HE :: Volume #9

#887: Aftertaste!

Chapter 887 第887章 Wanhe Peiluo, I have given you opportunity, all are your choice, I have also been speechless. Protectorate Wang, this matter I am not suitable act again, the following matter gives you!” 万赫裴罗,我给过你机会,一切都是你自己的选择,我也已经无话可说。王都护,这件事情我不宜再出面,接下来的事情就交给你吧!” Gao Xianzhi has turned head, the back to Wanhe Peiluo, is closing the eye no longer to speak, on that resolute face, shows a moved look. 高仙芝扭过头来,背对着万赫裴罗,闭上眼睛不再说话,那张刚毅的脸庞上,露出一丝伤感的神色。 In this world most made one matter that was hard to accept, match who did not meet the formidable being hard resistance, but betrayal from person on one's own side, if, Gao Xianzhi did not want to reduce to this situation. 这世上最令人难以接受的事情,不是遇见强大的难以抵御的对手,而是来自自己人的背叛,如果可以,高仙芝绝不愿意一切沦落到这种地步。 Sir Protectorate felt relieved that I know how should do, he will not have the pain.” 都护大人放心吧,我知道该怎么做,他不会有痛苦的。” Wang Chong has been startled being startled, immediately opens the mouth saying that in eye indistinct somewhat accidental/surprised. 王冲怔了怔,随即开口道,眼中隐约有些意外。 Gao Xianzhi is one generation of Famous General, Anxi War God, Wang Chong thinks worthily Gao Xianzhi saw in the passing friendship will also ask favor for Wanhe Peiluo, has not thought that he such will quickly make the resolution, makes Wang Chong hold in high esteem actually. 高仙芝不愧是一代名将,安西战神,王冲本来以为高仙芝看到过往的情谊上还会替万赫裴罗求情,没想到他会这么快做出决断,倒是让王冲刮目相看。 Wanhe Peiluo, the road is selects, failed, that must withstand the price. The next generation reincarnation, remembered does not want with Great Tang for the enemy, this was not you small Karluks can resist.” 万赫裴罗,路是自己挑的,失败了,那就得承受代价。下辈子转生,记住不要在和大唐为敌了,这不是你一个小小的葛罗禄可以对抗的。” Wang Chong raised the head indifferently said. 王冲抬起头淡淡道 Wanhe Peiluo has dangled the arrogant head, no longer spoke. 万赫裴罗垂下了高傲的头颅,不再说话。 winner is the king, loser is the villain, just like this! 成王败寇,如此而已! wēng! 嗡! Without any hesitant, the Wang Chong intention moves, Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art displays pinnacle, Wanhe Peiluo boundless Cultivation Power continuously, emerges own body like the torrential rivers and streams generally. But in the wink of an eye, Wang Chong very formidable aura develop according to the situation, once more rose suddenly. 没有任何犹豫,王冲心念一动,大阴阳天地造化功施展到极致,万赫裴罗一身磅礴的功力源源不断,有如滔滔江河一般涌入自己的身体。只不过瞬息之间,王冲原本已经非常强大的气息水涨船高,再次暴涨起来。 The war nears, Caliphate People also lingers in the distant place has not drawn back, this is an unprecedented formidable enemy, regarding all people, will be place some people will then be hard to expect the fierce battle. A Wang Chong need more formidable strength changes this war. 大战在即,大食人还徘徊在远处未退,这是一个前所未有的强大敌人,对于所有人来说,接下来将是一场所有人都难以预料恶战。王冲需要更加强大的力量来改变这场战争。 Wanhe Peiluo is Karluks Leader, Cultivation Power is formidable, this will be the natural cauldron furnace, Wang Chong will not give up this superior qualitative strength source. 万赫裴罗葛罗禄首领,一身功力强大无比,这是天然的鼎炉,王冲是不会放弃这个优质的力量来源的。 The time flashes, a moment later, absorbed the Wanhe Peiluo strength, the Wang Chong's strength progressed by leaps and bounds, jumped to Saint Martial Realm Seventh Layer Realm, Astral Qi of whole body stirs, like making immortality pills general, in the double pupil, the vision was bright as snow, was likes the stars to be dazzling. 