HE :: Volume #17

#1650: The imperial prince fights!

Chapter 1650 第1650章 Bastard!” “混蛋!” First Imperial Prince look ice-cold, a pair of palm gathers together in the sleeve gets hold of ruthlessly, the palm carries on the back, blue veins jumped, if the vision can kill people, perhaps Li Heng had died a lot of chapters. 大皇子神色冰冷,一双手掌拢在袖中狠狠地握紧,掌背上,一根根青筋都跳了起来,如果目光可以杀人,恐怕李亨已经死过千百回了。 Li Heng, you know that what you were saying?” 李亨,你知道你在说什么吗?” First Imperial Prince clenches teeth to say tightly. Each character, almost jumps from the tooth gap between teeth. 大皇子紧咬着牙道。每一个字,都几乎是从牙齿缝里蹦出来的。 In the impression of First Imperial Prince, this Fifth Brother has shrunk, will meet issue only spiritlessly retreat to escape, even also camouflaged the status to run away in Kunwu Training Camp, mixed up with these common people scion(s). Although afterward his disposition changed much, has understood the counter-attack, afterward also entered Sky Prison Third Brother Li Junong. 大皇子的印象中,这个五弟一直都是畏畏缩缩的,遇到问题只会懦弱地后退逃跑,甚至还伪装身份逃到了昆吾训练营中,和那些平民子弟混在一起。虽然后来他的性格改变了不少,懂得了反击,后来还把三弟李琚弄进了天牢 However in the final analysis, he as before is the disposition of that being resigned to bad conditions, passively will only come under attack. 不过说到底,他依旧是那种逆来顺受的性格,只会被动挨打。 However this difference, he dares to contradict unexpectedly in the presence of everyone oneself. 但是这一次不同,他居然敢当众顶撞自己。 Sovereign brother, Li Heng considers the matter and of itself, does not know where improper has?” “皇兄,李亨只是就事论事,不知是有哪里不妥?” Li Heng raised the head, looks that opposite First Imperial Prince said. 李亨抬起头,看着对面的大皇子道。 Good! You are very good! Also where will have any improper!” “好!你很好!又哪里会有什么不妥!” First Imperial Prince ruthless sound said: 大皇子狠声道: I asked you, you said that King of Foreign Territory was you summons into the palace, your King of Foreign Territory, a Imperial Family imperial prince, the Royal Father had the command in first, the imperial prince in strict imperial palace colluded with the in-court high-ranking court official, formed cliques for selfish ends, this custom won't you know? Here these many people , the Fifth Brother, think that replied again.” “我问你,你说异域王是你召入宫的,你们一个异域王,一个皇室的皇子,父王有令在先,严禁宫中的皇子勾结朝中的重臣,结党营私,这个规矩你不会不知道吧?这里这么多人在,五弟,想好了再回答。” „, The big sovereign brother, in the palace was not the assassin was numerous recently, the gold sun palace that I lived in one after another has met several assassinations, was only these ganefs a generation of method is worse, therefore had not gone well.” “呵,大皇兄,宫中最近不是刺客众多吗,我住的金阳宫都接连遇到了好几次刺杀,只是这些宵小之辈手段差了些,所以一直没有得手罢了。” Fifth Imperial Prince said, the vision is actually staring at present First Imperial Prince, the facial expression , if there is profound meaning: 五皇子道,目光却是盯着眼前的大皇子,神情若有深意: Li Heng is thinking King of Foreign Territory martial arts is unparalleled, in addition thinks much study technique approaching body, therefore please enter in King of Foreign Territory the palace especially, teaches me to practice martial arts. The big sovereign brother, this should not have the place that anything oversteps.” 李亨想着异域王武功盖世,再加上想多学点技艺傍身,所以特地将异域王请入宫中,教我习练武功。大皇兄,这应该没有什么逾越的地方吧。” Fifth Imperial Prince Li Heng neither arrogant nor servile say/way. He in front of First Imperial Prince, not only does not have slightly timid, makes concessions, instead reveals a point faintly. 五皇子李亨不卑不亢道。他在大皇子面前不但没有丝毫的畏怯、退让,反而隐隐流露出一阵锋芒。 