HE :: Volume #9

#883: Wanhe Peiluo anger!

Chapter 883 第883章 hē hē, that arrives not to need. Sir Protectorate only needed to be OK as usual, the city of city tall wall Talas was thick, has the natural advantage, stood occupies a commanding position above, the bird's eye view four directions, Caliphate People all sounds took in everything at a glance, this aspect needed the coordination of Sir.” 呵呵,那到不必。都护大人只需要一切照旧就可以了,怛罗斯之城城高墙厚,拥有天然优势,站在上面居高临下,俯瞰四方,大食人所有的动静都一览无余,这方面还是需要大人的配合。” Wang Chong sprinkles however says with a smile. 王冲洒然一笑道。 Un, good.” “嗯,好。” Gao Xianzhi nodded, had the new understanding regarding Wang Chong. Other Anxi Protectorate Army and Great Tang armies are different, in Anxi Protectorate Army, Gao Xianzhi has the absolute authority and prestige. Even if he gives Wang Chong the Anxi Protectorate Army command jurisdiction, Wang Chong also is very difficult such as to cause direction Anxi Protectorate Army that the arm refers. 高仙芝点了点头,对于王冲又有了新的认识。安西都护军和其他大唐的军队不同,在安西都护军中,高仙芝拥有绝对的权威和威信。即便他把安西都护军的指挥权交给王冲,王冲恐怕也很难如使臂指的指挥安西都护军 Moreover, although two Great Army are Great Tang, but the system is different, if twists forcefully in the same place, conflicts on the contrary mutually, ran counter with two people initial goals. Wang Chong rejects the suggestion of Gao Xianzhi , to continue to give the Gao Xianzhi direction Anxi Protectorate Army, two people coordinate respectively each other independently, this on the contrary is the best arrangement, not only has respected the Gao Xianzhi status, and displayed pinnacle the battle efficiencies of two armies. 而且,两只大军虽然同属大唐,但是体系不同,如果强行拧在一起,反倒互相冲突,和两人最初的目的背道而驰了。王冲拒绝高仙芝的建议,将安西都护军继续交给高仙芝指挥,两人各自配合又彼此独立,这样反倒是最好的安排,既顾全了高仙芝的地位,又将两支军队的战斗力发挥到了极致 This makes Gao Xianzhi increase to the Wang Chong favorable impression. 这让高仙芝王冲好感大增。 Wang Chong! I must kill you!” 王冲!我要杀了你!” When two people talked, suddenly the strong winds were vast, called out is similar to the lion anger howls, transmitted from the city gate. This called out the sound suddenly, attracted the attention of all people instantaneously, Wang Chong subconscious has turned head. Buzz, the ray flashes, a huge form is similar to rushes to the thunder to be common, flushed from the city gate. 就在两人交谈的时候,突然狂风浩浩,一声暴吼如同狮子怒啸,从城门内传来。这暴吼声突如其来,瞬间吸引了所有人的注意,就连王冲都下意识的扭过头来。嗡,光芒一闪,一道巨大的身影如同奔雷一般,从城门内冲了出来。 Comes with the life to me!” “给我拿命来!” The strong winds are vast, the air wave is billowing, people have not responded, racing Leiban the big form has been grasping a handle huge black iron ax, raises tens of thousands of Astral Qi mighty currents, took the potential of day of crack place to divide toward Wang Chong ruthlessly. The axe has not fallen, that storm terrifying Astral Qi has swept across all around, compels to back up the surrounding Great Tang military officers. 狂风浩浩,气浪滚滚,众人还没有反应过来,那奔雷般的高大身影已经握着一柄巨大的黑色铁斧,掀起成千上万的罡气洪流,以开天裂地之势朝着王冲狠狠劈了下来。斧头还没有落下,那风暴般的恐怖罡气就已经席卷四周,将周围一名名大唐将领逼得倒退开来。 Raises!” “昂!” A person is inhuman, resembles the shouting sound of beast non- beast to transmit from void, behind that big form, the light shadow fluctuates, the void distortion, a cow first person, throws over the mail-armor and helmet, the whole body is growing hair, nine chi (0.33 m) high monster phantom emerge out of thin air fully, combines with that big person's shadow, sends out one staunchly, overwhelming power, fearful aura that is full of the destruction desire. 