HE :: Volume #9

#872: Arrives in the battlefield!

Chapter 872 第872章 hōng lōng lōng, along with the impact of Great Army, Caliphate Heavy Cavalry of distant place presents a tumult obviously. 轰隆隆,随着大军的冲击,远处的大食铁骑明显出现一阵骚动。 Bastard! How so many Tang People Great Army? Why we will not have any news!!!” “混蛋!怎么会有这么多的唐人大军?为什么我们会没有任何的消息!!!” On the hill of distant place, an angry Caliphate language resounds through the day mark, is throwing over Caliphate military officer both eyes suddenly/violently opened of Heavy armor, looks at the opposite to blot out the sky, boundless boundless, strongly defended Great Army, the whole person complexion changed. 远处的丘陵上,一阵愤怒的大食语响彻天迹,一名披着重型铠甲的大食将领双目暴睁,看着对面铺天盖地,茫茫无际,壁垒森严的大军,整个人脸色都变了。 The order that he receives was possible about 20,000-30,000 people teams came toward Talas, although did not determine that was the army of Great Tang person, but stemmed from the discrete principle, above branched out 7,000-8,000 people of Heavy Cavalry to go to examine. Caliphate Empire is the country of fight, all subjects, completely are from top to bottom battle-hardened, 7,000-8,000 people of Heavy Cavalry, has equipped on the land the strongest Caliphate horse, has coped at least 60,000-70,000 troops sufficiently, however opposite army more than this number. 他收到的命令是可能一支两三万人左右的队伍朝着怛罗斯来了,虽然不确定就是大唐人的军队,但是出于谨慎原则,上面还是分出了一支七八千人的铁骑前往查看。大食帝国是战斗之国,所有臣民,从上到下,全部能征惯战,一支七八千人的铁骑,装备了陆地上最强的大食马,已经足以对付至少六七万的人马了,但是对面的军队远不止这个数目。 Caliphate People never the timid war, however opposite that Great Army, is not ordinary military force(s), that type stern, sinks the male imposing manner, the aura of making a great show of one's talents, all demonstrated that this is one has fought many battles, elite elite. 大食人从不怯战,但是对面的那支大军,远不是普通的兵马,那种森严、沉雄的气势,还有锋芒毕露的气息,无一不显示出这是一支身经百战,精锐中的精锐。 Copes with ten ten thousand Great Army by 7000 people, this is matter that only then the lunatic can handle. 以7000人来对付十余万大军,这是只有疯子才能做出来的事情。 Draws back! Draws back quickly! - “退!快退!——” Comes the person! Reported Sir Governor quickly!” “来人!快去报告总督大人!” A sad and shrill big cry, resounds through the skies, more than 7000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry flurry, rapid goes toward retreat. But the front, 100,000 Qixi reinforcements big wave days swallows the sea, by fast of as powerful as a thunderbolt, come toward here. 一阵凄厉的大叫声,响彻云霄,7000多大食铁骑一片慌乱,迅速的往后退去。而前方,100000的碛西援军涛天吞海,以雷霆万钧之速,朝着这里汹涌而来。 ... From a city of 78 miles place Talas, the low hill links up into a single stretch, the cold wind rustlings, the weeds of hill peak swing slightly. Although near at hand Talas, already was the battle scene, noisy, but here was actually all the sounds of nature entirely static, a tranquility, time here as if static. 距离怛罗斯之城78里的地方,低矮的丘陵连成一片,寒风瑟瑟,丘陵顶端的野草微微摆动。虽然近在咫尺的怛罗斯,早就是尸山血海,沸反盈天,但是这里却是万籁俱静,一片宁静,时间在这里仿佛静止了般。 Kills! - “杀!——” In one instant, suddenly sad and shrill yells cuts the sky, broke the peace of trim region. 就在一个刹那,突然之间一声凄厉的喊叫划破天空,打破了整片区域的宁静。 