HE :: Volume #9

#873: The charge, fights Caliphate!

Chapter 873 第873章 Anxi Protectorate Army, although before then, Wang Chong has not seen, has not contacted the most strengthening of the armed forces team of this western region. However this flash, they in oneself way, have actually made the deepest impression to Wang Chong. 安西都护军,虽然在此之前,王冲还从没有见过,更没有接触过这次西域的最强军队。但是这一刹那,他们却以自己的方式,给王冲留下了最深的印象。 This is the back of Great Tang! 这是大唐的脊梁! Clang!” “铿!” cold light flashes, does not have the slight hesitation, the Wang Chong look is solemn, steep has drawn out Long Sword on waist, the sharp sword points to the Caliphate People direction sharp: 寒光一闪,没有丝毫的犹豫,王冲神色冷峻,陡的拔出了腰身上的长剑,锋利的剑尖直指大食人的方向: Army obeys orders, full speed attack!” “全军听令,全速进攻!” Bang!” “轰隆!” The earth vibrates, along with the Wang Chong's order, the next quarter, has stood and waited for a long time in the hill peak motionless ten ten thousand Qixi reinforcements, just like tidal turns toward the Talas direction to fall in torrents suddenly under. 大地震动,随着王冲的命令,下一刻,一直伫立在丘陵顶端一动不动的十余万碛西援军,犹如潮水般突然向着怛罗斯的方向倾泄而下。 Kills!” “杀!” The shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth war cry resounds through the wilderness, first runs out from the hill peak, is five thousand Formation that Divine Great General Li Siye and he leads are strict, arms Wushang Heavy Cavalry of tooth. Clang, brilliant War Aura is thundering together, first jumps to shoot from the Li Siye under foot, rapidly expands to entire Great Army, is second, third, fourth......, But suddenly, tens of thousands of War Aura suddenly/violently to launch, covered to cover entire Wushang Heavy Cavalry in abundance, changed into a motion fortress five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry. 惊天动地的喊杀声响彻旷野,首先从丘陵顶端冲出的,是神通大将李嗣业和他率领的五千阵列严明,一个个武装到牙齿的乌伤铁骑。锵,一道绚烂的战争光环轰鸣着,首先从李嗣业脚下迸射而出,迅速扩展到整个大军,接着是第二道,第三道,第四道……,只不过眨眼间,成千上万的战争光环纷纷暴射而出,笼罩罩住了整个乌伤铁骑,将五千乌伤铁骑化为了一座移动的堡垒。 Bang!” “轰隆!” When five thousand Heavy Cavalry storms charge together, that imposing manner shakes the day to move, moves mountains, is hard to be a worthy opponent including the mighty force! 当五千铁骑风暴般一起冲锋而出,那股气势撼天动地,排山倒海,连千军万马都难以匹敌! Kills!” “杀!” Follows closely in Wushang Heavy Cavalry behind, the second echelon comprised of Qixi Cavalry in Protectorate Army and Annan Protectorate Army, foot treads Aura, follows is falling in torrents from the hill peak, flushes away toward the war of distant place just like the flood. But behind them, thousands of war chariot, the personnel carrier, under pulling of warhorses, turns toward distant place galloping to go similarly. 紧随在乌伤铁骑身后,由碛西都护军安南都护军中的骑兵组成的第二梯队,脚踏光环,跟随着从丘陵顶端倾泄而下,宛如洪水般向着远处的战争冲去。而在他们后面,数以千计的战车,运兵车,在一匹匹战马的拉扯下,同样向着远处奔腾而去。 All in war chariot and personnel carrier, even if is charging, is maintaining the strict lineup, does not have the slight confusion. 所有在战车、运兵车,即便是在冲锋之中,都保持着严格的阵形,没有丝毫的错乱。 