HE :: Volume #9

#882: Startled certainly colorful strategic outlook!

Chapter 882 第882章 Caliphate People withdrew very far distance, but has not actually returned Caliphate Eastern military strategic place Khorasan, but faces one another with the people distantly, its intention already obviously. The Caliphate People style, has not fought the last person, loses over three-fourth military strength, will be will not withdraw absolutely easily. 大食人已经撤出了很远的距离,但却并没有退回大食的东方军事重镇呼罗珊,而是与众人遥遥相望,其用意已经不言自明。大食人的风格,没有战斗到最后一个人,损失3以上的兵力,是绝对不会轻易后撤的。 This is also the Caliphate hard to deal with and fearful place! 这也是大食难缠和可怕的地方! Also is Caliphate regards as the reason of destruction by western region various countries. 也是大食被西域诸国视为毁灭者的原因。 But this time, what they meet is Great Tang and Wang Chong. For this and decisive battle between Caliphate People, the Wang Chong planned time, has gotten ready the massive weapons and grain and fodder, but also leads hundreds of thousands Great Army to appear here, has provided Carriage Crossbow and Wootz Steel weapon, Spatial Meteorite Iron armor wait/etc. treasures, the will and fight in heart cannot compare them to be weak! 只不过这次,他们遇到的是大唐王冲。为了这次和大食人之间的决战,王冲准备良久,备齐了大量的军械、粮草,还带领着十几万大军出现在这里,配备了车弩乌兹钢武器,天外陨铁盔甲等等重器,心中的意志和战斗绝不会比他们弱! Two Empire, are doomed to have a survival, Abmuslin, Empire that this survives will not be Caliphate......” “两个帝国,注定只有一个生存,艾布穆斯/林,这个存活下来的帝国绝不会是大食……” On the Wang Chong face clouds are thin, wind is soft, in the mind has actually remembered the Stone of Destiny those words. Anything is not accidental, in this world, has the situation that two big Empire simultaneously have coexisted rarely, even if there are, is quite short existence, on first, Great Tang and Caliphate battle in Talas, after the disastrous defeat, loses the western region, then henceforth by showing no external differences, expands with positively resorts to arms, transforms to crave fights in, the Central Plains civilization also unceasingly declines. 王冲脸上云淡风轻,脑海中却是想起了命运之石的那句话。任何东西都不是偶然的,这个世界上,很少发生过两大帝国同时并存的情况,即便有,也是相当短暂的存在,上一世,大唐大食怛罗斯交战,惨败之后,丧失西域,然后从此由一致对外,积极扩展和对外用兵,转变为热衷于内斗,中土文明也不断地衰落。 Wang Chong has thought this is only accidental, information that but disclosed from Stone of Destiny, all far from so. 王冲一直以为这只是偶然,但是从命运之石透露的信息来看,一切远非如此。 Is a western region, is Great Tang, for Great Tang, is for the Central Plains later several thousand years of destiny, Wang Chong absolutely cannot draw back! 身后就是西域,就是大唐,不论是为了大唐,还是为了中土以后数千年的气运,王冲都绝对不能退! These thoughts graze from the mind, Wang Chong quick Recovery was tranquil. 这些念头从脑海中飞掠而过,王冲很快恢复了平静。 Zhang Que, disperses your hawk bird, momentarily monitors the Caliphate People sound. Moreover I will arrange archer Square Formation to coordinate you, once Caliphate People Saker Falcon comes, archer Square Formation will coordinate you to strike to kill these Saker Falcon completely.” 张雀,把你的鹰雀散出去,随时监视大食人的动静。另外我会安排弓箭手方阵配合你,一旦大食人猎隼过来,弓箭手方阵将会配合你将这些猎隼全部击杀。” Wang Chong said. 王冲道。 