HE :: Volume #9

#881: Caliphate Commander-in-Chief!

Chapter 881 第881章 Ten ten thousand Qixi reinforcements quick Recovery were tranquil, only in other air thick smell of blood, before as well as position the lying this way and that dense and numerous Bakel Heavy Cavalry corpse, was proving the great strength and terrifying of just frigid as well as Great Tang. 十万碛西援军很快恢复了平静,只余下空气中浓浓的血腥味,以及阵地前横七竖八,密密麻麻的伯克尔重骑兵尸体,证明着刚刚的惨烈以及大唐的强大和恐怖。 Does not need to pay attention to the opposite, erects fortifications with a sense of urgency!” “不必理会对面,抓紧修建工事!” Starts to treat and cure the wounded person, moreover computation battle loss population!” “开始救治伤员,另外计算战损人数!” Services Crossbow Carriage, all equipment inspect once more!” “维修弩车,所有装备再次检查一遍!” ...... …… Order unceasing transmissions, all Great Tang / army in busy, simultaneously appears systematic, all according to the Wang Chong's plan routinely is carrying on. 一个个命令不断的传达下去,所有的大唐/军队都在忙忙碌碌,同时又显得井然有序,一切都在根据王冲的计划按部就班的进行着。 Meanwhile, as the Bakel Heavy Cavalry heavy losses of Amer Commander-in-Chief depart, all Caliphate People such as the tide retreats, does not have any probe again. 与此同时,随着阿穆尔统帅伯克尔重骑兵重创离去,所有的大食人如潮退却,再没有任何的试探。 Sir Governor, Amer failed, Tang People has not chased down!” 总督大人,阿穆尔失败了,唐人并没有追杀上来!” In the Abmuslin side, Zhihad opens the mouth to say. 艾布穆斯/林的身旁,齐亚德开口道。 Zhihad about 36 years old, short beard of face, the brown eye pupil, looks like such as the blade sword, swift and fierce incomparable. As Caliphate People Eastern vice- governor, is the Abmuslin adjutant and subordinate, Zhihad is shouldering also the vital function and mission in this motion. 齐亚德36岁左右,一脸的短髭须,褐色的眼眸,看起来如刀似剑,凌厉无比。作为大食人的东方副总督,同时也是艾布穆斯/林的副官和下属,齐亚德在这次行动中肩负着重要的作用和使命。 Although the strength is not formidable with Abmuslin, but Zhihad is also formidable peak Quasi-General, soon steps into Great General Level top Powerhouse. Incessantly so, Zhihad simultaneously is a rare stratagem, his wisdom and strategy are always Abmuslin have a high opinion. 虽然实力并没与艾布穆斯/林那么强大,但是齐亚德也是强大的巅峰准将,快要踏进大将级别的顶尖强者。不止如此,齐亚德同时还是一名罕见的谋将,他的智慧和谋略一向为艾布穆斯/林所倚重。 The beforehand war, Zhihad in Commander Great Army, has been arranging the soldier of retreating, will lose as far as possible reduces to few, therefore appears to the present side Abmuslin. 之前的大战,齐亚德一直在统领大军,安排着撤退的士兵,尽量将损失降低到最少,所以到现在才出现在艾布穆斯/林身旁。 „Does Zhihad, regarding this Great Tang newly arrived Commander-in-Chief, how you see?” 齐亚德,对于这个大唐新来的统帅,你怎么看?” All around silentness, has not known how long, Abmuslin looks the front opens the mouth saying that his vision is profound, the look is tranquil, no one can see in his heart to think anything. 四周一片静默,不知道过了多久,艾布穆斯/林看着前方开口道,他的目光深邃,神色平静,谁也看不出他心中在想什么。 Does not know, we do not know about him......” “不知道,我们对他毫无了解……” Zhihad is looking at the front, the brow is tight, in the eye shows the look that ponders over: 齐亚德望着前方,眉头紧蹙,眼中露出思忖的神色: This person is not Anxi, this war, Gao Xianzhi led Anxi all top military officers. Is impossible to have him is fiercer, this should be Great Tang Empire Emperor your majesty sends. I remember before , we have the faction the spy and scout the thorough Great Tang inland nosing news, but does not know the accident sentiment, these spies and scouted to lose the contact, did not feed in the news again, perhaps was eliminated by the Tang People discovery, now thinks, was really a pity.” “这个人不是安西的,这一战,高仙芝安西所有的顶尖将领都带出来了。不可能有比他更厉害的,这应该是大唐帝国皇帝陛下派过来的。