HE :: Volume #9

#880: Caliphate, Bakel Heavy Cavalry!

Chapter 880 第880章 Wang Chong gives a calm smile, this already as he expected. Caliphate People is deceitful, although has formidable Cavalry . Moreover the military force is very formidable, but actually likes the pretended surrender. In being repulsed, establishes the ambush circle, tempts the enemy to enter intentionally, coming out that such matter also only then the Caliphate army makes. 王冲只是淡然一笑,这一幕早就在他的预料之中。大食人狡诈无比,虽然拥有强大的骑兵,而且军力十分强大,但是却喜欢诈降。在败退的时候,设置埋伏圈,故意引诱敌军进入,这样的事情也只有大食的军队才做的出来。 previous life, Caliphate People after defeating Great Tang, sending out most formidable Mamluk Heavy Cavalry to push onward U-Tsang Plateau, wants to invade U-Tsang Empire, finally encounters Dayan Mangbojie and white male Heavy Cavalry resistance at risk of life, dropped sharply, in withdrawal, Caliphate People used this tactic to turn defeat into victory, the main force heavy losses of U-Tsang Empire. 上辈子,大食人在战胜大唐之后,派出最强大的马克留木重骑兵挺进乌斯藏高原,想要入侵乌斯藏帝国,最后遭遇达延芒波杰和白雄铁骑的拼死抵抗,遭到重挫,在退出的时候,大食人就是使用了这种战术反败为胜,将乌斯藏帝国的主力重创。 This historical Wang Chong has a vivid memory, knows from A to Z regarding Caliphate People this cunning tactic. What is more important, as one generation of Soldier Saint, various changes of Wang Chong in regarding battlefield is extremely keen, the little clues can make him realize, let alone the Caliphate People war flagpole pole is straighter, likely is not the appearance of rout. 这一段历史王冲记忆犹新,对于大食人这种诡诈的战术了如指掌。更重要的是,作为一代兵圣,王冲对于战场上的各种变化极其敏锐,一点点的蛛丝马迹就可以让他察觉了,更何况大食人的战旗杆杆笔挺,一点都不像是溃败的样子。 Transmitted orders, speeds up the fortification to construct!” “传令下去,加快工事修建!” Wang Chong said. 王冲道。 Yes!” “是!” Xu Keyi receives an order, one group of warhorses depart quickly. 许科仪领命,一拨战马很快离去。 These Caliphate People imagination is slier, relates to hundreds of thousands Great Army, the entire western region and Qixi security, this war is important, everyone is using assists Wang Chong fully, carries out each order of Wang Chong issue. The Xu Keyi vision institute, Chen Bin, Cheng Sanyuan, Zhang Que and Su Shixuan, Kongzi An, the Deflecting Blades Court people, all people busily, intensely are arranging the battlefield. 这些大食人远比想象的还要狡猾,关系到十几万大军,还有整个西域和碛西的安全,这场战争事关重大,每一个人都在倾尽全力辅佐王冲,执行王冲发布的每一个命令。许科仪目光所及,陈彬程三元张雀、苏世轩、孔子安,还有止戈院的众人,所有人都在忙忙碌碌,紧张的布置着战场。 jià! 驾! Xu Keyi clamps the barrel, vanishes in Great Army quickly. 许科仪一夹马腹,很快消失在大军之中。 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” Shortly after Xu Keyi leaves, the earth vibrates, the mist and dust is billowing, in the Caliphate army of retreating, a aura is formidable, warhorse both sides brand marks the Caliphate Heavy Cavalry reversions of two rounds black crecent moon designs. This Heavy Cavalry aura is extremely formidable, immediately knight, each bulging muscles, in running quickly, each individual week is wrapping the thick black mist. 就在许科仪离开后不久,大地震动,烟尘滚滚,就在溃退的大食军队中,一支气息强大,战马两侧烙印着两轮黑色新月图案的大食铁骑逆向而来。这支铁骑的气息极其强大,马上的骑士,每一个都肌肉贲起,在奔驰的时候,每一个人身周都包裹着浓浓的黑色雾气。 In front of this Heavy Cavalry, Caliphate Heavy Cavalry that other retreat is overshadowed immediately, like fluorescence in bright moon. 