HE :: Volume #16

#1551: The technique of demon! ( 1 )

Chapter 1551 第1551章 Is that Yellow Dragon True Monarch!” “是那个黄龙真君!” Wang Chong raises head to look at the place above, pupil is shrinking, immediately has identified. That sudden Yellow Dragon True Monarch, the image that sees from that Black-Clothed Man mind is at first exactly the same as, because although the restriction reason cannot see clearly the face, but two people of robe are exactly the same. 王冲仰头望着上方,瞳孔一缩,立即辨认了出来。那名突然出现的黄龙真君,和自己最初从那名黑衣人脑海中看到的影像一模一样,虽然因为禁制的原因看不清脸孔,但两人身上的衣袍如出一辙。 Hope greatly Luo Immortal Monarch do not have an accident.” “希望大罗仙君不要出事。” In Wang Chong heart somewhat restless thought. The opposite party is threatening, the strength is greatly strengthened, so-called Bad Premonition, friendliness does not come, does not know that Luo Immortal Monarch can cope with him greatly. 王冲心中有些不安的想到。对方来势汹汹,实力极强,所谓来者不善,善者不来,不知道大罗仙君能不能对付得了他。 This thought just the passing over gently and swiftly mind, Wang Chong heard greatly Luo Immortal Monarch sound: Yellow Dragon, the end mark I will not give you, you lose heart!” 这个念头刚刚掠过脑海,王冲就听到了大罗仙君的声音:“黄龙,末日印记我不会交给你们的,你们死心吧!” The big Luo Immortal Monarch sound rumble like the thunder, conveys from the place above, the sound sounds extremely calmly. 大罗仙君的声音隆隆如雷,从上方传来,声音听起来极其冷静。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Has not waited for the people to respond, suddenly, that two make present age almost all martial artist look up to with the frightened strength sufficiently, like the comet hit, hits once more in void together, the tremendous strength is shaking the trim earth. Crash-bang, suddenly, the place above massive rock fragments are howling in abundance, pounds toward below people. 还没等众人反应过来,眨眼间,那两股足以让当世几乎所有武者仰望和恐惧的力量,有如彗星撞击般,在虚空中再次撞击在一起,巨大的力量撼动着整片大地。哗啦啦,眨眼间,上方大量的岩石碎片纷纷呼啸着,朝着下方众人砸去。 Be careful!” “小心!” Sees this, calls out in alarm, has a big shock. 看到这一幕,一个个惊呼,大惊失色。 These rocks downward pound from the high place merely, but no matter Yellow Dragon True Monarch greatly Luo Immortal Monarch, its strength formidable to has let any person for the it frightened situation. These rocks pounds down from the place above, is coercing their strength, this simply is the most dangerous attack. Regarding all martial artist, is the enormous threat. 这些岩石仅仅是从高处往下砸也就罢了,但不管是黄龙真君还是大罗仙君,其实力已经强大到了让任何人为之恐惧的地步。这些岩石从上方砸下的时候,裹挟着他们的劲气,这简直是最危险的攻击。对于所有武者来说,是极大的威胁。 Bang!” “轰!” Is only the time of moment, the massive rocks like the meteorite, howl to pound to fall from the place above. 仅仅只是片刻的时间,大量岩石有如陨石般,呼啸着从上方砸落下来。 Bang bang bang, only listens to a stormy impact noise, the innumerable rocks hit immediately in the dike on overlapping the bronze component. 砰砰砰,只听一阵密集的撞击声,无数的岩石立即撞击在岩壁中层层叠叠的青铜构件上。 „!” “啊!” Both hands climb up in Sect martial artist of bronze component edge, receives hitting hard of rock, the whole person has not responded, then including the above bronze component, together was pounded to fall. 一名双手攀援在青铜构件边缘的宗派武者,受到岩石的重击,整个人还没有反应过来,便连同上方的青铜构件在内,一起被砸落下去。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The burst of impact noise transmits from the place above, innumerable martial artist panic-stricken looks at the place above, organizes to dodge. 