HE :: Volume #9

#861: Struggles, resolution! ( 1 )

Chapter 861 第861章 200,000 warhorses quickly deliver to City of Steel, but Wang Chong as promised has also delivered the Turkic four imperial princes. But three thousand Heavy Cavalry on Turkic prairie also quickly removed. Hence, Wang Chong achievement entire western region largest ever imperial prince ransom money transaction. 200000匹战马很快送到钢铁之城,而王冲也如约将突厥四皇子送了出去。而突厥大草原上的三千铁骑也很快撤了回来。至此,王冲成就了整个西域有史以来最大规模的皇子赎金交易案。 ... Hu Luyige, do you achieve? 200,000! This is not the small digit, even if that boy whole body is the gold does, value these many!” 忽鲁也格,你到底是怎么做到的?200000匹啊!这可不是小数字啊,就算那小子全身上下都是金子做的,也值不了这么多啊!” Right! Hears to have these many warhorses, is also very shocking including Lord Marquis, must know, I have fought southwest the war with Lord Marquis, even if the war is most intense, most dangerous time, Lord Marquis has not wrinkled the brow.” “对啊!听到有这么多战马,连侯爷也很震惊,要知道,我可是跟着侯爷打过西南之战的,就算是战争最激烈,最危险的时候,侯爷都没有皱过眉头。” Far more than! permits girl as we all know, she handles any matter is always methodical, in the hand the processed commodity does not know many, that is the astronomical figures! When permits girl receives the message was also startled.” “何止啊!许姑娘大家都知道,她做什么事情从来都是有条不紊,手上处理过的物资不知道多少,那可是个天文数字啊!但是当许姑娘收到消息的时候也吃惊了。” ... In City of Steel brilliantly illuminated, Wushang Heavy Cavalry and Aristocratic Family that guard these and Hu Luyige is on good terms, encircles one table with Hu Luyige, a prison guard asked present entire City of Steel all person most curious matters. 钢铁之城里灯火通明,那些和忽鲁也格交好的乌伤铁骑世家侍卫,与忽鲁也格围成一桌,其中一名狱卒问起了现在整个钢铁之城所有人最好奇的事情。 Hehe, did not tell you, this was my secret.” “嘿嘿,不告诉你们,这是我个人的秘密。” Hu Luyige hit the liquor belch, keeping guessing of smiling said. 忽鲁也格打了个酒嗝,笑眯眯的卖关子道。 Hu Luyige you said that everybody is brothers, you told us.” 忽鲁也格你就说嘛,大家都是兄弟,你就告诉我们嘛。” Another Aristocratic Family waits on to defend traditional moral principles. 另一名世家侍卫道。 That is not good, business secret, if told you, I later also did do business? You make an effort to guess!” “那可不行,商业机密,要是告诉你们了,我以后还怎么做生意?你们就使劲猜吧!” Hu Luyige complacent say/way. 忽鲁也格得意洋洋道。 Sees appearance of Hu Luyige this villains holding sway, the people hates the tooth to be itchy. One group of people have exchanged a meaningful glance mutually, immediately had the attention. 看到忽鲁也格这幅小人得志的样子,众人直恨得牙痒痒。一群人互相交换了一个眼色,顿时有了注意。 Comes, Hu Luyige was laborious, the brothers respect your one cup.” “来来来,忽鲁也格辛苦了,兄弟们敬你一杯。” Come, I also respect your one cup, the brothers I everyone refuse to accept, takes you, you have set up the big merit.” “来,我也敬你一杯,兄弟我谁都不服,就服你,你可是立了大功劳了。” Is! Everybody respects Hu Luyige!” “就是!