HE :: Volume #9

#867: The latter move, makes Karluks secretly!

Chapter 867 第867章 Throws severe!” “扑棱棱!” When Wang Chong's hundreds of thousands Great Army drive out of Qixi, suddenly the innumerable carrier pigeons and rock hawks fly to all directions, the military strength of this wide scope transferred, attracted the innumerable vision attention. Remote U-Tsang Plateau, more than ten U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry occupy a commanding position, distant sees that dense piece of Great Army, has turned around to gallop fiercely. 王冲的十几万大军驶出碛西,瞬息间无数的信鸽和岩鹰飞向四面八方,这一场大范围的兵力调动,吸引了无数的目光注意。遥远的乌斯藏高原,十多名乌斯藏铁骑居高临下,远远的看到那黑压压一片大军,猛地掉过头来骋去。 Finally set off?” “终于出发了吗?” By U-Tsang Royal Capital, the jail that nobody sees underground, along with one squeak the mute sound, the steel stockade opens, under the vision gaze of Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi, the form strokes on the face to hang loose together slightly the hair, raised the head, slowly walked from the underground jail. 乌斯藏王都旁,无人看到的监牢地下,随着一阵吱哑的声音,钢铁栅栏打开,就在火树归藏都松莽布支的目光注视下,一道身影微微捋起脸上披散下的头发,抬起头,缓缓的从地下监牢里走了出去。 wēng! 嗡! All around is quiet, anything has not occurred, but that flash, Dusong Mangbuzhi and in Huoshu Guicang vision, trim earth as if in this flash, along with that person of footsteps hōng lōng lōng shivers. After the long time, U-Tsang, Great Tang and western region must welcome a new change finally! 四周静悄悄的,什么都没有发生,但那一刹那,都松莽布支火树归藏的目光中,整片大地都似乎在这一刹那,随着那人的脚步轰隆隆的颤抖起来。在漫长的时间之后,乌斯藏大唐和西域终于要迎来新一波的变化! ...... …… „!” “嗷!” When Qixi Great Army leaves at the same time, Qixi and place of Western Turkic border, a azure great wolf stretching out the neck noisy wail, that sad and shrill calling out sound, the sound passes on more than ten miles far. The wolf howling sound one after another, like the relay, from the Qixi edge, had passed to the Turkic prairie deep place. 碛西大军离开的同时,碛西西突厥交界的地方,一只青色的巨狼引颈长嚎,那凄厉的嚎叫声,声传十余里远。狼嚎声一阵接一阵,就像接力一样,从碛西的边缘,一直传到了突厥大草原的深处。 tí dā dā!” 蹄哒哒!” A moment later, in being away from the Qixi boundary 20-30 inside and outside places, five vertical Western Turkic soldier turned head shoulder to shoulder suddenly, greeted one, is bringing a azure great wolf respectively, similarly hurriedly tantivies to go toward the distant place. But after several double-hour 片刻之后,就在距离碛西边界二三十里外的地方,五名并肩而立的西突厥士兵突然回过头来,招呼了一声,各自带着一匹青色的巨狼,同样急匆匆的朝着远处急奔而去。而就在几个时辰之后 xī yù yù!” 希聿聿!” Neighing of warhorse, vigorous spirited, is ordinary like the inscription on stone tablet and bronze, is on the Three Brilliance Mountain prominent peak that to resound from the Western Turkic perspiration courtyard. Along with this spirited horse's neigh, together tall and strong form, like god generally appearance slowly in the Three Brilliance Mountain top, in the vision of all people. 一阵战马的嘶鸣,浑厚激昂,有如金石一般,从西突厥汗庭所在的三弥山主峰上响起。随着这阵激昂的马嘶,一道魁梧的身影,有如神祗一般缓缓的出现在了三弥山顶,所有人的目光中。 That flash, the sky is gloomy, gets the sunlight that falls including the sky, as if blocked from by that person of form. 那一刹那,天空晦暗,连天空晒落的阳光,都仿佛被那人的身影遮住了。 Irkin!” 