HE :: Volume #9

#876: Caliphate, rout! ( 2 )

Chapter 876 第876章 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” All people have a big shock, nobody knows that but the entire battlefield had the decisive change. 所有人大惊失色,没有人知道这是怎么回事,但是整个战场却已经出现了决定性的变化。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Bursts a dike the general, entire eastern battlefield instantaneous piece of rout like the dam, in Third Layer Bane of the Soldiers Aura under the function, all Caliphate soldier strengths fall crazily, at all is not the match of Great Tang soldier. Bang! 45 Great Tang infantries, Astral Qi shakes, joins up, the fierce hit on the present side Caliphate great shield, before this, impregnable Caliphate great shield, these time actually instantaneously was also hit to fly, even after even/including Judun the Caliphate soldiers were knocked in the place. 有如大坝决堤一般,整个东部战场瞬间一片溃败,在三重万卒之敌光环”的作用下,所有的大食士兵实力狂降,根本不是大唐士兵的对手。砰!45名大唐步兵,罡气震荡,联合起来,猛烈的撞击在眼前的一面大食巨盾上,这面之前还牢不可破的大食巨盾,这一次却被瞬间撞飞,甚至连巨盾后的大食士兵都被撞翻在地。 , has not waited for that Caliphate shield soldier(s) to set out, long spear such as the spirit snake, punctures suddenly, a spear/gun pierced the throat of that Caliphate soldier, his ruthlessly foot pin rod on the ground. Is treading his corpse, Great Tang soldiers enter turbulently. 噗,还没等那名大食盾兵起身,一根长枪如灵蛇般,陡然刺出,一枪刺穿了那名大食士兵的咽喉,将他狠狠地钉在地上。踏着他的尸体,一名名大唐士兵汹涌而入。 But at the same time, another direction, the blood light jumps presently, before , the strength greatly is infinite, the irreversible Caliphate chieftain was punctured bravely instantaneously thoroughly by handle Long Sword, looks at the half sword hilt before body, the Caliphate chieftain of this whole face whiskers, the eye opens the eyes in a big way, in the item full is the fear. His both hands subconscious is grasping the sword hilt, like wooden stake numerous but actually. 而与此同时,另一个方向,血光迸现,一名之前还力大无穷,勇不可挡的大食头目瞬间被一柄长剑刺透,看着身前的半截剑柄,这名满脸络腮胡的大食头目,眼睛睁得大大的,目中满是恐惧。他的双手下意识的握着剑柄,有如木桩般重重的倒了下去。 Arrived dying he does not understand that exactly had anything, why own strength drop fierce of such, finally by a person sword assassination! 到死他都不明白到底发生了什么,为什么自己的实力下降的这么厉害,最后被人一剑刺杀! Two, three......, In the short time, tens of thousands of Caliphate People drop down! 一名,两名,三名……,短短时间内,成千上万的大食人纷纷倒下! Rumbling, is almost at the same time, Carriage Crossbow Great Army that Chen Bin leads follows up timely, in an intermittent bellow, hundred and thousand of giant crossbow bolts, one after another, unceasing shoots in the Caliphate People camp. Caliphate People of eastern battlefield to resist Great Tang / the attack of army, the position of all soldiers are dense and numerous, compact to the extreme. 轰轰轰,几乎是同一时间,陈彬率领的车弩大军及时跟进,一阵阵轰鸣声中,成百上千的巨大弩箭,一轮又一轮,不断的射进大食人的阵营之中。东部战场的大食人为了抵御大唐/军队的攻击,所有士兵的站位都是密密麻麻,紧凑到了极点。 This is they defends the lineup proud, but at this time actually happen to became the Great Tang crossbow bolt best target, even coped with Cavalry before time was more advantageous. 这是他们最引以为豪的防御阵型,但此时却正好成为了大唐弩箭最好的靶子,甚至比之前对付骑兵的时候更加有利。 pū pū, each crossbow bolt at least shot through several Caliphate soldiers, some even shot through in a straight line more than 30 Caliphate soldiers. In the short time, in front of three thousand Carriage Crossbow, presented a stretch of huge Death region, at least more than 10,000 Caliphate soldiers, poured under this round arrow rain. 噗噗噗,每一根弩箭都至少射穿了十几名大食士兵,有的甚至射穿了一条直线上30多名大食士兵。短短时间内,三千车弩面前,就出现了一片巨大的死亡地带,至少10000多名大食士兵,倒在了这轮箭雨之下。 Facing the rain of this type of terrifying Death, saw that the front is similar to the companion who the dominoes drop down, even if the will is firm, inborn militant Caliphate People, felt that thick aura of death, starts to dread, goes toward retreat in abundance. 