一阵又一阵的撞击声从上方传来,无数武者惊恐的看着上方,纷纷腾挪闪避。 Yellow Dragon True Monarch and Luo Immortal Monarch strength was extremely greatly strong, these rolling-stones pound to fall, in the bronze component including dike cannot bear this impact, was pounded complete/even root to break. 黄龙真君和大罗仙君的力量太过强大了,以致于这些坠石砸落下来,连岩壁里的青铜构件也承受不住这种冲击,被砸得齐根而断。 Chong'er, be careful!” 冲儿,小心!” in a flash, Evil Emperor old man drinks from the place above greatly transmits, in the sound is passing an anxiety. 电光石火间,邪帝老人的一声大喝从上方传来,声音中透着一丝焦急。 Wang Chong looks up, place above sees only together enough over ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) big stones, tumbles, is flushing toward oneself by astonishing Speed. The giant stone has not fallen, Wang Chong feels the fresh breeze to caress the face, shears general like the blade. 王冲抬头看去,只见上方一块足足有上万斤重的大石头,一路翻滚,正在以惊人的速度朝着自己冲来。巨石还未坠下,王冲就感觉劲风扑面,有如刀割一般。 Bang! 轰! The giant stone pounds down, bronze institution that Wang Chong is, together with nearby all bronze components, pounds the bread twist completely, several tens of thousands jin (0.5 kg) rolling-stone even directly falls the dike. 巨石砸下,将王冲所在的青铜机关,连同附近所有的青铜构件,全部砸成麻花,数万斤的坠石甚至直接陷进岩壁。 These two people were too strong!” “这两个人太强了!” Although Wang Chong flashes through the giant stone that crashes by the difference of least, however the air wave of explosion touches and goes defense Astral Qi, gives a Wang Chong extremely dangerous feeling. 王冲虽然以毫厘之差闪过坠落的巨石,但是爆炸的气浪擦过护体罡气,也给王冲一种极度危险的感觉。 Great Yin-Yang Technique! 大阴阳术 Shortly place above massive rocks, continuous crashes, the Wang Chong slight hesitation, has not displayed this unrivalled secret skill rapidly. 眼看着上方大量的岩石,源源不断的坠落下来,王冲没有丝毫的犹豫,迅速施展出了这门旷世绝学 Suddenly, the air wave roared, in surrounding area near hundred zhang (333 m), all things, the rock that crashed together with the place above, all given Wang Chong's Great Yin-Yang Technique, transferred to change. 一刹那间,气浪咆哮,方圆近百丈内,所有的东西,连同上方坠落的岩石在内,全部在王冲的大阴阳术牵引下,挪移变化起来。 In rock that these crash, each has the astonishing strength, if the upfront meets hardly, unwise action. However regarding Wang Chong, he has no need to meet hardly, only needed to be OK with the path that Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art changed them to move. 这些坠落的岩石中,每一块都拥有惊人的力量,如果正面硬接,绝非明智之举。不过对于王冲来说,他根本用不着硬接,只需要用大阴阳天地造化功改变它们移动的轨迹就可以了。 The next quarter, only listens to a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth explosive sound, the innumerable every large or small stones, in abundance and Wang Chong as well as the surrounding people brush, crashes in the places of surrounding other nobody left. 下一刻,只听一阵惊天动地的爆炸声,无数大大小小的石块,纷纷和王冲以及周围的众人擦身而过,坠落在周围其他空无一人的地方。 Roar!” “吼!” However at this time, the sudden person was also inhuman, resembled the beast non- beast roars to transmit from the place above fiercely. 不过也就在这个时候,突然一阵似人非人,似兽非兽的狰狞咆哮声从上方传来。 Has not waited for Wang Chong to respond, the huge shadow like the small mountain peak, jumps down together suddenly from the place above. The people , a huge black armored hand, the thick smoke are not billowing, suddenly sweeps away toward Wang Chong as well as nearby martial artist. 