HE :: Volume #9

#870: Contacts the first air fight!

Chapter 870 第870章 Sees this, around Wang Chong, Li Siye, Su Shixuan, Cheng Sanyuan, Zhang Que, Sun Zhiming, Chen Burang, Zhuang Buping and the others deeply change countenance, the Feng Changqing name likes thunder reverberating in one's ears, regarding their many people, is that type keeps aloof, is unattainable, great person who perhaps is hard to contact for a lifetime. 看到这一幕,王冲周围,李嗣业,苏世玄,程三元,张雀,孙知命,陈不让,庄不平等人都不禁深深动容,封常清的名字如雷贯耳,对于他们很多人来说,都是那种高高在上,遥不可及,恐怕一辈子都难以接触到的大人物。 However now, Feng Changqing is in front of these many people unexpectedly, puts aside the face, asks the age to be inferior to his Wang Chong, the manner humbly. This made the people feel a huge impact instantaneously. 但是现在,封常清居然当着这么多人的面,放下面子,来求年纪远不如他的王冲,神态谦卑至极。这让众人瞬间感觉到了一种巨大的冲击。 However Feng Changqing as if no to think, the long bow, the situation in western region is as before getting more and more tense, but in experiencing nearly two months of dark and despair, present Wang Chong, is almost the hope that in his eyes sees only, is 30,000 is stranded in the Talas Anxi Protectorate Army only vitality. 然而封常清却仿佛毫无所觉,依旧长躬不起,西域的形势越来越紧张,而在经历了近乎两个月的黑暗和绝望,现在的王冲,几乎是他眼中唯一看到的希望,也是30000困在怛罗斯安西都护军唯一的生机。 Sir Feng, you could rest assured that although Caliphate People is formidable, but also the situation that is far from not being able to defeat. Borrowed former Han dynasty Chen Tang Great General words, clear(ly) violated my man (Han), even if far away, will cetainly be executed! Great Tang is not the weak one, Caliphate Empire most should not the matter of doing, colludes with Stone Country, covets Anxi, this war, I will rescue Sir Gao Xianzhi and Anxi Protectorate Army soldiers incessantly, will also make Caliphate People pay the most heavy price for their crudeness! This is also I presents the real objective here!” 封大人,你放心,大食人虽然强大,但还远远没有到不可以战胜的地步。借用前汉陈汤大将军的话,明犯我强汉者,虽远必诛大唐不是弱者,大食帝国最不该做的事情,就是勾结石国,觊觎安西,这一战,我不止会救出高仙芝大人和安西都护军的战士们,还会让大食人为他们的鲁莽付出最沉重的代价!这也是我出现在这里的真正目的!” The Wang Chong vision is bright as snow, picks up Feng Changqing slowly, the facial expression exceptionally serious say/way. 王冲目光雪亮,缓缓地托起封常清,神情异常郑重道。 Hears the Wang Chong character character thousand honored words, Feng Changqing and surrounding Anxi Protectorate Army soldier look severe shake, the anxiety and restlessness that Feng Changqing was filled with, meets for first time the Wang Chong's time is both eyes is redder, almost hangs to shed tears. However at this moment, actually in inexplicable heart a secure., Feng Changqing raised the head slowly, this is youngster Great Protectorate before his first earnest and careful sizing up body. 听到王冲字字千钧的话,封常清和周围的安西都护军战士神色剧震,封常清原本满心的焦急和不安,乍见王冲的时候更是双目通红,几乎垂下泪来。但是这一刻,却莫名的心中一安。缓缓的,封常清抬起头来,这是他第一次认真、仔细的打量身前的少年大都护 This is a 16 or 17-year-old youngster, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, making people very easy to associate to arrive at these Young Master Aristocratic Family in in the capital, playboy scion(s), however his body has Young Master Aristocratic Family of this age impossible some to be absolutely calm and sincere. His facial expression wisdom, the manner is calm, lets each few words that the person subconsciously paid attention to him to speak, and deeply believed. 