HDD :: Volume #8

#734: Human Sovereign is shocking

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Chapter 734 Human Sovereign is shocking 第734章人皇惊世 Seven Phoenixes Palace, the morning bell sounds, new day started, various disciples start the daily early class, besides independent practicing, 35 good friends each other shares the experience and harvest that practices, this cannot see in beforehand Seven Phoenixes Palace. 七凰宫,晨钟敲响,新的一天又开始了,诸弟子开始每日的早课,除了单独的修行之外,还有三五好友彼此分享修行的经验和收获,这在以前的七凰宫是看不到的。 Since competed after initially dragon child Qiuniu (Dragon-Bull) is defeated, to protect oneself, Seven Phoenixes Palace has to seals the mountain, Seven Phoenixes Palace starting from that time was covered by dark clouds, in addition sect did not have the too great achievement, many disciples therefore lost the frame of mind, until now welcomes the transformation. 自从当初争夺龙子囚牛失败之后,为了自保,七凰宫不得不封山,也就是从那个时候开始七凰宫被一股阴云笼罩,再加上宗门一直没有太大的作为,许多弟子都因此失去了心气,直到现在才迎来了蜕变。 But all these roots are Ji Xian, he uses for several years was the Seven Phoenixes Palace disciple poured into a striving constantly for self-improvement faith in influencing subtly , because of sect now in the difficult position, therefore they must go all out, they believe the sect future in their hands. 而这一切的根源都是季羡,他用几年的时间在潜移默化间为七凰宫弟子灌入了一种自强不息的信念,正是因为宗门现在处于困境,所以他们才要更加发愤图强,他们坚信宗门的未来在他们的手中。 Immortal Phoenix Hall, restrains the wing, roosts in parasol tree, gets a panoramic view the change of Seven Phoenixes Palace, in the Qing Yin eye flashes through color of the pleasant surprise. 仙凰殿,收敛羽翼,栖于梧桐枝上,将七凰宫的变化尽收眼底,青吟眼中闪过一丝惊喜之色。 These years under the governance of Ji Xian, Seven Phoenixes Palace hard strength, although has not had the too big change, but imposing manner is entirely different, at this moment, Seven Phoenixes Palace in the eye of Qing Yin is filling firm will the air/Qi of upward innovation everywhere, reforms toward being depressed. 这些年在季羡的治理下,七凰宫的硬实力虽然没有发生太大的变化,但气象已经大不相同,此时此刻,在青吟的眼中七凰宫到处都弥漫着锐意向上的革新之气,一改过往的暮气。 But the person is one type very easily by the lifeform that environmental effect, a same person lives in two entirely different environment, the achievement that finally can achieve is very possible is the day badly other. 而人是一种很容易受环境影响的生物,同样的一个人生活在两种截然不同的环境下,最终能取得的成就很可能是天差地别的。 Qing Yin does not care about the change of Seven Phoenixes Palace, what he cares is Ji Xian in the strength that in this process exposes. 青吟并不在乎七凰宫的改变,他在乎的是季羡在这个过程中展露出的实力。 Seriously is the inborn Human Sovereign seed.” “当真是天生的人皇种子。” a thought emerged, slightly one hesitant, in the heart had the decision, Qing Yin called Ji Xian. 一念泛起,略一犹豫,心中有了决定,青吟唤来了季羡 Your in childhood read hundred letters, once word not envy immortal not envy immortal, only sought first to revere alone, even named Ji Xian to warn itself by this, now I asked that your you can once regret?” “你幼时读百家书,曾言不羡长生不羡仙,只求一世独尊,甚至取名季羡以此警示自己,现在我问你你可曾后悔?” Looks the child who walks from the palace, Qing Yin opens the mouth to ask. 看着从殿外走来的孩童,青吟开口问道。 Three years old read through hundred books, clear(ly) became aware all sorts of truth, Ji Xian set own goal, that was becomes control four-poles and good fortune ten thousand spirit kings, but the numerous and diverse human affairs most wear down the people's heart ambition, from initial odd job palace to afterward entire Seven Phoenixes Palace this, although to the experience of Ji Xian, but similarly was in interrogating and torturing of ambition to his heart. 三岁通读百书,明悟种种道理,季羡就立下了属于自己的志向,那就是成为一位统御四极、造化万灵的君王,而繁杂的人事最是消磨人心志向,从最初的杂务殿到后来的整个七凰宫这虽然是对季羡的历练,但同样是对他心中志向的拷问。 