HE :: Volume #9

#864: Anxi Protectorate Army destiny!

Chapter 864 第864章 The Wang Chong's prophet, is really makes person be shocked! 王冲的先知,实在是让人为之震惊! Has not known Wang Liang to the present, he has not gone out, the navigation crosses ocean, even has not seen including the sea gull. How he can know several thousand, on several tens of thousands inside and outside islands, some these many exposed Spatial Meteorite Iron. This point, is really makes the person say to mysteriously, simultaneously puzzles. 王亮到现在都还不知道,他从来没有出过门,航过海,甚至连海鸥都没有见过。他又是怎么能够知道几千,数万里外的海岛上面,有这么多裸露的天外陨铁。这一点,实在是让人谓为神奇,同时又迷惑不解。 However for all this, a little Wang Liang actually determines without doubt. 不过尽管如此,有一点王亮却确定无疑。 These exposed Spatial Meteorite Iron on island are really too precious, solely was thinking the return time, but also so many beyond the heavens fell from the sky to expose in island that in these nobody discovered that the violent encoffinned the gifts of heaven, Wang Liang thinks unendurable. Moreover Aristocratic Family that perhaps when had ulterior motives by these robbed. 那些裸露在海岛上的天外陨铁实在是太珍贵了,以致于单单是想着返航的时候,还有这么多的天外陨落裸露在那些无人发现的小岛上,暴殓天物,王亮就觉得难以忍受。而且说不定什么时候就被那些心怀叵测的世家抢走了。 Therefore Wang Liang after careful computation, temporarily changed the water line of fleet, big increased the Three-Decker Ship carrying capacity. At least needed two goods, Wang Liang uses one to transport directly. 所以王亮经过仔细的计算之后,临时改变了船队的吃水线,大大的增加了楼船的运载量。原本至少需要两趟的货,王亮直接用一趟来运。 This is his fleet backwardness original time so is also long, arrives in the Central Plains Great Tang real cause. 这也是他的船队落后原定时间这么久,才抵达中土大唐的真正原因。 Roar!” “吼哈!” Only listens to fleet worker's chants the sounds to resound through the wharf, then, the dense and numerous crew, the inside and outside coordinate, starts busily toward the wharf to unload cargo! 只听一声声船队号子的声音响彻码头,接下来,密密麻麻的船员,内外配合,开始繁忙的向着码头上卸货! ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” When Wang Liang brings Spatial Meteorite Iron to arrive in the Central Plains news, flies Wushang along with a carrier pigeon, an entire City of Steel piece rouses. During the Wang Chong plan the last point finally is also completed. Had Spatial Meteorite Iron, Wang Chong has been able to build the massive indestructible armor, the Wushang Heavy Cavalry final flaw also thoroughly makes up. 王亮带着天外陨铁抵达中土的消息,随着一只信鸽飞到乌伤,整个钢铁之城一片振奋。王冲计划之中最后一环也终于完成。有了天外陨铁,王冲就可以打造大量坚不可摧的铠甲,乌伤铁骑最后的破绽也彻底弥补了。 Transmitted orders, lets in the capital all Aristocratic Family Great Clan coordination, stay up till dawn, transports Spatial Meteorite Iron by quickest Speed to City of Steel. The time is urgent, forging of Spatial Meteorite Iron does not need to be completed in the national capital, changes to carry on City of Steel completely!” “传令下去,让京中所有的世家大族配合,日夜不停,以最快的速度天外陨铁运到钢铁之城来。时间紧急,天外陨铁的锻造不必在京师完成,全部改在钢铁之城进行!” In City of Steel, the Wang Chong's mansion, receives the Wang Liang message, the Wang Chong spirit inspires greatly. A falcon hawk passes through the window, such as the arrow was common, flew, vanished in the direction of national capital. 