But hears the Fifth Imperial Prince words, the complexions of four surrounding people already became ugly incomparable. Fifth Imperial Prince Li Heng these words make oblique charges, said clearly is the matter that before assassination, but crown prince similarly has also paid the price, all assassins almost caught the whole lot in a dragnet. 而听到五皇子的话,四周围众人的脸色早已变得难看无比。五皇子李亨这番话含沙射影,说的分明就是之前遇刺的事,不过东宫方面也同样付出了代价,所有的刺客几乎被一网打尽。 Fifth Imperial Prince this excuse is almost impregnable, if pressed him to say really, only feared today the people want to cope with Wang Chong, was difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 五皇子这番说辞几乎无懈可击,如果真按他所说,只怕今日众人想要对付王冲,就是难如登天了。 Big sovereign brother, the King of Foreign Territory matter also because of me, Li Heng knows to have the mistake, but also asked the sovereign brother to punish!” “大皇兄,异域王的事情也是因我而起,李亨自知有错,还请皇兄责罚!” Li Heng was saying, slowly bent the waist, the deep ritual, then no longer spoke. 李亨说着,慢慢弯下腰来,深深一礼,然后便不再说话。 Around four silent, if dies, nobody dares to interrupt at this time. Between two imperial princes fights relative, who dares the wild talk rash action? 四周围寂静若死,没有人敢在这个时候插嘴。两位皇子之间争锋相对,谁敢妄言妄动? But another side, First Imperial Prince stares at present Li Heng, in the eye is fluctuating erratically. 而另一侧,大皇子盯着眼前的李亨,眼中变幻不定。 Li Heng changed! 李亨变了! Becoming with him remembers that the appearance is completely different, beforehand Li Heng where can be in front of his to say also asks the sovereign brother to punish this words. If Li Heng did not speak these words, he can also launch an attack, at least can him a lesson, but Li Heng apologized on own initiative, he instead had no way to start to him. 变得和他记忆中的样子完全不同,以前的李亨哪里能当着他的面说出“还请皇兄责罚”这种话。如果李亨不说这句话,他还可以借此发难,至少可以给他一个教训,但是李亨主动请罪,他反而没法真的对他下手了。 King of Foreign Territory no doubt needs to cope, however present Li Heng also made him feel the unprecedented threat! 异域王固然需要对付,但是眼前的李亨也让他感受到了前所未有的威胁! Good! Very good!” “好!很好!” First Imperial Prince deeply took a breath, finally calms down, was only the anger in heart even more is instead intense. 大皇子深深吸了一口气,终于冷静下来,只是心中的怒意反而越发强烈了。 All people give me to get down entirely!” “所有人通通给我下去!” The First Imperial Prince sleeves stroke, suddenly opens the mouth saying that the facial expression is unquestionable. This order suddenly, on people face stunned, but nobody dares to violate at this time. 大皇子衣袖一拂,突然开口道,神情不容置疑。这个命令突如其来,众人脸上一片错愕,不过这个时候没有人敢违背。 Yes!” “是!” Only listens to an intermittent response sound, the next quarter, four surrounding dense and numerous crowds and flares are tidal immediately retreat outward. 只听一阵阵回应声,下一刻,四周围密密麻麻的人群和火把立即潮水般往外退去。 Fifth Brother, do not carry a rod and ask for punishment? Comes with me!” “五弟,你不是要负荆请罪吗?跟我来!” First Imperial Prince gloomy the face, the starting to walk footsteps, were looking fiercely continually has not looked at Li Heng one, immediately walks toward the front Heaven's Heart palace. 大皇子阴沉着脸,猛地迈开脚步,连看都没有看李亨一眼,立即朝着前方的天心殿里走去。 But another side, in the Li Heng eye flashes through a difference slightly, the meaning of but actually not having flinched. Slightly one hesitates, immediately follows in First Imperial Prince behind, entered the front Heaven's Heart palace. 而另一侧,李亨眼中微微闪过一丝异样,但却没有丝毫退缩的意思。微一沉吟,立即跟随在大皇子身后,进入到了前方的天心殿。 