hears word, wore Ji Xian of cotton garment to guess correctly anything, immediately vision one bright, although its facial features were immature, but among the facial features is completely calm, did not have the half a point impetuous air/Qi, the eye pupil is in sharp contrast, an insightful feeling, did not have voluntarily intimate, seriously mild like jade. 闻言,身穿一身布衣的季羡猜到了什么,顿时目光一亮,其面容虽然稚嫩,但眉眼间尽是沉稳,无半分浮躁之气,眼眸黑白分明,给人一种通透感,不自觉心生亲近,当真温润如玉。 In disciple heart the will has not changed, Great Ying Emperor Dynasty second perishes, started the entire world to get sick from that time, for Struggle of Dragons, all parties went on a punitive expedition against, several tens of thousands of years continuous, the common people were miserable beyond description, the disciple wanted the leather to welcome a newcomer old, reset the order, opening ten thousand th was peaceful, but also ten thousand spirit calmness and steadiness.” “弟子心中之志始终未改,大赢帝朝二世而亡,自那个时候开始整个天下就病了,为了争龙,各方征伐,数万年不休,百姓苦不堪言,弟子欲革旧迎新,重定秩序,开万世太平,还万灵一个安稳。” Both hands overlap, Ji Xian bows to salute, although its words are temperate, but inside the point completely reveals, has to be overbearing of King, making one not doubt his determination. 双手交叠,季羡躬身行礼,其话语虽然温和,但内里锋芒尽显,有着属于王者的霸道,让人丝毫不怀疑他的决心。 outside Saint, inside King, it seems like these years disciplining you not white.” 外圣内王,看来这些年的磨练伱没有白过。” Looks erupts that overbearing that from the Ji Xian bone, in the eye of Qing Yin flashes through wipes the color of pleasant surprise, compared in the past temporary word, present Ji Xian clearly became aware oneself heart seriously, established the ambition and its quarter in the bone. 看着从季羡骨子里爆发出的那股霸道,青吟的眼中闪过一抹惊喜之色,相比于过去的一时之言,现在的季羡当真明悟了己心,立下了志向并将其刻在了骨子里。 Okay good, such being the case, then I teach you to practice today officially, hopes that some day you can realize the aspiration in your own heart, can you be willing to study?” “好好好,既然如此,那么我今日就正式教你修行,希望有朝一日你能实现你自己心中的抱负,你可愿学?” The vision falls on the body of Ji Xian, the look changes into seriously, Qing Yin opens the mouth to ask, in this instance, in Immortal Phoenix Hall has one speechless is heavy is filling the air. 目光落在季羡的身上,神色化为郑重,青吟开口问道,在这一个瞬间,仙凰殿内有一股无言的沉重在弥漫。 hears word, has not complied immediately, Ji Xian was deep during the thought. 闻言,没有立刻答应,季羡陷入到了沉思之中。 Teacher, this inherits whether to make me have horizontal pushes the world the mighty force?” “老师,这一传承可否让我拥有横推天下的伟力?” Raised the head, looks straight ahead Qing Yin, Ji Xian is opening the mouth to ask. 抬起头,直视着青吟,季羡开口问道。 These years govern Seven Phoenixes Palace, although can draw support from the palace lord Pei Ruyun name, resistance that but he encounters actually as before big, so long as because will be the transformation will touch the interest of those with vested interests, other especially five lineage/vein, they may not have too many scruples regarding palace lord Pei Ruyun. 这些年治理七凰宫,虽然可以借助宫主裴如云的名义,但他遇到的阻力却依旧不小,因为只要是变革就会触及到既得利益者的利益,特别是其余五脉,他们对于宫主裴如云可没有太多的顾忌。 Ji Xian false body several degrees in this process barely escape, but this also makes him realize that wants to realize in the heart truly the aspiration, the enough powerful strength is indispensable, this is all the foundations of transformation. 在这个过程中季羡假身几度险死还生,而这也让他意识到想要真正实现心中抱负,足够强大的力量是不可或缺的,这是一切变革的基础。 If he has the teacher Qing Yin strength today, then his reform to the Seven Phoenixes Palace will be thorougher, rather than seeks the coexistence like the present in the compromise like this, Seven Phoenixes Palace, in addition so, then outside big world not to mention. 