HE :: Volume #9

#865: Warning, falling of Great General!

Chapter 865 第865章 But, Sir, doesn't have Qixi?” “可是,大人,不是有碛西吗?” Suddenly, a sound biography hears. Like a grain of gravel investment lake, suddenly flood ten thousand mighty waves, the Gao Xianzhi mind moves, suddenly recovers. In the ear only listens to that vice general to be anxiously anxious, has the hope to say completely: 突然之间,一个声音传入耳中。就像一粒石子投入湖中,突然泛开万道波澜,高仙芝的心神动了动,突然回过神来。耳中只听那名副将急急的,满含着希望道: Royal Court Principle, Anxi and Qixi two places mutually depend on each other, offensive and defensive cooperation. However Anxi Level is higher than Qixi. Once Anxi has the matter, Qixi is the Anxi reservist source area, momentarily dispatches troops to Qixi, supports us. Now, even if the Royal Court military force(s) flaw, does not have the soldier to send like the war of previous time southwest, but that side Qixi doesn't have the soldier?” 朝廷规则,安西碛西两地互相依存,攻守互助。但是安西级别高于碛西。一旦安西有事,碛西就是安西的后备兵源地,随时出兵碛西,支持我们。现在,就算朝廷兵马缺失,像上次的西南之战一样无兵可派,但是碛西那边不是有兵吗?” „A previous time Triangle Jag war, the Dusong Mangbuzhi rout, Dayan Mangbojie died in battle, afterward heard that he has ambushed Agudul in Qixi Armory, cuts to kill five thousand elite troops that Azure Wolf Ye Hu and he brought . Moreover, the war of southwest, he also strove to turn the tide, has defeated Meng-U Allied Army of 400,000 military strength, don't tell me he not? If we can lead troops to catch up survive to him, perhaps all also hopeful!” “上次的三角缺口一战,都松莽布支大败,达延芒波杰战死,后来又听说他在碛西军械库埋伏了阿骨都蓝,斩杀了那位青狼叶护和他带的五千精兵,况且,西南之战,他还力挽狂澜,打败了400000兵力的蒙乌联军,难道连他也不可以吗?如果我们能坚持到他带兵赶来,说不定一切都还有希望!” That section urgently will say urgently. 那名部将急急道。 If were in the past time, he will not say, but now, this is they finally hopes. 如果是往常的时候,他绝不会这么说,但是现在,这已经是他们最后的希望了。 Gao Xianzhi has not spoken, but the vision actually no longer such as starts like that solemn, such as the tranquil water surface had ripples. 高仙芝没有说话,但目光却已不再如开始的那般冷峻,就如平静的水面起了一道道涟漪。 That boy...... 那个小子吗…… In the Gao Xianzhi mind the silk end dances in the air, at this time, he has remembered before the several months suddenly, Wang Chong once sent to his letter, advising him do not attack Stone Country. At that time, Gao Xianzhi joked it away, and thought that this letter was somewhat confused, bewildered. 高仙芝脑海中丝绪飞舞,在这个时候,他突然想起了数月之前,王冲曾经寄给他一封信,劝告他不要攻打石国。那个时候,高仙芝还是一笑了之,并且觉得这封信有些无头无尾,莫名其妙。 However at this moment, a thought suddenly not restrainable rising mind: 但是这一刻,一个念头突然不可抑制的升上脑海: On the same day that Wang Clan youngest son mails a letter to oneself, is don't tell me has expected today's this? 当日那个王家幼子给自己寄信,难道是已经预料到了今天这一幕吗? However this thought passing over gently and swiftly mind, Gao Xianzhi shook the head quickly, scoffs however smiles. He does not expect meeting soldier trapped/sleepy Talas, three ten thousand Anxi Protectorate Army are facing the destiny of being annihilated, a 17-year-old child possibly expected that obtains? 但是这个念头掠过脑海,高仙芝很快就摇了摇头,嗤然一笑。就连他都料不到会兵困怛罗斯,三万安西都护军面临着全军覆没的命运,一个17岁的孩子又怎么可能预料得到呢? Great distance, is not no need to say again!” “千里,不必再说了!” Gao Xianzhi opens the mouth to say finally, in his eye shows one type the indifference and tranquility that the life and death disregards: 高仙芝终于开口道,他的眼中透出一种将生死置之度外的淡然和平静: Is far away to here from Qixi, even if that Wang Clan youngest son's real remarkable ability are general, even if he is willing to help us, already...... Without enough time, because we could not support to be so long!” “从碛西到这里路途遥远,就算那个王家幼子真的神通广大,就算他愿意帮我们,也已经……来不及了,因为我们已经根本撑不了那么久!” Sir!” “大人!” The section will be moved immediately. 部将顿时为之动容。 Gao Xianzhi beckoned with the hand, stopping him to say. This war, is involved, understands, in Talas, what Anxi Protectorate Army faces is what match. 