HE :: Volume #17

#1651: Wang Chong and Ghost King!

Chapter 1651 第1651章 „, If not, how also possibly to cause that you do appear?” “呵,如果不这样,又怎么可能引得你出现呢?” Wang Chong indifferently said. 王冲淡淡道 Before is very early starts, Wang Chong felt that does not suit. Before First Imperial Prince conduct attitude, compares completely differently, the side seemed to be many a adviser, but Dafu Temple event, to the feeling of person even more so. 从很早之前开始,王冲就已经感觉到不对劲了。大皇子的行事作风和以前相比完全不同,身边仿佛多了一个谋士,而大佛寺事件,给人的感觉越发如此。 Incessantly so, careful recollection, although works as 3 rd the king the chaotic occurrence, oneself wander about destitute outside, the concrete matter did not understand, but recalls, besides killed crown prince people, side First Imperial Prince as if also the important staff, similarly suffers extreme penalty. 不止如此,仔细回想,虽然当初三王之乱发生的时候,自己流落在外,很多具体的事情并不了解,但回忆起来,除了被杀的东宫众人,大皇子身边似乎还有一个重要的幕僚,同样伏诛。 However this character, does not have any news to spread from beginning to end. 但是这个人物,自始至终都没有任何消息传出。 Because of oneself rebirth, many matters change, but from the present, that appears side First Imperial Prince, chaotic adds fuel to the flames in three kings, creates the prime culprit who the innumerable royal courtiers were slaughtered indirectly, appeared in this again. 因为自己的重生,很多的事情都随之改变,但是从现在来看,那个出现在大皇子身边,在三王之乱中推波助澜,间接造成无数朝臣被屠戮一空的元凶,在这一世再次出现了。 Does not enter the tiger's den, tiger!” “不入虎穴,焉得虎子!” From the several motions of opposite party, this person is discrete, will not crop up easily. Knows oneself and other side, is undefeated in many battles, wants to prevent the opposite party, must first know that actually own match is. 从对方的几次行动来看,这个人非常谨慎,根本不会轻易冒头。知己知彼,百战不殆,想要阻止对方,首先就得知道自己的对手究竟是谁。 But by opposite party consistent discretion, only if appears personally, otherwise is very difficult to cause that the opposite party leaves the hole, this is also Wang Chong violates the dangerous reason by the body. 而以对方一贯的谨慎,除非是自己亲自出现,否则很难引得对方出洞,这也是王冲以身犯险的原因。 From just went out of the day of star palace to start, Wang Chong's attention not on the body of First Imperial Prince. From beginning to end he cares, is this stands in First Imperial Prince behind, distance extremely near old man with him. 从刚刚走出天星殿开始,王冲的注意力就不在大皇子的身上。至始至终他在意的,都是这个站在大皇子身后,和他之间距离极近的老者。 The present old man, besides two temple slightly some elderly people, full head is the pitch-black sending silk. Moreover his look falcon advantage, is in high spirits, from top to bottom and common old man is entirely different. 眼前的老者,除了两鬓微微有些斑白外,满头都是乌黑的发丝。而且他的眼神隼利,精神矍铄,浑身上下都和一般的老者截然不同。 His every action and every movement to the person training, send out one aristocrat makings feelings of some much naturally, this point, even in the aristocrats including national capital is hard to compare. Among these people revealing in manners, but this person is actually the noble air that the bone deep place flows. 他的一举一动给人一种很有修养的感觉,自然而然散发出一种贵族气质,这一点,甚至连京师中的贵族都难以比拟。因为那些人都只是在举止之间的流露,而这个人却是骨子深处流淌出来的贵气。 Barely escapes death, Wang Chong is also experienced, but so character, before Wang Chong, never has seen, perhaps this point King Song, this Great Tang most has bearing own Royal Capital to be inferior. 