Runs away quickly!” “快逃啊!” Tang / the armed forces came!” “唐/军来了!” ... With this intermittent scream, the dense and numerous Caliphate irons ride like suddenly are tidal, falls in torrents from the hill peak, looks are terrified, escapes toward Talas crazily. This sudden change, has brought to the attention in distant place battlefield rapidly. The east Caliphate army of battlefield realizes this first. 伴随着这阵阵的喊叫声,密密麻麻的大食铁突然骑有如潮水般,从丘陵顶端倾泄而下,一个个神色惶恐,朝着怛罗斯疯狂逃跑。这突然的变化,迅速引起了远处战场上的注意。战场的最东侧的大食军队最先察觉到这一幕。 What's the matter?!” “怎么回事?!” „Isn't this Abdullah army? Weren't they just set off? Ran!” “这不是阿卜杜拉的军队吗?他们不是才刚刚出发吗?怎么跑回来了!” Bastard! How randomly has become this appearance, what thing frightens this them?” “混蛋!怎么乱成了这个样子,什么东西把他们吓成这样?” ... Sees these Cavalry flurried appearances, some Caliphate soldiers cursed angrily immediately. Caliphate is the country of fight, advocates fiercely, these will never flinch, the survive fight in the person of forefront, forever is the person who Great Army most respects. These flustered, person who escapes timidly, forever is the objects who the people spurn. 看到这些骑兵慌乱的样子,一些大食战士立即怒骂起来。大食是战斗之国,崇尚勇猛,那些永不退缩,坚持战斗在最前线的人,永远是大军最尊敬的人。那些慌慌张张,胆怯逃跑的人,永远都是众人唾弃的对象。 Told Sir Governor quickly! Tang / the armed forces came!” “快告诉总督大人!唐/军来了!” „The Great Tang reinforcements came! - 大唐的援军来了!——” Runs in forefront Caliphate Heavy Cavalry cannot attend to drinking of people scolding, exhausts the strength of whole body by far, shouts oneself hoarse, yelled toward the people crazily. 一名跑在最前端的大食铁骑根本顾不得众人的喝骂,远远的,用尽全身的力气,声嘶力竭,朝着众人疯狂大叫。 Absurd!” “荒唐!” Warning sound that however that shouts oneself hoarse, brings in is actually swift and fierce berating. Great Army separates, a Caliphate military commander of devils, the entire feeling of heaviness in the limbs armor, is riding a Caliphate marvelous horse, progressed from the team. His right hand is carrying on the arm the sickle on waist, looks like killing qi is steaming: 但是那声嘶力竭的警告声,引来的却是一声凌厉的喝斥。大军分开,一名凶神恶煞的大食武将,全身重铠,骑着一匹大食神驹,从队伍中策马走了出来。他右手挎着腰上的弯刀,看起来杀气腾腾: „The Great Tang sharpest army here, what fierce army entire does Anxi have?” 大唐最精锐的军队就在这里,整个安西还有什么厉害的军队?” Great Tang really came any reinforcements, there is anything to be fearful, we gathered 300,000 armies. Sir Governor already had the command in first, in the battlefield dares retreat to escape, stands cuts without the amnesty! Do these fellows want to court death?” “就算大唐真的来了什么援军,又有什么可怕的,我们可是聚集了300000军队。总督大人早就有令在先,战场上胆敢后退逃跑的,立斩无赦!这些家伙是想找死吗?” On most formidable existence as the entire land, Caliphate has conquered the peripheral every large or small dozens countries. But this war, near Talas, Caliphate Empire gathered 300,000 elite Great Army, asked this time, what but also there is able to threaten them? Also does having something make them flurried? 做为整个陆地上最强大的存在,大食已经征服了周边大大小小几十个国家。而这次战争,在怛罗斯附近,大食帝国更是聚集了300000的精锐大军,试问这个时候,还有什么能够威胁到他们?又有什么可以让他们慌乱的? However the next quarter, the words of this Caliphate military commander could not be justified. Behind Caliphate Heavy Cavalry that these retreat, that hill probably was rocked by a pair of invisible great hand, hōng lōng lōng violent shivers. That type shivers to start is also not very big, but afterward, the vibration was getting more and more fierce, trim earth, even jolted including the Talas battlefield. 