HE :: Volume #16

#1550: Ultimate crossbow trigger!

Chapter 1550 第1550章 But from far to near, kā chā chā, that long, the firm azure stone bridge, the rapid crack collapses, changes into the innumerable crushed stones, stone bridge both sides lights together crash. 而由远及近,咔嚓嚓,那座长长的,坚固的青色石桥,迅速龟裂坍塌,化为无数的碎石,连带石桥两端的灯火一起坠落下去。 Crashes together also has that two lengths and heavy, fully near kilometer thick chains. 一同坠落下去的还有那两条长而沉重的,足有近千米的粗大锁链。 The time of but blinking, the ground that Sect martial artist stand, was hit by that ruinous golden light immediately, the trim earth collapses rapidly. 只不过一个眨眼的时间,一名名宗派武者所站立的地面,立即被那毁灭性的金光击中,整片大地迅速坍塌。 Stand in martial artist of most edge, including snort/hum no snort/hum one, in situation that then in one type does not guard against, fell to under endless Abyss. 一名名站在最边缘的武者,连哼都没有哼一声,便在一种毫无防备的情况下,坠向了下方无尽的深渊 „!” “啊!” Help!” “救命!” This what's the matter?” “这到底是怎么回事?” Be careful!” “小心!” I do not die!” “我不要死!” ...... …… The fierce explosion, place thorough beating that the trim can stand only. 剧烈的爆炸,将整片唯一可以站立的地方彻底的击垮。 Walks quickly!” “快走!” Sect martial artist look big changes, some Sect martial artist rapid toward passing the road junction flush away. 一名名宗派武者神色大变,其中一些宗派武者迅速朝着通道口冲去。 However the next quarter, a golden light flashes, golden restriction, the surface has covered entirely innumerable ancient rune together, prevents in the front, martial artist hits on passing restriction of road junction. Immediately was shaken to fly by a great power. 但是下一刻,金光一闪,一道金色的禁制,表面布满了无数古老的符文,阻挡在前方,一名名武者撞击在通道口的禁制上。立即被一股强大力量震飞出去。 And some martial artist, even while in hitting restriction, huge instead shakes the strength that was contained by inside, shakes the muscle to break the bone fracture, Astral Qi was shattered, the body dies at the scene. 其中一些武者,甚至在撞中禁制的同时,就被里面蕴含的庞大反震力量,震得筋断骨折,罡气破碎,身死当场。 But another martial artist escape death by a hair's breadth, but in restriction the overbearing ruinous strength taking advantage of opportunity bang enters their within the body, is ordinary like the prairie fire, meridians burning down their within the body completely. 而另一些武者虽然幸免于难,但是禁制中霸道的毁灭性力量顺势轰入他们的体内,有如野火一般,将他们体内的经脉焚烧殆尽。 These martial artist can appear here is top Expert, however in front of this formidable restriction, likes the lamb that treats butchers to be ordinary in abundance, completely is not the match. 这些武者能够出现在这里无一不是顶尖的高手,但是在这道强大的禁制面前,纷纷有如待宰的羔羊一般,完全不是对手。 Is that bastard!” “是那个混蛋!” in a flash, some Sect martial artist responded immediately. 电光石火间,一些宗派武者立即反应过来。 Without a doubt, this adds restriction before channel baseless is under that mysterious person arrange/cloth, his strength is too high is too high, presents that many Expert, unexpectedly does not have any person to discover when he is under the arrange/cloth. 毫无疑问,这道凭空加在通道上的禁制就是之前那个神秘人布下的,他的实力实在是太高太高,以至于在场那么多高手,居然没有任何一个人发现他是什么时候布下的。 This bastard wants to make us die!” “这个混蛋想让我们所有人死!” Sect martial artist desperate said. 一名宗派武者绝望的叫了起来。 