HE :: Volume #17

#1659: Ghost King? Hou Junji!

Old zhang (3.33 m), you said that this is the high quality goods, but this toward as if no view of Gaochang blood jade high quality goods.” “老丈,你说这是贡品,但本朝似乎并没有高昌血玉贡品的说法。” Nearby, Zhang Que knit the brows, suddenly opens the mouth to say. 一旁,张雀皱了皱眉,突然开口道。 Ha Ha Ha, will certainly not have!” 哈哈哈,当然不会有!” Senior jade cutter hears word has smiled: 老玉匠闻言不由笑了起来: Gaochang small country is weak, the Gaochang jade is they biggest characteristics. Although this type of Gaochang jade the quality is extremely good, but the quantity is scarce, and because of its nature issue, majority of blood jade be only the thumb size, surpasses this scale the blood jade to be very few. This is mainly because it is quite crisp, is extremely difficult to form the bulk jade, as long as the length surpasses three cuns (2.5 cm) blood jade is the best quality goods, is over eight cuns (2.5 cm) Gaochang jade has been called king product the jade in the jade. This type of jade I when 5 or 6-year-old, have also heard from some senior jade cutter mouths.” “高昌地小国弱,高昌玉是他们最大的特色。这种高昌玉虽然品质极佳,但数量稀少,而且因为它的性质问题,大部分的血玉都只有拇指大小,超出这个规模的血玉少之又少。这主要是因为它比较脆,极难形成大块的玉石,但凡长度超过三寸的血玉已经是极品,长达八寸以上的高昌玉在玉石中已经被称为王品玉石。这种玉石我也只是在五六岁时,从一些老玉匠口中听到过。” Hearsay king product jade, only then three, moreover in the Emperor Taizong time, had been offered by Gao Changguo completely to Emperor Taizong. But after that runs out along with Gao Changguo's jade, Gao Changguo's blood jade already became the traditional music of which has been lost, now there could not find including the jade of thumb size, say nothing was this king product jade.” “传闻这种王品玉石只有三枚,而且在太宗皇帝时代,已经全部被高昌国进献给了太宗皇帝。而在那之后,随着高昌国的玉石告罄,高昌国的血玉早已成为绝响,现在那里连拇指大小的玉石都找不到,更不用说是这种王品玉石了。” The senior jade cutter year is excessively old, originally already somewhat senile, even spoke some enunciations not to be unclear, when spoke of the Gaochang jade, the whole person spirit, from top to bottom as if has been full of the energy. 老玉匠年过耄耋,原本已经有些老态龙钟,甚至说话都有些口齿不清,但是说到高昌玉时,整个人精神不已,浑身上下仿佛充满了精力。 Old zhang (3.33 m), do you know that three king product Gaochang jade the whereabouts? Said these three king product Gaochang jade as before completely in Imperial Family?” “老丈,你知道那三枚王品高昌玉的下落吗?还是说这三枚王品的高昌玉依旧全部都在皇室之中?” Wang Chong frowns to say slightly. 王冲微微皱着眉头道。 Properly speaking, these three jades truly should in the Imperial Family treasure house, but senile old man knows past events actually.” “按理说,这三块玉石确实应该在皇室宝库之中,不过老朽倒是知道一件往事。” In the past Emperor Taizong Period, Great General can draft cleverly in fighting, the merit is remarkable, moreover about hundred years did not have in the intercourse situation in the past Central Plains and western region, first enters the western region, has surrendered Gao Changguo. In Emperor Taizong heart joyful, when initially Gaochang king presented tribute, granted in which one in three Gaochang jades to that Great General. This should be only spreads king product the Gaochang jade outside.” “当年太宗皇帝时期,有一位大将军能征善战,功绩卓越,而且在当年中土和西域已经近百年没有往来的情况下,第一个杀入西域,降服了高昌国。