Caliphate People Saker Falcon Speed is extremely quick, moreover is quite fierce, although Zhang Que eliminated one wave, but that also merely is only one of the Caliphate People Saker Falcon army. Only depending on Zhang Que Falcon Squad, wants to cope with the Caliphate People entire Saker Falcon army, is beyond one's reach. The according to ground forces coordinate the air force, two side converging attack, this is also Wang Chong specially for the tactic of Caliphate People quantity body ordering. 大食人猎隼速度极快,而且极为凶猛,虽然张雀消灭了一波,但那也仅仅只是大食人猎隼部队的一支。仅凭张雀鹰鹫小队,想要对付大食人的整个猎隼部队,还是力有未逮。以地面部队配合空军,两方夹击,这也是王冲特别为大食人量身订制的战术。 Yes! Lord Marquis!” “是!侯爷!” Zhang Que receives an order, departs rapidly. 张雀领命,迅速离去。 In Great Tang military soldier, does not have person-like Wang Chong to take seriously the airborne hawk bird detection like this. But Zhang Que also not lets people down, Falcon Squad that he leads in war of Wang Chong participation, has played more and more vital role. Including this time to the Caliphate People war, if not Zhang Que eliminates the Caliphate People outside patrol ahead of time Saker Falcon, the logic of war may be entirely different. 大唐军伍之中,从没有一个人像王冲这样重视空中的鹰雀侦查。而张雀也不负众望,他率领的鹰鹫小队王冲参与的战争中,发挥了越来越重要的作用。包括这次对大食人的战争,如果不是张雀提前消灭大食人在外巡逻的猎隼,战争的结果或许会截然不同。 Waits for Zhang Que to depart, the Wang Chong mind is certain, the vision looks quickly to opposite boundless such as sea Caliphate Legion. This time war, has a biggest enemy not to be taken to the threshing ground to the present in the Wang Chong heart, from just the processes of these Caliphate People Bakel Heavy Cavalry attacks, Wang Chong faintly felt the will of opposite party. 张雀离去,王冲心神一定,目光很快望向对面茫茫如海的大食军团。这一次的战争,在王冲心中有一个最大的敌人到现在都没有登场,在由刚刚那些大食人伯克尔重骑兵攻击的过程中,王冲隐隐感觉到对方的意志。 This is one time separates the spatial confrontation, is an invisible contest. 这是一次隔空的交锋,也是一次无形的较量。 Abmuslin! 艾布穆斯/林 Wang Chong can feel clearly, the opposite party with the aid of the flavor/smell of that group of Cavalry probes, Wang Chong also penetrates Crossbow Carriage Legion, clear demonstration own will. The first contest of two player and enemy commanders in chief, won to end by Wang Chong's, but Wang Chong fully realized, all these had not finished! 王冲可以清楚感觉到,对方借助那一拨骑兵试探的味道,王冲也透过弩车军团,清晰的展示了自己的意志。两位敌我双方主帅的第一次较量,以王冲的获胜结束,但王冲深知,这一切还远没有结束! Protectorate Wang, is this wall of steel?” 王都护,这就是钢铁之墙吗?” At this time, a dignified sound transmitted from the ear, the Gao Xianzhi body was straight, the standing and waiting for a long time one side, the vision looks at the front, suddenly opened the mouth to say. 就在这个时候,一个威严的声音从耳边传来,高仙芝身躯笔挺,伫立一旁,目光看着前方,突然开口道。 Wang Chong is startled, shows a faint smile, nodded: 王冲一怔,微微一笑,点了点头: Yes!” “是!” Hears these words, in the Gao Xianzhi eye the fine glow explodes shoots, in the pupil passed over gently and swiftly faintly a strange ray. The war of southwest, Wang Chong by tens of thousands, spreading all over the wall of tactic of steel, has defeated Daqin Ruozan and Ge Luofeng joint Great Army, this matter already made noisily, the world all knows, including an afterward Triangle Jag service, Wang Chong has established City of Steel on U-Tsang Plateau directly, and has defeated Dusong Mangbuzhi and Dayan Mangbojie, is makes Wang Chong this special tactic famous, at the height of power, Gao Xianzhi heard in the western region. 