HE :: Volume #9

#874: Fierce combat, collision of East and West!

Chapter 874 第874章 Is impossible! How the East possibly has such formidable Heavy Cavalry!” “不可能!东方怎么可能有这么强大的铁骑!” Sees this, behind Great Array, the Omar pupil shrinks, the whole person breathed must stagnate. The several tens of thousands people of Caliphate Heavy Cavalry that he sends out are the elite strength of his subordinates, followed him to fight up and down the country, has suppressed many rebellion and revolts, conquers has looked like Sassanid Empire and other to have the influence of ancient civilization. 看到这一幕,大阵后方,欧麦尔不禁瞳孔一缩,整个人呼吸都要停滞了。他派出的这支数万人的大食铁骑是他麾下的精锐力量,曾经跟随他南征北战,镇压过许多的叛乱和起义,也征服过像萨珊王朝等诸多拥有古老文明的势力。 However Omar has not thought such can draft clever in fighting Heavy Cavalry, in front of this Heavy Cavalry from East, unexpectedly the total defeat, completely is not the match. 但是欧麦尔从来没有想过这样一支能征善战的铁骑,在这支来自东方的铁骑面前,居然折戟沉沙,完全不是对手。 All people come with me!” “所有人跟我来!” Almost is simultaneously, behind five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry, Sun Zhiming drinks greatly, while Caliphate Heavy Cavalry washed out instant, greeted about ten thousand Qixi Heavy Cavalry, like a broadsword, ruthlessly has inserted in the Caliphate Heavy Cavalry crevice. Caliphate Heavy Cavalry that was defeated and dispersed, under the Heavy Cavalry impact that Sun Zhiming leads, becomes even more scattered in disorder. 几乎是同时,五千乌伤铁骑后方,孙知命一声大喝,趁着大食铁骑被冲散的刹那,招呼了近万碛西铁骑,就像一把大刀一样,狠狠的插入了大食铁骑的空隙中。原本溃散的大食铁骑,在孙知命带领的铁骑冲击下,变得越发的散乱。 But another side, Chen Burang, Zhuang Buping, Chi Weisi and other Deflecting Blades Court future general, is leading Annan Protectorate Army the Heavy Cavalry charges of other Heavy Cavalry and Mercenary(-ies) on. More than one year of assiduous informed and experienced, although the strengths of these people also not pivotal, can they be equal to with Li Siye and Su Hanshan plans, but they in Deflecting Blades Court, follow seeing with own eyes and experience that Wang Chong comes out informed and experienced, as well as the attainments on Military Dao, were slowly mature, will demonstrate these embryonic forms of future generals. 而另一侧,陈不让庄不平池韦思止戈院的“未来将星”,也率领着安南都护军铁骑和其他雇佣兵铁骑冲锋而上。一年多的刻苦历练,这些人的实力虽然还没有举足轻重,可以和李嗣业苏寒山他们媲拟,但是他们在止戈院,跟随王冲历练出来的眼见、见识,以及兵道上的造诣,已经慢慢成熟起来,显示出那些未来将星们的雏形。 From this seeing with own eyes and experience that on the one hand, they show in the battlefield, as well as the attainments on Military Dao, are much more formidable than the role that their individual strengths play, this is also Wang Chong specially them the reason that called from Deflecting Blades Court. 从这一方面来说,他们在战场上展现出来的眼见、见识,以及兵道上的造诣,远比他们个人的力量发挥出来的作用还要强大得多,这也是王冲特意把他们从止戈院叫出来的原因。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The Great Army charge, alternates unceasingly, choice cuts into completely is the Caliphate People weakest places, most fatal place. Military Dao is chess say/way, trained in Deflecting Blades Court was so long, no matter Sun Zhiming, was Chen Burang they, completely under Wang Chong's gradually influenced, had the understanding of system to Military Dao, had the extremely keen assurance regarding the fighter aircraft and opportunity with the sense of smell. 