Bang!” “砰!” Along with the front door closure, in the entire Heaven's Heart palace a deathly stillness, is dark is similar to another world, although nobody knows that in two imperial princes will enter will say anything, will make anything, but everyone can feel a tense flavor/smell. 随着大门关闭,整个天心殿内一片死寂,黑暗得如同另外一个世界般,尽管没有人知道两位皇子进入里面会说些什么,做些什么,但是每个人都能从中感觉到一股紧张的味道。 Another side, the surrounding of Heaven's Heart palace, is under the order of First Imperial Prince, all guards have the crown prince people to retreat in abundance outward. 另一侧,天心殿的外围,得到大皇子的命令,所有侍卫还有东宫众人纷纷往外退去。 Senior, since came, why such hurriedly walks, might as well remain, we also spoke the last a while words.” “前辈,既然来了,又何必这么急匆匆地走,不如留下来,我们也说上一会儿话吧。” When together tall and strong form turns around to be about to leave, suddenly, a sound from behind conveys, sees only the Wang Chong step to be calm, the corners of the mouth have a smile, walked toward that person slowly. 就在其中一道魁梧的身影转身准备离开的时候,突然,一个声音从身后传来,只见王冲步履从容,嘴角含笑,缓缓朝着那人走了过去。 Almost is simultaneously, front that person of personal appearance slightly shakes, the steep stopping footsteps, slowly have also turned around. Although two temples slightly white, but the whole person is tall and straight grandiosely, is similar to the cliff Vital Power tenacious green pines is ordinary, who isn't Ghost King is? 几乎是同时,前方那人身形微震,也陡的停下脚步,缓缓转过身来。虽然两鬓微白,但是整个人却挺拔壮硕,如同悬崖上一株生命力顽强的苍松一般,不是鬼王又是何人? You draw back!” “你们都退开!” Ghost King beckoned with the hand, suddenly opens the mouth to say. Was saying, while looked to opposite Wang Chong, on the face showed a light smiling face: 鬼王摆了摆手,突然开口道。一边说着,一边望向了对面的王冲,脸上露出一丝淡淡的笑容: King of Foreign Territory, we truly also this well chatted.” 异域王,我们确实也该好好聊一聊。” ...... …… In the Heaven's Heart palace, candlelight static combustion, sends out zi zi the sound, but the atmosphere is actually tight incomparable. From the front door since behind that moment of closure, other people have not presented that tears away between the two of all veils has been similar to the water and fire is ordinary, is doomed to be difficult any tender feeling. 天心殿里,烛火静静燃烧,发出嗞嗞的声音,但气氛却是紧张无比。从大门在身后关闭的那一刻起,没有其他人在场,撕去了所有面纱的两人之间就如同水火一般,注定再难有任何的温情。 Silent! 沉默! Silent this type silent and brings is actually indescribable constraining. 这种沉默和寂静带来的却是难以言喻的压抑。 Fifth Brother, you have grown up, now has been able to start with compete for the throne for the brother!” “五弟,你真的长大了,现在已经可以开始和为兄争夺皇位了!” First Imperial Prince is narrowing the eye, is staring at opposite Li Heng, ice-cold the sound was saying. 大皇子微眯着眼睛,盯着对面的李亨,冰冷着声音道。 Li Heng does not know that the sovereign brother was saying anything.” 李亨不知道皇兄在说什么。” Li Heng indifferently said, the look does not have the slight evasion. 李亨淡淡道,眼神却没有丝毫的回避。 Snort, did not need to install! Here does not have the bystander, only the remaining your my two people, can you also in install to play the role for the brother in front of crazily silly?” “哼,不用装了!这里没有外人,只剩下你我二人,你还要在为兄面前装痴扮傻吗?” First Imperial Prince sneers saying that in the spoken language full is the ridicule. 大皇子冷笑道,言语中满是讥讽。 „, The sovereign brother, the throne is always the imperial princes respectively depends on the skill, strives diligently, is not only the position of without owner, the sovereign brother can struggle, Li Heng...... Naturally can also struggle! If the throne is the sovereign brother, that Father Emperor already to seal/confer Huangxiong was a crown prince, not?” “呵,皇兄,皇位从来都是众皇子各凭本事,努力争取,既是无主之位,皇兄可以争,李亨……自然也可以争!