HE :: Volume #9

#863: Last point, meteorite iron arrives!

Chapter 863 This is the today's third chapter 第863章【这是今天第三章】 In addition before Li Zhengji, leads southwest four ten thousand military force(s) support, was attacked by U-Tsang People, consumes that military strength that the Great Tang inland saved with great difficulty, military force(s) that present Royal Court can send out is really limited. 再加上李正己之前带领四万兵马支援西南,被乌斯藏人突袭,消耗掉了大唐内陆好不容易积攒的那点兵力,现在的朝廷能够派出的兵马实在是有限。 At this time Wang Chong very natural has remembered own father and Big Brother. 这个时候王冲很自然的就想起了自己的父亲和大哥。 Father and Big Brother there, two sides add to have two ten thousand military force(s), although is the infantry, but is actually long-tested, whets elite troops that from the blood and fire, the defense is extremely fierce. Talas's War and Caliphate People war, they should be able to play the role. However this is insufficient, only depends on these military strength, but also is not enough to cope with Caliphate Empire military force(s) by far.” “父亲和大哥那里,两边加起来应该有两万兵马,虽然是步兵,但是却是久经考验,从血与火中磨砺出来的精兵,防守极其厉害。怛罗斯之战大食人战争,他们应该能够发挥作用。不过这样还是不够,仅凭这些兵力,还远远不足以对付大食帝国兵马。” In the Wang Chong mind continuously, has remembered the information of previous life about Talas's War. Gao Xianzhi and \\ / \\ / forest that war, Caliphate People gathered at least 300,000 military force(s) with raw hate, Caliphate People compared with U-Tsang People clever in fighting, only depends on Qixi these troops is not enough. 王冲脑海中此起彼伏,想起了上辈子关于怛罗斯之战的信息。高仙芝和艾布穆\\/斯\\/林那一战,大食人聚集了至少300000的兵马,大食人乌斯藏人更加的凶狠善战,仅凭碛西的这些人马是远远不够的。 Royal Court inland these have not experienced the theater box soldier of war unable to withstand use greatly, this recruit brings to bring death. But Great Tang military strength most places are various border region Great Protectorate Mansion. Zhang Shougui and I have had the conflict, is will not help absolutely my, moreover mobilizes soldiers is extremely also remote, Serene Province was too far. That side Beiting, An Sishun can help also certainly to find the excuse, as for Longxi there..., The Geshu Han military strength is insufficient, perhaps could not take care of oneself, making him help me only be able to expect.” 朝廷内陆那些没有经历过大战的厢兵根本不堪大用,这种新兵带过去就是送死。而大唐兵力最多的地方就是边陲各大都护府张守珪和我发生过冲突,是绝对不会帮我的,而且调兵也太过遥远,幽州真的太远了。北庭那边,安思顺就算能帮也一定会找借口,至于陇西那里…,哥舒翰自己兵力都不够,恐怕是真的自顾不暇,让他来帮我只能是奢望了。” At this time can assign out military force(s) only, only had Annan Protectorate General. Ngari Royal Faction had been destroyed by me, Mengshe Polity Empire has submitted to Great Tang, that side Annan Protectorate General anything has not threatened.” “这个时候唯一能调出兵马的,也就只有安南都护府了。阿里王系已经被我毁灭,蒙舍诏帝国已经臣服大唐,安南都护府那边是真的没什么威胁了。” Wang Chong ponders over the moment, has written quickly down the Annan Protectorate General name. In a short time, this is also he can only think. 王冲思忖片刻,很快又写下了安南都护府的名字。短时间内,这也是他唯一能想到的了。 military force(s) wants, weapon and grain, Wang Chong had Qixi Armory and hybrid rice of junction foot, does not need the Royal Court help. The gold and silver of truly most needing, the war is the war of wealth, most consumes, is the gold and silver. Moreover there are these things, Wang Chong can recruit many Mercenary(-ies), this is also the most practical means in a short time. 兵马是一定要的,武器和粮食,王冲已经有了碛西军械库和交趾的杂交水稻,不必朝廷帮忙。真正最需要的还是金银,战争是财富的战争,最消耗的,就是金银。而且有了这些东西,王冲就可以招募更多的雇佣兵,这也是短时间内最实用的办法。 Wang Chong adds names, after all write, Wang Chong has stood, curls up the letter paper, will force in the bamboo tube, suddenly, outside City of Steel, thunderous applause, bubbling like a caldron person acoustic shock penetrating clouds. 一个又一个,王冲添上一个个的名字,将一切写好之后,王冲站了起来,将信笺卷起,正要塞进竹筒之中,突然之间,钢铁之城外,欢声雷动,一阵鼎沸的人声震彻云霄。 