HE :: Volume #9

#871: Talas, in a final step!

Chapter 871 第871章 In order to find out the Caliphate People details, in the past these days, only then they know that for this reason has paid the big price. 11 Falcon Squad members died east of the Talas region, 20-30 Falcon died in battle, little sand were seriously injured, but Zhang Que also successfully found out Caliphate People some rules. 为了摸清大食人底细,过去这段时间,只有他们自己才知道为此付出了多大的代价。11名鹰鹫小队的成员死在了怛罗斯以东的区域,二三十只鹰鹫战死,就连小沙都受了重伤,但是张雀也成功摸到了大食人的一些规律。 Caliphate People has the unique operational style, the airborne hawk birds and beasts often can the Scout separation with ground be very far, the reconnaissance of Saker Falcon can be beyond dozens miles. Once these Caliphate Saker Falcon meet the enemy spatial birds and beasts, immediately Saker Falcon will return immediately, informs rear Scout. 大食人拥有独特的作战风格,空中的鹰禽往往会和地面的斥侯分离很远,猎隼的侦察能达到几十里之外。这些大食猎隼一旦遇到敌方空禽,立即会有一只猎隼立即返回,通知后方的斥侯 Must want to avoid being discovered by Caliphate People, beforehand can only all reprimand the hawk birds and beasts that observes to take back the ground. But at this time, could not see airborne match, Caliphate Saker Falcon will continue to go forward, in the spatial relay, the further collection the quantity of enemy side, will depart. 要想避免被大食人发现,事先只能将所有斥察的鹰禽收回地面。而这个时候,看不到空中的对手,大食猎隼就会继续前进,在空中转上一圈,进一步的搜集到敌方的数量,才会离去。 If wants to avoid being discovered by Caliphate People ahead of time, makes the preparation, must, be huge these physiques, is good at Caliphate Saker Falcon of air fight eliminating extremely completely. So long as there is one to bleed off, people will waste all previous efforts. Hundreds of thousands Qixi reinforcements thousand li (500 km) long-range raids, restrained the aura also to lose the significance. 如果想避免提前被大食人发现,做出准备,就必须在一圈之内,将这些体格庞大,极其擅长空战的大食猎隼全部消灭。只要有一个放走,众人就会前功尽弃。十几万碛西援军千里奔袭,收敛气息也就失去了意义。 „, Only has, in any event, must succeed!” “一圈,只有一圈,无论如何,一定要成功!” Zhang Que is looking at the sky, in the heart anxious incomparable. 张雀望着天空,心中紧张无比。 The Caliphate People army distributes in now in all directions, the west is only part, regarding people, this is the best opportunity. Entire Falcon Squad turned out in full strength, this combat general relates to entire Great Army, including Qixi and Anxi two groups of Great Army success or failure! 大食人的军队现在分布在四面八方,西面只是其中的一部分,对于众人来说,这是最好的机会。整个鹰鹫小队已经是倾巢出动,这一战将关系到整个大军,包括碛西安西两路大军的成败! These thoughts graze from the mind, is only suddenly, dense and numerous Great Tang Falcon Caliphate People Saker Falcon contacted. 这些念头从脑海中飞掠而过,只是一刹那间,密密麻麻的大唐鹰鹫就已经大食人猎隼接触了。 Cry! - “唳!——” A sad and shrill length called to resound through the sky, without any contact, did not have any probe, the hawk birds and beasts of both sides started to jump into one instantaneously, ripped to kill frigidly. The plume feather dances in the air, the blood scatters, is not that type scattered, but all over the sky spurts from the beginning. 一声凄厉的长叫响彻天空,没有任何的接触,也没有任何的试探,双方的鹰禽在一个瞬间就开始扑入其中,惨烈撕杀。翎羽飞舞,鲜血四溅,不是那种零零散散的,而是一开始就满天飞洒。 