钢铁之城中,王冲的府邸,收到王亮的消息,王冲精神大振。一只隼鹰穿过窗子,如箭一般,飞了出去,消失在京师的方向。 But along with the Wang Chong's order, from national capital to Wushang cement road on, left the innumerable specially-made vehicles suddenly, on these vehicles is carrying just like hill pile of Spatial Meteorite Iron, stay up till dawn goes toward City of Steel. Has innumerable Cavalry to escort all the way, but to Silk Road on, innumerable brigand and mounted bandits, to not rob, but to escort these Spatial Meteorite Iron securities. 而随着王冲的命令,从京师到乌伤水泥路上,突然多出了无数的特制车辆,这些车子上满载着宛如小山堆般的天外陨铁,日夜不停的向着钢铁之城而去。一路上有无数的骑兵护送,而到了丝绸之路上,还有无数的山贼、马匪,不是为了抢劫,而是为了护送这些天外陨铁的安全。 Wang Chong's Second Brother Wang Bei, headed west, has subdued massive brigand and mounted bandits, displayed Effect at this time finally. 王冲的二哥王孛,一路西行,收服了大量的山贼、马匪,在这个时候终于发挥出效果 At this moment, the Wang Chong's layout finally climate has become, entire City of Steel like an invisible big vortex, the innumerable commodities, steel and military strength, in abundance turns toward in this vortex to swarm to go. 此时此刻,王冲的布局终于气候已成,整座钢铁之城就像一座无形的大漩涡,无数的物资、钢铁、兵力,纷纷向着这个漩涡中蜂拥而去。 Roar! Ha!” “吼!哈!” The Great Army training sound stay up till dawn, resounds through the skies, area entire Qixi, is centered on City of Steel, gathered 60,000 western region various Tribe Mercenary(-ies), 8000 Ganke Race soldiers, 12,000 the regular army that came from big, little Bo law hire . Moreover the Great Tang aspect, gathered 20,000 Qixi Protectorate Army, 20,000 elite infantry and cavalry mix soldiers who 5000 fully-armed Wushang Heavy Cavalry, Wang Chong's father Wang Yan and Big Brother Wang Fu leads, 8000 have experienced southwest Annan Protectorate Army of war elite, regular army that ten thousand Royal Court send additionally. Amounts to 143,000 people of Great Army, gathers at City of Steel place completely. 大军的训练声日夜不停,响彻云霄,整个碛西一带,以钢铁之城为中心,已经聚集了60000西域诸部落雇佣兵,8000的冈克族士兵,12000从大、小勃律雇佣而来的正规军,另外大唐方面,聚集了20000的碛西都护军,5000全副武装的乌伤铁骑,王冲的父亲王严和大哥王符率领的20000精锐步骑混合兵,8000经历过西南之战的安南都护军精锐,一万朝廷额外派遣的正规军。总计143000人的大军,全部聚集在钢铁之城一地。 Moreover, Wang Chong from various western region Tribe has also purchased the massive cattle with surely taels of gold that Royal Court gave, for supplementing the logistics supplies. 另外,王冲还用朝廷给的一千万两黄金向西域各部落购买了大量的牛羊,用于补充后勤补给。 In addition, various types of grain, weapons and steel module, pile up in City of Steel! 除此之外,各种粮食、军械、钢铁模块,在钢铁之城堆积如山! The war machine that entire City of Steel becomes being worthy of the reputation, this flash, can feel in U-Tsang People of western region, City of Steel strong war aura. 整座钢铁之城成为一座名副其实的战争机器,这一刹那,就连远在西域的乌斯藏人都能感觉得到,钢铁之城浓烈的战争气息。 The war is ready to be set off! 大战一触即发! The time passes by slowly, is away from the Great Army set off time to be getting more and more near. But at the same time, is thorough from Qixi, the line of sight crosses Anxi, crosses Cong Ridge, crosses 700-800 miles distance, falls to the city of remote Talas, sees only on this Silk Road to hear that the forts in western region various country's, at this time surrounding dense one piece, everywhere is dense and numerous Heavy Cavalry and infantries. 