Wang Chong, comes quickly! Your Second Brother Wang Bei came! - 王冲,快来!你二哥王孛来了!——” Suddenly, Xu Qiqin sound distant transmits from the City of Steel city wall. 突然之间,许绮琴的声音远远的从钢铁之城的城墙上传来。 What?!” “什么?!” Wang Chong hears these words, whole body severe shake, cannot believe own ear simply. Whiz, puts down the letter paper, Wang Chong passes through the window, has grazed fiercely. 王冲听到这句话,浑身剧震,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。嗖,放下信笺,王冲穿过窗子,猛地飞掠了出去。 A moment later, outside the city gate, the sea of people, do not know that many troops along leading to Wushang cement road come, these person of features are maneating, look like the devils, the clothes that the body wears completely are also different, unexpectedly is brigand mounted bandits! Sees this, let alone other people, Wang Chong dumbfounded. 片刻之后,城门外,人山人海,不知道多少人马沿着通往乌伤水泥路汹涌而来,这些人眉目凶悍,看起来凶神恶煞,身上穿的衣服也完全不同,居然是一名名山贼马匪!看到这一幕,别说其他人,就连王冲都呆住了。 However quick, Wang Chong forefront together solemn the form by these brigand mounted bandits was attracted. 不过很快,王冲就被这些山贼马匪最前面一道冷峻的身影吸引住了。 Second Brother!” “二哥!” The Wang Chong great happiness, has grazed immediately. Two brothers hugging of ruthlessly in one. 王冲大喜,立即飞掠了过去。两兄弟狠狠的抱在了一起。 Little brother, I came.” “小弟,我来了。” Wang Bei indifferently said, his look is solemn, on face not too big mighty waves, the eye pupil that but that pair aloofs all along, actually shows the faint trace warm feeling. 王孛淡淡道,他的神色冷峻,脸上并没有太大的波澜,但是那双一贯拒人于千里之外的眼眸,却透出丝丝暖意。 Wang Chong's Second Brother Wang Bei suppressed Berserk Blood Disease, went out of the jail in Imperial Palace, and from the national capital to Wushang, has subdued on the road the massive brigand mounted bandits, has brought 8,000-9,000 military strength to Wang Chong, this was all people have not thought that the entire City of Steel people morale inspired greatly. 王冲的二哥王孛压制住了身上的狂血症,走出了皇宫中的监牢,并且一路从京师到乌伤,收服了路上大量的山贼马匪,给王冲带来了八九千的兵力,这是所有人都没有想到的,整个钢铁之城众人士气大振。 But the arrival of Wang Chong Second Brother Wang Bei, like introduction, then the continuous military strength from all directions catches up. First what rushes was the Deflecting Blades Court people, Su Hanshan brings Sun Zhiming, Fang Xuanying, Xu Gan, Chen Burang, Zhuang Buping and Chi Weisi to rush to here. 王冲二哥王孛的到来,就像一个引子一样,接下来源源不断的兵力从四面八方赶来。首先赶到的是止戈院的众人,苏寒山带着孙知命方玄英徐乾陈不让庄不平池韦思全部赶到了这里。 These Deflecting Blades Court future general, was sent the southwest before by Wang Chong, other Beiting as well as places are informed and experienced. After the hardship of blood and fire, each of them had the considerable progress. 这些止戈院的未来“将星”,在之前被王冲纷纷派到了西南,北庭以及其他地方历练。经过血与火的打熬,他们每个人都有了长足的进步。 But follows, the Wang Chong's request passed by quickest Speed, Wang Chong's father Wang Yan as well as Big Brother Wang Fu, rushed to Qixi Protectorate General by quickest Speed. Wang Chong prepared the massive personnel carriers to ship these 20,000 armies that side the national capital beforehand, to reduce time. 而紧随其后,王冲的要求以最快的速度通过了,王冲的父亲王严以及大哥王符,以最快的速度赶往了碛西都护府王冲事先在京师那边准备了大量的运兵车来运送这20000军队,以缩减时间。 But another side, Annan Great Protectorate Xianyu Zhongtong was requested by Wang Chong's, these time also remembered the source of one's happiness, instigated 8000 Annan Protectorate Army elite, went to Wushang. 而另一侧,安南大都护鲜于仲通受到王冲的请求,这一次也饮水思源,调拨了8000的安南都护军精锐,前往乌伤 - also 4000 troops are elite Cavalry, if not regional Protectorate General has the special custom, Xianyu Zhongtong also wants to dispatch many military force(s) to give Wang Chong. ——其中还有4000人马是精锐的骑兵,如果不是各地的都护府都有特别的规矩,鲜于仲通还想派遣更多的兵马王冲 Xianyu Zhongtong and Wang Chong completely are the life friendship that in the blood and fire, the life and death boils to practice. 鲜于仲通王冲完全是血与火、生与死中熬练出来的过命交情。 