HE :: Volume #9

#885: Karluks end! 【New Year's Day joyful】

Chapter 885 Today three, wishing everybody New Year's Day joyful, was right, remembers that pays attention to my slightly letter public number, searches Huangfu strange then.】 第885章【今天三更,祝大家元旦快乐,对了,记得关注我的微信公众号,搜索皇甫奇即可。】 Bang! 轰隆! Hears such treasure also nine box, Cheng Qianli cannot bear the eyelid jump crazily. A box of treasure can also explain reluctantly, but ten box of pearl emerald gems, even if the Karluks Tribe several years do not eat and drink, are impossible to accumulate such great quantity wealth. 听到这样的宝物还有九箱,就连程千里都忍不住眼皮狂跳。一箱的宝物还可以勉强解释,但是十箱的珍珠翡翠宝石,就算葛罗禄部落十几年不吃不喝,也绝不可能积累这么巨量的财富。 Such huge wealth appears in Karluks Tribe, if not suspicious, the fools do not believe. 这么庞大的财富出现在葛罗禄部落中,如果说没有可疑,傻子都不相信。 The flash, a vision of suspicion looked in pairs completely to Karluks section Luo's Leader Wanhe Peiluo. 一刹那,一双双怀疑的目光全部看向了葛罗禄部罗的首领万赫裴罗身上。 Wang Chong, do not make false accusations!” 王冲,你不要血口喷人!” Wanhe Peiluo cannot bear the anger shout finally: 万赫裴罗终于忍不住怒喝道: These things I see have not seen, does not know that what's the matter . Moreover, our is Karluks Merc Tribe, what matter don't tell me must tell you? The entire western region once had massive countries with long history, has left the massive wealth, moreover has many Secret Treasure Map legends, has many Tribe to track down to the present, do don't tell me these I also want to tell you?” “这些东西我见都没见过,根本不知道是怎么回事,而且,我们葛罗禄雇佣部落,难道什么事情都要告诉你们吗?整个西域曾经有大量的古国,留下了大量的财富,而且也有不少的藏宝图传说,到现在还有不少的部落在追寻,难道这些我也要告诉你们吗?” Wanhe Peiluo anger said. 万赫裴罗“愤怒”道。 Wanhe Peiluo has not felt such intense threat on a person, the Wang Chong whole person makes a great show of one's talents, that aggressive imposing manner makes Wanhe Peiluo be unable to make ends meet simply, is hard to resist. This is in his life never has bumped into. 万赫裴罗从来没有在一个人身上感受到这么强烈的威胁,王冲整个人锋芒毕露,那种咄咄逼人的气势简直让万赫裴罗左支右绌,难以抵挡。这是他一生之中从未碰到过的。 Damn, this what's the matter? This matter is extremely secret, how does he know?” “该死的,这到底是怎么回事?这件事情极其隐秘,他到底是怎么知道的?” In Wanhe Peiluo heart simply yes damn generally. The entire item matter from start to the present is problem-free, has not had a wee bit mistakes. Wanhe Peiluo in the battlefield courageously has also killed the enemy, has not presented a wee bit flaws, Wanhe Peiluo has even completed after Great Tang defeats, with the aid of the Caliphate People strength, rules the preparation of entire western region. 万赫裴罗心中简直是见鬼了一般。整件事情从开始到现在一直都是一帆风顺,没有出现一丁点差错。在战场上万赫裴罗也一直是奋勇杀敌,没有出现一丁点破绽,万赫裴罗甚至已经做好了在大唐战败之后,借助大食人的力量,统治整个西域的准备。 However who can know, in the Wanhe Peiluo preparation treachery, opens the city gate, that evening in Caliphate People introduction city, receives that letter suddenly. Wanhe Peiluo all plans have disrupted completely, even if until now, Wanhe Peiluo does not know where made a mistake. How possibly knows him in Qixi youngster Protectorate at the matter of western region, moreover this secret matter. 然而谁能知道,就在万赫裴罗准备临阵倒戈,打开城门,把大食人引进城内的那一晚,突然收到那封信。万赫裴罗所有的计划全部打乱了,就算到现在为止,万赫裴罗都不知道,到底是哪里出了错。