时间一晃而过,片刻之后,吸收了万赫裴罗的力量,王冲的实力突飞猛进,一路飙涨到圣武境七重境界,全身的罡气鼓荡,有如铅汞一般,双眸之中,目光雪亮,更是有如星辰般耀眼无比。 kā chā, in Wanhe Peiluo Inner Force soon extinction instant, Wang Chong Astral Qi emerges, shakes the Wanhe Peiluo vein instantaneously, simultaneously wrenches apart his neck. 咔嚓,在万赫裴罗内力快要吸光的刹那,王冲罡气涌入,瞬间震断万赫裴罗的静脉,同时扭断他的脖子。 Leads him! Gives him a slightly dignified point funeral, writes plainly his merit, wrote plainly that he because of betraying Great Tang dies.” “把他带下去吧!给他一个稍微体面点的葬礼,写明他的功绩,也写明他是因为背叛大唐而死。” Wang Chong puts down the Wanhe Peiluo corpse slowly, to behind is beckoning to say. 王冲万赫裴罗的尸体缓缓放下,对着身后招了招手道。 Perhaps Wanhe Peiluo after all and Anxi Protectorate Army works together as colleagues for many years, Gao Xianzhi they are unable to face his Death, the final wrap-up work also can only be is done. 万赫裴罗毕竟和安西都护军共事多年,高仙芝他们恐怕是无法面对他的死亡的,最后的收尾工作也只能是自己来做。 Yes! Lord Marquis, subordinate this manages!” “是!侯爷,属下这就去办!” Xue Qianjun receives an order, brought the Wanhe Peiluo corpse quickly. 薛千军领命,很快把万赫裴罗的尸体带了下去。 Thanks!” “谢谢!” Waits for Xue Qianjun to bring the Wanhe Peiluo corpse to leave, Gao Xianzhi finally turning the head heartfelt say/way. 薛千军带着万赫裴罗的尸体离开,高仙芝终于转过头来由衷道。 Being perfidious is not worth a dignified funeral, Wang Chong is willing to inscribe his merit on his tombstone, obviously also considers the Anxi Protectorate Army mood. 背信弃义者是不值得一个体面葬礼的,王冲愿意在他的墓碑上写上他的功绩,显然也是照顾到了安西都护军的情绪。 Wang Chong nodded, had not said. 王冲只是点了点头,没有多说。 Sir Protectorate, Wanhe Peiluo died, but these people what to do?” 都护大人,万赫裴罗已死,但是这些人怎么办?” Anxi Protectorate Army vice- Protectorate, Cheng Qianli said, a few words attracted the attention of all people. Wang Chong has turned head, before seeing only Talas City entrance, Cheng Qianli is similar to a big diamond stands and waits for a long time there. In his hand, captures that to be called the sturdy Karluks leader, around him, other Karluks Leader completely was also taken. 安西都护军的副都护,程千里说道,一句话吸引了所有人的注意。王冲扭过头去,只见怛罗斯城前门口,程千里如同一座高大的金刚般伫立在那里。他的手中,擒拿着那个叫做骨力的葛罗禄头领,在他周围,其他葛罗禄首领也全部被拿下。 Wang Chong and Gao Xianzhi cope with Wanhe Peiluo time, Cheng Qianli had the person to take these Wanhe Peiluo subordinates similarly. Copes with these Karluks subordinates by the Cheng Qianli peak Quasi-General strength, is easy, sturdy and the others even transmits the signal the opportunity not to the city completely. 王冲高仙芝对付万赫裴罗的时候,程千里同样带人拿下了这些万赫裴罗的部下。以程千里巅峰准将的实力对付这些葛罗禄的部下,完全是手到擒来,骨力等人甚至向城内传递信号的机会都没有。 Looks Karluks section that Cheng Qianli and he captures, around four is all of a sudden silent, all vision completely centralized to sturdy and other Karluks departments body. 看着程千里和他俘虏的葛罗禄部将们,四周围一下子寂静下来,所有的目光全部集中到骨力等葛罗禄部将的身上。 Although Wanhe Peiluo dies, however his subordinate also. Processes these not to receive message, the Karluks person who has not rebelled against is a major problem. 万赫裴罗虽然一死,但是他的部下还在。怎么处理那些还没收到消息,尚未反叛的葛罗禄人还是个大问题。 This also luckily is Cheng Qianli responds quickly, ahead of time one step has prevented them, otherwise, in the city now perhaps was disorders. 这也幸亏是程千里反应快,提前一步阻止了他们,否则的话,城里现在恐怕就是一片乱象了。 Sir Protectorate, some Karluks person also how many in city?” 