还没等王冲反应过来,一道庞大的黑影有如小山峰般,猛然从上方跳落下来。人还未至,一只巨大的黑色铁拳,浓烟滚滚,陡然朝着王冲以及附近的武者横扫开来。 In the face of this armored hand, Wang Chong like ants, the whole person even did not have his finger to be high. 在这只铁拳面前,王冲就像一只蝼蚁般,整个人甚至还没有他的一根手指高。 Little sovereign, be careful!” “少宗主,小心!” Big Luo woman Leader looks at this in the distant place, the complexion one white, look changing suddenly. 大罗女首领在远处看着这一幕,脸色一白,神色陡变。 Before present yellow turbans person of great strength, is completely different, is full of the Abyss terrifying energy in his within the body. Even if one generation comes back to life, in strength is unable with it contending. 现在的黄巾力士和之前完全不同,在他体内充满着深渊般恐怖的能量。就算一代复生,在力量上也无法与之抗衡。 Rumbling! 轰轰! The yellow turbans person of great strength huge armored hand of pounds down, two depend on near Sect martial artist not to have throat one including the throat, was hit by that strength, immediately explodes the body to perish. 黄巾力士巨大的铁拳砸下,两名靠得近的宗派武者连吭都没有吭一声,被那股力量击中,立即爆体而亡。 Wang Chong's responded slightly on quick one, in instant, first one step that the attack arrived, flew in other directions vertical, simultaneously counter-attacked in the midair fully. 王冲的反应稍微快上一线,在攻击降临的刹那,抢先一步,朝着其他方向飞纵而出,同时在半空中全力反击。 Unites the common people!” “戮苍生!” in a flash, Sword Qi long recited, incomparable Sword Qi was together voluminous, like the column, from Wang Chong within the body suddenly/violently to launch, to approach/insult benefitted incomparable Sword Qi only one straightly instant, then passes through the numerous spaces, pierced a yellow turbans person of great strength sword. 电光石火间,剑气长吟,一道无匹的剑气浩如烟海,笔直如柱,从王冲体内暴射而出,凌利无比的剑气只一个刹那,便穿过重重空间,将黄巾力士一剑洞穿。 But the unexpected matter occurred, Wang Chong's sword sheep strength immortal and the others do not dare to meet hardly, but this time yellow turbans person of great strength received a Wang Chong sword, actually resembles the bystander to be the same. 而出乎预料的事情发生了,王冲的一剑就连羊力大仙等人都不敢硬接,但此时的黄巾力士受了王冲一剑,却好像没事人一样。 Not only so, he also swoops, does not give a thought to the formidable suction that the Abyss base explosion sends completely, third time turns toward Wang Chong to fly to cut once more. 非但如此,他还飞扑而下,完全不顾深渊地底爆发出来的强大吸力,第三次再次向着王冲飞斩而来。 When he throws, Wang Chong looks distinctly, if all around rock has the life, flies automatically, submerges in within the body of yellow turbans person of great strength, but his chest by the great hole that Wang Chong rumbles, rapidly disappears by naked eye obvious Speed. 而在他扑下的时侯,王冲看得分明,四周的岩石如有生命般,自动飞来,没入黄巾力士的体内,而他胸口被王冲轰出来的巨洞,则以肉眼可见的速度迅速消弥。 A Wang Chong that ruinous sword, unexpectedly has not become any influence to other party. 王冲那毁灭性的一剑,居然没有对他造成任何的影响 However quick, Wang Chong responded. 不过很快,王冲就反应过来。 His body by rock package, was not hit his main body, to his simply not big injury.” “他的身躯被岩石包裹,不击中他的本体,对他根本没有多大伤害。” In Wang Chong heart secretly thought. 王冲心中暗暗道 The ground that the people stop over had been destroyed, all people are falling toward fall down . Moreover the suction in bottom Abyss is extremely huge, in this environment, everyone is in danger anytime and anywhere. 