一声似人非人,似兽非兽的嘶吼声从虚空中传来,那高大的身影背后,光影变幻,虚空扭曲,一头牛首人身,披着甲胄,浑身长毛,足有九尺多高的怪兽虚影凭空出现,和那高大的人影合二为一,散发出一股刚烈、威猛,充满毁灭欲望的可怕气息。 Does not want!” “不要!” Wanhe Peiluo stops!” 万赫裴罗住手!” „Were you insane? He is Qixi Great Protectorate!” “你疯了吗?他是碛西大都护!” ...... …… Around four calls out in alarm again and again, all people were feared by the Karluks section Leader Wanhe Peiluo action. 四周围惊叫连连,所有人都被葛罗禄首领万赫裴罗的举动惊住了。 Wanhe Peiluo, receives the hand to me quickly, can not be unreasonable to Protectorate!” 万赫裴罗,快给我收手,不得对都护无理!” Nearby, in Anxi vice- Protectorate Cheng Qianli cold light flashes, steps near body, first moved forward to meet somebody, Long Sword in hand points to the Wanhe Peiluo barbarian god axe. However at present the ray flashes, Wanhe Peiluo as if already expected Cheng Qianli to have this one move, turns the body, has flashed through Cheng Qianli rapidly. 一旁,安西都护程千里目中寒光一闪,踏步近身,首先迎了上去,手中的长剑直指万赫裴罗的蛮神斧。不过眼前光芒一闪,万赫裴罗似乎早已料到程千里会有此一招,一个扭身,迅速的闪过了程千里 You!” “你!” The Cheng Qianli facial expression stagnates, cannot help but stopped. Cheng Qianli is peak Empire Quasi-General, the strength is extremely intrepid, although Wanhe Peiluo compared with Cheng Qianli, but could not miss to be too many. What is more important, Wanhe Peiluo leads the Karluks section and Anxi Protectorate Army fights up and down the country together for more than ten years, regarding Anxi Protectorate Army understood, therefore Cheng Qianli this will strike will fail. 程千里神情一滞,不由自主的停了下来。程千里是巅峰的帝国准将,实力极其强悍,万赫裴罗虽然比不过程千里,但也差不了太多。更重要的是,万赫裴罗率领葛罗禄部和安西都护军一起南征北战十多年,对于安西都护军的上上下下非常了解,因此程千里这一击才会落空。 Wanhe Peiluo flashes through Cheng Qianli, at present does not have the stop again, the barbarian god axe levelling off hilltops crack mountain in hand, has chopped toward Wang Chong ruthlessly. 万赫裴罗闪过程千里,眼前再无阻拦,手中的蛮神斧劈山裂岳,向着王冲狠狠砍了下去。 Snort, just right that Wanhe Peiluo, comes!” “哼,万赫裴罗,来的正好!” Calls out resounds through the sky, when all people were feared by this, only then Wang Chong is also maintaining tranquil, moreover as if already expected this. 一声暴喝响彻天空,当所有人都被这一幕惊住的时候,只有王冲还保持着平静,而且似乎早已料到这一幕。 wēng! 嗡! Under is in the glare of the public eye, in the Wang Chong double pupil the cold light rises suddenly, is centered on the place that he stands, in the surrounding three zhang (3.33 m), the void distortion, the air wave is fuzzy, and it rapidly appears the one Gold and one Red two rounds Sun and Moon illusory images. 众目睽睽下,王冲双眸之中寒光暴涨,以他站立的地方为中心,周围三丈之内,虚空扭曲,气浪模糊,并其迅速现出一金一红两轮日月幻影。 Great Universe Technique!” 大乾坤术!” Great Yin-Yang Technique!” 大阴阳术!” The Wang Chong personal appearance moves, suddenly suddenly/violently to launch, Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art most formidable two Killing Move one after the other also put forth, with Wanhe Peiluo „the god opens day numerous hits together. Rumbling, the air wave is billowing, surrounding area in dozens zhang (3.33 m), all air toward in all directions limitless explosion. 王冲身形一动,突然暴射而出,“大阴阳天地造化功”最强大的两门绝招一前一后同时使出,和万赫裴罗的“蛮神开天”重重的撞击在一起。轰轰轰,气浪滚滚,方圆数十丈内,所有的空气向着四面八方无边无际的爆炸开来。 