HE :: Volume #9

#866: Talas, Great Army goes to battle!

Chapter 866 第866章 All discussed similarly, father, Big Brother, we transmitted orders, prepared set off.” “所有的一切都商量得差不多了,父亲,大哥,我们传令下去,准备出发吧。” Un.” “嗯。” Wang Yan serious nod, also has not thought. 王严严肃的点了点头,也没有多想。 Gets there first, the Talas matter cannot drag to be too long, now everything is ready, the modification body went to Talas. Fu'er, you arrange.” “兵贵神速,怛罗斯的事情不能拖太久,现在万事俱备,改动身前往怛罗斯了。符儿,你去安排一下吧。” Yes, father.” “是,父亲。” Wang Fu receives an order, the body is straight, departs quickly. 王符领命,身体笔直,很快离去。 Chong'er, this motion is dominated by you, I and your Big Brother and Second Brother fully coordinate you, does not want to worry. Soldier, the important matter of country, the no small matter, this motion relates to three ten thousand Anxi Protectorate Army lives, the pattern of entire western region, we have not been possible to have the slight general idea. Before set off, we carry on the last deduction again!” 冲儿,这次的行动以你为主,我和你大哥、二哥全力配合你,不要有所顾虑。兵者,国之大事,非同小可,此次行动关系到三万安西都护军的性命,还有整个西域的格局,我们绝不可有丝毫的大意。在出发之前,我们再进行最后一次推演!” Wang Yan face said resolutely. 王严一脸正色道 Yes, father.” “是,父亲。” Wang Chong nodded, is impolite, received the leading power, narrated in detail. The battlefield does not have the fathers and sons, this war relates to the lives of hundreds of thousands officers is complete, entire Central Plains in the future near millenniums the destiny, like previous life, the development suffers setbacks outward, since then changes the comprehensive civil strife, the entire China evolves a civil strife history , to continue the magnificence of Great Tang and Han nationality, becomes on this stretch of earth most formidable existence. All watch this war! 王冲点了点头,也不客气,接过主导权,详细叙说起来。战场无父子,这一场战争关系到十几万将士的性命周全,还有整个中土未来近千年来的气运,是像上辈子一样,向外拓展受挫,从此转向全面的内乱,整个中华大地演变成一部内乱史,还是延续大唐和汉民族的辉煌,成为这片大地上最强大的存在。一切就看这一战! ...... …… A moment later, the final deduction conclusion, Wang Chong from the main hall, a strong winds front surface has blown finally, the long hair of Wang Chong two temples dances in the air, in the heart was also calmer. 片刻之后,最后的推演结束,王冲终于从大殿中走了出来,一阵狂风迎面吹过,王冲两鬓的长发飞舞,心中也随之冷静了许多。 Falling of Great General, seven days, in other words, the city of Talas, meets the city broken seven days later! Seven days, were enough!” 大将之陨,还有七天的时间,也就是说,怛罗斯之城,在七天之后才会城破!七天,已经足够了!” Wang Chong stood in the entrance, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly wipes the swift and fierce ray, walked quickly. 王冲站在门口,眼中掠过一抹凌厉的光芒,很快走了出去。 Beats a drum!” “击鼓!” Quick, thump thump loud sound, resounds through entire City of Steel, but along with this thump thump the beating a drum sound, the earth thunders, humming sound the tremor, entire City of Steel is similar to huge Behemoth, revives suddenly. Innumerable army Formation are stern, distinguishes right from wrong, from turns toward big and grand City of Steel to gather in all directions in abundance, Qixi Protectorate Army and infantry and cavalry mix soldier and Annan Protectorate Army, Wushang Heavy Cavalry and Carriage Crossbow Square Formation, Ganke Race and western region various Mercenary(-ies) and size suddenly law regular army......, Hundreds of thousands Great Army gather in this completely, the scene is extremely great. 