大军冲锋,不断穿插,选择切入的全部都是大食人最薄弱的地方,最致命的地方。“兵道即棋道”,在止戈院训练了这么久,不管是孙知命,还是陈不让他们,全部都在王冲的熏陶下,对兵道有了系统的了解,更加对于战机和时机有了极其敏锐的把握和嗅觉。 Soldier Saint Wang Chong was nasty, in addition these „the future general, the might that ten ten thousand Great Army play in their hands is the common person is hard to imagine. 一个“兵圣王冲就已经难以对付,再加上这些“未来的将星”,十万大军在他们手中发挥出来的威力是寻常人难以想像的。 - this is Great Tang is most intrepid, disposition most magnificent army! ——这是一支大唐最强悍,配置最华丽的军队! Rumbling, only listens to an intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, along with the stormy impact noise, several thousands scattered in disorder Caliphate Heavy Cavalry instantaneously became torn to pieces. Although the Caliphate People physique is big, inborn clever in fighting, but the war is always not the war of individual, but is the association, the war of community. 轰轰轰,只听一阵阵凄厉的惨叫声,伴随着密集的撞击声,数万原本就已经散乱的大食铁骑瞬间变得支离破碎。尽管大食人体格高大,天生善战,但是战争从来都不是个体的战争,而是团体,群体的战争。 Caliphate People one, but was cut, divides small communities, their physiques again formidable, did not have what significance. 大食人一但被切割,分割成一个个小群体,那他们的体格就算再强大,也已经没有什么意义了。 Bang bang bang, in the fierce impact noise, Caliphate Heavy Cavalry by the multi-direction alternation, were stabbed to strike instantaneously repeatedly, the falling horses, die in abundance immediately. But several time of breath, Caliphate People died in battle 10,000 7,000-8,000 troops, the rapidness of dying in battle, making all person hearts startled. 砰砰砰,剧烈的撞击声中,一个又一个的大食铁骑瞬间被多向穿插,反复剌击,一个个纷纷坠马,死于马上。只不过几个呼吸的时间,大食人就已经阵亡了10000七八千的人马,阵亡之快,令所有人心惊不已。 When the Deflecting Blades Court tactical generals, coordinate Li Siye this future Divine Great General, the might of this front arrow lineup is all people are hard to imagine! 当一名名止戈院的战术将星,配合上李嗣业这个未来的神通大将,这种锋矢阵型的威力是所有人都难以想像的! xī yù yù!” 希聿聿!” A spirited horse's neigh sound cuts the entire battlefield, Heavy Cavalry when Sun Zhiming and the others led alternates and cuts that Caliphate Heavy Cavalry repeatedly, Li Siye pushes to the front, has bored a hole through the entire Caliphate People Heavy Cavalry lineup. That giant blood and sweat treasured horse is carrying Li Siye One with the Horse, just like such as together bolt of white silk collision ruthlessly to Caliphate People shield soldier(s) Formation of final side. 一阵激昂的马嘶声划破整个战场,当孙知命等人率领的铁骑将那支大食铁骑反复穿插、切割的时候,李嗣业一马当先,已经凿穿了整个大食人铁骑阵形。那巨大的汗血宝马载着李嗣业人马合一,宛如如一道匹练般狠狠的撞向最后方的大食人盾兵阵列 Be careful! Vertical shield! Blocks that Tang People!” “小心!竖盾!挡住那个唐人!” Kills them, * has food, retreat dies!” “干掉他们,*有食,后退者死!” ... An intermittent urgent sound resounds through battlefield, in the sound discloses strongly scared. Rumbling, along with the bellows of innumerable steel, most edge east Talas battlefield, innumerable Caliphate heavy shield soldier(s) bulging muscles, collected the strength of whole body, firmly is going against the great shield before body. 