HE :: Volume #17

#1658: Recent news!

Wang Chong said that then stubbornly is staring at King Song, is waiting for his reply. 王冲说完,便死死的盯着宋王,等待着他的回答。 Sees only on the bed, in the King Song eye reveals a hesitation obviously, his fickering eyelid, wanted to wink, but is actually hesitating anything, as if some scruples, or is not too definite. 只见床榻上,宋王的眼中明显露出一丝犹豫,他的眼睑颤动了一下,想要眨动,但却又在迟疑什么,似乎有些顾忌,又或者不是太确定。 But in room silent, if dies, the old steward and Zhangchou Jianqiong no one have spoken. 而房间里寂静若死,老管家和章仇兼琼谁也没有说话。 Meeting of King Song stabs, the relations are major, do not do well, will initiate fierce Royal Court to be turbulent, no one dares to interrupt at this kind of time carelessly. 宋王的遇剌,关系重大,弄不好,会引发一场剧烈的朝廷动荡,谁也不敢在这种时候胡乱插嘴。 The time silent passes in this type slowly. 时间在这种静默中缓缓流逝。 On the bed, the lip of King Song moves, as if wanted to say anything, actually could not make the sound, motionless was looking at hand Wang Chong. 床榻上,宋王的嘴唇动了动,似乎想要说些什么,却又发不出声音,一动不动的望着近在咫尺的王冲 Sees the King Song look, nearby Zhangchou Jianqiong, in the heart cannot bear is startled. 看到宋王的眼神,一旁的章仇兼琼,心中忍不住一怔。 No matter the official business or the private affair, he and King Song also contact many times, but Zhangchou Jianqiong little sees in the King Song eye to reveal the so complex facial expression. 不管是公事还是私事,他和宋王也接触过很多次,但是章仇兼琼很少见到宋王眼中流露出如此复杂的神情。 The King Song facial expression is serious, as if not care regarding own matter. On the contrary is in the look, there is the anticipation and a dignity of not talking clearly, as to relate anything to Wang Chong. 宋王的神情沉重,对于自身的事情似乎并不是太在意。反倒是眼神之中,有种说不清的期待和凝重,似乎想要对王冲诉说什么。 That flash, Zhangchou Jianqiong cannot bear the mind vibrate. 那一刹那,就连章仇兼琼也忍不住心神震动。 I understood!” “我明白了!” During a piece is silent, the Wang Chong's sound resounds in the room. Wang Chong long inspiration, before the bed, stands up slowly. Some matters, do not need to put to the language, so long as a look, Wang Chong then understands. 就在一片静默之中,王冲的声音在房间中响起。王冲长长的吸一口气,从床榻前,缓缓站起身来。有些事情,不必付诸语言,只要一个眼神,王冲便已经明白。 Your highness, you rest well. The following matter, gives me to come!” “殿下,你好好休息。后面的事情,就交给我来吧!” Left behind these words, Wang Chong with a heavy heart leaves. 留下这句话,王冲心情沉重的离开了。 But almost while Wang Chong goes out of room, a sound of footsteps hurriedly transmits from the rear area, at the same time, a sound resounds from the ear: 而几乎是在王冲走出房间的同时,一个急匆匆的脚步声从后方传来,同一时间,一个声音从耳边响起: Matter... Really already seriously to this situation?” “事情…真的已经严重到这种地步了吗?” When does not know, Zhangchou Jianqiong followed. His brow tight wrinkle, in foreheads is surging thick haze, looks like worried. 不知何时,章仇兼琼跟了上来。他的眉头紧皱,眉宇间涌动着一股浓浓的阴霾,看起来心事重重。 Wang Chong has not spoken, stops the footsteps, something have not needed to express in the spoken language. 王冲没有说话,停下脚步,有些东西已经无需用言语去表达了。 Therefore, is really First Imperial Prince?” “所以,真的是大皇子吗?” Zhangchou Jianqiong could not bear ask this finally. 章仇兼琼终于还是忍不住开口问出了这句。 I could not find out other answer.” “我已经想不出别的答案了。” Wang Chong indifferently said: 王冲淡淡道: Moreover, I was only worried now, all these also merely start!” “而且,我现在只担心,这一切还仅仅只是开始!” wēng! 