HE :: Volume #9

#888: Aftertaste! ( 2 )

Chapter 888 第888章 wait one moment! Two Sirs, betray Great Tang are the meanings of Wanhe Peiluo, is his benefit smokes the heart, has nothing to do with other people. Asked the Sir to give us an opportunity, our Karluks Tribe is willing to be Great Tang risks one's life, copes with Caliphate, did not have two hearts certainly!!” 等一下!两位大人,背叛大唐万赫裴罗的意思,是他利益熏心,和其他人无关。请大人给我们一个机会,我们葛罗禄部落愿意为大唐出生入死,对付大食,绝无二心!!” By the Karluks vice- Leader sturdy sudden knees that Cheng Qianli seizes one soft, is pale the complexion, loud say/way. 程千里擒下的葛罗禄首领骨力突然双膝一软,苍白着脸色,大声道。 These words come out, four surrounding silence. 这句话一出来,四周围一片寂静。 Gao Xianzhi shoulders both hands, closes one's eyes, stands there is motionless, no one knows that he is thinking anything. But other Cheng Qianli and Anxi Protectorate Army officers looked to Wang Chong. The Karluks plot is the Wang Chong discovery, Gao Xianzhi closed one's eyes did not say, obviously has also given Wang Chong the initiative of this matter. 高仙芝背负双手,闭着眼睛,站在那里一动不动,谁也不知道他在想什么。而程千里和其他安西都护军的将士则都望向了王冲葛罗禄的阴谋是王冲发现的,高仙芝闭眼不说,显然也是将这件事情的主动权交给了王冲 Moreover in emotion in reason, the relations of Anxi Protectorate Army and Karluks are too near, was not quite suitable to handle this matter, on the contrary is Wang Chong, usually does not have the connection with the Karluks departments, does not have the stake, instead can handle fairly and just. 而且于情于理,安西都护军葛罗禄的关系太近,都已经不太适合处理这件事,反倒是王冲,和葛罗禄部之间素无瓜葛,更没有利害关系,反而更能公允的处置。 Snort, can I believe you?” “哼,我可以相信你吗?” Wang Chong sneers, stopped in sturdy front, the vision looks disdainfully, bends down to stare at this Karluks Tribe vice- Leader: 王冲冷笑,在骨力的面前停了下来,目光睥睨,俯瞩着这位葛罗禄部落的副首领: „After making this matter, is the present Karluks person trustworthy?” “做出这种事情之后,现在的葛罗禄人还值得信任吗?” Sir, please again give us an opportunity. I know that we now are very difficult to make you believe that but I above the Tribe god of by nine days take an oath, our Karluks Tribe will not rebel again. Moreover, aren't our clansmen also in the big manpower? If our Karluks Tribe has the symptom of little betrayal again, the Sir does not need to spare, although kills off them completely! Our wife and children, in the big person hand, the Sir can believe completely, we do not dare to act rashly!” “大人,请再给我们一次机会。我知道我们现在很难让你们相信,但是我以九天之上的部落之神起誓,我们葛罗禄部落绝不会再反叛。而且,我们的族人不是还在大人手上吗?如果我们葛罗禄部落再有一点点背叛的苗头,大人不必容情,尽管将他们全部杀光!我们的妻子儿女,全部都在大人手中,大人可以相信,我们绝不敢妄动!” Lowers the head sturdy, clenches teeth to say tightly. 骨力低着头,紧咬着牙道。 Wanhe Peiluo died, game is as good as lost. winner is the king, loser is the villain, is well aware sturdy, in the clan, all -ages, 15,000 thousand Karluks soldiers the life of including city now completely in their word, in this young, look like in the shiqiba-year-old youngster Great Protectorate hands. 万赫裴罗已经死了,大势已去。成王败寇,骨力心知肚明,族中上上下下,所有的男女老幼,包括城中的15000千葛罗禄战士的性命现在全部都在自己的一言之中,更在这位年纪轻轻,看起来只有十七八岁的少年大都护手中。 