HE :: Volume #9

#860: 200,000 warhorses!

Chapter 860 第860章 The war of southwest, Ngari Royal Faction military force(s) almost forfeits, but a Triangle Jag service, the military force(s) same buckle of northern boundary completely. Currently spatially has two Great General, a wisdom, but under three manpower simply does not have no military force(s), this is the difficult problem that three people have to solve at present. 西南之战,阿里王系兵马几乎丧失殆尽,而三角缺口一役,北境的兵马同样折损殆尽。现在空有两位大将,一位智相,但三人手下根本没有什么兵马,这是三人眼前不得不解决的难题。 This you do not need to be worried, all I have prepared.” “这个你就不必担心了,一切我已经准备好了。” Daqin Ruozan indifferently said, as if already expected Dusong Mangbuzhi to ask this. Was saying, while unknowingly shot a look at Huoshu Guicang one outside stockade. 大钦若赞淡淡道,似乎早就料到都松莽布支会问到这个。一边说着,一边不经意的瞥了栅栏外的火树归藏一眼。 In the Dusong Mangbuzhi heart one suddenly, turned head to look fiercely to Huoshu Guicang. These days he and Huoshu Guicang burnt not to Meng, is always together, when Huoshu Guicang leaves, has done anything, he is clear. He had not noticed that he sees any person, does not know military force(s) when he borrows. 都松莽布支心中一突,猛地扭头看向了身旁的火树归藏。这段时间他和火树归藏焦不离孟,形影不离,火树归藏什么时候离开,去干了什么,他都一清二楚。他从没有看到他去见什么人,更不知道他什么时候借的兵马 However, Dusong Mangbuzhi also knows that Daqin Ruozan will not tell the lie. 但是,都松莽布支也知道大钦若赞绝不会说假话。 „Sorry, I have not told you complete matter.” “很抱歉,我并没有把全部的事情都告诉你。” The Huoshu Guicang silent moment, in the eye shows an apology finally: 火树归藏沉默片刻,眼中终于透出一丝歉然: Before going to Great Snow Mountain Temple sees you, I according to the instruction of Great Minister, had seen many people, had found many military strength. Our U-Tsang successive defeats three, lost massive military force(s), in going on an expedition of Great Tang, has not won basically, even the male training center was smashed by them continually likely. They are the same with us, wants to change this condition, found an opportunity, thorough beating Great Tang , to promote our U-Tsang.” “早在前往大雪山神庙去见你之前,我就已经按照大相的吩咐,去见过不少人了,也找到了不少的兵力。我们乌斯藏已经连败三场了,损失了大量的兵马,在和大唐的征战中,基本就没有赢过,甚至连象雄训练中心都被他们端掉了。他们和我们一样,都想要改变这种状况,找到一个机会,彻底的击垮大唐,振兴我们乌斯藏。” Huoshu Guicang was saying, turned head to look at one to say toward the gloomy place of jail: 火树归藏说着,扭头向着监牢的阴暗处看了一眼道: Comes out!” “出来吧!” Jail underground, a deathly stillness, a moment later, the form is together tall and strong, the waist hangs the long blade, the whole body is passing the thick malignant influences and bloody aura, from located gloomily: 监牢地下,一片死寂,片刻之后,一道身影魁梧壮硕,腰挂长刀,浑身透着浓浓的煞气和血腥气息,从阴暗处走了出来: Loosen Great General, had not seen you for a long time!” “都松大将军,久违了!” Looks that form that the shadow place goes out, Dusong Mangbuzhi whole body severe shake, as if understood anything in an instant, in the eye has shown the look of feeling relaxed slowly. 看着阴影处走出的那道身影,都松莽布支浑身剧震,刹那间仿佛明白了什么,眼中慢慢露出了释然的神色。 ...... …… A few days later, in the morning, west in a City of Steel cast iron field, all artisans completely clear, in all directions, all photo sources were shielded completely, only other Wang Chong people, stand in the cast iron field, the surroundings are the Wootz Steel Sword sword embryo of piling up, a handle handle in the pine pile of combustion, roasts is roasting. 几天后,清晨,钢铁之城西部的一间铸铁场里,所有的工匠全部被清了出去,四面八方,所有的光源全部被屏蔽,只余下王冲一人,站在铸铁场中,周围是堆积如山的乌兹钢剑剑胚,一柄柄在燃烧的松枝堆上,炙烤着。 These will make all people in the future infatuated, with the crazy treasured sword extremely, at this moment also a darkness, looks like a commonplace. However Wang Chong deeply knows how long could not want, they will turn into one to glitter the cold light, the surface has the world famous sword of moving clouds and flowing water demonic nature pattern. 这些未来将让所有人为之痴迷,和疯狂的绝顶宝剑,此刻还一片黝黑,看起来毫不起眼。但是王冲深深知道,要不了多久,他们就会变成一把把寒光闪烁,表面有着行云流水般魔性花纹的天下名剑。 Was similar!” “差不多了!” Wang Chong is feeling the surrounding temperature and humidity change. The Wootz Steel Sword quenching fluid has the strict request, must before the early morning first wisp of sunlight shines quenching, the opportunity only has the flash, Wang Chong must grasp strictly. Moreover, forging of Wootz Steel Sword, throughout is the secret of Wang Chong's not passing on, not only, also for was not stolen by Caliphate People. 王冲感受着周围的温度和湿度变化。乌兹钢剑的淬液有着严格的要求,必须在清晨第一缕阳光照射之前进行淬炼,机会只有一刹那,王冲必须严格把握。而且,乌兹钢剑的锻造,始终是王冲的不传之秘,不只是为了自己,同时也是为了不被大食人偷去。 Therefore until now, Wang Chong, although has taught other artisans the front several steps of Wootz Steel forging completely, however final, is the most essential several links, Wang Chong throughout survive personally operates. 所以到现在为止,王冲虽然把乌兹钢锻造的前面几个步骤全部教给了其他工匠,但是最后的、也是最关键的几个环节,王冲始终坚持自己亲自操作。 wēng! 嗡! The Wang Chong intention moves, boundless Astral Qi is enormous and powerful, bursts out, is similar to the rivers and streams lake sea is ordinary, wraps one pile of hill Wootz Steel Sword sword embryos. Whish, the water spray scatters, a handle handle red Wootz Steel Sword sword embryo one after another, has tossed into a cast iron field center giant iron vat in abundance. 王冲心念一动,磅礴的罡气浩浩荡荡,迸发而出,如同江河湖海一般,包裹住一堆小山般的乌兹钢剑剑胚。哗,水浪四溅,一柄柄通红的乌兹钢剑剑胚接二连三,纷纷抛入了铸铁场中央一个巨大的铁缸里。 In this iron vat has packed Quenching Fluid that only then Wang Chong knows. Scoffs, sees only the thick smoke to be billowing, after these Wootz Steel Sword toss into, the entire iron vat surface braved the billowing thick smoke. 这个铁缸里装满了只有王冲才知道的淬火液。嗤,只见浓烟滚滚,当这些乌兹钢剑抛入之后,整个铁缸表面都冒起了滚滚的浓烟。 Quenchinging of Wootz Steel, to each link in the request harsh, normal situation, each handle Wootz Steel Sword needs an independent blacksmith to operate. However Wang Chong is different, no matter East or West, in swordsmith historical, but also little has Saint Martial Level Top Level Powerhouse to participate in this swordsmith. 乌兹钢的淬炼,对各个环节的要求都非常的苛刻,正常的情况下,每一柄乌兹钢剑都需要一名单独的铁匠去操作。但是王冲不同,不管是东方还是西方,在铸剑的历史上,还很少有圣武级别顶级强者参与到这种铸剑之中来。 This simply is luxurious! 