两世为人,王冲也是见多识广,但是如此人物,王冲以前还从未见过,这一点恐怕就连宋王,这个大唐最具气度的亲王都有所不如。 Such character, should not be generation of the legal proceeding, but Wang Chong racks one's brains to search through all memories, could not find at present character's person to the number. 这样的人物,绝不应该是籍籍无名之辈,但王冲搜肠刮肚寻遍所有记忆,都找不到和眼前人物对得上号的人。 What origin is this person? Is impossible such baseless to emit a person, such character according to Intrisic Principle I should know that is right!” “这个人到底是什么来历?不可能这么凭空冒出一个人,这样的人物按道理我应该知道才对!” In Wang Chong heart continuously, but on face does not have slight revealing. 王冲心中此起彼伏,但是脸上却没有丝毫的流露。 But another side, Ghost King actually did not know in the Wang Chong heart in the short time to have these many thoughts. 而另一侧,鬼王却并不知道王冲心中短短时间内产生了这么多念头。 He spoke, on face has been passing a light happy expression, but heard the Wang Chong's words, immediately view slightly whole, the happy expression on face vanished cleanly. 他说话的时候,原本脸上一直透着一丝淡淡的笑意,但是听到王冲的话,顿时眼帘微阖,脸上的笑意消失得干干净净。 He has not thought that Wang Chong makes all these, to finally unexpectedly not for Eunuch Gao, but to direct him comes out! 他也没有想到王冲做这一切,到最后居然不是为了高公公,而是为了引他出来! It seems like I underestimated you!” “看来我低估你了!” Ghost King said that before tone, entirely different: 鬼王道,语气和之前截然不同: I only prepared to put out three points of strength to cope with you, it seems like now should enhance to five points.” “我原本只准备拿出三分的力气对付你,看来现在应该提高到五分了。” Right?” “是吗?” Wang Chong hears word has smiled, at present this, but also is really not the general self-confidence: 王冲闻言不由笑了起来,眼前这位,还真不是一般的自信: If you thought that you have only used three points of strength, why you thought that I am tried?” “如果你觉得自己只用了三分力量的话,你又凭什么觉得我就是尽了全力呢?” Walks Wang Chong to run into many matches, as if everyone is confident to oneself. 一路走来王冲遇到过许许多多的对手,似乎每一个人都对自己信心十足。 But these people defeated in oneself hand finally. 只不过最后这些人统统都败在了自己手中。 In the wisdom and strategy, Wang Chong also never dreads any match. 在智慧和谋略上,王冲还从不畏惧任何对手。 But another side, Ghost King hears word pupil micro, deeply looked at present Wang Chong, before the facial expression, entirely different. 而另一侧,鬼王闻言瞳孔微缩,深深地看了一眼眼前的王冲,神情和之前截然不同。 Suddenly, around four is suddenly peaceful, four items of relative, no one has spoken. 一刹那间,四周围突然安静下来,四目相对,谁也没有说话。 This is among two people first fighting, such a while, seems like, only then few, but is actually among two people the mutual probe. 这是两人之间的第一次交手,这么一会儿,看似只有寥寥几句,但其实都是两人之间的互相试探。 But without a doubt, no matter Wang Chong or Ghost King, felt obviously from the opposite party made a great show of one's talents, will that does not make concessions. 但毫无疑问,不管是王冲还是鬼王,显然都从对方身上感觉到了一股锋芒毕露,绝不退让的意志。 Unknowingly, the atmosphere becomes even more tight. 不知不觉,气氛变得越发的紧张。 I know that you must make anything, but you will not succeed!” “我知道你要做什么,不过你不会成功的!” Has not known how long, Wang Chong has opened the mouth to say suddenly, first broke silent. Lost the beforehand camouflage, two people start to come straight to the point. The present person, scheme is deep, if chaotic of three king, First Imperial Prince stands in the front chief criminal, then present person, then hides in secret true prime culprit. 