So long as his a few words, the western region is illustrious, perhaps be continuous over a thousand years of Karluks Tribe, henceforth must vanish into thin air, cancels from the entire western region. 只要他一句话,西域赫赫有名,绵延上千年的葛罗禄部落,恐怕从此就要烟消云散,从整个西域抹去。 Wang Chong has not spoken, all around is quiet, the needle falls may hear. 王冲没有说话,四周静悄悄的,针落可闻。 Sturdy, bone duo, other Karluks Leader kneel on the ground, has not spoken, is the face whitens, a speechless anxiety covers the people, unknowingly, on the people forehead has seeped out the big big beads of sweat. The life and death is flickering, so long as this Great Tang Qixi Great Protectorate swings a head, some people must the head/number of people fall to the ground, the life does not guarantee. 骨力,骨咄,还有其他的葛罗禄首领跪在地上,没有说话,一个个都是脸色苍白,一种无言的紧张笼罩众人,不知不觉中,众人额头上都渗出了大颗大颗的汗珠。生死就在一瞬,只要这位大唐碛西大都护摇个头,都有人都得人头落地,性命不保。 Karluks is always maneating, will otherwise not become the Anxi Protectorate Army ally. However experiences that many fights, brow has not wrinkled several people, at this moment actually the tight whole body shivers, trembles restlessly. 葛罗禄向来凶悍,要不然也不会成为安西都护军的盟友。但是经历过那么多战斗,眉头都没皱一下的几人,这一刻却紧张的全身颤抖,战栗不安。 Snort!” “哼!” Wang Chong receives several people of responses in the eyeground, has sneered, raised the head, looked at Anxi vice- Protectorate Cheng Qianli before body. Cheng Qianli hesitant, finally nodded. Wang Chong turned head to look to not far away Gao Xianzhi, Gao Xianzhi has not shaken the head, has not nodded, but his look has made the reply. 王冲把几人的反应都收在眼底,冷笑了一声,抬起头来,望了一眼身前的安西都护程千里程千里犹豫了一下,终于点了点头。王冲又扭头望向了不远处的高仙芝,高仙芝没有摇头,也没有点头,但他的眼神已经做出了回答。 Calculates that you have good luck ever after!” “算你们命大!” Wang Chong smiles cold, finally opens the mouth to say. , hears these words, Leader of several Karluks departments vented anger immediately long, the whole person was pale the complexion, the dispirited in the place, has collapsed generally. The short flash, tens of thousands Karluks people were saved from death, experienced that many fights, more startled did not examine compared with that moment again. 王冲冷然一笑,终于开口道。呼,听到这句话,几名葛罗禄部的首领顿时长出了一口气,整个人苍白着脸色,萎靡于地,虚脱了一般。短短一刹那,几万葛罗禄人死里逃生,经历了那么多战斗,再没有比那一刻更惊验的了。 Without the fierce combat, does not have the bleeding murderous intention, but actually bad risk! 没有刀光剑影,没有喋血杀机,但却更凶险! Sturdy, should not be happy too soon! Nobody can tolerate the betrayal, temporarily lets off, does not represent forgives. Karluks section,...... I have not thought that you will betray unexpectedly.” “骨力,不要高兴得太早了!没有人可以容忍背叛,暂时放过,并不代表就原谅。葛罗禄部,……我从没想过,你们居然会背叛。” Cheng Qianli gravely says, loosened has tied up sturdy both hands sleepily. 程千里沉声道,松开了困缚骨力的双手。 Sturdy has not spoken, in the heart full is ashamed. 骨力没有说话,心中满是羞愧。 General felt relieved, will not have next time. Is the Karluks section trustworthy, to battlefield in time, we will show that looks to the Sir.” 将军放心,绝不会有下次。