但是下一刻,这名大食武将的话说不下去了。就在那些溃逃的大食铁骑后方,那一座座丘陵就好像被一双无形的巨手晃动,轰隆隆猛烈的颤抖起来。那种颤抖开始还不是很大,但是后来,抖动越来越厉害,就连整片大地,甚至连怛罗斯战场都颠簸起来。 This what's the matter?” “这到底是怎么回事?” That Caliphate military commander immediately slightly changed the complexion. This is not the sound that 7,000-8,000 people make. Only by 7,000-8,000 people, but also is impossible to create the so big momentum. That momentum, at least is 100,000 people of beforehand Great Army. 那名大食武将顿时微微变了脸色。这绝不是那七八千人制造出的动静。光靠七八千人,还根本不可能制造出如此大的声势。那种声势,至少都是100000人以前的大军 wēng! 嗡! Next quarter, xī yù yù warhorse long hiss, in that Caliphate the vision of military commander and innumerable Caliphate soldier, a black bottom dragon mark war flag is dancing in the breeze, suddenly raises from the hill slowly. Appears with this war flag, exceptionally majestic big Heavy Cavalry. 下一刻,希聿聿战马长嘶,就在那名大食武将和无数大食战士的目光,一杆黑底龙纹战旗飘舞着,突然从丘陵下缓缓升起。和这杆战旗一起出现的,还有一匹异常雄壮高大的铁骑 Two, three..., But suddenly, dense and numerous, tens of thousands of Heavy Cavalry appeared in these hills peaks, has almost been found in people all field of vision institutes and place, and still increased in according to extremely quick Speed. All these Heavy Cavalry stand and wait for a long time there, namely has not chased down front Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, has not spoken, is only vision is cold, is looking into the Talas battlefield direction. 一匹,两匹,三匹…,只不过眨眼间,密密麻麻,成千上万的铁骑就出现在了那些丘陵的顶端,几乎遍布了众人所有视野所及的地方,并且还在以极快的速度增加。所有这些铁骑伫立在那里,即没有追杀前方的大食铁骑,也没有说话,只是一个个目光凛凛,眺望着怛罗斯战场方向。 These troops and do not have Caliphate People that to calculate to confront distantly, suddenly, a difficult word, the suffocating pressure proliferates the entire battlefield. Has flash that an entire battlefield deathly stillness, ripped the sound that killed to be smaller continually. 这些人马和无以数计的大食人遥遥对峙,瞬息间,一股难言的,令人窒息的压力遍布整个战场。有那么一刹那,整个战场一片死寂,连撕杀的声音都小了许多。 Tang People...” 唐人…” East Caliphate military commander throat cluck glide, subconscious toward retreat one step, in the eye has shown the look that startled palpitates. He is not that will not firm person, the pressure that but this army gives was too big, tens of thousands of armies did not say a word, settled down silently there, the vision of looking disdainfully, disregarded all imposing manners, like mountain ranges, pressed on the people heart, making one not gasp for breath. 最东侧的大食武将喉头咕咕滑动,下意识的往后退了一步,眼中露出一丝惊悸的神色。他绝不是那种意志不坚定的人,但是这支军队给的压力实在太大了,成千上万的军队一言不发,默默驻足在那里,睥睨的目光,无视一切的气势,就像一座座山峦,压在众人心上,令人喘不过气来。 Is impossible! How does Great Tang possibly have the so formidable army?” “不可能的!大唐怎么可能还有如此强大的军队?” This Caliphate military commander eyes open the eyes in a big way, almost cannot believe own eye. Buzz, at this time, an unusual feeling welled up to be careful, in most central of that hill, separated just like the sea tide army, a huge silver-white dragon mark war flag, raised after the hill suddenly, appears in the people eyes. 