这是一个只有十六七岁的少年,剑眉星目,让人很容易联想到京中的那些世家公子,纨绔子弟,但是他的身上却有着这个年纪的世家公子绝对不可能有的沉稳和厚重。他的神情睿智,举止从容,让人不禁下意识的注意他所说的每一句话,并且深深为之信服。 Incessantly so, on him, Feng Changqing also felt an extremely strong military soldier Iron Blood flavor/smell, was not the ordinary that military commander, but experiences the battle scene, had the innumerable rich fight experiences, qualifications extremely deep top Great General. Feng Changqing joins the army for ten years in Anxi Protectorate General, only feels on a person has been to this type of aura, that is Anxi Protectorate Gao Xianzhi. 不止如此,在他身上,封常清还感受到了一种极其浓烈军伍铁血的味道,不是普通的那种武将,而是经历尸山血海,拥有无数丰富的战斗经验,资历极其深厚的顶尖大将封常清安西都护府从军十余年,只在一个人身上感受到过这种气息,那就是安西都护高仙芝 However Gao Xianzhi does not have on him that strong Iron Blood flavor/smell. 但是就连高仙芝都没有他身上那么浓烈的铁血味道。 Regarding Wang Chong, Feng Changqing has contempt, there is facing up to that overweight carefully examines newly and attaches great importance, but to finally, Feng Changqing had discovered, all carefully examining underestimated to him, present youngster imagines is formidable. 对于王冲,封常清有过轻视,也有过重新审视的正视和重视,但是到了最后,封常清才发现,所有的审视都对他过于低估,眼前的少年远比自己想象的还要强大。 What Lord Marquis said that made an indiscreet remark below, has Lord Marquis to lead my Great Tang mighty army, Changqing to believe, Caliphate People is unable to result in absolutely recompenses to hope! Changqing wishes the Sir early to play victory report here, returns in triumph, at the appointed time, Changqing must arrange the banquet in Protectorate General for the Sir, the reception gives a welcoming dinner, congratulates the meritorious military service!” 侯爷说的是,是在下失言了,有侯爷带领我大唐的雄师,常清相信,大食人绝对无法得偿所愿!常清在这里预祝大人早奏捷报,凯旋归来,到时,常清必在都护府中为大人摆下酒宴,接风洗尘,庆贺战功!” Feng Changqing is also the look one positive, one side of the body, stands by, is once more deep a ritual. 封常清也是神色一正,身体一侧,站到道旁,再次深深一礼。 Similarly is bows to salute, but before this meaning, actually entirely different. 同样是躬身行礼,但这一次的意味和之前却截然不同。 Wishes the Sir early to play the victory report, returns in triumph!” “预祝大人早奏捷报,凯旋归来!” Feng Changqing, soldier same bow lower parts of the body of four Anxi Protectorate Army, deep ritual. 封常清的身后,四名安西都护军的战士同样躬下身来,深深一礼。 My news!” “等我消息吧!” Wang Chong smiles, this time did not go to support by the arm Feng Changqing again, turns over/stands up, steps up to White-hoofed Shadow, once more toward leading the way. His body is tall and straight, does not bring slight recall: 王冲只是一笑,这次再没有去搀扶封常清,一个翻身,跨上白蹄乌,再次往前行去。他的身躯挺拔,不带丝毫的留恋: Transmitted orders, army set off, accelerates to go forward!” “传令下去,全军出发,加速前进!” hōng lōng lōng, ten ten thousand Great Army are similar to mighty current is billowing, rapid across the Great Tang last military strategic place, accelerates to go toward Talas City nearly thousand miles away. Vanishes to entire Great Army, the last Qixi Protectorate Army soldier leaves Suyab City, Feng Changqing raising the head of slowly. 