面对这种恐怖的死亡之雨,看到前方如同多米诺骨牌般纷纷倒下的同伴,就算是意志坚定,天生好战的大食人,也感觉到浓厚的死亡气息,开始畏惧起来,纷纷往后退去。 Kills!” “杀!” For Great Tang!” “为了大唐!” Meanwhile, five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry that the great distance extremely far another place, Li Siye leads to rush in the Caliphate People camp deep place horizontally, back and forth the assassination, Ten Sweeps & Executions in Li Siye and five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry hands, displayed pinnacle. The people one will look like fireworks one to jump to disperse, a while looks like the iron claw contraction to gather in together, several rounds rushes, directly the inconsistency that the surrounding Caliphate army swings. 与此同时,相隔极远的另一处地方,李嗣业率领的五千乌伤铁骑大食人的阵营深处横冲直闯,来回刺杀,十荡十决阵在李嗣业和五千乌伤铁骑手中,发挥到了极致。众人一会像烟花一眼迸散开来,一会儿又像铁爪收缩般汇聚在一起,几轮冲杀,直接将周围的大食军队荡的七零八落。 Clang clang clang! 锵锵锵! A handle another handle great axe by thunder extremely powerful from all directions dividing ruthlessly on the body of Li Siye, Omar subordinates sharpest seventh infantry Square Formation, ninth infantry Square Formation and tenth infantry Square Formation have regarded main target Li Siye completely, however all attacks fall on Li Siye, all ruthlessly came by ball. 一柄又一柄巨斧以雷霆万钧之力从四面八方狠狠的劈在李嗣业的身上,欧麦尔麾下最精锐的第七步兵方阵,第九步兵方阵和第十步兵方阵完全把李嗣业当成了最主要的攻击目标,然而所有的攻击落在李嗣业身上,全部被狠狠的弹开来。 Scoffs, Li Siye Long Sword sweeps, four surrounding golden hard helmets fly accordingly, these lost the head big * sharp, the body shivered several, immediately simultaneously but actually. 嗤,李嗣业长剑一扫,四周围一顶顶金色头盔应声飞起,那些失去了头颅的大*锐,身体只是颤抖了几下,立即齐齐倒了下去。 All people along with me come, to kill off them!” “所有人随我来,杀光他们!” The Li Siye angry roaring sound is ordinary like the thunder, resounds in the ears of all Wushang Heavy Cavalry, bang bang bang, but several rounds charges, the overwhelmingly superior force is common immediately, seventh infantry Square Formation, ninth infantry Square Formation and tenth infantry Square Formation strangles to death. The Wushang Heavy Cavalry powerful strength, coordinates Wang Chong's Bane of the Soldiers Aura again, all Caliphate infantries, are utterly routed, tens of thousands of Caliphate People pour under the horse's hoof of Wushang Heavy Cavalry. 李嗣业的怒吼声有如雷霆一般,在所有乌伤铁骑的耳边响起,砰砰砰,只不过几轮冲锋,立即秋风扫落叶一般,将第七步兵方阵,第九步兵方阵和第十步兵方阵纷纷绞杀。乌伤铁骑的强大实力,再配合王冲的万卒之敌光环,所有的大食步兵,溃不成军,成千上万的大食人纷纷倒在乌伤铁骑的马蹄之下。 survive and cut-throat that starts, are facing five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry overwhelming strengths, as well as the high sea impact, disintegrates immediately! 开始的坚持和凶狠,在面对五千乌伤铁骑压倒性的实力,以及怒涛般的冲击,顿时土崩瓦解! Runs away quickly!” “快逃!” A Caliphate soldier rushes ahead, by five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry rounds strangling to death, the smashing, facing the great strength of Wushang Heavy Cavalry, these Caliphate People was feared finally, trembled, turns around to escape in abundance. 一波波的大食士兵冲杀上去,又被五千乌伤铁骑一轮轮的绞杀,粉碎,面对乌伤铁骑的强大,这些大食人终于恐惧了,颤栗了,纷纷掉头逃跑。 Crossbow Carriage Great Army and Wushang Heavy Cavalry, Bane of the Soldiers Aura, adds on 100,000 Great Tang again / army......, Caliphate People totals military defeat, in the short time, the thousands Caliphate infantry whole face was panic-stricken, falls on the eastern battlefield, if many Caliphate soldiers evaded the plague, will start to run away in the future. In the Caliphate People drafting war history, first time has met this completely great power irresistibly. 弩车大军乌伤铁骑,万卒之敌光环,再加上100000的大唐/军队……,大食人兵败如山倒,短短时间内,数以万计的大食步兵满脸惊恐,倒在了东部的战场上,更多的大食士兵如避瘟疫般,开始往后逃窜。在大食人的征战史上,第一次遇到了这种完全无法抵抗的强大力量。 