Clash/To!” “冲!” At the same time, the Great Army left wing and right wing, more than 10,000 size Bo Lv Mercenary(-ies) of other regular armies and Ganke Race as well as western region various clans were roaring, similarly flowed. A wave, two waves, three waves......, 100,000 Qixi Protectorate Army are ordinary like the surging sea, has inundated a hill, all over, limitless, goes toward the distant place charge. 同一时间,大军的左翼和右翼,10000多大小勃律的正规军和冈克族以及其他西域诸族的雇佣兵咆哮着,同样奔涌而出。一波,两波,三波……,100000的碛西都护军就像涌动的海洋一般,漫过一座丘陵,漫山遍野,无边无际,向着远处冲锋而去。 Tang People, is Tang People!” 唐人,是唐人!” Preparation! Transfers the direction quickly!” “准备!快调转方向!” Due east direction, a bit faster building up, infantry vertical shield! All Cavalry prepare to attack!” “正东方向,快点集结,步兵竖盾!所有骑兵准备攻击!” ...... …… One intermittent sad and shrill yells resounds through Great Army, facing 100,000 Great Tang - army also attacks, originally is orderly, is attacking Caliphate People of city of Talas fully immediately a disturbance. Wang Chong beforehand judgment with meticulous care, at this moment, being not the least bit off presents. 一阵阵凄厉的喊叫响彻大军,面对100000的大唐-军队同时冲击,原来秩序井然,全力进攻着怛罗斯之城的大食人顿时一片骚乱。王冲之前的判断丝丝入扣,在此刻,丝毫不差的呈现出来。 When 300,000 Caliphate armies focus on besieging the city of Talas, wanting Great Army to assemble in a short time, moves comes excessively, is almost the impossible matter. The ship passable tone, the ship disaster looks back. This a series of order, has initiated a confusion in 30 ten thousand Caliphate armies rapidly. 当300000的大食军队集中精力围攻怛罗斯之城,想要在短时间内大军集结,调过头来,就几乎是不可能的事情。船小好调头,船大难回首。这一连串的命令,迅速在30多万大食军队中引发了一阵混乱。 Preparation! Building up!” “准备!集结!” When Qixi Protectorate Army prepares to attack, the sudden dignity and soaring sound resound in the east. Hears this sound, originally battlefield of disturbance suddenly one static. East the battlefield, the innumerable chaotic Caliphate soldiers probably receive anything to inpel to be the same, suddenly is calm, and assembles rapidly. 就在碛西都护军准备冲击的时候,突然一个威严、高昂的声音在最东边响起。听到这个声音,原本骚乱的战场突然一静。战场东面,无数混乱的大食士兵就好像受到什么感召一样,突然镇定下来,并且迅速集结。 Second, third Square Formation withdraws! Tenth Square Formation goes forward!” “第二,第三方阵后撤!第十方阵前进!” Rumbling, along with that defined and accurate order, the Caliphate infantry goes forward one after another, in hand giant infantry shield numerous standing erect on the ground, these shield each side have close person of high, is hard and thick, innumerable surface such shield has composed walls of one continuous steel in the edge of Eastern battlefield directly. 轰轰轰,伴随着那明晰、准确的命令,一名又一名大食步兵上前,手中巨大的步兵盾牌重重的竖立在地上,这些盾牌每一面都有接近一人高,坚硬而厚实,无数面这样的盾牌直接在东方战场的边缘组成了一片连绵的钢铁之墙。 But behind the wall of this steel, chaotic Great Army also Recovery the order, Square Formation rapid building up, had formed innumerable strongly defended Formation. In the short time, the battlefield of eastern periphery built up more than 30,000 infantries, 40,000 many powerful Cavalry. 而在这道钢铁之墙后方,原本混乱的大军恢复了秩序,一个又一个方阵迅速集结,形成无数个壁垒森严的阵列。短短时间内,东部边缘的战场就集结起了30000多步兵,40000多的强悍骑兵 This strength has coped with 100,000 quantity Level above matches sufficiently! 