chong's Wang Fu also opens the mouth to say. 王冲的大哥王符也开口道。 Wang Fu black War Armor, physique is tall and straight, has an imposing appearance, although is young, but the experience of Wang Fu battlefield is extremely rich, similarly has the extremely keen intuition. 王符一身玄色战甲,身姿挺拔,气宇轩昂,虽然年纪轻轻,但王符战场的经验却极其丰富,同样拥有极其敏锐的直觉。 Wang Chong has not spoken, has turned head, crosses front numerous Great Army to look into the distant place, sees only the horizon place, the boundless Caliphate Heavy Cavalry platoon becomes a huge arc, is not near, is confronting with Great Tang mutually. Wang Chong has taken Wanhe Peiluo, has processed Karluks Tribe with Gao Xianzhi one, carrying the military baggage imported in the city completely, the entire process, that side Caliphate People did not have the sound, exceptionally tranquil, cannot see any attack the trend. 王冲没有说话,扭过头来,越过前方的重重大军眺望远处,只见地平线处,茫茫的大食铁骑排成一个巨大的弧形,既不远也不近,和大唐互相对峙着。王冲拿下了一个万赫裴罗,和高仙芝一起处理了葛罗禄部落,又把携带的辎重全部运入了城中,整个过程,大食人那边一直没有动静,异常的平静,看不出任何进攻的趋势。 „, The matter has must have the monster unusual, Caliphate is always cut-throat combative, seeks revenge for the slightest grievance, such can calm down is not their style. Without the accident/surprise, they should in and the others.” “呵,事有反常必有妖,大食向来凶狠好斗,睚眦必报,这么沉得住气可不是他们的风格。没有意外,他们应该是在等人。” Wang Chong smile however smiles, but looked at one, immediately understands clearly in chest/heart. 王冲哂然一笑,只是看了一眼,立即了然于胸。 Et al.? What person waits for?!” “等人?等什么人?!” Heard the Wang Chong's words, Wang Yan and Wang Fu father and son looked at one mutually, in the heart accidental/surprised. They thought that Caliphate People response some do not suit, but a Wang Chong actually assured opposite party in and the others. 听到王冲的话,王严王符父子二人互相看了一眼,心中大为意外。两人只是觉得大食人的反应有些不对劲,但是王冲却一口笃定对方在等人。 Does not know. However will know quickly!” “不知道。但是很快就会知道了!” Wang Chong shook the head, beckons quickly backward: 王冲摇了摇头,很快向后招了招手: Zhang Que, increases the patrol range, no matter the surroundings had anything, so long as there is any slightest sign of trouble, I want first to know!” 张雀,加大巡逻范围,不管周围发生了什么,只要有任何的风吹草动,我都要第一个知道!” Yes! The subordinates understand.” “是!属下明白。” The Zhang Que sound quick from behind conveys, then along with one dá dá the sound of footsteps, departs rapidly. 张雀的声音很快从身后传来,然后随着一阵哒哒的脚步声,迅速离去。 ...... …… The dim light of night is gradually deep, Qixi Protectorate Army when Wang Chong leads in around Talas deploys troops for defense positively, east of Cong Ridge, remote western region, Kashgar towns in Anxi four town. 夜色渐深,当王冲率领的碛西都护军怛罗斯周围积极布防的时候,葱岭以东,遥远的西域,安西四镇中的疏勒镇。 Families are sleeping peacefully in the room. Rests as the husbands in family in the sides of the bed, the hostess rests in inside, the middle is the 3 or 4-year-old child. 一户人家正在屋中安睡。作为家庭之中的男主人睡在床沿,女主人睡在里面,中间是三四岁的小孩。 Talas's War, gathered the East and West two big Empire hundreds of thousands of armies, the tense atmosphere is incomparable. The war disclosed dangerous aura that caused in those days the lively Anxi four towns, almost turned into the empty city. Can not be many in the person who this time left behind, remained had almost the reason that cannot leave. 怛罗斯之战,聚集了东西方两大帝国数十万的军队,气氛紧张无比。大战透露出来的危险气息,使得往日繁华的安西四镇,几乎变成了空城。能在这个时候留下的人已经不多了,留下来的几乎有不能离开的理由。 wēng! 嗡! Suddenly, the bedboard vibrated two. The husband blurry knit the brows, called one subconsciously: 突然之间,床板震动了两下。