HE :: Volume #17

#1657: King Song regains consciousness is New Year's Day joyful

Beginning of the universe limitless remote antiquity Great Principle Immortal Art careful Fine and Detailed, the Astral Qi - Penetration nature is fiercer than it Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art, can penetrate to each inch corners of whole body all cells, even can infiltrate to the martial artist most complex head and nerve. 混元无极太上大罗仙功细致入微,罡气穿透性比之大阴阳天地造化功还要厉害,可以穿透到全身所有细胞的每一寸角落,甚至可以渗透武者最复杂的头颅和神经之中。 This is other cultivation method is hard to compare. 这是其他功法难以比拟的。 Moreover beginning of the universe limitless remote antiquity Great Principle Immortal Art, when infiltrate enters the cranial cavity, but can also reinforce the meridians and bloodlines that Strenghten passes through, can avoid causing the further two damage to the King Song present body. 而且混元无极太上大罗仙功渗透进入颅腔的时侯,还能够一路加固、强化途经的经络和血脉,能够避免对宋王现在的身体造成进一步的二次伤害。 wēng! 嗡! In the vision of people, vigorous strengths, is containing boundless world Power of Principle, rumbled into the head and whole body meridians of King Song. 就在众人的目光中,一股股雄浑的力量,蕴含着磅礴的天地规则之力,轰入到了宋王的头颅和全身经脉之中。 Enters to the King Song cranial cavity in truly, even more felt that the King Song situation serious, the Wang Chong's consciousness sensation, sees only in the King Song cranial cavity, all nerves and meridians, including cerebral cortex, in complete contamination one layer upon layer black dark ink. 真正进入到宋王颅腔之中,才越发感觉到宋王情况的严重,王冲的意识感知所至,只见宋王颅腔之中,所有的神经、经络,包括大脑皮层在内,全部沾染上了一层层黑色的“浓墨”。 Violent poisonousness of that Tyrant Overlord already pollution each inch place, and goes toward King Song brain deep place infiltrate. If King Song really including brain deep place by this violently poisonous infiltrate, then is really unable to save the situation, even if Wang Chong making an effort whole body remarkable ability, including Blood Reformation, was helpless. 那种霸烈的剧毒已经“污染”了每一寸地方,并且向着宋王的大脑深处渗透而去。如果宋王真的连大脑深处都被这种剧毒渗透,那么就真的是回天乏术,就算是王冲使劲全身神通,包括换血在内,都无能为力了。 Pondered without enough time, the Wang Chong intention moves, gangs of Pang Bang, simultaneously contains the strength of vitality to erupt from Great Principle Immortal Art, while protecting King Song whole body meridians, is similar to tidal howls, these black viscous takes in violently poisonously, then follows the Astral Qi channel to pull out leaves. 来不及细想,王冲心念一动,一股股庞磅的,同时蕴含着生机的力量从大罗仙功中爆发而出,在护住宋王全身经脉的同时,如同潮水般呼啸而出,将那些黑色的粘稠剧毒吸纳进去,然后顺着罡气通道抽离。 Incites! 滋滋! The next quarter, in the vision of people, black liquids, the faint trace continuously, turns into the smog, unceasing from the King Song mouth and nose, as well as in the earhole seeps out, changes into the black vapor, dissipates in void. 下一刻,就在众人的目光中,一股股黑色的液体,丝丝缕缕,化成烟雾,不断的从宋王的口、鼻,以及耳孔之中渗出,化为黑色的蒸气,消散在虚空之中。 „!” “啊!” Around four, intermittent screams resound, all court physicians noticed that this dumbfounded. Astral Qi is not multipurpose, otherwise, wants the court physician to be useful? In the brain, Astral Qi is very difficult to arrive, even if top Martial Path Powerhouse, Cultivation Power is unable to hope to attain. 四周围,一阵阵惊呼声响起,所有的御医看到这一幕都呆住了。罡气也不是万能的,要不然,要御医有什么用?大脑之中,罡气很难抵达,就算是顶尖的武道强者,功力也无法企及。 - the former old steward and Zhangchou Jianqiong have tried, ends in failure completely. It is not there is extremely complex, but is there relations are too big, is extremely subtle, two people do not dare to begin rashly, does not have the slight assurance. ——之前老管家和章仇兼琼就已经试过,全部都以失败告终。不是那里太过复杂,而是那里关系太大,太过精微,两人根本不敢贸然动手,也没有丝毫的把握。 However Wang Chong forms a coherent whole unexpectedly, pulled out the violent poisonousness of King Song within the body to this manner. 但是王冲居然一气呵成,以这种方式把宋王体内的剧毒抽离了出来。 