听到这句话,高仙芝眼中精芒爆射,瞳孔中隐隐掠过一丝奇异的光芒。西南之战,王冲以成千上万,星罗棋布的钢铁之墙战术,战胜了大钦若赞阁罗凤的联合大军,这件事情早就闹得沸沸扬扬,天下皆知,包括后来的三角缺口一役,王冲直接在乌斯藏高原上建立了一座钢铁之城,并且藉此战胜了都松莽布支达延芒波杰,更是让王冲这种特殊的战术名扬天下,如日中天,就连高仙芝远在西域都有所耳闻。 However, Gao Xianzhi sees truly, this is the first time. 不过,高仙芝真正见到,这还是第一次。 Good!” “不错!” In the Gao Xianzhi eye flashes through wipes look of surprise, approved one heartfeltly: 高仙芝眼中闪过一抹异色,由衷的赞了一声: Caliphate People fiercest is Cavalry, divides them in this tactic, truly can thoroughly destroy the Caliphate People lineup. Without the lineup superiority, Cavalry is not fierce. The Sir Protectorate thought powerful and unconstrained style, can think the place that the average man cannot think, no wonder young can result in the His Majesty favor, becomes Empire youngest Protectorate.” 大食人最厉害的就是骑兵,以这种战术将他们进行分割,确实能将大食人的阵型彻底摧毁。没有阵型的优势,骑兵也就没有那么厉害了。都护大人的思维天马行空,能想到常人所不能想到的地方,怪不得年纪轻轻就能得圣上青睐,成为帝国最年轻的都护。” But, outside the city of Talas is the wilderness, is favorable for Cavalry, if enters in the city to defend, is thick with the aid of the city tall wall of city of Talas, is better?” “不过,怛罗斯之城外都是旷野,对骑兵非常有利,如果进入城中防守,借助怛罗斯之城的城高墙厚,是不是更好一点?” The last few words, have exposed the true intention of Gao Xianzhi. This Wang Chong leads Great Army to help, after routs Caliphate People initially, Gao Xianzhi thinks Wang Chong will take advantage of opportunity to lead Great Army very to enter in the city, and he defends with the aid of the city of Talas together, but now looks like, Wang Chong outside the city is the array, builds the fortification, hundreds of thousands Great Army have not entered the meaning of city completely, this and plan of Gao Xianzhi is completely different. 最后一句话,暴露了高仙芝的真正用意。这次王冲率领大军来援,在初步击溃大食人之后,高仙芝本来以为王冲会顺势率领大军挺入城中,借助怛罗斯之城和他一起防守,但是现在看来,王冲在城外又是列阵,又是修筑防御工事,十几万大军完全没有入城的意思,这和高仙芝的谋划完全不同。 Guards outside the city, not having natural defenses can depend upon, is the disadvantageous terrain, looks like in Gao Xianzhi, the Wang Chong's procedure really take risks. Wang Chong is rescued his . Moreover the status and he are treated equally, Gao Xianzhi is not good to point out directly, therefore expressed own meaning taking advantage of City of Steel specially tactfully. 在城外据守,没有天险可以依靠,又是不利的地形,在高仙芝看来,王冲的做法实在冒险。只是,王冲本来就是来救他的,而且身份地位和他平起平坐,高仙芝不好直接指出,所以特意借着钢铁之城委婉地表达自己的意思。 By the Gao Xianzhi status, to Wang Chong is the suitable respect. 高仙芝的身份,对王冲已经是相当的尊重。 hē hē, Sir Protectorate, I know your meaning.” 