时间缓缓过去,距离大军出发的时间越来越近。而与此同时,从碛西深入,视线越过安西,越过葱岭,越过七八百里的距离,落到遥远的怛罗斯之城,只见这座丝绸之路上名闻西域诸国的要塞,此时周围黑压压一片,到处都是密密麻麻的铁骑和步兵。 Innumerable Heavy Cavalry and infantries form one endless steel mighty currents, has encircled the city of this Talas layer by layer, watertight. 无数的铁骑和步兵汇成一片无尽的钢铁洪流,将这座怛罗斯之城围了一层又一层,水泄不通。 Great Army is silent, has not made a wee bit sounds, that depressing atmosphere is simply suffocating. 大军寂静,没有发出一丁点的声响,那种压抑的气氛简直令人窒息。 Sir, Caliphate People is seventh time starts today has attacked, nearly two months, their military strength not only has not reduced, instead are getting more and more, probably cannot kill, the officers soon could not support!” “大人,大食人今天已经是第七次发动进攻了,都快两个月了,他们的兵力不但没有减少,反而越来越多,好像根本就杀不完,将士们快要支撑不住了!” Big Talas City is broad, name shakes the western region, but at this moment, is actually the scorched by fire, in the city wall spreads across, everywhere is the warfare traces, but in the big city wall, a big tall and strong section and Gao Xianzhi will stand shoulder to shoulder, in the foreheads will reveal the deep anxiety and restlessness. 高大的怛罗斯城恢宏壮丽,名震西域,但这一刻,却是烟熏火燎,城墙上纵横交错,到处都是兵火的痕迹,而高大的城墙上,一名高大魁梧的部将和高仙芝并肩而立,眉宇间流露出深深的焦虑和不安。 Knew.” “知道了。” Gao Xianzhi two temple long hair flutter, indifferently said. His look is solemn, the vision is gazing under boundless such as sea Caliphate military force(s), motionless. Close two months, the wind and frost color/look of Gao Xianzhi whole face, if did not see, who can believe that this is that by delicate and pretty, scholarly, is known as the western region to be invincible, invincible beautiful War God? 高仙芝两鬓长发飘扬,淡淡道。他的神色冷峻,目光注视着下方茫茫如海的大食兵马,一动不动。接近两个月的时间,高仙芝满脸的风霜色,如果不是看到,谁又能相信,这就是那个以俊美、儒雅,号称西域攻无不克,战无不胜的美战神 As Great Tang Empire northwestern border most famous Great General, is the entire Central Plains topest strength, Saint Martial Realm peak Gao Xianzhi does not know that cuts to kill many formidable match. An intense war gets down, Gao Xianzhi robe even including blood not to contaminate. 做为大唐帝国西北边陲最出名的大将,同时也是整个中土最顶尖的战力,圣武境巅峰的高仙芝不知道斩杀过多少强大的对手。一场激烈的战争下来,高仙芝身上的衣袍甚至连一点血液都没有沾染。 In this world, can threaten Gao Xianzhi this Empire Great General, is almost few. 这个世界上,能够威胁到高仙芝这种帝国大将的,几乎屈指可数。 However now, Gao Xianzhi sent to with the front piece on be stained with completely the blood incessantly, even broke including the protecting heart mirror of chest. Sage Emperor gift of the emperor, almost indestructible swallows cloud Shenjia by another sharper weapon, has ejected the innumerable crack and cracks. But in the crack flows the dark-red blood! 然而现在,高仙芝不止发须和衣襟上沾满了鲜血,甚至连胸口的护心镜都破碎了。圣皇御赐,几乎坚不可摧的“吞云神甲”被另一种更加锋利的兵器,击出了无数的罅隙和裂缝。而裂缝中更是流淌出了暗红色的鲜血! Including as Great Army Commander-in-Chief Gao Xianzhi the war that in addition so, in the Anxi Protectorate Army two months go through is intense and brutal, then can be imagined. 连身为大军统帅高仙芝尚且如此,安西都护军两个月中经历的战争之激烈和残酷,便可想而知。 In going on an expedition for several years, beat the innumerable matches, Gao Xianzhi never has thought that here, west of Cong Ridge, oneself will run into oneself life has bumped into the most formidable match, / the present forest and his Caliphate army! 