在这支铁骑面前,其他溃逃的大食铁骑立即黯然失色,有如萤光之于皓月般。 7,000-8,000 Heavy Cavalry with lightning speed, shoots toward the place electricity that Wang Chong and the others are. 七八千的铁骑风驰电掣,向着王冲等人所在的地方电射而来。 Sir Protectorate, the enemy raids!” 都护大人,敌袭!” Almost at the same time, the horse's hoof is intermittent, heavily like thunder, a Anxi Protectorate Army military officer, across Great Army, anxiously to directly soars the Wang Chong's direction. 几乎在同时,马蹄阵阵,沉重如雷,一名安西都护军的军官,穿过大军,急冲冲的直奔王冲的方向而来。 Sir, how should handle?” “大人,请问该如何处置?” Wang Chong smiled, looks up distant place one, the facial expression was calm. Trivial 7,000-8,000 people of armies, simply do not have no influence regarding Great Army. No matter before Caliphate People, what legend has, when he arrives since battlefield that moment, this myth has been doomed to end. 王冲只是一笑,抬头看了远处一眼,神情波澜不惊。区区一支七八千人的军队,对于大军来说根本没有什么影响。不管大食人以前有过什么样的传说,当他抵达战场的那一刻起,这个神话就已经注定终结。 Told Chen Bin, making him process voluntarily!” “告诉陈彬,让他自行处理吧!” Wang Chong said. 王冲道。 „...... Yes!” “……是!” That military officer has not thought that Wang Chong will issue such order, the body shakes fiercely, raised the head, sees only the Wang Chong air/Qi to calm down idly, the corners of the mouth belt smiles slightly, looks at the battlefield of distant place, the appearance that a face has victory in the hand, he has been startled being startled, was infected by Wang Chong's, in heart certain, originally anxious vanishes all of a sudden does not see, layer on layer/heavily has complied with one, then receives an order to go. 那名军官没想到王冲会发出这样的命令,身躯猛地一震,抬起头来,只见王冲气定神闲,嘴角微微带笑,看着远处的战场,一脸胜券在握的样子,他怔了怔,受到王冲的感染,心中一定,原本的紧张一下子就消失不见,重重的应了一声,便领命而去。 ...... …… Preparation!” “准备!” The battlefield forefront, the Chen Bin long body stands and waits for a long time, the vision stares at the front to be motionless. Opposite, the mist and dust is billowing, raises more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high, but the ground also in the intense tremor, raises the mist and dust by the horse's hoof, Chen Bin can see Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, is ordinary like Killing God, is flushing rapidly from the opposite. 战场的最前端,陈彬长身伫立,目光凝视着前方一动不动。对面,烟尘滚滚,扬起十多丈高,而地面也在强烈的颤动,透过马蹄掀起烟尘,陈彬可以看到一名名大食铁骑,有如杀神一般,正从对面急速冲来。 Any Caliphate People is different from before has met, from this Heavy Cavalry, Chen Bin felt that an enormous pressure, that type felt closely associated, resembles the storm to be the same, suffocating. No matter Chen Bin is the behind three thousand Carriage Crossbow groups, all people decide like the reef there, is entirely still. 和之前遇到过的任何一个大食人都不同,从这支铁骑身上,陈彬感觉到了一股极大的压力,那种感觉如影随形,就好像风暴一样,令人窒息。但是不管陈彬还是身后的三千车弩小组,所有人都像礁石一样定在那里,纹丝不动。 Might of Heavy Cavalry charge is the unparalleled in the world of recognition, if makes such Cavalry clash, the Chen Bin behind three thousand Carriage Crossbow group casualties are surely serious. However, a thing falls a thing, no matter beforehand Cavalry is known as first under heaven unit, from the Chen Bin Carriage Crossbow group presenting starting from that moment, all change. 