HE :: Volume #9

#869: Empire twin jewels, Feng Changqing!

Chapter 869 第869章 In Suyab City, the withered leaf dances in the breeze, scatters whole city. 碎叶城中,枯叶飘舞,散落满城 Compared with this cities and other cities, must look like the Central Plains inland. All grounds are the blue stone bricks of shop, has a wet feeling. But by the major road, the Central Plains eave space -type construction also compares other places more. Moreover what is most important, here person are finally more than other places, no longer like other places, completely is an empty city, some indistinct Hu's traders. 这座城池和其他城池相比,要更像中土内陆。所有的地面都是铺的青石砖,有种湿湿的感觉。而官道两侧,中土檐宇式的建筑也相比其他地方更多。而且最重要的是,这里的人终于比其他地方多起来,不再像其他地方一样,完全是一座空城,隐隐约约有一些胡商 However here war atmosphere similarly want strong many compared with any other places. 但是这里的战争气氛同样要比其他任何地方都要浓烈的多。 Clang clang!” “锵锵!” Suddenly, a junction whining noise of fine iron transmits from the distant place, faintly along with a war cry. 突然,一阵精铁的交鸣声从远处传来,隐隐伴随着一阵喊杀声。 Zhang Que, what's the matter? How will front have the fighting sound?” 张雀,怎么回事?前面怎么会有打斗声?” Wang Chong knit the brows, incurs front Zhang Que to open the mouth to say suddenly. Anxi Protectorate Army has left for the front, in the Caliphate People fierce battle, should not in the city have the fighting sound at this time. 王冲皱了皱眉,招过前方的张雀突然开口道。安西都护军已经开赴前线,正在和大食人激烈交战,这种时候不应该城中还有打斗声。 Reported Lord Marquis, was a gang of robber in Suyab City. They do not know when appears, we discovered their times, they are setting on fire in the city everywhere, grabs in all directions. Our is fighting with them, should quick be able to defeat them.” “报告侯爷,是碎叶城中的一股强盗。他们不知道什么时候出现的,我们发现他们的时候,他们正在城中到处放火,四处劫掠。我们的正在和他们战斗,应该很快就可以击败他们。” Robber? Isn't here the Anxi Protectorate General domain? Isn't Feng Changqing also in the mansion? How to present the robber?” “强盗?这里不是安西都护府的地盘吗?封常清不是还在府中吗?怎么会出现强盗?” Wang Chong slightly is pressed the brow, gravely says. 王冲微蹙着眉头,沉声道 Although Gao Xianzhi has carried off close 90% Anxi Protectorate Army, but 10% Anxi Protectorate Army remain behind the rear area as before, has the brigade that these remain behind, should not have this situation according to Intrisic Principle, let alone also has Empire dog-legged Feng Changqing to assume personal command in behind. 高仙芝虽然带走了接近九成的安西都护军,但是依旧有一成的安西都护军留守后方,有这些留守的大队在,按道理不应该出现这种情况,更何况还有帝国双壁之一的封常清在后面坐镇。 „It is not clear.” “不清楚。” Zhang Que shook the head, in the eye shows the doubts similarly the look: 张雀摇了摇头,眼中同样透出疑惑的神色: According to our Falcon Squad the situation of the sky seeing, robber perhaps also more than one group in Suyab City, moreover continued the situation to fear for sometime. Kongzi An General is having the person to pursue the robber in city, believes how long could not want, can their full scale clearance.” “根据我们鹰鹫小队从天空看到的情况来看,碎叶城中的强盗恐怕还不止一拨,而且持续情况恐怕有一段时间了。孔子安将军正在带人驱逐城中的强盗,相信要不了多久,就可以把他们全部清除。” Wang Chong nodded: This matter looks for Feng Changqing to ask that knew.” 