HE :: Volume #9

#868: Suyab City!

Chapter 868 第868章 " hōng lōng lōng! " "轰隆隆!" To the Anxi road on, the earth vibrates, the earth movement day swings, personnel carrier each car(riage)s have stood 18-19 individuals, by four Ramallah, is running quickly on cement road rapidly. Different with the ordinary carriage, on these horse-drawn vehicles, each is settling a white folding sail. Sail about six chi (0.33 m) high, eight chi (0.33 m) width, once running free time, the sail opens arrives at pinnacle, coordinating the warhorse to speed up transporting Speed of soldier. 通往安西的路上,大地震动,地动天摇,一辆辆运兵车每一辆车都站满了十八九个人,由四匹马拉着,在水泥路上急速奔驰。和平常的马车不同,这些马车上面,每一辆都安着一面白色的折叠风帆。风帆大约六尺高,八尺宽,一旦顺风的时候,风帆就张到极致,配合着战马加快运兵的速度 Once time against the wind, the soldier on carriage, folds the sail on according to quickest Speed. This was Wang Chong that Zhang Shouzhi deferred to said that used the principle of sail to build, hopes that can transport Qixi Protectorate Army by quickest Speed to Talas goes. 而一旦逆风的时候,马车上的士兵,就以最快的速度将风帆折叠起来。这是张寿之按照的王冲说的,利用了风帆的原理打造的,希望能够以最快的速度碛西都护军运到怛罗斯去。 Entered the western region, the Wang Chong's brow unknowingly slowly wrinkled. 一路进入西域,王冲的眉头不知不觉慢慢的皱了起来。 influence of this war to western region compared with imagination in also wants intense many, Wang Chong saw Hu Luyige before the time, has been to the western region, at that time western region extremely lively. clear military nine surnames, the western region 36 countries, Caliphate and Charax Spasinu merchants gather here, various types of pearls, agates and spice have everything expected to find. The merchant of precisely various countries gathered here, the achievement the richness and populousness and prosperous of western region. 这一场战争对西域的影响比想象中的还要强烈的多,王冲之前见忽鲁也格的时候,是到过西域的,那个时候西域极其的繁华。昭武九姓,西域36国,还有大食条支的商人都汇聚在这里,各种珍珠、玛瑙、香料应有尽有。正是各国的商人汇聚在这里,才成就了西域的富庶和繁荣。 However Wang Chong this time enters the western region, all rural fairs are almost a depression, cannot see a person's shadow, the city that passes through all the way almost turned into the empty city, everywhere tense smells. 但是王冲这次进军西域,所有的集市几乎都是一片萧条,看不到一个人影,一路上途经的城池几乎都变成了空城,到处一片紧张的气味。 It seems like Great Tang and Caliphate this war, compared with imagination is big to influence of western region. All Hu's traders felt that the danger, withdrew ahead of time.” “看来大唐大食这一战,对西域比想像中的影响还要大。所有的胡商都感觉到了危险,提前撤走了。” Wang Chong is riding White-hoofed Shadow, looks at the surrounding height, such a piece of giant city, on avenue empty, Wang Chong can only see few individuals. Moreover in distant place anxious looking into the distance, does not dare to approach. Scout looked at one in the directions of these people, immediately the next quarter, bang bang bang all windows and doors close tight. 王冲骑着白蹄乌,看着周围一座座高高矮矮,这么一片巨大的城池,大街上空空荡荡,王冲只能看到寥寥几个人。而且还都是在远处紧张的眺望,根本不敢靠近。斥侯只是往那些人的方向望了一眼,下一刻,砰砰砰所有的门窗立即关的紧紧的。 „Does Zhang Que, what situation have?” 张雀,有什么情况吗?” Wang Chong opens the mouth to say. 王冲开口道。 Returns to Lord Marquis, periphery all hawk birds have proliferated 50 miles, not, appointed what difference often. Moreover, the Xu Keyi General letter, Quest has completed, they probably in our front 100 miles place, Xu Keyi General inquired whether needs to wait for us, converges together?” “回侯爷,所有的鹰雀已经遍布周围50里,并没有任何异常。