大家都敬忽鲁也格!” ... The people your one cup of my one cups, keep giving Hu Luyige to propose a toast. The people meet the celebration spirit to be happy, Hu Luyige precisely self-satisfied time, all proposes a toast all comes are welcome, swallows to get into the stomach one after another unceasingly., The Hu Luyige feeling of being drunk is gradually dim, the liquor belch one after another, the cheeks have one's face flushed with drink red, unknowingly drinks slowly high, is drunk more and more. 众人你一杯我一杯,不停地给忽鲁也格敬酒。人逢喜事精神爽,忽鲁也格正是得意的时候,所有敬酒都是来者不拒,一杯又一杯不断地吞下肚去。渐渐地,忽鲁也格醉意朦胧,酒嗝一个接一个,脸颊酡红,不知不觉慢慢喝高,越来越醉。 I told you! Western Turkic does not have the matter that I do not handle now, this time for four emperor's sons' matters, I completely arranged. I control the forces of nature in Western Turkic now, omnipotent.” “我跟你们说啊!西突厥现在就没有我搞不定的事,这次为了四皇子的事,我可是上上下下全部打点了。在西突厥我现在就是呼风唤雨,无所不能。” You? How possible, certainly blows!” “就你?怎么可能,一定是吹!” A prison guard said immediately, intentionally whole face does not believe. 一名狱卒立即道,“故意”满脸的不信。 Not to be how impossible!” “怎么不可能!” Where Hu Luyige can bear this prodding, immediately was straightforward the neck, the eye stared round. 忽鲁也格哪里受得了这种激将,立即耿直了脖子,眼睛都瞪圆了。 That is you do not understand, I told you, do not look at the Ishbara Khan heroic spirit, actually the inborn ear was soft, I slightly have arranged these imperial concubines in Ishbara Khan harem, especially four emperor's sons' mother khatuns, this matter was solved. You think, Ishbara Khan again fierce, blowing that but one group of women keep in his ear, where can he bear?” “那是你们不懂,我告诉你们,别看沙钵罗可汗英雄气概,其实天生耳根子软,我只是稍微打点了一下沙钵罗可汗后宫的那些妃子,特别是四皇子的亲生母亲可敦,这件事情就解决了。你们想想,沙钵罗可汗就算再厉害,但是一堆女人在他耳边不停的吹风,他哪里受得了?” „! ~ “哦!~” The people are suddenly enlighted, but also thinks that Hu Luyige has the huge ability, originally by woman, before this and people, imagines complete different, the truth opened, the people do not have what interest immediately again, immediately disperses instantly. 众人恍然大悟,还以为忽鲁也格有天大的能耐,原来是靠女人,这和众人之前想象的完全不同,谜底揭开,众人立即再没有什么兴趣,顿时一哄而散。 Hey, where do you go to? My words have not said!...” “喂喂喂,你们去哪里?我话还没说完呢!…” Hu Luyige yelled in behind. 忽鲁也格在后面大叫道。 ... Remote Three Brilliance Mountain Western Turkic perspiration courtyard. 遥远的三弥山西突厥汗庭。 As four imperial princes mount Three Brilliance Mountain, gathers in the back side of the mountain and khatun mother and child, this matter also successfully ended. 随着四皇子登上三弥山,在后山和可敦母子相聚,这件事情也随之圆满结束。 As 200,000 warhorses leave Western Turkic, goes to Qixi, entire Turkic prairie suddenly spacious many, lets many people of moved, but this is the meaning of supreme Black Water Shaman, is the Deity decree, nobody dares to refute anything. 只是,随着200000战马离开西突厥,前往碛西,整个突厥大草原突然空旷了好多,让好多人不由的怅然若失,但这是至高无上的黑水萨满的意思,是神灵的旨意,没有人敢反驳什么。 However does not have many people to know, when the curtain of night is deep, star-studded sky time, in Khan Ivory tent of Three Brilliance Mountain outlying hill, two person's shadows are sitting abreast in row, in Ivory tent has not lit a lamp, but two people vision actually as if penetrated Ivory tent, saw the endless distant place. 