铁骑冲锋的威力是公认的天下无双,如果让这样的一支骑兵冲过来,陈彬身后的三千车弩小组必定死伤惨重。然而,一物降一物,不管以前的骑兵是不是号称天下第一兵种,从陈彬车弩小组出现的那一刻开始,一切就随之改变。 Clang!” “锵!” cold light flashes, the Chen Bin look is solemn and respectful, Long Sword in hand holds up high, refers to the front slantingly. The click-clack, along with the Chen Bin movement, in the intermittent crossbow trigger sound, the Qixi Protectorate Army Han people soldiers, stands in the Carriage Crossbow front line, to crossbow bolts rapid corrects. The sharp arrow has aimed at front Bakel Heavy Cavalry sharp quickly. 寒光一闪,陈彬神色肃穆,手中的长剑高高举起,斜指前方。轧轧,随着陈彬的动作,阵阵机括声中,一名名碛西都护军的汉人士兵,站在车弩的最前方,对一根根弩箭迅速的进行调校。锋利的箭尖很快对准了前方的伯克尔重骑兵 The Qixi Carriage Crossbow group, takes five people as one group, a person is responsible for momentarily correcting, other people are responsible for the top chord as well as auxiliary. 碛西车弩小组,以五人为一组,一个人负责随时调校,其他人负责上弦以及辅助。 Strangles to death the lineup! Clash/To!” “绞杀阵型!冲!” Meanwhile, in the billowing mist and dust, resounding, fills the bloodthirsty the order sound to resound through Great Army. Great Army center, a bright eye, Caliphate military officer fierce tall call of brown beard. Bang, Astral Qi shakes, an intense air wave to/clashes more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high. In Caliphate Legion, Amer absolutely is not most formidable that General, but he certainly is bravest and most dauntless General. 与此同时,滚滚的烟尘中,一个高亢,充满嗜血的命令声响彻大军大军中央,一个碧色眼睛,棕色髭须的大食将领厉声高叫。轰隆,罡气震荡,一股强烈的气浪冲起十余丈高。在大食军团中,阿穆尔绝对不是最强大的那个将军,但是他一定是最骁勇、最无畏的将军 Bakel Heavy Cavalry, this is Abmuslin the soldier who recruits to come from Caliphate Empire military strategic place Baghdad, is one of the Abmuslin subordinates elite Cavalry. they biggest characteristics lie in the extremely thick heavy armor, can resist the major part *, the heavy crossbow, and attack of bow and arrow, many sharp treasured swords, can only leave behind the mark on them. 伯克尔重骑兵,这是艾布穆斯/林大食帝国的军事重镇巴格达招募而来的士兵,属于艾布穆斯/林麾下精锐的骑兵之一。他们最大的特色在于身上极厚的重铠,可以抵挡绝大部分的*、重弩、和弓箭的攻击,就连很多的锋利的宝刀,都只能在他们身上留下浅浅的印记。 In a scale huge tangled warfare, Bakel Heavy Cavalry often can crash in the enemy to be most crowded by the sincere armor, is the most battle efficiency formidable place, scatters the enemy, to the lineup of chaotic opposite party, belongs to attacking a fortified position unit in Caliphate Heavy Cavalry. 在一场规模庞大的混战之中,伯克尔重骑兵往往能够凭借身上厚重的铠甲冲进敌人最密集,同时也是最战斗力强大的地方,打散敌人,冲乱对方的阵型,属于大食铁骑中的攻坚兵种 Often one back and forth rushes ahead, Bakel Heavy Cavalry not only washes out the opposite party main force, but also own damage is minimal. This is also Abmuslin sends out their important reasons. 往往一场来回冲杀,伯克尔重骑兵不但冲散对方的主力,而且自己的损伤还微乎其微。这也是艾布穆斯/林派出他们的重要原因。 80 zhang (3.33 m)! 80丈! 50 zhang (3.33 m)! 50丈! 40 zhang (3.33 m)! 40丈! ...... …… From is getting more and more near, in the Chen Bin heart keeps calculating, spirit centralized to the extreme, this Caliphate Heavy Cavalry Speed is extremely quick, moreover the battle efficiency is extremely terrifying, so long as there is the little oversight and a mistake, possibly causes three thousand Carriage Crossbow squads to be annihilated. 