HE :: Volume #9

#886: The death of Wanhe Peiluo!

Chapter 886 【The new year new look, wishing everybody New Year's Day joyful!】 第886章【新年新气象,祝大家元旦快乐!】 Snort! Impenetrably thickheaded!” “哼!冥顽不灵!” Wang Chong sneers, in the eye flashes through together the swift and fierce cold light. Wanhe Peiluo sticks out suddenly launches an attack, although towering, but Wang Chong actually as if already expected this. Bang, in Wanhe Peiluo instant, the Wang Chong personal appearance that leads clansman to launch an attack sticks out suddenly, like kite from out of the blue. His whole body, the innumerable armor piece clang clang vibrates, the clang, only listens to an intense sword cry, in the vision of countless person, Wang Chong Wootz Steel Sword Long Sword jumps projects the innumerable sword light and Sword Qi, by fast of as powerful as a thunderbolt, cuts to go toward Wanhe Peiluo. 王冲冷笑一声,眼中闪过一道凌厉的寒光。万赫裴罗的暴起发难虽然突兀,但是王冲却似乎早已预料到了这一幕。轰隆,就在万赫裴罗带领身边族人发难的刹那,王冲身形暴起,有如一只鹞子般破空而出。他的全身上下,无数的甲片铿铿振动,铿,只听一声激越的剑鸣,就在无数人的目光,王冲身上的乌兹钢剑长剑迸射出无数的剑光、剑气,以雷霆万钧之速,朝着万赫裴罗直斩而去。 However Wang Chong's Speed is quick, there is Speed of person to be quicker than Wang Chong. 然而王冲的速度快,有一个人的速度王冲还要快。 Wanhe Peiluo, you really...... Disappointed me!” 万赫裴罗,你实在……太让我失望了!” A loud and clear sound, is common like the thunder, suddenly resounds in the ears of all people, in the sound was disclosing the deep disappointment. Hears this sound, a face was fierce, the whole body passed big wave day ominous flame Karluks Leader Wanhe Peiluo probably to be stabbed by any thing, the whole body trembled, in the great axe including hand almost could not assert with confidence, lost the sound said: 一个洪亮的声音,有如雷霆一般,突然在所有人的耳边响起,声音中透露着深深的失望。听到这个声音,原本一脸狰狞,浑身透着一股涛天凶焰的葛罗禄首领万赫裴罗就好像被什么东西剌了一下般,浑身一颤,连手中的巨斧都差点拿不稳了,失声道: Sir Protectorate!!” 都护大人!!” Wanhe Peiluo ominous illustrious, never concedes, can make in his mouth boil up Sir Protectorate several characters, Wang Chong is unqualified, in entire Great Army also was called Anxi War God Gao Xianzhi. Bang, the Wanhe Peiluo sound has not fallen, storm Destruction Aura suddenly appears in the Wanhe Peiluo sensation, and approaches toward Wanhe Peiluo by astonishing Speed. 万赫裴罗凶名赫赫,从不服输,能让他口中迸出“都护大人”几个字的,王冲还不够格,整个大军之中也只有被称为安西战神高仙芝了。轰隆,万赫裴罗的声音还未落,一股风暴般的毁灭气息突然出现在万赫裴罗的感知中,并且以惊人的速度向着万赫裴罗逼近。 In an instant, face whiten of Wanhe Peiluo like paper. 刹那间,万赫裴罗的脸色苍白如纸。 Bang!” “轰隆!” in a flash, only listens to one after another two shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth bangs, in the countless person alarmed and afraid vision , the air wave is billowing, three person's shadows hit one after another in the Talas City gate together, boundless Astral Qi is similar to the tsunami is ordinary, sweeps away completely outward the surrounding crowd, the surrounding area in ten zhang (3.33 m), all people lean this way and that push, unexpectedly nobody can base. 电光石火间,只听接连两声惊天动地的巨响,就在无数人惊惧的目光中,气浪滚滚,三条人影在怛罗斯城门附近接连撞击在一起,磅礴的罡气如同海啸一般,将周围的人群全部往外横扫开来,方圆十丈之内,所有人东倒西歪,推挤出去,居然没有一个人可以立足。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Be careful!” “小心!” Their air waves were too strong! Draws back quickly!” “他们的气浪太强了!