HE :: Volume #9

#877: Caliphate, rout! ( 3 )

Chapter 877 第877章 Good opportunity!” “好机会!” Feels the Omar aura to weaken suddenly, Li Siye and Huang Botian vision one bright, two people collaborate simultaneously to launch the attack, but is almost at the same time, the horse's hoof bronchial asthma, like the thunder, from comes heavily in all directions. Bang bang bang, five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry like violent storm, from each direction continuous hit on Astral Qi of Omar outside the body. 感受到欧麦尔的气息突然变弱,李嗣业黄搏天目光一亮,两人联手齐齐发动攻击,而几乎是同一时间,马蹄喘急,沉重如雷,从四面八方呼啸而来。砰砰砰,五千乌伤铁骑有如狂风暴雨般,从各个方向接连不断的撞击在欧麦尔体外的罡气上。 But suddenly, Omar aura on the according to astonishing Speed consumption, and weakened an unbelievable situation rapidly. 只不过眨眼间,欧麦尔身上的气息就以惊人的速度消耗,并且迅速削弱到了一个难以置信的地步。 Ten Sweeps & Executions! 十荡十决 When five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry are famous this set of later generation, one of the strongest ten Great Array use on a person, even if Omar this famous Caliphate Famous General, does not have any happiness. 当五千乌伤铁骑把这套后世名闻天下,最强十大阵法之一用在一个人身上,哪怕是欧麦尔这种名闻天下的大食名将,也没有任何的幸理 No!” “不!” By having a heart of stone, the Omar face whiten that the will is famous firmly, in the heart steep has had a strong fear. His martial arts is staunch and boundless, simultaneously resists the collaboration attack of Li Siye and Huang Botian sufficiently, when tens of thousands of Wushang Heavy Cavalry charge together, Omar is not the match. During his goes on an expedition his entire life, first time meets this Heavy Cavalry colony in groups to attack a situation of person. 以铁石心肠,意志坚定着称的欧麦尔脸色苍白,心中陡的生出了一股浓烈的恐惧。他的武功刚烈、磅礴,足以同时抵挡李嗣业黄搏天的联手攻击,但是当成千上万的乌伤铁骑一起冲锋过来,就连欧麦尔都不是对手。在他的一生征战之中,还是第一次遇到这种成群结队的铁骑集群式进攻一个人的情况。 A person again formidable, is impossible simultaneously to cope with tens of thousands of matches, this flash, he felt a Death flavor/smell finally. He wants the vertical horse to escape, but Stone General of Huang Botian control has completely controlled the surrounding rock terrain, rocks break out from the place bottom, has prevented his way completely, but five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry crowded such as the attack of rain has blocked his escape route thoroughly. 一个人就算再强大,也不可能同时对付成千上万的对手,这一刹那,他终于感觉到了一股死亡的味道。他想要纵马逃跑,但是黄搏天操控的石将军完全控制了周围的岩石地形,一块块岩石从地底突起,完全阻挡了他去路,而五千乌伤铁骑密集如雨的攻击更是彻底封死了他的退路。 „!” “啊!” Finally the flash, the strength of Omar only with enough time rising spiritedly whole body, raises in the hand the prestige scarlet Caliphate sickle, withstands the attack from top of the head. However bang, air wave suddenly/violently Ming, a handle person of high sharp Giant Sword anger cuts, this sword has cut open the dark cloud, has cut open Sun and Moon, has cut open Omar outside the body deep swarthy Astral Qi, divided in his hand famous, accompanied itself to go on an expedition half a lifetime Caliphate Divine Blade. 最后一刹那,欧麦尔只来得及奋起全身的力量,举起手中威名赫赤的大食弯刀,顶住来自头顶的攻击。