太宗皇帝心中喜悦,所以在当初高昌国王进贡的时候,将三枚高昌玉石中的其中一枚赏赐给了那位大将军。这应该算是唯一一枚流传在外的王品高昌玉了。” The senior jade cutter strokes to say with a smile. 老玉匠捋须微笑道。 Great General!” 大将军!” Another side, Wang Chong does not have senior jade cutter to be so happy. Listens to the words of senior jade cutter, his brow wrinkles instantaneously tightly. In that words that the senior jade cutter spoke, only he remembers is Great General three characters, that flash, his vision winks, has the innumerable thoughts to graze from his mind faintly. 另一侧,王冲却没有老玉匠那么高兴。听完老玉匠的话,他的眉头瞬间紧皱起来。老玉匠说的那番话里,他唯一记得的就是“大将军”三个字,那一刹那,他的目光眨动,隐隐有无数的念头从他的脑海中飞掠而过。 Old zhang (3.33 m), you still remember that in the past that Great General that received to grant names?” “老丈,你还记得当年那位受到赏赐的大将军叫什么名字吗?” Wang Chong opens the mouth to say suddenly. A few words, in the main hall atmosphere changing suddenly, Zhang Que fierce raising the head, looks at the present senior jade cutter, concentrated incomparable. 王冲突然开口道。一句话,大殿内气氛陡变,张雀猛的抬起头来,看着眼前的老玉匠,神情专注无比。 Although does not know why Lord King asked this, but followed Wang Chong to be so long, Zhang Que already understands that Wang Chong will not be aimless absolutely, he such asked that must have the reason. 虽然不知道王爷为什么问起这个,但跟随王冲这么久,张雀早已明白王冲绝对不会无的放矢,他这么问必有原因。 This... The time was somewhat long, senile old man also somewhat records is not quite clear, but this may probably be Lingyan Pavilion one of the 24 heroes.” “这…时间有些久了,老朽也有些记不太清楚,不过这一位可好像是凌烟阁的24功臣之一。” The senior jade cutter brow tight wrinkle, as if diligently is recalling, but words that he said that then made in the Wang Chong heart vibrate. In his heart has a feeling, perhaps oneself soon approached the truth. 老玉匠眉头紧皱,似乎在努力回忆,而他说出来的话,则令王冲心中震动不已。他心中有种感觉,自己恐怕已经快要接近真相了。 Was right, senile old man remembers probably he called the marquis..., Was right, is Hou Junji! Is Taizong time illustrious broken armed forces War God!” “对了,老朽好像记得他叫侯…,对了,是侯君集!是太宗时代赫赫有名的破军战神!” Hears the words of senior jade cutter, Wang Chong is lost in thought that for a very long time did not speak. 听到老玉匠的话,王冲陷入沉思,久久不语。 The senior jade cutter walked quickly, that several words that but regarding Wang Chong, he spoke are actually these days biggest progress. 老玉匠很快就走了,但是对于王冲来说,他所说的那几句话却是这段时间最大的进展。 Lord King, according to the words of senior jade cutter, Hou Junji should be the hundred years ago characters, should not be the person who we must investigate? Could be in the palace other two king product Gaochang jade spread?” 王爷,按老玉匠的话,侯君集应该是百年前的人物了,应该不是我们要调查的人吧?有没有可能是宫中其他两块王品高昌玉流传出来了?” Zhang Que asked. 张雀问道。 First leaves anxiously drawing a conclusion, the past Lingyan Pavilion 24 heroes, had the picture shade graph, and was laid aside in Lingyan Pavilion by Emperor Taizong, observed after the common people. Zhang Que, you with my imperial decree asked that person of Guozijian, I take the tracing portraits of several Lingyan Pavilion 24 heroes. Moreover, you found the way to find palace mansion minister Yang Zhao in too, he governed the state treasury in Imperial Palace, should know other two king product Gaochang jade whether also in palace.” “先别急着下结论,当年的凌烟阁24功臣,都有画影图形,并且被太宗皇帝放置到了凌烟阁中,供后世人观瞻。