男主人迷糊中皱了皱眉,下意识的叫了一声: Element, do not move heedlessly.” “素和,不要乱动。” The children have grasped several airborne carelessly, is sticking to inside hostess, responded to one blurry: 小孩子胡乱的抓了几下空中,紧贴着里面的女主人,迷迷糊糊的回应了一声: Ada, I do not have.” “阿达,我没有。” In the room Recovery was silent, but is quick, the bedboard vibrates once more, moreover is bigger than the previous vibration. This time including some hostesses vitality/angry: 房间里恢复了寂静,但是很快,床板再次震动起来,而且比上次震动还要大。这次连女主人都有些生气了: Element , should not be mischievous, sleeping time do not move heedlessly.” “素和,别淘气,睡觉的时候不要乱动。” Appa, is really not I.” “阿帕,真的不是我。” The child grievance said. 小孩委屈道。 When the child spoke, the bedboard vibrated once more, moreover like shaking chaff the general vibration, this time realized that including the couples is not right. The children mischievous so will not be fierce. 就在小孩说话的时候,床板再次震动了,而且像筛糠一般抖动,这次连男女主人都察觉到不对了。小孩子淘气绝不会有这么厉害。 What's the matter? Was the earthquake?” “怎么回事?是地震了吗?” Rested the hostess in inside room somewhat to be afraid. Also at this time, nighttime, suddenly heard a long horse's neigh sound. The husband complexion changes, rapid stretches out a finger, has breathed out one, in the room is peaceful immediately. The hostesses realized that anything, has been hugging the child, shrank the corner, the whole body has rustlinged, moved does not dare to move. 睡在里间的女主人有些害怕了。也就在这个时候,黑夜里,突然传来一阵长长的马嘶声。男主人脸色一变,迅速的伸出一根手指,嘘了一声,房间里顿时安静下来。女主人察觉到了什么,搂着小孩,缩到了墙角,浑身瑟瑟,一动不敢动。 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” So a while, the vibration of ground is getting more and more fierce, starts such as to shake chaff general, afterward continually entire room fierce tremor. In tremor sound, but also is mixing with the intermittent hoofbeat, hoofbeat heavy like thunder, reverberates in the nighttime sky. The husband whole body trembles, hesitant, is shrinking the body, emboldens, arrives at the window quickly, the shoving open window quietly, reveals a slit, but looked at one, immediately the face whiten, such as was hit hard, shrank in a panic. 就这么一会儿,地面的震动越来越厉害,开始还是如筛糠一般,后来连整个房间都剧烈的颤动起来。颤动声中,还夹杂着阵阵的马蹄声,马蹄声沉重如雷,在夜空中回荡。男主人浑身颤颤,犹豫了一下,缩着身子,壮着胆子,快步走到窗边,悄悄的推开窗子,露出一丝缝隙,只是看了一眼,顿时脸色苍白,如遭重击,仓皇的缩了回来。 xī yù yù, at this time, a sneeze sound of warhorse transmitted from out of the window, an intermittent light bright transmitted from out of the window, just the time of moment, giant warhorse phantom projected from outside, fell on the window. In the family of three startled vision, a somewhat hoarse sound transmits from outside. 希聿聿,就在这个时候,一阵战马的喷嚏声从窗外传来,一阵阵淡淡的亮光从窗外传来,只不过片刻的时间,一头巨大的战马虚影从外面投射过来,落在了窗子上。就在一家三口惊慌的目光中,一个有些沙哑的声音从外面传来。 Front was not Suyab City, Anxi Protectorate General there. Gao Xianzhi went to Talas, has carried off over 90% military strength, remaining Feng Changqing and several thousand Anxi Protectorate Army there. Can we pass eliminate them while convenient?” “前面不远就是碎叶城了,安西都护府就在那里。高仙芝去了怛罗斯,带走了九成以上的兵力,剩下一个封常清和几千安西都护军在那里。我们要不要过去顺便把他们消灭呢?” The flame drags, that hoarse sound said. 火光摇曳,那沙哑的声音说道。 Does not need. Du Wusili came from the east side, Turkic Great Army that he leads from Kucha set off, is nearer to there, these Anxi Protectorate Army that Feng Changqing and remains behind gave him.” “不必了。