嗡! Hears these words, the Zhangchou Jianqiong whole body shakes, steep changed the complexion. 听到这句话,章仇兼琼浑身一震,陡的变了脸色。 This, is, how can...” “这,可是,怎么会…” This flash, Zhangchou Jianqiong muttered, was absentminded, as if has not been definitely able to accept this answer. But First Imperial Prince Sage Emperor eldest son, the first position successor of throne, was assigned to be Prince Regent by Sage Emperor, meaning revealed unusual is obvious. 这一刹那,章仇兼琼喃喃自语,失魂落魄,似乎还完全无法接受这个答案。大皇子可是圣皇的长子,皇位的第一顺位继承人,又被圣皇指定为摄政王,意思已经表露的非常明显。 Without the accident/surprise, future Sage Emperor is he! 没有意外,未来的圣皇就是他! Why does he want such to do? 他为什么要这么做? Moreover, this is King Song! He dares, don't tell me doesn't he have any scruples? 而且,这可是宋王啊!他怎么敢,难道他心里就没有任何顾忌吗? Zhangchou Jianqiong has also experienced the great storms person, but this flash, in his heart heavy. Although anything could not see at present, but Zhangchou Jianqiong actually clearly feels, dark as if monstrous waves, are sweeping across toward here. 章仇兼琼也是经历过大风大浪的人,但是这一刹那,他的心中沉甸甸的。虽然眼前什么也看不到,但章仇兼琼却分明感觉到,冥冥中似乎有一股巨浪,正朝着这里席卷而来。 This monstrous waves block the sky, will change the entire Great Tang sky! 这股巨浪遮天蔽日,将改变整个大唐的天空! Wang Chong has not spoken, perhaps this matter shocks, accident/surprise regarding Zhangchou Jianqiong, but also is hard to accept, but regarding Wang Chong, all understood incomparably: 王冲没有说话,这件事情对于章仇兼琼或许震惊、意外,还难以接受,但是对于王冲来说,一切都已经明了无比: Harem event that from most starts, incurs to buy national capital thousands Aristocratic Family to Dafu Temple again, arrives to recall Gao Xianzhi again, grasps Anxi Protectorate Army, as well as will find the way to reassign Lingnan..., All is aiming at a person. 从最开始的后宫事件,再到大佛寺招买京师数以万计的世家,再到召回高仙芝,掌握安西都护军,以及想办法将自己抽调到岭南…,所有的一切都在指向着一个人。 The King Song matter, besides that whom Wang Chong really cannot find out also to have the motive and reason such is done. 宋王的事情,除了那一位,王冲实在想不出还有谁更有动机和理由去这么做。 You were too anxious! It is not your, does not belong eventually your!” “你太急切了!不是你的,终究不是属于你的!” In the Wang Chong mind flashes through this thought that his sleeves stroke, left the King Song mansion quickly 王冲脑海中闪过这道念头,他的衣袖一拂,很快离开了宋王的府邸 ... The King Song situation, is far optimistically. 宋王的情况,远远谈不上乐观。 According to Doctor Zheng a view and court physician, the opposite party uses violently poisonously, sinister and ruthless, moreover hears something never heard of before, sees what one never saw before, wanting the sinking sickness completely to go, is not that simple matter. 按照郑神医和一众御医的说法,对方用剧毒,阴毒至极,而且闻所未闻,见所未见,想要沉疴尽去,远不是那么简单的事。 However, had the Wang Chong's help, King Song got through the most dangerous difficult time, then, well recuperated. 不过,有了王冲的帮助,宋王已经渡过了最危险的难关,接下来,就是好好的调养了。 Moreover, no matter before consciousness, after consciousness, King Song regarding killing secretly the process of his person as well as poison, kept silent completely, even if were Wang Chong asks is also same, this throughout was a giant riddle. 另外,不管是苏醒前,还是苏醒后,宋王对于暗害他的人以及中毒的过程,全部都是只字不提,哪怕是王冲问起也一样,这始终是个巨大的迷团。 - if First Imperial Prince sends for killing secretly, what also there is unable to say? ——如果是大皇子派人暗害的,又有什么不能说的? However for all this, Wang Chong in secret is sending out the manpower to investigate this matter, in any event, Wang Chong must find that to poison the King Song person in secret. 不过尽管如此,王冲还是在暗中派出人手去调查这件事情,无论如何,王冲一定要找到那个暗中毒害宋王的人。 However Wang Chong cannot think, when he investigates the King Song event, another matter had the unexpected progress. 然而就连王冲都想不到,就在他调查宋王事件的时候,另一件事情却有了意想不到的进展。 Lord King, had the progress!” 王爷,有进展了!” Three days later, when Wang Chong still manages to investigate the King Song assassination event in the King of Foreign Territory's Mansion main hall, on the Zhang Que shoulder is roosting a hawk, the cheeks are ruddy, excited walked from outside. 三天之后,当王冲还在异域王府的大殿之中主持调查宋王遇刺事件的时候,张雀肩膀上栖着一只鹰,脸颊红扑扑的,兴奋的从外面走了进来。 Lord King, but also remembers before , lets that jade that we look up? We found the person who knows that jade origin!” 王爷,还记得之前让我们查的那块玉石吗?我们找到知道那块玉石来历的人了!” A moment later, in the Wang Chong surprised vision, a year the old senior jade cutter, has put on one to wash flood white bluish gray robe, walked from the palace tremblingly. 片刻之后,就在王冲惊讶的目光中,一名年过耄耋的老玉匠,穿着一身洗得泛白的青灰色衣袍,从殿外颤巍巍的走了进来。 Common people Du Jiangcheng pays a visit Lord King!” “草民杜江成拜见王爷!” The senior jade cutter enters the main hall, to main hall in Wang Chong respectful good a ritual. 老玉匠走进大殿,对着大殿上的王冲恭恭敬敬行了一礼。 Old zhang (3.33 m) please get up, does not need to be overly courteous!” “老丈请起,不必多礼!” Wang Chong sets out hastily, moved forward to meet somebody. 王冲连忙起身,迎了上去。 Old zhang (3.33 m), do you recognize that jade really?” “老丈,你真的认得那块玉吗?” Before, Wang Chong asked in national capital almost all experiences to be rich, aged senior jade cutter, but simply did not have anybody to recognize hangs the jade pendant origin on Ghost King waist. Wang Chong thinks this matter has hoped uncertainly, however has not thought, will have the favorable turn at this time. 之前,王冲已经问过京师之中几乎所有经验丰富,上了岁数的老玉匠,但却根本没有任何人认得挂在鬼王腰上的玉佩来历。王冲本来以为这件事情已经希望渺茫了,然而万万没有想到,却会在这个时候出现了转机。 Lord King portrait, in grass popular sentiment some indistinct impressions, but also some issues must result to Lord King consult, can know the answer.” 王爷的画像,草民心中隐约有些印象,但还有一些问题必须得向王爷请教,才能知道答案。” Senior jade cutter respectful sound said. 老玉匠恭声道。 Oh? 哦? The Wang Chong brow raises, in heart accidental/surprised: 王冲眉头微扬,心中大为意外: Old zhang (3.33 m) please say.” “老丈请说。” „The Lord King portrait, that ancient jade probably is seven one and three quarter inche thousandth four points, the common people want to ask, Lord King this picture does draw according to the ancient Yu's real size? Is that ancient jade similarly also seven one and three quarter inche thousandth four points?” 王爷的画像上,那枚古玉大概是七寸六厘四分,草民想问,王爷这张画是不是按照古玉的真实大小来画的?那枚古玉同样也是七寸六厘四分?” The senior jade cutter said. 老玉匠道。 