轰隆隆,十余万大军如同洪流滚滚,迅速的穿过大唐最后一座军事重镇,向着近千里外的怛罗斯城加速前去。身后,一直到整个大军消失,最后一名碛西都护军的战士离开碎叶城,封常清才缓缓的抬起头来。 Under setting sun, ten ten thousand Qixi reinforcements just like a piece of black mighty current, enormous and powerful, goes toward the distant place washout by the easily accomplished potential, that imposing manner, destroys the hardest defenses, one toward not returns, the deep brand mark enters in the mind of everyone. However in the Feng Changqing mind, tosses about, reappearing is that youngster calm and self-confident form. 落日下,十余万碛西援军宛如一片黑色的洪流,浩浩荡荡,以摧枯拉朽之势向着远处冲刷而去,那种气势,无坚不摧,一往无回,深深的烙印进每一个人的脑海里。但是封常清的脑海中,翻来覆去,浮现的都是那个少年从容、自信的身影。 precisely hundred hear to might as well meet, meets is well-known by far! In the past,... Was I and Sir belittles Lord Marquis. Great Tang can have Lord Marquis, is the good fortune of Anxi, is the good fortune of world person! This war, I believe, Lord Marquis will certainly succeed!” 正是百闻不如见面,见面远胜闻名!以往,…是我和大人小觑侯爷了。大唐能有侯爷,是安西之幸,也是天下人之幸!这一战,我相信,侯爷一定会成功的!” ... Leaves from Suyab City, four surroundings high mountain ridges, in not any inner and outer city walls and village, surrounding bleak. 碎叶城离开,四周围崇山峻岭,在没有任何的城郭和村落,周围一片荒凉。 Army obeys orders, full speed advance!” “全军听令,全速前进!” Follows fast, do not fall behind!” “快速跟上,不要掉队!” Hurry up, Talas posthaste, do not make Caliphate People prevail!” “快点,怛罗斯十万火急,不要让大食人得逞!” ... Crossed precipitouy tall and straight, is similar to Cong Ridge that a big dragon plate lay, went forward toward the west along the bleak mountain road, urged the sound one after another, entire Great Army motion Speed selected for promotion the extreme. Gets there first, above Great Army, the hawk bird of detection round-trip one after another, has not stopped. Although has not arrived in Talas, but, has been able to hear a faint soaring to the heavens slogan by far. 翻过险峻挺拔,如同一条巨龙盘卧的葱岭,沿着荒凉的山道往西前进,催促声一阵接着一阵,整个大军的行动速度被拔升到了极点。兵贵神速,大军上方,侦查往返的鹰雀一只接着一只,从来没有停过。虽然还没有抵达怛罗斯,但是远远的,已经可以听到一阵隐隐的冲天呐喊声。 Although anything could not have seen, but everyone can imagine, Talas of distant place is gathering hundreds of thousands of military force(s), inevitably during most intense fight. 虽然还什么都看不到,但是每个人都能想像得到,远处的怛罗斯聚集着数十万的兵马,必然正在最激烈的战斗之中。 The facial expressions of all people tighten all of a sudden, in military soldier, from top to bottom, the looks of all military officers are serious incomparable, the order unceasing transmission, with Han people language different Hu People Mercenary(-ies) felt one after another left this tense atmosphere, turns very quiet, the atmosphere does not dare to leave. 所有人的神情一下子绷紧起来,军伍之中,从上到下,所有将领的神色都是严肃无比,命令一个接一个不断的传达下来,就连与汉人语言不同的胡人雇佣兵都感觉出了这种紧张气氛,一个个屏住呼吸,大气不敢出。 Incessantly so, one day later, the new transmission of order, all Great Army horse's hooves wrap up the cloth completely, the horses, a domestic animal complete mouth set of internet of accompanying the armed forces covers, preventing them to sound, makes the sound. 不止如此,一天之后,新的命令传达下来,所有的大军马蹄全部裹上布帛,马匹,还有随军的牲畜全部嘴巴套上网罩,防止他们鸣叫,发出声音。 