一阵阵急迫的声音响彻战场,声音中透露出浓烈恐慌。轰轰轰,伴随着无数钢铁的轰鸣声,在怛罗斯战场东面的最边缘,无数的大食盾兵一个个肌肉贲起,汇集了全身的力量,牢牢的顶着身前的巨盾。 However responded their is steel thundered - 但是回应他们的是一声钢铁的轰鸣—— Clang, in the Li Siye hand a person of high Wootz Steel Giant Sword stroke, that Caliphate great shield before body, including following Caliphate shield soldier(s), directly cleft in two ruthlessly. Sees this, in surroundings all person eyes has shown the frightened look. Caliphate Empire is the country of war, all armor and weapons, build with the highest standard completely. The heavy shields of these ration infantries, each side builds with the specification highest black iron, this material can resist the full impact of Heavy Cavalry incessantly . Moreover the degree of hardness is extremely high, even if the Caliphate sharpest sword, the difficult wound slightest, in west domain name hears Zhuguo, to like thunder reverberating in one's ears. 锵,李嗣业手中一人多高的乌兹钢巨剑狠狠一划,就将身前的那面大食巨盾,连同后面的大食盾兵在内,直接劈成了两半。看到这一幕,周围所有人眼中都露出了恐惧的神色。大食帝国是战争之国,所有的铠甲、兵器,全部都是用最高的标准打造。那些配给步兵的重盾,每一面都是用规格最高的乌铁打造,这种材料不止可以抵挡铁骑的全力冲击,而且硬度极高,就算大食最锋利的刀剑,都难伤分毫,在西域名闻诸国,如雷贯耳。 No one has thought, this is tall, like the Giant Tang People military officer, is only a sword, cleaves in two it, sticks on the photographic paper is the same. 谁也没有想到,这个身材高大,就像巨人唐人将领,只是一剑,就将它劈成两半,就像纸糊的一样。 Regardless of pays any price, blocks him quickly!” “无论付出什么代价,快挡住他!” axe soldier(s), shield soldier(s) and archer, quick!” 斧兵盾兵、弓箭手,快!” Do not make him clash!” “不要让他冲过来!” ... An entire Caliphate infantry Square Formation confusion, Li Siye as if Heavenly God descends to earth the stance and Divine Strength, shook them. The innumerable soldiers are lifting big shield, from comes in swarms in all directions, wants to stop up Li Siye, blocks that gap that opens, however all were late. 整个大食的步兵方阵一片混乱,李嗣业仿佛天神下凡般的姿态和神力,把他们所有人都震住了。无数的士兵举着大盾,从四面八方蜂拥而来,想要堵住李嗣业,同时也堵住打开的那个缺口,然而一切都已经迟了。 Clash/To!” “冲!” Follows closely in Li Siye behind, tens of thousands of Wushang Heavy Cavalry enter turbulently, handle another handle Wootz Steel Long Sword chops, tests these famous Caliphate heavy shields, unceasing breaking out. Li Siye breaks out is only a small opening, when five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry break after the front arrow lineup, small opening turned into the giant gap immediately, and has initiated the entire Great Army confusion. 紧随在李嗣业身后,成千上万的乌伤铁骑汹涌而入,一柄又一柄乌兹钢长剑劈下,攷这些名闻天下的大食重盾,不断的劈开。李嗣业劈开的本来只是一个小口子,但是当五千乌伤铁骑以锋矢阵形冲入之后,小口子立即变成了巨大的缺口,并且引发了整个大军的混乱。 The Cavalry might excels by far the world, is strength of might biggest existences all unit. Any infantry, lacked big shield to slow down Speed, was impossible to prevent Speed to rush to extreme Cavalry. Even if the Caliphate infantry is fierce, Caliphate People can draft again cleverly in fighting , is the same. 骑兵的威力冠绝天下,是所有兵种之力威力最大的存在。任何步兵,缺乏了大盾来减缓速度,绝不可能阻挡速度奔到极点的骑兵。就算是大食的步兵再厉害,大食人再能征善战,也是一样。