另外,许科仪将军来信,任务已经完成,他们大约在我们前方100里的地方,许科仪将军询问是否需要等我们,一起汇合?” Zhang Que rides a horse, the half step followed from behind. 张雀骑着马,快步从后面跟了上来。 Does not need. Told them, sped up Speed. The Karluks Tribe person, cannot lag behind!” “不必了。告诉他们,加快速度葛罗禄部落的人,一个都不许拉下!” Wang Chong said. Speaking of the last few words, the Wang Chong's sound suddenly became callous incomparable. 王冲道。说到最后一句话,王冲的声音陡然变得冷酷无比。 Hu People fears the prestige not to have high morals, the Karluks section was the key of this war, Gao Xianzhi was extremely proud, was proud to think, these Mercenary(-ies) will betray never. hire, hire, these people are to look at money work, but Gao Xianzhi also specially arranges them behind Great Army, this digs one's own grave simply. 胡人畏威而不怀德”,葛罗禄部是这场战争的关键,高仙芝还是太过自负了,自负到以为,这些雇佣兵会永远不会背叛。雇佣,雇佣,这些人是看钱干活的,而高仙芝还特别把他们安排在大军后面,这简直是自掘坟墓。 However now has traded Wang Chong, all are entirely different. Merciful people cannot command troops, the war is the important matter of country, relates to the Royal Court states and common people common people, any benevolent is the womanly compassion, does not take for generals. If Karluks betrays Great Tang, must prepare for putting in most heavy price! 但是现在换了王冲,一切就截然不同。“慈不掌兵”,战争是国之大事,关系到朝廷社稷和黎民百姓,任何的仁慈都是妇人之仁,为将帅者所不取。葛罗禄如果背叛大唐,就要做好付出最惨重代价的准备! „...... Moreover, transmitted orders, exchanges the horses and Cavalry of personnel carrier horses, speeds up marching Speed!” “……另外,传令下去,将运兵车的马匹和骑兵的马匹互换一下,加快行军速度!” Wang Chong said. 王冲道。 Yes, Lord Marquis!” “是,侯爷!” Zhang Que bows a ritual on the horseback, receives an order to go rapidly. 张雀在马背上躬身一礼,迅速领命而去。 When Zhang Que departs, the Wang Chong's vision flashes, fell front dense one piece quickly, on boundless endless Great Army. With the first southwest war hurried different, these time can be said as Wang Chong prepares fullest one time, 100,000 many Great Army, various unit fully coordinate, all commodities also all arrive, a car(riage) car(riage), heavy traffic, on Anxi and Qixi new construction cement road continuous. 等到张雀离去,王冲的目光一闪,很快落到了前方黑压压一片,茫茫无尽的大军上。和第一次西南之战的匆匆忙忙不同,这一次可以说是王冲准备最充分的一次,100000多的大军,各兵种全力配合,所有的物资也全部到位,一辆辆,一车车,车水马龙,在安西碛西新修建的水泥路上川流不息。 Speed that however marches was too slow, the infantry, the accompanying the armed forces artisan, axe soldier(s), spear soldier(s), these unit marching Speed and Cavalry were no comparison between them completely. Let alone in the Wang Chong's team also has considerable amount of Carriage Crossbow, Carriage Crossbow calls the bed crossbow, each volume is extremely huge, because is the finest steel builds, each heavy incomparable. A personnel carrier can only carrying/sustaining 2-3 Carriage Crossbow, this point, Wang Chong's march basically merely Speed quickly not. 但是行军的速度还是太慢了,步兵、随军工匠、斧兵枪兵,这些兵种的行军速度骑兵完全不可同日而语。更何况王冲的队伍之中还有相当数量的车弩,车弩又称之为床弩,每一具体积都极其庞大,而且由于是最优良的钢铁打造,每一具都沉重无比。一辆运兵车基本只能承载两三台车弩,仅仅这一点,王冲的行军速度就快不了。 