HE :: Volume #9

#879: Wang Chong, separates the spatial confrontation!

Chapter 879 第879章 Wang Chong smiled, has not spoken, but the vision shot a look at other eye Anxi people. 王冲笑了笑,没有说话,只是目光瞥了眼其他的安西众人。 Xu Yang, do not speak irresponsibly! The matter in battlefield, wave crafty cloud Jue, is relating the lives of several tens of thousands officers, can it be that do you want to be how what kind of? Protectorate Wang said well, facing Caliphate People this powerful match, we truly cannot treat it lightly!” 许洋,不要乱说!战场上的事情,波诡云谲,关系着数万将士的性命,岂是你想怎么样就怎么样的?王都护说得不错,面对大食人这种强悍的对手,我们确实不可以掉以轻心!” After vice- Protectorate Cheng Qianli seriously thinks deeply about the moment, said. 都护程千里认真思索片刻后道。 Although hopes to be able very much in one vigorous effort, thorough striking kills Caliphate People, but he also has to acknowledge, Wang Chong said is right. Caliphate People is only the small defeat, if Caliphate People, only then a little skill, not will compel this situation Great Protectorate and Anxi Protectorate Army. 虽然很希望可以一鼓作气,彻底的击杀大食人,但是就连他也不得不承认,王冲说得是对的。大食人只是小败而已,如果大食人真的只有那么一点本事,也不会把大都护安西都护军逼到这种地步了。 Even Great Protectorate ahead of time has been ready, must lead Anxi Protectorate Army and Caliphate People fights to the death finally, dies for one's country by the body. 甚至大都护都已经提前做好准备,要带领安西都护军大食人最后决一死战,以身殉国。 An arrogant army will surely meet with defeat! 骄兵必败! This relations incessantly is tens of thousands Anxi Protectorate Army lives, the ownership of rear entire western region, as well as Qixi and security of Longxi national capital, such big matter cannot even be swayed by personal feelings! 这一场关系的不止是几万安西都护军的性命,还有后方整个西域的归属,以及碛西陇西甚至京师的安全,这么大的事情不是可以意气用事的! Wang Chong shot a look at Cheng Qianli one, in the eye cannot bear flashes through an appreciation the look, before Wang Chong, with Cheng Qianli has not contacted, are not many to his understanding, but only depends on his these words to look, this Great Tang peak Quasi-General, Martial Strength is incessantly outstanding, is the extremely rich strategy. 王冲瞥了程千里一眼,眼中忍不住闪过一丝赞赏的神色,王冲之前并没有和程千里接触过,对他的了解也不多,但是只凭他这一席话就可以看得出来,这位大唐的巅峰准将,不止武力超群,同时也是极富谋略的。 At least is not that type is swayed by personal feelings, the generation of easy impulsion. 至少不是那种意气用事,容易冲动之辈。 „, Except for me just said actually, a reason is their flags!” “呵,其实除了我刚刚说的,还有一个原因就是他们的旌旗!” Wang Chong smiled, has turned head, a face from channel. 王冲笑了笑,扭过头来,一脸自信道。 In the people heart shakes, simultaneously have turned head, looked that to direction that these Caliphate People retreated. Sees only these black Caliphate war flags to spread all over, proliferates in Great Army. Looks at these war flags, everyone is mystified, no one understands that Wang Chong is what is this. 众人心中一震,一个个齐齐扭过头来,跟着看向了那些大食人溃逃的方向。只见那些黑色的大食战旗星罗棋布,遍布大军之中。只是看着那些战旗,每个人都是一脸迷惑,谁都不明白王冲是这是什么意思。 Regardless of Abmuslin hits anything to pay attention, this may absolutely likely not be a sign of Great Army rout! If he wants to make anything, should again under a painstaking effort, attentively!” “不论艾布穆斯/林打得什么注意,这可绝对不像是一个大军溃败的迹像啊!如果他真想做点什么,应该再下点苦功,更加用心一点!” A Wang Chong face knows from A to Z, understands clearly all the facial expression, the look looks like the wisdom is incomparable. 王冲一脸“了如指掌,洞悉一切”的神情,眼神看起来睿智无比。 Bang!” “轰隆!” A stone arouses thousand overlapping waves, hears Wang Chong these words, all Anxi all generals, including Wang Chong people, are whole body severe shake. They only know the Wang Chong arrangement chases down the certain extent time, starts to withdraw troops, can not continue to chase down, actually does not know that also has such inside story. 一石激起千层浪,听到王冲这句话,所有安西诸将,包括王冲身边的众人,都是浑身剧震。他们只知道王冲安排追杀到一定程度的时候,就开始撤兵,不得继续追杀过去,却不知道还有这样的内幕。 