HE :: Volume #9

#862: Struggles, resolution ( 2 ) hegemon in addition

Chapter 862 【A thanks in the clouds recluse becomes this book hegemon!】 第862章【感谢云中一山人成为本书盟主!】 Said things just to frighten people! The Anxi four towns are just border region a very tiny area, Talas are outside the territory the city, from national capital long distance, after don't tell me, Anxi is in danger each time, do we want to use the strength of nation to support Anxi? The western region melts outside the place, does not have half Great Tang subjects, don't tell me wants to be assimilated into society outside the people, tires the people and squanders resources, exhausts the Great Tang national strength?” “危言耸听!安西四镇只不过是一个边陲的弹丸之地,怛罗斯更是域外之城,距离京师十万八千里,难道以后每次安西告急,我们都要倾尽全国之力去支援安西吗?西域是化外之地,又没有半个大唐子民,难道要为了一群化外之民,劳民伤财,耗尽大唐的国力吗?” Is listening to arguing in main hall, Yang Lu cannot bear the loud say/way finally. 听着大殿里的争辩,杨鹭终于忍不住大声道。 Yang Lu is Royal Court Imperial Censor, belongs to typical civil official(s), civil official(s) lineage/vein are the firm anti-war faction, the danger of this Talas, Anxi requests reinforcements, the sound that in Royal Court opposes are many, Yang Lu precisely biggest objection. 杨鹭是朝廷御史,属于典型的文官,文官一脉都是坚决的反战派,这次怛罗斯之危,安西求援,朝廷里反对的声音不少,杨鹭正是其中最大的反对声。 Soldier, the important matter of country, Empire Great General, three ten thousand Empire sharpest Empire soldier soldiers are stranded in Talas, such big matter can don't tell me see somebody in danger and do nothing, treats lightly? Is that all border areas is in danger, can we totally disregard? When the time comes had the matter, fell into misery and lost the life, who is responsible for!” “兵者,国之大事,一位帝国大将军,三万帝国最精锐的帝国士兵兵困在怛罗斯,这么大的事情难道可以见死不救,等闲视之吗?那是不是所有的边疆告急,我们都可以一概无视?到时候出了事情,生灵涂炭,谁来负责!” A title military commander from arrangement, a face indignant say/way. The Talas matter has no need for King Song acting, the main action sound in Royal Court have been many. 一名封号武将从班列中走了出来,一脸气愤道。怛罗斯的事情根本用不着宋王出面,朝廷里的主战声音一直不少。 Civil and military struggle, no matter before , Sui or Great Tang, or was the beforehand those who lived in ages, has not stood still. This Talas matter, was makes in Imperial Court the civil and military between relations peak much. 文武之争,不管是前隋还是大唐,又或者是之前的历朝历代,从来都没有停歇过。这一次怛罗斯的事情,更是让朝堂中文武之间的关系锐化了不少。 „The present key is, shortly after the war of southwest just ended, during regional Protectorate General are also at rests and builds up strength, in such short time do we support with what? The Royal Court large army always arranges in the place of border region, the place of national capital as well as the inland, simply does not have no military force(s). If reassigns other Protectorate General military strength, when the time comes had the matter, the consequence is dreadful! The present situation, is not we ignores regarding requesting reinforcements of Anxi, but is basic nobody, does not have the soldier to send!” “现在的关键是,西南之战才刚刚结束不久,各地的都护府还处在休养生息之中,这么短的时间内我们拿什么去支援?朝廷的重兵一向布置在边陲之地,京师以及内陆之地,根本没有什么兵马。如果抽调其他都护府的兵力,到时候出了事情,后果不堪设想!