HE :: Volume #16

#1549: Yellow Dragon True Monarch!

Chapter 1549 第1549章 Soul!” “灵魂!” This is the martial artist forbidden area, is the taboos of all human, strong martial arts cannot achieve to extract the soul the situation. 这是武者的禁区,也是所有人类的禁忌,再强的武功也做不到可以抽取灵魂的地步。 Moreover the sheep, deer and tiger, three immortals, died already sometime, at present that person's shadow can also from their within the body extraction soul, this not be unexpectedly the Martial Path two characters can explain. 而且羊、鹿、虎,三位大仙,死了已经有一段时间了,眼前那道人影居然还可以从他们体内抽取生魂,这已经不是武道两个字可以解释的。 Moreover the person can die, but if soul were detained, that may be ten thousand years cannot be reincarnated. 而且人可以死,但如果魂魄被拘禁,那可真的是万载不能超生了。 At once, ten thousand ghost old ancestors, bone demon old ancestor, Mysterious Yin Old Ancestor, such Evil Path big demon , the face whiten in abundance goes toward retreat, in the eye shows the look that dreads extremely. 一时之间,就连万鬼老祖,骨魔老祖,玄阴老祖,这样的邪道大魔头,也不禁脸色苍白纷纷往后退去,眼中露出极度畏惧的神色。 Although they are also regarded as the demon outlets in Sect, similarly kills without batting an eye in the rivers and lakes, among ten fingers is stained with the full blood, the killing evil that makes is countless. 他们虽然也被视为宗派界中的邪魔外道,同样在江湖中是杀人不眨眼,十指之间沾满鲜血,造下的杀孽不计其数。 But compared with that person, feels dwarfed at present completely. 但和眼前那人相比,完全就是小巫见大巫了。 The disparity between both sides is insufficient the Intrisic Principle counting. 双方之间的差距不足以道理计数。 But front that stands and waits for a long time in midair, as if the god common form actually slightly has not noted the people on the scene, resembles all people not to exist to be the same from the start. 而前方那名伫立于半空之中,仿佛神祗一般的身影却丝毫没有注意到在场的众人,就好像所有人压根不存在一样。 His five fingers contraction, next quarter, one intermittent as sad and shrill as the extreme wail sound, sheep strength, deer strength, the tiger strength, three soul that extracts from the corpse, unexpectedly was extruded one group forcefully. 他的五指收缩,下一刻,一阵阵凄厉到极点的哭嚎声中,羊力、鹿力、虎力,三名从尸体中抽出的生魂,居然被强行挤压成一团。 „!” “啊!” Witnesses all these Sect martial artist, cries fiercely, frightens falls in the place, the whole person cold sweat streamings. 一名目睹这一切的宗派武者,猛地大叫一声,吓得跌坐在地,整个人冷汗涔涔。 In his life, even if again dangerous, terrifying situation, cannot compare the thing that this short counts breaths sees, gives big of shock he comes. 在他的一生之中,就算是再危险,再恐怖的情形,也比不上这短短数息间看到的东西,给他来的震撼之大。 Evil spirit! Evil spirit! This at all possibly is not human!” “妖魔!妖魔!这根本不可能是人类!” Sect martial artist eyes open, in the heart full is apprehensive and frightened. 一名名宗派武者眼睛睁大,心中满是惶惑和恐惧。 But the front, just the time of moment, in that midair the terrifying golden form has completed the transformation. 而前方,只不过片刻的时间,那名半空中恐怖的金色身影就已经完成了改造。 In his five fingers, black smoke is billowing, one group of brand-new souls are fierce, terrifying is ordinary like stranded beast, in his hands shouts, but throughout is actually not able to break through in the five fingers. 在他的五指之间,黑烟滚滚,一团全新的生魂狰狞、恐怖有如困兽一般,在他的手中嘶吼,但却始终无法突破五指之间。 