都护大人,城里的葛罗禄人还有多少?” Wang Chong goes forward to open the mouth to say suddenly. 王冲突然上前一步开口道。 „The Karluks people in city altogether have about 15,000 people.” “城里的葛罗禄人总共还有15000人左右。” Gao Xianzhi said. 高仙芝道。 „Are that more than Anxi Protectorate Army?” “那岂不是比安西都护军还要多?” Wang Chong frowned. The Gao Xianzhi tactic cannot say that is too wrong, he takes elite Anxi Protectorate Army as the vanguard, the acting tackles Quest, other Karluks and Mercenary(-ies) at the behind relay, this tactic is in the upper hand did not have the issue, if runs into the formidable match, the issue demonstrated. 王冲皱起了眉头。高仙芝的战术不能说是太错,他以精锐的安西都护军为前锋,担当攻坚任务,葛罗禄和其他雇佣兵在后面接力,这种战术占上风的时候还没有问题,但一旦遇到强大的对手,问题就显示出来了。 More than 15,000 Karluks Mercenary(-ies), population are more than Anxi Protectorate Army, once rebels, the consequence is dreadful. Ends the town unable to suppress by the Anxi Protectorate Army present situation. 15000多名葛罗禄雇佣兵,人数比安西都护军还多,一旦反叛,后果不堪设想。以安西都护军现在的情况是完全镇压不住的。 Now we are worried not only also this, Anxi Protectorate Army goes to battle, Mercenary(-ies) more than Karluks that recruits, other have other Banhan as well as Mercenary(-ies). If Caliphate found Karluks, buys Wanhe Peiluo, then can buy over other people similarly, including Banhan.” “我们现在担心的还不只是这个,安西都护军出征,招募的雇佣兵远不止葛罗禄一支,其他还有拔那汗以及其他的雇佣兵。如果大食找到葛罗禄,收买万赫裴罗,那么同样可以收买其他的人,包括拔那汗。” Cheng Qianli in a bypath. 程千里在一旁道。 The Anxi Protectorate Army altogether two big hire allies, one is Karluks, one is Banhan, if Karluks can betray, Banhan can betray similarly. Karluks also reluctantly can deal with, if were bought including Banhan, the situation of people was really dangerous. 安西都护军总共有两大雇佣盟友,一个是葛罗禄,还有一个就是拔那汗,如果葛罗禄能够背叛,拔那汗同样可以背叛。一支葛罗禄还勉强可以应付,如果连拔那汗都被收买了,那众人的处境就真的危险了。 Gao Xianzhi has not spoken, but a pair of thick eyebrow actually deeply wrinkled, obviously also has same worry. 高仙芝没有说话,但一双浓密的眉毛却深深地皱了起来,显然也有同样的担忧。 A dynasty was nipped by the snake, ten years fear the well rope. Nearby city gate, although all people are maintaining tranquil, however the betrayal of Karluks to all people are an unprecedented impact and shock. The thing that believed in firmly was overthrown, being beyond control people did not suspect. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。城门附近,虽然所有人都保持着平静,但是葛罗禄的背叛对所有人都是一种前所未有的冲击和震撼。原本深信不疑的东西被推翻,由不得众人不怀疑。 hē hē, if were worried that this, that is not necessary but actually.” 呵呵,如果是担心这个的话,那倒大可不必。” Wang Chong sprinkles however smiles, thinks little. The Anxi numerous the mood can understand, but the Banhan person rebelled really has groundless fears. Other Tribe Wang Chong did not have means to confirm, but the Banhan person truly is the Great Tang person firmest ally. Because Wang Chong remembers clearly, in the past, when Gao Xianzhi and the others retreat from Talas, Li Siye also will not be the section the time, has the Banhan person who will retreat from the battlefield with them together. 王冲洒然一笑,不以为意。安西众将的心情可以理解,但是拔那汗人反叛就真的是杞人忧天了。别的部落王冲还没有办法确认,但拔那汗人确确实实是大唐人最坚定的盟友。因为王冲清清楚楚记得,当年,当高仙芝等人从怛罗斯撤退,李嗣业还不是自己部将的时候,和他们一起从战场上撤退的就有拔那汗人。 