俟斤!” In all directions, all Turkic Heavy Cavalry lowered the head immediately, has revealed look that respectful and obeyed. Irkin, this is in the Turkic language regarding the status extremely person of high skill's polite name. Can obtain perspiration courtyard nearby numerous Turkic soldier so to respect, besides Western Turkic Emperor Ishbara Khan, only has one now Du Wusili Great General. 四面八方,所有的突厥铁骑顿时纷纷低下头来,露出了恭敬和顺服的神色。“俟斤”,这是突厥语中对于地位极高人的尊称。能得到汗庭附近众多突厥士兵如此尊敬的,除了西突厥皇帝沙钵罗可汗之外,现在也就只有一个“都乌思力大将军”了。 Similar to Central Plains Great Tang is the same, although Turkic People is brave, but can be called Great General similarly counts on the fingers to count. But Du Wusili precisely one of them. 如同中土大唐一样,突厥人虽然骁勇善战,但能够称得上“大将军”的同样屈指而数。而都乌思力正是其中之一。 All around is silent, the needle falls may hear! 四周寂静,针落可闻! Du Wusili stands erect in the Three Brilliance Mountain top, the vision fine glow that looks disdainfully four shoot, was similar to the white date in sky is ordinary. Du Wusili has not spoken a few words, but sits on that Sun God colt, the solemn vision like Deity, occupies a commanding position, slowly is walking back and forth, sweeps oversized. 都乌思力屹立在三弥山顶,那睥睨的目光精芒四射,如同天空中的皓日一般。都乌思力没有说一句话,只是坐在那匹太阳神驹上,冷峻的目光如神灵般,居高临下,缓缓的逡巡着,扫过大地。 Shout! 呼! The right hand toward behind wields, the next quarter, Du Wusili leaps vertical, in the vision of all people, passed over gently and swiftly more than 20 zhang (3.33 m) distances, leaps toward the mountain under. Bang, when the warhorse falls to the ground, dust is billowing, at the same time, tens of thousands of war horse's neigh sound roared, tí dā dā, in the Du Wusili rear area, tens of thousands of Turkic Heavy Cavalry vertical leapt after Three Brilliance Mountain, curled up the mist and dust, followed close on, in Du Wusili behind charged under. 右手向着身后一挥,下一刻,都乌思力跃纵而起,就在所有人的目光中,掠过20余丈的距离,向着山下飞跃而下。轰隆,当战马落地,尘埃滚滚,同一时间,成千上万的战马嘶声咆哮,蹄哒哒,就在都乌思力的后方,成千上万的突厥铁骑三弥山后纵跃而出,卷起一路烟尘,紧跟在都乌思力身后冲锋而下。 These Turkic Heavy Cavalry each aura like the storm to be common, the Turkic brave warrior who even if initially Azure Wolf Ye Hu led 5000 that is selective unable by far in comparison. Moreover, these Heavy Cavalry and other Turkic Heavy Cavalry are also entirely different. Heavy Cavalry that they ride, each big, vigorous and healthy, is higher than compared with other Turkic horses obviously much, god Jun like dragon. 这些突厥铁骑每一个气息都有如风暴一般,即便是当初青狼叶护率领的5000精挑细选出来的突厥勇士也远远无法与之相比。而且,这些铁骑与其他的突厥铁骑也截然不同。他们乘坐的铁骑,每一匹都更加的高大,也更加的健壮,明显比其他的突厥马高出不少,一匹匹神俊如龙。 hōng lōng lōng! 轰隆隆 The warhorse rumble, quick vanished in the West. After Qixi Armory fights, trim Turkic prairie also finally along with it turbulence. 战马隆隆,很快就消失在了西方。自碛西军械库一战之后,整片突厥大草原也终于随之动荡起来。 ...... …… Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” Another carrier pigeon departs unceasingly, has the response to Wang Chong this expedition, more than U-Tsang and Western Turkic these two big overlords. But to more than these two sides that this war pays attention, in Qixi sky, at the same time does not know many hawk bird flies toward the western region inland. 