But that person of vision ice is cold, throughout looked continually has not looked at the people on the scene, his vision sweeps slowly oversized, finally quick, in not far away was cut on that black clothes bamboo hat Chieftain corpse that kills to stay by Wang Chong. 而那人目光冰寒,始终连看都没看在场的众人,他的目光缓缓扫过大地,最后很快在不远处被王冲斩杀的那名黑衣斗笠人首领的尸体上停留下来。 „A young person of great strength, this time was cheap you!” “一个小小的力士,这次就便宜你了!” That person of sound void reverberates in the trim, the sound has not fallen, that person of spirit seems to be ordinary, appears sky over the corpse of black clothes bamboo hat person instantaneously. Then right hand five fingers, that say/way just molded successfully, simultaneously has sheep Luhu, the brand-new souls of three people of characteristics, change into together the flowing light immediately, submerges to in within the body of this corpse rapidly. 那人的声音在整片虚空中回响,声音未落,那人仿佛幽灵一般,瞬间出现在黑衣斗笠人的尸体上空。接着右手五指一张,那道刚刚塑造成功,同时具备羊鹿虎,三人特征的全新生魂,立即化为一道流光,迅速没入到这具尸身的体内。 kā chā chā, along with a fierce joint vibration sound. In the vision of people, that died the black clothes bamboo hat Chieftain whole bodies of a lot of time to shiver, the body inflates by naked eye obvious Speed suddenly, resembles in his body, hid peerless Fierce Beast to be ordinary. 咔嚓嚓,伴随着一阵剧烈的骨节抖动声。就在众人的目光中,那名已经死了不少时间的黑衣斗笠人首领全身颤动,身躯以肉眼可见的速度急剧膨胀,就好像他的身体内,隐藏了一头绝世凶兽一般。 The roar, roaring of shake the heavens sends out from the black clothes bamboo hat Chieftain mouth suddenly. In vision that in all people shock, black clothes bamboo hat Chieftain that this died has stood from the ground fiercely. 吼,一声惊天的咆哮猛然从黑衣斗笠人首领的口中发出。就在所有人震撼的目光中,这名已经死去的黑衣斗笠人首领猛地从地上站了起来。 His body originally already very big tall and strong, but this while, under the method stimulation of that golden person's shadow use, the whole person rises suddenly once more a section, has reached two meters 67 altitude. 他的身躯本来就已经非常的高大魁梧,但是这一会儿,在那名金色人影使用的手段刺激下,整个人再次暴涨一截,足足达到了两米67的高度。 Moreover the torso and four limbs also rapidly inflate, stands likes a crane among chickens in the crowd, probably true Giant is ordinary, many people do not even arrive at 50% of his body high. 而且躯干和四肢也急速膨胀,站在人群之中鹤立鸡群,就好像一头真正的巨人一般,许多人甚至都不到他身躯的一半高。 Bang! Bang! 砰!砰! But is quick, that big tall and strong Giant has turned around, looks to the people on the scene. 而很快,那名高大魁梧的“巨人”就转过身来,看向在场的众人。 That flash, everyone saw his eye. That eye, scarlet like blood, and has been full of chaotic and wild, bloodthirsty and endless destruction desire, probably a human form wild animal. 那一刹那,每个人都看到了他的眼睛。那双眼睛,猩红如血,而且充满了混乱、狂暴、嗜血和无尽的毁灭欲望,就好像一头人形的野兽。 This is this place gives your last opportunity, kills off to me these ants entirely, does not remain, hopes that this time you will not disappoint me!” “这是本座给你的最后一次机会,把这些蝼蚁通通给我杀光,一个不留,希望这一次你不会让我失望!” Opened the mouth in this time that form. 就在这个时候那道身影开口了。 These words are not to here people, black clothes bamboo hat Chieftain that but to is standing up from the ground said. 这句话不是对着这里的众人,而是对着从地上站起的黑衣斗笠人首领说的。 As if for him, with presenting any person, said that any a few words, harms his status. 