张雀,你拿我的手谕去问国子监的人,我要几份凌烟阁24功臣的临摹肖像。另外,你们想办法去找到宫里的太府卿杨钊,他掌管大内的国库,应该知道其他两块王品高昌玉是否还在宫中。” The Wang Chong ponder said. 王冲沉思道。 Only paints a portrait depending on ancient jade, is very difficult to find out any useful clue, but knew this ancient jade is the ancient Gao Changguo's high quality goods, moreover entire day under also only has three, then all completely are different. This aspect, so long as found to hold the post of too Yang Zhao of duty of mansion minister, all naturally come to light. 仅凭一块古玉画像,很难查出什么有用的线索,但是知道了这块古玉是古高昌国的贡品,而且全天下还只有三块,那么一切就完全不同。这方面,只要找到担任太府卿之职的杨钊,一切自然水落石出。 - in precious high quality goods regarding these Imperial Palace, perhaps again not compared with Yang Zhao more familiar. ——对于这些皇宫中的珍贵贡品,恐怕再没有比杨钊更熟悉的了。 Wang Chong's investigated quickly had result, first what replied was that side Yang Zhao. Wang Chong just sent for inquiring, less than half double-hour, that side Yang Zhao had answered: 王冲的调查很快就有了结果,最先回复的是杨钊那边。王冲这边刚派人去询问,才半个时辰不到,杨钊那边就有了答复: That jade that Wang Chong must look, truly is king product the Gaochang jade, does not know the whereabouts except for one, other two completely in the Imperial Palace secret storehouse, and was included the Top Level high quality goods, can not grant easily. Moreover according to the investigation of Yang Zhao, these two king product Gaochang ancient jade has sealed from the Taizong time there, has not moved. 王冲要找的那块玉石,确实属于王品高昌玉,除了一块不知下落,其他两块全部都在皇宫的秘库之中,并且被列入顶级贡品,轻易不得赏赐。而且根据杨钊的调查,这两块王品的高昌古玉从太宗时代就一直封存在那里,从没有动过。 But when this news, portraits of one stack of Lingyan Pavilion 24 heroes immediately fell in the Wang Chong hand, other heroes, when Wang Chong saw the broken armed forces War God Hou Junji's portrait, the whole person was startled immediately. 而就在这个消息之后不久,一沓凌烟阁24功臣的画像立即落到了王冲手中,其他的功臣也就罢了,但是当王冲看到破军战神侯君集的画像时,整个人顿时怔住了。 The character who paints a portrait looks for the first time strangely, as if has not related with own investigation, but sees on that young face, delimits the scabs of view together, in the Wang Chong mind has thundered, in an instant as if understood anything. 画像上的人物乍一看非常陌生,似乎和自己的调查没有丝毫关系,但是看到那张年轻的脸孔上,一道划过眼帘的伤疤,王冲脑海中一阵轰鸣,刹那间仿佛明白了什么。 Unexpectedly is really he!” “居然真的是他!” A stone arouses thousand overlapping waves, in a twinkling, in the Wang Chong mind raises suddenly ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mighty waves. Broken armed forces War God that this paints a portrait Ghost King young many that wants to see, both look like entirely different, position that but that scar is , the shape, the size is almost exactly the same. 一石激起千层浪,霎时间,王冲脑海中陡然升起万丈波澜。这张画像上的破军战神要比自己见到的鬼王年轻的多,两者看起来截然不同,但是那条疤痕所在的位置,形状,还有大小几乎一模一样。 What is more important, although the ages of two faces are different, but carefully looks, two people features at least have 78 similar. 更重要的是,尽管两张脸孔的年纪不同,但仔细看去,两人的眉目至少有着78分的相似。 Although looks like unbelievable, but this exactly is the most possible explanation. 虽然看起来难以置信,但这恰恰是最可能的解释。 Is impossible, this is impossible! How a person possibly lives such long time, moreover wasn't he died?” “不可能,这绝不可能!