Facing this overwhelming strength, all Caliphate soldiers felt fear and trembling from innermost soul, an entire Great Army flurry, rout and chaotic rapid proliferation, and rapid proliferated toward the back 30 ten thousand Caliphate armies from eastern Great Army of Omar control. 面对这种压倒性力量,所有的大食士兵都感觉到了一股发自灵魂深处的恐惧和颤栗,整个大军一片慌乱,溃败和混乱迅速的扩散开来,并且从欧麦尔控制的东部大军迅速向着背后30多万大食军队扩散。 Scoundrel! Halts!” “混账!站住!” Who dares to escape, military law handling!” “谁敢逃跑,军法处置!” Your these cowards, Empire shame!” “你们这些懦夫,帝国的耻辱!” ...... …… Omar face whiten, shivering of whole body air/Qi. His original intention must stabilize Great Army, resists this sudden big * the team, in the plan of Omar, so long as waits for the moment again, can the army press, thorough elimination this Great Tang army, but now, did not have, when the following army adjusts, the eastern army instead in Great Tang / under the attack of army, in turn has attacked own Great Army, this and Omar original intention runs counter completely! 欧麦尔脸色苍白,浑身都气的颤抖。他的本意是要稳定大军,抵挡住这支突然出现的大*队,在欧麦尔的计划中,只要再等片刻,就可以全军压上,彻底的消灭这支大唐的军队,但是现在,还没有等到后面的军队调整完毕,东部的军队反而在大唐/军队的攻击下,反过来冲击了自己的大军,这和欧麦尔的本意完全背道而驰! Bang!” “轰!” Sees Great Army out-of-control, Omar clenches teeth finally, the fierce vertical horse, the sickle in hand wields, in the shake the heavens loud sound sound, the arc light flashes, more than ten Caliphate soldiers of escaping cleft in two by the Omar sickle directly. tí dā dā, Omar turns head to run out once more, is more than ten Caliphate soldiers drops down like the withered grass. 看到大军失控,欧麦尔终于咬牙,猛的纵马而出,手中的弯刀只是一挥,惊天的巨响声中,弧光一闪,十多名逃跑的大食士兵直接被欧麦尔的弯刀劈成两半。蹄哒哒,欧麦尔再次回头冲出,又是十多名大食士兵如败草般倒下。 Several rounds charges, the Omar surrounding battle scene, has dropped down one after another 100 Caliphate soldiers, but the arrow of this Caliphate has not even jumped including the eyelid, the look is callous. Under this brutal Iron Blood method, surrounding being defeated and dispersed has the sign that has stopped little finally. 接连几轮冲锋,欧麦尔周围尸山血海,足足倒下了100多名大食士兵,而这位大食之矢甚至连眼皮都没有跳一下,神色冷酷无比。在这种残酷的铁血手段下,周围的溃散终于有了一点点止住的迹象。 However had not waited for that Omar draws in entire Great Army, the next quarter, inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirited horse's neigh transmits from the ear suddenly, at the same time, in the Omar sensation, suddenly presented a storm formidable aura, and that aura by astonishing Speed, is flushing in own direction. 不过还没有等待欧麦尔收拢住整个大军,下一刻,一声金石般激昂的马嘶忽然从耳中传来,同一时间,欧麦尔的感知中,突然出现了一道风暴般强大的气息,并且那道气息正在以惊人的速度,朝着自己的方向冲来。 Tang People!” 唐人!” In Omar heart one cold, in mind steep appears to ride blood and sweat treasured horse together, is similar to Giant is ordinary, wants the big form compared with tallest and strongest Caliphate People. 欧麦尔心中一凛,脑海中陡的浮现出一道骑着汗血宝马,如同巨人一般,比最魁梧的大食人还要高大的身影。 Is that Great Tang Heavy Cavalry Leader! 是那个大唐铁骑首领 wēng! 嗡! The Omar pupil shrinks, steep turning head, sees Li Siye One with the Horse, soars, was similar to the shake the heavens rainbow has killed toward oneself together, that pair of joint was distinct, in the powerful palm was grasping a handle compared with person also high Giant Sword, a fierce sword cut ruthlessly. 欧麦尔瞳孔一缩,陡的回过头来,就看到李嗣业人马合一,腾空而起,如同一道惊天长虹般向着自己杀了过来,那双骨节分明,强而有力手掌中握着一柄比人还高的巨剑,猛的一剑狠狠斩下。 „A thief, comes with the life!” “番贼,拿命来!” The Li Siye both eyes anger opens the eyes, wild Astral Qi was condensed the extreme by him, cuts by potential of as powerful as a thunderbolt following Long Sword. 李嗣业双目怒睁,一身狂暴的罡气被他凝聚到了极点,顺着长剑以雷霆万钧之势直斩过去。 