很快,一阵咚咚的巨响,响彻整个钢铁之城,而随着这阵咚咚的击鼓声,大地轰鸣,嗡嗡颤动,整个钢铁之城就如同一头庞然巨兽,突然之间苏醒过来。无数的军队阵列森严,泾渭分明,从四面八方纷纷向着高大、宏伟的钢铁之城聚集过来,碛西都护军、步骑混合兵、安南都护军乌伤铁骑车弩方阵冈克族、西域诸部雇佣兵、大小勃律正规军……,十几万的大军全部汇聚于此,场面极其宏大。 But in side of these armies, various innumerable steel motorcades, land tax motorcades, artisan motorcades and Tribe herdsmen, gathers in this completely. 而在这些军队的旁边,无数的钢铁车队、钱粮车队、工匠车队、各部落牧民,也全部聚集于此。 The aura of war, on noise dust! 战争的气息,喧嚣尘上! The earth is silent, when Wang Chong is on the City of Steel tower over a city gate, appears in the front of people, suddenly, the innumerable vision looked in all directions, under the illumination of sunlight, the Wang Chong stature is tall, that black sketch became in the world most dazzling existence. 大地寂静,当王冲登上钢铁之城的城楼,出现在众人的面前,瞬息间,四面八方无数的目光纷纷望了过来,在阳光的照射下,王冲身材颀长,那黑色的剪影成为了天地间最耀眼的存在。 Today everybody gathers here, goal I am not no need to say! Taking this opportunity, I only want to tell these to have ulterior motives, with Great Tang for enemy, violates my Great Tang, even if far away, will cetainly be executed!” “今天大家汇聚在这里,目的我就不必多说!借这个机会,我只想告诉那些心怀叵测,与大唐为敌者,犯我大唐,虽远必诛!” Along with these spirited sounds, clang, a clear and melodious sword recited, resounds through the expansive sky, at the gaze of tens of thousands of both eyes light, Wang Chong extracted Long Sword, pointed to the West: 随着这些激昂的声音,锵,一阵清越的剑吟,响彻长空,就在成千上万双目光的注视,王冲抽出长剑,直指西方: set off!” 出发!” Roar!” “吼!” A shake the heavens roaring sound resounds through the world, with this intermittent Great Army bellow, Great Army that several man (Han) mix, enormous and powerful, is similar to racing wells up rivers and streams, from Wushang City of Steel set off, along cement road, toward the remote Talas washout, hōng lōng lōng, at that moment the earth shivers, that shake the heavens imposing manner has alarmed the entire western region. 一阵惊天的咆哮声响彻天地,随着这阵阵的大军轰鸣声,十几番汉混合的大军,浩浩荡荡,如同一条奔涌的江河般,从乌伤钢铁之城出发,一路沿着水泥路,向着遥远的怛罗斯冲刷,轰隆隆,那一刻大地颤动,那惊天的气势惊动了整个西域。 Great Tang, the population are in history most, the scale hugest Western Expedition, started! 大唐有史以来,人数最多,规模最庞大的西征,开始了! ...... …… Cold mountain, then, the Qixi matter gave you!” “寒山,接下来,碛西的事情就交给你了!” On giant tower over a city gate of reaching to the sky, Wang Chong crosses the hands behind the back to stand, looks that 100,000 man (Han) mix Great Army, enormous and powerful, extends to the horizon end, suddenly opens the mouth to say. 高耸入云的巨大城楼上,王冲负手而立,看着100000番汉混合大军,浩浩荡荡,一路延伸到天边尽头,突然开口道。 Four surrounding silence, without any reply, when soon makes the person unable to bear think Wang Chong spoke one's mind, finally behind transmitted coldly, did not have the slight sentimental sound: 四周围一片寂静,没有任何的回答,就在快要让人忍不住以为王冲自说自话的时候,终于后面传来一声冷冷的,不带丝毫感情的声音: Un.” “嗯。” Then, all around is also quiet. 