Incessantly so, although the military strength becomes serious, the military strength that each region can reassign are not many, that side Royal Court extra has reassigned 10,000 military force(s) to Wang Chong, together with the Wang Chong's father and Big Brother, southwest Annan Protectorate Army, rushed to Wushang together. Moreover, Royal Court renders the Wang Chong biggest assistance, is money. 不止如此,尽管兵力吃紧,各地能够抽调的兵力也不多,朝廷那边还是额外给王冲抽调了10000的兵马,连同王冲的父亲和大哥,西南的安南都护军,一同赶往了乌伤。另外,朝廷给予王冲最大的帮助,还是金钱方面。 This Royal Court gave Wang Chong to transfer surely taels of gold, including 5 million gold yuan certificates, these money enough Wang Chong in western region hire large quantities of military force(s). 这一次朝廷足足给王冲划拨了一千万两黄金,其中有5000000的金圆券,这些钱足够王冲在西域雇佣一大批的兵马 The crawl, had massive military force(s) to rush to Wushang City of Steel every day, Wang Chong spells to try with the time race, every day did not know many carrier pigeons, the rock hawk flies to Talas, investigated the front information, in the meantime, Wang Chong also borrowed surely taels of gold that Royal Court transferred, recruited military force(s) wantonly, strengthened own strength. 时间慢慢过去,每一天都有大量的兵马赶到乌伤钢铁之城,王冲拼尽了全力和时间赛跑,每一天不知道多少信鸽,岩鹰飞往怛罗斯,侦查前方的情报,同时,王冲还借用朝廷划拨的一千万两黄金,大肆招募兵马,增强自己的实力。 He even also used these gold from size suddenly law hire to 12,000 regular armies. 他甚至还用这些黄金从大小勃律雇佣到了12000的正规军。 Now, only misses Spatial Meteorite Iron!” “现在,就只差天外陨铁了!” Wushang City of Steel, in the Wang Chong's mansion, the window opens, Wang Chong looks the plum blossom that outside soon splits open, in the heart long sighed. Present Qixi Protectorate Army is everything is ready, only owes the east wind, although Wang Chong has done fully the massive preparatory work, military force(s), land tax, Wootz Steel weapon..., All can do, Wang Chong has done. 乌伤钢铁之城,王冲的府邸中,窗子打开,王冲看着外面一株快要绽开的梅花,心中长长一叹。现在的碛西都护军是万事俱备,只欠东风,虽然王冲已经做足了大量的准备工作,兵马,钱粮,乌兹钢武器…,所有能做的,王冲都已经做了。 However in the Wang Chong heart of hearts, is the deep regrets, that is Spatial Meteorite Iron. 但是在王冲内心深处,还是有一丝深深的遗憾,那就是天外陨铁 Even if formidable like Wang Chong, after the rebirth, had the massive previous generation to remember, but something were still beyond control, Spatial Meteorite Iron was one of them. Male cousin Wang Liang went to the overseas to search for Spatial Meteorite Iron to have for a long time, already should come back according to Intrisic Principle, but does not know why did not have the news now. 就算强大如王冲,重生之后,拥有了大量的前世记忆,但是有些东西依然是无法控制的,天外陨铁就是其中之一。堂兄王亮前往海外搜寻天外陨铁已经有很长时间了,按道理早就应该回来了,但是不知道为什么现在都还没有消息。 How didn't know him now?” “不知道他现在怎么样了?” In Wang Chong heart secretly thought. 王冲心中暗暗道 However is Wang Chong at this moment does not know, the Great Tang Eastern Sea shore, the remote another end, is bringing in a forward at this time the unprecedented strong large ship team. 不过就算是王冲此刻也不知道,大唐东海岸,遥远的另一端,此时正引来一支前所未有的强大船队。 Makes way, the fleet must put into port!” “让开让开,船队要进港了!” Oh, which fleet this is, is the water line so deep? This has put many cargos!” “天哪,这是哪家的船队,吃水线怎么这么深?这是装了多少货物啊!” Hasn't seen? The Capital City Wang Clan's banner did not know, really has not experienced!” “没看到吗?连京城王家的旗号都不认识,真是没见识!” „! Young Marquis...” “啊!少年侯…” ... The artisan in wharf is surprised, looks that has several building high huge Three-Decker Ship fully, goes toward retreat in abundance. 码头上的工匠一脸吃惊,看着那足有数层楼高的庞大楼船,一个个纷纷往后退去。 „!” “啪!” Almost in simultaneously, first Three-Decker Ship approach shores, a long rope ladder has upcast from Three-Decker Ship, was blown the swarthy crew to slide following the rope ladder by the sea breeze one after another. Looks at the familiar Central Plains world, opens the arm to laugh: 几乎就在同时,第一艘楼船靠岸,一架长长的绳梯从楼船上抛了下来,一名又一名被海风吹得黝黑的船员顺着绳梯滑了下来。