似乎对他来说,和在场任何一个人,说上任何一句话,都是有损他的身份。 Roar! 吼! But the latter responded, was fierce roaring. 而后者回应的,则是一声狰狞的咆哮。 Bang! 轰! But in people heart on the scene terrified, has not understood exactly what happened the time, suddenly air shooting. The ray flashes, as if the spirit is ordinary, that golden form disappeared in the field of vision of people once more baseless. 而就在在场的众人心中惶恐,还没明白到底发生什么事的时候,瞬息间空气爆炸。光芒一闪,仿佛幽灵一般,那道金色身影再次凭空消失在了众人的视野之中。 But in him behind, shouts, the earth movement day swings, black clothes bamboo hat Chieftain displayed he most intrepid ability again, the yellow turbans person of great strength. 而就在他身后,一身嘶吼,地动天摇,黑衣斗笠人首领再一次施展出了他最强悍的能力,黄巾力士。 Yellow turbans person of great strength but who only one time, the black clothes bamboo hat person changes, compared with before it any time wants the big terrifying many. 只不过只一次,黑衣斗笠人变化的黄巾力士,比之之前任何一次都要高大恐怖的多。 Bang! 轰! A giant fist, from void under numerous bang, the air wave explodes, the sound of pitiful yell is lingering on faintly immediately...... 一只巨大的拳头,从虚空中重重的轰下,气浪爆炸,惨叫之声顿时不绝于耳…… But at the same time, before Wang Chong through the white space, the ray flashes, the form flashes from the entire space by thunder and lightning Speed together rapidly. Only the flash, then passes through this piece of space, arrived in rear core big Luo Xiangong. 而与此同时,就在王冲之前通过的白茫茫的空间,光芒一闪,一道身影以雷电般的速度从整个空间中迅速一晃而过。只一霎那,便穿过这片空间,抵达了后方核心的大罗仙宫。 Bang! 轰! The ray flashes, under sole numerous treading, fell in greatly Luo Xiangong. 光芒一闪,一只脚掌重重的踏下,落在了大罗仙宫之中。 That flash, the heavenly palace shivers, the entire world probably shivers under that human foot. 那一刹那,天宫颤动,整个世界都好像在那人脚下颤抖。 We met finally, these many years, everybody has thought that you died, has not thought that you also kept the one breath unexpectedly, waits for me to gather up dead bodies for you!” “我们终于又见面了,这么多年了,人人都以为你已经死了,没想到你居然还留了一口气,是等着我为你收尸吧!” That ice-cold sound resounds in the entire space, the look has neglected Wang Chong directly, fell has sat cross-legged the body of motionless big Luo Immortal Monarch on the opposite. 那冰冷的声音在整个空间中响起,眼神直接忽略了王冲,落在了对面盘膝不动的大罗仙君的身上。 Oh, without enough time!” “唉,来不及了!” But at the same time, big Luo Immortal Monarch remembers in the Wang Chong mind, deeply sighed. 而与此同时,大罗仙君王冲脑海中想起,深深地叹息了一声。 He also wants to confess something to Wang Chong again, was only a pity, the opposite party comes to expect him is quicker, did not have the time. 他本来还想向王冲再交代一些东西,只可惜,对方来得比他预想中的还要快,已经没有时间了。 Yellow Dragon True Monarch, I hid these many years, has not thought that walked by you.” 黄龙真君,我隐藏了这么多年,没想到还是被你找上门来了。” Big Luo Immortal Monarch deeply sighed, looked rapidly to the opposite that mysterious person's shadow. 大罗仙君深深一叹,迅速望向了对面那名神秘的人影。 But Wang Chong has watched critically, when Luo Immortal Monarch said greatly these words, Wang Chong clearly saw that opposite that golden light enormous and powerful form diverged the body surface rich golden light suddenly, revealed the appearance/portrait. 