我记得之前我们有派过间谍和斥候深入大唐的内陆查探消息,但是不知道出了什么事情,那些间谍和斥候失去了联系,再没有传回消息,恐怕是被唐人发现消灭了,现在想想,实在是非常可惜。” As for this emergying Tang People Commander-in-Chief, although does not have his information, which position cannot see him to be, perhaps but from his performance, this person has seen through our ambush. Moreover the army that he leads is also strong, beforehand time, Tang People Great Army that Gao Xianzhi leads also has to use that type of giant crossbow bolt, but the might this does not have him to be so terrifying, his accurate aim and rate of fire are not Gao Xianzhi can compare.” “至于这个新出现的唐人统帅,虽然没有他的信息,也看不到他在哪个位置,但是从他的表现来看,这个人恐怕已经看穿了我们的埋伏。而且他带领的军队也非常强大,之前的时候,高仙芝带领的唐人大军也有使用那种巨大的弩箭,但是威力更本没有他那么恐怖,他的准头和射速都不是高仙芝可以比拟的。” I have a feeling, this newly arrived Commander-in-Chief, is perhaps fiercer than Gao Xianzhi, moreover nasty.” “我有种感觉,这个新来的统帅,恐怕比高仙芝还要厉害,而且难以对付。” You thought that he does compare that Anxi War God to be fierce?” “你觉得他比那个安西战神还要厉害?” Abmuslin frowned slightly, the appraisal to Zhihad is somewhat surprised. Anxi Protectorate Army that two months of engaging in fierce battle, Gao Xianzhi and he leads gave Caliphate People to cause heavy losses, before then, Abmuslin as well as the entire Caliphate Empire lofty aspirations and high ideals, wanted to sweep away the western region by 30 ten thousand Great Army, even seized Great Tang, completes all previous Caliph never had magnificent feat. 艾布穆斯/林微微皱起了眉头,对齐亚德的评价有些意外。两个月的鏖战,高仙芝和他率领的安西都护军给了大食人以重创,在此之前,艾布穆斯/林以及整个大食帝国雄心壮志,想要凭借30万大军横扫西域,甚至占领大唐,完成历代哈里发从未有过的壮举。 However, trivial Gao Xianzhi, adds on city of the Talas again, let Abmuslin and powerful Caliphate army has encountered a sharp drop. Although as enemy, but Abmuslin will never disparage own match, that Gao Xianzhi really has to take the qualifications of own match. 但是,区区一个高仙芝,再加上一座怛罗斯之城,就让艾布穆斯/林和强悍的大食军队遭遇了一次重挫。虽然作为敌人,但是艾布穆斯/林从来不会贬低自己的对手,那个高仙芝确实有作为自己对手的资格。 Freely, in the Abmuslin heart kills the thought of opposite party has not changed! 尽管,艾布穆斯/林心中杀死对方的念头从来没有变过! However now, Zhihad actually thinks that opposite party newly arrived Commander-in-Chief is fiercer than Gao Xianzhi. 但是现在,齐亚德竟然认为对方新来的统帅高仙芝还要厉害。 In strength, I have not seen him, temporarily is unable to determine. However tactic and strategy, my intuition, Gao Xianzhi...... Perhaps did not have the means really and compared with him.” “实力上,我还没有见过他,暂时无法判定。但是战术和谋略,我的直觉,高仙芝……恐怕还真的没办法和他相比。” A Zhihad face earnest say/way. 齐亚德一脸认真道。 Gao Xianzhi is a tenacious match, two months of fierce combat, drags fully to show the issue the entire Caliphate army throughout here. However Gao Xianzhi relies on is not own tactic and strategy, but is the city tall wall of city of Talas is thick. Although engages in fierce battle for a long time, but the true damage is not big. 高仙芝是一个顽强的对手,两个月的激战,始终把整个大食军队拖在这里就足以说明问题。但是高仙芝凭借的并不是自己的战术和谋略,而是怛罗斯之城的城高墙厚。虽然鏖战许久,但真正的损伤远没有那么大。 On the contrary is Great Tang Commander-in-Chief that the present has not made an appearance, only one put in an appearance strikes to kill Omar, caused heavy losses to Amer Bakel Heavy Cavalry, and in the war of this initial contact, struck to kill the close 100,000 Caliphate soldiers. 反倒是现在都还没有露面的大唐统帅,只一个照面就击杀了欧麦尔,重创了阿穆尔伯克尔重骑兵,并且在这场初次接触的战争中,击杀了接近100000的大食士兵。 But this emergying Great Tang reinforcements are about 100,000 people! 而这次新出现的大唐援军也不过100000人而已啊! This point, is worth new Commander-in-Chief of Zhihad to this Great Tang merely, raised unprecedented attaching great importance. Let alone, this new Commander-in-Chief also not with the aid of any city. 仅仅这一点,就值得齐亚德对这位大唐的新统帅,提起前所未有的重视了。更何况,这位新统帅还没有借助任何的城池。 