The sounds of ten ten thousand Great Army advances reduced the extreme immediately, however in this silent environment, the atmosphere of war instead strong to situation in the extreme. Although above has not stated clearly, but responded that the slow person also understands, an unprecedented fierce battle will soon approach! 十万大军前进的声音立即减小到了极点,但是在这种无声的环境下,战争的气氛反而浓烈到了无以复加的地步。虽然上面还没有明说,但是就算反应再迟钝的人也明白,一场史无前例的激烈战斗即将来临! 100 miles! 100里! Is getting more and more near from Talas, that intermittent slogan, from slightly inaudible, becomes more and more greatly. 距离怛罗斯越来越近,那阵阵的呐喊声,也从微不可闻,变得越来越大。 80 miles! 80里! Cannot see Talas as before, a voice comes in waves, covered the car(riage)s of more than 100,000 Qixi reinforcements wheels get lost/rolled the sound as well as the Great Army march sound completely! 依旧看不到怛罗斯,一波波的声浪滚滚而来,完全掩盖了100000多碛西援军轱辘的车滚声以及大军行进声! 50 miles! 50里! Great Army march Speed is getting quicker and quicker, the horizon place, indistinctly appears a mountain range of fluctuating, on the mountain the trees are green and luxuriant, although as a result of geological reason not exceptionally tall lofty tree, but also duplicate has actually filled the green vegetation, Baishiling, to a Talas recent barrier. But upward looked by Baishiling, has been able to see a and tall and straight giant city gorgeously from mountain top dense reveals one section, the city above thick smoke is billowing, the flame soars to the heavens, covers the trim sky. 大军的行进速度越来越快,地平线处,隐约现出一座起伏的山脉,山上树木郁郁葱葱,虽然由于地质原因并没有异常高大的参天大树,但却也覆满了绿色的植被,白石岭,通往怛罗斯最近的一处障碍。而透过白石岭往上看,已经可以看到一座巍然、挺拔的巨大城池从山顶黑压压的露出一截,城池上方浓烟滚滚,火焰冲天,笼罩整片天空。 The atmosphere even more tightly collapses, hundreds of thousands Great Army, the look is serious, nobody makes the sound. Accompanies the armed forces and other Tribe domestic animal also to feel that as the cow, sheep of military provisions anything, has shut the corners of the mouth, in the eye pupil full is restless. 气氛越发的紧崩,十几万大军,神色严肃,没有一个人发出声音。就连随军做为军粮的牛、羊等各部落的畜牲们也感觉到了什么,一个个闭住了嘴角,眼眸中满是不安。 Speeds up marching!!” “加快行军!!” Orders issue unceasingly, hundreds of thousands Great Army the military governors and military officers in each level of in addition are issuing the order crazily, everyone felt that the atmosphere of that war, weapons in the handshake stubbornly, the vision was staring at the front. Everyone understands, battlefield there, enemy there! 一个个命令不断发布下来,十几万大军中的各个级加的督军、将领们疯狂的发布着命令,每个人都感觉到了那种战争的气氛,一个个死死的握着手中的武器,目光凝视着前方。每个人都明白,战场就在那里,敌人就在那里! Then waits for the people, will certainly be unprecedented, is most callous, most intense fight! 接下来等待众人的,必将是一场史无前例的,最冷酷,最激烈的战斗! The entrance of Great Tang after behind, Anxi three ten thousand Anxi Protectorate Army in the front waiting rescue, the people are not having the escape route! 大唐的国门就在身后,安西的三万安西都护军正在前方等待救援,众人没有退路! 40 miles! 40里! Tension-filled atmosphere simply strong suffocating, in the Great Army front, Zhang Que and all Falcon Squad people gathers together, everyone is the look is serious. Since enters the western region, the entire squad forms, Zhang Que and the others experienced several air fights, including a Triangle Jag service, a Qixi Armory service, as well as the fight on Turkic prairie, each people returns in triumph. 