王冲一直冷眼旁观,当大罗仙君说完这句话的时候,王冲分明看到对面那名金光浩荡的身影突然散去了体表浓郁的金光,显露出了真容。 This is an appearance looks like about 60-70 -year-old men, however his has a ruddy complexion, the forehead is full, at all not obviously slight senile. 这是一名外貌看起来六七十岁左右的老者,但是他的面色红润,天庭饱满,根本不显丝毫的老态。 That person stands there, shoulders both hands, the body wears a yellow imperial robe, above dragon-shaped are lifelike, fierce incomparable. 那人站在那里,背负双手,身上穿着一袭黄色的龙袍,上面一条条龙形栩栩如生,狰狞无比。 In Central Plains Divine Province, arbitrarily use any dragon mark, is the crime of lese majeste, confiscates family's property to exterminate the clan sufficiently, but this person, looks like does not have the least bit scruples at present. 中土神州,擅自使用任何的龙纹,都是大不敬之罪,足以抄家灭族,但是眼前这一人,看起来毫无半点顾忌。 However carefully looked that will discover, this person of imperial robe and emperor imperial robe and King royal robes robe, seems like similar, is entirely different. Above dragon-shaped is very ancient, any dragon mark is not same as Wang Chong has seen. 不过仔细看去就会发现,这人身上的龙袍和天子龙袍、亲王衮袍,看似相似,却截然不同。上面的龙形十分古老,和王冲见过的任何龙纹都不相同。 But is most noticeable, is not on him the unscrupulous wear imperial robe, but is the two wisps of beards on his lip. That two wisps of beards assume golden yellow, the luster is exquisite, moreover dangles from the lip, is thin and long. It seems probably two wisps of dragon whisker, has the shape of Yellow Dragon. 但最令人瞩目的,还不是他身上肆无忌惮的穿着龙袍,而是他嘴唇上的两缕胡须。那两缕胡须呈金黄色,色泽细腻,而且从嘴唇两边垂下,细而长。看上去就好像两缕龙须,有黄龙之象。 However, this person, although seems like strange, in the Wang Chong heart does not have the slight contempt, or the heart of taunt. 然而,这人虽然看似古怪,王冲心中却没有丝毫的轻视,或者嘲讽之心。 Strong! Very strong! 强!非常强! In instant, Wang Chong instantaneous creepy feeling that person appears, whole body, each pore felt an unprecedented huge crisis. 就在那人出现的刹那,王冲瞬间头皮发麻,全身上下,每个一毛孔都感觉到了一股前所未有的庞大危机。 Will die! 会死的! This flash, in the Wang Chong mind raises an intense instinct and intuition. 这一霎那,王冲脑海中升起一股强烈的本能和直觉。 Wang Chong this has facing the formidable match entire life, even has achieved the Fine and Detailed Realm sheep, deer and tiger three big dwelling places of celestial beings dead in his hands. 王冲这一生不是没有面对过强大的对手,甚至就连已经达到入微境的羊、鹿、虎三位大仙都死在他的手里。 However these time looks at front that wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Yellow Dragon True Monarch, Wang Chong first time has produced being in serious danger, feeling that cannot resist with all one's strength completely. 但是这一次看着前面那名神秘莫测的“黄龙真君”,王冲第一次产生了一种危如累卵,完全不能力敌的感觉。 Before this powerful enemy, let alone is the fight, cannot be popular including the thought of fight. 在这种强敌面前,别说是战斗,连战斗的念头都兴不起。 Each cell of whole body was telling him, cannot resist with all one's strength absolutely. 全身的每一个细胞都在告诉他,绝对不可以力敌。 Regarding this type felt that Wang Chong is not strange, this is only then faces extremely formidable, when both sides have the extremely huge gap, the instinct that can present responded. 对于这种感觉王冲并不陌生,这是只有面对极其强大,双方有着极其庞大的鸿沟之时,才会出现的本能反应。 Without a doubt, present Yellow Dragon True Monarch, has surpassed own strength Level completely, at all is not present can resist. 