这名大食武将眼睛睁得大大的,几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。嗡,也就在这个时候,一种异样的感觉涌上心来,就在那一座座丘陵的最中央,宛如海潮般军队分开,一杆巨大的银白色龙纹战旗,突然从丘陵后升起,出现在了众人眼中。 Under the war flag, the Caliphate military commander finally saw the commanding general of this group of Great Tang people. That is one looks like the personal appearance thin youngster, is riding four hooves such as the marvelous horse of snow, but the vision looks disdainfully, the whole body sends out the white date ray. In him about, a famous aura formidable military commander like stars surrounding the moon tight accompanying. 就在战旗下面,大食武将终于看到了这群大唐人的主将。那是一名看起来身形削瘦的少年,骑着一匹四蹄如雪的神驹,但是目光睥睨,浑身散发出皓日般的光芒。在他左右,一名名气息强大的武将如众星拱月般紧紧相伴。 Finally rushed!!” “终于赶到了!!” Wang Chong settles down in the hill peak, is looking into the distant place. After five days of many climbing mountains and crossing rivers, finally arrived in the city of Talas. Stands in the hill peak, looked into the past from afar, saw only the beacon everywhere, raging fire flaming, everywhere was the Caliphate army and flag of blotting out the sky. 王冲驻足在丘陵顶端,眺望着远处。经过了五天多的跋涉,终于抵达了怛罗斯之城。站在丘陵顶端,远远眺望过去,只见烽烟处处,烈火熊熊,到处都是铺天盖地的大食军队和旗帜。 This is Wang Chong first time sees Caliphate People becomes the large-scale army of scale. Different with Mengshe Polity People, Caliphate People wants physique huge many, is also different from U-Tsang People, Caliphate People fill aggressivity. When the form of tens of thousands of Caliphate People according to army gathers, that imposing manner is not the Great Tang peripheral any influence and army can compare. 这是王冲第一次见到大食人成规模的大型军队。和蒙舍诏人不同,大食人要体格庞大的多,和乌斯藏人也不同,大食人更加的充满攻击性。当成千上万的大食人以军队的形式聚集在一起,那股气势不是大唐周边任何一支势力和军队可以比拟的。 Flame! 火焰! A piece burns down the myriad things, invades all black flame! 一片焚毁万物,侵略一切的黑色火焰! This is Wang Chong settles down mountain top, sees the feelings of these Caliphate People Legion. 这就是王冲驻足山顶,看到这些大食人军团的感觉。 Tens of thousands, such Caliphate army that is hard to count is similar to vast general, wraps the city of Talas, has encircled one after another. 成千上万,难以计数的这样的大食军队如同汪洋一般,将怛罗斯之城包裹住,围了一圈又一圈。 On this Silk Road, hears Zhuguo the strategic place already did not have in the past grandness, all city walls, become are badly-damaged. The blood flows from the city wall, dyes a dark red luster the outer wall of this military strategic place. The sky is burning, billowing roaring flame is found in the top, Wang Chong settles down mountain top, can smell the strong bloody flavor/smell that the distant place floats. 这座丝绸之路上,名闻诸国的重镇早已没有了往昔的雄伟,所有的城墙,变得残破不堪。汩汩的鲜血从城墙上流淌下来,将这座军事重镇的外墙染成一片暗红的色泽。天空在燃烧,滚滚的烈焰遍布城头,王冲驻足山顶,可以闻到远处飘来的浓烈的血腥味道。 But the rear area of Caliphate People army, stone car(riage)s in keeping shoot, giant rocks are still tumbling, in tossing into Talas City that kept. But attacks with these stone car(riage)s together, is holding the sickle innumerably, in scaling ladders following the outer wall, the Caliphate soldier who upward climbs up rapidly. 大食人军队的后方,一架架投石车还在不停的抛射,一块块巨大的岩石翻滚着,正在不停的抛入怛罗斯城中。