HE :: Volume #9

#875: Caliphate, rout! ( 1 )

Chapter 875 第875章 Seventh infantry Square Formation, ninth infantry Square Formation, tenth infantry Square Formation, this is a Omar training, the sharpest infantry, is the Omar own soldier guard. In the battlefield, they have another function, undertakes attacking a fortified position Quest in battlefield. Caliphate People dominates the world by Cavalry, but Caliphate People will study to restrain the Cavalry means similarly. 第七步兵方阵,第九步兵方阵,第十步兵方阵,这是欧麦尔一手训练的,最精锐的步兵,同时也是欧麦尔的亲兵卫兵。在战场上,他们还有另外一个职能,就是承担战场上的攻坚任务大食人骑兵称雄天下,但是大食人同样会研究克制骑兵的办法。 Because has Cavalry, trains Cavalry more than Caliphate People! 因为拥有骑兵,训练骑兵的远不止大食人 Seventh infantry Square Formation, ninth infantry Square Formation, tenth infantry Square Formation is the elite who Omar chooses specially, in the battlefield, they have struck to kill did not know the elite strengths of many enemies, including Cavalry and infantry. 第七步兵方阵,第九步兵方阵,第十步兵方阵就是欧麦尔特意挑选出来的精英,在战场上,他们已经击杀了不知道多少敌国的精锐力量,包括骑兵和步兵。 Great Army is transferring, moreover is rapid taking turns, net of the invisible Death, from turns toward five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry to swoop to go in all directions, however all these had not finished. As one generation of Famous General, is not the defense that Omar excels is so simple 大军在调动,而且是飞速的轮换,一张无形的死亡之网,从四面八方向着五千乌伤铁骑飞扑而去,然而这一切还远没有结束。做为一代名将,欧麦尔擅长的远不是防御那么简单 Third ten Cavalry Formation, 30 th three Cavalry Formation, fourth ten Cavalry Formation, fifth ten Cavalry Formation, eighth ten Cavalry Formation, attack fully, beats about them the wing, thorough routs them!” “第三十骑兵阵列,第30三骑兵阵列,第四十骑兵阵列,第五十骑兵阵列,第八十骑兵阵列,全力出击,击垮他们左右翼,彻底的击溃他们!” The Omar vision, has locked about hundreds of thousands Qixi reinforcements callously and heartlessly rapidly the position of pair of wings. 欧麦尔的目光冷酷、无情,迅速的锁定了十几万碛西援军左右双翼的位置。 Avoiding the enemy's strength and hitting where he is weak, this is not Intrisic Principle that Central Plains Tang People understands. Perhaps Caliphate People does not have that many Art of War, but Omar already through the unceasing bloody battle, already understood simple Intrisic Principle that in this actual combat tries to find out. Tang People this Heavy Cavalry truly is only formidable, but not necessarily all Tang People armies are so. “避实击虚”,这并不是中土唐人才懂的道理大食人或许没那么多的兵法,但是欧麦尔早就通过不断的血战,早就明白了这个实战中摸索出来的浅显道理唐人的这只铁骑确实非常强大,但是并不见得所有的唐人军队都是如此。 So long as avoids the enemy's strength and hits where he is weak, bypasses this only Great Tang Heavy Cavalry, routs their rear main forces, then final, no matter this Tang People Legion is formidable, to finally, victory is still Caliphate. 只要避实击虚,绕过这只大唐铁骑,击溃他们后方的主力,那么最后,不管这支唐人军团有多么强大,到了最后,胜利的依然是大食 Incessantly so, opposite Tang People fully, the population are freely many, but regarding Omar, strategically he needs wins the time merely. In the Talas battlefield, gathered 300,000 big * the sharp army, no matter opposite Great Tang * the army has many, to finally, when 30 ten thousand Great Army obtained enough cushion time, moves comes excessively, waited for these hundreds of thousands Great Tang * army is still the blind alley. 不止如此,尽管对面的唐人扑天盖地,人数很多,但是对于欧麦尔来说,在战略上他需要的仅仅只是赢取时间。在怛罗斯战场上,足足聚集了300000的大*锐军队,不管对面的大唐*军队有多少,到了最后,当30万大军获得了足够的缓冲时间,调过头来,等待这十几万大唐*军队的依然是死路。