一个远在碛西的少年都护怎么可能知道他在西域的事情,而且还是这种隐秘的事情。 Wanhe Peiluo can only with damn describe. 万赫裴罗只能用见鬼了来形容。 Wanhe Peiluo excuse rapid display function, the view of Secret Treasure Map rapidly was also accepted by the people, although thinks somewhat towering, but at least betrays Great Tang compared with Karluks Tribe, colludes with Caliphate to be much more credible. Surroundings, the atmosphere had the subtle change immediately, the people looked that instantaneously became to the Wanhe Peiluo vision gentle. 万赫裴罗的“借口”迅速发挥作用,藏宝图的说法也迅速被众人所接受,虽然还是觉得有些突兀,但至少比葛罗禄部落背叛大唐,勾结大食要可信得多。周围,气氛顿时发生了微妙的变化,众人看向万赫裴罗的目光瞬间变得柔和了许多。 Ha Ha Ha, Secret Treasure Map?” 哈哈哈,藏宝图?” Wang Chong scoffs, as if already expected Wanhe Peiluo to have this saying: 王冲一阵耻笑,似乎早就料到万赫裴罗有此一说: Therefore, this is also the Secret Treasure Map reason?” “所以,这也是藏宝图的原因吗?” The Wang Chong palm empty is pressing to the valuable box, bang, the air wave four shoot, in the entire valuable box tens of thousands of pearl agate emerald gem probably receives the hauling of invisible silk threads, flew from the box in abundance, float void. The people start or puzzle, but the next quarter, saw that under the box jumps dazzling golden light that shoots, all people in abundance changed the complexion. 王冲手掌对着宝箱虚虚一按,砰,气浪四射,整个宝箱之中成千上万的珍珠玛瑙翡翠宝石就好像受到一根根无形丝线的牵引,纷纷从箱子里飞了起来,悬浮虚空。众人开始还是迷惑不解,但是下一刻,看到箱子底下迸射出来的一道道耀眼的金光,所有人纷纷变了脸色。 Caliphate gold coin!” 大食金币!” In these pearl agate emerald gems most , the dazzling gold coins of centers of circle, dense and numerous, overlapping, overspread the bottom of valuable box, these circular gold coin and Great Tang gold and silver is completely different, these gold coins work very fine, the surface is bulge hair wave volume person-like. 就在那些珍珠玛瑙翡翠宝石的最底下,一块块圆心的耀眼金币,密密麻麻,层层叠叠,铺满了宝箱的底部,这些圆形的金币和大唐的金银完全不同,那些金币的做工非常的精致,表面是一个凸起的头发波浪卷的人像 Looked from the appearance, is just the same as Caliphate People of distant place. But the back of gold coin 从外貌上看,和远处的大食人一模一样。而金币的背面 Ding!” “叮!” In the vibration sound of armor, a Anxi Protectorate Army military officer sudden stride walked, the palm extends, pulled out together the gold coin from the bottom counter-: 铠甲的震动声中,一名安西都护军的将领突然大步走了过去,手掌一伸,从箱底掏出一块金币反了过来: Is the Caliphate People gold coin!” “是大食人的金币!” That sparkles the shining back, impressively is the Caliphate People flag. 那闪闪发亮的背面,赫然是大食人的旗帜。 All have been clear at a glance, this at all is not Secret Treasure Map, is not the valuables and money that the western region country with long history keeps, this is the Caliphate Empire thing. These people to bribe Karluks Tribe, have sent out the huge wealth that is hard to imagine. 一切已经一目了然,这根本不是什么藏宝图,也不是什么西域古国留下来的财宝,这就是大食帝国的东西。这些人为了贿赂葛罗禄部落,送出了难以想象的庞大财富。 Wanhe Peiluo, your this bastard!” 万赫裴罗,你这个混蛋!” Four surrounding Anxi numerous will look that has filled killing qi to the Wanhe Peiluo vision, near Anxi Protectorate Army military commander who walks with Wanhe Peiluo, blood red eye, shouted angrily, pulled out a Long Sword sword on waist to cut toward Wanhe Peiluo fiercely. 