然而轰隆,气浪暴鸣,一柄一人多高的锋利巨剑怒斩而下,这一剑剖开了乌云,剖开了日月,剖开了欧麦尔体外深沉黝黑的罡气,也同时劈断了他手中名闻天下的,陪伴自己征战半生的大食神刀 xī yù yù, last long hiss Caliphate marvelous horse from Omar cross below, this physique is grandiose, is well-known the Caliphate marvelous horse and Omar same place, in a Wootz Steel Giant Sword sword by the Li Siye hand was deducted two split bamboo, blood suddenly/violently to launch place. 希聿聿,最后一声长嘶来自欧麦尔跨下的大食神驹,这头体格壮硕,闻名大食的神驹和欧麦尔一起,被李嗣业手中乌兹钢巨剑一剑劈成两爿,鲜血暴射一地。 With Great Tang for enemy, so liao!” “与大唐为敌者,如此獠!” A Li Siye sword shoulders the Omar corpse, raises high, that flash, his whole body aura is billowing, Astral Qi like the tide, the roaring flame of combustion seems to be ordinary, the vision of half battlefield gathers on him, that moment Li Siye, great is similar to the god in space is ordinary. 李嗣业一剑挑起欧麦尔的尸体,高高扬起,那一刹那,他浑身气息滚滚,罡气如潮,仿佛燃烧的烈焰一般,半个战场的目光都聚集在他身上,那一刻的李嗣业,伟岸的如同天上的神祗一般。 Bang!” “轰!” Although could not understand Li Siye to say anything, however dying in battle of Omar, regarding eastern battlefield the attack of Caliphate Legion, completely was ruinous. 虽然听不懂李嗣业说什么,但是欧麦尔的战死,对于东部战场的大食军团的打击,完全是毁灭性的。 General died in battle!” 将军阵亡!” Omar General was killed by Tang People!” 欧麦尔将军唐人杀了!” Everybody runs away quickly!” “大家快逃!” ...... …… All Caliphate People rush to be first, a panic, being repulsed Great Army like tidal attacks the rear Great Army camp. This, had almost adjusted suddenly, made attack preparation Caliphate Legion to be under this wave of impact, immediately a confusion. 所有的大食人争先恐后,一片恐慌,败退的大军有如潮水般冲击后方的大军阵营。这一幕突如其来,原本差不多已经调整过来,都做出了进攻准备的大食军团受到这波冲击,顿时一片混乱。 Kills!” “杀!” clear(ly) violated my man (Han), even if far away, will cetainly be executed!!” “明犯我强汉者,虽远必诛!!” clear(ly) violated my man (Han), even if far away, will cetainly be executed!!” “明犯我强汉者,虽远必诛!!” For Great Tang!” “为了大唐!” ...... …… An intermittent roaring sound resounds through the battlefield, ten ten thousand Qixi reinforcements are red the eye, just like fierce tiger descends the mountain, kills toward the Caliphate armed forces one close behind the other. Arrived this step, has had no need for any tactic, facing on all fronts Caliphate People of rout, the people was similar to the monstrous waves turbulent in the past. 一阵阵咆哮声响彻战场,十万碛西援军赤红着眼睛,犹如猛虎下山般,向着大食军衔尾杀去。到了这一步,已经用不着任何的战术了,面对全线溃败的大食人,众人只是如同巨浪般汹涌过去。 Wushang Heavy Cavalry and Crossbow Carriage Great Army, King of Ganke and size Bo Lv army and Annan Protectorate Army and Qixi Protectorate Army......, All hominizations are the common ruinous mighty currents, unceasing toward 30 ten thousand Caliphate People rushes in the past. Although the Caliphate People quantity are more than Great Tang, although the following Caliphate army is still trying to revolt, tries to go forward to fight, but faces already on all fronts Legion of rout, anybody was unable to prevent this trend. 乌伤铁骑弩车大军冈克之王、大小勃律的军队、安南都护军碛西都护军……,所有人化为一般毁灭性的洪流,不断的向着30万大食人冲杀过去。虽然大食人的数量远比大唐要多,虽然后面的大食军队还在试图反抗,试图上前战斗,但是面对已经全线溃败的军团,任何人都已经无法阻止这股趋势。 