Bang! 砰! The shadow flashes, Caliphate Saker Falcon is similar to the rock, straight from airborne falls down, pounds in hardly, in ground comprised of the gravel, pounds one group, falls meets a cruel death, covered with blood. But follows closely behind it, 2-3 Great Tang Falcon are similar to the raindrops, follows close on pounding ruthlessly to fall on the ground. 黑影一闪,一只大食猎隼如同岩石般,笔直的从空中掉下,砸在坚硬,由沙砾组成的地面上,砸成一团,摔得粉身碎骨,血肉模糊。而紧随在它后面,两三只大唐鹰鹫就如同雨点般,紧跟着狠狠的砸落在地上。 Five, six, seven, eight... 五只,六只,七只,八只… The situation of war imagines from the people are much more intense. Caliphate People Saker Falcon is much cut-throat, their sharp beaks that the people imagine are similar to the chisels, the sharp claws are common like the iron hook, each time throwing strikes to rip the big piece the flesh and blood and plume feather. Each Caliphate Saker Falcon, can keep off two, keeps off three, keeps off four, Zhang Que hawk king Xiaosha, is injured under Caliphate Saker Falcon this cut-throat attack. 战争的情况从众人想像的还要激烈得多。大食人猎隼比众人想象的还要凶狠得多,它们的尖喙如同钢凿,利爪有如铁钩一般,每一次的扑击都撕出大片的血肉和翎羽。每一只大食猎隼,都可以以一挡二,挡三,挡四,张雀的鹰王小沙,就是在大食猎隼这种凶狠的攻击下受伤的。 However this time, Zhang Que and entire Falcon Squad have adopted the entirely different tactic. , 30-40 Falcon closed, was similar to the pack of wolves is ordinary, plunged Caliphate Saker Falcon, the pecking strikes, the claw ripped, but put in an appearance, a physique was huge, extremely aggressive Caliphate Saker Falcon was besieged dead, corpse straight fell from the sky. 但是这一次,张雀和整个鹰鹫小队采取了截然不同的战术。呼,三四十只鹰鹫一拥而上,如同狼群一般,扑向一只大食猎隼,啄击,爪撕,只是一个照面,一个体格庞大,极其凶悍的大食猎隼就被围攻而死,尸体笔直的从天空中坠下。 But in this process, the entire Falcon Squad hawk bird concentrates on, does not pay attention to the attacks of other Saker Falcon completely, no matter how they attack, all Falcon have not looked back, does not have one to escape. They endure the ache to besiege Saker Falcon, immediately besieges next again. 而在这个过程中,整个鹰鹫小队的鹰雀全神贯注,完全不理会其他猎隼的攻击,不管他们怎么攻击,所有的鹰鹫没有一只回首,更没有一只逃跑。它们忍着疼痛围攻完一头猎隼,立即再去围攻下一个。 In this case the loss of Falcon Squad is specially big, a leader Falcon whole body scar, the deep obvious bone, crashes generally like the raindrop. Sees this, the member eye socket of entire Falcon Squad was red. 在这种情况下鹰鹫小队的损失特别大,一头头鹰鹫满身伤痕,深可见骨,有如雨点一般坠落下来。看到这一幕,整个鹰鹫小队的成员眼眶都红了。 The training of each Falcon has spent their massive time, this, not only simple training, but also is containing the deep affection in inside. Time that whenever Falcon falls, has torn like the heart to the people generally, but all people can only all these deep conceals in the heart. 每一头鹰鹫的训练都花了他们大量的时间,这并不只是简单的训练,还蕴含着深厚的感情在里面。每当一头鹰鹫坠下的时候,对众人来说就像心中撕裂了一般,但是所有人只能把这一切深深的藏在心底。 And Two and three heads..., The Zhang Que tactic is playing role, but time of breath, massive Caliphate Saker Falcon from airborne crash in abundance. Maneating Saker Falcon cannot block the attacks of these many Falcon, but, in the Zhang Que heart stretches as before closely. 一头、两头、三头…,张雀的战术正在发挥作用,只不过一个呼吸的时间,大量的大食猎隼纷纷从空中坠落下来。