众人落脚的地面已经被摧毁,所有人都在往下坠落,而且地底深渊中的吸力极其庞大,在这种环境下,每个人随时随地都处于危险之中。 However the yellow turbans person of great strength is different, here rock environment is he is the ability excels. In this place, he is like a fish in water, even including Abyss bottom suction, not too big influence. 但是黄巾力士不同,这里的岩石环境正好是他地系能力所擅长的。在这种地方,他如鱼得水,甚至连深渊地底的吸力,都没有太大的影响 Thoughts graze from the Wang Chong mind, the next quarter, the Wang Chong personal appearance moves, shoots like the bird generally but actually, the light non- stress had evaded yellow turbans person of great strength strikes. 一个个念头从王冲脑海中飞掠而过,下一刻,王冲身形一动,有如飞鸟一般倒射而出,轻飘飘不受力般避过了黄巾力士的一击。 But while departure, the Wang Chong intention moves, huge Spiritual Strength along with the it broken body, sweeps to the yellow turbans person of great strength huge body. Must seek for True Body of yellow turbans person of great strength, is not quicker than Spiritual Strength. 而在飞出的同时,王冲心念一动,一股庞大的精神力随之破体而出,扫向黄巾力士庞大的身躯。要寻找黄巾力士的真身,没有比精神力更快的。 In the Wang Chong's expectation, the rock incarnations of True Body and remainders of yellow turbans person of great strength, should very be easy to separate out, but fact actually and Wang Chong imagination complete different. 王冲的预想中,黄巾力士的真身和其余部分的岩石化身,应该是很容易区分开来,但事实却和王冲想像的完全不同。 This flash, Wang Chong clearly discovered, yellow turbans person of great strength whole body, is exactly the same to the feeling of person, likely is not the rock incarnation, but completely likely is the flesh and blood. 这一刹那,王冲分明发现,黄巾力士全身上下,给人的感觉一模一样,不像是岩石化身,而全部像是血肉之躯。 From the Spiritual Strength dimension, definitely is unable to differentiate True Body of yellow turbans person of great strength to be at only. 单从精神力的维度,完全无法区分黄巾力士的真身所在。 How possible?” “怎么可能?” Suddenly, the Wang Chong eyelid jumps, immediately slightly changed the complexion. 瞬息间,王冲眼皮一跳,立即微微变了脸色。 He and yellow turbans person of great strength of black clothes bamboo hat Chieftain incarnation has fought, at all is not this appearance. However is only the flash, Wang Chong responds immediately, sneers. 他和黑衣斗笠人首领化身的黄巾力士战斗过,根本不是这个样子。不过只是一瞬间,王冲立即反应过来,冷笑一声。 Snort, only depends on this, but also cannot stump me!” “哼,仅凭这样,还难不住我!” The next quarter, the Wang Chong intention moves, substantializing Spiritual Strength was enormous and powerful, rolling like tide, in an astonishing way, undifferentiated fierce hit in the past, with above Great Desolation Behemoth huge yellow turbans person of great strength layer on layer/heavily hits together. 下一刻,王冲心念一动,已经实质化的精神力浩浩荡荡,滚滚如潮,以一种惊人的方式,无差别的猛烈撞击过去,和上方洪荒巨兽般庞大的“黄巾力士”重重撞击在一起。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Two huge Spiritual Strength blossomless skillful, arrives at the meat sincerely, as if the steel is common, layer on layer/heavily hits together. That flash, Wang Chong, therefore however is in the mind severe shake, greatly was attacked, but the yellow turbans person of great strength is also similarly injured the poor to be shallow. 两股庞大的精神力毫无花巧,拳拳到肉,仿佛钢铁一般,重重撞击在一起。那一刹那,王冲故然是脑海中剧震,受到巨大的冲击,但黄巾力士同样也受伤菲浅。 