这简直是奢侈! By Wang Chong's formidable cultivation base, in addition he to temperature and humidity, as well as the understanding of swordsmith each link, this disposable casting several hundred handle Wootz Steel Sword matter also only then he can do. 王冲的强大修为,加上他对温度、湿度,以及铸剑各个环节的了解,这种一次性铸造数百柄乌兹钢剑的事情也只有他才能做的到。 The time passes by slowly, the thick smoke that the giant iron steel surface, emits are getting fewer and fewer, finally 时间缓缓过去,巨大的铁钢表面,冒出的浓烟越来越少,终于 Whish!” “哗!” The water spray scatters, under the control of Wang Chong boundless Astral Qi, handle handle Long Sword from the cylinder bottom, is delivered from oppression from out of the blue. Under the weak sunlight, sees only close 500 handle Long Sword is similar to the shark group is ordinary, hovers in void, is tumbling, back and forth is shuttling back and forth, is reflecting the silver white and shiny rays. 水浪四溅,在王冲磅礴罡气的控制下,一柄柄长剑从缸底破空而出,重见天日。在微弱的阳光下,只见接近500柄长剑如同鲨群一般,在虚空中游动着、翻滚着,来回穿梭着,折射着一道道银白、铮亮的光芒。 That swift and fierce ray, is looked merely also makes people think as if the eye must be separated generally, the sunlight illumination in the past, fell on the sharp sword blade, as if cut in half. 那凌厉的光芒,仅仅是看一眼也让人觉得仿佛眼睛都要被割裂了一般,阳光照射过去,落在锋利的剑刃上,也仿佛被切成两半。 This scene will make the person who any sees shocking! 这一幕场景会让任何看到的人为之惊艳! Wootz Steel Sword! 乌兹钢剑 Close 500 most precious Wootz Steel Sword, under the Wang Chong's control, was born finally. Takes a broad view at the world, this is also matter that only then he can achieve. 接近500把最珍贵的乌兹钢剑,在王冲的控制下,终于出世了。放眼天下,这也是只有他才能做到的事情。 Succeeded!” “成功了!” A Wang Chong facial expression loosen, looks that a void handle handle modeling is plain, sharp unparalleled Wootz Steel Sword, in the heart has the joy of not being able to say. 王冲神情一松,看着虚空中一柄柄造型古朴,锋利无双的乌兹钢剑,心中有种说不出的喜悦。 A Wushang Heavy Cavalry biggest short board, is making up in his hand slowly. The Wushang Heavy Cavalry strength is without a doubt, but does not have weapon while convenient, throughout is not enough to display pinnacle their strengths, this is also the Wang Chong's worry. However, Wootz Steel matter anxiously not. 乌伤铁骑最大的一块短板,正在他的手中慢慢弥补。乌伤铁骑的实力是毋庸置疑的,但是没有趁手的兵器,始终不足以将他们的实力发挥到极致,这也是王冲的心病。但是,乌兹钢的事情急不了。 This is not the Central Plains ore, entire Divine Province does not have this type of special iron ore. Even if in its habitat, Hyderabad mountain range, this ore output also very low, the mining difficulty is enormous, the reserves is extremely low, if before is not Wang Chong, has built the good foundation, in addition the channel of Sindhi worry trade shut off by Caliphate People, loses Wang Chong this big customer, wants to obtain 6000 honored Hy­der­abad Ore one time basically is impossible. 这并不是中土的矿石,整个神州也没有这种特殊的铁矿。而即便是在它的出产地,海德拉巴山脉,这种矿石的产量也非常非常的低,开采难度极大,储量极低,如果不是王冲之前打下了良好的基础,再加上身毒担心贸易的通道被大食人切断,失去王冲这个大主顾,想要一次性获得6000钧海德拉巴矿石基本是不可能的。 Had these Wootz Steel Sword, can fight with Caliphate Empire Mamluk Legion, even if the quantity were inferior to the opposite party not to relate much greatly!” “有了这些乌兹钢剑,真的可以和大食帝国马克留木军团争锋了,就算数量不及对方也没有多大的关系了!” Wang Chong lifts the hand to extend, has grasped sharp Wootz Steel Sword from void, in the heart secretly thought. 