HE :: Volume #9

#878: Protectorate sees Protectorate, Gao Xianzhi!

Chapter 878 第878章 Moo!” “哞!” But in the rear area of carriage, innumerable cattle to become Shancheng, crossed that hill similarly, to battlefield. Then is ships the military provisions vehicles......, This fight is conducted now, these were responsible for the logistics personnel finally to enter the battlefield. 而在马车的后方,无数的牛羊成山成海,同样翻过那一座座丘陵,向战场而来。然后就是运送军粮的车辆……,这场战斗进行到现在,这些负责后勤的人员终于可以进入战场了。 All has arranged appropriately, Wang Chong has turned head, is leading the people, walks in the direction of city of Talas directly. In there, Wang Chong saw a big form, is walking in own direction. 所有的一切都已经安排妥当,王冲扭过头来,带着众人,径直朝着怛罗斯之城的方向走去。在那里,王冲已经看到了一道高大的身影,正在朝着自己的方向走来。 Sir Protectorate!” 都护大人!” Was away from the Gao Xianzhi not far place, Wang Chong stopped. Barely escapes death, although was once expensive to Soldier Saint, but this is in the Wang Chong life first time sees this reputation illustrious, the name shakes the western region Jewel of the Empire. Western region War God Gao Xianzhi reputation, even if previous life regarding military and political leaders scion(s) Wang Chong, is unattainable, existence that is hard to hope to attain. 就在距离高仙芝不远的地方,王冲停了下来。两世为人,虽然曾经贵至“兵圣”,但是这是王冲人生之中第一次见到这位声名赫赫,名震西域的“帝国之璧”。西域战神高仙芝的名头,即便是上辈子对于将相子弟王冲来说,也高不可攀,难以企及的存在。 As for afterward, the catastrophe erupted, Wang Chong such as the comet rose, striving to turn the tide time, legendary Great General of this western region actually already fell from the sky from the Great Tang sky! 至于后来,浩劫爆发,王冲如慧星崛起,力挽狂澜的时候,这位西域的传奇大将却早已从大唐的天空中陨落了! Therefore from beginning to end, Wang Chong with a reason this Empire most prominent Great General miserly one side! 所以至始至终,王冲都和这位帝国最显赫的大将之一缘悭一面! Scholarly and delicate and pretty! 儒雅、俊美! This is Wang Chong regarding the first impression of Gao Xianzhi, fight that although the Gao Xianzhi aura disorder and whole body scar, the experience turns continually, looks like the facial expression is thin and pale, however his every action and every movement, disclosed a broad bearing, even if were also outstanding in Great General. 这是王冲对于高仙芝的第一印象,虽然高仙芝气息紊乱、满身的伤痕,经历连翻的战斗,看起来神情非常憔悴,但是他的一举一动,都透露出一种恢宏的气度,即便是在大将之中也是出类拔萃的。 In the hearsay, Gao Xianzhi admires the Great Tang civilization since childhood this lofty one, had seven years in the record that Great Tang studies away from home. Wang Chong does not know the genuine and fake of this matter, the bearing of but from Gao Xianzhi revealing, this matter perhaps ten have eight / nine real. 传闻之中,高仙芝从小就孤慕大唐的文明,曾经有过七年在大唐游学的记录。王冲并不知道这件事情的真假,但是从高仙芝身上流露出来的气度来看,这件事情恐怕十有八/九是真的。 Protectorate Wang, the obligation did not say thanks, Gao dai all Anxi Protectorate Army, apologizing Sir!” 王都护,大恩不言谢,高某代所有的安西都护军,谢过大人!” , Gao Xianzhi looks at Wang Chong from afar, in the eye flashes through a complex look, under the vision of countless person, to Wang Chong, respectful good a ritual. This Talas's War, entire Anxi Protectorate Army fell into the situation of end of hills and rivers, has almost reached the limit, but Gao Xianzhi has completed being annihilated, by preparation that the body died for one's country. 