In the short time, Wang Chong and Wanhe Peiluo like two prehistoric Behemoth, unceasingly have exchanged dozens styles. The bang, the last time, the Wanhe Peiluo personal appearance in a flash, flew fiercely, but Wang Chong such as the angry sea reef is common, the style receives, decides same place in motionless. 短短时间内,王冲万赫裴罗就像两头史前巨兽一样,不断的交换了数十次招式。轰,最后一次,万赫裴罗身形一晃,猛的飞了出去,而王冲则如怒海礁石一般,招式一收,定在原地一动不动。 But all around wild air wave also receives to incur in Wang Chong instant, uneventful, belongs to subsides. 而四周狂暴的气浪也在王冲收招的刹那,风平浪静,归于平息。 Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art is controlling the environment ability, must go far beyond other cultivation method. 大阴阳天地造化功在控制周围环境的能力,要远远超过其他所有功法 Bastard! I must tear into shreds you!!” “混蛋!我要撕碎了你!!” Another side, Wanhe Peiluo is red the eye, clenches jaws. His body just fell to the ground, staggers has been drawing back several steps, immediately the under foot frustrates, is similar to the storm runs out once more. 另一侧,万赫裴罗赤红着眼睛,咬牙切齿。他的身躯刚刚落地,踉跄着退了几步,立即脚下一挫,如同风暴般再次冲出。 Stop!” “住手!” The sudden thunder calls out, is passing the infinite authority, resounds from the people ear. Has not waited for Wanhe Peiluo to run out far, bang, shakes void, mountain internal Qi electricity shoots to come, has locked the Wanhe Peiluo form suddenly. Is filled with the violent anger, killing qi dreadful Wanhe Peiluo by this internal Qi lock, the body is sunk, Speed was slow immediately much. 突然一声雷霆暴喝,透着无穷的权威,从众人耳边响起。还没等万赫裴罗冲出多远,轰隆,虚空一震,一股山岳般的气机电射而来,陡然锁定了万赫裴罗的身影。满心暴怒,杀气滔天的万赫裴罗被这股气机一锁,身躯一沉,速度顿时慢了不少。 But the feeling in this internal Qi the flavor/smell of that violent anger, the Wanhe Peiluo whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, sobered suddenly much, stopped the footsteps. In entire Talas, in the Great Tang army, can this pressure only has a person, Gao Xianzhi! 而感受到这股气机中那股暴怒的味道,万赫裴罗浑身一个激灵,突然之间清醒了不少,停下了脚步。在整个怛罗斯,大唐的军队之中,能给他这种压力的只有一个人,高仙芝 Sir Protectorate, this bastard dares to detain our Tribe unexpectedly in the rear clansman, today I must kill him in any event! If the Sir also worried about our past friendship, helped me massacre him together, to release hates of our Karluks section tens of thousands people of heart!” 都护大人,这个混蛋居然敢扣押我们部落在后方的族人,今天我无论如何都要杀了他!大人如果还惦念我们以往的情谊,就帮我一起杀掉他,以泄我们葛罗禄部上上下下几万人的心头之恨!” Wanhe Peiluo fierce has turned head, looks around Anxi Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi, the look said bitterly. 万赫裴罗猛的扭过头来,看着一旁的安西大都护高仙芝,眼神恨恨道。 The Karluks section is brave, is illustrious in the western region, all Tribe awe all, Wanhe Peiluo takes Great Tang in the ally of western region, is at the height of power, almost nobody dares to provoke them easily. However Wanhe Peiluo has not thought, oneself battles in the area north of the Great Wall, the rear area had been carried the native place unexpectedly. 葛罗禄部骁勇善战,在西域赫赫有名,所有部落无不敬畏,万赫裴罗作为大唐在西域的盟友,更是如日中天,几乎没有人敢轻易招惹他们。但是万赫裴罗万万没有想到,自己在塞外作战,后方居然被人端了老家。 All clansmen, no matter old and weak or women and children, even including the cattle horses, was plundered by Tang People unexpectedly, buckles for the hostage, all rushed to the battlefield to come up. But the chief criminal is at present this young Qixi Commander-in-Chief. Wanhe Peiluo is always supercilious, where can bear this type of air/Qi. 