现在的情况,不是我们对于安西的求援置之不理,而是根本无人,也无兵可派!” A relatively neutral royal courtier is unable to continue watching finally, cannot bear open the mouth to say. However the sound just fell, near the ears of all people hears a sound: 一名相对中立的朝臣终于看不下去,忍不住开口道。但是声音刚落,所有人的耳边就听到一个声音: Qixi Protectorate General, Wang Chong!” 碛西都护府,王冲!” That sound is low, is passing a timidness, as if in the heart worried, feared that brings to the attention of too many person. However this sound falls, in the entire Imperial Court main hall, the sudden silence, Yang Lu and that relatively neutral royal courtier were also startled, could not speak suddenly. 那声音低低的,透着一丝怯懦,似乎心中有所顾虑,怕引起太多人的注意。但是这个声音一落,整个朝堂大殿里,突然一片寂静,就连杨鹭和那名相对中立的朝臣也怔住了,突然之间说不出话来。 Longxi, Beiting, Andong and Annan, four Great Protectorate Mansion just had gone through the war, the military strength buckle are many, can only the passive defense, but does not have the strength of attack. This stations troops in all directions many, the military strength most abundant place, has the formidable enemy who the respective need deals with, truly cannot extract the manpower , the impossible long-distance expedition, to surmount Cong Ridge, with the Caliphate People battle. 陇西北庭安东安南,四大都护府都刚刚经历过战争,兵力折损不少,只能被动防守,而无进攻之力。这四处屯兵最多,兵力最盛的地方,都有各自需要应对的强大敌人,确确实实抽不出人手,也不可能长途远征,翻越葱岭,和大食人交战。 However Wang Chong and Qixi Protectorate General is different. 但是王冲碛西都护府不同。 Qixi Protectorate General is the Anxi reservist source area, but Wang Chong is Qixi proxy Great Protectorate. In Great Tang several Great Protectorate Mansion, perhaps also only then he can reassign the military strength, left, supports Anxi. Moreover what is most wonderful, Qixi simultaneously received the two-sided threats of U-Tsang and Western Turkic, historically has been in the passive defense the status, little is capable of attacking on own initiative, say nothing of supports Anxi. 碛西都护府本来就是安西的后备兵源地,而王冲则是碛西的代理大都护大唐的几大都护府中,恐怕也只有他才能抽调兵力,抽出身来,支援安西。而且最妙的是,碛西本来同时受到乌斯藏西突厥的双面威胁,历史上一直处于被动防守的地位,很少有能力主动出击,更不用说支援安西 However, the wonder wonderfully here, before soon, Wang Chong one after another initiated in view of the driving attack of U-Tsang and Western Turkic. A Triangle Jag campaign, has disintegrated threat of west U-Tsang at one fell swoop to Qixi, but a Qixi Armory war, has disintegrated the threat of east Western Turkic Khaganate. 但是,妙就妙在这里,就在不久之前,王冲接连发起了针对乌斯藏西突厥的主动进攻。一场三角缺口战役,一举瓦解了西面乌斯藏碛西的威胁,而碛西军械库一战,又瓦解了东面西突厥汗国的威胁。 Present Qixi Protectorate General is at the unprecedented security position, simply does not have any military strength to threaten them. 现在的碛西都护府正处于前所未有的安全地位,根本没有任何的兵力可以威胁到他们。 But as the Qixi Protectorate General commanding general, acted Great Protectorate, Wang Chong also already passed the war of beforehand southwest, as well as the Qixi two campaigns had proven own ability, in secret, Wang Chong already was called Empire eighth Great General, he ability on Military Dao was without a doubt, can definitely assume sole responsibility for an important task. 而作为碛西都护府的主将,代理大都护,王冲也早就通过之前的西南之战,以及碛西的两场战役证明了自己的能力,私底下,王冲早就被称为帝国的“第八大将”,他在兵道上的能力毋庸置疑,完全可以独当一面。 If must support Anxi , helping to be stranded in Talas Gao Xianzhi and Anxi Protectorate Army, again not compared with Wang Chong and Qixi Protectorate Army more appropriate, moreover this will not create too big influence to entire Empire. 