如果今日他拥有老师青吟的力量,那么他对七凰宫的改革将会更彻底,而非如同现在这样在妥协中求共存,七凰宫尚且如此,那么外面的大天地就更不用说了。 Hears Ji Xian this saying, feels the earnestness in the Ji Xian vision showing, Qing Yin is startled slightly, he saw his idea from the eye of Ji Xian, he must study strongly. 听到季羡这话,感受到季羡目光中透出的认真,青吟微微一怔,他从季羡的眼中看出了他的想法,他要学最强的。 However the next quarter, Qing Yin smiled, smiled is very happy. 不过下一刻,青吟笑了,笑的很开心。 Sure, or some people inherited to achieve by this together.” “当然可以,或者说曾经就有人凭借这一道传承做到过。” More looks is more satisfied, Qing Yin gave own answer. 越看越满意,青吟给出了自己的答案。 Hears this saying, the heart of Ji Xian moves suddenly, that is a subtle feeling, seems the fate. 听到这话,季羡的心猛然一动,那是一种微妙的感觉,好似宿命。 Who is?” “是谁?” Nearly the instinct, Ji Xian asked such question. 近乎本能,季羡问出了这样的问题。 Great Ying Emperor Dynasty pioneer, Emperor Ying wins the check, its, not only draws support from this to inherit unify the whole world, once relied upon divine ability counter to cut down Heaven, although finally not completely entire merit, but also has the harvest, to a certain extent this inheritance can with the day wrestling inheritance.” 大赢帝朝的开辟者,赢帝・赢勾,其不仅借助这道传承一统天下,更曾仰仗一身神通逆伐苍天,最后虽然未尽全功,但也不是没有收获,从某种程度上来说这道传承是可以与天较力的传承。” The words are low and deep, mention this inheritance, in Qing Yin heart also extremely sigh with emotion, to be honest that feared that he is Feng Qiwu refining monster creature, he does not know when Feng Qiwu resulted in this inheritance. 话语低沉,说起这道传承,青吟心中也有万分感慨,说实话那怕他是凤栖梧炼化妖物,他也不知凤栖梧何时得了这道传承。 Gets such answer, Ji Xian has been tranquil and calm, seems mountain Ta to have the delicate change in not the startled look at present finally. 得到这样的答案,季羡原本一直平静、从容,好似山塌于眼前而不惊的神色终于有了微妙变化。 Detected keenly the change of Ji Xian, the corners of the mouth of Qing Yin bring back slightly, in his opinion the Ji Xian biggest problem is perfect, the person does not have the complete human, but Ji Xian actually seems different kind. 敏锐察觉到季羡的变化,青吟的嘴角微微勾起,在他看来季羡最大的问题就是过于完美,人无完人,但季羡却好似一个异类。 Ji Xian, can you be willing to study?” 季羡,你可愿学?” The dangling vision, Qing Yin asked again, this Ji Xian no longer hesitates. 垂下目光,青吟再次问了一遍,这一次季羡不再迟疑。 Disciple is willing to study, but also asked the teacher to teach me!” “弟子愿学,还请老师教我!” Bows does obeisance, Ji Xian indicated own attitude. 躬身一拜,季羡表明了自己的态度。 Saw such a, Qing Yin exuded the carefree laughter, the next instance, a piece of shining lotus leaf appeared in his hand, above inscribes Grand Dao scripture, its Human Sovereign Shaking the World book. 看到这样的一幕,青吟发出了畅快的笑声,下一个瞬间,一片金灿灿的莲叶就出现在了他的手中,上面铭刻着大道经文,其名人皇惊世书 That moment that it presents, the world reverberates, whether there is the golden light fills the air, shades of the 95 true dragon, shows obviously boundlessly overbearing. 其出现的那一刻,天地回响,有无边金光弥漫,有九十五条真龙之影在其中显化,彰显无边霸道。 This is Human Sovereign Shaking the World book, is Emperor Ying results in the given by heaven becomes, is Human Sovereign’s Dao all sort of dao lineage sources, has the prestige of non- measurable quantity, may prove imperial supreme body, Emperor Ying once at this sidewise compression first, today I pass on your book, hopes that you some day can be on par Emperor Ying.” “此为人皇惊世书,乃赢帝得天授所成,为人皇道诸般道统源头,有不可测量之威,可证九五至尊体,赢帝曾以此横压一世,今日我传你此书,希望你有朝一日能比肩赢帝。” Saying a word, bringing sincere hoping, Qing Yin to deliver to the Ji Xian front the golden lotus leaf in hand. 言语着,带着深切的期许,青吟将手中的金莲叶送到了季羡的面前。 Human Sovereign Shaking the World book?” 