Moreover comes in East passes through, is away from Talas not far that place Baishiling, the population that because the Banhan person retreats were too many, has blocked the channel of Baishiling, causing Divine Great General Li Siye to cut to kill many Banhan people, moreover with horse, deducted two. At that time because of Karluks person treachery, gave the people greatly to attack, causes all people and does not trust the Hu People unprecedented suspicion, will therefore have such one. 而且就在东方自己来时经过的,距离怛罗斯不远的那处白石岭,因为拔那汗人撤退的人数太多,阻塞了白石岭的通道,导致神通大将李嗣业斩杀了不少拔那汗人,而且是连人带马,劈成两段。当时是因为葛罗禄人临阵倒戈,给了众人巨大的冲击,导致所有人对胡人前所未有的怀疑和不信任,所以才会有那么一幕。 The entire battlefield, does not escape only then a Karluks person, the Banhan person with escaping, has not betrayed them obviously, colludes with Caliphate People. But afterward also truly showed, the Banhan person was treated unjustly, after Talas's War, they are the objects who receives the suppression. 整个战场,不逃跑的就只有一个葛罗禄人,拔那汗人会跟着逃跑,显然并没有背叛他们,和大食人勾结。而事后也确确实实证明,拔那汗人是被冤枉的,怛罗斯之战后,他们一直是受到打压的对象。 The Karluks person envies them, therefore uses fully the insult they. 葛罗禄人嫉妒他们,所以倾尽全力的欺辱他们。 But the Banhan person boiled finally, afterward Fifth Imperial Prince Li Heng high-rank time, but also has the relation with them, both sides fight side-by-side , to continue the predestined affinity again. 拔那汗人最后还是熬了过来,后来五皇子李亨上位的时候,还和他们有过联系,双方并肩作战,再续前缘。 Anxi Protectorate Army because of the Karluks person, but the suspicion all people, look like in Wang Chong are completely unnecessary. 安西都护军因为葛罗禄人,而怀疑到所有人,在王冲看来是完全不必要的。 Protectorate Wang?” 王都护?” Other Cheng Qianli and Anxi numerous will have turned head, looks at a surprise of Wang Chong face. 程千里和其他安西众将都扭过头来,看着王冲一脸的诧异。 Does not know why Sir Protectorate such did affirm?” “不知道都护大人为什么这么肯定?” Elutes other Banhan people and Mercenary(-ies) suspicions as soon as possible, to present Anxi Protectorate Army is most important. The domestic strength keeps away foreign aggression, Caliphate People 24 ten thousand military force(s) still eye covetously outside now, if cannot remove the person who these and Caliphate People colludes with, entire big * the team is the crisis on top of crisis, momentarily possibly is attacked front and rear, faced with fatal threat. 尽快洗脱拔那汗人和其他雇佣兵的嫌疑,对现在的安西都护军来说是最重要的。攘外必先安内,大食人的24多万兵马现在还在外面虎视眈眈,如果不能排除那些和大食人勾结的人,整个大*队就是危机重重,随时都可能腹背受敌,面临致命的威胁。 The present situation is, Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli take the Anxi Protectorate Army commander in chief, with these Mercenary(-ies) year to year being constantly together, fights side-by-side, does not have the means to determine that these people do have the suspicion, on the contrary is a Wang Chong bystander, affirmation Banhan does not have the issue. 现在的情况是,高仙芝程千里作为安西都护军的主帅,和这些雇佣兵常年的朝夕相处,并肩作战,都没有办法确定这些人有没有嫌疑,反倒是王冲一个外人,一口就肯定拔那汗没有问题。 This listens somewhat to be unavoidably strange in the people. 这在众人听来不免有些奇怪。 hē hē.” 呵呵。” As if already knows that they are thinking anything, Wang Chong gives a calm smile, walks up, a face from channel: 似乎早就知道他们心里在想什么,王冲淡然一笑,走上前去,一脸自信道: This is not too the matter that is difficult to guess, Caliphate People wants to sow dissension, so long as bought that biggest Mercenary(-ies) on the line. Simultaneously buys several Mercenary(-ies), seemed like safer, however person of buy were many, was easy to divulge a secret. Caliphate People should not do such stupid matter. Moreover buys Karluks to need to spend on ten such valuable boxes, inside has packed the pearl agate emerald gem, perhaps even if the Caliphate Empire richest in the world, does not have that much money to scatter everywhere.” “这并不是什么太难猜的事,大食人想要挑拨离间,只要收买那支最大的雇佣兵就行了。