王冲抬手一伸,从虚空中抓过一把锋利的乌兹钢剑,心中暗暗道 Xu Keyi, comes. These Wootz Steel Sword can distribute to the following brother.” 许科仪,进来吧。这些乌兹钢剑可以分发给下面的弟兄了。” Wang Chong does not lift, to outside was saying. The sound has not fallen, whish, 500 Wootz Steel weapon rows of entire simultaneously, were laid the ground by him. Wang Chong completes all these, turns around to walk randomly outward. The Wootz Steel weapon, are most every day can only quenching one batch, has missed that time, even if the Wang Chong strength did not forge again high. 王冲头也不抬,对着外面道。声音未落,哗的一声,500把乌兹钢武器一排排整整齐齐,被他码放到了地上。王冲做完这一切,随机转身往外走去。乌兹钢武器,每天最多只能淬炼一批,错过了那段时间,就算王冲力量再高也锻造不了。 Yes, Lord Marquis!” “是,侯爷!” When Wang Chong walks outward, outside, has been defending Xu Keyi has also complied with one, lifts the curtain screen, walked quickly. 王冲往外走的时候,外面,一直守着的许科仪也应了一声,掀开帘子,快步走了进来。 Congratulations to the Host, obtains 2000 Destiny Energy Points to reward!” 恭喜宿主,获得2000点命运能量点奖励!” ...... …… At this time, a familiar sound suddenly resounded from his mind, Wang Chong was listening to the reminder of Stone of Destiny, in the heart surprised, stopped the footsteps suddenly. 就在这个时候,一个熟悉的声音突然从他脑海中响起,王冲听着命运之石的提醒,心中惊疑一声,骤然停下了脚步。 What's all this about? How to reward Destiny Energy Points suddenly?” “这是怎么回事?怎么会突然奖励命运能量点?” Wang Chong casting Wootz Steel Sword was not the first time, before had also never had this situation. However Wang Chong knows quickly oneself have made a mistake, the reward and Wootz Steel of Stone of Destiny simply do not have any relations. 王冲铸造乌兹钢剑也不是第一次了,以前还从来没有过这种情况。不过王冲很快就知道自己错了,命运之石的奖励和乌兹钢根本没有任何的关系。 xī yù yù!” 希聿聿!” Wang Chong has not gone out of the cast iron field, an intense horse's neigh sound resounds in the entire City of Steel sky suddenly, starts is also only 1-2, is tens of thousands of warhorses together neighs. hōng lōng lōng, the entire City of Steel ground as if shakes chaff general, sudden jolts to shiver, dark, does not know that many ten thousand warhorses come toward City of Steel, surrounds here all round. 王冲还没有走出铸铁场,一阵激烈的马嘶声突然之间在整个钢铁之城的上空响起,开始还只是一两声,接着是成千上万的战马一起嘶鸣。轰隆隆,整个钢铁之城的地面仿佛筛糠一般,急剧的颠簸颤抖,冥冥中,不知道有多少万匹战马向着钢铁之城前来,将这里团团包围。 This is......” “这是……” In the Wang Chong heart moves, pondered without enough time, immediately changes into a lightning, flushed from the room. 王冲心中一动,来不及细想,立即化为一道闪电,从房间里冲了出去。 Across city gate that opens greatly, outside already was the sea of people, many artisans already hears sound. Wang Chong comes out from the city, looks following the vision of people, sees only tens of thousands of warhorses, the god steed is incomparable, outside city intense was neighing. Takes a broad view to look, boundless piece, is similar to the sea is ordinary, the sketchy estimate, presents the warhorse outside city, at least has 100,000. 穿过大开的城门,外面早已是人山人海,许许多多的工匠已经闻声而出。王冲从城里出来,顺着众人的目光望去,只见成千上万的战马,神骏无匹,正在城外激烈的嘶鸣着。放眼望去,茫茫一片,如同海洋一般,粗略的估算,出现在城外的战马,至少都有100000匹之多。 