不知道过了多久,王冲突然开口道,首先打破了寂静。失去了之前的伪装,两人开始单刀直入。眼前的这个人,计谋深深,如果说三王之乱,大皇子是站在前面的罪魁祸首,那么眼前的人,则是躲在幕后的真正“元凶”。 This, if not violates danger by the body, causes him to appear, perhaps the bystander is very forever difficult to know his true status. 这一幕,如果不是自己“以身犯险”,引得他出现,恐怕外人永远都很难知道他的真正身份。 Central Plains can have been through repeatedly Sui end the turmoil, had been through repeatedly beginning Tang making determined efforts of several generations of kings, had today's peace. All these are hard-won, say nothing , a giant catastrophe soon will approach. Wang Chong does not allow anybody to destroy this hard-won all. 中土能历经隋末的动乱,历经了唐初几代帝王的励精图治,才有了今日的安宁。所有这一切都得来不易,更不用说,还有一场巨大的浩劫即将来临。王冲绝不允许任何人破坏这来之不易的一切。 This is he presents the real objective here. 这才是他出现在这里的真正目的。 Right?” “是吗?” Heard these words, Ghost King has smiled: 听到这句话,鬼王笑了起来: youngster, ambition lofty, truly is worth admiring, was only a pity, young and impetuous, cannot see clearly own ability, depends on your present ability, perhaps also missed.” 年轻人,志向高远,确实值得钦佩,只可惜,年轻气盛,看不清自己的能力,就凭你现在的能力,恐怕还差了点。” Although on the face of Ghost King is having a smiling face, but the eye deep place is actually swift and fierce incomparable. Although Wang Chong the officer seals Marquis Wang, all sea whole wide world, various countries have not dreaded. 鬼王的脸上虽然带着一丝笑容,但眼睛深处却是凌厉无比。王冲虽然官封王侯,四海八荒,所有诸国没有不畏惧的。 However actually cannot feel slight fear on Ghost King, even if or knows that Wang Chong's all sorts of war marks, this mysterious Ghost King also and does not care. 但是在鬼王身上却感觉不到丝毫的畏惧,或者说,即便知道王冲的种种战迹,这位神秘的鬼王也并不在意。 On his body, naturally is revealing gang of intense proud intent, this is one type the self-confidence of the bone sending out. As if any match is not enough to place on a par with him. 在他的身上,自然而然的流露着一股强烈的傲意,这是一种从骨子里散发出来的自信。似乎任何对手都不足以和他相提并论。 „, Many thanks the senior reminded, elder to revere, the experience was rich, this point youngster truly is unable to compare, but, the senior should also listen to a few words, after Yangtze River , before the wave pushed the wave, a wave compared with wave, was extremely proud, but not necessarily was the good deed.” “呵,多谢前辈提醒,长者为尊,经验丰富,这一点年轻人确实无法比拟,不过,前辈也应该听过一句话,长江后浪推前浪,一浪更比一浪强,太过自负了,可并不见得是好事。” Wang Chong indifferently said. 王冲淡淡道 Hears these words, Ghost King is finally silent, obviously, Wang Chong point is he has not expected from the beginning. Is sizing up present Wang Chong carefully, his fluctuates erratically, no one knows that he is thinking anything. 听到这句话,鬼王终于沉默下来,显然,王冲身上的锋芒是他一开始没有料到的。仔细打量着眼前的王冲,他的目中变幻不定,谁也不知道他在想些什么。 youngster, we play a game.” 年轻人,我们做个游戏吧。” Ghost King opens the mouth to say suddenly: 鬼王突然开口道: Since old times stood steadily not vertical young, stands closely related does not make a concubine's son one's heir, what you support is Fifth Imperial Prince, what I support is First Imperial Prince, making us have a look, to finally, has mounted 95 supreme positions, is your Fifth Imperial Prince, First Imperial Prince that I support?” “自古立长不立幼,立嫡不立庶,你支持的是五皇子,我支持的是大皇子,让我们看看,到了最后,登上95至尊之位的,到底是你的五皇子,还是我支持的大皇子?” Ok!” “可以!” Wang Chong in the eyes flashes a cold light: 王冲眼中寒光一闪: Is only the content that I want to change to play, if plays merely, was too rather bored, might as well bet our life. A side of failure, needs to pay with the life for this reason the price.” “只是我想改变一下游戏的内容,如果仅仅是游戏,未免太无聊了,不如赌上我们俩的性命。