葛罗禄部还值不值得信任,到了战场上的时候,我们自会证明给大人看的。” Hope so.” “希望如此。” ...... …… Cheng Qianli and sturdy and other Leader of Karluks section left quickly. Matter that the Wanhe Peiluo death, as well as more than 15,000 Karluks soldiers in city must handle. Wang Chong can do only, distributed 8000 elite Qixi Protectorate Army soldiers to enter the city, helped to frighten the scene. 程千里和骨力等葛罗禄部的首领很快离开了。万赫裴罗的死,以及城中的15000多葛罗禄战士都是必须要处理的事情。王冲唯一能做的,就是分派了8000多精锐的碛西都护军的战士入城,帮助震慑住场面。 Moreover, the Chen Bin three thousand Crossbow Carriage groups stand by to enter Talas City, by the strength of this fully-armed Crossbow Carriage group, 15,000 thousand Karluks soldiers wants several breath, immediately can clear completely. Sturdy if dares to have any thoughts again, that brings about own destruction. 另外,陈彬的三千弩车小组随时待命进入怛罗斯城,以这只全副武装的弩车小组的实力,15000千葛罗禄战士只要几个呼吸,立即就可以全部清场。骨力如果再敢生出什么心思,那真的就是自寻死路。 Sir Protectorate, your injury how?” 都护大人,你的伤势怎么样了?” Gazes after Cheng Qianli to leave, Wang Chong has then turned around, looks to Gao Xianzhi, some worries said. The Gao Xianzhi present condition is not good, two months of engaging in fierce battle, Gao Xianzhi body coat armor was shattered, is scarred, the strength drops unusual is fierce, just to Wanhe Peiluo take action time, Wang Chong felt, although the Gao Xianzhi strength is as before formidable, but perhaps only then peak Period about 60%. 目送程千里离开,王冲这才转过身来,望向高仙芝,有些担心道。高仙芝现在的状态非常不好,两个月的鏖战,高仙芝身上衣甲破碎,伤痕累累,实力下降的非常厉害,刚刚对万赫裴罗出手的时候,王冲就感觉了出来,虽然高仙芝的实力依旧强大,但恐怕只有巅峰时期的六成左右。 This Talas's War no small matter, entire Great Tang, hundreds of thousands people, truly achieves Saint Martial peak Great General Level now, only then Gao Xianzhi, does not calculate Wang Chong. The Gao Xianzhi condition is directly related with this success or failure. 这一场怛罗斯之战非同小可,现在整个大唐,十几万人,真正达到圣武巅峰大将级别的,只有一个高仙芝而已,连王冲都不算。高仙芝的状况直接关系到这一场的成败。 Fortunately, can support. That side Abmuslin, it is estimated that will not compare me to be good!” “还好,支撑得住。艾布穆斯/林那边,估计也不会比我太好!” Gao Xianzhi as if knows that Wang Chong is worried about anything, opens the mouth to say. 高仙芝似乎知道王冲在担心什么,开口道。 Gao Xianzhi this Empire Great General, takes a broad view at the world, is topest that to exist, can make into this him, the armor breaks, only had Caliphate Empire Eastern Governor Abmuslin. 高仙芝这种帝国大将,放眼天下,属于最顶尖的那种存在,能把他打成这样,铠甲都破碎的,也就只有一个大食帝国东方总督艾布穆斯/林了。 Wang Chong smiles, took out a brocade/bright box to hand over from the bosom. 王冲一笑,从怀中取出一个锦盒递了过去。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Gao Xianzhi knit the brows, some doubts said. 高仙芝皱了皱眉,有些疑惑道。 This is I some pill medicine that makes specially from in the capital, can help Sir Protectorate therapy with Recovery Cultivation Power. Sir a while swallowed.” “这是我从京中特别弄来的一些丹药,可以帮助都护大人疗伤和恢复功力。大人一会儿就吞服了吧。” Wang Chong said with a smile. 王冲微笑道。 Gao Xianzhi shot a look at Wang Chong, immediately was surprised. Wang Chong is the preparation that this war makes he imagines are more, also complete, even this small detail had scruples continually. 