都乌思力从东边过来,他率领的突厥大军龟兹出发,离那里更近,封常清和留守的那些安西都护军就交给他了。” A out of the window silence, a moment later, another sound response said, the sound sounds the unusual scholarly. 窗外一片沉默,片刻之后,另一个声音回应道,声音听起来非常的儒雅。 Now what I am worried is that side Caliphate. Outside Talas City has 30 ten thousand Caliphate military force(s), moreover Caliphate People is always cut-throat, even is more militant than us. I think, the Caliphate People quantity has had the military force(s) superiority, copes Qixi Protectorate Army that hundreds of thousands man (Han) mix to be easy as pie, has not thought that he won unexpectedly. " “我现在担心的是大食那边。怛罗斯城外有30多万大食兵马,而且大食人向来凶狠,甚至比我们还要好战。我本来以为,大食人数量占了兵马的优势,对付十几万番汉混合的碛西都护军易如反掌,没想到他居然赢了。" At this time, another loud and clear sound resounded, fights the horse's hoof , a big vigorous and healthy warhorse walked from behind, phantom projected outside the window. 就在这个时候,另一个洪亮的声音响起,战马蹄哒,一匹高大健壮的战马从后面走了上来,虚影投射在窗户外面。 In the room, the family of three gets rid of breath, brings together to tremble, already frightened could not speak. 房间里,一家三口摒住呼吸,抱成一团瑟瑟发抖,早就吓的说不出话来了。 " , Relax, Abmuslin is not easy to lose! Can be the Caliphate Empire Eastern Governor person, possibly that failure easily? Let alone, the Caliphate main force remains, this fought had not ended. " "呵,放心,艾布穆斯/林还没有那么容易输!能做上大食帝国东方总督的人,又怎么可能那么轻易的失败?更何况,大食主力尚存,这一战还远没有结束。" The sound of that scholarly said confidently: 那儒雅的声音胸有成竹道: " Moreover, I received * reply, he has been ready, only waits for us to arrive, when the time comes the three parties coordinate, eliminates the Great Tang army together. " "而且,我已经收到艾布*的回信,他已经做好准备,只等我们到达,到时候三方配合,一起消灭大唐的军队。" " Talas is not southwest, Abmuslin is not Ge Luofeng, this war, no matter Anxi Protectorate Army or Qixi Protectorate Army, will not have any happiness! If so, Tang People can fortunately survive, he really can be called! " "怛罗斯不是西南,艾布穆斯/林也不是阁罗凤,这一战,不管是安西都护军还是碛西都护军,都不会有任何的幸理!如果这样,唐人都能幸存下来,他就真的可以称得上了!" The out of the window sudden silentness, another two forms have not spoken, but nodded. 窗外突然一片静默,另外两道身影没有说话,但都点了点头。 Gets there first, we biggest superiority, is Qixi Protectorate Army and he does not know that now we set off, they were attracted the attention by Caliphate People, so long as can hide the truth from their informers, we can attack one group, hits his to be caught off guard.” “兵贵神速,我们现在最大的优势,就是碛西都护军和他都不知道我们已经出发了,他们都被大食人吸引了注意力,只要能够瞒过他们的耳目,我们就能够突袭一拨,打他个措手不及。” That hoarse sound that most starts said that in the sound disclosed an anticipation. 最开始的那个沙哑的声音道,声音中透露出一丝期待。 Un, but should not be too negligent, Qixi Protectorate Army has Falcon Squad, goes to battle each time, has these Falcon in the surrounding detection and inspection. These days although we hide by day and come out at night, day and night skices, but if cannot hide the truth from his hawk bird informer, falls short, was impossible to sneak attack him.” “嗯,不过也不要太大意,碛西都护军有一支鹰鹫小队,每次出征,都有这些鹰鹫在外围侦查、巡视。这段时间虽然我们昼伏夜出,日夜疾行,但是如果不能瞒过他的鹰雀耳目,还是功亏一篑,不可能偷袭得了他。” The third loud and clear sound said. 第三个洪亮的声音道。 hē hē, several birds, do not need extremely to be worried, all I arranged, he will not have the opportunity discovery.” 呵呵,几只鸟雀而已,不必太过担心,一切我都安排好了,他不会有机会发现的。” The sound of middle that scholarly, confident say/way. 中间那道儒雅的声音,成竹在胸道。 jià! 驾! Last, three people clamp the barrel, speeds away to go. 最后一句,三人一夹马腹,疾驰而去。 In the room, the family of three just like being saved from death, long vented anger. 