失败的一方,需要为此付出生命的代价。” Ha Ha Ha, this was also old man wants to say.” 哈哈哈,这也是老夫想说的。” Ghost King hears word laughs, said without hesitation. 鬼王闻言大笑,毫不犹豫道。 The laughter starts, actually quick idle time. 笑声乍起,却又很快停歇。 Their four items of relative, all around is once more peaceful, but the atmosphere actually compared at any time must step up to collapse, is glittering void faintly the invisible murderous intention. 两人四目相对,四周再次安静下来,但气氛却比任何时候都要更加紧崩,虚空隐隐闪烁着无形的杀机。 Wang Chong looks at the present old man, nobody is clearer than him, if makes the present old man prevail, the final Great Tang national capital can be any appearance. 王冲看着眼前的老者,没有人比他更明白,如果让眼前的老者得逞,最后的大唐京师会是什么样子。 1000 times border region major successes, do not compare the previous Royal Court turbulence. 1000次的边陲大捷,都比不上一次朝廷的动荡。 The people were mentally confused, was truly chaotic! 人心乱了,才是真正乱了! In any event, what price regardless of pays, Wang Chong does not allow them to do that treason and heresy the stratagem counter matter. 无论如何,无论付出什么样的代价,王冲都绝不允许他们干出那种大逆不道的谋逆之事。 Squeak mute!” “吱哑!” In a twinkling, makes a great show of one's talents among two people, atmosphere even more anxious time, the sound that a front door opens conveys. The front door that the distant place, the day star palace shuts tightly opens suddenly, in the main hall, First Imperial Prince complexion gloomy, first walked from inside. 说时迟,那时快,就在两人之间锋芒毕露,气氛越发紧张的时候,一声大门打开的声音传来。远处,天星殿紧闭的大门陡然之间打开,大殿里面,大皇子脸色阴沉,首先从里面走了出来。 But follows, Fifth Imperial Prince Li Heng look ice-cold, similarly walked. 而紧随其后,五皇子李亨神色冰冷,同样走了出来。 In a flash, two person simultaneously outside palace turn head, looked together. 一瞬间,殿外的两个人齐齐扭头,一起看了过去。 We walk!” “我们走!” Did not have, when the Ghost King opens the mouth, First Imperial Prince gloomy the complexion, the sleeves are flinging, goes in the direction of crown prince directly. But behind, Ghost King gives a calm smile. 还没等到鬼王开口,大皇子阴沉着脸色,衣袖一甩,径直朝着东宫的方向而去。而身后,鬼王只是淡然一笑。 King of Foreign Territory, we will also meet.” 异域王,我们还会见面的。” Said that this, Ghost King shot a look at not far away Li Heng, follows close on First Imperial Prince, similarly left here. 说完这句,鬼王瞥了一眼不远处的李亨,紧跟在大皇子的身后,同样离开了这里。 Your highness!” “殿下!” Four nobody, Wang Chong starting to walk footsteps, walked toward Fifth Imperial Prince quickly: 四下无人,王冲迈开脚步,很快朝着五皇子走了过去: What kind, is unimportant?” “怎么样,不要紧吧?” Wang Chong can look, the Fifth Imperial Prince present mood very in the condition, does not look like the worried appearance. In day star palace, although does not know that two people said anything, but by the First Imperial Prince conduct attitude, does not need to want also to know, absolutely will not be any good deed. 王冲可以看得出来,五皇子现在的情绪很不在状况,看起来心事重重的样子。天星殿里,虽然不知道两人说了什么,但是以大皇子的行事作风,不用想也知道,绝对不会是什么好事。 