HE :: Volume #9

#884: Fighting of stranded beast!

Chapter 884 第884章 The flash, the double pupil of Wanhe Peiluo once more becomes blood red incomparable, almost drops to bleed. As the western region illustrious fierce and ambitious character, Wanhe Peiluo is always receives the respect and awe, never has a person to dare like Wang Chong, with his clansman as coercing. 只是一刹那,万赫裴罗的双眸再次变得血红无比,几乎滴得出血来。作为西域赫赫有名的枭雄人物,万赫裴罗从来都是受到尊重和敬畏,还从来没有一个人敢像王冲一样,拿他的族人作为要挟。 Regarding Wanhe Peiluo, this simply is the great shame! 对于万赫裴罗来说,这简直就是奇耻大辱! Wang Chong is only cold smiles, simply has not taken Wanhe Peiluo to pay attention, his vision has swept slowly, fell on Anxi vice- Protectorate Cheng Qianli and body of Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi quickly, with other Anxi all generals or excited, or stunned, either confused different, no matter Cheng Qianli, was as Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi, on the faces of two Anxi top Commander-in-Chief a tranquility, did not have other people so excited. 王冲只是冷然一笑,根本没有把万赫裴罗放在眼里,他的目光缓缓扫过,很快落在了安西都护程千里大都护高仙芝的身上,和其他安西诸将的或激动,或错愕,或迷茫不同,不管是程千里,还是作为大都护高仙芝,两位安西顶尖统帅的脸上一片平静,远没有其他人那么激动。 In the Wang Chong heart gave a calm smile, as if to understand anything. 王冲心中淡然一笑,仿佛明白了什么。 Wanhe Peiluo, do not act rashly, do not blame me not to remind you, the western region is the Great Tang western region, reason that Karluks Tribe can have today's status , because Great Tang promotes you, but this does not represent you with us to treat as an equal. So long as you dare to act rashly again, is the following defies superiors. I do not even need any reason, can wipe out entire Karluks directly!” 万赫裴罗,不要轻举妄动,别怪我没提醒你,西域是大唐的西域,之所以葛罗禄部落能有今天的地位,是因为大唐提拔你们,但这并不代表你就可以和我们平起平坐。只要你再敢妄动一下,就是以下犯上。我甚至不需要任何的理由,就可以直接拔除整个葛罗禄!” Wang Chong occupies a commanding position, bends down to look at Wanhe Peiluo. His look bone-chilling cold, probably saw the Wanhe Peiluo heart of hearts. 王冲居高临下,俯看着万赫裴罗。他的眼神凛冽,就好像看到了万赫裴罗的内心深处。 Wang Chong when the western region recruits Mercenary(-ies), once punished one as a warning to others, has exterminated a capriciousness, being perfidious Saka People, to stand guard all Tribe. However in the Wang Chong heart, is not Saka People that he most wants to kill, but is the Karluks section. That is entire western region most capricious Tribe. 王冲在西域招收雇佣兵的时候,曾经杀鸡儆猴,剿灭了一个反复无常,背信弃义的塞种人,以警戒所有部落。不过在王冲心中,他最想干掉的不是塞种人,而是葛罗禄部。那才是整个西域最反复无常的部落 The Karluks section and Caliphate collude, the treachery in the battlefield, this matter influence big, is much worse than ordinary being perfidious. However Karluks and Wanhe Peiluo are Gao Xianzhi recruit, Wang Chong was unable to begin casually. 葛罗禄部和大食勾结,在战场上临阵倒戈,这件事情影响非常之大,远比普通的背信弃义还要恶劣得多。但是葛罗禄万赫裴罗高仙芝招募的,王冲还不能随便动手。 „Can Sir Protectorate, make a mistake? Can be other Tribe? The Karluks section and we fights side-by-side these many years, continuously honest and dependable, has not betrayed, they how possible to collude with Caliphate?” 都护大人,会不会弄错了?有没有可能是其他的部落葛罗禄部和我们并肩作战这么多年,一直都诚实可靠,从来都没有背叛过,他们怎么可能和大食勾结?” City gate, a Anxi Protectorate Army military commander cannot bear go forward two footpaths. 