远远地,高仙芝看着王冲,眼中闪过一丝复杂的神色,就在无数人的目光下,面向王冲,恭恭敬敬的行了一礼。这一次怛罗斯之战,整个安西都护军已经陷入了山穷水尽的地步,几乎达到了极限,而高仙芝更是已经做好了全军覆没,以身殉国的准备。 If not Wang Chong leads the Qixi reinforcements to rush promptly, entire Anxi Protectorate Army soon will possibly change into the history. 如果不是王冲带着碛西的援军及时赶到,整个安西都护军可能即将化为历史。 The Wang Chong's age and Gao Xianzhi have missed a seniority in relationships, sits the Qixi Great Protectorate position is also controversial, at least in Empire Great Protectorate and Great General is controversial. Protectorate said by the Gao Xianzhi status, has represented sufficiently to Wang Chong's respected and acknowledged. 王冲的年龄和高仙芝差了一个辈份,坐上碛西大都护的位置也是备受争议,至少在帝国大都护大将军中是备受争议的。一声“都护”以高仙芝的身份说出来,已经足以代表对王冲的尊敬和承认。 Sir Protectorate does not need to be overly courteous, this is the Wang Chong's job. Doesn't Sir Protectorate, how know the casualty situation in city?” 都护大人不必多礼,这本来就是王冲的分内之事。都护大人,不知道城内的伤亡情况如何?” In Wang Chong flashes through look of surprise, obviously felt Gao Xianzhi to own special name. 王冲目中闪过一丝异色,显然感觉到了高仙芝对自己的“特殊称谓”。 This war altogether died in battle over 50% people . Moreover, in the city altogether has more than 4000 wounded person, moreover lacks enough Cuts & Wounds Oinment, the grain also consumed similarly.” “这一战总共阵亡了一半人以上,另外,城中共有4000多名伤员,而且缺少足够的金创药,还有粮食也耗得差不多了。” Gao Xianzhi said that in the eye flashes through low-spirited. Anxi Protectorate Army fights up and down the country in the western region, goes smoothly everywhere, but these time actually suffered the unprecedented heavy losses, perhaps , must spend very long time to be able Recovery to come. 高仙芝道,眼中闪过一丝黯然。安西都护军在西域南征北战,无往而不胜,但是这一次却遭受到了前所未有的重创,恐怕以后也要花费很长的时间才能恢复过来。 Understood.” “明白了。” Wang Chong nodded, in the eye flashes through wipes the sympathy. 王冲点了点头,眼中闪过一抹同情。 As for the knife wound the issue of medicine and grain, Sir Protectorate does not need to be worried, I have brought enough supplies. Kongzi An, delivers to the knife wound medicine and grain the city.” “至于金疮药和粮食的问题,都护大人不必担心,我已经带来了足够的补给。孔子安,把金疮药和粮食送到城中去。” Yes! Lord Marquis!” “是!侯爷!” Kongzi An has incurred starting toward behind, early the famous scholar soldier escorts to be fully laden with the grain and Cuts & Wounds Oinment vehicles drives toward the city . The city of Talas engages in fierce battle for two months, various types of commodities were at the deficient condition inevitably, Wang Chong already expected this point, therefore the commodity of supplies had already prepared. 孔子安向着后面招了下手,早有一名名士兵护送着载满粮食和金创药的车辆往城中驶去。怛罗斯之城鏖战两个月,各种物资必然处于匮乏的状态,王冲早就料到了这一点,所以补给的物资早就已经准备好了。 Bang!” “轰!” When car(riage) car(riage) grain and drugs feed in the city of Talas, suddenly, intermittent steel the sound of thundering, along with the intermittent slogan, transmits from the front battlefield. Hears this sound, Gao Xianzhi and surrounding Anxi numerous subconscious turning head will look, sees only the front furnace fire flaming, the thick smoke is billowing, hundred and thousand of artisans stand on specially-made personnel carriers, spike in silver-white giant steel modules the earth. 