四周围安西众将看向万赫裴罗的目光充满了杀气,其中一名和万赫裴罗走的近的安西都护军的武将,血红着眼睛,怒喝一声,猛地抽出腰身上的长剑一剑朝着万赫裴罗斩了过去。 Bang!” “砰!” The air wave thunders, in a flash, boundless Astral Qi, explodes to shoot with the black barbarian god great axe together, resisted this as powerful as a thunderbolt struck. 气浪轰鸣,电光石火间,一道磅礴的罡气,和黑色的蛮神巨斧爆射而出,抵挡住了这雷霆万钧的一击。 This is falsely accuses! This falsely accuses certainly! Do not impulse, should not be hoodwinked by this boy!” “这是诬陷!这一定是诬陷!你们不要冲动,不要被这小子蒙蔽了!” The Wanhe Peiluo complexion crazily changes, yelling, retreat, while stretches out the weapon standard to keep off hastily: 万赫裴罗脸色狂变,不停的大叫,一边后退,一边连忙伸出兵器格挡: Our Karluks Tribe and did you fight side-by-side these many times, don't tell me you forget? Before loading on truck Master country that time, was we have shielded your left wing \; And comfortable housing war, is we sneaks in the city, helping you open the city gate \; And the ridge raises greatly that we have gotten down your many people......, Did don't tell me these you forget?” “我们葛罗禄部落和你们并肩作战这么多次,难道你们都忘了吗?对付车师前国那一次,是我们掩护了你们的左翼\;还有和康居的战争,也是我们潜入城内,帮你们打开了城门\;还有和坎巨提那一场,我们就下了你们多少人……,难道这些你们都忘了吗?” These Caliphate gold coins, I with you same in frontline, does not know what's the matter. Some this people frame certainly, right! Our Karluks Tribe, in western region that many enemies, definitely is they knows that we and Great Tang relations, use this scheme copes with us especially. They want to sow dissension with this means that good to profit! Everybody cannot make them prevail in any event absolutely!” “那些大食的金币,我和你们一样在前线,根本不知道是怎么回事。这一定是有人陷害,对!我们葛罗禄部落,在西域那么多敌人,一定是他们知道我们和大唐的关系,特地使用这种计谋来对付我们。他们就是想用这种办法来挑拨离间,好能够从中渔利!大家无论如何绝对不能让他们得逞啊!” Wanhe Peiluo hating bitterly, a grief and indignation of face, many treating unjustly. 万赫裴罗“痛心疾首”,一脸的悲愤,还有更多的冤枉。 Hears the Wanhe Peiluo excuse, the crowd humming sound, hesitates once more. Truly, these many years, Karluks Tribe and Anxi Protectorate Army fought up and down the country truly offended many people, these people joined up to cope with and frame Karluks Tribe are completely possible. 听到万赫裴罗的说辞,人群嗡嗡,再次犹豫起来。确实,这么多年,葛罗禄部落安西都护军南征北战确实得罪了不少人,这些人联合起来对付、陷害葛罗禄部落是完全可能的。 Especially when Wanhe Peiluo spoke of past years's these past events, people even more did not endure, looks these Caliphate gold coins also gradually become less crowded to the suspicion that Wanhe Peiluo and Karluks Tribe raised, even nearby Gao Xianzhi also slightly frowned continually, look some did not endure. 特别是当万赫裴罗提起当年的那些往事,众人越发的不忍,原本看着这些大食金币对万赫裴罗葛罗禄部落升起的怀疑也渐渐松动下来,甚至连一旁的高仙芝也微微皱起了眉头,眼神有些不忍。 Wang Chong saw this, look fluctuated slightly. Karluks and story between Anxi Protectorate Army, Wang Chong is not clear. If all as before, that actually is really fine deeds of legend. But Wang Chong is clear, all these are just the misconception of wishful thinking. 王冲看到这一幕,眼神微微波动了一下。葛罗禄安西都护军之间的故事,王冲并不清楚。如果一切都和以前一样,那倒是真是一桩传奇的美事。但王冲清清楚楚,这一切只不过是一厢情愿的错觉而已。 Karluks Tribe is Mercenary(-ies), moreover forever only fights for the benefit, this was can never change. 葛罗禄部落雇佣兵,而且永远只为利益而战,这是永远改变不了的。 