一个人怎么可能活上这么长的时间,而且他不是已经死了吗?” Looks the news that investigates, Zhang Que turns head to look at Wang Chong, the whole face does not dare to believe. 看完调查来的消息,张雀扭头看着王冲,满脸的不敢置信。 The news that according to investigating, Hou Junji resorts to arms like the god, in his life, experienced several hundred campaigns every large or small, is almost not defeated, completely success has defeated the match. 按照调查来的消息,侯君集用兵如神,在他的一生之中,大大小小经历了数百场战役,几乎毫无败绩,全部都成功的战胜了对手。 Moreover news that must come according to the investigation, other broken armed forces War God Hou Junji conduct methods and military commanders are entirely different, he leads the combat, always resorts to all means that only asked that the result did not ask the process, is the most formidable match exactly. 而且按照调查得来的消息,破军战神侯君集行事手段和其他的武将截然不同,他领军作战,向来不择手段,只问结果不问过程,恰恰是属于最难对付的对手。 Why however does not know, many news about Hou Junji is the point, once involves the detailed detail and important part, is insufficiently detailed. During his life record, there is greatly segment Daduan a blank, the content that even should record according to the Intrisic Principle official historian is also very fuzzy, as if some people in desirably is concealing anything. 不过不知道为什么,关于侯君集的许多消息都是点到为止,一旦涉及到详细的细节和重要的部分,都是语焉不详。在他的一生记录之中,有大段大段的空白,甚至按道理史官应该记录的内容也是十分模糊,仿佛有人在刻意的隐瞒着什么。 Knows oneself and other side, can be ever-victorious, only depends on at present these materials, Wang Chong is very difficult to infer many information. 知己知彼,方能百战百胜,仅凭眼前这些资料,王冲很难推断出更多的信息。 Perhaps, should see the master!” “或许,该去见见师父了!” in a flash, a thought passing over gently and swiftly mind, in the Wang Chong heart has remembered a person faintly. 电光石火间,一个念头掠过脑海,王冲心中隐隐想起了一个人。 The news that although obtains is incomplete, as if some people desirably in covering anything, in material that but collects from these, Wang Chong has also discovered an accidental/surprised clue. 虽然得到的消息残缺不全,仿佛有人刻意在掩盖什么,但是从这些搜集到的资料上,王冲也发现了一个意外的线索。 Broken armed forces War God Hou Junji, / Military God Su Zhengchen is the character of same time with master Great Tang, is the famous feudal officials of Taizong time, moreover Hou Junji's reputation is almost next to Su Zhengchen. From this, among two people has the enormous probability to have occurring together, even is familiar. 破军战神侯君集,和师父大唐/军神苏正臣乃是属于同时代的人物,都是太宗时代的名臣,而且侯君集的名声几乎仅次于苏正臣。从这点来说,两人之间有极大的概率有过交集,甚至非常熟悉。 Chaotic of three king, First Imperial Prince Ghost King is playing the extremely vital role, without the accident/surprise, he is still helping First Imperial Prince plan various schemes and tricks now, even assassination of King Song, extremely had the possibility and he cannot cut off the relations. 三王之乱,大皇子身边的鬼王起着极其重要的作用,没有意外,他现在还在帮着大皇子筹谋各种阴谋诡计,甚至就连宋王的遇刺,都极有可能和他脱不了关系。 To know that his flaw, understood perhaps his style, must result to see master Su Zhengchen. 想要知道他的破绽,了解他的行事风格,恐怕自己就必须得去见一次师父苏正臣 ... At nightfall, in Su Residence a silence. 入夜,苏府之中一片寂静。 As before is the previous place, on a short square table is putting a purple sand teapot, in the teapot steaming hot, rich tea fill the back garden fragrant. 