人皇惊世书?” Twittering, the vision is falling on the golden lotus leaf in a soft voice, the Ji Xian mind sank, he saw keeps aloof, wears the profound imperial robe, wears the royal crown, disclosed only I am supreme, had being insufferably arrogant overbearing person's shadow? 轻声呢喃着,目光落在金莲叶上,季羡的心神不由沉了进去,恍惚间他看到了一尊高高在上,身穿玄龙袍,头戴冠冕,透露出唯我独尊,有不可一世的霸道的人影? Bold, hasn't knelt down by me is inherited?” “大胆,还不跪下受我传承?” Angrily roars, trembles void, has bright heavenly prestige to sweep across to come, Ji Xian immediately ground feelings, but his spirit sleep/felt told him, so long as knelt to finish, but he did not want. 一声怒吼,虚空颤栗,有煌煌天威席卷而来,季羡顿时有一种被碾碎的感觉,而他的灵觉告诉他只要跪下去一切就都结束了,只是他并不愿意。 Emperor Ying? only I am supreme is your path, is not my, I will go out of my Human Sovereign’s Dao!” 赢帝唯我独尊是你的道路,不是我的,我会走出自己的人皇道!” The mind is firm, even if the calamity, the Ji Xian immature body is still straight, he is looking straight ahead that say/way doubtful Emperor Ying form, the back has scarlet dragon obviously, under the temperate semblance has unquestionable overbearing, fights with Emperor Ying relative. 心神坚定,纵使天塌地陷,季羡稚嫩的身躯依旧笔直,他直视着那道疑似赢帝的身影,背后有赤龙显化,温和的外表下有着不容置疑的霸道,与赢帝争锋相对。 Also in this moment, the golden lotus leaf dissipates, changes to a golden light to integrate in the Ji Xian body, casts the genuine sovereign foundation for him. 也就是在这一刻,金莲叶消散,化作点点金光融入季羡的身躯之内,为他铸就真正的皇者根基。 Sees such a, in the Qing Yin heart has been hanging that big stone falls to the ground finally. 看到这样的一幕,青吟心中一直悬着的那块大石终于落地。 Human Sovereign Shaking the World book is the Emperor Ying inheritance, the mystical naturally does not need to talk too much, but its cultivation difficulty is extremely also high, needs first clearly to become aware oneself heart, sets the goal, after being concise own king's heart, may attempt to practice. 人皇惊世书赢帝传承,神异自然不必多言,可其修炼难度也极高,需要先明悟己心,立下志向,凝练出属于自己的王者之心后才可尝试修行。 But in Great Profound World, wanting to become one to control a side the King strength to be indispensable truly, this is king's heart part, may want to repair Human Sovereign Shaking the World book is not not possible to this time again. 但在太玄界,想要成为一位真正主宰一方的王者力量是不可或缺的,这本身就是王者之心的一部分,可到了这个时候再想改修人皇惊世书已经不可能了。 Cultivating this inheritance can only be faithful until death, is unable to repair in midway, moreover clear(ly) became aware oneself heart to say simply, doing is very difficult, many powerful cultivators could not achieve, the life also was just drifts with the current. 修炼这道传承只能从一而终,无法中途改修,而且明悟己心说起来简单,做起来却很难,很多强大的修行者都做不到,一生也只不过是随波逐流而已。 This is the inheritance that existence of Ji Xian this kind of natural King may practice, even such Qing Yin still used Seven Phoenixes Palace deliberately to discipline Ji Xian for several years as the tool, making him further see clearly own ambition, was good has not wasted because of this time eventually. 这是一部只有季羡这类天生王者的存在才可修行的传承,就算是这样青吟也以七凰宫为工具刻意磨练了季羡几年,让他进一步看清自己的志向,好在这一番功夫终究没有白费。 When Ji Xian truly obtains the Human Sovereign Shaking the World book inheritance, had the induction in Heaven beyond the Heavens Feng Qiwu. 而在季羡真正得到人皇惊世书传承的时候,远在天外天凤栖梧也生出了感应。 Good that the inborn Human Sovereign seed, it seems like that the Qing Yin assignment manages.” “天生的人皇种子,看来青吟差事办的不错。” In the phoenix nest, Feng Qiwu opened the eyes quietly. 凤巢中,凤栖梧悄然睁开了双眼。 This inheritance, since had found inheritor, then I must be ready.” “这道传承既然已经找到了传承者,那么我也要做好准备了。” a thought emerged, the flame ascends, Seven Phoenixes Celestial Grotto belongs to again quietly, has some strength to save. 一念泛起,火焰升腾,七凰洞天再次归于沉寂,有某种力量在积蓄着。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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