Ha Ha Ha, Lord Marquis, I came back!” 哈哈哈,侯爷,我回来了!” Sudden insolent big laughter attracted the Wang Chong's attention, in front of warhorse, Hu Luyige is riding a warhorse, is brandishing the arm to Wang Chong by far, happy yelling. 突然一阵张狂的大笑声吸引了王冲的注意力,就在战马的前端,忽鲁也格骑着一匹战马,远远地冲着王冲挥舞着手臂,高兴的大叫。 Although outside the city has that many people, Hu Luyige has recognized Wang Chong in crowd. 虽然城外有那么多人,忽鲁也格还是认出了人群中的王冲 tí dā dā!” 蹄哒哒!” The horse's hoof rapidly, Hu Luyige with the adept horse-riding, speeds past from warhorses, from city gate also several feet, a leap, safe stopping side Wang Chong. 马蹄急速,忽鲁也格操着娴熟的马术,从一匹匹战马中疾驰而过,就在距离城门还有十几丈的时候,一个飞跃,稳稳当当的停在王冲身边。 Lord Marquis, the good fortune does not fail in one's mission, I brought the warhorse!” 侯爷,幸不辱命,我把战马带回来了!” Hu Luyige laughs, bowed to make a funny posture, a face flattered saying: 忽鲁也格嘻嘻一笑,躬身做了一个滑稽的姿势,一脸讨好道: Altogether 200,000 warhorses, this time brought completely, heard that Lord Marquis prepared to go to Anxi, these warhorses should be able to apply. Right, that side Western Turkic wants to use mountain horse completely, however secretly was traded by me. Here altogether 10,000 mares, 10,000 stallions, after Lord Marquis, can build own horse field.” “总共200000匹战马,这次全部带过来了,听说侯爷准备前往安西,这些战马应该可以派上用场。对了,西突厥那边本来全部想用山马,但是偷偷的被我换了。这里总共有10000匹母马,还有10000匹公马,侯爷以后就可以建立自己的马场了。” Good!” “不错!” In Wang Chong eye one bright, pleasantly surprised, at the same time has patted the shoulder of Hu Luyige ruthlessly: 王冲眼中一亮,大为惊喜,一边狠狠的拍了拍忽鲁也格的肩膀: This time you set up the big merit really!” “这次你真的立大功劳了!” Similar to Central Plains carries on the limit and embargo of Top Level Salt and Iron to Western Turkic, eastern Western Turkic Khaganate, is also carrying on the strict blockade on the warhorse to Great Tang. Although still has the transaction of warhorse, however the stallion of all mare and improved seed belongs to the ranks that forbids to trade completely, and was being followed by all Tribe. 就如同中土西突厥进行顶级盐铁的限制和禁运,东西突厥汗国,也在战马上对大唐进行着严格的封锁。虽然依然有战马的交易,但是所有的母马和优良品种的公马全部属于禁止交易的行列,并且被所有的部落遵循着。 If Hu Luyige has gotten so far as the Top Level stallion and mare for him, had not been spayed, then 10,000 pairs of Duke mares, can build oneself horse field, breeds own warhorse. 如果忽鲁也格真的替他弄到了顶级的公马和母马,没有被骟的,那么10000对公母马,真的就可以建立自己的马场,繁育自己的战马。 Although this is not the project that on eye dismount carries on, but this is also imperative regarding Wang Chong. But that drill ground that northeast corner of U-Tsang Plateau, seized, is place of the most natural herd horse. 虽然这不是眼下马上进行的项目,但是对于王冲来说这也是势在必行的。而乌斯藏高原东北角,已经占领的那片操场,就是最天然的牧马之地。 Xu Keyi, bringing people to receive these horses, staying behind that we need to use, moreover called Royal Court to receive other warhorses. Hu Luyige, walks, today hosts the glee feast for you, all people celebrate for you together.” 许科仪,带人把这些马接收一下,把我们需要用的留下,另外叫朝廷来接收其他的战马。忽鲁也格,走,今天就为你设庆功宴,所有人为你一起庆祝。” Many thanks Lord Marquis!” “多谢侯爷!” ...... ……
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