Looks quickly!” “快看!” In the confusion, does not know that was who said. Flash, the vision of all people completely centralized to King Song on sickbed on. Saw only the King Song aura and just compared with, unexpectedly was also good, the skin facial expression was more normal. 混乱中,不知是谁叫了起来。一刹那,所有人的目光全部集中到了病榻上的宋王身上。只见宋王的气息和刚刚相比,居然又好了许多,皮肤气色正常了许多。 Moreover, the breath of King Song is the air/Qi, if fine thread, just like in the wind the remaining years of life, probably will momentarily extinguish general. However at this time, although as before is not very strong, but breathed has linked up and prolonged. 而且,宋王的呼吸本来是气若游丝,犹如风中残烛般,好像随时会熄灭一般。但是这个时候,虽然依旧不是很强劲,但呼吸已经连贯、绵长了许多。 This flash, all people were startled. 这一刹那,所有人都怔住了。 However at this moment, Wang Chong cares about other radically without enough time. 然而此时此刻,王冲根本来不及顾及其他。 wēng! 嗡! While black viscous violently poisonous thick juice by aspiration, the Wang Chong intention moves, the mouth of switchroom King Song, has then put in Purple Gold color/look pill medicine the King Song mouth. 就在一股股黑色粘稠剧毒浓汁被吸出的同时,王冲心念一动,扳开宋王的嘴巴,然后将一枚紫金色丹药放入了宋王的口中。 With water!” “拿水来!” Wang Chong does not return to say. 王冲头也不回道。 „, Yes!” “啊,是!” A maid seems to be awakening from a dream, the steep response, is carrying one water, has handed over hastily. 一名婢女如梦初醒,陡的反应过来,端着一杯水,连忙递了过来。 Wang Chong had not said, received the drinking glass, has filled a small mouth toward the King Song mouth, looks that King Song swallows that pill medicine, this long breathed a sigh of relief. 王冲也没多说,接过水杯,往宋王口中灌了一小口,看着宋王把那颗丹药吞下,这才长舒了一口气。 Can do, I have done. Then depended on you.” “能做的,我都已经做了。接下来就靠你们了。” Wang Chong has wiped the beads of sweat of forehead lightly, opens the mouth to say. A series of moves, the Wang Chong's complexion also sees palely. Therapy for King Song, all these seem like relaxed, but in fact, the consumption mental effort, Wang Chong must result in extremely guaranteed while therapy, does not injure to any blood vessel and meridians of King Song, as well as slight nerve in brain. 王冲轻拭了一下额头的汗珠,开口道。一系列行动下来,王冲的脸色也微见苍白。替宋王疗伤,这一切看似轻松,但实际上,极其耗费心力,王冲必须得确保在疗伤的同时,不伤到宋王的任何一条血管、经脉,以及大脑里的细微神经。 The entire process, does not look like that relaxed like bystander. 整个过程,远不像外人看起来那么轻松。 Quick, quick, quick!” “快,快,快!” But hears the Wang Chong's words, in the room all court physicians seem to be awakening from a dream, has welled up in abundance. 而听到王冲的话,房间里所有的御医如梦初醒,纷纷涌了上去。 Good, our medicine and stone acupuncture needles have then been able to become effective.” “太好了,这下我们的药石可以生效了。” But for King Song lineage/vein, court physicians immediately great happiness. 只不过替宋王把了一下脉,众御医顿时大喜。 Although present King Song has not regained consciousness as before, but with just compared with, the situation in within the body had the difference of heaven and earth. At least, Wang Chong opened a channel for them, enabling people the effect of medicine and stone acupuncture needle finally to produce Effect in King Song within the body. 虽然现在的宋王依旧没有苏醒,但是和刚刚相比,体内的情况却有了天壤之别。至少,王冲替他们打开了一道通道,使得众人的药石之效终于可以在宋王体内产生效果了。 Quick, a famous court physician unfolds the manager respectively, the below needle of next needle, gives the medicine the feeding medicine, crosses the air/Qi the crossing air/Qi, in the room a piece mingles. Had the Wang Chong's involvement, the most difficult moment, as the Central Plains Divine Province wisest court physician, they also starts to reveal the attainments in medical ethics. 很快,一名名御医各展所长,下针的下针,喂药的喂药,渡气的渡气,房间里一片混迹。有了王冲的介入,最艰难的一刻过去,做为中土神州最高明的御医,他们也开始显露出在医道方面的造诣。