城门口,一名安西都护军的武将忍不住上前两步道。 Good, the person the non- birds, who can be heartless. Everybody fights side-by-side that for a long time, the affection is deep, everyone possibly betrays us, but the Karluks section is most impossible to betray!” “不错,人非鸟兽,孰能无情。大家并肩作战那么久,感情深厚,谁都可能背叛我们,但葛罗禄部是最不可能背叛!” Another Anxi Protectorate Army will take away came out to say. 另一名安西都护军的将领走了出来道。 It is not does not believe Wang Chong, but Wanhe Peiluo and Anxi Protectorate Army friendship, establishes in the bloody battles, from the emotion, the people are very difficult to believe words that Wang Chong spoke. 不是不相信王冲,但是万赫裴罗安西都护军的情谊,是在一场又一场的血战中建立的,从情感上,众人很难相信王冲说的话。 Wang Chong sees this, in heart shakes the head secretly. The people and animals are different, the Han people and Hu People are also different. The Karluks section rebels, in the Anxi Protectorate Army heart does not have a preparation, even also some people stand the speech, no wonder does not have to appear, Talas's War will defeat such, by Karluks section treachery, entire Anxi Protectorate Army in having the situation of escape route, runs away 1000 people. 王冲看到这一幕,心中暗暗摇头。人和禽兽是不同的,汉人和胡人也是不同的。葛罗禄部反叛,安西都护军心中没有一点准备,甚至还有人站出来说话,也难怪没有自己出现,怛罗斯之战会败成那样,被葛罗禄部临阵倒戈,整个安西都护军在有退路的情况下,逃回来的连1000人都不到。 In the world does not have anything not to be impossible, do not forget, the Karluks section is the hire armed forces, is not our Great Tang regular army, reason that they are willing to fight with us shoulder to shoulder, is not because with our sentiments deep, but the remuneration for services rendered that because we give is high enough!” “世界上没有什么不可能,不要忘了,葛罗禄部是雇佣军,不是我们大唐的正规军,他们之所以愿意和我们并肩战斗,不是因为和我们的感情有多深,而是因为我们给出的酬金足够高!” Wang Chong vision like electricity, slowly has swept the week contour. In a flash, all Anxi all generals were silent. Wang Chong said that they are certainly clear, was only the time was long, all people have forgotten, Karluks was different from them. They possibly betray actually, but everybody is not willing to believe. 王冲目光如电,缓缓的扫过周围道。一瞬间,所有的安西诸将都沉默了。王冲说的,他们当然明白,只是时间久了,所有人都忘了,葛罗禄是和他们不一样的。他们其实是可能背叛的,只是大家不愿意相信而已。 Wang Chong the expression income eyeground of people, in the heart sighed slightly. three feet of ice does not form in a single day, to change impression of Anxi Protectorate Army in short time to Karluks is impossible, but some words, Wang Chong must say, must want to awake Anxi Protectorate Army, otherwise, also will have second, the third Karluks section. 王冲将众人的表情收入眼底,心中微微叹息一声。冰冻三尺非一日之寒,要想在短时间改变安西都护军葛罗禄的印象是不可能的,但是有些话,王冲还是必须说,必须要点醒安西都护军,不然以后还会有第二个,第三个葛罗禄部。 Mercenary(-ies) only fights for the monetary reward, the price that who gives is high, on for whom are we fighting. In the past several years, the price that Great Tang opened is highest, moreover Anxi Protectorate Army was invincible, the Karluks section only needed to follow on the heels to wave the flag and shout, follows up a victory with hot pursuit on the line. The risk is so small, reports back the high matter, the Karluks section will certainly do. This is they do not have the real cause of betrayal.” 雇佣兵只为赏金而战,谁给的价高,就为谁而战。在过去的十几年里,大唐开的价一直都是最高的,而且安西都护军一直都是战无不胜,葛罗禄部只需要跟在后面摇旗呐喊,乘胜追击就行了。