所有族人上上下下,不管老弱还是妇孺,甚至连同牛羊马匹在内,居然被唐人掳掠,扣为人质,全部赶到了战场上来。而罪魁祸首就是眼前这个十几岁的碛西统帅万赫裴罗向来心高气傲,哪里能受得了这种气。 Wanhe Peiluo, is patient, do not impulse, Wang Chong is Great Tang Young Marquis and Qixi Great Protectorate, tall Juelong, is not you can excel. Had the matter, perhaps I cannot preserve you. Moreover Sir Protectorate is not the person of unclear affair, I believe that he such does, certainly has the reason. How might as well first listens to Sir Protectorate to say.” 万赫裴罗,稍安勿躁,不要冲动,王冲大唐少年侯碛西大都护,位高爵隆,不是你可以擅动的。真出了事情,恐怕我都保不住你。而且都护大人不是不明事理的人,我相信他这么做,一定有原因。不妨先听听都护大人怎么说。” Gao Xianzhi gravely says. 高仙芝沉声道 Wanhe Peiluo is powerful . Moreover the look is cut-throat, entire Anxi Protectorate Army can suppress his person few, only then can the town is occupied by him. As for the Karluks section in the rear clansman, 56 days ago, Wanhe Peiluo rushed to his here to complain, this matter makes noisily. 万赫裴罗实力强大,而且相貌凶狠,整个安西都护军能够压住他的人没有几个,也就只有自己才能镇的住他。至于葛罗禄部在后方的族人,早在56天前,万赫裴罗就已经跑到他这里告状了,这件事情闹得沸沸扬扬。 Wanhe Peiluo even when today fights intensely, leading the clansman to withdraw in Talas City is disgruntled, refuses to go to battle. Gao Xianzhi because of the person in Talas, does not know the rear situation, therefore does not have the means to comfort. But leads hundreds of thousands Qixi reinforcements to rush to the battlefield in Wang Chong, after rescuing Anxi Protectorate Army, this matter was not better to process. 万赫裴罗甚至在今天战斗最激烈的时候,带领族人龟缩在怛罗斯城内闹情绪,拒绝出战。高仙芝因为人在怛罗斯,根本不知道后方的情况,所以也没有办法安抚。而在王冲率领十几万碛西援军赶到战场,救下安西都护军之后,这件事情就更加不好处理了。 Side is fights side-by-side more than ten years of allies, side is are treated equally, has the graciousness in first Qixi Great Protectorate, by the Gao Xianzhi status, is at once hard to choose. But no matter how, Gao Xianzhi believes, Wang Chong such does has certainly its reasonable reason. 一边是并肩作战十多年的盟友,一边是和自己平起平坐,有恩在先的碛西大都护,以高仙芝的地位,一时之间也难以抉择。但不管如何,高仙芝都相信,王冲这么做一定有其合理的理由。 This scoundrel! Can he also hold true by? I could not certainly forgive him!” “这个混账!他还能有什么理由?我一定饶不了他!” Wanhe Peiluo is red the eye, ruthlessly stares at Wang Chong, the whole person is in an uncontrollable rage, if the vision can kill people, Wang Chong already died has spread innumerably. 万赫裴罗赤红着眼睛,狠狠的盯着王冲,整个人怒不可遏,如果目光可以杀人,王冲早就已经死了无数遍了。 Really is the rigidity does not change!” “真是死性不改!” The Wang Chong big hand strokes, starting to walk footsteps, slowly walked toward Wanhe Peiluo. His manner is calm, but was disclosing also the dignity of faint trace, when he walked, a formidable oppression strength erupted from him like the storm. Under the function of this oppression strength, four surrounding Great Tang numerous will go toward retreat in abundance, nearby the entire Talas City gate, can withstand this oppression strength, only has Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, as well as Wanhe Peiluo and other individuals. 王冲大手一拂,迈开脚步,缓缓的朝着万赫裴罗走了过去。他的举止从容,但却又透露着丝丝的威严,在他行走的时候,一股强大的压迫力有如风暴般从他身上爆发出来。在这股压迫力的作用下,四周围的大唐众将纷纷往后退去,整个怛罗斯城门附近,能够承受这股压迫力的,也就只有高仙芝,程千里,以及万赫裴罗等寥寥几个人。 The Wang Chong strength date was long, visits the time of western region, although was short, but has cut two Quasi-General Level top Powerhouse continually. Although Wanhe Peiluo the strength excels, ominous illustrious, but will not compare Dayan Mangbojie, Agudul and the others to be fiercer. One-to-one is facing the war, Wang Chong has over 80% assurances, can cut to kill him personally. 