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The earth thunders, is similar to shakes chaff tremor, the Omar sound just fell, 15,000 thousand Caliphate Heavy Cavalry that behind the Caliphate camp, brings up the rear finally are divided into one on the left and other on the right two camps, runs quickly from the big shield wall, is similar to two groups of black storm charges goes. Black Aura shake in their, thunders, 15,000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry like amazingly quick, their Speed only in short flicker, has achieved pinnacle. 大地轰鸣,如同筛糠般颤动不已,欧麦尔的声音刚落,大食阵营后方,最后押阵的15000千大食铁骑分成一左一右两个阵营,从高大的盾墙后方奔驰而出,如同两团黑色风暴般冲锋而去。一道道黑色光环在他们脚下震荡,轰鸣,15000的大食铁骑有如神速,他们的速度只在短短一瞬,就达到了极致 Three hundreds of zhang (333 m), flash! 三百丈,一晃而过! This time, 15,000 troops bypassed Wushang Heavy Cavalry perfectly, bypassed Sun Zhiming and Chen Burang they, has charged into the rear Qixi Great Army camp straightly. 这一次,15000人马完美的绕过了乌伤铁骑,也绕过了孙知命陈不让他们,笔直的冲向了后方的碛西大军阵营。 Infantries! 步兵! In front of charge Heavy Cavalry, always treats the lamb that butchers fully. In Cavalry to fighting infantry historical, the number of times that the infantry can win is very few. Fully-armed Heavy Cavalry can shatter five and six times, even more than ten times of step Ministry of War teams. But Caliphate People as most maneating Heavy Cavalry, the infantry match who destroys there are numerous similar cases. 在全力冲锋的铁骑面前,从来都只是待宰的羔羊。在骑兵对战步兵的历史上,步兵能够胜出的次数少之又少。一只全副武装的铁骑可以冲垮五、六倍,甚至十多倍的步兵部队。而大食人做为最凶悍的铁骑,摧毁的步兵对手更是不知凡几。 Kills them!” “干掉他们!” Destroys their lineups, thorough tears into shreds them!” “摧毁他们的阵形,彻底的撕碎他们!” For Caliphate! Massacres these heathens!” “为了大食!杀掉这些异教徒!” The horse's hoof is heavy, rumble like the thunder, more than 15,000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry is stepping on black Aura, with overpowering momentum, toward rear big * the side hurricane goes. 150 zhang (3.33 m), a hundred zhang (333 m), 50 zhang (3.33 m), the distance is getting more and more near, they even can see the soldiers on these personnel carriers, was stopping in a hurry, and rapid set up formation. 马蹄沉重,隆隆如雷,15000多大食铁骑踩着黑色的光环,气势磅礴,向着后方的大*方狂飙而去。150丈,一百丈,50丈,距离越来越近,他们甚至可以看到那些运兵车上的士兵,正匆匆的停了下来,并且迅速的布阵。 However, already late. This response, in having fought many battles, its fast such as in front of thunder Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, simply does not have any use. 不过,已经晚了。这种反应,在身经百战,其速如雷的大食铁骑面前,根本没有任何的用处。 Kills off them!” “杀光他们!” Fierce roaring sound resounds through the world, more than 15,000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry initiated the final charge, the electricity has shot to go. 狰狞的咆哮声响彻天地,15000多大食铁骑发起了最后的冲锋,电射而去。 Preparation!” “准备!” But is almost simultaneously, tall Keng a voice resounds through the earth, in the opposite Great Tang camp, silver-white vehicles have pushed suddenly, by each vehicle, at least has five Great Tang foot soldiers. But in the front of these foot soldiers, Chen Bin draws out Wootz Steel Sword on waist, Long Sword lifts up high, points at the front. 而几乎是同时,一声高吭的声音响彻大地,对面的大唐阵营中,一辆辆银白色的车子突然推了出来,每一辆车子旁边,都至少有五名大唐的步卒。而在这些步卒的前方,陈彬拔出腰上的乌兹钢剑,长剑高举,遥指前方。 