如果说要支援安西,帮助被困在怛罗斯高仙芝安西都护军,再没有比王冲碛西都护军更合适的了,而且这样也不会对整个帝国造成太大的影响 This...” “这…” At this moment, including always opposed other Yang Lu and civil official(s) that war could not speak, look that showed to think deeply. 这一刻,连一向反对战争的杨鹭和其他文官都说不出话来了,一个个露出深思的神色。 Bang!” “砰!” A jade seal layer on layer/heavily falls, on the Ministry of War copy clerk, rapid drops a mark. Disputed continuously for one month later, the first time, Great Tang civil official(s) and military officer system, achieved by unprecedented Speed consistently: 一枚玉印重重落下,在兵部的文书上,迅速的落下一枚印记。在连续争执了一个多月之后,第一次,大唐文官和武官体系,以前所未有的速度达成了一致: Qixi Great Protectorate Wang Chong, leading Great Army to support Talas fully! All needs the weapon, commodity and military strength, instantly reports Royal Court, wears six coordination, the coordination, acts without fail fully! 碛西大都护王冲,率领大军全力支援怛罗斯!所有所需兵器、物资、兵力,即刻上报朝廷,着六部协同,全力配合,不得有误! Before the sun set, a carrier pigeon throws is leading this Ministry of War copy clerk severe, rapid flying to Qixi. 就在日暮之前,一只信鸽扑棱棱带着这封兵部的文书,迅速的飞往碛西 At this moment, Royal Court high and low, entire Great Tang, all people vision centralized to Qixi, fell on Wang Chong. Can support Anxi, rescues sieges in Talas Gao Xianzhi and Anxi Protectorate Army, then all looked at Wang Chong! 这一刻,朝廷上下,整个大唐,所有人都将目光集中到了碛西,落到了王冲身上。能不能支援安西,救出围困在怛罗斯高仙芝安西都护军,接下来就全看王冲了! ... The line of sight crosses the numerous earth, gathers remote Wushang City of Steel. 视线越过重重大地,聚集到遥远的乌伤钢铁之城 Bang!” “轰!” Thundering of steel shakes the penetrating clouds, along with this loud sound, in City of Steel each corner, the innumerable stove thick smokes is billowing, direct impact horizon. From the sky bird's eye view, sees only in City of Steel, the innumerable artisans are dense and numerous, like gathering like ants, but outside City of Steel, the war cry is shocking, tens of thousands of military force(s) form the player and enemy to be crazy rush outside the city. 一声钢铁的轰鸣震彻云霄,随着这声巨响,在钢铁之城的各个角落,无数的火炉浓烟滚滚,直冲天际。从天空俯瞰而下,只见钢铁之城中,无数的工匠密密麻麻,有如蚁聚,而在钢铁之城外面,喊杀声震天,成千上万的兵马在城外组成敌我双方疯狂“冲杀”。 These military force(s) are not the Great Tang armies, but is western region Mercenary(-ies) of famous hawk nose deepset eyes. Wang Chong in eliminating Saka People, after having offered amnesty the Ganke Race person, taking advantage of the remaining prestige, in the western region spends the big money. Taking advantage of the huge wealth, the Great Tang prestige, Wang Chong recruited the massive Mercenary(-ies) horses in the western region in addition. 这些兵马并不是大唐的军队,而是一名名鹰鼻深目的西域雇佣兵王冲在消灭塞种人,招安了冈克族人后,借着余威,在西域洒出了大把的银子。借着庞大的财富,加上大唐的声威,王冲在西域招募了大量的雇佣兵马。 At least 40,000 western region Mercenary(-ies) gathered under the Wang Chong name, was brought outside City of Steel to train by Wang Chong. Mercenary(-ies) of western region does not have the experience strict military training, the fight time, likes closing, does not have the methodicalness. This is not the Wang Chong need, Caliphate People is not the ordinary match, only depends on these disorganized mob Mercenary(-ies), is very difficult to play the major role. 