Does not know, in the black Caliphate People war flag is also hiding such mystery. 更加不知道,黑色的大食人战旗中还隐藏着这样的奥秘。 Truly! Mentioned Wang Chong's to remind, the people looked at this time earnestly, that black Caliphate war flags, faced upwards straightly, even if is being repulsed, was concealing some order. 确实!提到王冲的提醒,众人此时认真看去,那一杆杆黑色的大食战旗,笔直朝天,而且即便是在败退之中,也隐含着某种秩序。 In any event, this likely is not one is really startled and chaotic, appearance that utterly routed Great Army retreats! 无论如何,这实在也不像是一个惊慌、混乱,溃不成军的大军撤退的样子! „!” “咝!” To understand this point, the people eyelid jumps crazily, in the heart took a breath but actually, could not speak immediately. 想明白这一点,众人眼皮狂跳,心中倒吸了一口气,一个个顿时都说不出话来。 Great distance, what Protectorate Wang said is right, Abmuslin is not easy to defeat, he arrange/cloth next snare was waiting for us. Transmitted orders, making the soldiers retreat!” “千里,王都护说的是对的,艾布穆斯/林没有那么容易击败,他已经布下一个圈套等着我们。传令下去,让士兵们撤退吧!” At this time, a dignified sound resounded in the people ear, Gao Xianzhi looked at the distant place to say suddenly. 就在这个时候,一个威严的声音在众人耳边响起,高仙芝望着远处突然道。 Snare?” “圈套?” Side, people stunned. 身旁,众人一片错愕。 Sir Protectorate is wise!” 都护大人英明!” Wang Chong shows a faint smile, nodded. Gao Xianzhi worthily is War God of western region, has fought many battles, the experience is rich, in various changes regarding battlefield is sensitive, is very obvious, he should also see the Abmuslin intention. 王冲微微一笑,点了点头。高仙芝不愧是西域的战神,身经百战,经验非常丰富,对于战场上的各种变化非常敏,很显然,他也应该看出了艾布穆斯/林的意图。 Xu Keyi, transmitted orders, making Great Army retreat, stops chasing down.” 许科仪,传令下去,让大军撤退,停止追杀吧。” Xu Keyi has complied with one, departs hastily in a hurry. 许科仪应了一声,连忙匆匆离去。 The distant place, hundreds of thousands Qixi reinforcements and Anxi Protectorate Army just like the ebb tide is ordinary, slowly retreated, stopped chasing down. The two side troops thorough separations. 远处,十几万碛西援军和安西都护军犹如退潮一般,慢慢撤退,停止了追杀。两方人马彻底的分离开来。 ...... …… Meanwhile, west Talas City, is away from battlefield beyond several miles, the place that the field of vision cannot see, notes without many people, one group of troops of Caliphate People earliest evacuation along the fluctuating surface, were arranging an ambush circle of arc. Along this ambush circle, close 100,000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry are dense and numerous, ambushes in behind. 与此同时,怛罗斯城西,距离战场数里之外,视野看不到的地方,没有多少人注意到,大食人最早撤离的一拨人马正沿着起伏的地表,布置出了一个弧形的埋伏圈。沿着这道埋伏圈,接近100000的大食铁骑密密麻麻,埋伏在后面。 These Heavy Cavalry earliest withdraw battlefield, moreover is drawing support from the terrain and field of vision, cannot pay attention to them from the distant place completely. 这些铁骑是最早撤出战场的,而且借助着地形和视野,从远处完全注意不到他们。 How to have come?” “怎么还没来?” Anxious anything, Sir Governor already planned, when they pursue to enter our encirclement rings, is their times of death!” “急什么,总督大人早就算计好了,等到他们追过来进入我们的包围圈,就是他们的死期!” Haha, is Sir Governor is fierce, these Tang People to dying do not think, they soon victory time, will wipe out by us! Has been a pity Omar, but for Empire, sacrificed his one to be also worth.” “哈哈,还是总督大人厉害,这些唐人到死都不会想到,他们就快要‘胜利’的时候,会被我们全歼!就是可惜了欧麦尔,不过为了帝国,牺牲他一个也值得了。” Shuts up to me! Tang People soon came, hurries to give me to prepare.” “都给我闭嘴!唐人快要过来了,赶紧给我准备。” ...... …… In ambush circle rear area, several name light bone-chilling cold, the pili is thick, throws over the black heavy armor Caliphate military commander to gather together, the vision is carefully examining the front, in the look disclosed thick killing qi. Caliphate Empire from establishment to the present, already several hundred years of history, in continuous going on a punitive expedition against expands, has formed one set of unique military combat method. 