呵呵,都护大人,我知道你的意思。” Wang Chong gives a calm smile, the vision looks at the front, looks like clouds are thin, wind is soft, his manner is calm, there is an invisible charm naturally: 王冲淡然一笑,目光看着前方,看起来云淡风轻,他的举止从容,有一种自然而然的无形魅力: I know certainly that the city of city tall wall Talas is thick, in the terrain is more advantageous, but, something we have to do, some risks have to brave, Caliphate People is threatening, may continue Stone Country that attempts to bribe. The western region and Great Tang, are their true goals. Has words to be called, the coming face to face with an adversary formidable victory, this world can fight with Great Tang, only then west of this Cong Ridge Caliphate Empire. This point, Sir Protectorate should have profound understanding. If we cannot thorough routs them, making them understand Great Tang formidable fearful, then...... Perhaps the remaining disaster will be infinite!” “我当然知道怛罗斯之城城高墙厚,地形上更加有利,不过,有些事情我们是不得不做的,有些风险也不得不冒,大食人来势汹汹,妄图染指的可不止石国。西域和大唐,才是他们真正的目的。有句话叫做,狭路相逢勇者胜,这个世界能和大唐争锋的,也就只有这个葱岭以西的大食帝国了。这一点,都护大人应该深有体会。如果我们不能彻底的击溃他们,让他们明白大唐的强大可怕,接下来……恐怕将会遗患无穷!” This world is Survival of the Fittiest, the Law of the Jungle world, reason that our Great Tang can rule the western region, depends is own great strength. Caliphate People can expand to Cong Ridge west, bribes Great Tang, depends is also own great strength. No matter the Sir realized, had not realized, since we arrive to here that moment since, all have been doomed. This war, so long as we dare to enter the city, reveals little timid, Caliphate People will invade, we will take when the time comes the initiative completely to lose, was equal to that hands over the superiority that establishes with great difficulty. Sir Protectorate should understand, military strength that Great Tang any was unable to assign!” “这个世界是优胜劣汰,弱肉强食的世界,我们大唐之所以能够统治西域,靠的就是自身的强大。大食人能够扩张到葱岭以西,染指大唐,靠的也是自身的强大。不管大人意识到,还是没有意识到,从我们抵达到这里的那一刻起,一切就已经注定。这一场战争,只要我们敢进入城池,露出一点点的畏怯,大食人就会蜂拥而上,到时候我们就会先机尽失,等于把好不容易建立的优势拱手相让。都护大人应该明白,大唐已经没有任何可以调派的兵力了!” Wang Chong spoke of here, the vision slowly has swept the people. Around four quiet, all Anxi numerous, including Wang Chong military commander, all people are attracted by that words that Wang Chong says, the innumerable vision fall to his body in abundance, everyone is the look is dignified. 王冲说到此处,顿了一顿,目光缓缓扫过众人。四周围静悄悄的,所有的安西众将,包括王冲身边的武将,所有人都被王冲说的那番话所吸引,无数的目光纷纷落到他的身上,每个人都是神色凝重。 Entire Great Tang, from Cong Ridge to Qixi as well as Wushang, all military strength has assigned, like Wang Chong said that Talas perhaps was the final defense line. 整个大唐,从葱岭以东到碛西以及乌伤,所有的兵力都已经调派一空,就像王冲说的,怛罗斯恐怕就是最后的防线了。 „...... This war, if we win, can protect a western region dozens years of security, or at least slows the Caliphate People march footsteps. Sir Protectorate should know, the army that Abmuslin leads also merely is only that Empire in the Eastern military strength, this Empire at least also three times of military strength store up in the rear area. We do not have too many choices, once is defeated, Anxi and Qixi will change the flag to change thought completely, even also bursts to defend during the threat of Caliphate People including Longxi, these are we have to consider!” “……这一战,如果我们胜,就可以护得西域几十年的安全,或者至少拖慢大食人的进军脚步。都护大人应该知道,艾布穆斯/林率领的军队还仅仅只是那个帝国在东方的兵力,这个帝国至少还有三倍的兵力囤积在后方。