However Wang Chong already in vigorously step that quickens to march, small sail that no matter loads on the personnel carrier, the horses and Cavalry that horses will pull a cart exchange, causing the horses can obtain the full rest, as far as possible maintains enough many energy, all these speed up marching Speed for the maximum degree, ahead of time rushes to the city of Talas. 不过王冲已经在极力的加快行军的步伐,不管是在运兵车上加载的小型风帆,还是将拉车的马匹和骑兵的马匹进行互换,使得马匹能够得到充分的休息,尽量保持足够多的精力,这一切都是为了最大程度加快行军速度,提前赶到怛罗斯之城。 The time passes by day-by-day, more approaches the northwest, the atmosphere of war is strong, all cities also more are bleak, wither. 时间一天天过去,越是靠近西北,战争的气氛就越是浓烈,所有的城池也越是萧条、肃杀。 About three days later, the front, the sandstorm howls, under dark cloud that in the sky hangs down, a piece broad grand, bringing the obvious military strategic place style city to reflect gradually pleasant. This cities and other cities are entirely different, in city wall every other about ten zhang (3.33 m), Feng Yantai, observation post being mixed in, this only has the thing that military soldier can use. 大约三天之后,前方,风沙呼啸,在天空中低垂的乌云下,一片恢弘壮丽,带着明显军事重镇风格的城池渐渐映入眼中。这座城池和其他城市截然不同,城墙上每隔十丈左右,就有一座烽烟台,还有了望台间杂其中,这是只有军伍才会使用的东西。 „Is this Anxi four towns?” “这就是安西四镇吗?” In Wang Chong heart secretly thought. 王冲心中暗暗道 The entire western region, the Great Tang military strength most famous place is the Suyab, Kucha, Hotan, Kashgar and other Anxi four towns, is the place that Great Tang Anxi Protectorate General is. Must go to Talas from Qixi, Anxi must by it place. Although previous life Wang Chong for a long time hears the names of Anxi four town, but actually never has the opportunity to arrive there, has not resulted in one side the reason. 整个西域,大唐兵力最为出名的地方就是碎叶龟兹于阗疏勒安西四镇,同时也是大唐安西都护府所在的地方。要从碛西前往怛罗斯,安西是必经之地。上辈子王冲虽然久闻安西四镇之名,但却从来没有机会到达那里,更不曾得缘一面。 jià! 驾! Wang Chong clamps the barrel suddenly, from end of team, spreads toward the front. Xu Keyi and the others looked at one mutually, followed hastily. 王冲突然一夹马腹,从队伍的末尾,向着前方驰去。身后,许科仪等人互相看了一眼,连忙跟了上去。 The construction of Anxi is not fine like Central Plains, is having a rough flavor/smell everywhere. Wang Chong leads the people to ride a horse, finally sees clearly to leave the appearances of this Anxi four towns. This giant city constructs roughly, the whole lays on top of one another by giant rocks, rubs layer by layer the thick mud in this semblance, has formed this giant and ancient city. 安西的建筑远不像中土那么精致,到处都带着一股粗犷的味道。王冲带着众人骑马过去,终于看清离开这座安西四镇的面貌。这座巨大的城池建造得非常的粗糙,整体都是以一块块巨大的岩石垒砌而成,在这外表刷上一层又一层厚厚的泥浆,才形成了这座巨大而古老的城池。 Stands erect for many years in Anxi, this city surface already proliferated the sword, with the trace of flames of war, many places has the remnant mark after scorched by fire, even after some places can also see the trebuchet throws the sign. But the frequent war caught a black red luster this city. 安西屹立多年,这座城池表面早就遍布刀剑,和战火的痕迹,许多地方都有烟熏火燎后的残痕,甚至一些地方还能看到投石机投掷后的迹象。而频繁的战争更是将这座城池染上了一层黑红的色泽。 Suyab City!” 碎叶城!” Wang Chong raised the head, saw in the city gate three motley compiling body large characters. Saw these three large characters, in the Wang Chong heart vibrated slightly: 王冲抬起头,一眼看到了城门上三个斑驳的纂体大字。