By the Fifth Imperial Prince disposition, can before arrive at stage secretly, complies to help itself draw out First Imperial Prince behind that person, to enters the day of star palace on own initiative, goes facing own big sovereign brother, this absolute demand enormous courage, is not easy to achieve. 五皇子的性格,能从幕后走到台前,答应帮自己引出大皇子身后的那个人,一直到主动走进天星殿,去面对自己的大皇兄,这绝对需要极大的勇气,并不是那么容易做到的。 In fact, saw that Fifth Imperial Prince walks to go forward, facing powerful big sovereign brother, but does not have the meaning of making concessions, Wang Chong feels quite surprised. 事实上,看到五皇子走上前,面对比自己强势的大皇兄,而毫无退让之意,就连王冲都感到相当的惊讶。 Without a doubt, had some different change on Fifth Imperial Prince. 毫无疑问,在五皇子身上已经发生某种不一样的变化。 I fortunately, do not need to be worried. That side you, what information found out actually?” “我还好,不必担心。倒是你那边,查出什么信息了吗?” Fifth Imperial Prince has own matter one gently, asked the Wang Chong's matter quickly. 五皇子将自己的事情轻轻一笔带过,很快问起了王冲的事情。 The First Imperial Prince movement became more and more frequent, has the aggressiveness more and more, relative, the Fifth Imperial Prince situation is also getting more and more difficult, the pressure that feels is also getting bigger and bigger. 大皇子的动作已经变得越来越频繁,也越来越有侵略性,相对的,五皇子的处境也越来越难,感受到的压力也越来越大。 Once makes First Imperial Prince succeed, he in the palace only feared that does not have the foothold again, this is also he can break the heart demon, takes this step premise. 一旦让大皇子成功,他在宫中只怕再没有立足之地,这也是他能够打破心魔,迈出这一步的前提。 After Imperial Concubine Xiaoyu event, in his heart no longer had half silk lucky. 肖玉妃事件之后,他心中已经不再存有半丝侥幸。 Everything goes well, I obtained the thing of wish. Although cannot know the Eunuch Gao whereabouts, but from the tonight's situation, at least a little can determine, even if Eunuch Gao by the house arrest, he absolutely did not have the danger temporarily.” “一切进展顺利,我已经得到了想要的东西。虽然还是没能知道高公公的下落,但是从今晚的情况来看,至少有一点可以确定,就算高公公暂时被幽禁,他也绝对没有生命危险。” Hears Fifth Imperial Prince to mention the proper business, a Wang Chong face earnest say/way. 听到五皇子说起正事,王冲一脸认真道。 Autumn wind has not moved cicada prescience and to fall to know autumn chill, regarding smart person, even if unable to see the complete picture, can still from the spots fragmentary minor matter, realize many news. “秋风未动蝉先觉”、“一叶落而知秋意”,对于聪明人来说,即便无法看到全貌,依然可以从斑斑点点的零碎小事之中,察觉到许多的消息。 Although the tour of this Imperial Palace has not seen Eunuch Gao as before, news that but regarding Wang Chong, he was wanted oneself. 这一次皇宫之行虽然依旧没有见到高公公,但是对于王冲来说,他已经得到自己想要的消息了。 That is good, so long as Eunuch Gao is all right, that explained that all have not arrived the worst that step.” “那就好,只要高公公没事,那就说明一切还没走到最坏的那一步。” Fifth Imperial Prince hears word, long breathing a sigh of relief , the facial expression relaxes obviously. 五皇子闻言,长长的舒了一口气,神情明显放松许多。 Then, we should investigate First Imperial Prince side that person of high skill who are.” “接下来,我们就该调查大皇子身边那位‘高人’到底是什么人了。” Wang Chong said that in the eye flashes through a swift and fierce ray. 王冲道,眼中闪过一丝凌厉的光芒。 But another side, in the Fifth Imperial Prince eye also obviously fluctuated. 而另一侧,五皇子眼中也明显波动了一下。
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