快退!” ...... …… Four surrounding confusion. Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi and Wanhe Peiluo, these people completely are Great Tang / in military soldier strength top Powerhouse, this Level Powerhouse fights, at all is not other Level Powerhouse can approach, let alone inserts. However comes chaotic quickly, goes also quickly, that blots out the sky, the strong incomparable Astral Qi monstrous waves, are only a blink on without a trace of disappearance. 四周围一片混乱。王冲高仙芝万赫裴罗,这几个人全部都是大唐/军伍之中实力顶尖的强者,这种级别强者交手,根本不是其他级别强者可以靠近,更别说是插入其中了。但是混乱来得快,去得也快,那铺天盖地,强劲无匹的罡气巨浪,只是一眨眼就消失的无影无踪。 When the surrounding people crawl to set out from the ground, cloud Xiaoyu the clearing weather, the fight early had ended. 等到周围众人从地上爬起身来,云消雨霁,战斗早已经结束。 Sir!” “大人!” A Xue Qianjun mail-armor and helmet, crawls from the ground, just wants to participate during the fight, however raised the head, sees the front scene, the whole person tarries immediately. Before seeing only the city gate, Wang Chong stands one's ground steadfastly, the back to oneself, his was raising Woods just the sword, another hand was pinching the neck of Karluks section Leader Wanhe Peiluo, takeoffed his both feet, high has raised. 薛千军一身甲胄,从地上爬起来,刚想参与到战斗之中,但是抬起头,看到前方情景,整个人顿时呆住了。只见城门前,王冲岿然不动,背对着自己,他的一手提着乌兹刚剑,另一只手掐着葛罗禄首领万赫裴罗的脖子,将他双脚离地,高高的提了起来。 Struggling that Wanhe Peiluo makes an effort, but did not struggle. The Wang Chong's palm like the pincers, steadily, firmly decides him there. But in two people side, Gao Xianzhi stands erect on a mountain range in side, did not say motionless. All framed there, like static generally. 万赫裴罗使劲的挣扎,但却怎么也挣扎不了。王冲的手掌就像铁钳一样,稳稳的,将他牢牢的定在那里。而就在两人的旁边,高仙芝就一座山峦般矗立在旁边,不言不动。所有的一切都定格在了那里,就像静止了一般。 No one knows that just had anything, but without a doubt, the fight had ended. 谁也不知道刚刚发生了什么,但是毫无疑问,战斗已经结束了。 Wanhe Peiluo again fierce, is impossible simultaneously to compete with collaborations of Great Tang two Great Protectorate. 万赫裴罗就算再厉害,也不可能同时敌得过大唐两位大都护的联手。 Sir Protectorate, Sir Protectorate......, Undeserved, you listen to me to explain!” 都护大人,都护大人……,冤枉,你听我解释!” Wanhe Peiluo complexion flood white, struggling that the look in a panic, the body makes an effort. Although Wang Chong seized his neck, however the true fatal attack actually came from body side Anxi Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi. The fight that although turns continually, strength damages greatly, but so, formidable existence of Empire Great General this Saint Martial peak, is not Wanhe Peiluo can compare. 万赫裴罗脸色泛白,神色仓皇,身体使劲的挣扎。王冲虽然掐住了他的脖子,但是真正的致命攻击却是来自于身侧的安西大都护高仙芝。尽管连翻的战斗,实力大损,但是就算如此,帝国大将这种圣武巅峰的强大存在,也不是万赫裴罗可以比拟的。 Gao Xianzhi has not killed him, but has actually blocked his whole body all acupoint. Currently Wanhe Peiluo, spatially has a strength, actually completely cannot display. 高仙芝没有杀他,但却封死了他全身所有的穴道。现在万赫裴罗,空有一身力量,却完全施展不出来。 Wanhe Peiluo, you disappointed me.” 万赫裴罗,你太让我失望了。” In the vision of people, Gao Xianzhi finally spoke, in the foreheads shows a dark blue frost of not being able to say. Two months of engaging in fierce battle has not beaten him, but the betrayal of Karluks section, made this ever-victorious Anxi War God feel a deep exhaustion: 就在众人的目光中,高仙芝终于说话了,眉宇间透出一种说不出的沧霜。