然后,四周又是静悄悄的。 Wang Chong hears this icy sound, in the heart to smile: 王冲听着这冷冰冰的声音,心中只是一笑: Really that Su Hanshan!” “果然还是那个苏寒山啊!” When gentleman don't three day holds in high esteem, who can imagine, on the same day first time meets is also only True Martial Realm Su Hanshan, met actually to break through Sovereign Martial Realm Level again, has completed others 56 years not the achievement that was possible to achieve. More than one year of time, nobody knows that on him had anything, does not know how he achieves this cultivation base. 士别三日当刮目相看,谁能想像,当日第一次见面还只是真武境苏寒山,再见面却已经突破到了皇武境级别,完成了别人56年都不可能达到的成果。一年多的时间,没有人知道他身上发生了什么,也不知道他是如何达到这种修为的。 However regarding Wang Chong, occurred on any other people he somewhat will be perhaps surprised, but occurred on Su Hanshan only, Wang Chong does not think the accident/surprise. As the recognition, has „the material of Great General the talent, and once reached the Quasi-General level the talent, Su Hanshan has this progress Speed, Wang Chong does not think the accident/surprise. 不过对于王冲来说,发生在其他任何一个人身上他或许都会有些惊讶,但唯独发生在苏寒山身上,王冲并不觉得意外。做为公认的,拥有“大将之材”的天才,并且曾经达到准将级的天才,苏寒山有这种进步速度,王冲并不觉得意外。 The Su Hanshan strength has not perhaps been able to go to that situation in Wang Chong memory, however his wisdom, strength and strategic point are without a doubt, moreover experienced over six months in the experience of Beiting, now the Su Hanshan whole body was thin, but actually is also similar to Long Sword of sheath, making a great show of one's talents, calm, this is also Wang Chong the reason that he summons. 苏寒山的力量或许还无法达到王冲记忆中的那种地步,但是他的智慧、实力、战略眼光却是无庸置疑的,而且经历了半年多在北庭的历练,现在苏寒山浑身精瘦了许多,但却也如同出鞘的长剑,更加的锋芒毕露,也更加的沉稳,这也是王冲把他召过来的原因。 Talas's War, the relations are major, after I walk, the Qixi defense is void, that side U-Tsang and Western Turkic will have an action to perform surely. I have only left behind eight thousand Hu People soldiers to you, 1000 Han people soldiers, eight thousand brigand and mounted bandits, this is also I can render your biggest assistance, in any event, you must block. Qixi is the Longxi gateway, if here falls into enemy hands, then rear Longxi is the gateway greatly opens, all common people expose under the oppression of the people of enemy completely, the consequence is dreadful. But we in frontline, meets the type to be threatened.” 怛罗斯之战,关系重大,我走之后,碛西防务空虚,乌斯藏西突厥那边必定会有所动作。我只给你留下了八千胡人士兵,1000汉人士兵,还有八千山贼、马匪,这也是我能给予你的最大的帮助,无论如何,你一定要挡住。碛西陇西的门户,如果这里失守,那么后方的陇西就是门户大开,所有的百姓全部暴露在敌人的铁蹄之下,后果不堪设想。而我们在前线,也会样受到威胁。” Wang Chong continues saying that domestic strength keeps away foreign aggression, if rear area is not steady, Wang Chong is very difficult to imagine, how relieved going to war in the front can, therefore the rear area must stand firm. 王冲继续道,攘外必先安内,如果后方不稳,王冲实在很难想像,在前方能够如何的安心打仗,所以后方必须要稳住。 