Friendship between Wang Chong take pity on Anxi Protectorate Army and Karluks, but Wang Chong knows, the Karluks section colludes with Caliphate is the fact, these pearl agate emerald gems are the ironclad proof. If made them succeed, consequence was dreadful. These in Anxi Protectorate Army heart do not endure, but is own wishful thinking. 王冲怜惜安西都护军葛罗禄之间的情谊,但王冲更加知道,葛罗禄部勾结大食乃是不争的事实,那些珍珠玛瑙翡翠宝石就是铁证。如果让他们成功了,后果不堪设想。安西都护军心中的那些不忍,只不过是自己的一厢情愿罢了。 Anxi Protectorate Army heavy affectionate righteousness, to Karluks section there, but is they are used with the chip of Caliphate People transaction. 安西都护军的重情重义,到了葛罗禄部那里,只不过是他们用来和大食人交易的筹码而已。 In Anxi Protectorate Army eye heavy affectionate righteousness, sharing life and death Karluks section, to this rebelling time, will be unambiguous, will not spare with leniently. Does not know that many Anxi Protectorate Army soldiers, have not died in the hand of Caliphate People, actually died of punishment on a false charge in the hands of these Karluks departments, because precisely did not have the preparation regarding rebelling of Karluks section, therefore entire Anxi Protectorate Army ran away 1000 people, true surviving in name only. 安西都护军眼中重情重义,“生死与共”的葛罗禄部,到了该反叛的时候,一点都不会含糊,更不会容情和手软。不知道多少安西都护军的战士,没有死在大食人的手中,却是冤死在了这些葛罗禄部的手里,正是因为对于葛罗禄部的反叛毫无心理准备,所以整个安西都护军逃回来的就连1000人都不到,真正的名存实亡。 Thinks that now Wanhe Peiluo still in deceiving the Anxi Protectorate Army people, uses their sentiments, but also in keeping distinguishes crafty, in the Wang Chong heart is an intermittent loathing, regarding hatred that the Karluks section also has. Gao Xianzhi may be hoodwinked by them, but Wang Chong cannot. 想到现在万赫裴罗还在欺骗安西都护军的众人,利用他们的感情,还在不停的狡辨,王冲心中便是一阵阵的厌恶,对于葛罗禄部也发的痛恨。高仙芝或许会被他们蒙蔽,但是王冲可不会。 Wanhe Peiluo, you did not need to distinguish crafty. The matter of Caliphate gold coin, you can be said as other people frame, but colludes with you, that Caliphate People spy of relation also? Don't forget, he has met your. You think that does flawlessly, but has not thought, this person will be held by us. Namely however you also crafty distinguish now, that raises him to confront. Xue Qianjun, raises that Caliphate spy . Moreover, asks a translator to come again! Also makes everybody listen what's the matter!” 万赫裴罗,你不用狡辨了。大食金币的事,你可以说是其他人陷害,但是和你们勾结,联系的那个大食人间谍也是吗?别忘了,他可是见过你的面。你自以为做得天衣无缝,但是没有想到,这个人会被我们抓住吧。即然你现在都还狡辨,那就提他来对质吧。薛千军,把那个大食间谍提过来,另外,再找一名翻译过来!也让大家听听到底是怎么回事!” Wang Chong gives a loud shout, toward the rear facial expression bone-chilling cold, the waist carries on the arm Xue Qianjun of blade to say. 王冲大喝一声,朝着后方神情凛冽,腰间挎刀的薛千军道。 Yes, Sir!” “是,大人!” Xue Qianjun has complied with one loudly, without delay, dragon Huhang the step, walks toward the rear area immediately, the facial expression does not see the slight hesitation, obviously early is prepared. 薛千军大声应了一句,二话不说,龙虎行步,立即朝着后方走去,神情不见丝毫的犹豫,显然早有准备。 wēng! 嗡! Sees this, before has also yelled that the undeserved Wanhe Peiluo look crazily changes, the matter of Caliphate gold coin he can also distinguish, but can also rely on many years of fighting side-by-side friendship, making the Anxi Protectorate Army numerous believe itself, but the Caliphate spy will say, how even if Wanhe Peiluo will struggle to distinguish again, did not have the slight use. 