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Under 5000 fully-armed Wushang Heavy Cavalry impacts, a Caliphate People infantry Formation piece bursts chaotically. Wushang Heavy Cavalry, Great Tang formidable Heavy Cavalry, first under heaven rides in history, in the battlefield of this foreign land, demonstrated itself finally overwhelming, unapproachable strength. 在5000全副武装的乌伤铁骑冲击下,大食人的步兵阵列一片溃乱。“乌伤铁骑”,大唐有史以来强大的铁骑,“天下第一骑”,在这片异国的战场上,终于显示出了自己压倒性的,无可匹敌的力量。 Caliphate People that even if to be famous militantly, cannot resist the impacts of five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry completely. 哪怕是以好战著称的大食人,也完全抵挡不住五千乌伤铁骑的冲击。 Ten Sweeps & Executions!” 十荡十决!” The Li Siye sound as if thunder generally resounds through the entire sky, the bang, suddenly, five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry just like flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky, collapses to disperse instantaneously. Only was restricted in gap nearby being defeated and dispersed, expanded ten times instantaneously, and still outward is expanding. 李嗣业的声音仿佛雷霆一般响彻整个天空,轰,一刹那间,五千乌伤铁骑犹如天女散花般,瞬间崩散开来。原本只限于缺口附近的溃散,瞬间扩大了十倍,并且还在往外扩展。 No!!” “不!!” The Great Army deep place, lance of Omar Caliphate sees this, whole body severe shake, the whole person complexion changed. 大军深处,大食之矛欧麦尔看到这一幕,浑身剧震,整个人脸色都变了。 As Caliphate Famous General, Omar has conquered the innumerable matches, but does not have any match, can like this Great Tang Heavy Cavalry, take to him at present so intense constriction and threat feeling, the first time, Omar felt the Death aura. Although surroundings also more than 40,000 Great Army, but actually cannot give him to come any security sense. 做为大食名将,欧麦尔征服过无数的对手,但是从没有任何一个对手,能像眼前这支大唐铁骑一样,带给他如此强烈的压迫感和威胁感,第一次,欧麦尔感觉到了死亡的气息。周围虽然还有40000多大军,但是却不能给他来任何安全感。 Mamluk Heavy Cavalry! Only then Mamluk Heavy Cavalry can cope with them!” 马克留木重骑兵!只有马克留木重骑兵才能对付他们!” The thought has delimited the mind together, this flash, Omar has thought in Empire that most formidable, battle efficiency most terrifying Mamluk Legion. Only then Mamluk Legion can rout, crush other Caliphate Heavy Cavalry becomes like this. 一道念头划过脑海,这一刹那,欧麦尔想到了帝国之中那支最强大的,战斗力最恐怖的马克留木军团。只有马克留木军团才能将其他的大食铁骑击溃、碾压成这样子。 „The armed forces obey orders, converging attack that only Tang People army!” “众军听令,集中攻击那只唐人军队!” Although in the heart feels intense shock, but Omar has still not given up, has not admitted defeat easily, as illustrious „the lance of Caliphate, Omar always for firmly and is famous hardly, no matter the how formidable match, Omar retreat, his choice only will not have one, that is thorough defeats these formidable matches. 虽然心中感觉到强烈的震撼,但是欧麦尔依然没有放弃,更没有轻易认输,做为赫赫有名的“大食之矛”,欧麦尔向来是以刚强和坚硬著称,不管多么强大的对手,欧麦尔都绝不会后退,他的选择只会有一个,那就是彻底的击败那些强大的对手。 