高仙芝摆了摆手,制止了他说下去。这一战,只有身在其中,才会明白,在怛罗斯,安西都护军面对的是什么样的对手。 As Anxi Great Protectorate, the Gao Xianzhi life is invincible, invincible, not only this refers to the excellent strategy and wisdom, formidable will. Gao Xianzhi always not driving admitting defeat easily, but this time, this is not the issue that admitted, but after experiencing two months of fierce combat has engaged in fierce battle, Anxi Protectorate Army has arrived at being without ammunition and food , the oil completely lamp dry end. 做为安西大都护,高仙芝一生战无不胜,攻无不克,这不只是指过人的战略和智慧,还有强大意志。高仙芝从来都不会轻易的主动认输,但是这一次,这已经不是承不承认的问题,而是在经历了二个月的激战鏖战后,安西都护军真的已经走到了弹尽粮绝,油尽灯枯的尽头。 Anxi Protectorate Army is the Great Tang sharpest strength, in the entire Central Plains army the sharpest soldier, was delivered to Anxi, the lion that the achievement this has only shaken western frontier! However is fierce lion, is unable to deal with more than ten times in own strong opponent. 安西都护军大唐最精锐的力量,整个中土军队中最精锐的士兵,都被送到了安西,成就了这只名震西陲的雄狮!但是就算是再厉害的雄狮,也无法应对十多倍于自己的强大对手。 In fact, can the survive two months under the crowded attack of Caliphate People squally shower, Anxi Protectorate Army fully prove itself with the motion, they have not lost face to Great Tang! 事实上,能在大食人狂风骤雨的密集进攻下坚持两个月,安西都护军已经用行动充分的证明了自己,他们并没有给大唐丢脸! Great distance, for these years, I have made a mistake. In the western region, I have thought we biggest enemy is U-Tsang, as well as these many small countries of western region. If makes them form an alliance, Great Tang will be nothing left in a western region several hundred years of cornerstone.” “千里,这么多年来,我一直都错了。在西域,我一直以为我们最大的敌人是乌斯藏,以及西域的那些诸多小国。如果让他们结成联盟,大唐在西域数百年的基石就会荡然无存。” Gao Xianzhi said suddenly, in the upper air rumor/wind sound howls, his visual front, tone unprecedented tranquility. In the life, he has been sleepy in Minglu, does not have the moment, like the present, sees such clearly to the situation in western region: 高仙芝突然道,高空中风声呼啸,他目视前方,语气前所未有的平静。一生中,他一直困于名禄,从没有一刻,像现在这样,对西域的形势看得这么清楚: But we have made a mistake actually, in the western region, we biggest enemy is always not the western region small country that these may join up, is not near at hand, U-Tsang that not only makes a harassing attack, but is the present stands in our front Caliphate People. They compared with U-Tsang People formidable, compared with various countries of western region greedy, even compared with Turkic People......, Has the ambition and aggressiveness. They were the Great Tang date biggest internal danger!” “但是其实我们都错了,在西域,我们最大的敌人从来都不是那些有可能联合起来的西域小国,也不是近在咫尺,不但袭扰的乌斯藏,而是现在站在我们面前的大食人。他们比乌斯藏人更加的强大,比西域的诸国更加的贪婪,甚至比突厥人……,都更加的有野心和侵略性。他们才是大唐日最大的心腹之患!” This war, we do not have any escape route. Royal Court did not have the soldier available, we only then depended on ourselves. Anxi is Great Tang in the northwest biggest barrier, if Anxi falls into enemy hands, the entire western region all will fall into the hand of Caliphate People, Great Tang will be destroyed in a moment in the western region several hundred years of base industry. But the western region falls into enemy hands, by the Qixi ability , is very difficult to resist. But finally, threatens will be Longxi, as well as...... National capital!” “这一战,我们没有任何的退路。朝廷已经无兵可用,我们只有靠自己了。安西大唐在西北最大的屏障,如果安西失守,整个西域就会尽数落入大食人的手中,大唐在西域几百年的基业将会毁于一旦。而西域失守,以碛西的能力,恐怕也很难抵挡。而最后,威胁到的将是陇西,以及……京师!” Side, the section touches a face, the pupil deep place shows the look that startled palpitated suddenly. This war, he only notes to be boundless at present such as the Caliphate army of sea, simply has not thought that this fought the later matter. Although places the dangerous situation, but he also this fights the localization is a border war, simply has not thought what influence it to behind Anxi and Great Tang will create. 