两个月的鏖战并没有击垮他,但是葛罗禄部的背叛,却让这位无往不胜的安西战神感受到了一种深深的疲累: You accept the Caliphate People gold and silver, I did not mind. After all, Karluks is Merc Tribe, gold and silver that the competitor delivers, do not want white/in vain. Wanted, must work for them not necessarily. However, you for ten box of gold and silver, want to betray Great Tang unexpectedly, colludes with Caliphate People, directs very to enter the pass......, Disappointed me. Original ten years of fighting side-by-side, only value these ten box of gold and silver!” “你接受大食人的金银,我并不介意。毕竟,葛罗禄雇佣部落,竞争对手送的金银,不要白不要。要了,也不见得就要替他们干活。但是,你为了十箱金银,居然想要背叛大唐,勾结大食人,引贼入关……,真的太让我失望了。原来十年的并肩作战,只值这十箱金银!” Sir, is not this, is not such......” “大人,不是这样的,不是这样的……” Wanhe Peiluo looks deathly pale, his body hangs in airborne, both hands make an effort is pulling the Wang Chong's palm, but actually basic non- Jinan safe. 万赫裴罗脸色惨白,他的身体悬在空中,双手使劲的扳着王冲的手掌,但却根本无济无事。 „It is not this......, These words you said right. Caliphate People gives you naturally more than ten box of gold and silver, if I have not guessed that wrong, Caliphate People affirms to pledge you, after Anxi Protectorate Army destruction, props up you inevitably fully, supports Karluks to rule the entire western region!” “不是这样……,这句话你说对了。大食人给你的当然不止十箱金银,如果我没猜错的话,大食人肯定承诺你,安西都护军覆灭之后,必然全力扶植你,支持葛罗禄统治整个西域!” Wang Chong sneers saying that is looking at Wanhe Peiluo of top of the head, a word pierced his innermost feelings. 王冲冷笑道,望着头顶的万赫裴罗,一言就洞穿了他的内心。 wēng! 嗡! Wanhe Peiluo was making still an effort to struggle, hears these words, is similar to encounters hits hard is the same, the complexion even more was immediately pale, both hands were also incapable of hanging. 万赫裴罗原本还在使劲挣扎,听到这句话,如同遭到重击一样,脸色顿时越发的惨白了,双手也无力垂了下来。 Wang Chong looks at Wanhe Peiluo, in the eye the intermittent taunt. Mercenary(-ies) does not have the personal integrity to say, in their eyes, all are with honest price tag displayed, only looked that has the person to pay the pricetag. Wanhe Peiluo and these matters of Karluks section doing, think the secret, how also possibly to hide the truth from him. This Talas's War, if no his appearance, after Anxi Protectorate Army destruction, Great Tang enough military strength, had not discarded Anxi and Qixi rapidly, as well as entire western region. 王冲看着万赫裴罗,眼中阵阵的嘲讽。雇佣兵没有操守可言的,在他们的眼中,一切都是明码标价的,只看有没有人出得起价码。万赫裴罗葛罗禄部做的那些事情,自以为隐秘,又怎么可能瞒得过他。这场怛罗斯之战,如果没有他的出现,安西都护军覆灭之后,大唐没有足够的兵力,迅速的丢掉了安西碛西,以及整个西域。 But the Karluks section treachery, as causing heavy losses to the Anxi Protectorate Army hero, in really obtained the biggest advantage after the war. It is not having the Great Tang post- western region time, becomes big influence that the western region ranks among the best. Sometimes, the person calculates that is inferior to day to calculate, Caliphate Empire wanted the unification western region after Talas's War, and even Great Tang, Turkic and U-Tsang, as well as all item of institutes and place. 葛罗禄部临阵倒戈,做为重创安西都护军的功臣,在战后果然得到了最大的好处。在没有大唐的后西域时代,成为西域数一数二的大势力。只是有时候,人算不如天算,大食帝国本来是想要在怛罗斯之战后统一西域,乃至大唐,突厥乌斯藏,以及所有目之所及的地方的。 