However they need to be worried also more than this. In the field of vision, is 50-60 meters, imposing tyrannical, is similar to Devil God general Giant, approaches rapidly, a black huge armored hand, by slightly is increased, falls toward the position numerous bang that the crowd is. 然而他们需要担心的还远不止这个。就在视野之中,一头足足达到五六十米,气势雄伟暴虐,如同魔神一般的巨人,迅速逼近,一只黑色的巨大铁拳,由小变大,向着人群所在的位置重重的轰落下来。 In the fierce explosive sound, innumerable Sect martial artist were shaken to fly. 剧烈的爆炸声中,无数的宗派武者被震飞出去。 Was remoulded the soul by Yellow Dragon True Monarch black clothes bamboo hat Chieftain, strength that erupts, the imagination of formidable exceeds people. 黄龙真君重塑生魂的黑衣斗笠人首领,爆发出来的力量,强大的超出众人的想象。 The bang, a huge yellow turbans person of great strength fist just fell, suddenly, another black fist, braving the billowing black flame bang to fall once more. 轰,庞大的黄巾力士一拳刚落,眨眼之间,另一支黑色的拳头,冒着滚滚的黑焰再次轰落下来。 ! 啊! In pitiful yell sound, is more than ten Sect martial artist, has thrown like the kite with broken string. 惨叫声中,又是十多名宗派武者,有如断线风筝般抛了出去。 The place that the people made one's home was very small, under the crazy attack and destruction of yellow turbans person of great strength, all people goes toward fall down immediately in abundance. 众人本来存身的地方就已经很小,在黄巾力士的疯狂攻击和破坏之下,所有人顿时纷纷往下坠去。 Be careful!” “小心!” The innumerable stones pound to fall from the place above, Master Wang Chong's Evil Emperor old man similarly in crowd of crash. This wave comes too suddenly, completely is the undifferentiated attack. 无数的石块从上方砸落下来,王冲的师父邪帝老人同样在坠落的人群之中。这一波来得太突然,完全是无差别的攻击。 The place avalanche when stands destroys, Evil Emperor old man such Powerhouse, is hard to protect oneself, falls toward fall down in abundance, in Abyss the huge suction blots toward the bottom all people. 当站立的地方崩塌毁灭,就连邪帝老人这样的强者,也难以自保,纷纷往下坠落,深渊中巨大的吸力将所有人朝着底部吸去。 Bang! 轰! Evil Emperor old man within the body Astral Qi thunders, Myriad Sea of Qi Technique was displayed pinnacle by him, Astral Qi unceasing from gathers in all directions, downward pats under the control of Evil Emperor old man, hopes that slows down the whereabouts by this trend. 邪帝老人体内罡气轰鸣,万千气海术被他施展到极致,一股股罡气不断的从四面八方汇聚,在邪帝老人的操控下往下拍去,希望以此来减缓下落的趋势。 Bang, the stone of grinding pan size is tumbling together, pounds to fall from the place above, the Evil Emperor old man under foot treads, falls on the rock, the rock accelerates to go toward fall down, but the trend of Evil Emperor old man whereabouts actually obviously slowed down. 砰,一块磨盘大小的石头翻滚着,从上方砸落下来,邪帝老人脚下一踏,落在岩石上,岩石加速往下坠去,而邪帝老人下落的趋势却明显减缓了许多。 Even if in this critical situation, Evil Emperor old man as before maintains is being calm and calm. 即便是在这种危急的情况下,邪帝老人依旧保持着冷静和镇定。 Bang!” “砰!” in a flash, Evil Emperor old man Astral Qi explodes, a sleeve pats fiercely toward slanting above, the next quarter, huge Astral Qi picks up Wushang Village Chief that place above fell immediately, slows down Speed that he dropped, was Wushang Village Chief won opportunity of the rare respite. 电光石火间,邪帝老人罡气一炸,猛地一袖朝着斜上方拍去,下一刻,一股庞大的罡气立即托起了上方坠下的乌伤村长,减缓了他下降的速度,为乌伤村长赢得了一线难得的喘息之机。 