王冲实力日长,踏足西域的时间虽短,但已经连斩了两名准将级别的顶尖强者万赫裴罗虽然实力高强,凶名赫赫,但也绝不会比达延芒波杰阿骨都蓝等人更厉害。一对一的正面对战,王冲有八成以上的把握,可以亲手斩杀他。 Wanhe Peiluo, you are perfidious, receive the bribe of Caliphate People, the intention betray three ten thousand Anxi Protectorate Army, all these, you think that I don't know?” 万赫裴罗,你背信弃义,收受大食人的贿赂,意图出卖三万安西都护军,这一切,你都以为我不知道吗?” Wang Chong vision bone-chilling cold, before the Wanhe Peiluo body steep stopped, scolds to say fierce. 王冲目光凛冽,在万赫裴罗身前陡的停了下来,厉声呵斥道。 Bang!” “轰!” A language falls, earth-shaking! In all directions, all people were feared by the Wang Chong's words. 一语落,石破天惊!四面八方,所有人都被王冲的话惊住了。 „Does Wanhe Peiluo, collude with Caliphate People? How possible?” 万赫裴罗,勾结大食人?怎么可能?” „The Karluks section and we fights side-by-side for several years, did not leave not abandoned, how possibly to betray?” 葛罗禄部和我们并肩作战十几年,一直不离不弃,怎么可能背叛?” „Can Sir Protectorate, make a mistake, what in this had to misunderstand?” 都护大人,会不会弄错了,这里面是不是发生了什么误会?” ...... …… All people look at Wang Chong, thought that this matter Grand Desolation erroneous, does not believe Karluks will collude with Caliphate, betrays Great Tang. These many years go on an expedition, Karluks Tribe and Anxi Protectorate Army was intimate, from the emotion, all Anxi Protectorate Army officers will unable to accept Karluks to betray this matter. However nobody notes, rear Wanhe Peiluo twitched fiercely, has probably stabbed. 所有人都看着王冲,都觉得这事太荒谬了,不相信葛罗禄会勾结大食,背叛大唐。这么多年征战,葛罗禄部落安西都护军已经非常亲密,从情感上,所有安西都护军的将士都接受不了葛罗禄会背叛这种事。然而没有人注意到,后方的万赫裴罗猛的抽搐了一下,就好像剌了一下般。 Tortoise day! Do not make false accusations! father has killed you!” “王八旦!你不要血口喷人!老子杀了你!” The Wanhe Peiluo fierce anger wheezes, his look blood red, the whole body shows an intense murderous intention. , that handle black barbarian god great axe trembled, must once more from out of the blue. Moreover before different, this time, Wanhe Peiluo looked like has put forth extremely the great strength. 万赫裴罗猛的怒哮一声,他的眼神血红,浑身透出一股强烈的杀机。呼,那柄黑色的蛮神巨斧一颤,就要再次破空而出。而且和之前不同,这一次,万赫裴罗看起来使出了十二万分的巨力。 Meng secure, transmitted orders, so long as Wanhe Peiluo dares to act rashly, including the cattle horses, the Karluks section completely kills off, does not remain!” “孟安,传令下去,只要万赫裴罗敢妄动一下,连同牛羊马匹在内,葛罗禄部上上下下全部杀光,一个不留!” Wang Chong sees this, but disdains sneers, the body gearing has not moved. 王冲看到这一幕,只是不屑的冷笑一声,身体连动都没动一下。 Yes, Sir!” “是,大人!” Bang!” “轰!” Divides to fall like together the thunder, the Wanhe Peiluo breath obstructs, the whole person passes the heart one coolly, the great axe in hand is shivering, unexpectedly could not divide again. Even including that big wave day killing qi, in flash like cutting rubber ball, cleanness of disappearance. Wang Chong simple a few words, like acting bashful his seven cuns (2.5 cm), Wanhe Peiluo cavity anger, gave to stop up completely, making him unable to vent completely. 就像一道雷霆劈落,万赫裴罗呼吸一窒,整个人透心一凉,手中的巨斧颤抖着,居然再也劈不出去了。甚至连那涛天的杀气,也在一瞬间像剌破的皮球一样,消失的干干净净。王冲简简单单的一句话,就像拿捏住了他的七寸一样,把万赫裴罗一腔怒火,完全给堵了回去,让他完全发泄不出来。 Wang Chong, you dare!!” 王冲,你敢!!”
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