就在一车车粮食和药品送进怛罗斯之城的时候,突然之间,一阵阵钢铁的轰鸣之声,伴随着阵阵呐喊声,从前方的战场上传来。听到这声音,高仙芝和周围的安西众将下意识的扭头望去,只见前方炉火熊熊,浓烟滚滚,成百上千的工匠站在一辆辆特制的运兵车上,正在把一块块银白色的巨大的钢铁模块钉入大地之中。 The bellow that just heard is their striking sound. 刚刚听到的轰鸣声就是他们的敲打声。 All artisans are busy, moreover looks like very skilled, striking that the connection of their connection, strikes, all methodical, quick and extremely effective. But the time of moment, outside Talas City started to present walls of the big silver-white steel. 所有的工匠忙忙碌碌,而且看起来非常的熟练,他们接驳的接驳,敲打的敲打,一切有条不紊,快而且极有效率。只不过片刻的时间,怛罗斯城外就开始出现了一堵堵高大的银白色钢铁之墙。 Incessantly so, has chased down the past Qixi reinforcements tidal, after passing over gently and swiftly the wall of that silver-white steel, clearly slowed down chasing down, and with the Caliphate People bursting armed forces, presented the crevice and fault obviously. 不止如此,原本一直潮水般追杀过去的碛西援军,在掠过了那片银白色钢铁之墙后,明显放慢了追杀,并且和大食人的溃军之间,明显出现了空隙和断层。 Sir Protectorate, this is......” 都护大人,这是……” Sees this, side Gao Xianzhi, winds fine linen reckless, the complexion is swarthy, looks like the unusual overwhelming power military commander said suddenly, in his body week, other Anxi all generals is also stunned. Ten ten thousand Qixi reinforcements that Wang Chong leads steadily are in the upper hand now, this time, precisely should make use smithing, pursues to the end and hit hard, exploits the victory the time, but why does not know, the Wang Chong's ten ten thousand Qixi reinforcements clearly slowed down the step of chasing down, even obviously presented coming apart with the Caliphate defeated troops. 看到这一幕,高仙芝身旁,一名络缌胡,脸色黝黑,看起来非常威猛的武将突然道,在他身周,其他的安西诸将也是一脸错愕。王冲带领的十余万碛西援军现在稳占上风,这种时侯,正是该趁势打铁,穷追猛打,扩大战果的时候,但是不知道为什么,王冲的十余万碛西援军明显放慢了追杀的步伐,和大食的败军之间甚至明显出现了脱节。 By the Wang Chong's reputation, as well as the performance of beforehand entire Great Army, this Low Level, the significant fault really should not appear! 王冲的名声,以及之前整个大军的表现来说,这种低级的,重大的失误实在不应该出现! These busy artisans, as well as the wall of silver-white steel...... The people, each sees have a head wet from the fog, no one knows that Wang Chong and Qixi reinforcements this is making anything. 还有那些忙忙碌碌的工匠,以及银白色的钢铁之墙……,每个看到的人都是满头雾水,谁也不知道王冲碛西援军这是在做什么。 The Great Army front, Gao Xianzhi has not spoken, in the heart as if had guessed, but as if is also not very clear. 大军前方,高仙芝没有说话,心中似乎有所猜测,但仿佛也并不是很明白。 The Wang Chong's combat style completely likely is not legitimate that operational style . Moreover, the war of this hundreds of thousands scale, will take unexpectedly also does not have the battle efficiency artisan, as well as the stove, made one be hard to imagine simply, this in passing war history, has not appeared, only then Wang Chong might do. 王冲的作战风格完全不像是正统的那种作战风格,而且,这种十几万规模的大战,居然还会带上没有战斗力的工匠,以及火炉,简直令人难以想像,这在过往的战争史上,还是从不曾出现过的,也只有王冲才有可能做得出来。 