But obtained this help, Wushang Village Chief attracts general like the whale, long has attracted Astral Qi, crosswise moved, trod fiercely on a rock, finally got rid in a short time, has crashed rapidly the Abyss destiny. 而得到这一丝帮助,乌伤村长有如鲸吸一般,长吸了一口罡气,横向一移,猛地踏在一块岩石上,终于摆脱了短时间内,急速坠落深渊的命运。 But another side, Song Yuanyi and thanked Guangting, Mysterious Yin Old Ancestor, ten thousand ghost old ancestors, all people are displaying the skills, resolves this sudden crisis. 而另一侧,宋元一、谢光亭、玄阴老祖、万鬼老祖,所有人都在施展浑身解数,应对这场突如其来的危机。 wēng! 嗡! When all people fall toward fall down, the core region, the ray flashes, are baseless many together the form. 而在所有人往下坠落的时候,核心地带,光芒一闪,凭空之间多出一道身影。 This is! How can like this!” “这是!怎么会这样!” Looks at all around environment, the rock that the avalanche crashes, the huge suction that underground transmits, Wang Chong is surprised. 看着四周的环境,崩塌坠落的岩石,还有地下传来的庞大吸力,王冲大吃一惊。 He only knows that outside has certainly had an accident, but has not actually thought to be able like this. 他只知道外面一定出事了,但却没想到会这样。 The scene of entire core region, can definitely describe with the ruinous heavy losses. But also just, pondered without enough time, below Abyss under huge suction function, Wang Chong is the same with other martial artist immediately, like stone, straight goes toward fall down. 整个核心地带的场面,完全可以用毁灭性重创来形容。只不过,还来不及细想,在下方深渊中庞大的吸力作用下,王冲立即和其他武者一样,有如石块般,笔直的往下坠去。 However, in the short time, Wang Chong responded immediately, bang, Astral Qi thundered, innumerable Astral Qi heavy like iron, changed into mighty currents to rush in all directions. 不过,短短时间内,王冲立即反应过来,轰隆,罡气轰鸣,无数的罡气沉重如铁,化为一道道洪流涌向四面八方。 Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art! 大阴阳天地造化功 in a flash, Wang Chong displayed this secret skill without hesitation. 电光石火间,王冲毫不犹豫施展出了这门绝学 Void in borrows the strength nowhere, but Wang Chong's Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art played the might, at least reduced more than 50% the Wang Chong fall down trend. 虚空之中无处借力,不过王冲的大阴阳天地造化功还是发挥出了威力,将王冲下坠的趋势至少削减了一半以上。 Is little sovereign!” “是少宗主!” But at the same time, Wang Chong has not noted, in his, is away from a Wang Chong about hundred meters place, the form looks together Wang Chong steep changed the complexion. 而与此同时,就连王冲都没有注意到,就在他的下方,距离王冲近百米的地方,一道身影看着王冲陡的变了脸色。 Azure spider!” “青蛛!” In an instant, a big Luo woman Leader wailing, resounds through the world. 刹那间,大罗女首领一声尖啸,响彻天地。 Almost is simultaneously, together the silver-white spider's silk quickly like the lightning, was distanced several hundred meters place to shoot from the place above fiercely. 咻,几乎是同时,一道银白色的蛛丝快如闪电,猛地从上方相距数百米的地方射了下来。 The spider's silk is slender, crosses the trim region. 蛛丝纤细,横贯整片区域。 This type of spider's silk slender such as sends, like the blade, godly weapon cannot prevent sharply, when this spider's silk crosses from the front, some Sect martial artist faces were white, lest evades it to be inferior. 这种蛛丝纤细如发,锋利如刀,就连神兵利器都阻挡不住,当这枚蛛丝从前方横穿而过,一些宗派武者脸都白了,一个个唯恐避之不及。 