不过却没有多少人知道,当夜幕深沉,繁星满天的时候,三弥山前山的可汗牙帐里,两道人影正并排坐着,牙帐里没有点灯,而两人的目光却仿佛穿透了牙帐,看到了无尽的远处。 Sacrificial offering Sir, why you must make me agree with Hu Luyige, with 200,000 warhorses?” “祭祀大人,为什么你要让我同意忽鲁也格,拿出去200000匹战马?” In the Ivory tent surrounding dozens zhang (3.33 m) nobody, Ishbara Khan calmly sits, suddenly opens the mouth to say. If Hu Luyige hears these words, certainly will be frightened the soul to leave the hole, the liquor in belly frightens. Reason that he has thought Ishbara Khan will agree that is because have used these imperial concubine and imperial concubine in imperial concubine Ishbara Khan harem, but does not know from the start, the truth of fact and he imagines complete different. 牙帐周围数十丈内没有一个人,沙钵罗可汗静静地坐着,突然开口道。忽鲁也格如果听到这番话,一定会被吓灵魂出窍,肚子里的酒都吓出来。他一直以为沙钵罗可汗之所以会同意是因为自己利用了沙钵罗可汗后宫里的那些妃子、嫔妃,但是压根不知道,事实的真相和他想象的完全不同。 Ishbara Khan agreed that but not because of him, because of Black Water Shaman. 沙钵罗可汗是同意了,但绝不是因为他,而是因为黑水萨满 hē hē, Khan did not think that Horse Merchant is very interesting?” 呵呵,可汗不觉得那个马商很有趣吗?” The Black Water Shaman sound resounds in the darkness, in the sound shows thought-provoking meaning. 黑水萨满的声音在黑暗中响起,声音中透出一丝耐人寻味的意味。 Interesting?” “有趣?” Ishbara Khan knitting the brows head, remembered Hu Luyige to be fat, somewhat funny appearance, in heart relentless. 沙钵罗可汗皱了皱眉头,想起了忽鲁也格胖胖的,有些滑稽的样子,心中大为不解。 Is only a clown, insignificant unimportant person, such character , if not you wants to remain, I momentarily can the homicide.” “只是一个小丑而已,无足轻重的小人物,这样的人物如果不是你想留着,我随时可以将他杀了。” Insignificant unimportant person?” “无足轻重的小人物?” Black Water Shaman shook the head: 黑水萨满摇了摇头: Khan has made a mistake, can the insignificant unimportant person rescue four imperial princes?” 可汗错了,无足轻重的小人物可以救出四皇子吗?” This...” “这…” Ishbara Khan has been startled being startled, immediately could not speak. Careful recollection, before Hu Luyige appears, they actually already and that City of Steel Tang People negotiated were very long, but did not have what progress . Moreover the opposite party has refused to discuss. If the average person, dispatches troops directly, however City of Steel that youngster actually cannot dispatch troops to solve. 沙钵罗可汗怔了怔,顿时说不出话来。仔细回想,在忽鲁也格出现之前,他们其实已经和那个钢铁之城唐人交涉了很久,但是一直没有什么进展,而且对方一直拒绝商谈。如果是一般人也就罢了,直接派兵过去就可以,但是钢铁之城的那个少年却根本不是可以派兵解决的。 In fact, dying in battle of Azure Wolf Ye Hu and Agudul explained the issue. 事实上,青狼叶护阿骨都蓝的战死就已经说明问题。 This is a dead end, but after that Hu Luyige came, four imperial princes came back. This point, before Ishbara, has not expected. 这本来是一个死局,但是那个忽鲁也格来了之后,四皇子真的回来了。这一点,就连沙钵罗之前都没有料到。 Unimportant person has the use of unimportant person, this insignificant unimportant person can rescue four imperial princes with Qixi City of Steel, achieves matter that we cannot achieve, wasn't this enough? Moreover, left 100,000 warhorses, the loss of Khan is limited, the warhorse on prairie will multiply quickly, but there is Hu Luyige this small Horse Merchant, Khan can actually among communication channel with Great Tang. - in the future, who knows that what use this channel can have?” “小人物有小人物的用处,这个无足轻重的小人物能够和碛西钢铁之城里救出四皇子,做到我们不能做到的事情,这样不就足够了吗?