HE :: Volume #9

#859: Washes the cosmetics Daqin Ruozan!

Chapter 859 第859章 These things, some Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi can understand, but the major part cannot understand completely. 这些东西,有的火树归藏都松莽布支能够看懂,但是绝大部分完全看不懂。 However looks at the ground on that day the book writing and mark, as well as in prison cell lunatic that person, two U-Tsang Empire top Great General, in eye, not only does not have the slight contempt, instead full is the respect, only because of the present lunatic, but also has other First Layer status: 然而看着地上那天书般的文字和符号,以及牢房里疯子般的那人,两位乌斯藏帝国的顶尖大将,眼中不但没有丝毫的轻视,反而满是尊敬,只因为眼前的这个疯子,还有着另外一重身份: U-Tsang Ngari Royal Faction Great Minister, Daqin Ruozan! 乌斯藏阿里王系大相,大钦若赞 Since the disaster, Daqin Ruozan shut in the underground deep place of this prison, except for Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi this Empire Great General, is basically impossible to have other people able to contact him. 自从战争失败,大钦若赞就被关进这间监狱的地下深处,除了火树归藏都松莽布支这种帝国大将,基本不可能有其他人能够接触到他。 Dusong Mangbuzhi and Daqin Ruozan belong to different Royal Faction, the contact were not usually many, only knows that this grows perceptibly by the wisdom and strategy. First time with Huoshu Guicang together when underground sees him, Dusong Mangbuzhi cannot even believe, this having hair dishevelled, the crazy talks, the act strange prisoner, is that makings scholarly, elegant bearing Ali Great Minister. 都松莽布支大钦若赞分属不同的王系,平素接触不多,只知道这一位以智慧和谋略见长。第一次和火树归藏一起在地下见到他的时候,都松莽布支甚至都不敢相信,这个披头散发,疯言疯语,行径怪异的囚犯,就是那位气质儒雅,风度翩翩的阿里大相 Dusong Mangbuzhi is hopeful comes, but actually disappointedly turns over, regarding, can defeat Wang Chong and Great Tang that method Huoshu Guicang said that in the Dusong Mangbuzhi heart is greatly disappointed, one month ago, that Talas's War erupts, Dusong Mangbuzhi knows, oneself was completely mistaken. 都松莽布支是满怀期待而来,但却失望而归,对于火树归藏所说的,能够击败王冲大唐的方法,都松莽布支心中是大失所望,直到一个多月前,那场怛罗斯之战爆发,都松莽布支才知道,自己是大错特错了。 How long did Great Minister continue this condition?” 大相持续这种状态有多久了?” Dusong Mangbuzhi draws on a prison guard to ask. 都松莽布支招来一名狱卒问道。 Returns to General, more than double-hour, said that any he cannot hear, the meal places there, he had not moved.” “回将军,已经有一个多时辰了,说什么他都听不到,饭菜放在那里,他也一直没有动过。” The prison guard bow the body was replying. 狱卒躬着身子回答道。 Dusong Mangbuzhi turned head to shoot a look at one, really saw several plates in the entrance of jail already cold drop food. 都松莽布支扭头瞥了一眼,果然在监牢的门口看到了几碟已经冷掉的食物。 Knew, gets down.” “知道了,下去吧。” Dusong Mangbuzhi beckoned with the hand, wields has drawn back that prison guard. 都松莽布支摆了摆手,挥退了那名狱卒。 Waits for that prison guard to draw back, in the jail Recovery was also peaceful, only the other Daqin Ruozan fingers keep paddling, the sound that sends out on the ground. Dusong Mangbuzhi and Huoshu Guicang stand outside the jail, motionless, looks silently, no one has alarmed him. 等那名狱卒退下去,监牢里又恢复了安静,只余下大钦若赞手指在地上不停划动,发出的嗤嗤声。都松莽布支火树归藏站在监牢外,一动不动,默默地看着,谁都没有惊动他。 Perhaps must defeat Great Tang that youngster Great Protectorate, blocks Great Tang in the influence of western region, changes U-Tsang and Great Tang influence pattern, only then by him.” “或许要击败大唐的那个少年大都护,阻击大唐在西域的势力,改变乌斯藏大唐的势力格局,只有靠他了。” In the Dusong Mangbuzhi mind flashes through together the thought that vision subconscious looking to the body of Daqin Ruozan, there is a denseness and numerousness, writing that very complex map, is hard to recognize. 都松莽布支脑海中闪过一道念头,目光下意识的望向大钦若赞的身体右侧,那里是一副密密麻麻,非常复杂的地图,还有一些难以辨识的文字。 Talas! 怛罗斯 Dusong Mangbuzhi identified that map core city. 都松莽布支一眼就辨认出了那张地图核心的城市。 