这么风险小,回报高的事情,葛罗禄部当然会做。这才是他们没有背叛的真正原因。” " Has not betrayed, is not because faithful reliable, merely is only benefit and reason that because has not been worth betraying! Moreover, never forget, the amiable ritual wisdom letter, is our Han people have the thing that Hu People is only fastidious about Law of the Jungle, who stronger with anyone, the justice and humanity to them are simply useless. " "没有背叛,并不是因为忠实可靠,仅仅只是因为没有值得背叛的利益和理由!另外,永远不要忘了,仁义礼智信,是我们汉人才有的东西,胡人只讲究弱肉强食,谁更强就跟谁,仁义对他们是根本没有用的。" Wang Chong long sound said. These words, and not only in view of Wanhe Peiluo and Karluks section, Great Tang because of justice and humanity, therefore the common people can enjoy a good and prosperous life, therefore Central Plains has today's prosperity. 王冲长声道。这句话,并不仅仅是针对万赫裴罗葛罗禄部,大唐因为仁义,所以百姓才能安居乐业,所以中土才有今日的繁荣。 However takes a broad view at the world, the Central Plains justice and humanity, the Confucian School morals, is simply useless. Reason that the lion and tiger can the howling jungle, the rein ten thousand beasts, what relies on is own overwhelming strength, but is not the justice and humanity. 但是放眼天下,中土的仁义,儒家的道德,是根本没有用的。狮子和老虎之所以能够嗷啸丛林,统御万兽,凭借的是自身压倒性的实力,而不是仁义。 In world callous jungle, similarly so. 在天下这座冷酷的丛林里,同样如此。 " Wanhe Peiluo, I give you again an opportunity, is in front of all people, if you confessed that I can also forgive your life, otherwise, the Karluks section, completely was the dead end! " "万赫裴罗,我再给你一个机会,当着所有人的面,如果你坦白的话,我还能饶你一命,否则的话,葛罗禄部上上下下,全部是死路一条!" Wang Chong is staring at Wanhe Peiluo, the facial expression is callous. 王冲盯着万赫裴罗,神情冷酷无比。 Was swept by Wang Chong that callous look, the Wanhe Peiluo heart has contracted ruthlessly, but quick was normal on Recovery. 王冲那冷酷的眼神一扫,万赫裴罗心脏狠狠的收缩了一下,但很快就恢复了正常。 " Bastard! I do not know that you were saying anything! Sir Protectorate, our Karluks section follows your north and south to go on an expedition for several years, has the efforts without the merit, in the end do you like this treat our? " "混蛋!我根本不知道你在说什么!都护大人,我们葛罗禄部跟随你们南北征战十几年,没有功劳也有苦劳,到头来你们就是这样对待我们的吗?" Wanhe Peiluo does not have zaili society Wang Chong, but turned head to look to nearby Gao Xianzhi, in the eye showed the extreme anger. This Great Tang youngster Protectorate looks like threatening, everywhere aims, moreover is extremely formidabe, at this time, Wanhe Peiluo also can only place hopes in Gao Xianzhi. 万赫裴罗没有在理会王冲,而是扭头望向了一旁的高仙芝,眼中透出极度的愤怒。这个大唐的少年都护看起来来势汹汹,处处针对,而且极难对付,这种时候,万赫裴罗也只能寄希望于高仙芝了。 " Wanhe Peiluo, you are patient, Protectorate Wang is not that unclear affair, the person of making trouble out of nothing, he such does has certainly any Intrisic Principle. " "万赫裴罗,你稍安勿躁,王都护并不是那种不明事理,无事生非的人,他这么做一定有什么道理。" Gao Xianzhi gravely says. Said that and looks to right Wang Chong: 高仙芝沉声道。说完又望向右侧的王冲: " Protectorate Wang, Wanhe Peiluo and Karluks section is our Anxi Protectorate Army friend, works together as colleagues together many year of sentiments , is also trustworthy. If Protectorate Wang thinks that Wanhe Peiluo and Caliphate People collude, I hope that Sir Protectorate produces the solid evidence, this can make the officers believe. " "王都护,万赫裴罗葛罗禄部是我们安西都护军的朋友,一起共事有很多年的感情,也值得信赖。