而与这些投石车一起进攻的,还有无数衔着弯刀,顺着外墙上一架架云梯,迅速往上攀爬的大食士兵。 The fight of city of Talas arrived at the most critical moment. 怛罗斯之城的战斗已经到了最紧要的关头。 The fight was conducted will enter for two months, Anxi Protectorate Army in city has reached the limit. Wang Chong sees the massive Caliphate armies the continuous mounting top. But outside the giant city gate, a radical person joint holds, more than ten zhang (3.33 m) huge siege pointed cones, are hitting the city gate crazily. 战斗进行了将进两个月,城中的安西都护军已经达到极限。王冲看到大量的大食军队正在源源不断的登上城头。而巨大的城门外,一根数人合抱,十余丈长的巨大的攻城尖锥,正在疯狂的撞击城门。 That sincere steel city gate already serious twist deformation, shortly on support how long. 那座厚重的钢铁城门已经严重的扭曲变形,眼看着就支撑不了多久了。 Feng Changqing said right, Caliphate People really started the general attack!” 封常清说的没错,大食人果然发动总攻了!” Wang Chong looks at the distant place, but wrinkled under the brow slightly, then again has not cared. Anything that no matter Caliphate People hits pays attention, since he presents that quarter here, all have been doomed. He must let the city of this Talas, becomes the Caliphate People total defeat, suffers the place of most serious setback. 王冲看着远处,只是微微皱了下眉头,便没有再在意。不管大食人打的什么注意,从他出现在这里的那刻起,一切都已经注定了。他要让这座怛罗斯之城,成为大食人折戟沉沙,遭受最惨重挫折的地方。 The heart relayed this thought that the Wang Chong's vision has looked following that scaling ladder quickly to the Talas top. In the Talas top most prominent place, 【 Wang Chong saw that say/way finally greatly like the mountain, the reputation has resounded through the form of entire western region, that form was great, stands above the tall wall cuts to kill unceasingly by the scaling ladder, but on Caliphate soldier, in the mouth was roaring, was directing the motions of other officers, his War Armor dyed red, even did not have a clean place. 心中转过这个念头,王冲的目光顺着那一架架云梯很快望向了怛罗斯的墙头。就在怛罗斯墙头最显赫的地方,【王冲终于看到了那道伟岸如山,名声响彻整个西域的身影,那道身影伟岸挺拔,站在高墙之上不断地斩杀着由云梯而上的大食士兵,口中怒吼着,指挥着其他将士的行动,他的战甲被染的通红,甚至没有一块干净的地方。 Form deep taking root of Gao Xianzhi in the top, as if fuses together with the earth of under foot, looked from afar is the same like Giant, appears big incomparable. Regardless of the opposite came many Caliphate soldiers, regardless of also this impact is formidable, finally can only halt before him, forever is unable to break through. 高仙芝的身影深深的扎根在墙头,仿佛和脚下的大地融为一体,远远看去有如一个巨人一样,显得高大无比。不论对面来了多少大食士兵,也不论这种冲击有多么强大,最终都只能止步在他面前,永远都无法冲破。 But around him, Wang Chong also saw were innumerable fierce battle the form of Anxi Protectorate Army. 而在他周围,王冲也看到了无数正在激烈战斗的安西都护军的身影。 The continual several months fight, each of them has reached the limit of physical ability, is utterly exhausted, as if will momentarily drop down. However proud intent in gang of bone actually in supporting them, is not aware of fatigue in the top is fighting at risk of life. How long no one knows them also to be able survive, but everyone in according to own way survive. 连续数月的战斗,他们每个人都达到了体能的极限,一个个疲惫不堪,似乎随时都会倒下。但是一股骨子里的傲意却在支撑着他们,在城头上不知疲倦的拼死战斗着。谁也不知道他们还能坚持多久,但每个人都在以自己的方式坚持着。 Sees this, Wang Chong is also moved. 看到这一幕,就连王冲也不由为之动容。
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