Relax, will not lose!” “放心吧,不会有失!” Finally, Su Hanshan opens the mouth saying that was saying, while walked from the rear area, stands with Wang Chong shoulder to shoulder. On him throws over a black armor, the head is raising, item like the stars, as before such as in Wang Chong impression is like that solemn and arrogant, but the aura of whole person was sincerer, has been full of a general demeanor. 终于,苏寒山开口道,一边说着,一边从后方走了上来,和王冲并肩而立。他身上披着一副黑色的铠甲,头颅微昂,目如星辰,依旧如王冲印象中的那般冷峻、高傲,但整个人的气息却厚重了许多,充满了一股将星风度。 The Su Hanshan words are very simple, but actually suitable has the effort. 苏寒山的话很简单,但却相当的有力度。 „...... However, I also need your same help.” Su Hanshan adds. “……不过,我还需要你的一样帮助。”苏寒山补充道。 Oh? 哦? 50 Carriage Crossbow groups.” Su Hanshan indifferently said. “50个车弩小组。”苏寒山淡淡道 Ok.” “可以。” Wang Chong smiled, has not complied slightly hesitant. 50 Carriage Crossbow groups, each group of five, is 250 people. Regarding Wang Chong, influence is not big. 王冲笑了笑,没有丝毫犹豫的答应了。50个车弩小组,每组五个,也就是250个人而已。对于王冲来说,影响不大。 The conversation of conclusion and Su Hanshan, Wang Chong walked the tower over a city gate quickly. Gate of big city gate steel gorgeously, Xu Qiqin and Xu Keyi and the others are waiting. 结束和苏寒山的交谈,王冲很快走了城楼。钢铁之门高大巍然的城门口,许绮琴许科仪等人正在等着。 Sir.” “大人。” Sees Wang Chong, Xu Keyi and the others goes forward to bow to salute immediately. The time was up, now is waiting for Wang Chong set off. 看到王冲,许科仪等人立即上前躬身行礼。时间差不多了,现在就等着王冲出发了。 Un.” “嗯。” Wang Chong nodded, then crosses several people, moved toward city gate directly, a white clothing like snow, beautiful such as Xu Qiqin of fairy maiden. 王冲点了头,然后越过几人,径直走向了城门口,一身白衣如雪,美如仙子的许绮琴 „...... Takes care, I and others you came back.” “……一路保重,我等你回来。” Un, relax, I will certainly return in triumph.” “嗯,放心吧,我一定会凯旋归来的。” Wang Chong sprinkles however smiles, then moves toward Xu Keyi, received the White-hoofed Shadow's reins from his hand: 王冲洒然一笑,然后走向许科仪,从他手中接过白蹄乌的缰绳: Walks.” “走吧。” The sound falls, two people step up to warhorse, one after the other, rapid goes toward the city outside. Xu Qiqin looks at the Wang Chong's back, the smiling face of corners of the mouth collects slowly, in the look shows thick worry. 声音一落,两人跨上战马,一前一后,迅速的向着城外而去。身后,许绮琴看着王冲的背影,嘴角的笑容慢慢敛去,眼神中透出一丝浓浓的担忧。 This is not Xu Qiqin first time looks that Wang Chong left like this, if regarding Caliphate, did not understand Talas, Xu Qiqin may think this is only simple going to battle, but including Gao Xianzhi such Empire Great General in addition the soldier is stranded in Talas, has not broken through to the present, the Caliphate People strength can be imagined. 这已经不是许绮琴第一次看着王冲这样离开了,如果对于大食,对于怛罗斯毫无了解,许绮琴或许会以为这只是一次简单的出征,但是连高仙芝这样的帝国大将尚且兵困在怛罗斯,到现在都还没有突围,大食人的实力可想而知。 However Xu Qiqin does not want to Wang Chong any burden, no matter the innermost feelings have worry how, in front of Wang Chong's, Xu Qiqin is maintaining the smile. 然而许绮琴并不想给王冲任何的负担,所以不管内心有多么的担忧,在王冲的面前,许绮琴都一直保持着微笑。 Cool breeze follows intermittent sandstorm to sway suddenly, Xu Qiqin has narrowed the eye slightly, cough two gently. 