在征战十几年,拿下了无数的对手,高仙芝从未想到,在这里,葱岭以西,自己会遇到自己一生中碰到过的最强大的对手,艾布穆/斯林和他的大食军队! Today's Great Army casualties how?” “今日的大军伤亡如何?” The Gao Xianzhi sound resounds in the city wall, making people unable to feel that in his heart the slight mood fluctuates. 高仙芝的声音在城墙上响起,让人感觉不出他心中丝毫的情绪波动。 Various weapon damages are innumerable, all crossbow bolts quickly consume completely . Moreover, pulls out that section to lose military force(s) rarely 8000, the Karluks section loses 6000, we lose 6000, until now, our 70,000 troops only remaining 30,000. In addition, what a large number is the wounded soldier, Sir, our survive how long. We need the reinforcements!!” “各种军械损伤无数,所有弩箭都快消耗殆尽,另外,拔那罕部损失兵马8000,葛罗禄部损失6000,我们损失6000,到现在为止,我们70000人马只剩下30000不到。此外,还有相当一部分的是伤兵,大人,我们坚持不了多久了。我们需要援兵!!” Department a face anxious say/way. 部将一脸焦急道。 That side Anxi doesn't have the news?” 安西那边还是没有消息吗?” Gao Xianzhi tranquil say/way. 高仙芝平静道。 Yes!” “是!” Look rough section will clench teeth saying: 相貌粗犷的部将咬着牙道: This for the past two months, we keep requesting reinforcements to Anxi, the daily letter flies like the snowflake, sealed the General that side reply saying that requested the Royal Court reinforcements fully, but the reinforcements until now, always have not arrived. Sir, the subordinate gives General to write a letter again, urges to ask the news!” “这两个月来,我们不停地向安西求援,每天的信就像雪花一样飞出去,封将军那边回信说已经全力请求朝廷援兵,但是援兵到现在为止,都始终没有到达。大人,属下再去给封将军写信,催问消息!” Does not need.” “不必了。” Unexpected, Gao Xianzhi beckoned with the hand, unexpectedly rejected. 出乎预料,高仙芝摆了摆手,居然拒绝了。 Sir......” “大人……” Hears these words, the section will be stunned, the whole person dumbfounded. 听到这句话,部将一脸错愕,整个人呆住了。 Passes on my order, from now henceforth, all support requirement letters do not need to send again! Because...... Did not have the soldier available.” “传我的命令,从今以后,所有的求援信都不必再发了!因为……已经无兵可用了。” Gao Xianzhi indifferently said. 高仙芝淡淡道 Hears these words, section will be dull, could not speak again. 听到这句话,身旁的部将呆呆的,再也说不出话来。 Gao Xianzhi has not spoken, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly a complex look. His vision sweeping slowly, plunders oversized to the endless distant place. Gao Xianzhi knows oneself have made a mistake, this fought lost actually, Anxi Protectorate Army simply has not hoped. 高仙芝没有说话,眼中掠过一丝复杂的神色。他的目光缓缓的扫过大地,掠向无尽的远处。高仙芝知道自己错了,这一战其实已经输了,安西都护军已经根本没有希望可言。 He always advocates to fight a battle to force a quick decision, this fights, no matter attacks Stone Country, ignites the city of Talas, Gao Xianzhi thinks own strategic not any mistake. His only mistake, has underestimated own match. 他一向主张速战速决,这一战不管是进攻石国,还是闪击怛罗斯之城,高仙芝都认为自己的战略没有任何的错误。他唯一的错误,是低估了自己的对手。 „A mountain does not accommodate two tigers, cannot think, also has and Great Tang equally formidable match on this stretch of earth!......” “一山不容二虎,想不到,在这片大地上还有和大唐一样强大的对手!……” In Gao Xianzhi mind continuously. 高仙芝脑海中此起彼伏。 