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” A moment later, when last gold/metal needle inserts the King Song top of the head hundred to collect the hole, in the room, the people hear one suddenly long, extremely feeble * the sound, in the people pleasantly surprised and inspired vision, on the sickbed, King Song that eyes closed did not awake places near the bed finger to shiver suddenly two. But that the double pupil of pair of shutting tightly is also vibrating, wants to open eyes. 片刻之后,当最后一根金针插入宋王头顶百汇穴,房间里,众人突然听到一阵长长的,极度虚弱的*声,就在众人惊喜、振奋的目光中,病榻上,一直闭目不醒的宋王放在床榻边的手指突然颤动了两下。而那一双紧闭的双眸也抖动着,想要睁开眼来。 Good, King Song awoke! King Song awoke!” “太好了,宋王醒了!宋王醒了!” After the moment, the view winks, when the King Song opening eye slowly, in the room, erupts one suddenly excitedly, actually extremely depressing cheers, as if lest alarms to King Song that the bed collapses. 须臾之后,眼帘眨动,当宋王缓缓的睁开眼睛,房间里,骤然爆发出一阵兴奋之极,却又极度压抑的欢呼声,似乎都唯恐惊扰到床塌上的宋王 But rear area, in the Wang Chong original conscience clutches tightly, but at this moment, relaxed immediately much. 而后方,王冲原本心中揪紧,但是这一刻,顿时也放松了不少。 Since has entered the mansion, this is Wang Chong first time sees him to open the eye. 进入府邸以来,这还是王冲第一次看到他睁开眼睛。 But royal courtier who in the room, all maids and court physicians, come to visit, is a joy. 而房间里,所有的婢女、御医、前来探望的朝臣,也是一片喜悦。 King Song, are you now what kind of?” 宋王,你现在怎么样?” Sees King Song to regain consciousness, the people have welled up in abundance. King Song no matter in the government and people, is in the military, has the pivotal function. Regarding the feudal officials, only heard King Song to have an accident, in each individual heart has flustered. 看到宋王苏醒,众人纷纷涌了上去。宋王不管是在朝野,还是在军方,都拥有举足轻重的作用。对于众臣来说,刚刚听说宋王出事,每个人心中都有一丝慌张。 So long as the King Song safe, entire Empire cannot collapse. 但是只要宋王无事,整个帝国就塌不下来。 On the bed, the King Song aura as before looks like very weak, his lip moves, as if wanted to say anything to the present people. Then what in the mouth sends out is only low the sound. 床榻上,宋王气息依旧看起来非常的虚弱,他的嘴唇动了动,似乎想要对眼前的众人说什么。然后嘴中发出的只是低呜的声音。 But such a small movement, lets King Song full head Supreme Khan. Although he on face vigorously is maintaining tranquil, but the blue vein of skin next tremor, had clearly indicated pain that he bears at this time. 而就这么一个小小的动作,就让宋王满头的大汗。他虽然脸上极力的保持着平静,但是皮肤下一根根颤动的青筋,清楚的表明了他此时承受的痛苦。 You exit first! King Song needs to rest, has any matter, later said again.” “你们先出去吧!宋王需要休息,有什么事,以后再说。” Wang Chong opens the mouth to say suddenly. 王冲突然开口道。 Room that a few words, in an instant, were noisy immediately a deathly stillness. The bed collapsing surroundings, left, right, gathered round King Song inquiring after the well being of the look that in the royal courtier eyes flashes through fear, the silent does not raise immediately. 只是一句话,刹那间,原本闹哄哄的房间顿时一片死寂。床塌周围,原本左一句,右一句,围着宋王“嘘寒问暖”的朝臣眼中闪过一丝畏惧的神色,立即闭口不提。 Although Wang Chong was eliminated even chapter of adviser the right that the government position, has not participated and discussed on state affairs, however in entire Great Tang, definitely without a doubt, most has one of the real power high-ranking court officials. 王冲虽然被剥夺了“平章参事”的官职,没有参政议政的权利,但是在整个大唐,绝对是毫无疑问,最有实权的重臣之一。 His authority huge, even if not in Imperial Court, can influence to the Royal Court resolution. Even like the disciplinary investigators, establishes such Royal Court organization, shoes is also the Royal Court function, unexpectedly can not pass through the discussion of Royal Court completely, arbitrarily establishment. 他的权力庞大到即便不在朝堂之中,也可以影响朝廷的决议。甚至是像纠察队这样,成立这样的朝廷机构,履的也是朝廷的职能,居然可以完全不经朝廷的商议,擅自成立。 This matter except for Wang Chong, nobody dares to do! 这种事情除了王冲,没人敢干! Is this, has let inside and outside the entire government and people, countless people saw this by kicking Imperial Court King of Foreign Territory, is having as before pivotally, any other people are hard to be equal to the huge energy of enemy. 仅仅是这点,也已经让整个朝野内外,无数人看到了这位被“踢”出朝堂异域王,依旧拥有着举足轻重,任何其他人都难以媲敌的庞大能量。 