房间里,一家三口宛如死里逃生般,长出了一口气。 ...... …… Kashgar and Kucha, when the attention of all people centralized at Talas that war, in the dim light of night, tens of thousands of warhorses, are swarming from these two places. These two influences, enters in Suyab City, but detours Suyab, crosses from another more covert path, works night and day, surmounts Cong Ridge by astonishing Speed, goes toward the Talas City line. 疏勒龟兹,当所有人的注意力集中在怛罗斯那场大战的时候,夜色中,成千上万的战马,正从这两个地方蜂拥而过。这两股势力,一股进入碎叶城中,而一股则绕道碎叶,从另一个更隐蔽的道路横穿过去,披星戴月,以惊人的速度翻越葱岭,向着怛罗斯城行去。 hōng lōng lōng, the earth vibrates, yellow sand everywhere, mist and dust shoot up to the sky under the star moon/month. In the mist and dust, tens of thousands of warhorses are being skiced. 轰隆隆,大地震动,黄沙漫天,一股股烟尘在星月下冲天而起。烟尘中,成千上万的战马正在疾行中。 Although a sky still darkness, but was getting more and more near from the dawn. 虽然天空依然一片黑暗,但是距离天亮已经越来越近。 Great Minister, front is not Baishiling, only had 50-60 miles from Talas City.” 大相,前面不远就是白石岭,距离怛罗斯城只有五、六十里了。” Fights the horse's hoof , like thunder, a vigorous and healthy warhorse, counter Great Army, is speeding away to come heavily, stopped in the face of the joyful long form together, a face respect. 战马蹄哒,沉重如雷,一匹健壮的战马,逆着大军,疾驰而来,在一道欣长的身影面前停了下来,一脸尊敬。 In his dead ahead, three big person's shadows stand shoulder to shoulder, middle that say/way joyful long form, a meek robe, the bearing is graceful, but most impressive is that pair of long and narrow eye pupil, the fine glow four shoot, disclosed that infinite wisdom and point, as if has completely understood world all secrets. Carefully looks, just like is that goes out from the U-Tsang Royal Capital dungeon, washes the cosmetics Daqin Ruozan. 在他正前方,三道高大的人影并肩而立,中间那道欣长的身影,一身儒袍,气度雍容,而最让人印象深刻的就是那双狭长的眼眸,精芒四射,透露出无穷的睿智和锋芒,仿佛看透了世间所有的秘密。仔细看去,俨然就是那个从乌斯藏王都地牢中走出,洗尽铅华的大钦若赞 Takes off Daqin Ruozan of prison uniform, wears the meek robe, has been short of southwest one that Daqin Ruozan natural of outstanding ability, were many wind and rain from now on swift and fierce and calm. By his saddle, are many a white cloth sack, in the cloth sack a section of white fan handle has revealed that fan handle slightly obviously old, looked from the shape, precisely he never leaves that handle feather fan of body. 脱去囚服的大钦若赞,重新穿上儒袍,少了一份西南那个“大钦若赞”的潇洒俊逸,多了一份风雨过后的凌厉和从容。在他的马鞍旁,多了一块白色布袋,布袋中一截白色的扇柄露了出来,扇柄微微显旧,从形状上看,正是他从不离身的那柄羽扇。 From entering dungeon, Daqin Ruozan received this handle feather fan, has exchanged handle azure Long Sword. 从进入地牢起,大钦若赞就将这柄羽扇收了起来,换上了一柄青色长剑 wēng! 嗡! Daqin Ruozan lifted the hand to give a hand signal, Great Army stopped immediately. About, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi vision also centralized to the body of Daqin Ruozan. 大钦若赞抬手做了一个手势,大军立即停了下来。左右,火树归藏都松莽布支的目光也集中到了大钦若赞的身上。 With map!” “拿地图来!” Daqin Ruozan looks at the front, suddenly opens the mouth to say. Buzz, the horse's hoof is intermittent, quick, red armor rice U-Tsang own health/guard Jice on, rapid from carrying on the back to take out a surface to have the metal axis tube of plain and beautiful pattern, turns on the cover, takes out obsolete yellowing, made with the cloth, coils one group of maps to hand over. 大钦若赞看着前方,突然开口道。嗡,马蹄阵阵,很快,一名赤甲的乌斯藏亲卫急策而上,迅速的从背上取出一根表面有着古朴、美丽花纹的金属轴筒,打开盖子,取出一张老旧泛黄,用布帛做成,卷成一团的地图递了过去。
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