However big native of Romania female Leader turns a blind eye, did not fear quite the same as. 然而大罗人女首领视若无睹,浑然不怕。 Sees only her body one vertical, on rock that a foot treads is crashing fiercely together, body like leopard cat slanting vertical. While departure, big native of Romania female Leader takes out a azure silk glove by extremely quick Speed, takes rapidly, then the arm extends, holds the spider's silk, a twinkle, has slipped into on the right dike along the spider's silk rapidly. 只见她的身躯一纵,猛地一脚踏在一块坠落的岩石上,身体有如狸猫般斜纵而出。在飞出的同时,大罗人女首领以极快的速度取出一只青色的丝绸手套,迅速带上,然后手臂一伸,抓住蛛丝,一个闪烁,迅速沿着蛛丝滑到了右侧的岩壁上。 Bang! 砰! In a twinkling, a big native of Romania female Leader palm lays out fiercely, breaks the rock layer, at the same time, takes out a palm of the hand size from the bosom, the bronzine, the surface has greatly the thing of Luo decorative design in a utensil, pats fiercely on the dike. 说时迟那时快,大罗人女首领猛地一掌拍出,震碎岩层,同一时间,从怀中取出一枚巴掌大小,青铜色,表面有着大罗纹饰的物件,猛地拍在岩壁上。 kā chā chā, a sound of intermittent crossbow trigger, continuous spreads from the dike, the sound is getting more and more loud, finally turned into thunder general thundering, as if tens of thousands of giant crossbow triggers rotate in inside. 咔嚓嚓,一阵阵机括的声响,接连不断的从岩壁内部传出,声音越来越大,最后变成了雷霆一般的轰鸣,仿佛成千上万个巨大的机括在里面转动。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The next quarter, an inconceivable matter occurred. in a flash, probably triggered some type of ultimate institution to be the same, the dike deep place, bang, the rock breaking, a giant bronze sheet like, revealed like lightning fiercely from the dike, ejection. 下一刻,一幕令人不可思议的事情发生了。电光石火间,就好像触发了某种终极的机关一样,岩壁深处,砰,岩石破碎,一块巨大的青铜板有如闪电般,猛地从岩壁内显露出来,弹射而出。 Together, two, three...... 一块,两块,三块…… From top to bottom, from left to right, overlapping, innumerable shape size, color various bronze components, unceasingly ejection from dike, but suddenly, the topography of entire core region, immediately had the tremendous changes. 从上至下,从左至右,层层叠叠,无数块形状大小,颜色各不相同的青铜构件,不断从岩壁内弹射而出,只不过瞬息间,整个核心地带的地形地貌,顿时发生了翻天覆地的变化。 Looks at these bronze components from afar, serves as contrast magnificently entire Abyss incomparable. 远远看去那些青铜构件,将整个深渊衬托得壮观无比。 When the countless person freely falling bodies downward fall in abundance, these dense and numerous, like the terraced field common bronze component, immediately has become the straw to grasp of people. 而当无数人自由落体般纷纷往下落去,这些密密麻麻,有如梯田一般的青铜构件,立即成了众人的救命稻草。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Leave alone that many, quickly hold!” “别管那么多,快抓住!” martial artist are overjoyed, is away from the dike recent place, Sect martial artist long arms extend, held rapidly bronze component that extends together. 一名名武者大喜过望,距离岩壁最近的地方,一名宗派武者猿臂一伸,迅速抓住了其中一块伸出来的青铜构件。 The bang, a giant rock falls from the day, pounds on the bronze component, entire bronze component fierce shivering, the huge impulse made that Sect martial artist cold sweat directing current, but in heart also by luck. 轰,一块巨大的岩石从天而坠,砸在青铜构件上面,整块青铜构件剧烈的颤抖,庞大的冲击力令那名宗派武者冷汗直流,但心中也侥幸不已。 