Great Tang is world most formidable Empire, no matter Goguryeo, Turkic and U-Tsang, are western region various countries, is unable to be a worthy opponent with it, this is in the Gao Xianzhi mind continuously the ingrained thought. Goes on an expedition for many years in the western region, this idea never has changed. As Empire Great General, Anxi Great Protectorate, Gao Xianzhi also once adjusted checked Caliphate, deeply knows that Caliphate is older than other western region Zhu Guoqiang, is in the western region most formidable match. 大唐是天下最强大的帝国,不管是高句丽突厥乌斯藏,还是西域诸国,都无法与之相匹敌,这是高仙芝脑海中一直根深蒂固的念头。在西域征战多年,这种观念从未变过。作为帝国大将,安西大都护,高仙芝也曾经调查过大食,也深深知道大食远比其他的西域诸国强大,是自己在西域最强大的对手。 Gao Xianzhi never has belittled Caliphate, that moment of but, with Caliphate truly resorting to arms, Gao Xianzhi truly knows, the potential of this match has formidable how. 高仙芝从未小觑过大食,但是,在和大食真正兵戎相见的那一刻,高仙芝才真正知道,这个对手的潜力有多么的强大。 20 ten thousand military force(s) that from most starts, has grown to now 300,000, and military strength total is still growing, probably will be forever without limits same......, This match imagines is terrifying, formidable many. This is not one compared with western region Zhu Guoqiang greatly, or and U-Tsang Empire similar match. 从最开始的20万兵马,一直增长到现在的300000,并且兵力总数还在增长,好像永无止境一样……,这个对手远比自己想像的还要恐怖,强大的多。这并不是一个比西域诸国强大一点,或者和乌斯藏帝国差不多的对手。 This is one with the Great Tang same terrifying colossus! 这是一个和大唐一样恐怖的“庞然大物”! Must defeat this kind of formidable match, is not Anxi Protectorate General can achieve. 要战胜这样一个强大的对手,不是一个安西都护府能够做到的。 The war is locked in a stalemate for two months, most starts, Gao Xianzhi is also hoping for can rely on the excellent equipment, firm of city of Talas, can resist Caliphate People boundlessly like the sea attack, finally welcomed the Royal Court reinforcements. However now, Gao Xianzhi was getting more and more clear, all these are impossible. 战事相持两个月,最开始的时候,高仙芝也希冀着可以凭借精良的装备,怛罗斯之城的坚固,可以抵抗住大食人茫茫如海般的进攻,最后迎来朝廷的援兵。但是现在,高仙芝已经越来越明白,这一切是不可能的。 Present Great Tang did not have the soldier available! 现在的大唐已经无兵可用! Longxi, Beiting, Annan and Andong......, As Anxi Great Protectorate, nobody is clearer than him, these four places are facing what kind of match. Caliphate People was too lucky, because they simply do not have that many matches. But Great Tang was too unfortunate, because its surroundings have too many matches. 陇西北庭安南安东……,做为安西大都护,再没有人比他更明白,这四地面临着怎样的对手。大食人太幸运了,因为他们根本没有那么多的对手。而大唐则太不幸了,因为它的周围有着太多太多的对手。 Great Tang has hundreds of thousands of military strength spatially, because actually periphery the enemy is numerous, cannot reassign many people. 大唐空有数十万的兵力,但却因为周围敌人众多,根本抽调不出多少人来。 The Feng Changqing truly letter has said that Royal Court complies to dispatch troops as soon as possible. However Gao Xianzhi understands that is just an idle talk, Royal Court did not have the soldier to be fearful! 封常清确实来信说过,朝廷答应尽快出兵。但是高仙芝明白,那只不过是一句空言罢了,朝廷已经根本无兵可怕! Three ten thousand Anxi Protectorate Army, four ten thousand Banhan and destiny of Karluks army, actually since entering that moment of city of Talas, has been doomed. 三万安西都护军,四万拔那汗葛罗禄军队的命运,其实在进入怛罗斯之城的那一刻起,就已经注定。
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