我们没有太多的选择,一旦失败,安西碛西将全部改旗易帜,甚至连陇西也在大食人的威胁之中溃守,这些都是我们不得不考虑的!” Wang Chong gravely says, last looked to the Anxi Protectorate Army commander in chief, Gao Xianzhi. 王冲沉声道,最后一眼望向了安西都护军的主帅,高仙芝 Gao Xianzhi has not spoken, but a pair of brow actually deeply wrinkled. To, is the series soldier who should do battle, wins a battle, moreover is win continuously. From this point set off, therefore Gao Xianzhi will say that words, enters the city of Talas. 高仙芝没有说话,但一双眉头却深深皱了起来。为将者,应该做的就是统兵作战,打胜仗,而且是连续不断的打胜仗。从这一点出发,所以高仙芝才会说出那番话,进入怛罗斯之城。 However Wang Chong's standpoint is entirely different from him, his strategical vision and consideration, far is much profounder. The careful ponder, Gao Xianzhi also has to acknowledge, this war truly many places are do not have the consideration to be complete. 但是王冲的立足点却和他截然不同,他在战略上的眼光和考量,远比自己要深远得多。仔细思考,就连高仙芝也不得不承认,这场战争确实有很多地方是自己没有考虑周全的。 I understood!” “我明白了!” Gao Xianzhi earnest nod. His deep looked at Wang Chong one, resembles first time to know that this 17-year-old Great Tang youngster is common. 高仙芝认真的点了点头。他深深的看了王冲一眼,就好像第一次认识这个17岁的大唐少年一般。 Seeing something once better than hearing hundred times, meets is well-known by far, between Gao Xianzhi and Wang Chong have many misunderstanding, including the beforehand provincial governor event, as well as Wang Chong pushes onward Wushang the time. This time two people meet, is so polite to Wang Chong by the Gao Xianzhi status, has a large number is because Wang Chong can abandon the past animosity, braving the danger to lead Great Army to help. “百闻不如一见,见面远胜闻名”,高仙芝王冲之间有过许多的误会,包括之前的节度使事件,以及王冲挺进乌伤的时候。这次两人见面,以高仙芝的身份对王冲这么客气,有相当一部分是因为王冲能够摒弃前嫌,冒着危险带领大军来援。 As for other Wang Chong's Military Dao as well as aspects......, Although Wang Chong can defeat Omar, but as Gao Xianzhi this Level top Great General, has the innumerable total victory successes, the vision experience goes far beyond the ordinary military commander, instead has not made very deep impression. 至于王冲的兵道以及其他方面……,虽然王冲能够击败欧麦尔,但是作为高仙芝这种级别的顶尖大将,有过无数的全胜战绩,眼界见识远远超过普通的武将,反而并没有留下很深的印象。 When Wang Chong said these words, revealed that he full consideration on Talas's War, made Gao Xianzhi first time feel in this youngster heart the dreadful latitude and longitude, as well as that let the strategic perspective that any Great Protectorate and Great General were overshadowed sufficiently, long-term vision. 但是当王冲说出这番话,显露出他在怛罗斯之战上的全盘考量,却让高仙芝第一次感受到这个少年心中滔天的经纬,以及那足以让任何大都护大将军黯然失色的战略高度,长远目光。 Startled certainly colorful! 惊才绝艳! Gao Xianzhi is always proud, but he has not thought that in another person, moreover is a body of youngster, felt that one type surpasses own ability. 高仙芝向来骄傲,但他从没想过,会在另外一个人,而且还是一个少年的身上,感觉到一种远超自己的才能。 All defer to the meaning of Sir Protectorate to manage, does not know that this aspect Sir Protectorate has any need our Anxi Protectorate Army to coordinate, Gao fully supports certainly.” “一切就按照都护大人的意思来办吧,不知道这方面都护大人有什么需要我们安西都护军来配合的,高某一定全力支持。” Gao Xianzhi said. 高仙芝道。
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