而且,多出了100000匹战马,可汗的损失有限,草原上的战马很快就会繁衍起来,但是有了忽鲁也格这个小马商,可汗却能多出一条和大唐之间的沟通渠道。——未来,谁又知道这条通道能派上什么用场呢?” Black Water Shaman indifferently said. 黑水萨满淡淡道 Ishbara Khan looking pensive, lowered the head, but cannot bear long sighs: 沙钵罗可汗若有所思,低下头,但还是忍不住长长一叹: But I am somewhat unwilling...” “但是朕还是有些不甘呐…” Khan , if unwilling, is very simple, waited on first-grade to be OK again.” 可汗若是不甘,也很简单,再等上一等就可以了。” Black Water Shaman smiled, a jet black eye is glittering the spooky ray in the dim light of night, if there is a profound meaning. 黑水萨满笑了笑,一双漆黑的眼睛在夜色中闪烁着幽幽的光芒,若有深意。 Report!” “报!” At this time, a sound of Ishbara Khan most personal private soldier wolf health/guard resounded outside golden Ivory tent: 就在这个时候,一名沙钵罗可汗最贴身的私兵狼卫的声音在金色牙帐外响起: „The Du Wusili Great General incoming telegram, he stilled to shout spreads out seven to be surnamed the Tribe rebellion, routs * faints the rebel army that the support shouted spreads out . Moreover, also repelled wanted while Beiting Protectorate Army that taking the opportunity went north randomly, probably tomorrow in the afternoon, he will rush to Three Brilliance Mountain to report after carrying out orders!...” 都乌思力大将军来报,他已经平定呼衍儿七姓部落叛乱,击溃*厥支持呼衍儿的叛军,另外,也击退了想要趁乱借机北上的北庭都护军,大约明天午后,他就会赶到三弥山复命!…” Hears this to turn the words, Ishbara Khan whole body severe shake, subconscious looking has approached Black Water Shaman. 听到这翻话,沙钵罗可汗浑身剧震,下意识的望向了身旁的黑水萨满 Black Water Shaman smiles not to speak. 黑水萨满笑而不语。 ... The time passes by slowly, when Wang Chong actively prepares for Talas, the entire Qixi region is also maintaining a tranquil time, originally on piece of tranquil Imperial Court, actually gradually is anxious. 时间缓缓过去,当王冲积极备战怛罗斯,整个碛西区域还保持着一片平静的时候,原本一片宁静的朝堂上,却渐渐的紧张起来。 Cannot drag again! The Anxi requesting reinforcements letter and photo snowflake is common, came more than 30, Gao Xianzhi Great General to be also stranded in Talas, Royal Court must dispatch troops as soon as possible!” “不能再拖了!安西的求援信像雪花一般,已经来了30多封,高仙芝大将军还困在怛罗斯,朝廷必须尽快出兵!” In Taiji Hall, an official yelled fierce, the sound was fervent. 太极殿里,一名官员厉声大叫道,声音慷慨激昂。 Just is a small campaign, Gao Xianzhi Great General has not defeated, Chen Han, what are you anxious? don't tell me you thought that our vast Great Tang also does hit small Caliphate?” “只不过是一场小小的战役而已,高仙芝大将军又还没有败,陈晗,你急什么?难道你觉得我们泱泱大唐还打不过一个小小大食吗?” „Is Goguryeo different a tiny small country? First Sui uses the strength of nation, is different loses there? Zhang Shougui Great General is invincible, invincible, same doesn't halt there? The strong and weak of military strength can weigh with the size of country! Gao Xianzhi Great General always excels at the fast war, but is so long, did not have the news to the present, if the accident sentiment, you did lose this responsibility?” 