如果皇位属于皇兄,那父皇早就封皇兄为太子了,不是吗?” Li Heng said with a smile indifferently. 李亨淡然一笑道。 Your big courage!” “你好大的胆子!” Hears these words, the First Imperial Prince surface such as the cold frost, immediately becomes flushed. 听到这句话,大皇子面如寒霜,顿时勃然变色。 „, This was not the sovereign brother makes me say?” “呵,这不是皇兄让我说的吗?” Li Heng raised the head, in the eye does not have slight fear: 李亨抬起头,眼中没有丝毫的畏惧: I do not want to struggle the throne, always does not want to struggle, was only a pity, you compel me, keeps compelling me! According to you said that as imperial prince, then for a lifetime is the imperial princes, forever is the potential competitor and menacer of throne, therefore you in compelling me, assassinate me, even if I hide in Kunwu Training Camp, these assassins are also closely associated, bites tightly does not put.” “我不想争皇位,从来都不想争,只可惜,你们逼我,不停地逼我!按照你们说的,身为皇子,便一辈子都是皇子,永远都是皇位的潜在竞争者和威胁者,所以你们一直在逼我,刺杀我,即便我躲到昆吾训练营里,那些刺客也如影随形,紧咬不放。” Although the outside said that these assassins are three sovereign brother factions, actually person but who sends out these assassins, is you. From beginning to end, wants to kill my person, is you. Right, big sovereign brother?” “虽然外界都说那些刺客是三皇兄派的,但其实派出那些刺客的人,是你。从始至终,想杀我的人,一直都是你。对吗,大皇兄?” Li Heng opens the mouth to say slowly. 李亨缓缓开口道。 The words, said the First Imperial Prince complexion to connect the number change, all of a sudden silent many. 一番话,说得大皇子脸色接连数变,一下子沉默了不少。 Very obviously, he has not thought from the start Li Heng will be in front of his to say these words. 很显然,他压根没有想过李亨会当着他的面说出这番话来。 Who told you?” “谁告诉你的?” First Imperial Prince opens the mouth to say suddenly. 大皇子突然开口道。 Snort, I have known, but has not said. Sovereign brother, temporary makes concessions not to represent makes concessions for a lifetime, you should not kill Imperial Concubine Xiaoyu really!” “哼,我一直都知道,只是没有说而已。皇兄,一时的退让不代表一辈子退让,你真不该害死肖玉妃!” Li Heng cold sound said. 李亨冷声道。 If Wang Chong here, saw that this will vibrate surely, Li Heng changed, truly changed. The harem event, a bitter experience of jail, Death of harem imperial concubine imperial concubine, making him really understand something, gave the baptism and change that he was reborn. 如果王冲在此,看到这一幕必定会震动不已,李亨变了,真正的变了。后宫事件,一次监牢的遭遇,一位后宫嫔妃的死亡,让他真正明白了一些事情,也给了他脱胎换骨的洗礼和变化。 Makes concessions, cannot trade the peace! 退让,换不来和平! Goes out of since Ancestral Mansion that moment, Li Heng understands, wants to earn the respect, wants to escape the chased down destiny, only then strive. 走出宗人府的那一刻起,李亨就明白,想要获得尊重,想要摆脱被追杀的命运,就只有自己去争取。 Snort, it seems like I looked down on you really!” “哼,看来我真是小瞧你了!” First Imperial Prince coldly said. Li Heng's these words even more have strengthened certain faith in his heart, is in emperor Wang Clan, so long as is the imperial prince is then doomed is own threat, Li Heng that quickly awakens will stimulate finally only in his heart a more intense murderous intention. 大皇子冷冷道。李亨的这番话只是越发坚定了他心中的某些信念,身在帝王家,只要是皇子便注定是自己的威胁,一个幡然醒悟的李亨最终只会激发他心中更强烈的杀机而已。 Since you knew, has no need to hide the truth from you, these people truly are I send, but, opposes you with me , to be clear, fears you to be young for the brother, actually exactly next year!” “既然你都知道了,也用不着瞒你,那些人确实是我派的,但是,和我作对你要想清楚了,为兄怕你年纪轻轻,却活不过明年!” The First Imperial Prince item said including the murderous intention. Arrived this step, all around nobody, two imperial princes both again did not have any to cover up, other is only the bare murderous intentions. 