高仙芝瞥了一眼王冲,顿时惊讶了。王冲为这一战做的准备比他想象中的还要多,也更加的周全,甚至连这种小的细节都顾忌到了。 Many thanks.” “多谢了。” Gao Xianzhi hesitant, received from the Wang Chong hand quickly, opens the brocade box, takes out biggest silver-white pill medicine, has swallowed. 高仙芝犹豫了一下,很快从王冲手中接过,打开锦盒,取出其中最大的一枚银白色丹药,一口吞服了下去。 Wang Chong sees this, in heart nodded secretly. The war nears, the Recovery situation relations of Gao Xianzhi are major, Gao Xianzhi also understands this point obviously, therefore so will be refreshed. 王冲看到这一幕,心中暗暗点了点头。大战在即,高仙芝恢复情况关系重大,高仙芝显然也明白这一点,所以才会这么爽快。 Sir and Abmuslin engage in fierce battle for two months, regarding this Caliphate People Commander-in-Chief, does not know how the Sir does feel?” “大人和艾布穆斯/林鏖战两月,对于这位大食人统帅,不知道大人感觉如何?” Wang Chong asked. 王冲问道。 Sly, discrete and decisive, Perseverance!” “狡猾、谨慎、果断、坚忍!” Gao Xianzhi wants not to think, first even/including said four words. 高仙芝想也没有想,一连说出四个词。 wēng! 嗡! Hears the Gao Xianzhi words, Wang Chong frowned immediately. Knows that Gao Xianzhi appraises to Abmuslin very high, but Wang Chong has not thought that by the Gao Xianzhi status, to his appraisal high to this situation. Sly, discrete and decisive, Perseverance, these four words almost want not to blurt out from the Gao Xianzhi mouth. 听到高仙芝的话,王冲顿时皱起了眉头。知道高仙芝艾布穆斯/林评价很高,但是王冲没有想到,以高仙芝的身份,对他的评价会高到这种地步。狡猾、谨慎、果断、坚忍,这四个词几乎是想也不想从高仙芝的口中脱口而出。 Very obviously, in these two months, that Caliphate Commander-in-Chief has made the profound impression to Gao Xianzhi, he can in such a short time, without hesitation said these four words. These four words place on the average person, perhaps is a derogatory term, but places on Commander-in-Chief of enemy, actually exactly is an extremely high appraisal. 很显然,这两个月里,那位大食统帅高仙芝留下了深刻的印象,他才能在这么短的时间内,不假思索的说出这四个词。这四个词放在普通人身上,或许是个贬义词,但是放在一个敌军的统帅身上,却恰恰是一种极高的评价。 Without a doubt, Abmuslin is an extremely hard to deal with strong opponent. 毫无疑问,艾布穆斯/林是个极其难缠的强大对手。 Wang Chong, fights with Abmuslin, cannot have the tiny bit general idea, otherwise, a mistake, is step by step wrong, the final result, your I should understand!” 王冲,和艾布穆斯/林交手,决不能有一丝一毫的大意,否则的话,一步错,步步错,最后的结果,你我应该都明白!” Gao Xianzhi turns head to look at Wang Chong, a face serious say/way. 高仙芝扭头望着王冲,一脸郑重道。 From meeting to the present, Wang Chong first time sees the Gao Xianzhi such earnest expression. 从见面到现在,王冲还是第一次看到高仙芝这么认真的表情。 Understood.” “明白了。” Wang Chong earnest nod, but quick has smiled. 王冲认真的点了点头,但很快就笑了起来。 But, no matter he has is deceitful and sly, here, he will not have any opportunity. Caliphate People is truly formidable, but was a pity, they should not with Great Tang for the enemy!” “不过,不管他有多么的奸诈和狡猾,在我这里,他不会有任何机会。大食人确实很强大,只是可惜,他们不应该和大唐为敌!” Wang Chong said these words time, facial expression is free and easy, has a persuasive power. 王冲说这番话的时候,神情洒脱,自有一种令人信服的感染力。 