Sir!” “大人!” Looks there quickly!” “快看那里!” Caliphate People was repelled unexpectedly!” 大食人居然被打退了!” This is how possible!” “这怎么可能!” , In the city of Talas, vision look under the city from afar the forms of tens of thousands of retreating, on the face full is shocking. They already noted the distant place subsidiary troops' arrival, however the crazy attack of Caliphate People, making them have no time to take into consideration radically, moreover two months of engaging in fierce battle, nobody is clearer than Anxi Protectorate Army, this only Caliphate Empire army is at present strong. 远远的,怛罗斯之城上,一道道目光看着城下成千上万溃退的身影,脸上满是震惊。他们早就注意到了远处援军的到来,但是大食人的疯狂进攻,使得他们根本无暇顾及,而且两个月的鏖战,再没有人比安西都护军更明白,眼前这只大食帝国的军队有多么强大。 That was wants the formidable many armies compared with past any army, only depended on 100,000 reinforcements, moreover inside also had Mercenary(-ies) of considerable many quantity, wanted to defeat 300,000 fierce and valiant Caliphate soldiers, was almost equal to fantasy story. However no one has thought, finally this emergying reinforcements, not only won, but also by the overwhelming strength thorough crush Caliphate army. 那是比以往任何一支军队都要强大的多的军队,仅凭100000援军,而且里面还有相当多数量的雇佣兵,想要击败300000凶猛、彪悍的大食士兵,几乎相当于天方夜谭。然而谁也没有想到,最后这支新出现的援军,不但胜利了,而且还以压倒性的力量彻底碾压大食军队。 Above the tower over a city gate a deathly stillness, followed the scaling ladder to take place of the fallen, Caliphate People that kills unceasingly like tidal retreats. The people watch the reinforcements of distant place and Caliphate People fierce battle, the war cry that howls, has given all person unprecedented impacts and shocks, has given all person unprecedented hopes of! 城楼之上一片死寂,原本顺着云梯前仆后继,不断杀来的大食人有如潮水般退去。众人看着远处与大食人激烈交战的援军,那呼啸的喊杀声,给了所有人前所未有的冲击和震撼,更给了所有人前所未有的希望! Transmitted orders, opens the city gate, coordinates Qixi Protectorate Army, joint converging attack Caliphate People!” “传令下去,打开城门,配合碛西都护军,联合夹击大食人!” At this time, sounded somewhat exhaustedly, but actually still the dignified loud and clear sound resounded in the people ear. Gao Xianzhi both hands lean on the sword, stands and waits for a long time on the tower over a city gate, just like the mountain range, stands one's ground steadfastly. His clothes armor was shattered, the whole body bloodstained, each place is the deep sword scar, fierce combat continually has consumed his massive Astral Qi and physical strength, but Gao Xianzhi is the complexion is tranquil, that big tall and straight form spans there, as if never will drop down. 就在这个时候,一个听起来有些疲惫,但却依然威严洪亮的声音在众人耳边响起。高仙芝双手拄剑,伫立在城楼上,犹如山峦般,岿然不动。他衣甲破碎,浑身血迹斑斑,每一处地方都是深深的刀剑伤痕,连番的激战消耗了他大量的罡气和体力,但是高仙芝却是脸色平静,那高大挺拔的身影横亘在那里,就仿佛永远都不会倒下般。 Yes! Sir!” “是!大人!” Gao Xianzhi transmitting orders officer whole face was excited, received an order to go rapidly. A moment later, bang, along with a loud sound, the city of Talas already city gate numerous opening of serious twist deformation, Anxi Protectorate Army excited shouted "kill" is rushing ahead to go from the city. 