身旁,部将一脸触动,瞳孔深处突然透出了惊悸的神色。这一战,他只注意到了眼前茫茫如海的大食军队,根本没有想到这一战之后的事情。虽然身处险境,但是他也只是将这一战定位为一场边境战争,根本没有想过它会对身后的安西大唐会造成什么样的影响 National capital! 京师! He has not thought influence that this fights so will be profound! 他从没有想过这一战的影响会这么深远! If lets Caliphate People really through Anxi, Qixi and Longxi, closes on the national capital, they are really the Great Tang criminals! 如果真的让大食人通过安西碛西陇西,进逼京师,那他们就真的是大唐的罪人! Transmitted orders, after seven day, fights to the death with Caliphate! This fights cannot have idles slightly, dies, must manifest my Great Tang dignity!” “传令下去,七日之后,和大食决一死战!这一战决不能有丝毫懈怠,就算死,也要体现我大唐的威严!” Gao Xianzhi gravely says. 高仙芝沉声道 humble general...... Understood.” 末将……明白了。” ...... …… Western region, Anxi Protectorate General. 西域,安西都护府 Sir, checked, passes the noontime, has not received the Sir Protectorate letter!” “大人,查过了,已经过了午时了,还是没有收到都护大人的来信!” In the big Protectorate main hall, Anxi Protectorate Army single knee of remaining on the ground, the head hangs, respectful say/way. 偌大的都护大殿中,一名留守的安西都护军单膝跪在地上,头颅垂地,恭恭敬敬道。 What?!” “什么?!” Feng Changqing whole body severe shake, has stood from the seat fiercely, in the facial expression shows the thick restlessness. 封常清浑身剧震,猛地从座位上站了起来,神情中透出浓浓的不安。 Should not, not should......” “不应该的,不应该的……” Sir, can be that side war is intense, the messenger lost the time, therefore hasn't delivered?” “大人,会不会是那边战事激烈,传令兵耽误了时间,所以才迟迟没有送过来?” The Anxi Protectorate Army soldier kneels to bend down on the ground, said cautiously. 安西都护军战士跪伏在地上,小心翼翼道。 No, is not this! Sir Protectorate military order like the mountain, when eats meal including every day, does not have the tiny bit mistake, the military soldier support requirement letter such important matter, is absolutely impossible to have any problem!” “不,不是这样!都护大人军令如山,连每天什么时候吃饭,都没有一丝一毫的差池,军伍求援信这么重要的事情,绝对不可能出现什么问题!” Feng Changqing wears a azure clothes, looks haggard, if carefully looks, will discover in his eye full is the blood threads. Talas makes war, Gao Xianzhi soldier falling in , the news comes, Feng Changqing is diligent, the food does not sleep well, the whole person was thin several, especially more arrived afterward, the situation more crisis, was in danger Shin'etsu to be many, to the present, Feng Changqing several days has not closed the eyes. 封常清穿着一袭青衣,神情憔悴,如果仔细看去,就会发现他的眼中满是血丝。怛罗斯开战,高仙芝兵陷其中,消息传来,封常清宵衣旰食,食不安寝,整个人都瘦了好几圈,特别是越到后来,情况越危机,告急信越多,到现在,封常清已经几天没有合眼了。 Short two months, on Feng Changqing were many many white hair, on the face is the wrinkle comes up in great numbers and from all sides, if looks at the appearance only, is very difficult to believe that this appearance looks like already the 40-50 years old man, actually 30 over. 短短两个月的时间,封常清头上已经多了很多的白发,脸上更是皱纹横生,如果单看外貌,很难相信这个外貌看起来已经四五十岁的男人,其实才不过30出头。 Although looks like the spirit was very exhausted, but in the Feng Changqing eye does not have the slight sleepiness. Has to plant restlessly deeply in his heart. 虽然看起来精神已经很疲惫,但封常清眼中却没有丝毫的睡意。在他心中有种深深地不安。 These many days, in the Feng Changqing heart only consoling is Anxi Protectorate Army every day the armed forces letter that mails from Talas, is one after another unremitting. So long as the armed forces believe mail every day, Feng Changqing knows that in Talas City all well, Sir Protectorate as before is also safe. However today, two months the daily unremitting armed forces believed vanishes suddenly. 这么多天来,封常清心中唯一的慰藉就是安西都护军每日从怛罗斯寄来的军信,一封又一封,从无间断。只要军信每天都寄来,封常清就知道怛罗斯城中一切安好,都护大人也依旧平安。但是就在今天,两个多月来每天从无间断的军信突然间消失了。 