这股力量已经足以对付100000数量级别以上的对手了! hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” Also at this time, the earth thundered, seven ten thousand Great Army such as the water spray separated, behind Great Army, a aura was boundless, progressed like the storm Caliphate military commander slowly. He wears the Jinding hat, wears golden War Armor, cross under is riding grandiose incomparable deep red Caliphate treasured horse, is ordinary like Heavenly God, appears in the field of vision of people. 也就在这个时候,大地轰鸣,七万大军如水浪分开,就在大军后方,一名气息磅礴,有如风暴般的大食武将缓缓策马而出。他头戴金顶帽,身披金色战甲,跨下骑着一匹壮硕无比的枣红色大食宝马,有如天神一般,出现在众人的视野之中。 Sees this military commander, the surrounding Caliphate soldier lowered the head, reveals the look of respect and awe. 看到这名武将,周围的大食士兵纷纷低下头来,露出尊重和敬畏的神色。 Omar! 欧麦尔 East entire Caliphate Empire, one of the most famous military commanders, is under the Eastern Governor Abmuslin place one of the most intrepid Top Level combat generals. In Caliphate Empire, he also has another name, „the arrow of Caliphate! 整个大食帝国东方,最着名的武将之一,同时也是东方总督艾布穆斯/林座下最强悍的顶级战将之一。在大食帝国,他还有另一个名字,“大食之矢”! Omar is famous for Iron Blood, he led the Empire soldier to eliminate more than ten heathenism countries, changes into the scorched earth their territories. 欧麦尔铁血着称,他曾经带领着帝国的战士消灭过十多个异教国家,将他们的领土化为焦土。 In the East, he has the huge Commander-in-Chief strength and rallying point! 在东方,他拥有巨大的统帅力和号召力! Sees Omar to appear, people like finding pillar, is rapidly peaceful. Before , Abdullah and more than 7000 Heavy Cavalry that is repulsed also rapid is calm, converged in Great Army, in dispatching of Omar, all Great Army was similar to one group of flame, the rapid condensation, the original confusion was nothing left, a vigorous imposing manner erupted, served as contrast the Omar form was huger. 看到欧麦尔出现,众人就像找到主心骨一样,迅速安静下来。就连之前败退的阿卜杜拉和7000多铁骑也迅速的镇定下来,汇入到了大军之中,在欧麦尔的调遣,所有的大军如同一团火焰般,迅速的凝聚起来,原先的混乱荡然无存,一股蓬勃的气势爆发出来,将欧麦尔的身影衬托的更加庞大。 Officers obey orders, blocks the enemy fully! retreat, death!!” “众将士听令,全力阻击敌人!后退者,死!!” The clang, a handle modeling is magnificent, the sharp incomparable long blade has lifted up high the top of the head high, the twinkle intermittent cold light in the sky, the Omar vision like the electricity, the thunder sound resounds through the battlefield. 铿,一柄造型华丽,锋利无匹的长刀高高举过头顶,在天空中闪烁阵阵寒光,欧麦尔目光如电,雷霆般的声音响彻战场。 Yes! Omar General!” “是!欧麦尔将军!” Pledging to fight to the death is the General potency!” “誓死为将军效力!” Seven ten thousand Caliphate officers simultaneously send out angrily roars intermittently, in battlefield sky reverberation continuous. But in an instant, east Caliphate soldier on thorough has completed the adjustment, and has exhibited the defense lineup. Sees this, in the Wang Chong also cannot help but eye showed one to attach great importance. 七万大食将士齐齐发出阵阵怒吼,在战场上空回荡不休。只不过刹那间,东面的大食士兵就彻底的完成了调整,并且摆出了防御阵形。见到这一幕,就连王冲也不由得眼中透出了一丝重视。 Caliphate People is in this world can threaten Great Tang only, with strong presence that Great Tang places on a par. Moreover depends on their this rapidly strains and responses, the battle efficiency that Caliphate People shows is not Mengshe Polity or U-Tsang can compare! 大食人是这个世界上唯一可以威胁到大唐,和大唐相提并论的强大势力。