王冲点了点头:“这件事情找封常清问一问就知道了。” Spoken time, suddenly horse's hoof rapidly, a messenger across the numerous teams, flushed from front suddenly. 正在说话的时候,突然马蹄急速,一名传令兵穿过重重队伍,突然从前面冲了过来。 Report! Lord Marquis, Anxi vice- Protectorate Feng Changqing seeks an interview in front!” “报!侯爷,安西都护封常清在前面求见!” Oh? 哦? The Wang Chong vision flashes, in heart accidental/surprised, really said Cao Cao, Cao Cao. Thinks without enough time, Wang Chong pats the warhorse, immediately toward leading the way. 王冲目光一闪,心中大为意外,真是说曹操,曹操就到。来不及多想,王冲一拍战马,立即往前行去。 ...... …… By the major road, projecting eaves tile high peck, by a azure yamen, several forms are standing and waiting for a long time quietly. What is the head is look ugly, the skin is swarthy, but the body is straight, nature Bin is refined, looks like extremely self-confident middle-aged man. In his is four robustness, the waist cross long blade, motionless Anxi Protectorate Army soldier. 官道旁,檐牙高啄,一栋青色衙署旁,几道身影悄然伫立着。为首的是一名相貌奇丑,皮肤黝黑,但身躯笔挺,质彬彬,看起来极为自信的中年男子。在他的身后则是四名虎背熊腰,腰跨长刀,一动不动的安西都护军战士。 Four people do not know how long here has stood, among the looks shows slightly somewhat anxious. 四人在这里也不知道站了多久了,神色间微微透出有些焦虑。 Came!” “来了!” Sees the Wang Chong's horses, in the Feng Changqing eye one bright, in the heart is overjoyed, such as attains the liberator to lead four Anxi Protectorate Army elite, hurried moving forward to meet somebody. Close two months, Feng Changqing awaits eagerly simply, every day like the ant on hot pot, only then he knows this close two months how to live through. 看到王冲的马匹,封常清眼中一亮,心中大喜过望,如获救星般带领着四名安西都护军的精锐,急急忙忙的迎了上去。接近两个月的时间,封常清简直是望眼欲穿,每一天都像热锅上的蚂蚁一样,只有他自己知道这接近两个月的时间是怎么熬过来的。 Now when finally Wang Chong is leading ten ten thousand Great Army, from Suyab City enormous and powerful turbulently, Feng Changqing immediately in heart Dading. 如今终于等到王冲带领着十多万大军,从碎叶城浩浩荡荡的汹涌而过,封常清顿时心中大定。 To be honest, such long time Wang Chong unceasing shirking, in his heart had also suspected excuse that Wang Chong finds intentionally. However at this moment, sees Qixi Protectorate Army that comes, in the Feng Changqing heart is unquestioned. Moreover most makes Feng Changqing feel what is inspired, he thinks Wang Chong are most can only bring 20,000-30,000 military force(s), but has not thought that the reinforcements that Wang Chong brings far exceed his imagination. 说实话,这么长的时间王冲不断的推脱,他心中也曾经怀疑过王冲是不是故意找的借口。但是这一刻,见到汹涌而来的碛西都护军,封常清心中再无疑问。而且最让封常清感到振奋的是,他本来以为王冲最多只能带个两三万兵马,但是没有想到,王冲带来的援军远远超出他的想象。 Lord Marquis, waited till you finally!” 侯爷,终于等到你了!” The Feng Changqing quick steps moved forward to meet somebody, in front of Wang Chong's White-hoofed Shadow, bending the waist body, respectful bowing with hands clasped hand good a ritual. These words blurt, Feng Changqing cannot bear the eye socket be red immediately again. The situation in city of Talas arrived at the most critical time, more than three days he has not received that side any letter, although in heart anxious incomparable, but he actually cannot have to display slightly, because all people are watching him. 