再凶悍的猎隼也挡不住这么多鹰鹫的攻击,但是,张雀心中依旧绷得紧紧的。 Cannot make them escape, cannot make them run away absolutely...” “不能让它们逃跑,绝对不能让它们逃走…” Zhang Que looks airborne is pinching the fist ruthlessly, this fights, regardless of kills many Caliphate Saker Falcon does not have any significance, what is most essential is wipes out these Caliphate Saker Falcon. So long as there is one to run, this motion thoroughly failed. Airborne, Caliphate People Saker Falcon steadily reduces, facing attack that Falcon in groups flees, these Saker Falcon have been afraid finally, was timid, several Saker Falcon sharp cries, are wanting to turn around to escape. 张雀望着空中狠狠地捏着拳头,这一战不论杀死多少的大食猎隼都没有任何意义,最关键的是把这些大食猎隼全歼。只要有一头跑回去,这次行动就彻底的失败了。空中,大食人猎隼不断地减少,面对成群结队的鹰鹫亡命的攻击,这些猎隼终于害怕了,胆怯了,几只猎隼尖唳着,想要掉头逃跑。 Sees this, the heart of people mentioned the throat spigot, the Zhang Que complexion also white many. 看到这一幕,众人的心都提到了嗓子口,张雀的脸色也白了不少。 At this time, the shadow flashed, a rock hawk threw fiercely, like, a claw has torn like lightning a back of Caliphate Saker Falcon, from airborne threw it. Then is second and third, last Caliphate Saker Falcon wants to turn head to throw to strike, but was coordinated to strike to kill by other Falcon quickly rapidly. 就在这个时候,黑影一闪,一只岩鹰猛地扑了上去,有如闪电般,一爪就撕裂了一只大食猎隼的背脊,将它从空中投掷下去。接着是第二只、第三只,最后一只大食猎隼想要回头扑击,但是很快被其他鹰鹫配合迅速击杀。 Bang!” “砰!” When last Caliphate Saker Falcon numerous crash arrive at the ground, entire Falcon Squad has exuded today's cheers suddenly. 当最后一头大食猎隼重重的坠落到地上,整个鹰鹫小队突然发出了今天的欢呼声。 little sand!” “小沙!” little sand!” “小沙!” little sand!” “小沙!” ... That last throws, ends three Caliphate Saker Falcon rock hawks, precisely Zhang Que hawk king Xiaosha. 那最后一头扑上去,终结三头大食猎隼的岩鹰,正是张雀的鹰王小沙。 Succeeded!” “成功了!” In Zhang Que heart long relaxing. Caliphate People will not have realized, but eliminated these Caliphate Saker Falcon, at least can be Lord Marquis and Great Army wins a buffer period, accelerates to move: 张雀心中长长的松了口气。大食人不会一直没有察觉,但是消灭了这些大食猎隼,至少可以为侯爷大军赢来一段缓冲期,加速行动: Then, looked at Huang Botian they!” “接下来的,就看黄搏天他们的了!” Must want to approach Caliphate, but was not discovered by them ahead of time, at least two passes/tests. The first pass/test is Caliphate People spreads in Saker Falcon of Great Army most surrounding, later is scouting of ground. Each Saker Falcon is corresponding scouting of ground. Although this air fight won, but was unable to treat it lightly. 要想接近大食而不被他们提前发现,至少有两关。第一关就是大食人散布在大军最外围的猎隼,之后就是地面的斥候。每一只猎隼都对应着一名地面的斥候。这一次空战虽然胜利了,但是还远不能掉以轻心。 Scouting of opposite party in ground discovered that Saker Falcon loses unites a point to come to examine, but these were not the Zhang Que ability categories. 对方在地面的斥候发现猎隼失联一点会前来查看,不过这些就不是张雀的能力范畴了。 Preparation!” “准备!” Loud and clear drinks sound to transmit from front greatly suddenly, Zhang Que turned head to look at one, saw only Huang Botian to ride reddish brown big horse, periphery was greeting elite scouting, prepared set off. 