距离越来越近,陈彬心中不停地计算着,精神集中到了极点,这支大食铁骑速度极快无比,而且战斗力极其恐怖,只要有一点点的疏漏和错误,都可能导致三千车弩小队全军覆没。 Puts!” “放!” In atmosphere most anxious instant, under Long Sword numerous wielding in Chen Bin hand. 就在气氛最紧张的刹那,陈彬手中的长剑重重的挥下。 Bang! 轰! The air thunders, sends out like the thunder loud sound, Long Sword in the Chen Bin hand wields instant, one zhang (3.33 m) thick crossbow bolt first one step that falls, the electricity shoots. xī yù yù, along with neighing of shake the heavens, the blood splash jumps presently, to was punctured a bowl mouth big blood hole in the forefront Caliphate warhorse instantaneously, the long crossbow bolt first pierces thick War Armor, pricks from the forehead of warhorse, horse Tunci leaves, then pierces rear second and third Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, stopped to fourth Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, in place that the crossbow bolt passes through, carries over a long bloodstain, looks like magnificent and terrifying. 空气轰鸣,发出有如雷霆般的巨响,就在陈彬手中长剑挥落的刹那,一支丈长的粗大弩箭抢先一步,电射而出。希聿聿,随着一声惊天的嘶鸣,血花迸现,冲在最前面的大食战马瞬间被刺出一个碗口大的血洞,长长的弩箭首先洞穿厚厚的战甲,从战马的额头刺入,马臀刺出,然后刺穿后方的第二名、第三名大食铁骑,一直到第四名大食铁骑才停了下来,在弩箭经过的地方,带出一条长长的血迹,看起来瑰丽而恐怖。 Good thick armor!” “好厚的铠甲!” Chen Bin sees this, cannot stand up to the eyelid to jump crazily. Carriage Crossbow and crossbow bolt are the symbols of Great Tang topest craft, is the national strength formidable symbol. These crossbow bolts, each is repeatedly tempered, at least must spend above the last several months to come out, moreover afterward must pass through dozens processes, attaches massive inscription. The sole view value, is almost equal to the gold of same volume. 陈彬看到这一幕,经不住眼皮狂跳。车弩和弩箭是大唐最顶尖工艺的象征,也是国力强大的象征。那些弩箭,每一根都是千锤百炼,至少要花上数月以上才能出来,而且事后还要经过数十道工序,附加大量的铭文单论价值,就几乎相当于同体积的黄金。 precisely because of so, Great Tang Carriage Crossbow and crossbow bolt has the so terrifying might, becomes the treasure of country. 正是因为如此,大唐车弩和弩箭才有如此恐怖的威力,成为国之重器。 Before coped with other Caliphate People time, Chen Bin Carriage Crossbow Great Army each crossbow bolt can shoot through 78, even more than ten Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, but facing this not well-known elite Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, each crossbow bolt only shoots through four Heavy Cavalry now to the end. 之前对付其他大食人的时候,陈彬车弩大军每一根弩箭都能射穿78名,甚至十多名大食铁骑,但是现在面对这支不知名的精锐大食铁骑,每根弩箭只射穿四匹铁骑到头了。 Before this situation, has not met. 这种情况之前还从来没有遇见过。 However the eye of Chen Bin winks, was only the flash was normal on Recovery. No matter this Caliphate Heavy Cavalry armor has is sincere and solid, in front of three thousand Carriage Crossbow groups, is doomed is the throw straw against the wind, overreaches oneself. 不过陈彬的眼睛一眨,只是一瞬间就恢复了正常。不管这支大食铁骑的铠甲有多么的厚重、坚实,在三千车弩小组面前,都注定是螳臂挡车,不自量力。 Second Formation! Shoots!” “第二阵列!射!” Chen Bin Long Sword raises, ordered again. 陈彬长剑一昂,再次下令道。 Rumbling, tens of thousands of crossbow bolts thunder to explode to shoot once more, opposite Bakel Heavy Cavalry will cover in the arrow rain completely. xī yù yù, with the intermittent sad and shrill horse's neigh sound, Bakel Heavy Cavalry one after another poured in Chen Bin leadership the front of Carriage Crossbow Great Army. 