封常清疾步迎了上去,在王冲的白蹄乌面前,弯下腰身,恭恭敬敬的揖手行了一礼。这句话一脱口,封常清顿时再也忍不住眼眶通红。怛罗斯之城的情况已经到了最危急的时候,三天多他没有收到那边的任何来信,虽然心中焦急无比,但是他却不能有丝毫表现出来,因为所有人都在看着他。 If linked him to fluster, then entire Anxi on thorough ending. 如果连他都慌了,那么整个安西就彻底的完了。 However looks forward to eagerly, he waited for this day finally, has waited till the Wang Chong's arrival. 但是盼星星盼月亮,他终于还是等来了这一天,等到了王冲的到来。 Sir does not need to be overly courteous!” “大人不必多礼!” Wang Chong sees this, look one positively, from turns over/stands up hastily immediately, has helped up Feng Changqing. Feng Changqing is Anxi Famous General, is Empire dog-legged one, goes far beyond Wang Chong by the age and qualifications of becoming famous, but discussed the status and status, is present Wang Chong must go far beyond Feng Changqing on the contrary. 王冲见到这一幕,神色一正,也连忙从马上翻身下来,扶起了封常清封常清安西名将,更是帝国双壁之一,论成名的年纪和资历都远远超过王冲,但是论起身份和地位,反倒是现在的王冲要远远超过封常清 Gao Xianzhi leads troops to expedite, making Feng Changqing remain behind the rear area, has hung a vice- Protectorate position to him, but Wang Chong is actually Qixi Great Protectorate, moreover Young Marquis that Sage Emperor seals, this point is Feng Changqing does not compare. Therefore Feng Changqing saw that Wang Chong instead needs to salute as subordinate. 高仙芝带兵远征,让封常清留守后方,给他挂了一个副都护的位置,但是王冲却是碛西大都护,而且还是圣皇亲封的少年侯,这一点是封常清比不上的。所以封常清见到王冲反而需要以下属的身份行礼。 May I ask the Sir, now the situation in western region how? Sir Gao Xianzhi there how? I just entered a city, saw that in the city the robbers and bandits run amuck, in Suyab City doesn't have remaining Anxi Protectorate Army? Will have why also this situation occurrence?” “敢问大人,现在西域的情况到底如何?高仙芝大人那里怎么样了?还有我刚刚进城,看到城中盗匪横行,碎叶城中不是还有留守的安西都护军吗?为什么还会有这种情况发生?” Wang Chong comes straight to the point to say. 王冲开门见山道。 Regarding Feng Changqing, Wang Chong has heard so much about you, previous life Empire dog-legged absolutely is two giant stars who above the western region most glistens, although has heard so much about you, but meets truly this is the first time. Feng Changqing look ugly, the status does not have to be high, but Wang Chong to he not tiny bit contempt, not only so instead respect extremely. This is also he saw reason that Feng Changqing dismount salutes hastily. 对于封常清,王冲是久闻大名,上辈子帝国双壁绝对是西域上方最闪亮的两颗巨星,虽然久仰大名,但是真正见面这还是第一次。封常清相貌奇丑,身份地位也没有自己高,但是王冲对他并没有一丝一毫的轻视,非但如此反而极其的敬重。这也是他看到封常清连忙下马行礼的原因。 This is the Empire loyal minister, in logistics and administrative, is Empire topest Level. Even if Xu Qiqin this afterward Queen logistics had also said that admires incomparably to him. Because of this, therefore in Suyab City the robber runs amuck, Wang Chong thought that is even more unreadable. 这是帝国的忠臣,在后勤和行政方面,是帝国最顶尖的级别。即便许绮琴这位后来的后勤女王也曾经说过,对他敬佩无比。正因为如此,所以碎叶城中强盗横行,王冲才觉得越发的难以理解。 