高仙芝身旁一名传令官满脸兴奋,迅速领命而去。片刻之后,轰隆,随着一声巨响,怛罗斯之城已经严重扭曲变形的城门重重的打开,一名名安西都护军激动的喊杀着从城中冲杀而去。 30 ten thousand Caliphate armies had burst under the attack of Qixi reinforcements cannot, in addition suddenly Anxi Protectorate Army that kills from the city, even more was immediately chaotic, tens of thousands of Caliphate People rush to be first, escapes in abundance. 30万大食军队本来在碛西援军的攻击下已经溃不能支,再加上突然从城中杀出的安西都护军,顿时越发混乱了,成千上万的大食人争先恐后,纷纷逃跑。 Cannot think...... He will come really!” “想不到……他真的会来!” When above the city wall nobody, Gao Xianzhi long expiration , the facial expression was again more relaxed, that was big great body, has appeared deeply exhausted. 当城墙之上再没有一个人,高仙芝长长的吐了一口气,神情轻松了很多,那原本高大伟岸的身躯,也显出了一丝深深地疲惫。 ...... …… Outside Talas City, Caliphate People totals military defeat! 怛罗斯城外,大食人兵败如山倒! Bastard! Halt! Massacres them!” “混蛋!站住!杀掉他们!” Cannot escape! Kills!” “不许逃跑!杀回去!” Impact armed forces, death!” “冲击军阵者,死!” ...... …… Rear Caliphate military officers are whooshing angrily, but also tries to prevent being repulsed of Great Army. However is only a blink, they, were being coerced by this turbulent flow, in the future will tow. 一名名后方的大食将领愤怒的嘶吼着,还试图着阻止大军的败退。然而只是一眨眼,就连他们自己,都被这股乱流裹挟着,往后拖去。 Withdraw!” “撤!” Game is as good as lost, facing 100,000 cruel, Great Tang that chases down crazily / army, Caliphate People issued finally retreated the order, 30 ten thousand Great Army left behind corpse everywhere, like tidal retreated to the west. 大势已去,面对100000如狼似虎,疯狂追杀过来的大唐/军队,大食人终于下达了撤退了命令,30万大军留下满地的尸体,有如潮水般向西退去。 Lord Marquis! We won!” 侯爷!我们胜利了!” Behind Great Army, Xu Keyi turns head to look at a Wang Chong face respect to say. 大军后方,许科仪扭头望着王冲一脸崇敬道。 Won, but did not have the complete victory!” “是胜利了,但还没有彻底胜利!” Wang Chong indifferently said, throws down face ignorant Xu Keyi, rides White-hoofed Shadow slowly to leading the way. In battlefield, gold/metal Tiesheng, war cry, horse whining noise, pitiful yell sound, the trembling sound of bowstring, a sound piece. Only then Wang Chong is calm, like strolling, bridges over the innumerable Caliphate People corpses, passed over gently and swiftly one everywhere to break Ge Canji, in ten thousand armed forces clumps slowly to leading the way. 王冲淡淡道,丢下一脸懵懂的许科仪,骑着白蹄乌缓缓地向前行去。战场上,金铁声,喊杀声,马鸣声,惨叫声,还有弓弦的震颤声,响声一片。只有王冲一脸平静,有如闲庭信步般,跨过无数大食人的尸体,掠过一处处断戈残戟,在万军丛中缓缓的向前行去。 A Famous General gentleman closely follows, where Wang Chong arrives, where is the center of war, probably exiled the white date of falling to be ordinary, was forever glorious, making people forever unable to neglect his existence. 身后,一名名将士紧紧相随,王冲走到哪里,哪里就是战争的中心,就好像谪落的皓日一般,光芒万丈,让人永远都无法忽视他的存在。 Caliphate People retreated, like tide general crazy will well up in the future, this fights Caliphate People to lose seriously, perhaps even if until now, they do not have to think oneself will lose, even also buckle arrow of Omar such Top Level Famous General Caliphate. However regarding Wang Chong, all as he expected. 