如果王都护认为万赫裴罗大食人勾结,我希望都护大人拿出确凿的证据,这样才能让将士们信服。" Wang Chong smiles, keen feeling from the Gao Xianzhi last few words something. 王冲一笑,从高仙芝最后一句话里敏锐的感觉到了一些东西。 " Sir Protectorate respected opinion! Wanhe Peiluo, dies to be imminent, you are still putting up a last-ditch struggle, it seems like you struggled until the last minute! " "都护大人高见!万赫裴罗,都死到临头,你还在垂死挣扎,看来你是不到黄河心不死了!" Wang Chong shot two to point at gently, coldly stared at Wanhe Peiluo to say. 王冲轻轻弹了两下手指,冷冷的盯着万赫裴罗道。 " Snort, Wang Chong, you slander us, kept on proclaiming we and Caliphate People colluded, if you could not produce the persuasive evidence, my Wanhe Peiluo took an oath to the day, no matter paid any price, must be cut to pieces you, to release hate of my heart! " "哼,王冲,你污蔑我们,口口声声说我们和大食人勾结,如果你拿不出令人信服的证据,我万赫裴罗对天起誓,不管付出什么代价,也一定要将你千刀万剐,以泄我心头之恨!" Wanhe Peiluo ruthlessly is grasping the god axe, the look is fierce. Although on the mouth said that but in fact, looks at the front Wang Chong self-confident indifferent facial expression, in the Wanhe Peiluo heart also somewhat is restless. 万赫裴罗狠狠的握着蛮神斧,神色狰狞无比。虽然嘴上这么说,但实际上,看着前方王冲自信淡然的神情,万赫裴罗心中不禁也有些不安。 " Wanhe Peiluo, since you want dead, I help you! " "万赫裴罗,既然你想死,我就成全你!" Wang Chong smile however smiles, beckons toward behind: 王冲哂然一笑,朝着后面招了招手: " Xue Qianjun, comes up the thing belt! " "薛千军,把东西带上来吧!" Wang Chong a few words, surrounding atmosphere immediately changes, suddenly anxious incomparable, the vision of four surrounding all people looked, but Wanhe Peiluo is also in the heart jumps, suddenly somewhat was also flurried. 王冲一句话,周围的气氛顿时一变,陡然紧张无比,四周围所有人的目光纷纷望了过来,而万赫裴罗也是心中一跳,突然也有些慌乱了。 Reason that he is so calm , because seizes the Wang Chong not anything evidence, but if Wang Chong produces the evidence, all completely are different. 他之所以这么镇定,就是因为捏定王冲没什么证据,但是如果王冲拿出证据,一切就完全不同。 " ! ! " "哒!哒!" But the time of moment, a serious sound of footsteps transmits from the rear area, in Anxi the vision of all generals and people, a Xue Qianjun mail-armor and helmet, the body is straight, bringing four robustness, the temples to stick out high, looked like the overwhelming power armed soldier walked from the behind stride extremely. 只不过片刻的时间,一阵沉重的脚步声从后方传来,就在安西诸将和众人的目光中,薛千军一身甲胄,身躯笔挺,带着四名虎背熊腰,太阳穴高高隆起,看起来极其威猛的甲士从后面大步走了上来。 That four armed soldier corners/horns, are lifting a giant magnificent mother-of-pearl fine gold box, appears before the people quickly. The bang, four people make an effort to throw, this heavy great great treasure box numerous falling on the ground, send out deafening thundering immediately. 那四名甲士一人一角,抬着一只巨大的华丽螺钿精金宝箱,很快出现在众人面前。轰,四人用力一抛,这只沉甸甸的巨大宝箱立即重重的坠在地上,发出一阵震耳欲聋的轰鸣。 In the bellow, everyone hears in the valuable box to make a strange sound, probably tens of thousands of little things rock the collision to be the same in inside. 在轰鸣声中,每个人都听到宝箱中发出一阵奇异的声音,就好像成千上万的小东西在里面晃动碰撞一样。 " Clang! " "锵!" The Xue Qianjun look indifferently, in four people put down the valuable box instant, drew a sword chops, has chopped into pieces the chain on valuable box, pushed conveniently, has lifted the cover of valuable box. 薛千军神色漠然,在四人放下宝箱的刹那,抽刀一砍,劈碎了宝箱上的金锁,顺手一推,掀开了宝箱的盖子。 " Bang! " "轰!" Sees the thing in valuable box, an all person boisterousness. In that valuable box dense and numerous, has packed various types of pearls, agates, emerald and coral, the gem, its value is unquantifiable. 看到宝箱中的东西,所有人一片哄然。那宝箱中密密麻麻,装满了各种珍珠、玛瑙、翡翠、珊瑚,还有宝石,其价值难以估量。 But Wanhe Peiluo sees this, is such as is been ordinary by the thunderbolt, the whole person breathed becomes rapid. 万赫裴罗看到这一幕,更是如遭雷击一般,整个人呼吸都变得急促了。 " Protectorate Wang, what is this? " "王都护,这是什么?" The Cheng Qianli eyelid jumps, opens the mouth to ask. 程千里眼皮一跳,开口问道。 " Sir Protectorate, General Cheng, Anxi officers, this box of pearl agate is I searches for from a Karluks Tribe secret cavern. These many pearls, agates and emerald, should not be Sir Protectorate deliver? Said when always only accepted the hire Karluks section to learn doing business to make money? " "都护大人,程将军,还有各位安西的将士们,这箱珍珠玛瑙就是我从葛罗禄部落一处隐秘的洞穴中搜出来的。这么多的珍珠、玛瑙、翡翠,应该不是都护大人送的吧?还是说一向只接受雇佣葛罗禄部什么时候学会经商赚钱了?" Wang Chong looks at the surrounding people to say. 王冲望着周围众人道。 The surrounding piece humming sound, the Anxi Protectorate Army officers are looking in that valuable box the dazzling pearl gem, facial expressions become subtle. 周围一片嗡嗡,一名名安西都护军的将士望着那宝箱中琳琅满目的珍珠宝石,一个个神情都变得微妙起来。 Anxi Protectorate Army and Karluks section has the long-term hire relations, every time completes time operational Quest to hand over to turn over to the rich remuneration for services rendered. However, even if Anxi Protectorate Army, is impossible to pay the Karluks section such huge wealth. 安西都护军葛罗禄部有着长期的雇佣关系,每完成一次作战任务都要付与丰厚的酬金。但是,就算是安西都护军,也不可能付给葛罗禄部这么庞大的财富。 No matter the pearl agate, is emerald gem, compared with golden precious many of same volume. An entire box of pearl agate, the emerald gem, stands in nearby Anxi Protectorate Army finance officer, is very difficult to calculate its value. 不管是珍珠玛瑙,还是翡翠宝石,都要比同体积的黄金贵重的多。一整箱的珍珠玛瑙,翡翠宝石,就连站在一旁的安西都护军财务官,都很难计算出它的价值。 Moreover Wanhe Peiluo and Karluks Tribe are always wasteful, at all is not that thrifty person. Defeats the return each time, will splash out, several years, is impossible to leave these many wealth! 而且万赫裴罗葛罗禄部落向来奢靡,根本不是那种节俭的人。每次战胜归来,上上下下都会大肆挥霍,十几年的时间,也绝不可能累计出这么多的财富! " Sir Protectorate, these are really Karluks Tribe? " "都护大人,这些真的都是葛罗禄部落的吗?" A Anxi Protectorate Army military officer has stood, is looking at that box of dazzling and intoxicating treasure, said. Before then, no matter how Wang Chong said, Anxi Protectorate Army nobody believes that the Karluks section can collude with Caliphate People. 一名安西都护军的将领站了出来,望着那一箱令人目眩神迷的宝物,怔怔道。在此之前,不管王冲怎么说,安西都护军上上下下都没有人相信,葛罗禄部会和大食人勾结。 When Wang Chong carries out this box of treasure, all are entirely different, at least people heart Central Plains this firm faith vacillated. 但是当王冲搬出这一箱宝物,一切就截然不同,至少众人心中原本坚定的信念都动摇了。 " hē hē! " "呵呵!" Wang Chong shook the head with a smile, in the vision of people, stretched out a finger slowly: 王冲笑着摇了摇头,在众人的目光中,缓缓伸出了一根手指: Treasure that you see now, merely is only one box, like the treasure, in entire Karluks Tribe, entire nine box!” “你们现在看到的宝物,仅仅只是其中的一箱而已,像这样的宝物,整个葛罗禄部落中,还有整整九箱!”
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