This is Cheng Qianli General Cheng?” “这位是程千里程将军吧?” Wang Chong looks at this aura like storm, the unusual Tyrant Overlord military commander, opens the mouth to say suddenly. 王冲看着这名气息有如风暴般,非常霸烈的武将,突然开口道。 „Does Sir Protectorate know me?” 都护大人认识我?” Cheng Qianli is stunned. 程千里一脸错愕。 Heard.” “有所耳闻。” Wang Chong gives a calm smile, in the heart actually slightly fluctuated. In entire Anxi Protectorate Army, besides Gao Xianzhi, other also two Top Level brave warriors, one is already by oneself dig to the subordinates Divine Great General Li Siye, but another, was this Cheng Qianli. 王冲淡然一笑,心中却是微微波动了一下。整个安西都护军中,除了高仙芝之外,其他原本还有两位顶级的悍将,一位就是已经被自己挖到麾下的“神通大将李嗣业,而另一位,就是这位程千里了。 Although Cheng Qianli the final achievement has not achieved Li Siye to be so high, the time of because joining the army is earlier, the qualifications are deeper, therefore present cultivation base is instead higher than Li Siye! 程千里虽然最终的成就没有达到李嗣业那么高,但是因为从军的时间更早,资历更深,所以现在的修为反而比李嗣业还高! Cheng Qianli lives the big overwhelming power, appearance is fearful, in the battlefield, is No. 2 character who in Anxi Protectorate Army deserves, has reached the peak Quasi-General Level, perhaps is fiercer than it U-Tsang Asura battlefield Dayan Mangbojie. Therefore Wang Chong is first time sees him freely, but was one has recognized. 程千里生得高大威猛,面相慑人,在战场上,是安西都护军里当之无愧的二号人物,已经达到巅峰的准将级别,恐怕比之乌斯藏的修罗战场达延芒波杰还要厉害。所以王冲尽管是第一次见他,但是还是一眼就认了出来。 Anxi Protectorate Army can the survive such long time, perhaps have lasting achievements. 安西都护军能够坚持这么长的时间,恐怕功不可没。 „...... Will remain suitably pursues remnant invader bravely, can kill Caliphate People as far as possible naturally is the good deed. However, present Caliphate People, but was attacked by the person on one's own side, has the confusion, their main forces have not lost. Even if before , died in battle massive military force(s), perhaps also 27-28 ten thousand, are our over two times, moreover completely is brave elite . Moreover, the Caliphate People Top Level military officer, has not appeared to the present including Commander-in-Chief Abmuslin. The information that if I collect right, this Caliphate Empire Eastern Governor grows perceptibly by the strategy, may not be a partial rout can destroy.” “……宜将剩勇追残寇,能够尽量的杀死大食人当然是好事。不过,现在的大食人,只是受到自己人的冲击,产生混乱,他们的主力未失。就算之前阵亡大量的兵马,恐怕也还有二十七八万,是我们的两倍以上,而且全部都是骁勇善战的精锐,另外,大食人顶级将领,包括统帅艾布穆斯/林到现在都还没有出现。要是我搜集的情报没错的话,这位大食帝国东方总督可是以战略见长,可并不是一场局部的溃败可以摧毁的。” The Wang Chong vision wisdom said that as the Great Tang in history status highest Soldier Saint, Wang Chong has facing the self-confidence of any match, but will therefore not actually belittle any match, let alone, Abmuslin absolutely is extremely hard to deal with and may the match. 王冲目光睿智道,做为大唐有史以来地位最高的“兵圣”,王冲拥有面对任何对手的自信,但却也绝不会因此而小觑任何的对手,更何况,艾布穆斯/林绝对是个极其难缠和可的对手。 Is advocating the fight and slaughtering, Caliphate of all tasteful strengths, can the battle scene, finally sit the Eastern Governor position, itself explained his strength. But an most common person, if can experience over a hundred, even several thousand fierce battles, will grow finally are also Top Level Great General. 