However, in the Wang Chong's Spiritual Strength bombardment past instant, howling, the earth shook and heavens spun shook, among the glances, Wang Chong looks distinctly, in within the body black smoke of yellow turbans person of great strength is billowing, unexpectedly has emitted three personal appearance faintly, the appearance distortions, the hissing roared. 不过,就在王冲的精神力轰击过去的刹那,嚎,天摇地动,惊鸿一瞥间,王冲看得分明,黄巾力士的体内黑烟滚滚,居然隐隐冒出了三道身形,一个个面目扭曲,嘶声咆哮。 But what is more frightening, that three receive the Wang Chong Spiritual Strength hit, shows the painful look obviously the shadow, although seems like fuzzy, distortion, but from their three people, Wang Chong saw some familiar outlines as before. 而更令人心惊的是,那三道受到王冲精神力撞击,明显露出痛苦神色的黑影,虽然看似模糊、扭曲,但从他们三人身上,王冲依旧看出了一些熟悉的轮廓。 Chong'er, be careful, it is that person with the sheep, deer and tiger three immortals fresh souls, has put in within the body of yellow turbans person of great strength, concise!” 冲儿,小心,它是那人用羊、鹿、虎三名大仙的生魄,放到了黄巾力士的体内,生生凝练而成!” At this time, the Evil Emperor old man anxious sound, conveyed from the place above suddenly. 这个时候,邪帝老人焦急的声音,突然从上方传来。 What?!” “什么?!” Wang Chong hears Yanda is startled. 王冲闻言大为吃惊。 He in inside big Luo Xiangong, did not understand the change of outside, Yellow Dragon True Monarch imprisons three people of souls, has reforgered again yellow turbans person of great strength matter, he does not know. 他在里面的大罗仙宫之中,对于外界的变化并不了解,以致于黄龙真君拘役三人魂魄,重新造了一个“黄巾力士”的事,他根本不知。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Also in a twinkling, this time, sky one dark, a gigantic armored hand, rumbled by the astonishing momentum fiercely. The time is tight, Wang Chong only comes to gather Astral Qi, similarly wields a fist, then the attack of both sides then violently hits together. 说时迟,那时快,也就在这个时候,天空一暗,一只硕大的铁拳,以惊人的声势猛地轰了过来。时间仓促,王冲只来得聚集罡气,同样挥出一拳,然后双方的攻击便猛烈地撞击在一起。 Only listens to a loud sound, that flash, Wang Chong felt oneself were hit by a mountain peak probably, the whole person has a dizzy spell, the vitality surges, only thought that throat one sweet, almost a blood emits. 只听一声巨响,那一刹那,王冲感觉自己好像被一座山峰击中,整个人头晕目眩,气血翻腾,只觉得喉头一甜,差点一口鲜血喷吐出来。 This yellow turbans person of great strength, his Realm cultivation base is not fearful, however his strength......, Wang Chong is difficult to resist by the present strength. 这头黄巾力士,他的境界修为远没有那么可怕,但是他的力量……,就连王冲以现在的实力都难抵挡。 The bang, the Wang Chong's body has only stopped in void the little while, immediately by the yellow turbans person of great strength moves mountains the loud sound, shakes to fly ruthlessly. 轰,王冲的身躯只在虚空中停顿了半刻,立即就被黄巾力士排山倒海般的巨响,狠狠震飞出去。 Roar!” “吼!” Last, Wang Chong saw that the yellow turbans person of great strength huge body of steps in the dike, its two legs deeply submerge in the dike, fuses together with the dike. In its top of the head, one black ring comprised of tiny and ancient mysterious rune appears suddenly, in that ring sends out a huge suction, has attracted the sheep, deer and tiger three people of souls rapidly. 最后一眼,王冲看到黄巾力士巨大的身躯踩在岩壁上,它的两条腿深深没入岩壁中,和岩壁融为一体。在它的头顶,一圈由细小、古老的神秘符文组成的黑色圆环突然显现,那股圆环之中发出一股庞大的吸力,将羊、鹿、虎三人的生魂迅速吸了进去。
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