一阵洪亮的大喝声突然从前面传来,张雀扭头望了一眼,只见黄搏天骑着一匹红棕色的大马,正在招呼周围精锐的斥候,准备出发 Is getting more and more near from Talas, marches Speed to be also getting quicker and quicker, everyone knows that leaves the time of army not to be many, the nerves of all people stretch closely. 距离怛罗斯越来越近,行军速度也越来越快,每个人知道留给军队的时间不多了,所有人的神经都绷得紧紧的。 30 miles, scouting of all Caliphate People most surrounding were eliminated completely, this was Wang Chong and hundreds of thousands armies wins final marching time - 30里,所有大食人最外围的斥候全部被肃清,这为王冲和十几万军队赢来了最后的行军时间—— 20 miles! 20里! 15 miles! 15里! thirteen li (6,500 meters)! 十三里! ... Great Army momentarily will be discovered that all people are racing against time, with the time race, everyone understands, Great Army always goes forward one meter, on a hope many point of achievement. All people keep silent do not say, looks serious, on earth only then uniform sound of footsteps and wheel billowing sound. 大军随时都会被发现,所有人都在争分夺秒,和时间赛跑,每个人都明白,大军每多前进一米,获胜的希望就多上一分。所有人都噤声不言,神情严肃,大地上只有整齐划一的脚步声和车轮滚滚的声音。 Only remaining last!” “只剩下最后一步了!” The Great Army rear area, the flags everywhere, Wang Chong is riding White-hoofed Shadow, the side is numerous Expert and military commanders, his is sharp-eyed, has been looking into the distant place. No matter Zhang Que Falcon Squad, scouting division that Huang Botian leads, all situations during his control. 大军的后方,旌旗处处,王冲骑着白蹄乌,身边是众多的高手和武将,他的目光锐利,一直眺望着远处。不管是张雀鹰鹫小队,还是黄搏天率领的斥候分队,所有的情况都在他的掌控之中。 Ten ten thousand Great Army, wish makes Caliphate People not discover that is impossible, but can actually push the soldier to being away from their recent places, seized the biggest opportunity. 十万大军,想要让大食人不发现是不可能的,但是却可以推兵到距离他们最近的地方,赢得最大的先机。 Wang Chong carefully had studied the Talas peripheral terrain with the sand table, around the city of Talas, although vast stretch of flat land, a wilderness, however in Northeast, actually piece of continuous low hills, if can before Caliphate People discovered succeeds arrives in that hill, then can play the unexpected role. 王冲曾经用沙盘仔细的研究过怛罗斯周边的地形,怛罗斯之城周围虽然一马平川,一片旷野,但是在东北方向,却有一片连绵的低矮丘陵,如果能在大食人发现之前成功的抵达那处丘陵,那么就可以起到出其不意的作用。 Ship passable tone, if only several people of teams, can change own strategy very much easily, however several hundred thousand Caliphate People armies when attack the city of Talas fully, wants to change the offensive direction is not that easy matter. This is the opportunity of Wang Chong and hundreds of thousands Qixi reinforcements is also. 船小好调头,如果只是十几人的队伍,很容易就可以改变自己的战略,但是几十万的大食人军队在全力进攻怛罗斯之城的时候,想要改变进攻方向就不是那么容易的事。这也是王冲和十几万碛西援军的机会所在。 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” At this time, suddenly, the earth movement day swung, a fierce hoofbeat transmitted from the Great Army opposite. At the same time, a rapid horse's hoof transmits from the ear. 就在这个时候,突然之间,地动天摇,一阵剧烈的马蹄声从大军的对面传来。同一时间,一阵急促的马蹄从耳中传来。 Report!” “报!” Front suddenly presents 7,000-8,000 people of Caliphate armies, is coming toward us! How should Sir Protectorate handle?” “前方突然出现一支七八千人的大食军队,正朝我们而来!请问都护大人该如何处置?” Scout turns over/stands up dismount, kneels on the ground, is nervous. 