Lord Marquis has not to know, Anxi now internal disorder and foreign invasion, concealed worry numerous. Caliphate People has colluded with Stone Country incessantly, and has sent out the massive spies, buys Anxi Hu People, has provided the horses weapon to them, lets them, in the rear area stirs up trouble, seizes the chance to harass Anxi. Moreover, Sir Gao Xianzhi leads Anxi Protectorate Army and Caliphate People battles in Talas, is locked in a stalemate for two months not , the western region will of the people are not steady, many western region small countries and Tribe fish in troubled waters, the Anxi military strength is serious. All military strength add altogether less than 2000 people, is insufficient. 侯爷有所不知,安西现在内忧外患,隐忧重重。大食人不止勾结了石国,而且派出了大量的奸细,收买安西胡人,给他们配备了马匹武器,让他们在后方兴风作浪,趁机扰乱安西。另外,高仙芝大人率领安西都护军大食人怛罗斯交战,相持两个月不下,西域人心不稳,许多西域小国和部落乘火打劫,安西的兵力严重不够。所有的兵力加起来总共不到2000人,根本不够用。 On appearance that Lord Marquis sees now, I do utmost Effect of maintenance, otherwise Suyab City is possibly more chaotic than the present.” “就侯爷现在看到的样子,还是我竭尽全力维护的效果,否则的话碎叶城可能比现在更乱。” Feng Changqing haggard say/way. 封常清神情憔悴道。 As Great Tang Empire dog-legged, entire Anxi, counts Feng Changqing to be most dazzling besides Gao Xianzhi. Entire Anxi turns into this appearance, Feng Changqing truly can hardly absolve now, but only Feng Changqing understands, his present situation is difficult. When western region 36 every large or small countries and Tribe while chaotic, merely depends on Anxi Protectorate Army that 2000 remain behind is really one person alone cannot save the situation. 作为大唐帝国双壁,整个安西,除了高仙芝之外就数封常清最为耀眼。整个安西变成现在这个样子,封常清确实难辞其咎,但是只有封常清明白,他现在的处境有多么艰难。当西域36个大大小小的国家和部落趁乱而起的时候,仅仅靠那2000留守的安西都护军实在是独木难支。 Feng Changqing is worried about Talas Gao Xianzhi and three ten thousand Anxi Protectorate Army security at the same time, on the other hand, must maintain behind the western region calmness and steadiness strongly, the whole person mental effort is thin and pale. 封常清一方面担心怛罗斯高仙芝和三万安西都护军的安全,另一方面,又要竭力维持西域后方的安稳,整个人心力憔悴。 So that's how it is!” “原来如此!” Wang Chong is also moved. Knows that Gao Xianzhi keeps military force(s) of western region not to be many, but Wang Chong has not thought, unexpectedly only has 2000 people merely, by a little manpower, wants to maintain the security of greatest western region, is almost the impossible matter. In fact, Suyab City takes to be away from the Talas recent city, but can also so many merchants, persevere does not leave . Moreover the whole is also maintaining the order in surface, can achieve this point, the Feng Changqing ability is quite surprising. 王冲也是为之动容。知道高仙芝留在西域的兵马不多,但是王冲也没有想到,居然仅仅只有2000人,以这么一点人手,想要维持莫大一个西域的安全,几乎是不可能的事。事实上,碎叶城作为距离怛罗斯最近的城池,还能够有这么多的商人在,坚守不离,而且整体还保持着表面上的秩序,能做到这一点,封常清的能力已经是相当令人惊讶了。 Chen Bin, instigates 2000 manpower to Sir Feng Changqing, arranges the bow crossbow, the shield . Moreover, I assign ten Carriage Crossbow groups to you again, in any event, must stabilize Suyab City!” 陈彬,调拨2000人手给封常清大人,配齐弓弩,盾牌,另外,我再给你们调派十个车弩小组,无论如何,一定要把碎叶城安定下来!” Wang Chong does not return to rear area was saying. 王冲头也不回的对着后方道。 