If traded one not to know foundation perhaps here, thinks Daqin Ruozan was analyzing the Talas situation, but Dusong Mangbuzhi actually knows, the time that this drawing presented also took in the morning one month compared with Talas's War. Was only a pity, Daben that around this drawing the dense and numerous writing are U-Tsang Plateau been lost teaches the writing, this ancient writing, besides Daqin Ruozan, entire U-Tsang Empire fears few individual understanding. 如果换了一个不知根底的在这里,或许以为大钦若赞在分析怛罗斯的情况,但都松莽布支却知道,这幅图画出现的时间比怛罗斯之战还要早上一个月。只可惜,这幅图画周围密密麻麻的文字都是乌斯藏高原已经失传的大苯教文字,这种古老的文字,除了大钦若赞之外,整个乌斯藏帝国恐怕没几个人认识。 Dusong Mangbuzhi same cannot identify. 都松莽布支也一样辨认不出来。 Daqin Ruozan defeated in the southwest, shuts in the prison also to have several months. He and relation of outside cuts off, who can imagine, Talas's War has not erupted, he early has expected the war between Caliphate and Great Tang, and has inferred finally including the decisive battle place. Was only a pity, Daqin Ruozan had shut in the dungeon by Tibet King, otherwise, by his this ability Triangle Jag service, has his help words, all may be entirely different, Dayan Mangbojie also had no need dead.” 大钦若赞在西南战败,关进大牢也有好几个月了。他和外界的联系断绝,谁又能想象,怛罗斯之战还没有爆发,他就已经早早的预料到了大食大唐之间的这场战争,并且连最后决战的地点都已经推断到了。只可惜,大钦若赞藏王关进了地牢,否则的话,以他这种能力三角缺口一役,有他的帮助的话,一切或许会截然不同,达延芒波杰也就用不着死了。” Remembers Dayan Mangbojie, in the Dusong Mangbuzhi eye reveals a moved look, this perhaps is in his heart forever pain. 想起达延芒波杰,都松莽布支眼中流露出一丝伤感的神色,这恐怕是他心中永远的痛。 Time past slowly, has not known how long, in the jail, the body of Daqin Ruozan shivered suddenly, Dusong Mangbuzhi and Huoshu Guicang whole body shakes, immediately knows Daqin Ruozan will soon revive. 时间缓缓的过去,不知道过了多久,监牢里,大钦若赞的身体突然颤抖了一下,都松莽布支火树归藏浑身一震,立即知道大钦若赞即将苏醒过来。 You came.” “你们来了。” Daqin Ruozan does not lift said. 大钦若赞头也不抬道。 Great Minister, all such as you expect, Wang Clan's that youngest son has defeated Fumeng Lingzhao, sat the Qixi Great Protectorate position. Moreover, Anxi Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi was encircled by Caliphate People, now, that Great Tang youngster is preparing for war, prepares to march Talas fully.” 大相,一切都如你所料,王家的那个幼子击败了夫蒙灵察,坐上了碛西大都护的位置。另外,安西大都护高仙芝大食人所围,现在,那个大唐年轻人正在厉兵秣马,全力准备进军怛罗斯。” Huoshu Guicang in jail stockade outlet. 火树归藏在监牢栅栏外道。 Great Minister, haven't you come out really?” 大相,你真的还不出来吗?” Opportunity has not arrived......” “时机未到……” The Daqin Ruozan sound resounds in the entire underground jail, he raised the head, rubs the hair that in the opening hangs loose, reveals one, because does not see the sunlight appears the somewhat pale face. Although the look is thin and pale, but that eye actually as before translucent incomparable, shows the infinite wisdom and appearance. 大钦若赞的声音在整个地下监牢内响起,他抬起头,捋开头上披散的头发,露出一张因为就不见阳光而显得有些苍白的面孔。尽管神色憔悴,但是那双眼睛却依旧透亮无比,透出无穷的智慧和神采。 Although looks like disorderly incomparable, did not have in the past that scholarly and outstanding ability, but Huoshu Guicang knows that this is remembers as before that planning strategy(-ies), determining the final outcome thousand li (500 km) Ali Great Minister. 虽然看起来凌乱无比,也没有了往昔的那份儒雅和俊逸,但是火树归藏知道这依旧是自己记忆中的那个运筹帷幄,决胜千里的阿里大相 Now is also not I exit, the intuitions of our match are keener , the tiny bit sound that we imagine will make him feel exceptionally, then sees clearly our plans, causes to waste all previous efforts.” “现在还不是我出去的时候,我们对手的直觉远比我们想象的还要敏锐,一丝一毫的动静都会让他感觉到异常,进而洞察我们的计划,导致前功尽弃。” Daqin Ruozan only lifted, then lowered the head, before looking at own body, as before. His right hand big sleeve strokes lightly, sweeps the dust that has swept the floor, the movement as before is indifferent to fame or gain in good taste. 