大食人撤退了,有如潮水一般的疯狂往后涌去,这一战大食人损失惨重,就算到现在为止,他们恐怕都没有想到自己会输,甚至还折损了大食之矢欧麦尔这样的顶级名将。但是对于王冲来说,一切都在他的预料之中。 This fight from start to the present, no matter evaded that Caliphate People in the falcon of sky, massacres them to loaf in the surrounding, scouting of disclosing secret information, takes the favorable position finally, routs seven ten thousand Great Army under Omar direction, as well as attacks 30 ten thousand Caliphate armies using Great Army that this east retreats, all one snap ring one points completely are the results of his meticulous arrangements. 这一场战斗从开始到现在,不管是避过大食人在天空的隼,杀掉他们游荡在外围,通风报信的斥候,还是最后抢占先机,击溃欧麦尔指挥下的七万大军,以及利用这东部溃退的大军冲击30万大食军队,所有的一切一环扣一环全部是他精心安排的结果。 In Wushang City of Steel and Qixi Protectorate General, Wang Chong uses that Talas terrain the sand table, beforehand has deduced are excessively innumerable, but now all these real performance in reality, moreover with meticulous care, does not have the least mistake. 乌伤钢铁之城碛西都护府中,王冲利用那张怛罗斯地形的沙盘,事先已经推演过无数次,而现在这一切在现实中真实的上演,而且丝丝入扣,没有毫厘的差池。 Husband has not fought, but imperial court's policy winner, must be many \; Has not fought, but the imperial court's policy non- winner, must calculate that little also, this is in Art of War the simplest content, for the present victory, Wang Chong prepared not to know that many days and nights, the aspects, all details were considered by him. “夫未战而庙算胜者,得算多也\;未战而庙算不胜者,得算少也”,这是兵法中最简单的内容,为了现在的胜利,王冲准备了不知道多少个日日夜夜,方方面面,所有的细节都被他考虑到了。 Regarding Caliphate People, this failure perhaps is only accidental, but regarding Wang Chong, is actually inevitable. 对于大食人来说,这一场失败或许只是偶然,但是对于王冲来说,却是必然。 Report!” “报!” Caliphate People removed to assigning position, whether continues to pursue?” 大食人已经撤到指定位置,请问是否继续追击?” When Wang Chong slowly to leading the way, a messenger spreads with great speed, turns over/stands up dismount before the Wang Chong body, respectful kneeling bends down in the place. 就在王冲缓缓向前行去的时候,一名传令兵火速驰来,在王冲身前翻身下马,恭恭敬敬的跪伏在地。 Does not need!” “不必了!” Wang Chong sits on White-hoofed Shadow, looks into the front to withdraw from Talas west side battlefield Caliphate People, has suspended shaking the head, indifferently said: 王冲坐在白蹄乌上,眺望前方已经退出怛罗斯西侧战场的大食人,摆了摆头,淡淡道: Informs Li Siye, Chen Bin, as well as King of Ganke they, stop pursuing!” “通知李嗣业,陈彬,以及冈克之王他们,停止追击!” Moreover, transmitted orders Zhang Shouzhi they, can start to take action!” “另外,传令张寿之他们,可以开始行动了!” Yes! Lord Marquis!” “是!侯爷!” Hears the Wang Chong's words, the messenger turns over/stands up to start, quick such as flies to go. 听到王冲的话,传令兵翻身上马,很快如飞而去。 hōng lōng lōng, with a fierce tremor sound, tens of thousands of personnel carriers crossed the hill, is shipping the innumerable artisans, as well as iron furnace of combustion toward battlefield. In them behind, more horse-drawn vehicles are loading the hill common steel, blots out the sky, follows close on. 轰隆隆,随着一阵剧烈的颤动声,成千上万的运兵车翻过丘陵,运送着无数的工匠,以及燃烧的铁炉朝着战场而来。在他们身后,更多的马车装载着小山一般的钢铁,铺天盖地,紧跟而来。
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