This made Feng Changqing feel was extremely not wonderful. Follows in Gao Xianzhi subordinates these many years, regarding from the Clan Lord graceful disposition, Feng Changqing knows from A to Z. The Sir easily will never change own custom, once changes, that inevitably is he has made the important decision the time. 这让封常清感到了极其的不妙。跟随在高仙芝麾下这么多年,对于自家主帅的性格,封常清了如指掌。大人从不会轻易改变自己的习惯,一旦改变,那必然是他做出了重大决定的时候。 Sir, don't tell me you already......” “大人,难道你已经……” Dark, Feng Changqing has thought of anything suddenly, in heart one sad, tears tears four. 冥冥中,封常清突然想到了什么,心中一悲,涕泪四出。 You could rest assured that in any event, I certainly will not make you die!” “你放心,无论如何,我都一定不会让你死的!” Feng Changqing staggers along, sudden shoves open that Anxi Protectorate Army soldier, flushed from the main hall. His hair hangs loose, sends hairpin to fall, the whole person seems to be crazy general. 封常清跌跌撞撞,突然一把推开那名安西都护军的战士,从大殿之中冲了出去。他的头发披散,发簪掉落,整个人仿佛疯狂一般。 Qixi! 碛西 Now only then Qixi can save the Sirs and three ten thousand Anxi Protectorate Army soldiers! 现在只有碛西才能救得了大人和三万安西都护军战士! ...... …… Warning! Quest ‚the choice of destiny has the new change, branch Quest falling of Great General!” 警告任务‘命运的抉择’出现新的变化,支线任务大将之陨’!” Each time war follows the significant sacrifice, Empire will fade, Great General falls first, this is answering a curtain call of Empire, is emerging of another Empire. Talas's War, Anxi Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi will soon fall from the sky, the host has seven days to save the Gao Xianzhi destiny. Quest succeeds, rewards 6000 Destiny Energy Points, Quest Failure, deducts host 18000 Destiny Energy Points!” “每一次的战争都伴随着重大的牺牲,帝国将衰,大将先陨,这是一个帝国的谢幕,也是另一个帝国的兴起。怛罗斯之战,安西大都护高仙芝即将陨落,宿主有七天的时间拯救高仙芝的命运。任务成功,奖励6000命运能量点,任务失败,扣除宿主18000命运能量点!” Warning! Talas's War, the choice of destiny! Quest of host will soon be defeated!” 警告怛罗斯之战,命运的抉择!宿主的任务即将失败!” Warning! When Talas falls into enemy hands, the host will write off immediately!” 警告!当怛罗斯失守,宿主将立即被抹杀!” ...... …… Remote Wushang City of Steel, Wang Chong still examines the sand table in the main hall, suddenly, a series of sounds such as waterfall, along with this sound, in Wang Chong's eye sudden blood light, that blood glittering is uncertain, is much stronger. In the Wang Chong hand was taking a red small signal flag, hears this sound, the Wang Chong whole body stagnates, as if petrified generally. 遥远的乌伤钢铁之城,王冲还在大殿之中查看沙盘,突然之间,一连串的声音如瀑布而下,伴随着这阵声音,王冲的眼中突然一阵血光,那血光闪烁不定,浓烈得令人窒息。王冲手中本来拿着一面红色的小令旗,听到这声音,王冲浑身一滞,仿佛石化了一般。 Falling of Great General, is Gao Xianzhi......” 大将之陨,是高仙芝……” Wang Chong is hearing this sound, immediately slightly changed the complexion. Gao Xianzhi is the Anxi Protectorate Army commander in chief, Stone of Destiny issues this Quest suddenly, means that the situation in city of Talas has achieved the extremely dangerous edge. 王冲听着这声音,顿时微微变了脸色。高仙芝安西都护军的主帅,命运之石突然发布这个任务,也就意味着怛罗斯之城的情况达到了极其危险的边缘。 Chong'er, how?” 冲儿,怎么了?” A familiar sound, vigorous dignified, suddenly transmits from the ear. 一个熟悉的声音,雄浑威严,突然从耳边传来。 Wang Chong has turned head, sees only near the sand table, father Wang Yan and Big Brother Wang Fu, Second Brother Wang Bei one face surprise looks at itself. 王冲扭过头,只见沙盘边,父亲王严、大哥王符,还有二哥王孛都一脸诧异的看着自己。 Nothing.” “没什么。” Wang Chong shook the head, is looking at own father and Big Brother, in the heart passed over gently and swiftly a warm current. This Talas's War, the father, Big Brother and Second Brother, complete all assembled, the family of four, working as one was Central Plains and Great Tang fights, this was Wang Chong previous life has not had the extravagant hopes, but now all change into the reality in oneself hand. 王冲摇了摇头,望着自己的父亲和大哥,心中掠过一丝暖流。这一次怛罗斯之战,父亲、大哥、二哥,还有自己全部聚齐了,一家四口,齐心协力为中土大唐而战,这是王冲上辈子都不曾有过的奢想,而现在一切都在自己手中化为现实。
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