The bang, in a twinkling, in a flash, sees only the ray to dodge, the next quarter, a deep dark, formidable incomparable strength erupts from Omar within the body, in this Astral Qi is passing strong Iron Blood and flame flavor/smell, fierce blocks Li Siye this to use fully strikes. 轰,说时迟那时快,电光石火间,只见光芒一闪,下一刻,一股深沉幽暗,强大无比的力量从欧麦尔体内爆发出来,这股罡气中透着一股浓烈的铁血和火焰的味道,猛的挡住李嗣业这倾尽全力的一击。 Ignorant heathen, I must end your life personally!” “无知的异教徒,我要亲自终结你的性命!” In Omar eye steep eruption shake the heavens cold glow, as one of the Eastern Governor Abmuslin subordinates most Top Level military officers, Omar is in itself having extremely formidable battle efficiency, his strength and his Iron Blood as well as callous similarly famous. Although Great Army rout, but among the fight regarding this military commanders, Omar is always fearless. 欧麦尔眼中陡的爆发出惊天的寒芒,作为东方总督艾布穆斯/林麾下最顶级的将领之一,欧麦尔本身就拥有着极其强大的战斗力,他的实力和他的铁血以及冷酷同样出名。虽然大军溃败,但是对于这种武将之间的战斗,欧麦尔从来都是毫无畏惧。 In this fierce combat, he does not know that cuts to kill many hostile military commander, reason that Omar is called the arrow of Caliphate, itself casts with these military commander and Famous General blood. 在这种激战中,他不知斩杀过多少敌对的武将,欧麦尔之所以被称为大食之矢,本身就是用这些武将、名将的鲜血铸就出来的。 However at this time, void severe shake, a mighty bell greatly -like voice transmitted from the top of the head: 然而就在这个时候,虚空剧震,一个洪钟大吕般的声音从头顶传来: „The scoundrel tortoise day of whole face beard, what were you chirp chirp quack saying? Listen! No! Understands!” “满脸胡子的混账王八旦,你叽叽呱呱在说什么?听!不!懂!” The sound has not fallen, a giant fist of rock constitution by slightly is increased in the eye, fierce fist numerous bang fall on the Omar top of the head. The Astral Qi sudden shake of Omar body week the tremendous strength shakes, fell including the Caliphate marvelous horse four legs of crotch in the soil. 声音未落,一个岩石构成的巨大拳头在眼中由小变大,猛的一拳重重轰落在欧麦尔的头顶。巨大的力量震的欧麦尔身周的罡气急剧的震荡,连胯下的大食神驹四条腿都陷进了泥土里面。 Becoming facing Li Siye and incarnation Stone General Huang Botian collaborates to strike, even if were Omar also feels the huge pressure. 面对李嗣业和化身成石将军黄搏天联手一击,即便是欧麦尔也感觉到了巨大的压力。 Useless! You could not kill me!” “没有用的!你们根本杀不了我!” Omar clenches teeth, in the eye ominous light four shoot, withstands the attacks of these two Great Tang top combat generals, was one's turn him to counter-attack. However Omar just agitated Astral Qi, raises the sickle, the next quarter, bang, without any indication, the ground of Omar under foot lived suddenly came to be the same, the hard ground under a control of external force, the inferior fovea caved, is split up, the warhorse of Omar crotch lost instantaneously balanced, dragging Omar to crash with horse. 欧麦尔咬着牙,眼中凶光四射,顶住这两名大唐顶尖战将的攻击,接下来就轮到他反击了。然而欧麦尔才刚刚鼓动罡气,扬起弯刀,下一刻,轰隆,没有任何的征兆,欧麦尔脚下的地面突然活了过来一样,原本坚硬的地面在一股外力的控制下,下凹塌陷,四分五裂,欧麦尔胯下的战马瞬间失去平衡,拖着欧麦尔连人带马坠落下去。 The earth vibrates, can tear the ground, this is the Huang Botian Stone General ability. 大地震动,可以将地面撕裂,这是黄搏天石将军的能力。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Self-poise Omar has had a big shock, finally changed the complexion. However all these had not finished, the next quarter, bang, the dark-red ripple jumps to shoot from the Great Tang army together, sweeps away the entire battlefield. By this strength, the Omar whole body steel concise aura was shaken suddenly, dropped one section suddenly. 一直镇定自若的欧麦尔大惊失色,终于变了脸色。然而这一切还远没有结束,下一刻,轰隆,一道暗红色的波纹从大唐的军队后方迸射而出,横扫整个战场。被这股力量一荡,欧麦尔全身钢铁般凝练的气息突然一震,陡然下降了一截。 Bane of the Generals Aura! 万将之敌光环 At this time, Wang Chong also take action. By Wang Chong now Saint Martial Realm six Seventh Layer strengths, only if Great General Level top Powerhouse, otherwise, will receive Bane of the Generals Aura influence entirely. 在这个时候,王冲出手了。以王冲现在圣武境七重的实力,除非是大将级别的顶尖强者,否则的话,统统会受到万将之敌光环影响
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