大皇子目含杀机道。到了这一步,四周无人,两位皇子都再没有了任何遮掩,余下的都只是裸的杀机。 ...... …… But at the same time, outside the Heaven's Heart palace, another side, another old few two forms, are confronting similarly mutually, Wang Chong is sizing up Ghost King, Ghost King is also sizing up Wang Chong, two people several fight, actually until this moment is see above truly surface. 而与此同时,天心殿外,另一侧,另外一老一少的两道身影,同样互相对峙着,王冲打量着鬼王,鬼王也打量着王冲,两人几番交手,却直到这一刻才算真正见上面。 Therefore, Fifth Imperial Prince is you calls, did all these you already see through?” “所以,五皇子是你叫来的,这一切你早就看穿了?” All around is quiet, unexpected, first breaks silent, unexpectedly is opposite Ghost King. 四周静悄悄的,出乎预料,首先打破沉默的,居然是对面的鬼王 Yes!” “是!” Wang Chong gives a calm smile, not to deny: 王冲淡然一笑,并没有否认: If such does not do, how can also cause the senior to come, reveals the appearance/portrait?” “如果不这么做,又怎么能引得前辈现身,露出真容呢?” This plan, although conveniently for it, skill of no high order, but the old man also self-examines has not shown too many flaws, when do you from start to realize incorrect?” “这个计划,虽然只是随手为之,雕虫小技而已,不过老夫也自问没有露出太多破绽,你是从什么时候开始察觉到不对的?” Breeze blow, the Ghost King two temples send the silk to sway, look at present youngster indifferently said. 微风吹拂,鬼王两鬓发丝拂动,看着眼前的年轻人淡淡道 „! From the beginning I have not believed.” “呵!从一开始我就没有相信过。” Wang Chong heard that happily chatted: 王冲闻言笑了起来: This plan had too many flaws, I looked up such for a long time did not have the Eunuch Gao news, but afterward all of a sudden presented that the multithreading, although looked like probably is my person tries hard to excavate, clue that oneself found. May be the palace maid, is Imperial Guard, is the carpenter, leaks off these many flaws all of a sudden, you did not think trace that stays behind too desirably? In senior opinion, what appearance a person must stupidly become, can't see such obvious flaw?” “这个计划有太多破绽了,我查了这么久都没有高公公的消息,但后来却一下子就出现了那么多线索,虽然看起来就好像是我的人努力发掘,自己找到的线索。可又是宫女,又是禁军,又是木匠,一下子漏出这么多破绽,你不觉得留下的痕迹太刻意了些吗?在前辈看来,一个人要笨成什么样子,才看不出这么明显的破绽呢?” If Yang Zhao, Li Jingzhong, Bian Lingcheng, Zhao Fengchen and the others here, extremely will be surely shocked. They have thought oneself have spent the massive energy, had found some clues from some clues with great difficulty, has not thought, from the Wang Chong's words, they were used by present Ghost King obviously. 如果杨钊,李静忠,边令诚,赵风尘等人在此,必定会非常震惊。他们一直以为自己花费了大量精力,好不容易才从一些蛛丝马迹中找到了些许线索,可万万没有想到,从王冲的话来看,他们显然是被眼前的鬼王利用了。 They spend the clue that completely superhuman strength the strength found, is at present this desirably leaves their. 他们费尽“九牛二虎”之力找到的线索,全部都是眼前这位刻意留给他们的。 If not Wang Chong sees through ahead of time, only feared that now fell into the First Imperial Prince within shooting range. 如果不是王冲提前识破,只怕现在已经落入大皇子的彀中了。 „, But also really surprises people, cannot think for hundred years later, in the Great Tang young generation, has your such character unexpectedly, has saying that the old man somewhat looks down on you. However, as solemn King, status is honored, since already knows, why also braves hardships and dangers by the body? Leaves promptly is not?” “呵,还真是让人意外啊,想不到百年之后,大唐的年轻一辈里面,居然还有你这样的人物,不得不说,老夫真是有些小瞧你了。不过,身为堂堂亲王,身份尊贵,既然早已知道,又为何以身涉险?及时抽身不是更好吗?” Ghost King looks at present Wang Chong, faint smile said. As the person of layout, this is not the wise action! 鬼王看着眼前的王冲,似笑非笑道。作为布局的人,这可不是明智之举!
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