大钦若赞只抬了一下,便低下头来,依旧看着自己的身前。他的右手大袖轻拂,扫了扫地上的灰尘,动作依旧是恬淡雅静。 Moreover, do not call his youngster again, his ability was not enough to weigh with the age. If you only see his age, then finally only then suffers a defeat and flees a way.” “另外,不要再称呼他年轻人,他的能力已经不足以用年纪来衡量。如果你们只看到他的年纪,那么最后只有败亡一途。” Yes! Great Minister!” “是!大相!” Huoshu Guicang lowered the head the respectful say/way. 火树归藏低下头来恭恭敬敬道。 Only then knows the will in Daqin Ruozan heart, can know that he is making anything, because of this, therefore Huoshu Guicang even more will respect to him. Like, Daqin Ruozan that Huoshu Guicang said that has contacted Wang Chong's, and once compelled into the dead boundary him, two people fought are loath to part from each other, if in entire U-Tsang Empire, a person can defeat the Wang Chong's words, besides Royal Capital often/common Ban in Tibet King about, Empire Great Minister that never hiked, perhaps only then present Daqin Ruozan. 只有知道大钦若赞心中的意志,才能知道他在做些什么,也正因为如此,所以火树归藏才会对他越发的敬重。就像火树归藏所说的,大钦若赞是接触过王冲的,并且曾经将他逼入死境,两个人战得难舍难分,如果说在整个乌斯藏帝国,还有一个人能够击败王冲的话,除了王都常伴在藏王左右,从不远足的帝国大相之外,恐怕就只有眼前的大钦若赞了。 Dusong Mangbuzhi, you had come several times, but also is thinking a Triangle Jag service and Dayan Mangbojie death?” 都松莽布支,你已经来过好几次了,还在想着三角缺口一役和达延芒波杰的死吗?” Daqin Ruozan lowers the head, the finger is drawing on the ground as before, does not lift said. 大钦若赞低着头,手指依旧在地上画着,头也不抬道。 Yes!” “是!” The Dusong Mangbuzhi look is low-spirited, in the eye flashes through a pain, but had not denied. 都松莽布支神色黯然,眼中闪过一丝痛苦,但却并没有否认。 Do not have scruples the beforehand success and failure again, the opportunity, even if at that time I and you appeared there together, to finally, us must be defeated, finally will not have anything to change.” “不要再顾忌以前的得失,时机不到,就算那时候我和你一起出现在那里,到了最后,我们还是得失败,结果并不会有什么变化。” Daqin Ruozan indifferently said. 大钦若赞淡淡道 But, that is only a young child, isn't don't tell me really able to defeat?” “但是,那只是一个十几岁的孩子,难道就真的无法战胜吗?” Dusong Mangbuzhi said. 都松莽布支道。 „Weren't you have tried?” “你不是已经试过了吗?” Daqin Ruozan indifferently said, sound in the entire underground echo. 大钦若赞淡淡道,声音在整个地下回响。 Dusong Mangbuzhi was silent immediately. 都松莽布支顿时沉默了。 You have tried, we have also tried, finally you also see. It seems like accidental, regulations necessity. Do not despise him, he is always not a person, cannot treat as a person to come to see him. He excels in taking advantage of somebody's authority, can use all conditions, is centered on itself, weaves a giant net, that two people who you wound, is not he invites?” “你试过了,我们也试过了,结果你也看到。看似偶然,实则必然。不要轻视他,他从来都不是一个人,也绝不可把他当做一个人来看。他擅于借势,能够利用一切的条件,以自己为核心,编织出一张巨大的网,将你击伤的那两个人,不就是他请来的吗?” Daqin Ruozan clouds are thin, wind is soft said that although he lives in distress the jail, but actually all receives the eyeground to the feeling of person, sees the whole matter clearly. 大钦若赞云淡风轻道,他虽然困居监牢,但是给人的感觉却是将所有的一切都收入眼底,洞察一切。 The Dusong Mangbuzhi facial expression was even more low-spirited. 都松莽布支的神情越发的黯然了。 He is not willing to acknowledge, but intuition told him, Daqin Ruozan said was right. 他不愿承认,但直觉却告诉他,大钦若赞说的都是对的。 „The war and Triangle Jag war of struggle and the Longxi southwest, three wars, we lost thoroughly have challenged the qualifications of Great Tang. This point, cannot change in any event. But Western Turkic there, after Azure Wolf Ye Hu Agudul dies, Western Turkic has also been incapable of threatening. Goes on an expedition for more than 1000 years with Central Plains, Turkic People has not won. Great Tang is the Central Plains most formidable dynasty, in the western region, we were impossible to defeat him.” “西南之争、陇西之战、三角缺口之战,三次战争,我们已经彻底失去了挑战大唐的资格。