而且就凭他们这种急速应变和反应,大食人展现出来的战斗力就不是蒙舍诏或者乌斯藏可以比拟! Response is quick, but, useless!” “反应很快,不过,没有用的!” In Wang Chong eye steep flashes through a swift and fierce ray. Caliphate People truly compared with Mengshe Polity and U-Tsang more formidable match, but Great Tang has restrained Mengshe Polity, U-Tsang, eastern Western Turkic Khaganate and Goguryeo by strength of the and other formidable existences of countries, this combat general decides, who is in this world most formidable Empire. 王冲眼中陡的闪过一丝凌厉的光芒。大食人确实是比蒙舍诏乌斯藏更加强大的对手,但大唐更是以一己之力克制了蒙舍诏乌斯藏、东西突厥汗国高句丽等诸多国家的强大存在,这一战将决定出,谁才是这个世界上最强大的帝国 jià! 驾! Wang Chong clamps the barrel, sharply to/clashes from the hill peak suddenly under. 王冲一夹马腹,猛然从丘陵顶端急冲而下。 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” The earth movement day swings, 100,000 Qixi reinforcements surging forwards, are similar to the monstrous waves turn toward the distant place to howl to go generally. Cavalry and infantry spread the field of vision each corner, the distance between both sides is getting more and more near. 地动天摇,100000的碛西援军汹涌澎湃,如同巨浪一般向着远处呼啸而去。骑兵、步兵遍及视野的每个角落,双方之间的距离越来越近。 Preparation!” “准备!” At the same time, the Caliphate People order sound resounds through the skies, clang clang clang, giant lances erect on the shield, like the forest, the lance aims at the Great Tang soldier who the east charge came crowded sharp completely. But in these shield soldier(s) behind, physique exceptionally big Caliphate warhorses is raising the horse's hoof, is emitting the aura, but on horseback, tens of thousands of Caliphate Heavy Cavalry bulging muscles, vision exceptionally cut-throat is staring at the opposite, made fully the war preparations. 同一时间,大食人的命令声响彻云霄,锵锵锵,一杆杆巨大的长矛架设在盾牌上面,密集如林,矛尖全部对准了东面冲锋而来的大唐士兵。而在这些盾兵的后面,一匹匹体格异常高大的大食战马掀着马蹄,不停的喷吐着气息,而马背上,成千上万大食铁骑一个个肌肉贲起,目光异常凶狠的盯着对面,做足了战争准备。 Caliphate is the country of war, precisely depends upon unceasing going on a punitive expedition against and fight, had on today's land area hugest Caliphate Empire! 大食是战争之国,正是依靠不断的征伐和战斗,才有了今天陆地上面积最庞大的大食帝国 Regardless of what match, Caliphate People cannot retreat easily. „Only the attack is the best defense, this is the thing that each Caliphate People deeply believes. Opposite, the Great Tang person is getting more and more near, the hoofbeat also more and more tramples sharply, Caliphate People body anteversions, both sides blue vein Ben gets up slightly, this will be the take action indication soon. 不论什么样的对手,大食人都绝不会轻易的后退。“只有进攻才是最好的防守”,这是每一个大食人都深深坚信的东西。对面,大唐人越来越近,马蹄声也越来越踹急,一名名大食人身体微微前倾,两侧青筋贲起,这是即将出手的征兆。 Atmosphere collapse tight in battlefield arrived at the extreme! 战场上的气氛崩紧到了极点! 300 steps! 300步! 200 steps! 200步! Opposite Tang People is getting more and more near, when distance also only then 100, the thick smoke is loudly billowing, innumerable black Aura jump to shoot from the under foot of Caliphate People, these Aura and Great Tang Halo of Thorns is entirely different, in each Aura the brand mark the black six glow star designs, tens of thousands of black Aura are united as one body, changes into a terrifying black fortress east battlefield seven ten thousand Caliphate military force(s). 