Abmuslin instantaneous was silent, in the eye has also shown the dignified look. Fights side-by-side these many years with Zhihad, regarding the judgment and intuition of Zhihad, Abmuslin always the unusual trust, works together as colleagues together for several years, Abmuslin has not looked at Zhihad, in has not seen in the opposite party Commander-in-Chief situation, gives such high appraisal. 艾布穆斯/林瞬间沉默了,眼中也露出了凝重的神色。和齐亚德并肩作战这么多年,对于齐亚德的判断和直觉,艾布穆斯/林向来非常的信任,一起共事十几年的时间,艾布穆斯/林还从来没有看过齐亚德在还没有见过对方统帅的情况下,就给予这么高的评价。 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” Is pondering over, the sudden bellow transmits from the front, before this sound and any thundered entirely different, rapidly attracted the attention of Abmuslin and Zhihad. Two people raised the head, sees only behind the Great Tang army by far, the innumerable artisans and soldiers cooperate to bustle about together, strangely, huge, the surface covers entirely the silver-white rectangle box of hole, methodical installment on the walls of these big steel. 正在思忖的时候,突然一阵轰鸣声从前方传来,这阵声音和之前的任何轰鸣都截然不同,迅速的吸引了艾布穆斯/林齐亚德的注意。两个人抬起头来,远远地,只见大唐的军队后方,无数的工匠和士兵一起协作忙碌着,将一个个古怪的,巨大的,表面布满孔洞的银白色长方形箱子,有条不紊的安装到那些高大的钢铁之墙上。 Sees this, the Supreme Commander simultaneously color deteriorations of two Caliphate People, in the eye have shown the angry look. 看到这一幕,两位大食人最高统帅齐齐变色,眼中都透出了愤怒的神色。 Although does not know that what secret these silver-white rectangular boxes have, but by two people experiences, looks, that without a doubt is some type of formidable defense instrument. These silver-white rectangular boxes add on the wall of big steel again, the matter that these Tang People done was obvious immediately. 虽然不知道那些银白色的长方形箱子拥有什么样的秘密,但是以两人的经验,一眼就看出来,那毫无疑问是某种强大的防御器械。那些银白色的长方形箱子再加上高大的钢铁之墙,那些唐人正在做的事情顿时昭然若揭了。 They on such scarlet fruits, are in front of 20 ten thousand Caliphate armies unexpectedly, under their noses, unscrupulous large-scale builds the fortification! 他们居然就这样赤果果的,当着20多万大食军队的面,在他们眼皮底下,肆无忌惮的大规模修筑防御工事! This simply is a provocation of scarlet fruits! 这简直就是一种赤果果的挑衅! West of Cong Ridge, Caliphate is the synonym of terrifying and destruction, is object who all Empire and influences are terrible. In the passing history, never has any match, dares such to shame 20 ten thousand Caliphate armies. 葱岭以西,大食就是恐怖和毁灭的代名词,是所有帝国和势力谈虎色变的对象。在过往的历史中,还从来没有任何的对手,敢这么羞辱20多万大食军队。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” Zhihad ruthlessly grips the fist, in the eye the murderous intention is rising suddenly. Although Abmuslin has not spoken, but complexion also gloomy gets down. 齐亚德狠狠的攥着拳头,眼中杀机暴涨。艾布穆斯/林虽然没有说话,但脸色也阴沉下来。 Sir Governor, making our army press, these Tang People Great Army, beats completely! They were too simply dissolute!” 总督大人,让我们全军压上,把这些唐人大军,全部击垮!他们简直太放肆了!” A sound conveys from side, around Abmuslin, all Caliphate military officers looked entirely, in the item is burning the flaming flame. Caliphate People brave world-famous, the body of Omar dies to defeat, cannot represent the entire Caliphate army, let alone did not have take action the true Caliphate main force to the present. 一个声音从旁边传来,艾布穆斯/林周围,所有的大食将领统统望了过来,目中燃烧着熊熊的火焰。大食人的骁勇善战举世闻名,欧麦尔的身死战败,并不能代表整个大食军队,更何况真正的大食主力到现在都还没有出手 Once has turned around, before war, entirely different. 一旦掉过头来,战争将和之前截然不同。 Sufficed!” “够了!” Abmuslin drinks one suddenly lowly, the look is ice-cold, in an instant, all Caliphate military officers all keep silent do not speak, lowered the head, in the look has shown the look of awe: 艾布穆斯/林突然低喝一声,神色冰冷无比,刹那间,所有的大食将领全都噤声不语,一个个低下头,眼神中露出了敬畏的神色: I have the position!” “我自有主张!” Passes on my order, all Great Army all retreat, reorganizes!” “传我的命令,所有大军全部撤退,重新整顿!” Yes, Sir Governor!” “是,总督大人!” Nearby transmitting orders officer gingerly say/way. 旁边一名传令官战战兢兢道。 