一阵清风突然伴随着阵阵风沙吹拂过来,许绮琴微微眯了眯眼睛,轻轻的咳嗽两声。 Young lady......” “小姐……” A sound from behind conveys, the Xu Qiqin personal maidservant small bamboo, does not know when appeared in rear area, looks at the Xu Qiqin back, worry of face. 一个声音从身后传来,许绮琴贴身的丫鬟小竹,不知什么时候出现在了后方,看着许绮琴的背影,一脸的担忧。 Might as well,...... Do not tell other people.” “无妨,……不要告诉其他人。” Xu Qiqin was saying, vanished in City of Steel quickly. 许绮琴说着,很快消失在了钢铁之城 ...... …… Several hundred thousand Great Army turbulent like tide, group by group wells up in the Talas direction. In team most end, Wang Chong has incurred Xu Keyi. 几十万大军汹涌如潮,一批又一批的向着怛罗斯的方向涌去。在队伍的最末尾,王冲招过了许科仪 Speed that we march is too slow, Xu Keyi, you bring one team of Cavalry, first set off, I have a matter to give you to do.” “我们行军的速度还是太慢,许科仪,你带一队骑兵,抢先出发,我有一件事情要交给你去做。” Wang Chong rides White-hoofed Shadow, the vision is looking at the distant place to say. 王冲骑着白蹄乌,目光看着远处道。 Lord Marquis please tell.” 侯爷请吩咐。” This believes you to carry off, the matter that all needs you handle, explained in the letter, all deferred to me to say managed. I only give you two days, you do not need scruples us, after the matter completes, directly in Anxi Protectorate General , etc. we.” “这封信你带走,所有需要你做的事情,都已经在信中说明,一切按照我说的去办。我只给你两天的时间,你不必顾忌我们,事情完成之后,直接在安西都护府等我们。” Wang Chong was saying, took out that letter to hand over from the bosom. 王冲说着,从怀中取出那封信递了过去。 humble general is compliant!” 末将遵命!” Xu Keyi received the letter, looked continually had not looked, has turned around rapidly: 许科仪接过信件,连看都没看,迅速转过身去: You, you, you......, All people come with me!” “你,你,你……,所有人跟我来!” Gets there first, a moment later, Xu Keyi from hundreds of thousands Great Army, has pulled out five thousand Cavalry, curls up the billowing mist and dust, is separated from Great Army rapidly, the electricity shoots to go. 兵贵神速,片刻之后,许科仪从十几万大军中,拉出了五千骑兵,卷起滚滚的烟尘,迅速脱离大军,电射而去。 Gao Xianzhi, survive lives, before arriving in battlefield, I can help now your, only then this. Careful Karluks, the person of foreign race, is not trustworthy!” 高仙芝,坚持住,在抵达战场之前,我现在能帮你的只有这个了。小心葛罗禄,异族之人,不值得信任啊!” Wang Chong is looking at the northwest Talas direction, in the heart secretly thought. 王冲望着西北怛罗斯的方向,心中暗暗道 The Talas situation was getting more and more critical, does not have the accident/surprise, rebelling of Karluks section, may perform again. Historical change, but the disposition of person, will never change. Resorting to arms of Gao Xianzhi actually has very big weakness, he likes with Anxi Protectorate Army before, hire armed forces, if the victory, this tactical rules did not have the issue, but if the war is not smooth, is similar to Talas is ordinary, under this is Gao Xianzhi gives itself to wrap/sets of the Death shackles. 怛罗斯的情况已经越来越危急了,没有意外,葛罗禄部的反叛,可能会再次上演。历史改变,但人的性格,永远不会改变。高仙芝的用兵其实有很大的弱点,他喜欢用安西都护军在前,雇佣军在后,如果战争胜利,这种战法还没有问题,但是如果战争不顺利,如同怛罗斯一般,这就是高仙芝给自己套下的死亡枷锁。 ...... ……
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