一只又一只信鸽不断飞出,对王冲这次远征产生反应的,远不止乌斯藏西突厥这两大霸主。而对这场战争关注的远不止这两方,碛西的天空中,同一时间不知道多少的鹰雀朝着西域内陆飞去。 Gaochang, Loulan, tokharia and single Huan, paternal aunt black ink and Wusun......, Even includes size Bo Lv, all every large or small western region various countries are paying attention to this war. 高昌,楼兰、月氏、单桓、姑墨、乌孙……,甚至包括大小孛律在内,所有大大小小的西域诸国都在关注着这场战争。 City gate catches fire, brings disaster to mackerel shad, this fights, although is Great Tang and Caliphate, collisions between East and West two big Empire, but is relating also the countries of all western regions. Each western region country needs to make own choice in this war. “城门失火,殃及池鱼”,这一战虽然是大唐大食,东西方两大帝国之间的碰撞,但同时也关系着所有西域的国家。每个西域国家都需要在这场战争中做出自己的选择。 ...... …… The undercurrent moves bravely, this war influence more than is east of Cong Ridge! 暗流勇动,这场战争影响的远不止是葱岭以东! Investigated thoroughly?” “都查清楚了吗?” In the dim light of night, transmits one to talk in whispers. It is not the people most familiar Central Plains language, is not the Caliphate language, but a small number of reckless language who another nobody can understand. 夜色之中,传来一阵窃窃私语。不是众人最熟悉的中土语言,也不是大食语,而另一种无人能够懂的少数胡语。 Investigated thoroughly. That side under Gao Xianzhi transmitted orders, seven days later, prepares to open the storehouse, puts out the grain of all liquor, the meat and reserve, the gratuity three services. Secret that although this matter he makes, moreover simply had not told us. But by his past style, this is must prepare to cross the rubicon, fights to the death with Caliphate People!” “查清楚了。高仙芝那边已经传令下,七天之后,准备打开库藏,拿出所有的酒、肉和储备的粮食,犒赏三军。这件事情虽然他做的隐秘,而且根本没有跟我们说。但以他以往的风格来看,这是要准备破釜沉舟,和大食人决一死战!” In Talas City, another sound low response said. 怛罗斯城内,另一个声音低低的回应道。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” The man of first opens the mouth has pinched tightly the fist fiercely. Taking advantage of the dim star light, can see clearly indistinctly, that person of both eyes of speech is long and narrow, the hawk regards to be very suspicious, cut-throat incomparable. But on his lip, two cast aside the thick caret to turn upwards slightly upwardly, looked that is that type person who has been full of the vigorous ambition. 第一个开口的男子猛的捏紧了拳头。借着黯淡的星光,可以隐约看清楚,说话的那人双目狭长,鹰视狼顾,凶狠无比。而他的嘴唇上,两撇浓密的八字须微微向上翘起,一看就是那种充满了勃勃野心的人。 But is most frightening, his vision opens and closes, that fierce and ambitious Authority makings and ray that disclosed. 而最令人心惊的,还是他目光开阖间,透露出的那种枭雄巨擘的气质和光芒。 In entire Talas, besides some Gao Xianzhi and top Han people combat generals, only then hire Karluks Tribe Leader Wanhe Peiluo, in the Karluks language, only has a meaning king of kings. Since has had the Karluks section, Wanhe Peiluo is the entire Karluks section is most formidable, most outstanding mighty lord. 整个怛罗斯里,除了高仙芝和一些顶尖的汉人战将之外,也就只有雇佣葛罗禄部落首领万赫裴罗”,在葛罗禄语中,只有一个意思“万王之王”。自有葛罗禄部以来,万赫裴罗是整个葛罗禄部最强大,最杰出的雄主 In his hands, the Karluks section became on the entire prairie, strongest in Merc Tribe. Has extremely high status in western region. 在他的手中,葛罗禄部成为了整个草原上,最强在的雇佣部落。在西域拥有极高的地位。 * died, Gao Xianzhi able to move unhindered these many years, this time has found fault the match. Anxi Protectorate Army died, this was the preparation in dying, drew us and they buries together! However, he will not have this opportunity......” “*死定了,高仙芝纵横了这么多年,这次找错了对手。安西都护军死定了,他这是准备在死的时候,拉我们和他们一起殉葬!不过,他不会有这个机会……” The Wanhe Peiluo cut-throat sound is low, reverberates in void. 万赫裴罗凶狠的声音低低的,在虚空中回响。 Sturdy, did the Caliphate People that side reply?” “骨力,大食人那边回复了吗?” Has replied, Caliphate People pledged cares about our securities. Moreover, so long as we as the planted agent, open the city gate, will again deliver us 80 ten thousand taels of gold, the gold that moreover Gao Xianzhi plunders in Stone Country also entirely turns over to me. Caliphate People also pledged, later in the western region, will also support us to rule other various Bu!” “回复了,大食人已经承诺了顾及我们的安全。另外,只要我们做为内应,打开城门,就会再送我们80万两黄金,另外高仙芝石国掳掠的黄金也全部归我。大食人还承诺,以后在西域,还会支持我们统治其他诸部!” Is called the sturdy Karluks section brave warriors hoarse the sound, low base and low, in the sound was disclosing special meaning. 被称为骨力的葛罗禄部悍将嘶哑着声音,低低道,声音中透露着一种特别的意味。 Good!” “好!” Wanhe Peiluo coldly smiles, in the eye fierce passing over gently and swiftly wiped to make the person palpitation ray: 万赫裴罗冷冷一笑,眼中猛的掠过一抹令人心悸的光芒: " Gao Xianzhi and Anxi Protectorate Army seven days later and Caliphate People fight to the death, we will begin tomorrow evening, directing Caliphate People to enter the city. Gao Xianzhi...... Perhaps did not have that opportunity! " "高仙芝安西都护军七天之后和大食人决一死战,我们就在明天晚上动手,引大食人入城。高仙芝……恐怕没那个机会了!" " Yes! Subordinate this told, making the brothers prepare. After tomorrow, Gao Xianzhi and Annan Protectorate Army becomes the history, they will not have any opportunity again, from now, the western region is the Sir and our Karluks world. " "是!属下这就吩咐下去,让兄弟们准备。从明天之后,高仙芝安南都护军就将成为历史,他们绝不会再有任何的机会,从此以后,西域将是大人和我们葛罗禄的天下。" Is called the sturdy Karluks section brave warriors said immediately. 被称为骨力的葛罗禄部悍将立即道。 Wanhe Peiluo smiled, satisfied nod. Anxi Protectorate Army and Gao Xianzhi western region War God name shocking, can ruin this western region lion personally, can on thin adds in his Wanhe Peiluo and Karluks success dazzles one extremely, this is their Karluks section will henceforth rule the western region best gift. 万赫裴罗笑了笑,满意的点了点头。安西都护军高仙芝西域战神的名字名震天下,能够亲手葬送这支西域雄狮,也能够在他万赫裴罗葛罗禄战绩薄上添上极其炫赫的一笔,这将是他们葛罗禄部从此统治西域最好的礼物。 " Report! " "报!" In the Wanhe Peiluo heart most is self-satisfied, dá dá the sound of footsteps, transmits from the dark night suddenly. Wanhe Peiluo and that Karluks Tribe section will turn head to look, sees only Karluks Mercenary(-ies) hurriedly flushed in own direction. 就在万赫裴罗心中最是志得意满的时候,突然之间一阵哒哒的脚步声,从黑夜中传来。万赫裴罗和那名葛罗禄部落的部将扭头望去,只见一名葛罗禄雇佣兵正急匆匆的朝着自己的方向冲了过来。 " What's the matter? Makes much ado about nothing, the custom in army don't you know? " "怎么回事?大惊小怪的,军队里的规矩你不知道吗?" Wanhe Peiluo knitting the brows head. Gao Xianzhi training troops is extremely rigorous, although had set firm resolve, the treachery, betrays Gao Xianzhi, however before true beginning, Gao Xianzhi must observe in the iron rule that in military soldier establishes. 