In the Abmuslin eye is spraying the anger, no longer said a word, his vision looked at front these Great Tang / army, in the eye is fluctuating erratically, no one knows that he was thinking anything. Tang People must eliminate, the western region must belong to under the Caliphate Empire domain, he is first defeats Great Tang Eastern Governor. 艾布穆斯/林眼中喷射着怒火,不再言语,他的目光望着前方那些大唐/军队,眼中变幻不定,谁也不知道他在想些什么。唐人是必须消灭的,西域必须归入大食帝国的版图下,他就是第一个战胜大唐东方总督 However before then, any decision must be careful, cannot handle affairs rashly. 不过在此之前,任何一个决定都必须审慎,绝不可莽撞行事。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” Prepares to assemble Great Army in Abmuslin, after the reorganization, launches the Tang People attack the time, the vibration sound of sudden wings transmits from the top of the head, whiz, a black carrier pigeon just like the vigorous electricity flies from the sky, the both wings received, fall on the arm of Abmuslin. 就在艾布穆斯/林准备集结大军,在整顿之后,发动唐人进攻的时候,突然一阵羽翅的震动声从头顶传来,嗖,一只黑色的信鸽犹如疾电般从天空飞下,双翅一收,落到了艾布穆斯/林的手臂上。 Cluck, in the black carrier pigeon throat exudes the intermittent cry, on the arm of Abmuslin, slowly is taking a walk, on its right foot, all people saw white snow notepaper that curls. 咕咕,黑色的信鸽喉中发出阵阵的叫声,在艾布穆斯/林的手臂上,慢慢的走动着,就在它的右脚上,所有人都看到了一张卷起来的白色雪笺。 wēng! 嗡! Sees this black carrier pigeon, other Caliphate military officers have not responded, but Abmuslin and Zhihad looked at one mutually, saw same stunned and surprised from the opposite party eye. Takes the snowing notepaper from the leg of black carrier pigeon, expansion slowly, Abmuslin looked at one, the facial expression immediately becomes strange. 看到这只黑色的信鸽,其他的大食将领还没有反应过来,但是艾布穆斯/林齐亚德互相看了一眼,都从对方的眼中看到了相同的错愕和惊讶。从黑色信鸽的腿上取下雪笺,慢慢的展开,艾布穆斯/林只是看了一眼,神情顿时变得古怪起来。 „Did Sir Governor, what in the letter say?” 总督大人,信上说了什么?” Zhihad proceeded to approach one step, opened the mouth to say. 齐亚德往前凑近了一步,开口道。 Abmuslin has not spoken, but has handed over the snow notepaper in hand. 艾布穆斯/林没有说话,只是将手中的雪笺递了过去。 This......” “这……” Looks at the content on snow notepaper, the Zhihad facial expression also becomes subtle, a pair of brown eye pupil slowly becomes translucent. 看完雪笺上的内容,齐亚德的神情也变得微妙起来,一双褐色的眼眸慢慢变得透亮起来。 „The armed forces obey orders, Great Army purges, postpones the motion, tomorrow will battle with Tang People again!” “众军听令,大军整肃,暂缓行动,明日再与唐人作战!” Yes, Sir!” “是,大人!” ...... …… Meanwhile, distant place, outside the city of Talas. 与此同时,远处,怛罗斯之城外。 Lord Marquis, retreated, Caliphate People this time retreated really!” 侯爷,撤退了,大食人这次真的撤退了!” Side Wang Chong, a Zhang Que hand obstructs before the volume, saw that the front Caliphate army such as the tide retreats, immediately cannot bear the excited say/way. Zhang Que is not the combatants, therefore after the air fight ended, he had kept side Wang Chong. Xu Keyi, Chen Burang, Sun Zhiming, Zhuang Buping and Chi Weisi, Zhao Jing­dian, including Wang Chong's father Wang Yan, Big Brother Wang Fu, disperses the frontline completely, Commander-in-Chief Great Army, deploys troops for defense, now keeps side Wang Chong, instead only remaining Zhang Que and other few individuals. 王冲身边,张雀一只手遮在额前,看到前方的大食军队如潮水撤退,立即忍不住一脸兴奋道。张雀不是战斗人员,所以空战结束之后,他就一直留在了王冲身边。许科仪陈不让孙知命庄不平池韦思,赵敬典,包括王冲的父亲王严,大哥王符,全部都分散到前线,统帅大军,进行布防,现在留在王冲身边的,反而只剩下张雀和其他寥寥几个人了。 „It is not simple, this fight...... Just started!” “没那么简单,这场战斗……才刚刚开始!” The Wang Chong robe light moved to and fro, looks at Caliphate Legion that the front is removing not to draw back, at the back of both hands, said with a smile indifferently. 王冲衣袍轻摆,望着前方撤而不退的大食军团,背着双手,淡然一笑道。
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