Suyab City is Anxi Protectorate General is, since is away from the Talas recent protection fort, is the energetic center of entire western region. Suyab City that if at including Anxi Protectorate General was chaotic, that entire western region was really piece of chaos. Therefore in any event, must first stabilize the Suyab City aspect, all the robbers of grabbing need to cut to kill completely. 碎叶城安西都护府所在,既是距离怛罗斯最近的防护要塞,同时也是整个西域的精神中心。如果连安西都护府所在的碎叶城都乱了,那整个西域就真的是一片大乱了。所以无论如何,首先一定要稳住碎叶城的局面,所有劫掠的强盗全部需要斩杀。 Yes, Lord Marquis!” “是,侯爷!” The Chen Bin sound conveys from the rear area, afterward dá dá the hoofbeat goes far away rapidly. 陈彬的声音从后方传来,随后一阵哒哒的马蹄声迅速远去。 Lord Marquis, the Anxi situation I can also deal with temporarily, at least in a short time will not have the matter, but That side Sir Gao Xianzhi, is posthaste, I feared him unable to support. Also looks at Lord Marquis to speed up marching, support Sir Protectorate as soon as possible!” 侯爷,安西的情况我暂时还可以应付,至少短时间内不会有事,但是高仙芝大人那边,已经是十万火急,我恐怕他支撑不住了。还望侯爷能够加快行军,尽快的支援都护大人!” Feng Changqing opens the mouth to say suddenly, in eye restlessly and reveals in speech and appearance anxiously. 封常清忽然开口道,眼中的不安和焦急溢于言表。 Sir Feng, should not be anxious, Talas situation how?” 封大人,你别急,怛罗斯的情况到底怎么样了?” Wang Chong asked. 王冲问道。 Until now, all material about Talas almost originates in Anxi Protectorate General and Feng Changqing, situation about Talas again not compared with Feng Changqing clearer, this point could not compare Zhang Que. 到现在为止,所有关于怛罗斯的资料几乎都是来源于安西都护府封常清,关于怛罗斯的情况再没有比封常清更清楚的了,这一点就连张雀都比不上。 „The Talas situation now is not wonderful, Caliphate People just came time, the military strength are not many, the preparation is not full, moreover around Talas does not have the trees to be for the felling. military force(s) that however now, Caliphate People assembles are getting more and more, the attack is also getting more and more swift and fierce, from my acquired information, Caliphate People already, in the rear area fells the trees, transports the frontline, construction scaling ladder and other project instruments wantonly, this prepares the intention of general attack completely. As far as time is concerned, most within several days, perhaps the city of Talas could not support.” 怛罗斯的情况现在非常不妙,大食人刚来的时候,兵力不多,准备也不充分,而且怛罗斯周围也没有树木可供砍伐。但是现在,大食人调集的兵马越来越多,攻击也越来越凌厉,从我收集到的情报来看,大食人已经在后方砍伐树木,运到前线,大肆的建造云梯等工程器械,这完全是准备总攻的意图。从时间上来看,最多几天之内,怛罗斯之城恐怕就支撑不住了。” Caliphate People places on the complete mind Talas now, if Talas is solved, Anxi quickly with falling into enemy hands. The entire western region completely will enter in the Caliphate People hand.” 大食人现在是把全部的心神放在怛罗斯上,如果怛罗斯告破,安西很快就会跟着失守。整个西域就会尽入大食人手中。” The Feng Changqing facial expression is excited: 封常清神情激动无比: Lord Marquis, now Anxi and Great Tang did not have the soldier available, all can only depend on the Sir. Changqing requested Lord Marquis, please in any event must rescue Anxi scion(s) in Sir Protectorate and city! Asked!” 侯爷,现在安西大唐已经无兵可用了,一切只能靠大人。常清请求侯爷,请无论如何一定要救出都护大人和城中的安西子弟!拜托了!” Speaking of finally, Feng Changqing exhausted the strength deep ritual of whole body, long bow. 说到最后,封常清用尽全身的力气深深一礼,长躬不起。
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