在崇尚战斗和杀戮,一切讲究的实力的大食,能够一路尸山血海,最后坐上东方总督的位置,本身就说明了他的实力。而就算一个最普通的人,如果能够经历上百场,甚至数千场的激烈战斗,最后也会成长为一个顶级大将 Has routed the Top Level brave warrior of Abmuslin subordinates, is not equal to routing *. This Caliphate Empire Eastern Commander-in-Chief, was known as that Blood and Iron Governor, not only the strength is astonishing, but also the extremely rich strategy, is not easy to cope. Although until now, Wang Chong usually has not sought a meeting with him, when Wang Chong just marched Qixi Protectorate General, two people have separated bareness has handed over a hand. 击溃了艾布穆斯/林麾下的一名顶级悍将,并不等于就击溃艾布*。这位大食帝国的东方统帅,号称“铁血总督”,不但实力惊人,而且极富谋略,绝不是那么容易对付的。虽然到现在为止,王冲还和他素未谋面,但是在王冲刚刚进军碛西都护府的时候,两人就已经隔空无形的交过一次手了。 This Blood and Iron Governor regarding coveting of Great Tang, the Wang Chong imagination is fiercer, has not made war with Great Tang, his tentacle has even extended to the Qixi such far place. 这位“铁血总督”对于大唐的觊觎,远比王冲想像的还要厉害,和大唐还未开战,他的触手甚至都已经伸到碛西这么远的地方了。 wēng! 嗡! The Wang Chong's sound falls, around four silence, on all Anxi all generals faces shows a dignified look immediately. Abmuslin, this name like a spell, engages in fierce battle in Talas for two months, did not know about this person compared with Anxi all generals again. 王冲的声音一落,四周围顿时一片肃静,所有安西诸将脸上都透出一股凝重的神色。“艾布穆斯/林”,这个名字就像一个魔咒一样,在怛罗斯鏖战两个月,再没有比安西诸将对这个人更加了解的了。 As the entire Empire sharpest strength, before marching Talas, Anxi Protectorate Army is proud, is self-confident, is powerful. Takes a broad view at the world, Anxi Protectorate Army has thought oneself sweep away all obstacles, fierce has the rival, until meeting these bravely, Caliphate People that simultaneously rarely does not fear. 做为整个帝国最精锐的力量,在进军怛罗斯之前,安西都护军是骄傲的,是自信的,同时也是强悍的。放眼天下,安西都护军一直以为自己所向披靡,悍有敌手,直到遇到这些骁勇善战,同时又罕不畏死的大食人 If no city tall wall to be thick, reaching to the sky the city of Talas, facing 300,000 tidal wells up, battle efficiency far ultra Mengshe Polity and U-Tsang Caliphate army, Anxi Protectorate Army impossible survive to be so long. 如果不是有城高墙厚,高耸入云的怛罗斯之城,面对300000潮水般涌来,战斗力远超蒙舍诏乌斯藏大食军队,安西都护军不可能坚持这么久。 But, Sir Protectorate, although is Abmuslin is very fierce, however the arrival of Sir Protectorate, as well as the eastern battlefield such quick rout, Abmuslin is perhaps fierce, is impossible to expect. If this fight including him not to prepare, perhaps we really can borrow this thorough defeating Caliphate People!!” “可是,都护大人,虽然是艾布穆斯/林很厉害,但是都护大人的到来,以及东部战场这么快溃败,恐怕就算艾布穆斯/林再厉害,也绝不可能料到。如果这场战斗连他都没有准备的话,说不定我们真的可以借此彻底的击败大食人!!” A Anxi section ruthlessly is grasping the fist, cannot bear the excited say/way. 一名安西部将狠狠的握着拳头,忍不住激动道。 Abmuslin is truly fierce, but this fights sees to defeat the hope of Caliphate People with great difficulty, if because merely dreaded, gives up chasing down, afterward showed has missed a good opportunity, that rather made one sigh with regret. 艾布穆斯/林确实很厉害,但是这场战好不容易看到战胜大食人的希望,如果仅仅因为忌惮,就放弃追杀,事后证明错失了一个上好的机会,那就未免太令人扼腕叹息了。
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