高句丽不一样是个蕞尔小国吗?前隋倾尽全国之力,不一样兵败在那里?张守珪大将军战无不胜,攻无不克,不也一样止步在那里?兵力的强弱是可以用国家的大小来衡量的吗!高仙芝大将军向来擅长速战,但这么久,到现在都还没有消息,要是出了什么事情,你负得了这个责吗?” Absurd! Didn't one month have the news to defeat? If Great General defeats, news already passed to Royal Court, such simple Intrisic Principle, don't you understand?” “荒唐!一个多月没有消息就是战败了吗?如果大将军真的战败,消息早就传到了朝廷,这么简单的道理,你都不懂吗?” Anxi, Qixi and Longxi, three places are as close as lips and teeth, interdependence of two neighboring states, if Anxi falls into enemy hands, Qixi will fall into enemy hands, if Qixi falls into enemy hands, Longxi will be threatened, then threatens the security of national capital. If lets Caliphate and U-Tsang, or is Turkic military force(s), via Qixi and Longxi, the soldier near the national capital city, that will be the entire Great Tang shame, you are here fervent today, vigorously the person of opposition, will be the Great Tang crime feudal official! How I look at you when the time came from place!” 安西碛西陇西,三地唇齿相依,唇亡齿寒,如果安西失守,碛西就会失守,如果碛西失守,陇西就会受到威胁,进而威胁到京师的安全。如果让大食乌斯藏,或者是突厥兵马,取道碛西陇西,兵临京师城下,那将是整个大唐的耻辱,你们今天在这里慷慨激昂,极力反对的人,就是大唐的罪臣!我看你们到时候何以自处!” ... In entire Imperial Court, the arguing sound is extremely intense. 整个朝堂里,争辩声极其激烈。 The Talas matter most starts not to ferment to this situation, everyone thinks, by the Gao Xianzhi ability, can certainly easily defeat Caliphate People. After all, by the Gao Xianzhi past success, this Anxi War God has not defeated. However the development of fact, imagines with people complete different. 怛罗斯的事情最开始还没有发酵到这种地步,每个人都以为,以高仙芝的能力,一定可以轻松击败大食人。毕竟,以高仙芝以往的战绩来看,这位安西战神还没有败过。但是事实的发展,和众人想象的完全不同。 The Anxi considering express is getting more and more anxious, but Gao Xianzhi is leading three ten thousand Great Tang sharpest soldiers, armed the tooth, unexpectedly was also stranded to the present in Talas. If this war merely is a border war, but the fact is always not so, Anxi is the Qixi barrier, Qixi is the Longxi barrier, but Longxi is the barrier of national capital. 安西的告急信越来越急,而高仙芝率领着三万大唐最精锐的士兵,一个个武装到了牙齿,居然到现在还被困在怛罗斯。如果这一战仅仅是一场边境战争也就罢了,但是事实从来都不是如此,安西碛西的屏障,碛西陇西的屏障,而陇西则是京师的屏障。 Reason that Great Tang expedites the western region, expedited the Anxi four towns, came no doubt to open up territory to develop the earth, demonstrated that the Great Tang national strength, two came to also protect the security of Longxi and national capital, surrounded and protected Great Tang Sage Emperor! 大唐之所以远征西域,一路远征到了安西四镇,一来固然是为了开疆拓土,展示大唐的国力,二来也是为了保护陇西和京师的安全,拱卫大唐圣皇 These many years, precisely is relying on Anxi and Qixi two barriers, Longxi and national capital had not presented the too big change, but if Anxi falls into enemy hands, then the following consequence, is actually the people have to consider. 这么多年,正是凭借着安西碛西两层屏障,陇西和京师才一直都没有出现过太大的变动,但是如果安西失守,那么接下来的后果,却是众人不得不考虑的。
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