看到这三个大字,王冲心中微微震动了一下: Cannot think that unexpectedly is this city!” “想不到居然是这座城池!” In the Anxi four towns, in the Wang Chong heart most has the warm feelings, most familiar is Suyab City of this legend, the reason is very simple, in another space and time, here precisely one generation of great poet place of birth, moreover was born many frontier fortress Famous General. The Great Tang farthest frontier fortress strategic place is this Suyab City. 安西四镇中,王冲心中最有亲切感,也最熟悉的就是这座传奇的碎叶城,原因很简单,在另外一个时空,这里正是一代诗仙的诞生之地,而且也诞生过诸多边塞名将大唐最远的边塞重镇就是这座碎叶城 Great Army goes forward slowly, enormous and powerful, advances in Suyab City. This had tight security the military strategic place in the past, goes to battle along with Gao Xianzhi and more than 30,000 Anxi Protectorate Army, now turns into the city that has not garrisoned. The entire Suyab City city gate opens greatly, simply does not have anybody to guard. 大军缓缓前进,浩浩荡荡,一路开进碎叶城中。这座以往防守严密的军事重镇,随着高仙芝和30000多安西都护军出征,现在变成了一座不设防的城池。整个碎叶城城门大开,根本没有任何人驻守。 Lord Marquis, here has a stele!” 侯爷,这里有一座石碑!” In the distance city gate also dozens zhang (3.33 m) places, Zhang Que suddenly is pointing at a bypath. 就在距离城门还有数十丈的地方,张雀突然指着道旁道。 Wang Chong stopped the footsteps suddenly. This is a giant stele, washes after the windblown and sunburnt rain, as well as the long time polish, became is motley. If carefully did not look, but also thinks that lies two people high brown big rock by say/way. However Wang Chong looked at one, is out of control the eyelid to jump jumping. 王冲突然停下了脚步。这是一块巨大的石碑,经过风吹日晒雨沐,以及漫长的时间打磨,已经变得非常的斑驳了。如果不仔细看,还以为是卧在道旁的一块两人多高的褐色大岩石。但是王冲只是看了一眼,就禁不住眼皮跳了跳。 Makes for the day!” “代天巡狩!” Wang Chong has recognized. 王冲一眼认了出来。 previous life, before the family is born, Wang Chong has not left Capital, maybe western region. The day of even if afterward everywhere drifting, has not gone. In the western region, the names of Anxi four Great Army matter strategic places like thunder reverberating in one's ears, but the thing, is more famous than this Anxi four towns, that is generation of days makes tablet. 上辈子,在家族出世之前,王冲从来都没有出过京,更别是西域。即便是后来到处漂泊的日子,也从来没有去过。在西域,安西大军事重镇的名字如雷贯耳,但还有一个东西,比这安西四镇还要出名,那就是“代天巡狩碑”。 Wang Chong also when the youngster in being literate, has heard this stone. In fact, only feared that a national capital does not know the people who this tablet are not many. Because is a very special character establishes. 王冲还在少年在识字的时侯,就听说过这块石块。事实上,只怕个京师不知道这块碑的人都不多。因为是一位非常特殊的人物立下的。 class Chao! 班超! In Central Divine Continent history, first-generation Anxi Great Protectorate in the true sense! 土神洲历史上,第一代真正意义上的安西大都护 Although in the Central Plains history, first time makes a connection with the western region, develops the western region the Central Plains strength is in Zhang Qian's hands. But rules here truly, has the influence strength, instead is the several hundred years later classes ultra! In western region domain, Central Plains all previous dynasties dynasty unceasing gains and losses, even among once the breaking of contact related for several hundred years, the middle has left western region Great Protectorate except for this there are numerous similar cases. However traces truly. First-generation western region Great Protectorate, precisely more than 1000 years ago the guy dynasty, surpasses by the class that the student status renounces the pen for the sword. 