看着熟悉的中土世界,一个个张开手臂哈哈大笑: Finally came back!” “终于又回来了!” But after following closely these crew, long, makes the Dragon Bone reinforcement with the steel plate the plank in the crossbow trigger sound, raises up from Three-Decker Ship high, then of bang pushed gold mountain jade column to fall but actually. After the dreariness of moment, is together thin, but extremely terse form day appeared in another end of log plank bridge. 而紧随着这些船员之后,一具长长的,用钢板做龙骨加固的木板在机括声中,从楼船上高高竖起,然后轰的一声推金山倒玉柱落了下来。在片刻的沉寂之后,一道削瘦,但极其精悍的身影天浮现在了原木板桥的另一端。 He wears a worn-out brocade garment, the body as before is maintaining Aristocratic Family scion(s) that elegant demeanor. All the year round sea drifts, making his skin color dark, on face were also many traces of many wind and frost, but that eye is the unprecedented essence is bright, is full of the vigor and prestige. 他穿着一身破旧的锦衫,身上依旧保持着世家子弟的那种风采。长年的海上漂泊,让他的肤色黝暗,脸上也多了许多风霜的痕迹,但是那一双眼睛却是前所未有的精亮,充满着活力和威信。 Over six months, finally returns to Central Plains...” “半年多,终于又重返中土…” Wang Liang stands in the terminal of wooden plank bridge, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, looks into the distance as far as the eye can see, the intense sea breeze passed over gently and swiftly, blows his hair flap flap makes the dance. Wang Liang aura is calm and sincere, probably navigated in the sea for dozens years, experienced expert, but is very difficult to believe, he actually is also only 21 or 22-year-old youngster. 王亮站在木板桥的末端,负手而立,极目眺望,强烈的海风掠过,将他的头发吹得猎猎作舞。王亮身上的气息沉稳而厚重,就好像在海上航行了几十年,富有经验的老手,而很难相信,他其实还只是一个二十一二岁的年轻人 Wang Clan high and low, a Rong Jurong, suffers if either one suffers, the younger male cousin, hopes that I have not been a drag on your...” 王家上下,一荣俱荣,一损俱损,堂弟,希望我没有拖你的后腿…” Wheting of life, marine tribulation, the consideration of life and death, already made Wang Liang understand Intrisic Principle that many this young should not understand, understood Wang Clan this military and political leaders Aristocratic Family, the true meaning of colossus. Aristocratic Family the Aristocratic Family responsibility, everyone authority is also distinct, can maintain the revolution of this colossus, but is insufficient to disintegrate. 生活的磨砺,海上的磨难,生死的考量,早已让王亮明白了许多这个年轻不应该明白的道理,也明白了王家这个将相世家,庞然大物的真谛。世家世家的职责,每个人都职权分明,才能维护着这个庞然大物的运转,而不至于分崩离析。 Present Wang Clan, lance sharp partially is Wang Chong, he is in this generation of entire Wang Clan most dazzling existence, is entire Wang Clan is maintaining the key of honor, is irreplaceable. But Wang Liang are end of this lance, is the shaft. Although everyone 's function is different, but actually similarly has an effect. 现在的王家,矛尖的部分是王冲,他是这一代整个王家中最耀眼的存在,也是整个王家维系着荣光的关键,是无可取代的。而王亮自己就是这根长矛的末尾,是矛柄。虽然每个人的作用不同,但却同样起着作用。 Wang Liang does not understand the military, does not understand the Wang Chong's aspiration and plan, therefore he can only in oneself way, support Wang Chong, is supporting own younger male cousin, as well as entire Wang Clan. 王亮不懂军事,也不懂王冲的抱负和计划,所以他只能以自己的方式,支持着王冲,支持着自己的堂弟,以及整个王家 ... in a flash, these thoughts flash past from the mind, Wang Liang recovers quickly, makings probably of whole person Long Sword of sheath, gradually becomes must be swift and fierce, has been full of the prestige. Has turned around, Wang Liang toward behind waved, simultaneously shouted severely: 电光石火间,这些念头从脑海中一闪而过,王亮很快就回过神来,整个人的气质就好像一把出鞘的长剑,渐渐的变得凌厉起来,充满了威信。转过身来,王亮朝着身后挥了挥手,同时厉喝道: Starts to unload cargo!” “开始卸货吧!” The next quarter, Three-Decker Ship vibrates, along with the Wang Liang sound, the cars of fine irons, is dragging fully, Spatial Meteorite Iron one after another, along wooden plank bridge, rapid unloads cargo toward the wharf in! 下一刻,楼船震动,随着王亮的声音,一辆辆精铁的小车,拖着满满的,一堆又一堆的天外陨铁,沿着木板桥,迅速的向着码头上卸货!
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