Wang Chong hears these words, the body slightly shakes, in the heart accidental/surprised. He simply has not thought that the senior jade cutter will ask ancient jade the size . Moreover the opposite party also directly estimated to paint a portrait the size of Far Ancient jade, even also precise to dividing, obviously the experience and eyesight of senior jade cutter were extremely astonishing. 王冲听到这番话,身躯微震,心中大为意外。他根本没有想到老玉匠会问起古玉的尺寸,而且对方还直接估算出了画像上古玉的尺寸,甚至还精确到了分,显然老玉匠的经验和眼力都极其惊人。 Paints a portrait defers to the actual size to come not actually, real ancient jade should be eight cuns (2.5 cm) about two thousandths.” “画像倒不是按照实际尺寸来的,真实的古玉应该是八寸两厘左右。” Wang Chong said. 王冲道。 „, This was no wonder right! If I guess right, its length should be thousandth seven points.” “怪不得,这就对了!如果我猜得没错,它的长度应该是厘七分。” The senior jade cutter muttered, as if finally has solved the doubts in heart. 老玉匠喃喃自语,仿佛终于解决了心中的疑惑。 Last issue!” “还有最后一个问题!” Senior jade cutter was saying, while stretches out a skinny palm to search into the bosom. Along with a xī xī sū sū sound, the senior jade cutter takes out a paper from the bosom quickly, fine paper spreads out slowly, reveals side Guyu a portrait, impressively before precisely Wang Chong, that ancient jade of picture paints a portrait. 老玉匠一边说着,一边伸出一只枯瘦的手掌探入怀中。很快随着一阵窸窸窣窣的声音,老玉匠从怀中取出一张纸来,宣纸缓缓摊开,露出一方古玉的画像,赫然正是王冲之前画的那张古玉画像。 „The Lord King picture has drawn very much vividly, is only some is not very fine, the common people want to ask Lord King, that ancient jade the spot, there are some thin like the spider's silk, as if root hair general trace.” 王爷的画已经画得很形象了,只是还是有些不够精细,草民想请问王爷,那枚古玉的这处部位,有没有一些细如蛛丝,仿佛根须一般的纹路。” This...” “这…” Hears these words, in the Wang Chong heart accidental/surprised, these questions that obviously the senior jade cutter asked were really too careful, even if were he, before had not thought from the start. ancient Yu's portrait can draw the accurate shape as well as the main pattern decorative carving has been OK, how also possibly to draw the above that tiny trace. 听到这番话,王冲心中大为意外,显然老玉匠问的这些问题实在是太细致了,就算是他,之前也压根没有想过。古玉的画像能够画出准确的形状以及主要的花纹雕饰就可以了,又怎么可能画出上面那么细小的纹路。 Moreover in the evening, the ray was at that time dim, careful that only then the time of glance, where can observe. 而且当时还是晚上,光线昏暗,又只有惊鸿一瞥的时间,哪里会观察的那么细致。 „It is not right!” “不对!” Wang Chong was wanting saying that records is not clear, suddenly, a brow wrinkle, vaguely has remembered anything. Although the time is tight, is impossible to look that carefully, but as Fine and Detailed Realm Powerhouse, the most basic characteristics has the formidable insight, can feel in the world the changes of various slight energies. 王冲正想要说记不清楚了,突然之间,眉头一皱,依稀间想起了什么。虽然时间仓促,根本不可能看得那么仔细,不过作为入微境强者,最基本的特点就是具备强大的洞察力,能够感受到天地间各种细微能量的变化。 But formidable Spiritual Strength, enables Wang Chong these tiny places to remember firmly, even reappears in the mind. 而强大的精神力,又使得王冲能够将这些细小的地方牢牢记住,甚至在脑海中重现。 Hurried that although Ghost King walks, but Wang Chong clearly remembers, when he leaves, there is a flash that ancient jade surface flashes through rainbow light faintly. 鬼王虽然走的匆忙,但王冲分明记得,在他离开的时候,有那么一刹那,那枚古玉表面隐隐闪过一丝虹光。 „It is not spider's silk common root hair, yes... Some tiny blood-color traces!” “不是蛛丝一般的根须,是…一些细小的血色纹路!” Wang Chong opens the mouth to say suddenly. 