至少40000的西域雇佣兵汇聚到了王冲名下,被王冲带到了钢铁之城外进行训练。西域的雇佣兵没有经历严格的军事训练,战斗的时候,喜欢一拥而上,毫无章法。这并不是王冲需要的,大食人不是普通的对手,仅凭这些乌合之众雇佣兵,很难发挥多大的作用。 Therefore Wang Chong recruited nearby them City of Steel especially, has given Li Siye and Xu Keyi they trains. So long as carries on simplest Array and military training, regarding these western region Mercenary(-ies), is the change of being reborn, will pose the threat in future Talas's War to Caliphate People sufficiently. 所以王冲特地把他们招募到了钢铁之城附近,交给了李嗣业许科仪他们进行训练。只要进行最简单的阵法及军事训练,对于这些西域雇佣兵来说,就是脱胎换骨的变化,也足以在未来的怛罗斯之战大食人造成威胁。 The vision moves toward , the City of Steel west side, in the giant drill ground, huge Carriage Crossbow set up in an array, behind Carriage Crossbow every five people of one group, the top chord, the aiming, proofreading, the launch, then only listens to rumbling bangs, crossbow bolts crowded like rain, has hit a target in abundance the opposite iron target. 目光往内移,钢铁之城的西侧,巨大的练兵场上,一具具巨大的车弩一字排开,车弩后面每五人一组,不停的上弦,瞄准,校对,发射,然后只听轰轰轰一声声巨响,一根根弩箭密集如雨,纷纷射中了对面的铁靶子。 A finger/refers of thick steel target facing these fearful crossbow bolts, like the straw grips, in abundance breakage. 一指多厚的钢铁靶子面对这些可怕的弩箭,一个个就像稻草扎的一样,纷纷破裂。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! One after another, group by group, after each group fires at 100 times, immediately trades another group. The entire process, all people concentrate on, the look is earnest. Wang Chong by unprecedented Speed, is carrying on own „the Carriage Crossbow group plan. 一轮又一轮,一拨又一拨,每个小组射击100次之后,立即换另一拨。整个过程,所有人都全神贯注,神色认真无比。王冲正在以前所未有的速度,进行着自己的“车弩小组”计划。 Normally, this is not in the short-term can complete, but in Qixi Armory huge quantity of crossbow bolts, was Wang Chong's plans to provide the biggest convenience. 正常情况下,这绝不是短期内可以完成的,但是碛西军械库中数量庞大的弩箭,为王冲的计划提供了最大的便利。 But a farther place, horse's hoof is intermittent, like the thunder, war horse's neigh was calling heavily, the sound resounded. Li Siye led two thousand military force(s) to return City of Steel, three thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry that Cheng Sanyuan led also same returned, after two groups of troops convergence, immediately has carried out the difficult training in City of Steel. 而更远的地方,马蹄阵阵,沉重如雷,一匹匹战马嘶鸣着,声音响成一片。李嗣业带领两千兵马已经退回到了钢铁之城,程三元带领的三千乌伤铁骑也同样已经回归,两拨人马汇合之后,立即在钢铁之城中开展了艰苦的训练。 Was different from the past training, this is brand-new Array, Talas's War will soon approach, everyone knows what they faced is match who is unable how including western region War God Gao Xianzhi, must more formidable Array be able to defeat them. 和以往的训练不同,这是一种全新的阵法,怛罗斯之战即将来临,每个人都知道他们面对的是连西域战神高仙芝都无法奈何的对手,必须要更加强大的阵法才能战胜他们。 The line of sight transfers among City of Steel, an antiqueness, the upturned eave inverted arch, the style extraordinary construction, opens by the side window of column, sees only straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, during the facial features are handsome, are natural the jitter heavy youngster not to read the books silently. 视线移到钢铁之城中间,一间古色古香,飞檐倒拱,气派非凡的建筑上,靠栏的一面窗户打开,只见一名剑眉星目,面容俊朗,潇洒之中又不失稳重的少年正默默翻看着书卷。 Throws in the severe, fierce wings shake sound, a carrier pigeon drops from the clouds suddenly, is ordinary like the sharp sword, across the window, falls on the desk before Wang Chong body. 