斥侯翻身下马,跪在地上,神情非常紧张。 Wang Chong gives a calm smile, looks toward the front line. Sees only behind the front that piece of continuous hill, mist and dust shoots up to the sky, in the mist and dust, the black steel mighty current that 7,000-8,000 Caliphate People compose, enormous and powerful, appears in mountain top suddenly. 王冲只是淡然一笑,朝着最前方看去。只见前方那片连绵的丘陵后面,一阵烟尘冲天而起,就在烟尘之中,一支七八千大食人组成的黑色钢铁洪流,浩浩荡荡,突然之间出现在山顶 Finally discovered!” “终于还是发现了!” Wang Chong smile however smiles, thinks little. Caliphate People after all is not a weak one, although he hides vigorously, there is a sound of war to cover, but Caliphate People felt that exceptionally, having sent out the army to come to sweep: 王冲哂然一笑,不以为意。大食人毕竟不是弱者,虽然他极力隐藏,又有战争的声音掩盖,但是大食人还是感觉到了异常,派出军队前来扫荡: But, merely 7,000-8,000 people, are by far insufficient!” “不过,仅仅七八千人,还是远远不够啊!” The beforehand strategy has played the role, Wang Chong covers the internet to cover to the horses and domestic animal, in the cloth to the hoof package, all Great Army keeps silent completely, weakened the extreme the sound. Only the sound of carriage does not have means to cover up, the road that but Wang Chong marches forward, is busy Silk Road, the trade routes in various East and West are continuous, was too normal like this sound, in addition beforehand scouting has not repaid, was not easy to cause the suspicion of person. 之前的策略发挥了作用,王冲给马匹和牲畜罩上网罩,又给蹄子包上布帛,所有大军全部噤声,把声音削弱到了极点。只有马车的声音是没有办法遮掩的,但是王冲行进的这条路,本来就是繁忙的丝绸之路,各种东西方的商旅络绎不绝,像这种声音太正常不过了,再加上之前的斥候没有回报,根本不易引起人的怀疑。 All these, Wang Chong already considered very thoroughly. But final result, has shown at present: 所有这一切,王冲早就考虑得非常周到。而最后的结果,也已经展现在眼前: Although heard the sound, but thinks obviously the person who are not many, only sent out 7,000-8,000 people of Heavy Cavalry to come to examine. ——大食人虽然听到了声响,但明显以为来的人不多,只派出了七八千人的铁骑前来查看。 Clang!” “锵!” A clear and melodious sword recited resounds through the skies, Wang Chong has drawn out treasured sword along fiercely, then had four chi (0.33 m) Wootz Steel Long Sword fully, as if has blocked including the sunlight of sky, the sharp sword blade was glittering the intermittent cold glow: 一声清越的剑吟响彻云霄,王冲猛地拔出了随身的宝剑,那把足有四尺的乌兹钢长剑,似乎连天空的阳光都挡住了,锋利的剑刃闪烁着阵阵寒芒: Great Army obeys orders! Full speed advance!” 大军听令!全速前进!” The sound has not fallen, Long Sword in Wang Chong hand refers to slantingly, the rough terrain of distant directional distant place. 声音未落,王冲手中的长剑斜指,遥遥的指向远处的丘陵地带。 But along with the Wang Chong's order, ten ten thousand Great Army like fast general, raises the vast mist and dust, the acceleration flushes away forward. Although the opposite presented 7,000-8,000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, and has discovered Wang Chong, but all were too late at this time, no matter they discovered that had not discovered that did not have influence regarding the general situation. 而随着王冲的命令,十余万大军有如脱兔一般,掀起浩浩的烟尘,加速向前冲去。虽然对面出现了七八千大食铁骑,并且已经发现了王冲,但是这个时候一切都已经太迟了,不管他们发现还是没有发现,对于大局已经没有影响了。
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