Wang Chong is not Gao Xianzhi, is not Fumeng Lingzhao, but is entire Central Plains in history most formidable Soldier Saint. No matter Abmuslin has how formidable, he should not provoke Great Tang, should not provoke itself, no matter he has how deceitfully sly, shows off meager skills before an expert in front of oneself, will not have any odds of success. 王冲不是高仙芝,更不是夫蒙灵察,而是整个中土有史以来最强大的兵圣。不管艾布穆斯/林有多么的强大,他绝不该招惹大唐,更不该招惹自己,不管他有多么奸诈狡猾,在自己面前都是班门弄斧,不会有任何的胜算。 Gao Xianzhi hears the Wang Chong's words, in the heart is startled first, has smiled afterward also: 高仙芝听到王冲的话,心中先是一怔,随后也笑了起来: Good that you said that he truly should not with Great Tang for the enemy!” “你说的不错,他确实不该与大唐为敌!” Gao Xianzhi several hundred thousand army impediments of Caliphate Empire in the Talas two months, now comes Wang Chong, the army of defense to increase hundreds of thousands, the probability that Abmuslin wins was lower. 一个高仙芝就将大食帝国的几十万军队阻隔在怛罗斯两个月,现在又来了一个王冲,防守的军队增加了十几万,艾布穆斯/林获胜的几率就更低了。 Gao Xianzhi left quickly, city of also several thousand Anxi Protectorate Army Talas wounded person, no matter the Karluks event, is that side Anxi Protectorate Army, needs him to manage the aspect. But Wang Chong, although Great Army has not entered the city, however the massive cattle, grain and weapon, transported in the city completely. 高仙芝很快就离开了,怛罗斯之城还有几千安西都护军的伤员,不管是葛罗禄事件,还是安西都护军那边,都需要他去主持局面。而王冲这边,虽然大军没有入城,但是大量的牛羊、粮食、军械,全部运到了城池之中。 The only Karluks Tribe clansman was kept outside the city by Wang Chong, and there is a Great Army guarding. 唯独葛罗禄部落的族人被王冲留在了城外,并且有大军看守。 Lord Marquis......” 侯爷……” When Gao Xianzhi enters a city, all Anxi departments will leave, nobody pays attention to here, Xue Qianjun has collected finally, pulls down the sound small sound said: 等到高仙芝进城,所有的安西部将都离开,没有人注意这里,薛千军终于凑了上来,压低声音小声道: Just you know that Wanhe Peiluo saw that Caliphate envoy will begin? If Wanhe Peiluo and Sir Gao Xianzhi discovered that Caliphate is fake, all did expose?” “刚刚你怎么知道万赫裴罗看到那个大食使者就会动手?如果万赫裴罗高仙芝大人发现那个大食者是假的,岂不是一切都暴露了?” The Xue Qianjun sound is very small, but in the sound disclosed news that actually astonishingly, that is wrapping the bow cap, lets Wanhe Peiluo square inch chaos, the Caliphate envoy who launches an attack hastily unexpectedly is a vacation! If Wanhe Peiluo knows True Dao, can perhaps be mad lives. 薛千军的声音很小,但声音中透露出的消息却惊人至极,那个套着头罩,让万赫裴罗方寸大乱,仓促发难的大食使者居然是个假的!如果万赫裴罗道真相,恐怕会气的活过来。 Xue Qianjun belt that Caliphate envoy comes time, the surface looks calmly, but in the innermost feelings already worried actually. „The Caliphate envoy this appearance others does not know, but he actually knows, if Wanhe Peiluo is late a point to launch an attack, or opened his headgear, will be working as other Anxi Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi and departments the surface, the scene perhaps very embarrassed. 薛千军带那个大食使者过来的时候,表面看着镇定,但其实内心中早就捏了一把汗。“大食使者”这面目别人不知道,但他却知道,如果万赫裴罗再晚一点发难,或者揭开他的头套,当着安西大都护高仙芝和其他部将的面,场面恐怕会非常的难堪。 The Wang Chong beforehand effort is also nothing left, wastes all previous efforts. 王冲之前的努力也就荡然无存,前功尽弃。
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