万赫裴罗皱了皱眉头。高仙芝治军极其严谨,尽管已经下定了决心,临阵倒戈,背叛高仙芝,但是在真正动手之前,高仙芝军伍中立下的铁律还是要遵守。 " Leader, is not good! Just received the following Tribe flying falcon to pass on the book, our Tribe had been surrounded by Qixi Protectorate Army, all women and children olds and weak by * the captive, in the cattle together with Tribe, the warhorse same place, were coerced by them completely, are coming in the Cong Ridge direction. " "首领,不好了!刚刚收到后面部落的飞隼传书,我们的部落碛西都护军包围了,所有的妇孺老弱全部被*俘虏,连同部落里的牛羊,战马一起,被他们裹挟着,正往葱岭的方向而来。" That Karluks Mercenary(-ies) breath shortness, the facial expression is extremely scared. 那名葛罗禄雇佣兵呼吸急促,神情极其恐慌。 " Anything! " "什么!" Hears these words, Wanhe Peiluo and section opens the eyes the pupil greatly, whole body severe shake, such as was struck by lightning. 听到这番话,万赫裴罗和身边的部将瞳孔大睁,浑身剧震,如遭雷击。 " Does scoundrel, how possibly have such matter? Brings to me the letter! " "混账,怎么可能有这样的事情?把信给我拿过来!" Wanhe Peiluo flies into a rage, one has seized the correspondence from the hand of that Tribe soldier. The Karluks Tribe large number of people, usually goes to battle the majority of men will leave Tribe, goes on an expedition outside, all elderly and infirm stay in the rear area. This also for the Karluks Tribe security. 万赫裴罗勃然大怒,一把从那名部落战士的手中夺过了书信。葛罗禄部落人数众多,平时出征的时候大部分的男子都会离开部落,在外征战,所有的老弱妇孺都留在后方。这样也是为了葛罗禄部落的安全。 Like this no matter Karluks usually goes on an expedition outside buckle many manpower, can still multiply to live in the rear clansman, and obtained the pension of dying in battle from employer there. 这样不管葛罗禄平时征战在外面折损多少人手,在后方的族人依然可以繁衍生息,并且从雇主那里得到战死的抚恤金。 Moreover, for the rear security, Wanhe Peiluo also specially in the rear area kept a special falcon, is Wanhe Peiluo spends the high price heterogeneous that buys from Caliphate merchant there, flight Speed is express. Once rear area has an accident, can through this falcon by Wanhe Peiluo that the quickest Speed notice front goes on an expedition. 另外,为了后方的安全,万赫裴罗还特意在后方留了一只特殊的鹰隼,是万赫裴罗花高价从一名大食商人那里买来的异种,飞行速度特别快。一旦后方出事,就能通过这只鹰隼以最快的速度通知前方征战的万赫裴罗 Like this had the matter also to take care of mutually, so as to avoid rear area was sneak attacked. 这样出了事情也能够互相照应,免得被人偷袭后方。 However by the Karluks prestige and prominent battle efficiency, this matter has not occurred, however Wanhe Peiluo has not thought that when he follows Gao Xianzhi and Anxi Protectorate Army goes to battle, unexpectedly is carried the den, moreover Great Tang army. 但是凭借葛罗禄的威名和显赫的战斗力,这种事情还从来没有发生过,然而万赫裴罗怎么也没有想到,就在他跟随高仙芝安西都护军出征的时候,居然会被人端了老巢,而且还是大唐的军队。 Opens the letter paper, completely with Karluks writing writing, moreover above also has symbol that only then their clan and tribe knows. 打开信笺,全部都是用葛罗禄文字书写的,而且上面还有只有他们部族才知道的记号。 " Bastard! " "混蛋!" Thunder shouting angrily resounds through the skies, thorough broke the tranquility of Talas City, Wanhe Peiluo has thrown the letter paper ruthlessly on the ground, the whole person is in an uncontrollable rage: 一声雷霆般的怒喝响彻云霄,彻底的打破了怛罗斯城的平静,万赫裴罗将信笺狠狠地掷在地上,整个人怒不可遏: " Prepares to me, I must see Gao Xianzhi! " "给我准备一下,我要去见高仙芝!" ...... ……
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