Did not say, status honored like First Imperial Prince, as the Great Tang first position successor and present Prince Regent, repeatedly three turned unable to solve him. The real power that the sole view right, the authority of Wang Chong stealth and has, to a certain extent, has reached the entire Empire peak. 更不说,地位尊贵如大皇子,身为大唐的第一顺位继承人和现在的摄政王,屡次三翻都解决不了他。单论权利,王冲隐形的权威和掌握的实权,某种程度上,已经达到了整个帝国的巅峰。 Even if compared with First Imperial Prince, inferior how long. 就算和大皇子相比,也逊色不了多久。 The time of moment, in the room, the innumerable royal courtiers are only sideways to leave, does not have including Bian Bo words. 只片刻的时间,房间里,无数的朝臣纷纷侧身离开,连一句辨驳的话都没有。 But nearby Zhangchou Jianqiong and old steward are motionless, in the Wang Chong's words naturally does not include them. In fact, present King Song just regained consciousness, body weak very much, really did not suit in this times and feudal officials meets. 而一旁的章仇兼琼和老管家则一动不动,王冲的话里自然不包括他们。事实上,现在的宋王刚刚苏醒,身体虚弱的很,实在不适合在这个时候和众臣见面。 In room a silence, quick on only remaining Wang Chong and the others. 房间里一片寂静,很快就只剩下了王冲等人。 Your highness, now is what kind of? Good to select?” “殿下,现在怎么样?好点了吗?” Wang Chong walks to go forward, opens the mouth to ask. 王冲走上前,开口问道。 King Song has not spoken, but nods slightly, winked under the eye, has shown immediately the painful look. 宋王没有说话,只是微微颔首,眨了下眼睛,立即就露出了痛苦的神色。 Your highness, you do not need to open the mouth. So long as you blink, or opened eyes is OK. If I said right, you winked the eye.” “殿下,你不必开口。你只要眨眼,或者睁眼就可以了。如果我说对了,你就眨一下眼睛。” Wang Chong opens the mouth to say. 王冲开口道。 „Is your this poison, under whose hand? Is related with First Imperial Prince?” “你这次中毒,到底是谁下的手?是不是和大皇子有关?” Hears these words, nearby Zhangchou Jianqiong and old steward instantaneously in abundance changed the complexion, look that King Song on bed also has revealed changing countenance. No one has thought, Wang Chong so is unexpectedly direct, he simply does not have to inquire hand that who moves, but is directly guess in own heart, has aimed at First Imperial Prince. 听到这句话,一旁的章仇兼琼和老管家瞬间纷纷变了脸色,就连床榻上的宋王也露出了一丝动容的神色。谁也没有想到,王冲居然如此直接,他根本没有询问谁动的手,而是直接就把自己心中的猜测,指向了大皇子 Good Wang Chong drove away these ministers ahead of time. Otherwise, if Wang Chong this turns words to spread, might as well knows that must make the big mighty waves. 还好王冲提前把那些大臣驱赶了出去。否则的话,如果王冲这翻话流传出去,还不如知道要引起多大的波澜。 Wang Chong has not spoken, is only the look is dignified, earnest is staring at King Song on bed. 王冲没有说话,只是神色凝重,认真的盯着床榻上的宋王 Although does not know that the concrete process, the old steward also as if received inciting of King Song, keeps one's mouth shut. However regarding Wang Chong, even if the old steward does not open the mouth, does not know that concrete is the hand under anything, he can also through some present news, guess the lots. 虽然不知道具体的经过,老管家也似乎受到了宋王的授意,守口如瓶。不过对于王冲来说,即便老管家不开口中,不知道具体是什么下的手,他也能通过现在有的消息,猜测到很多东西。 Entire Great Tang, has the motive to start to King Song, and can be successful, simultaneously lets the person who King Song makes every effort to keep secret, five fingers can count. But in all people, if King Song has an accident, most can profit, without a doubt is First Imperial Prince. 整个大唐,有动机对宋王下手,并且能够成功,同时又让宋王讳莫如深的人,五根手指都能数得出来。而在所有人中,如果宋王出事,最能够受益的,毫无疑问就是大皇子 King Song is too deep in in-court influence, but also and First Imperial Prince not on a rope. The First Imperial Prince present ally is King Qi and Confucianism Sect, Prime Minister Li Linfu, if King Song drops down, as Prince Regent, First Imperial Prince can the power grip tightly without a doubt, can the reliable own status, most can profit. 宋王朝中影响太深,还偏偏和大皇子不在一根绳上。大皇子现在的盟友是齐王儒门,宰相李林甫,而如果宋王倒下,身为摄政王,大皇子毫无疑问能够大权紧握,更加能够牢固自己的地位,也最能够从中受益。
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