But is almost simultaneously, other Sect martial artist also display the skills, raindrops, fell on the bronze components. 而几乎是同时,其他的宗派武者也纷纷施展浑身解数,一个个雨点般,落在了一个个青铜构件上。 On another side dike, big native of Romania female Leader simply has not actually cared about below change, her vision is bright as snow, has stared in the midair to look stubbornly from afar, only then Wang Chong of fingernail size. 另一侧岩壁上面,大罗人女首领却根本没有在乎下方的变化,她的目光雪亮,一直死死盯着半空之中远远看去,只有指甲盖大小的王冲 Bang! 轰! In a twinkling, when Wang Chong falls the next several hundred meters, big native of Romania female Leader, fiercely a palm lays out, Astral Qi went down to the Luo disc within the body of that palm of the hand size immediately. 说时迟那时快,就在王冲坠下数百米的时候,大罗人女首领,猛地一掌拍出,一股罡气立即深入到了那枚巴掌大小的罗盘状物体内。 The next quarter, only listens to a shake the heavens loud sound, a giant bronze sheet flies to shoot from the rock, flies rapidly to Wang Chong. 下一刻,只听一阵惊天的巨响,一块巨大的青铜板从岩石中飞射而出,迅速飞向王冲下方。 This suddenly, Wang Chong shakes. 这一幕突如其来,就连王冲都不由为之一震。 Little sovereign, quick!” “少宗主,快!” The big native of Romania female Leader anxious sound conveys from the dike place, Wang Chong responded immediately, a huge suction sent out, the body walked along with the air/Qi, is replying on the strength of that giant bronze component, flew toward nearby dike. 大罗人女首领焦急的声音从岩壁处传来,王冲立即反应过来,一股庞大的吸力发出,身随气走,借助着那块巨大的青铜构件的力量,朝着旁边的岩壁飞去。 Bang! 轰! The bronze component pounds in opposite dike, triggers the explosion of shake the heavens, mist and dust shoot up to the sky. 青铜构件砸在对面的岩壁,引发惊天的爆炸,一股股的烟尘冲天而起。 But Wang Chong in the final flash, from out of the blue, a twinkle immediately appears on the dike of edge. 王冲则在最后一刹那,破空而出,一个闪烁立即出现在边缘的岩壁上。 hōng lōng lōng! 轰隆隆 However the people just escaped, did not have the breathing heavily one breath with enough time, the next quarter, an explosion of shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth transmits from the place above. 然而众人才刚刚逃过一劫,还没来得及喘一口气,下一刻,一阵惊天动地的爆炸从上方传来。 In the Wang Chong heart is startled, raised the head fiercely. 王冲心中一怔,猛地抬起头来。 Above the people, is away from 34 kilometers upper air, one round blazing incomparable Ardent Sun, float in place above. Ardent Sun two terrifying aura pester suddenly, the strong winds are vast, two terrifying pressure sweep across from the place above along with the intense strong winds , the strong winds that howls blow all person full head sending silk flap flap to make noise. 就在众人上方,距离34千米的高空中,一轮炽烈无比的“烈日”,悬浮在上方。“烈日”中两道恐怖的气息急剧纠缠,狂风浩浩,两股恐怖的威压伴随着强烈的狂风从上方席卷而下,那呼啸的狂风吹得所有人满头的发丝猎猎作响。 Place above looks at huge golden light group, in martial artist eyes shows the look that has dreaded panic-stricken. 看着上方巨大的金色光团,一名名武者眼中都露出了惊恐畏惧的神色。 Big Luo Immortal Monarch, gives me that thing, I can also forgive your life.” “大罗仙君,把那件东西交给我,我还可以饶你一命。” in a flash, an ice-cold sound, keeps aloof, solemn incomparable, spreads from the golden compact disc, is shocking the nerve of everyone. 电光石火间,一个冰冷的声音,高高在上,冷峻无比,从金色的光盘中传出,震撼着每一个人的神经。
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