His vision is solemn, the body is stiff, grasps the palm of sword to be entirely still, probably framed there was the same. 他的目光冷峻,身躯挺直,握剑的手掌纹丝不动,就好像定格在了那里一样。 40 zhang (3.33 m)! 40丈! 30 zhang (3.33 m)! 30丈! Launch!” “发射!” Finally the flash, Long Sword in Chen Bin hand wields suddenly. Along with the order of Chen Bin, in the Great Army camp, hundred and thousand of cars start suddenly. Rumbling, that checks, world is silent, in everyone ear heard intermittent thunder thundering, that is the Death note. 最后一刹那,陈彬手中的长剑猛然挥下。随着陈彬的命令,大军阵营中,成百上千的小车突然发动。轰轰轰,那一刹,天地寂静,每一个人耳中都听到了一阵阵雷霆般的轰鸣,那是死亡的音符。 The next quarter, in the vision of countless person, more than one zhang (3.33 m) is long, thick incomparable, the surface carved the inscription crossbow bolt to shiver completely, was similar to the cataract, suddenly the electricity from these cars shot. 下一刻,就在无数人的目光中,一根根一丈多长,粗大无比,表面刻满了铭文的弩箭颤动着,如同瀑雨般,突然从那些小车上电射而出。 Be careful!” “小心!” Is the crossbow bolt!” “是弩箭!” Sees these crossbow bolts, to forefront Caliphate Heavy Cavalry steep both eyes suddenly/violently opened, the whole person breathed must stagnate, an intense terrifying feeling like tidal covered the people, Caliphate Heavy Cavalry made an effort drew the reins to stop, but was late. 看到这些弩箭,冲在最前面的大食铁骑陡的双目暴睁,整个人呼吸都要停滞了,一种强烈的恐怖感有如潮水般笼罩众人,一名名大食铁骑使劲的拉着缰绳想要停下来,但是已经迟了。 The bang, in the intense horse's neigh sound, a thick crossbow bolt pierced a forefront Caliphate warhorse instantaneously, is second, the third warhorse, these famous Caliphate warhorses, on each are binding thick War Armor, the common bow and arrow is unable to shoot thoroughly, however in front of the Great Tang fiercest crossbow bolt, on the photographic paper sticks, simply does not have the slight use. 轰,激烈的马嘶声中,一根粗大的弩箭瞬间洞穿了最前面的一匹大食战马,接着是第二匹,第三匹战马,这些名闻天下的大食战马,每一匹身上都裹着厚厚的战甲,寻常的弓箭根本无法射透,但是在大唐最厉害的弩箭面前,就像纸糊的一样,根本没有丝毫用处。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Hundred and thousand of crossbow bolt electricity shoot, each crossbow bolt at least shot through four and five Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, some fierce even shot through in a straight line seven and eight Heavy Cavalry. The sound of neighing is lingering on faintly, but puts in an appearance, Caliphate People at least lost five and 6000 manpower. 成百上千的弩箭电射而出,每一根弩箭都至少射穿了四、五名大食铁骑,一些厉害的甚至射穿了一条直线上的七、八名铁骑。嘶鸣之声不绝于耳,只是一个照面间,大食人至少损失了五、6000人手。 Under huge effect of inertia, these Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, even if the arrow, proceeds to flush away as before, slid very long distance on the ground, even rushed to front of most front Crossbow Carriage, but these people actually early already Death. 在巨大的惯性作用下,这些大食铁骑即便中箭,依旧往前冲去,在地上滑行了很长一段距离,甚至冲到了最前排的弩车面前,但这些人却早已经死亡 Puts!” “放!” The Chen Bin vision decides, throughout gazes at opposite Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, Wootz Steel Long Sword in hand is wielding suddenly once more, rumbling, in the dreadful mist and dust, the second wave of arrow rain explodes to shoot once more. 陈彬目光定定,始终注视着对面的大食铁骑,手中的乌兹钢长剑陡然再次挥下,轰轰轰,在滔天的烟尘中,第二波箭雨再次爆射而出。 Puts!” “放!” Follows, the third round arrow rain blots out the sky to go, these crossbow bolt each are similar to the god of death sickles, each is aiming at Caliphate Heavy Cavalry. After three rounds arrow rain, thorough has established these 15,000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry destinies. In big battlefield, lying this way and that everywhere is the warhorse and Caliphate Cavalry corpse. 