这一点,是无论如何都改变不了的。而西突厥那里,青狼叶护阿骨都蓝死后,西突厥也已经无力威胁。和中土征战1000多年,突厥人从来就没有胜利过。大唐中土最强大的王朝,在西域,我们已经不可能战胜他了。” The Daqin Ruozan sound is spacious and far, that eye has as if completely understood all: 大钦若赞的声音空旷而幽远,那一双眼睛仿佛看透了一切: Now, only opportunity...... Is here!” “现在,唯一的机会的……就是这里!” Dusong Mangbuzhi and Huoshu Guicang fall along with Daqin Ruozan that demonic nature finger on the ground, falls in the jail ground on that Talas the map. 都松莽布支火树归藏随着大钦若赞那根魔性的手指落在地上,落在监牢地面上那副怛罗斯的地图上。 „...... The entire world, only has not fought with the Great Tang person now, only had Caliphate People. That is our only opportunities, is the final opportunity! This is also I am in the jail to study several months, conclusion that finally results . If unable to prevent them including Caliphate People, then from now, entire western region completely will enter in the Tang People hand, did not have anybody to shake Tang People again in the status of western region!” “……整个天下,现在唯一没有和大唐人交过手的,就只有大食人了。那将是我们唯一的机会,也是最后的机会!这也是我在监牢中数月研究,最后得出来的结论。如果连大食人都无法阻止他们,那么从此以后,整个西域将尽入唐人手中,再没有任何人可以撼动得了唐人在西域的地位!” In jail quiet, no matter Huoshu Guicang or Dusong Mangbuzhi, no one has spoken. They immerse in the Daqin Ruozan sound, could not speak. Nobody knows Daqin Ruozan these months, experienced what kind of heart experience distance. 监牢里静悄悄,不管是火树归藏还是都松莽布支,谁都没有说话。两人都沉浸在大钦若赞的声音中,怔怔的说不出话来。没有人知道大钦若赞这几个月的时间,经历了怎样的心历路程。 And Daqin Ruozan in Ngari Royal Faction, civil and military accompanying, does not leave about Huoshu Guicang, initially when initially saw Daqin Ruozan had a scare. His look and makings with him remember that the appearance is completely different, probably changed a person to be the same. However for all this, Huoshu Guicang knows, he is he. 就连和大钦若赞阿里王系,文武相伴,不离左右的火树归藏,当初在初见大钦若赞的时侯都吓了一跳。他的眼神、气质和他记忆中的样子完全不同,就好像换了一个人一样。不过尽管如此,火树归藏知道,他还是他。 Just, Daqin Ruozan of jail, has washed the cosmetics now, was initially more brilliant than it, fearful. 只不过,现在监牢的大钦若赞,已经洗尽铅华,比之当初更加睿智,也更加的可怕。 Death of 20 ten thousand Ngari Royal Faction soldiers, changes into Ngari Royal Faction prairie of place of nobody, will accomplish present Daqin Ruozan, Qixi that youngster does not know, although he won in the southwest, but also has actually created a more fearful match for oneself. 20多万阿里王系战士的死亡,化为一片无人之地的阿里王系大草原,造就了现在的大钦若赞,碛西的那个少年不会知道,他虽然在西南获胜,但却也一手为自己造就了一个更加可怕的对手。 Understood.” “明白了。” How long has not known, Dusong Mangbuzhi sound in the entire underground echo, he finally respectful and submissive low own head. This is the respect to Daqin Ruozan, to submitting to of Daqin Ruozan: 不知道过了多久,都松莽布支的声音在整个地下回响,他终于恭顺的低下了自己的头颅。这是对大钦若赞的尊重,也是对大钦若赞的臣服: Great Minister felt relieved, from now, I fully will certainly coordinate the motion of Great Minister. I have the last issue...... military force(s)!” 大相放心,从此以后,我一定会全力配合大相的行动。只是,我还有最后一个问题……兵马!” Dusong Mangbuzhi to stops, present issue, even if three people have a mind to wash the shame, defeats Great Tang, recalls the U-Tsang Empire prestige, only depends on three people, without any military force(s), cannot accomplish the sentiment as before. After all, this is the war, but is not individual war between Powerhouse. 都松莽布支点到即止,现在的问题,就算三人有心一洗耻辱,击败大唐,挽回乌斯藏帝国的声威,仅凭三个人,没有任何的兵马,依旧成不了事情。毕竟,这是战争,而并非强者之间的个人战争。 But now, the people most lack is military force(s)! 但现在,众人最缺的就是兵马
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