紧张的气氛简直浓烈的令人窒息,在大军前方,张雀和所有鹰鹫小队的人聚在一起,每个人都是神色严肃。自从进入西域,整个小队组建起来,张雀等人已经经历了好几次空战,包括三角缺口一役,碛西军械库一役,以及突厥大草原上的战斗,每一次众人都得胜归来。 However all people understand, this time match and was not same in the past, they are much more formidable than the beforehand all matches. No matter Cavalry and infantry, are the airborne hawk birds and beasts. 但是所有人都明白,这一次的对手和以往绝不相同,他们远比以前的所有对手都要强大得多。不管是骑兵、步兵,还是空中的鹰禽。 The past several short contacts, the people have not profited slightly! 以往的几次短暂接触,众人丝毫没有占到便宜! Preparation!” “准备!” Zhang Que turned head to look all around the people, vision was passing over gently and swiftly from Falcon Squad members: 张雀回头环顾着众人,目光从鹰鹫小队一个个成员身上掠过: Caliphate People had is formidable I not to be many said that the opportunity only then one time, in any event, we must win, cannot let escape!” 大食人有多强大我就不多说了,机会只有一次,无论如何,我们必须取胜,一个都不能放跑!” Understood!” “明白!” The people said, like the bowstring of tautness, the look are earnest. 众人纷纷道,一个个就像拉紧的弓弦,神色认真无比。 Un.” “嗯。” Zhang Que nodded, rapid has turned head, looks to the western sky, the vision repeatedly, has taken a fast look around the sky unceasingly, seems seeking for anything. How long has not known - 张雀点了点头,迅速的扭过头来,望向西边的天空,目光一遍又一遍,不断的扫视过天空,似乎在寻找着什么。不知道过了多久—— Cry! - “唳!——” Suddenly, tall Keng, transmits from the sky of West like the inscription on stone tablet and bronze common sharp cry, the next quarter, in the vision of countless person, only huge Caliphate Saker Falcon, the vision is swift and fierce, opens the giant both wings, in the direction of people flies in the sky. 突然之间,一声高吭的,有如金石一般尖唳从西方的天空传来,下一刻,就在无数人的目光中,一只只巨大的大食猎隼,目光凌厉,张开巨大的双翅,在天空中向着众人的方向飞来。 Came, take action!” “来了,出手!” The Zhang Que pupil shrinks, the whole person Falcon Squad person is also tense. This is Caliphate People in perimeter security Saker Falcon, although Caliphate People is attacking Talas City fully, simply has not expected will have other reinforcements to come. However is the same with all Empire armies, even if Caliphate People is battling, similarly is maintaining to four periphery vigilance! 张雀瞳孔一缩,整个人鹰鹫小队的人也随之紧张起来。这是大食人在外围警戒的猎隼,虽然大食人正在全力的攻击怛罗斯城,根本没有料到会有其他援军前来。但是和所有的帝国军队一样,大食人即便是在激战之中,同样保持着对四周围的警惕! ! 咻! The slight hesitation, the next quarter, the shadow has not dodged, on shoulder of Zhang Que, hawk king Xiaosha of whole body scar such as body one vertical, is similar to the advantage arrow soars. Like a signal, xiū xiū xiū, the next quarter, falcon in groups is similar to the mushroom growth soars from the entire Falcon Squad member, Caliphate Saker Falcon impact toward distant place. 没有丝毫的犹豫,下一刻,黑影一闪,张雀的肩膀上,满身伤痕的鹰王小沙如身躯一纵,如同利箭般腾空而起。就像一个信号,咻咻咻,下一刻,成群结队的鹰隼如同雨后春笋般从整个鹰鹫小队的成员身上腾空而起,向着远处的大食猎隼冲击。 The war is ready to be set off! 战争一触即发! Come on!” “加油!” Zhang Que clenches teeth to look at the sky, both hands getting hold of ruthlessly. 张雀咬牙望着天空,双手狠狠的握紧。
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