同时收买几支雇佣兵,看似更加稳妥了,但是收买的人多了,就容易走漏风声。大食人应该不会干这么愚蠢的事情。而且收买一个葛罗禄就需要花上十个这样的宝箱,里面装满了珍珠玛瑙翡翠宝石,就算大食帝国富甲天下,恐怕也没那么多金银到处去撒。” Rational that Sir Protectorate said that if Caliphate People does, perhaps we already received the message. Also will not be concealed the truth by Karluks such deeply!” 都护大人说的有理,如果大食人这么干,恐怕我们早就收到消息了。也不会被葛罗禄瞒得这么深!” The people hear the Wang Chong's words, secretly nods, the look was more moderate. Although Wang Chong is an outsider, did not understand the Anxi Protectorate Army situation, however his analysis truly in principle. 众人听到王冲的话,都暗暗点头,神色缓和了许多。王冲虽然是个局外人,对于安西都护军的情况不了解,但是他的分析确实在理。 „...... Actually also has a reason.” “……其实还有一个原因。” Wang Chong, in the eye has flashed through a bright as snow ray, then said: 王冲顿了顿,眼中闪过一丝雪亮的光芒,接着道: This Talas's War, I detain only has a Karluks Tribe clansman, the fight is so intense, if Caliphate People also bought over other people, perhaps the Talas city gate already broke, but impossible not to have a sound until the present. Moreover, the Wanhe Peiluo matter, was so long, Banhan and other Tribe there did not have the sound, fully explained the issue.” “这次怛罗斯之战,我扣押的只有一个葛罗禄部落的族人,战斗这么激烈,如果大食人还收买了其他人,怛罗斯的城门恐怕早就破了,而不可能到现在都没有一点动静。而且,万赫裴罗的事情,这么久了,拔那汗部落那里还没有动静,就足以说明问题。” Protectorate Wang said that has Intrisic Principle, the thousand li (500 km), you process, talks clearly the whole story of matter, comforts.” 王都护说的有道理,千里,你下去处理一下,把事情的原委说清楚,安抚一下。” Gao Xianzhi opens the mouth to say finally: 高仙芝终于开口道: Moreover, does Protectorate Wang, regarding Karluks Tribe these soldiers, what opinion you have?” “另外,王都护,对于葛罗禄部落的这些战士,你有什么意见?” Gao Xianzhi has the person of any opinion, can ask the Wang Chong's opinion on own initiative, showed sufficiently Wang Chong's this series of methods have made the profound impression in his heart, each words that at least, Wang Chong said that had the component in the Gao Xianzhi heart very much. Before thinking soon, Gao Xianzhi also snorts contemptuously to Wang Chong, sufficiently proves the Wang Chong's ability and method. 高仙芝并不是没有什么主见的人,能够主动询问王冲的意见,足以证明王冲的这一系列手段在他心中留下了深刻的印象,至少,王冲说出的每句话,在高仙芝心中很有分量了。想想不久之前,高仙芝王冲还嗤之以鼻,就足以证明王冲的能力和手段。 15,000 people, kill also to spend a time......” “15000人,杀起来也得费点功夫啊……” Wang Chong indifferently said. 王冲淡淡道 Hears Wang Chong these words, in the several vice general hearts of Wanhe Peiluo subordinates thump jumps, the complexion immediately becomes pale incomparable. 听到王冲这句话,万赫裴罗麾下的几名副将心中咯噔一跳,脸色顿时变得惨白无比。 But, is not a weak battle efficiency, if these fellows are tactful, can coordinate, pours is not cannot keep their lives!” “不过,到底也是一股不弱的战斗力,如果这些家伙识趣,能够配合的话,倒也不是不可以留他们的性命!” Wang Chong said at the back of both hands, was saying, while non- scar shot a look at Karluks people one eyes. 王冲背着双手道,一边说着,一边不留痕迹的瞥了葛罗禄众人一眼。
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