见到这一幕,之前还一直大叫冤枉的万赫裴罗神色狂变,大食金币的事情他还可以强辨,还可以凭借多年并肩作战的“情谊”,让安西都护军的众将相信自己,但是大食间谍一提出来,哪怕万赫裴罗再怎么争辨,也没有丝毫用处了。 Is impossible! How he achieves!” “不可能的!他到底是怎么做到的!” Wanhe Peiluo mind severe shake, how he does not think clearly, this sphere of action youngster Great Protectorate beside Anxi, how has known these many information. What cannot believe that after that camouflage, enters the Caliphate spies of Karluks section to fall into the Wang Chong hand? That is two months ago! 万赫裴罗心神剧震,他怎么都想不明白,这个活动范围一直在安西之外的少年大都护,到底是怎么知道这么多信息的。更加不敢相信的是,那个伪装之后,进入葛罗禄部的大食间谍到底是怎么落入王冲手中的?那可是两个多月前啊! Moreover, oneself clearly remember, he wasn't returned to Caliphate Empire? don't tell me said that he afterward had an accident, has not gone back, or, he ran to contact itself, therefore fell into the youngster Great Protectorate hand of this Qixi? 而且,自己分明记得,他不是已经返回大食帝国了吗?难道说他后来又出了什么事,并没有回去,又或者,他又跑过去了联络自己,所以才落入了这个碛西的少年大都护手中? in a flash, innumerable thought passing over gently and swiftly mind, in Wanhe Peiluo heart a difficult situation. But makes Wanhe Peiluo most shock and be flustered, is distant place Wang Chong's that subordinate, has detained both hands to tie their hands behind the back, the head is hoodwinking fabric covering Caliphate People, is walking quickly in own direction. But looked from the personal appearance, that Caliphate People that precisely initially and consulted with. 电光石火间,无数的念头掠过脑海,万赫裴罗心中一片惊涛骇浪。而让万赫裴罗最最震撼和心慌的,是远处王冲的那个部下,已经押着一个双手反绑,头上蒙着布罩的大食人,正朝着自己的方向快步行来。而从身形上看,正是当初和自己接洽的那个大食人 Roar!” “吼!” Wanhe Peiluo calls out one, the beard and hair all opens, finally could not bear again. While all people by the distant place, that Hu People attraction attention that Xue Qianjun sends under custody instant, this western region illustrious Karluks section Leader sticks out suddenly suddenly launches an attack: 万赫裴罗暴吼一声,须发皆张,终于再也忍不住了。趁着所有人都被远处,薛千军押送的那个胡人吸引注意的刹那,这位西域赫赫有名的葛罗禄首领突然暴起发难: Boy, you were too poisonous!” “小子,你太毒了!” Sturdy, to a Caliphate People round of signal, moreover all clansmen in notice city launch an attack together! Other person and I together, kill him!” “骨力,给大食人发信号,另外通知城中的所有族人一起发难!其他人和我一起,干掉他!” That that the front words, Wanhe Peiluo said is the Great Tang language, but last, was actually the Karluks language. Things have gotten to this point, said uselessly, has exposed with the matter that Caliphate People colludes with, now only then first launches an attack, can take the favorable position. Perhaps, captures these Anxi Protectorate Army wounded person in city, the opportunity and coerces them, emits, therefore the everybody of Karluks section, is Karluks strives for an escape route, otherwise, was really the dead end! 前面一话,万赫裴罗说的那是大唐语言,但是最后一句,却是葛罗禄语了。事已至此,多说无益,和大食人勾结的事情已经败露,现在只有抢先发难,才能抢占先机。说不定,掳获城中的那些安西都护军伤员,还有机会和要挟他们,放出所以葛罗禄部的男女老少,为葛罗禄争取一条退路,否则的话,就真的是死路一条了!
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