扑棱棱,剧烈的羽翅震荡声中,一只信鸽突然从天而降,有如利剑一般,穿过窗子,落在王冲身前的书桌上。 Un?” “嗯?” Wang Chong looks at the carrier pigeon, the vision flashes, subconscious extending take action, unties the puttee, took out inside letter paper to look at one. However is this, Wang Chong immediately the facial expression drastic change, the corner of the eye slowly shows a smiling face. 王冲看着信鸽,目光一闪,下意识的伸出手,解开绑腿,取出里面的信笺看了一眼。然而就是这一眼,王冲立即神情剧变,眼角慢慢露出一丝笑容。 Finally waited!” “终于等来了!” Wang Chong puts down the books, the corners of the mouth brings back a happy expression slowly. Has separated such long time, after the long argument, in Royal Court drew the conclusion finally, gave to issue to itself to have absolute power over somebody and recruit the military force(s) authority. 王冲放下书卷,嘴角慢慢勾起一丝笑意。隔了这么久的时间,在漫长的争论之后,朝廷里面终于得出了结论,放给了自己生杀予夺和征募兵马的权力。 Since this precisely Wang Chong has hoped. 正是王冲一直以来所期盼的。 Wang Chong had not counted on that in Royal Court can like oneself, understands this war regarding the Great Tang significance, but if obtains this acting in own discretion military order, all are entirely different, at least can the thorough letting loose hands and feet. 王冲从来没有指望朝廷里能像自己一样,明白这场战争对于大唐的意义,但是如果得到这张便宜行事的军令,一切就大不相同,至少自己可以彻底的放开手脚了。 Gets there first, the time are not much, the other time should enough I handle something.” “兵贵神速,时间不多了,余下的时间应该足够我做些事情。” Wang Chong is looking at the Ministry of War copy clerk in hand, in the heart secretly thought. 王冲看着手中的兵部文书,心中暗暗道 This Royal Court Ministry of War copy clerk gives his authority to be big, all military force(s), land tax, resources, appointed Wang Chong raises, before this is, any Great Protectorate, Great General has not enjoyed. However Wang Chong also understands, this authority has the limit, Royal Court hands over in this authority oneself hand, actually itself explained the help that they can provide is limited. 这次朝廷兵部文书给他的权力非常大,所有的兵马,钱粮,资源,任王冲提,这可是之前任何的一位大都护,大将军都未曾享受过的。不过王冲也明白,这种权力是有限制的,朝廷把这种权力交到自己手中,其实本身已经说明了他们能够提供的帮助非常有限。 What Royal Court are actually more is hopes oneself can solve this crisis independently, but does not give itself really massive military force(s). 朝廷其实更多的还是希望自己能够独立解决这次危机,而不是真的给自己大量兵马 humble official Wang Chong receives an order, but the humble official several matters hope that Royal Court can consent...” 微臣王冲领命,不过微臣有数件事情希望朝廷能够应允…” Wang Chong took pen in hand, in replies on the Royal Court copy clerk, has written down this line of characters, hesitates half sound, in the mind flashes through thoughts, immediately Wang Chong rapid added oneself father and Big Brother’s name on the copy clerk. When Great Tang experience war continually, is in the military strength to be short now, rests and builds up strength, including Big Dipper Great General Geshu Han such character needs to oneself to borrow the horse, it can be imagined, the Great Tang each border region Protectorate General situation is not good. 王冲提起笔,在一封回复朝廷的文书上,写下了这行字,沉吟半响,脑海中闪过一道道念头,随即王冲迅速在文书上添上了自己父亲和大哥的名字。大唐经历连番的战争,现在正处于兵力短缺,休养生息之际,连北斗大将哥舒翰这样的人物都需要向自己借马,可想而知,大唐各个边陲都护府的情况并不是太好。
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