轰轰轰,成千上万的弩箭轰鸣着再次爆射而出,将对面的伯克尔重骑兵全部笼罩在箭雨中。希聿聿,随着阵阵凄厉的马嘶声,一波又一波的伯克尔重骑兵倒在了陈彬领导的车弩大军的前方。 Shoots!” “射!” Crossbow bolt one after another projects like the cataract, 3000 Carriage Crossbow groups had been divided into three Formation by Chen Bin, every 1000 Carriage Crossbow groups are Formation, Formation shoots, another Formation joins, one after another, like the continuous general, uninterrupted fire, absolutely does not have the neutral gear. 一波又一波的弩箭有如瀑雨般射出,3000个车弩小组被陈彬分成了三道阵列,每1000个车弩小组为一个阵列,一个阵列射完,另一个阵列接上,一轮又一轮,有如连珠一般,不间断的射击,完全没有空档。 7,000-8,000 people of Bakel Heavy Cavalry casualty is serious in a twinkling, unexpectedly does not have one to rush to ten zhang (3.33 m) range. Takes Chen Bin as the boundary, in the range of front number hundred zhang (333 m), changed into a Asura blood field, the bellow of horse's neigh sound, the pitiful yell sound, impact noise and crossbow bolt has linked up into a single stretch, everywhere was the Caliphate People Bakel Heavy Cavalry corpse, 4000 people and 5000 people and 6000 people......, Caliphate People well-known Bakel Heavy Cavalry, in front of three thousand Carriage Crossbow groups, encounters the heavy losses and buckle by astonishing Speed. 七八千人的伯克尔重骑兵霎时间死伤惨重,居然没有一个能够冲到十丈的范围以内。以陈彬为界限,前方数百丈的范围内,化为了一片修罗血场,马嘶声、惨叫声、撞击声、弩箭的轰鸣声连成一片,到处都是大食人伯克尔重骑兵的尸体,4000人、5000人、6000人……,大食人闻名遐迩的伯克尔重骑兵,在三千车弩小组面前,以惊人的速度遭到重创、折损。 Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!” “撤!快撤!” Sees this, the Caliphate military officer Amer complexion was white. The attack of Tang People is too swift and fierce, was too swift and violent, moreover that type of unique wheel shoots, the ceaseless attack, before enabling eight thousand Bakel Heavy Cavalry absolutely not to have the opportunity to rush to Tang People armed forces. That casualty was extremely terrifying, Amer has not seen so swift and fierce and fearful attacking force for a lifetime. 看到这一幕,大食将领阿穆尔脸色都白了。唐人的攻击太凌厉,太迅猛了,而且那种独特的轮射,无间隙的攻击,使得八千伯克尔重骑兵完全没有机会冲到唐人的军阵前。那种死伤太过恐怖了,阿穆尔一辈子都没有见过如此凌厉、可怕的攻击部队。 hōng lōng lōng, the horse's hoof is billowing, rapidness that this Bakel Heavy Cavalry comes, goes also quick, but comes time has 7,000-8,000 people, went to the time only remaining 1000 people. The well-known Bakel army, in this fights several near withering away. 轰隆隆,马蹄滚滚,这支伯克尔重骑兵来的快,去的也快,只是来的时候有七八千人,去的时候只剩下1000人不到。闻名遐迩的伯克尔军队,在这一战几近消亡。 Stops!” “停!” Chen Bin Long Sword horizontal, three thousand Carriage Crossbow groups immediately stopped the fire, quiet, the platoon becomes neat Formation, has probably not moved, that strict discipline, can leave behind profound influence to the person. 陈彬长剑一横,身后三千车弩小组立即停止了射击,一个个静悄悄的,排成一个个整齐的阵列,就好像从来没有动过,那种严明的纪律,一眼就能给人留下深刻的影响 The Crossbow Carriage Great Army strongest place lies in follows Great Army to attack with the position defends, however on the contrary the might during the pursuit is not big. 弩车大军最强的地方在于跟随大军一起进攻和阵地防守,但是在追击之中却反倒威力不大。 How Carriage Crossbow advancement Speed cannot compare Cavalry to escape Speed. 车弩的推进速度是怎么都比不上骑兵逃跑速度的。
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