紧随其后,第三轮箭雨铺天盖地而去,这些弩箭每一根都如同死神的镰刀,每一根都瞄准着一名大食铁骑。三轮箭雨过后,彻底的奠定了这15000名大食铁骑的命运。偌大的战场上,横七竖八,到处都是战马和大食骑兵的尸体。 That rumble the hoofbeat and shocking war cry, suddenly vanish after three rounds arrow rain without a trace. On the earth everywhere is the blood that flows, that the sound may hear clearly. 那隆隆的马蹄声和震天的喊杀声,在三轮箭雨之后瞬息间消失得无影无踪。大地上到处都是流淌的鲜血,那汩汩的声音清晰可闻。 Silent! 寂静! Has flash that in the entire battlefield a deathly stillness, seemed suppressed including the war cry., Caliphate soldiers look at that corpse everywhere from afar, stared round the eye, in the pupil full was panic-stricken. 15,000 braveness, Caliphate Heavy Cavalry of famous town various country's, do not know that has defeated many several folds in own match, has conquered many powerful enemy, each in Speed achieves in the pinnacle situation, at least can cope with four and five infantries. 有那么一刹那,整个战场上一片死寂,似乎连喊杀声都被镇压下去了。远远的,一名名大食士兵看着那满地的尸体,一个个瞪圆了眼睛,瞳孔中满是惊恐。15000名骁勇善战,名镇诸国的大食铁骑,不知道击败过多少数倍于自己的对手,征服过多少强悍的敌人,他们每一个在速度达到极致的情况下,都至少可以对付四、五名步兵。 Again before set off, everyone thinks, they at least can kill the several fold in oneself Tang People, their lineup thorough boring a hole through and scattering, but no one has thought that after three rounds arrow rain, they unexpectedly such thorough disappearance. 出发之前,每个人都以为,他们至少可以杀死数倍于自己的唐人,将他们的阵型彻底的凿穿、打散,但是谁也没有想到,就在三轮箭雨之后,他们居然就这么彻底的消失了。 On the Caliphate People drafting warservice, has not met such matter, that flash, everyone feels a suffocating pressure. 大食人的征战历上,还从来没有遇见过这样的事情,那一刹那,每一个人都感觉到一股令人窒息的压力。 Omar complexion pale many. 就连欧麦尔的脸色都苍白了不少。 Advance!” “前进!” Looks that 15,000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry pour in front of oneself Carriage Crossbow Great Army, in the Chen Bin eye does not have the slight fluctuation, Long Sword in his hand wields, 3000 harness the silver white car, pushes 3000 Carriage Crossbow to bridge over these Caliphate Heavy Cavalry corpses, immediately proceeds to advance. 看着15000名大食铁骑倒在自己的车弩大军面前,陈彬的眼中没有丝毫的波动,他手中的长剑一挥,3000驾银白的小车,推着3000具车弩跨过这些大食铁骑的尸体,立即往前推进。 But in them about, other Qixi reinforcements also bridges over these Caliphate Heavy Cavalry corpses, proceeds to well up. 而在他们左右,其他的碛西援军也跨过这些大食铁骑的尸体,往前涌去。 Kills!” “杀!” Preparation!” “准备!” At the same time, in the dense and numerous Caliphate armies, Omar has also extracted own Long Sword, although died in battle two groups of Heavy Cavalry, buckle close more than 30,000 people, but Omar has still not given up, is still winning the time for 30 ten thousand Caliphate armies. The war is not only fastidious about the tactic, is fastidious about the strategy, no matter these Tang People armies formidable, so long as 30 ten thousand Caliphate armies can turn around, waited for these Tang People Great Army finally is still the dead end. 同一时间,密密麻麻的大食军队中,欧麦尔也抽出了自己的长剑,尽管战死了两拨铁骑,折损了接近30000多人,但是欧麦尔依然没有放弃,依然在为30多万大食军队争取时间。战争不仅讲究战术,也讲究战略,不管这些唐人军队有多强大,只要30多万大食军队能够掉过头来,等待这些唐人大军的最后依然是死路一条。 hōng lōng lōng, Great Army Speed is getting quicker and quicker, the distance of both sides is also getting more and more near. 