就在埋伏圈的正后方,几名目光凛冽,体毛浓密,披着黑色重甲的大食武将聚在一起,目光审视着前方,眼神中透露出浓浓的杀气大食帝国从建立到现在,已经有数百年的历史了,在持续不断的征伐扩张中,已经形成了一整套自己独特的军事作战方法。 If these Tang People have withdrawn in city, they did not have too many means, Caliphate Empire, although the Heavy Cavalry unparalleled in the world, however does not excel in the siege aspect, can only be time consuming, attacking, compared with other influences, not too big superiority. 那些唐人如果一直龟缩在城中,他们还真没有太多的办法,大食帝国虽然铁骑天下无双,但是在攻城方面并不擅长,只能是旷日持久,一座座的攻打,和其他的势力相比,并没有太大的优势。 However, when Tang People enters the wilderness, all were entirely different. No matter is in the winning side leeward, Caliphate People one wraps own unique tactic. 不过,当唐人进入旷野,一切就截然不同了。不管是处于上风还是下风,大食人都有一套自己的独特战术。 Un? What's the matter? How these Tang People retreated!” “嗯?怎么回事?这些唐人怎么撤退了!” Suddenly, several Caliphate military commander complexions change, simultaneously vertical body. 突然之间,几名大食的武将脸色一变,齐齐竖直了身子。 Absurd! How to have this matter, why don't they pursue suddenly?” “荒唐!怎么会有这种事,他们为什么突然不追了?” don't tell me did they look?” 难道他们瞧出来了?” Is impossible! Their present precisely win, to give how possibly up!” “不可能!他们现在正是大胜的时候,怎么可能会放弃!” ...... …… One group of Caliphate military officers look serious, sees clearly, saw that hundreds of thousands Tang People of distant place do not have any indication retreat suddenly, all people are dumbfounded, does not know completely had anything. In the past, they once used the similar tactic, has defeated many formidable matches, was happiest in them, most self-satisfied time, defeats them, cuts to kill them thoroughly. 一群大食将领神情严肃,看得清清楚楚,看到远处的十几万唐人突然没有任何征兆的后退,所有人目瞪口呆,完全不知道发生了什么。在过去,他们曾经用同样的战术,战胜过许许多多强大的对手,就在他们最高兴,最得意的时候,将他们战胜,将他们彻底斩杀。 When this type wants victory obviously suddenly retreats, this matter has not met. 但是在这种明明就要“胜利”的时候突然撤退,这种事情还从来没有遇到过。 That Tang People Leader what's the matter?” “那个唐人首领到底是怎么回事?” One group of people could not speak completely. 一群人完全说不出话来。 wēng! 嗡! Meanwhile, another direction, the mountain range is together big, as if the iron cast copper pouring form stands suddenly slowly, his is sharp-eyed, erupts a bare hill to crack from top to bottom Yue -like the terrifying air/Qi, that flash, the hōng lōng lōng earth movement day swings, the entire earth as if cannot bear his weight, humming sound shivers. 与此同时,另一个方向,一道山峦般高大,仿佛铁铸铜浇般的身影突然之间缓缓站立起来,他的目光锐利,浑身上下爆发出一股崩山裂岳般的恐怖的气,那一刹那,轰隆隆地动天摇,整个大地都仿佛承受不住他的重量,嗡嗡的颤抖起来。 How possible!” “怎么可能!” The Abmuslin profound black-brown pupil is staring at the distant place, in the eye the deep place steep eruption astonishing cold glow. The strong winds are vast, Abmuslin aura fluctuating is also uncertain, that huge pressure, is similar to thousand rock ten thousand He, the heavy mountain range folds the barrier, duplicate presses, in all directions, all guards lowered the head, is similar to facing the space god ants , the whole body rustlings, terrified restless. 艾布穆斯/林深邃的黑褐色眸子盯着远处,眼中深处陡的爆发出一股惊人的寒芒。狂风浩浩,艾布穆斯/林身上的气息也跟着起伏不定,那庞大的威压,如同千岩万壑,重峦叠障,覆压下来,四面八方,所有的侍卫都低下头来,如同面对天上神祗的蝼蚁般,浑身瑟瑟,惶恐不安。 This and war between Great Tang, no matter the downcast of Stone Country, is falling into enemy hands of Talas, or is the time consuming offensive and defensive operations, Abmuslin throughout is calm calm, is not flurried, but at this moment, that directs with ease and competence, on the steel firm and resolute face flood mighty waves, have shown unprecedented attaching great importance to finally. 这场和大唐之间的战争,不管是石国的陷落,还是怛罗斯的失守,又或者是旷日持久的攻防战,艾布穆斯/林始终都是从容镇定,不慌不乱,但是这一刻,那张指挥若定,钢铁般坚毅的面庞上终于泛起了道道波澜,透出了前所未有的重视。 „Who this Tang / is Leader of armed forces?” “这支唐/军的首领到底是什么人?” Abmuslin very long has not run into such match, since joins military soldier, starts from an obscure Caliphate Empire young soldier, to making Eastern Governor, expands the Empire domain to close Talas, till close western region, in long going on a punitive expedition against, has defeated matches, Musi already the match who very long has not run into gives itself like this difference feeling. 