依旧是老地方,一张矮矮的方桌上面放着一只紫砂茶壶,茶壶里热气腾腾,一股股浓郁的茶香弥漫后园。 Listened to the Wang Chong's words, Su Zhengchen to grasp the teacup to sip one lightly, the whole person was lost in thought. 听完王冲的话,苏正臣握着茶杯轻呷了一口,整个人陷入了沉思。 Wang Chong's visiting is surprises him quite without a doubt, has lived the long years, had been through repeatedly several generations of kings, has been including wise God Martial Emperor Taizong, changed into the windblown dust, say nothing is other people. Lives now, side these familiar people and matters already did not exist. 王冲的拜访毫无疑问是让他极为意外的,活过了漫长的岁月,历经了数代君王,连英明神武太宗皇帝都作了古,化为了尘烟,更不用说是其他人。活到现在,身边那些熟悉的人和事早已不复存在。 When Wang Chong asked Hou Junji these three characters, Su Zhengchen obviously was some accidents/surprises, even touched. 所以当王冲问起侯君集这三个字,苏正臣明显是有些意外的,甚至是触动的。 Incessantly so, when Wang Chong asked Hou Junji, he noticed clearly the Su Zhengchen look fluctuated, before time was completely different. 不止如此,当王冲问起侯君集的时候,他清楚的看到苏正臣的眼神波动了一下,和以前的时候完全不同。 That ancient jade paints a portrait you to make me look at one again?” “那枚古玉的画像你能让我再看一眼吗?” Su Zhengchen opens the mouth to say suddenly. 苏正臣突然开口道。 Wang Chong had not said, has handed over that drawing paper quickly, but Su Zhengchen to that drawing paper, the brow tight wrinkle, was not speaking for a very long time. 王冲没有多说,很快将那张画纸递了过去,而苏正臣对着那张画纸,眉头紧皱,久久不语。 Cannot think that is really he!” “想不到真的是他!” Long time, a Su Zhengchen deep sigh, opens the mouth to say finally: 良久,苏正臣一声长叹,终于开口道: Will not have the mistake, this Gaochang ancient jade precisely Emperor Taizong granted in the past to Hou Junji. On the jade was the swallow design, precisely at that time Hou Junji's colors symbol!” “不会有错了,这块高昌古玉正是当年太宗皇帝赏赐给侯君集的。玉石上是只玄鸟图案,正是当时侯君集的军旗标志!” Su Zhengchen was saying, while points at ancient jade to paint a portrait that several black swallow designs. Takes a broad view at the world, this time did not know about the Taizong time's matter compared with Su Zhengchen again. 苏正臣一边说着,一边指着古玉画像上那几只黑色的玄鸟图案。放眼天下,这个时代再没有比苏正臣对太宗时代的事情更了解的了。 Hou Junji came from the noble family, is the early time follows one of the Emperor Taizong day plan generals, Emperor Taizong trusts him extremely, gives back to him to bestow number little white ape. The black swallow is the taboo, is not the Imperial Family member can not use, but Emperor Taizong actually made an exception to Hou Junji, to Hou Junji's favor and trust, took a broad view at the entire government and people, second to none!” “侯君集出身贵族名门,乃是早期跟随太宗皇帝的天策上将之一,太宗皇帝对他极其信任,还给他赐号‘小白猿’。黑色玄鸟本是禁忌,不是皇室成员不得使用,但是太宗皇帝却破例给了侯君集,对侯君集的宠信,放眼整个朝野,无出其右!” However Hou Junji does not lose Taizong to look, since follows Taizong to battle, Hou Junji offers the unusual strategies repeatedly, the meritorious service that performs is countless. However Hou Junji is fiercest, is not his formidable Art of War ability, but is his excellent learning capability.” “而侯君集也不负太宗所望,自从跟随太宗作战,侯君集屡献奇策,建立的功勋不计其数。不过侯君集最厉害的,还不是他强大的兵法能力,而是他过人的学习能力。”
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