虽然中土历史上,第一次打通西域,将中土的力量拓展到西域是在张骞手中。但真正统治这里,拥有影响力,反而是几百年之后的班超!在西域这块地盘上,中土历代王朝不断的得与失,甚至中间一度断接联系数百年,中间出过的西域大都护除此以外不知凡几。但是真正追溯起来。第一代的西域大都护,正是1000多年前大汉王朝,以书生身份投笔从戎的班超。 Western region, although is far, but also is the place of Central Plains civilization king change/transform, the emperor is difficult to attend, I for the emperor official under the emperor, will make for the emperor! Forever kingdom guardian gate!!!” “西域虽远,但亦属中原文明王化之地,天子难顾,吾为天子臣属,将代天子巡狩!永镇国门!!!” This that in the past class Chaozhu the western region, said turned the words, enlightened the benighted, does not know that was driving afterward many for the people of lofty ideas, from generation to generation, took place of the fallen, the opening up territory western region, this had today's Great Tang in the aspect in western region! But the class surpasses the place that sets up a stone monument, it is said was the past Zhang Qian first time place, was Zhang Qian has arrived in the farthest place! 当年班超驻马西域,说出来的这翻话,振聋发聩,不知道激励着后来多少代仁人志士,一代又一代,前仆后继,开疆西域,这才有了今日大唐在西域的局面!而班超立碑的地方,据说就是当年张骞第一次出塞的地方,也是张骞抵达过的最远的地方! This stele, is always all previous Protectorate General with large army protection place. 这块石碑,向来都是历代都护府重兵保护的地方。 Afterward, a Talas war, Great Tang defeated, Gao Xianzhi three ten thousand elite troops were annihilated, east Caliphate People military force(s) took advantage of opportunity, they passed through Cong Ridge, entered the Anxi four towns, first ruined, was in this their eyesevil end 只是后来,怛罗斯一战,大唐战败,高仙芝三万精兵全军覆没,大食人兵马顺势东来,他们穿过葱岭,进军安西四镇,第一个毁掉的,就是这块他们眼中“邪端 Generation of days make tablet, were hauled back Caliphate including the fragment by them, discard to the sea. ”的“代天巡狩碑”,连碎片都被他们拖回大食,丢弃到大海之中。 In the past the news came, Central Divine Continent does not know that many people were grieved. In the Wang Chong heart is also grasps the wrists, regards as the regret of lifetime! 当年消息传来,中土神洲不知多少人为之心痛。王冲心中也是扼腕不已,视为毕生的遗憾! This time dispatches troops to the western region, goes to Talas, Wang Chong has not expected, can result in recompenses the long-cherished wish, saw that this generation of days makes tablet. 这次出兵西域,前往怛罗斯,王冲也没有料到,会得偿夙愿,见到这块“代天巡狩碑”。 Flying shuttle of these thoughts from the mind, in the Wang Chong heart have moved, crash-bang, in the people surprised vision, suddenly turns over/stands up from White-hoofed Shadow. 这些念头从脑海中飞梭而过,王冲心中一动,哗啦一声,就在众人惊讶的目光中,突然从白蹄乌上翻身下来。 Relax, this time, Caliphate People will not have any opportunity, visits the entrance of Great Tang!!” “放心吧,这一次,大食人绝不会有任何的机会,踏足大唐的国门!!” In Wang Chong heart heavy, respectful bowing good a ritual, in heart secretly thought. This stele did not know to repose warm-blooded and dreams of Central Divine Continent many loyal minister people of integrity, this was their dreams, was the dream of entire Central Divine Continent. Wang Chong will not allow this dream to be tarnished. 王冲心中沉重,恭恭敬敬的躬身行了一礼,心中暗暗道。这块石碑不知寄托了中土神洲多少忠臣志士的热血和梦想,这即是他们的梦想,也是整个中土神洲的梦想。王冲绝不会允许这种梦想受到玷污。 Walks!” “走吧!” Wang Chong deeply took a breath, turned over/stood up to start quickly, greeted people, drove toward Suyab City. 王冲深吸了一口气,很快翻身上马,招呼了一声众人,向着碎叶城中驶去。 ...... ……
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