Was a pity, Caliphate People strategy fault, after defeating Great Tang, pushes onward Plateau, wants to take advantage of opportunity to conquer near at hand U-Tsang Empire, actually quite the same as does not know that also has Plateau to respond such a matter. Finally is seriously battered there, has to retreat the footsteps of expansion. 只是可惜,大食人战略失误,在打败大唐之后,挺进高原,想要顺势征服近在咫尺的乌斯藏帝国,却浑然不知道还有“高原反应”这么回事。结果在那里遭受重创,不得不退却了扩张的脚步。 The Karluks section wants to take the Caliphate agent, rules the dream of entire western region also along with it being disillusioned, threw away carelessly. However even if so, Talas's War, Karluks is also the biggest beneficiary who this fights. Entire Tribe was gaining the unprecedented vigorous development after the war. 葛罗禄部想要做为大食代理人,统治整个西域的梦想也随之破灭,打了水漂。不过即便如此,怛罗斯之战,葛罗禄也是这一战的最大受益者。整个部落在战后获得了前所未有的蓬勃发展。 The honest code of honor, loyal Yu country bury the bone foreign land, can not die a natural death, but being perfidious, actually saw the potential to sit the big, vigorous development, in the world has not compared the matter that this satirized to stab again. 诚实守信,忠于家国者埋骨异乡,不得善终,而背信弃义者,却见势坐大,蓬勃发展,天底下没有再比这讽剌的事情了。 Once Wang Chong, when hearing the Talas disastrous defeat, as well as being successful of Karluks section , can only pinch the fist to be helpless ruthlessly. However now, namely however lived, before the Karluks section also imagined such, depended upon to betray Great Tang, betrayed Anxi Protectorate Army to obtain the riches and honors, that presumptuously thought! 曾经的王冲,在听到怛罗斯的惨败,以及葛罗禄部的得志时,也只能狠狠的捏着拳头无能为力。但是现在,即然重新活过来了,葛罗禄部还想像以前那样,依靠出卖大唐,出卖安西都护军获得荣华富贵,那就是妄想! Oh!” “唉!” Suddenly, a long sigh transmits from the ear, Gao Xianzhi shot a look at Wanhe Peiluo, shakes the head, look disappointed to the extreme: 突然,一声长长的叹息从耳边传来,高仙芝瞥了一眼万赫裴罗,摇着头,眼神失望到了极点: Wanhe Peiluo, you think these matters that really you do do hide the truth from me?” 万赫裴罗,你真的以为你做的那些事瞒得过我吗?” Buzz, hears these words, just also dangling both hands, put to arrive to abandon resist, the Wanhe Peiluo whole body play trembles, fierce raising the head, is opening the eye, such as was killed by lightning. 嗡,听到这句话,刚刚还垂下双手,放抵弃抗的,万赫裴罗浑身剧颤,猛的抬头,睁着眼睛,如遭雷殛。 „...... In my heart actually early some feelings, had guessed. Everybody risks one's life these many years, from the heart of hearts, I do not believe that you will betray. Goes to battle with Stone Country in us, before capturing Talas, some people show the rumor/wind sound to me, said that you and Caliphate People collude, prepare to betray Great Tang. But that time, I do not believe that all sounds had been pressed by me completely.” “……我心中其实早有感觉,也有所猜测。只是,大家出生入死这么多年,从内心深处,我不相信你会背叛罢了。早在我们出征石国,攻陷怛罗斯之前,就有人向我透出风声,说你和大食人勾结,准备背叛大唐。但那个时侯,我是不信的,所有的声音全部被我压了下来。” Engages in fierce battle for two months, the Karluks section resists to fight suddenly, but also stirs up trouble intentionally, these I also know, pretends not to know entirely. Even evening's time, several times wonderful queer birds have flown from the city, falls into the Karluks section camp, I do not have to examine. Wanhe Peiluo, you know why this is?” “鏖战两个月,葛罗禄部突然拒战,还故意滋事,这些我也知道,统统装作不知而已。甚至晚上的时候,有几次一些奇怪鸟从城池上空飞过,落入葛罗禄部营地,我也没有去查看。