王冲突然开口道。 Hears the Wang Chong's words, senior jade cutter whole body trembles, probably was gripped by the needle was the same, steep raising the head, looks to Wang Chong, the facial expression is excited: 听到王冲的话,老玉匠浑身一颤,就好像被针扎了一样,陡的抬起头,看向王冲,神情激动无比: Is blood-color trace, is the blood-color trace! Not wrong! That certainly is the Gaochang jade!” “是血色纹路,就是血色纹路!没有错!那一定是高昌玉!” On the old man skinny cheeks, surged at this time unexpectedly excited red, probably a person meets in the life to be most precious, the most long-awaited thing is the same. 老者原本枯瘦的脸颊上,这个时候居然涌起一股兴奋的通红,就好像一个人遇到生命中最珍贵,最梦寐以求的东西一样。 „The thousandth seven points of Gaochang jade, cannot think that the old man year is excessively old, unexpectedly can also in the life finally frequently contacts this type of thing!” “厘七分的高昌玉,想不到老夫年过耄耋,居然还能在生命的最后时刻接触到这种东西!” In the main hall, Wang Chong and Zhang Que look at each other in blank dismay, the senior jade cutter's response stems from their expectations greatly, but no matter what, can look, he should know this type of thing the origin. 大殿里,王冲张雀面面相觑,老玉匠的反应大大出乎他们的预料,但是不管怎么样,看得出来,他应该知道这种东西的来历。 Old zhang (3.33 m), you said that this is Gaochang jade? Is this type of jade very special?” “老丈,你说这是一枚高昌玉?这种玉很特别吗?” Wang Chong asked. 王冲问道。 Haha, that surface that you see has blood-color trace ancient jade, is the Gaochang jade, a native of Gaochang calls the blood jade, is in the jade the best quality goods. The senior jade cutter in national capital can handle Gaochang jade for a lifetime, that dies with no regrets really for a lifetime.” “哈哈,你看到的那枚表面有着血色纹路的古玉,就是高昌玉,高昌人又称之为血玉,是玉中极品。京师中的老玉匠一辈子能够经手一枚高昌玉,那真的是一辈子死而无憾。” Senior jade cutter happy say/way, the facial expression and makings of whole person and completely were a moment ago different. 老玉匠高兴道,整个人的神情、气质和刚才完全不同。 Wang Chong brow slightly wrinkle, although he has not heard any Gaochang jade, but can look from the senior jade cutter's response, this should be a best quality goods jade. 王冲眉头微皱,虽然他也没听说过什么高昌玉,但是从老玉匠的反应中看得出来,这应该是一种极品玉石。 „The Gaochang jade is the best quality goods in jade, product Ciji is high, before, this is specifically is used to present tribute, is feeds specially Imperial Family to use, at all is not the average person can contact to obtain!” “高昌玉是玉石中的极品,品次极高,在以前,这是专门用来进贡的,是专供皇室所用,根本不是普通人能够接触得到的!” wēng! 嗡! Hears these words, Wang Chong and in the Zhang Que heart vibrates greatly. How two people have not thought that ancient jade can be the high quality goods unexpectedly. 听到这番话,王冲张雀心中大为震动。两人怎么都没有想到,那枚古玉居然会是贡品。 The high quality goods in Imperial Family, only then the empresses and certain being in good graces the imperial princes of Sage Emperor harem, as well as in Royal Court the extremely individual high-ranking court official can contact to obtain. 皇室中的贡品,只有圣皇后宫的娘娘、某些得宠的皇子,以及朝廷中极个别的重臣才能接触得到。 On the Ghost King waist will wear this type of thing unexpectedly, this makes the entire item matter immediately appear unusual, thought-provoking! D 鬼王腰上居然会佩戴这种东西,这让整件事情顿时显得非同寻常,耐人寻味!d
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