毫无疑问,眼前的黄龙真君,已经完全超出了自己的力量级别,根本不是现在的自己可以对抗的。 Snort!” “哼!” Did not have, when Wang Chong thinks, cold snort/hum spreads to the Wang Chong ear. 还没等到王冲多想,一声冷哼传入王冲耳中。 Raised the head, that flash Wang Chong clearly sees in the opposite Yellow Dragon True Monarch eye, explodes flashes through together the sad and shrill cold glow. 抬起头来,那一刹那王冲分明看到对面的黄龙真君眼中,爆闪过一道凄厉的寒芒。 Hears greatly Luo Immortal Monarch words, opposite Yellow Dragon True Monarch even/including Guoduo exchanging conventional greetings does not even have, instantaneous take action. 听到大罗仙君的话,对面的黄龙真君甚至连过多的寒喧都没有,瞬间出手 Bang! 轰! in a flash, the golden light is enormous and powerful, like the landslide tsunami, fully, turns toward opposite big Luo Immortal Monarch as well as nearby Wang Chong instantaneously comes. 电光石火间,金光浩荡,有如山崩海啸般,扑天盖地,瞬间向着对面的大罗仙君以及旁边的王冲汹涌而来。 But before Yellow Dragon True Monarch take action, in altar, big Luo Immortal Monarch as if already expected, his right hand extends, even makes Wang Chong not have including the leeway of revolt, a slender finger fell on the Wang Chong's shoulder immediately. 而远在黄龙真君出手之前,祭坛上,大罗仙君似乎早已料到,他的右手一伸,甚至让王冲连反抗的余地都没有,一根纤长的手指立即落在了王冲的肩上。 Be careful! This fight is not you can participate! This finger/refers, was I can help you finally!” “小心!这场战斗不是你可以参加的!这一指,是我最后能帮到你的了!” The big Luo Immortal Monarch sound rumble like the thunder, resounds in the Wang Chong mind, the sound has not fallen, a violent energy, submerges Wang Chong within the body instantaneously. 大罗仙君的声音隆隆如雷,在王冲脑海中响起,声音未落,一股暴烈的能量,瞬间没入王冲体内。 Senior!” “前辈!” Wang Chong only with enough time said these two characters, the next quarter dizziness, Wang Chong felt that oneself was shifted greatly Luo Xiangong by a huge strength. 王冲只来得及说出这两个字,下一刻天旋地转,王冲就感觉到自己被一股庞大的力量转移出了大罗仙宫。 Meanwhile 与此同时 Bang! 轰隆! Two huge domination above the common people myriad things, made the world for the violent explosion of terrifying power that it changed color in greatly Luo Xiangong. 两股庞大的凌驾于苍生万物之上,令天地都为之变色的恐怖力量在大罗仙宫之中猛烈的爆炸开来。 With a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, splendid and magnificent houses, antique big Luo Xiangong, outside the palace, that say/way firm golden color light rapidly explodes. 伴随着一声惊天动地的巨响,美轮美奂,古香古色的大罗仙宫,连带宫殿外,那道坚固的金色幢光迅速爆炸开来。 Buzz, is only a blink, outside the golden light, stands there tries to enter Sect martial artist, turns into the powder powder in the explosion rapidly. 嗡,只是一眨眼,金色的幢光外,站在那里一名名试图进入其中的宗派武者,在爆炸中迅速化成齑粉。 But follows, round golden color, compared with it Sun also wants the dazzling several tens of thousands times of rays, odd/surplus Shi not to rest, by easily accomplished, the invincible way , to continue toward to explode in all directions. 而紧随其后,一轮金色的,比之太阳还要耀眼数万倍的光芒,余势不歇,以一种摧枯拉朽,所向无敌的方式,继续朝着四面八方爆炸开来。 Fills the entire core region dense fog, in an instance, all completely was only evaporated by that fearful strength completely. 弥漫整座核心地带的迷雾,只在一个瞬间,全被那可怕的力量全部蒸发殆尽。
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