20 th three shield soldier(s) Square Formation, 24 th, 25 th, 20 th seven shield soldier(s) Square Formation, rush, blocks their fights!” “第20三盾兵方阵,第24,25,20七盾兵方阵,冲上去,挡住他们的战斗!” Seventh infantry Square Formation, ninth infantry Square Formation, tenth infantry Square Formation... Presses on all fronts!” “第七步兵方阵,第九步兵方阵,第十步兵方阵…全线压上!” All people, do not hesitate at all costs, must block that only Tang People.” “所有人,不惜一切代价,一定要将那只唐人拦下来。” ... The Omar back is stiff, the vision is swift and fierce, order that first even/including flees unceasing issues from his mouth. But entire Great Army along with his order, rapid relieving a garrison. Takes a broad view at east entire Caliphate, can under the charge of Wushang Heavy Cavalry, the mentality be as before clear, methodical achieves this, only has Omar. 欧麦尔背脊挺直,目光凌厉,一连窜的命令不断的从他口中发布下去。而整个大军则随着他的命令,迅速的进行调防。放眼整个大食东方,能在乌伤铁骑的冲锋下,依旧思路清晰,有条不紊的做到这点的,也就只有欧麦尔 As Caliphate top Famous General, Omar is well aware, has swiftest and fiercest unit, but does not have invincible unit. Even if Caliphate Empire most formidable Mamluk Legion is not multipurpose. Cavalry is most fearful, the swiftest and fiercest place, is Speed. If can fall Heavy Cavalry charge Speed, no matter that any Heavy Cavalry, is finally similar to the ordinary infantry. 身为大食的顶尖名将,欧麦尔心知肚明,有最凌厉的兵种,但却没有无敌的兵种。就算是大食帝国最强大的马克留木军团也并不是万能的。骑兵最可怕,最凌厉的地方,就是速度。如果能把铁骑冲锋的速度降下来,那么不管什么铁骑,最后也就和普通的步兵差不多。 If unable to fall their Speed, that uses the human life to fill. 如果无法把他们的速度降下来,那就用人命去填。 This is in the Omar heart the simplest strategy. 这是欧麦尔心中最简单的战略。 Roar!” “吼!” For Omar General!” “为了欧麦尔将军!” For Empire!” “为了帝国!” In all directions, a fierceness of innumerable face face, Wushang Heavy Cavalry fierce, not only has not caused Caliphate Empire army retreat, instead stimulates their war intent and killing qi, innumerable Caliphate People come in all directions. Caliphate People militant and combative and cut-throat is exposing at this moment without doubt. U-Tsang People also combative, but compared with Caliphate People, feels dwarfed, completely is not a level. 四面八方,无数张面孔一脸的狰狞,乌伤铁骑的凶猛不但没有使得大食帝国的军队后退,反而更加激发他们的战意和杀气,四面八方无数的大食人汹涌而来。大食人的好战、好斗和凶狠在此刻展露无疑。乌斯藏人也好斗,但是和大食人相比,就是小巫见大巫,完全不是一个层次。 U-Tsang People combative has the limit, their combative bury in the blood, however Caliphate People combative does not have the limit, their combative deeply hide in the bone, both completely are not the same levels. 乌斯藏人的好斗是有限度的,他们的好斗是埋藏在血液里的,但是大食人的好斗却是没有限度的,他们的好斗是深藏在骨子里,两者完全不是同一个层次。 The roar, an intermittent roaring sound resounds through the world, in the turbulent Caliphate soldier, the army of golden armor is especially striking on, this army everyone height approached two meters, is stronger than other Caliphate soldiers, moreover uses completely is the great axe and sickle. Their Speed is extremely quick, impulse is enormous, but a while ran out of the distance of number hundred zhang (333 m), but in their, rounds brilliant War Aura is similar to the god soldier who they serve as contrast is ordinary. 吼,一阵阵咆哮声响彻天地,在汹涌的大食士兵中,有一只金色铠甲的部队尤其醒目上,这只军队每一个人身高都接近了两米,比其他大食士兵强壮不少,而且使用的全部都是巨斧和弯刀。他们速度极快,冲击力极大,只不过一会儿就冲出了数百丈的距离,而在他们脚下,一轮轮绚烂的战争光环更是将他们衬托的如同神兵一般。
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