艾布穆斯/林已经很久没有遇到过这样的对手了,自从加入军伍,从一个默默无名的大食帝国小士兵开始,一直到做上东方总督,将帝国的版图扩展到接近怛罗斯,接近西域为止,在漫长的征伐中,战胜了一个又一个的对手,艾布穆斯已经很久没有遇到这样给自己异样感觉的对手了。 Although has not seen Commander-in-Chief of opposite that Great Tang reinforcements, but this invisible separation fights spatially, has made in the Abmuslin heart have to plant not the good feeling, this time match fears to be fierce, moreover any match of past imagines, but also is hard to deal with! 虽然还没有见到对面那支大唐援军的统帅,但是这次无形的隔空交手,已经让艾布穆斯/林心中已经有种不好的感觉,这次的对手恐怕比自己想像的还要厉害,而且比自己以往的任何一个对手,还要难缠! However all these had not finished 不过这一切还远没有结束 Sir Governor, looks there quickly!” 总督大人,快看那里!” A sound conveys from the ear suddenly, a stature is thin, bridge of the nose tall very/straight, looked like has filled the strength feeling and wild nature Caliphate military officer points at the distant place to say suddenly. Following his finger, in these Tang People Great Army front, the people clearly saw many busy ordinary artisans, tens of thousands of braves the flame the iron furnace, as well as, the scale in the wall of silver-white steel outside Talas City sets up. 一个声音突然从耳边传来,一名身材精瘦,鼻梁高挺,看起来充满了力量感和野性大食将领突然指着远方道。顺着他的手指,就在那些唐人大军的前端,众人分明看到了许许多多忙忙碌碌的普通工匠,还有成千上万冒着火焰的铁炉,以及一座座,鱼鳞般正在怛罗斯城外立起的银白色钢铁之墙。 Suddenly, in all person Caliphate military commander hearts raises a strange feeling of not being able to say. 一刹那间,所有人大食武将心中都升起一种说不出的怪异感。 The battlefield is the most dangerous place, the life and death only in instant. Before then, but also dares to lead to come up the artisan of this non-combatants to the battlefield from nobody, this brings death, the walls of these silver-white steel......, Nobody knows that these Tang People are making anything, participated in that many fights, has defeated that many matches, destroyed and conquers that many states, Caliphate People has not met this strange fight. 战场是最危险的地方,生死只在一念之间。在此之前,还从没有人敢把这种非战斗人员的工匠带到战场上来,这样只是送死,还有那些银白色的钢铁之墙……,没人知道这些唐人在做什么,参加了那么多的战斗,击败了那么多的对手,摧毁、征服了那么多的国度,大食人还从来没有遇到过这种诡异的战斗。 Transmitted orders Amer! Let him lead Bakel Heavy Cavalry to attack Tang People!” “传令阿穆尔!让他带领伯克尔重骑兵攻击唐人!” Abmuslin is staring at the distant place, suddenly said without hesitation. 艾布穆斯/林盯着远处,突然毫不犹豫道。 Yes, Sir Governor!” “是,总督大人!” A Caliphate transmitting orders officer turned round the wharf quickly, departed in a hurry. 一名大食传令官很快拨转马头,匆匆离去。 ...... …… Lord Marquis, they stopped.” 侯爷,他们真的停下来了。” The distant place, out Talas City, Xu Keyi rides on a Turkic warhorse, looks into the distance, suddenly cannot bear say. Fight most intense time, the vision of everyone centralized is recent in these distances, throws the helmet to abandon one's armor, on piece of startled Caliphate chaotic armed forces, instead has not paid attention regarding the overall general situation. However at this time, when has issued the order of retreating, is separated from the battle, at this time will calm down, obviously to note, Speed that Caliphate People retreated was getting more and more slow, but finally the place of side, these Caliphate People armies even directly had the sign that stopped, has not continued to escape. 远处,怛罗斯城门外,许科仪骑在一匹突厥战马上,眺望远方,突然忍不住道。战斗最激烈的时候,每个人的目光都集中在那些距离最近,丢盔弃甲,一片惊慌的大食乱军身上,对于整体的大局反而没有怎么注意。但是这个时候,当下达了撤退的命令,脱离交战,这个时候冷静下来,就会明显注意到,大食人撤退的速度越来越慢,而最后方的地方,那些大食人的军队甚至直接出现了停下来的迹象,根本就没有继续逃跑。 In any event, this may not be a fighting spirit does not have absolutely likely, Great Army sign that has defeated thoroughly! 无论如何,这可绝对不像是一个斗志全无,已经彻底战败的大军的迹象!
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