轰隆隆,大军速度越来越快,双方的距离也越来越近。 This time, did not have these Caliphate Cavalry, did not have any hindrance between ten ten thousand Qixi reinforcements and boundless Caliphate armies again, finally 这一次,没有了那些大食骑兵,在十余万碛西援兵和茫茫的大食军队之间再没有了任何阻碍,终于 Bang!” “轰隆!” Only listens to a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, the earth to vibrate, from the sky bird's eye view, two groups of dense and numerous Great Army is ordinary like the tide, numerous hits in together, that flash, the trim Talas battlefield in fierce rocking, as if must tear including the earth. 只听一声惊天动地的巨响,大地震动,从天空俯瞰而下,两拨密密麻麻的大军就像潮水一般,重重的撞击在一起,那一刹那,整片怛罗斯战场都在剧烈的晃动,连大地都仿佛要撕裂了。 Fist and fist, meat and meat, warhorse and warhorse, sword and sword, in this stretch of battlefield fierce hits together. This fight any flower is not skillful, all people have used fully. This is in East and West, the scale is hugest, war most intense one time to war. 拳与拳,肉与肉,战马与战马,刀剑与刀剑,在这片战场上剧烈的撞击在一起。这一次战斗没有任何的花巧,所有人都倾尽了全力。这是东西方之间,规模最庞大,战争最激烈的一次对战。 Withstands!” “顶住!” For Empire!” “为了帝国!” Blocks these heathens!” “挡住这些异教徒!” The forefront of eastern battlefield, the Caliphate shield soldier(s) soldiers spelled completely, fully impediment of doom. They are nipping the root tightly, the powerful shoulder will be going against a about seven chi (0.33 m) high great shield stubbornly. Bang bang bang, transmits from the opposite like the violent storm attack, seven chi (0.33 m) high Giant, fierce shivering, but the opposite attack firmly will actually have kept off. 东部战场的最前端,一名名大食盾兵战士拼尽了,全力死命的阻挡。他们紧咬着牙根,强而有力的肩膀死死地顶着将近七尺高的巨盾。砰砰砰,有如狂风暴雨般的攻击从对面传来,七尺高的巨人,剧烈的颤抖,但却将对面的攻击牢牢的挡了下来。 Facing this attack, they had the considerable rich experience. At the same time the great shield at least can prevent the attacks of 45 same level matches, this is also Caliphate People copes with other influences the important means of Cavalry as well as infantry. 面对这种攻击,他们已经有相当丰富的经验。一面巨盾至少可以阻挡45名同级对手的攻击,这也是大食人对付其他势力的骑兵以及步兵的重要手段。 In the resistance of actual combat, Caliphate People own Heavy Cavalry is very difficult to break through this hindrance. 在实战的对抗中,就连大食人自己的铁骑都很难冲破这层阻碍。 survive lives! General spoke, so long as our again survive moment, when Great Army adjusts, can thoroughly eliminate them!” 坚持住!将军已经发话下来,只要我们再坚持片刻,等到大军调整完毕,就可以彻底消灭他们!” Caliphate shield soldier(s) hissings roared, their body inclines, in the both feet deep insertion soil, probably and earth merged into one organic whole. 一名名大食盾兵嘶声咆哮,他们的身体倾斜,双脚深深的插入泥土之中,就好像和大地融为一体般。 However at this time 不过就在这个时候 Bang!” “轰隆!” The earth vibrates, an invisible ripple is common like the hurricane, jumps to shoot from Tang People Great Army, has swept across the entire Caliphate army instantaneously. East the battlefield, all Caliphate armies have not responded, suddenly clang clang clang, the Aura shake of under foot, a aura probably was been same by the invisible shackles set, falls again and again, has three instantaneously. 大地震动,一股无形的波纹有如飓风一般,从唐人大军后方迸射而出,瞬间席卷了整个大食军队。战场东侧,所有大食军队还没有反应过来,突然锵锵锵,脚下的光环震荡,一身的气息就好像被无形的枷锁套中一样,一跌再跌,瞬间连降三层。 Caliphate People that the originally and Great Tang / army confronts intensely, the strength plummets in a twinkling, bursts cannot. 原本和大唐/军队激烈对峙的大食人,霎时间实力大降,一个个溃不能支。
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