万赫裴罗,你知道这是为什么吗?” Gao Xianzhi turns head to stare at Wanhe Peiluo to say. 高仙芝扭头盯着万赫裴罗道。 Four surrounding deathly stillness, Wanhe Peiluo has not spoken, the ray in look slowly is quiet. Since he has thought oneself do, actually has not thought, Gao Xianzhi already knew unexpectedly. 四周围一片死寂,万赫裴罗没有说话,眼神中的光芒却慢慢沉寂下去。一直以来,他都以为自己做的神不知鬼不觉,却万万没有想到,高仙芝居然早已知晓。 people who walk different paths cannot make plans together, these Mercenary(-ies) only fight for money, has not accepted gradually influencing of benevolence, eventually with us is not a passer-by.” 道不同不相为谋,这些雇佣兵只为钱而战斗,没有接受过仁义道德的熏陶,终究和我们不是一路人。” Wang Chong inserts the tastes in this time finally. 王冲在此时终于插口道。 Gao Xianzhi with the Cheng Qianli two Anxi vice- Protectorate responses is really too tranquil, when accuse Wanhe Peiluo, they do not have a wee bit responses unexpectedly, probably already expected that was the same. Wang Chong thought at that time strange, namely however had the vigilance at heart, why arrived finally, will also have that matter. 高仙芝程千里两位安西正副都护反应实在是太平静,当自己指责万赫裴罗的时候,他们两人居然没有一丁点反应,就好像早已预料到了一样。王冲当时就觉得奇怪,即然心里已经有了警觉,为什么到了最后,还会发生那种事情。 However now Wang Chong understands, summarizes, is three characters heart is too soft. 但是现在王冲明白,总结起来,还是三个字“心太软”。 Although Gao Xianzhi is famous for the callous and strong image outside, but that regarding enemy, regarding side there, he believes, appointed the person, he is actually the entirely different other aspect, the tender feeling and soft. 高仙芝虽然在外以冷酷、强硬的形象着称,但那只是对于敌人而已,对于身边那里,他信任的人,他却又是截然不同的另外一面,温情而柔软。 Gao Xianzhi is Hu People! 高仙芝是个胡人 But is actually in admiration of somebody's fame the Great Tang elegant demeanor, admires the Central Plains civilization Hu People, he accepts, is most legitimate Han people Confucian School and Central Plains civilization education, from this point , he although the semblance is Hu People, the innermost feelings are actually pure Han people, this point, with Wanhe Peiluo, as well as other Hu People is entirely different. 但却是个慕名大唐风采,仰慕中土文明的胡人,他所接受的,也是最正统不过的汉人儒家中土文明教育,从这一点来说,他虽然外表是胡人,内心却是一个纯正的汉人,这一点,和万赫裴罗,以及其他的胡人是截然不同的。 With the Gao Xianzhi contact, his manner elegant demeanor, as well as described the bearing, was very easy to forget his status, but always thought that he and Han people not different, compelled admiration! 高仙芝接触,他的举止风采,以及形容气度,都很容易让人忘了他的身份,而总觉得他与汉人无异,令人折服! However merciful people cannot command troops, Gao Xianzhi tenderhearted, finally has created the Anxi Protectorate Army destruction, the downcast of western region, as well as has directly caused his future Death! 然而“慈不掌兵”,高仙芝的“心软”,最终造成了安西都护军的覆灭,西域的陷落,以及直接导致了他未来的死亡 To, cannot be softhearted, because temporary softheartedly causes will be the huge catastrophe that will be hard to imagine, and will cause, the price and casualties that will be hard to imagine finally. 为将者,是绝不能心慈手软的,因为一时的心慈手软导致的将是难以想像的巨大灾难,并终将导致,难以想像的代价和伤亡。 From this point, Gao Xianzhi, although is known as western region War God, but also is still not qualified Commander-in-Chief. 从这一点来说,高仙芝虽然号称西域战神,还依然不是一个合格的统帅 This point, Wang Chong and he is entirely different. 这一点,王冲和他是截然不同的。
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