对面的唐人越来越近,就在距离还只有100步的时候,轰然,浓烟滚滚,无数的黑色光环大食人的脚下迸射而出,这些光环大唐荆棘光环截然不同,每一道光环中都烙印着一个个黑色的六芒星图案,成千上万的黑色光环连成一体,将战场东侧的七万大食兵马化为一座恐怖的黑色堡垒。 hōng lōng lōng 轰隆隆 In the xī yù yù intense horse's neigh sound, the next quarter, at least 20,000-30,000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry shout, rushes to be first in abundance, rushes ahead to go from the battlefield like the storm. But is almost simultaneously, clang, recited along with a clear and melodious sword, five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry charges. 希聿聿的激烈马嘶声中,下一刻,至少两三万的大食铁骑嘶吼,纷纷争先恐后,有如风暴般从战阵后方冲杀而去。而几乎是同时,锵,伴随着一阵清越的剑吟,五千乌伤铁骑冲锋而来。 Bang!” “轰隆!” In the vision of countless person, only listens to bang a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, two Heavy Cavalry by as powerful as a thunderbolt fast numerous clashing in the same place. That flash, all sounds are still, world entirely silent/solitary, including time as if static! 就在无数人的目光中,只听轰隆一声惊天动地的巨响,两支铁骑以雷霆万钧之速重重的对撞在一起。那一刹那,万籁无声,天地俱寂,连时间都仿佛静止了下来! „!” “啊!” The time of but short checking, only listens to an intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell, innumerable Caliphate Heavy Cavalry like the scarecrow, one after another high were thrown, flies several feet upper air. Five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry that Li Siye leads like a sharp sword, has inserted in several tens of thousands Caliphate Heavy Cavalry ruthlessly. 只不过短短一刹的时间,只听一阵阵凄厉的惨叫,无数的大食铁骑就像稻草人一样,接二连三被高高抛起,飞上十几丈的高空。李嗣业率领的五千乌伤铁骑就像一支利剑一样,狠狠的插入了数万的大食铁骑之中。 These Caliphate People swords from chop to chop in all directions crazily, but completely was actually blocked by Wushang Heavy Cavalry Spatial Meteorite Iron, rebounded. 那些大食人的刀剑从四面八方疯狂劈砍过来,但却全部被乌伤铁骑身上的天外陨铁挡住,反弹了回去。 Numerous will obey orders, charges along with me, kills off them!” “众将听令,随我冲锋,杀光他们!” Violates my man (Han), even if far away, will cetainly be executed!” “犯我强汉者,虽远必诛!” In the Li Siye eye sprays duo the ray, his whole person is common like fierce tiger, steep angrily roars, raises in the hand person of high Wootz Steel Giant Sword, is only a sword, cleaves in two with horse Caliphate Heavy Cavalry. In front of sharp Wootz Steel Sword, can resist without any armor. Bang bang bang, the continuous impact noise resounds through battlefield, Wushang Heavy Cavalry charges go, thousands Caliphate Heavy Cavalry unexpectedly completely is not a match, under the impacts of five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry, such as the dominoes drops down, was hit to fly and tread to tread by the warhorse. 李嗣业眼中喷射出咄的光芒,他整个人就像一头猛虎一般,陡的怒吼一声,扬起手中一人多高的乌兹钢巨剑,只是一剑,就将一名大食铁骑连人带马劈成两半。在锋利的乌兹钢剑面前,没有任何的铠甲可以抵挡得住。砰砰砰,接连不断的撞击声响彻战场,一名名乌伤铁骑冲锋而去,数以万计的大食铁骑居然完全不是对手,在五千乌伤铁骑的冲击下,纷纷如多米诺骨牌般倒下,被战马所撞飞、踏践。 But puts in an appearance, several tens of thousands Caliphate Heavy Cavalry by five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry in the positive/direct confrontation, thoroughly were routed, the loss is serious. But Wushang Heavy Cavalry has not even borrowed Wang Chong's Aura! 只不过一个照面,数万大食铁骑就被五千乌伤铁骑在正面的交锋,彻底击溃,损失惨重。而乌伤铁骑甚至都还没有借用王冲的光环
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