Chapter 735Bottle Gourd Immortal
第735章葫芦仙Endlessvoid, performingis the profounddarkness, the aura of destructionherevertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, just like a hugevortex, hereis the place of myriad thingsdying out, isone of the Ten LandsReturning to Ruins, destroys and symbol of apocalypse.
无尽虚空,尽是深邃的黑暗,毁灭的气息在这里纵横,宛如一个巨大的漩涡,这里是万物寂灭之地,也是十地之一的归墟,是毁灭和终末的象征。Somemomentappearsbrightly, is been deepandshallow, illuminatedthissideto be voidgradually, asbrilliancewas getting more and more bright, itsappearance/portraitalsoappearedgradually, ittook the form ofbottle gourd, an embodimentsidebrokenworld, lingeredis lettingdecaying aura that all living thingsscaredmurderous auraandcould not cover up, impressivelywascelestial grotto that a sidebordered onto be shattered.
某一刻一点光明浮现,由深及浅,渐渐照亮了这方虚空,而随着光辉越来越灿烂,其真容也渐渐显现,其形似葫芦,内蕴一方残破天地,萦绕着让众生胆寒的杀气和遮掩不住的腐朽之气,赫然是一方濒临破灭的洞天。„Great Profound Worldmain plane, seriouslyis the place, onlypitifullyalreadythe people are no longer the same!”
The imminentreality, remnant willrecoversfromBottle Gourd Celestial Grottointogether.
迫近现实,一道残念自葫芦洞天内复苏。„Hopes that mybeforehandsensationnotwrong, in any event, the inheritance of myBottle Gourd Sword Sectcannotbreak.”
“希望我之前的感知没有错,无论如何,我葫芦剑宗的传承不能断。”a thought emerged, hasradiantimmortal lightto flowfrombrokencelestial grotto, will havezheng zheng the sound of swordcryto resound throughinthisforever the lonesomeplace.一念泛起,有璀璨的仙光自残破洞天内流淌而出,有铮铮剑鸣之音响彻在这永寂之地。„bottle gourd sword art, cuts!”
The sound of murderingplays, the endlessimmortal lightgathering, turns over to the nestjust like the groupbird, is betweeninvisibleandinvisiblebetweensword lighttogethercomes outconcise, itaims at the intersection point of Returning to Ruinsandreality, cutsruthlessly.
杀伐之音奏响,无尽仙光汇聚,宛如群鸟归巢,一道介乎于有形与无形之间的剑光被凝练出来,其对准归墟与现实的交界处,狠狠一斩。Inthisinstance, the myriad thingsturns into air, revolvesall day longcontinuous, wore down the myriad thingsReturning to Ruinsto havestagnation of twinklinginthis moment, thenthat as concisetoreaspinnaclesword lightvoid, sentenced to beheading a gapin the common border of Returning to Ruinsandreality, thatfeared that canwear down the Immortaldharma bodydestructionauraalsoto belong to the nihilityinthis momentquietly, had nothingunderthissword lightdoes not cut, includingprinciple.
After cuttingbrokenReturning to Ruins, thatsword lightcastratestogethercontinues, opensvoid, disregardedmanyhindrance, manybarriers, cut a channeltoCentral Land, inthis moment, radiantsword lightshone uponvoid, entireGreat Profound World seems to be illuminated, four seas and eight desolatescompletelyallhad the induction.
斩破归墟之后,那一道剑光去势不止,开辟虚空,无视了诸多阻碍,诸多壁垒,生生斩开了一条通往中土的通道,在这一刻,璀璨的剑光映照虚空,整个太玄界似乎都被照亮了,四海八荒尽皆有感应。„MyBottle Gourd Sword Sectwas borninCentral Land, today the Chinese angelica, Emperor Ying, myBottle Gourd Sword Sectwill not extinguish.”
The swordcalledzheng zheng, followingchannel that sword lightcut, took the form ofbottle gourdcelestial grottoto leapfromReturning to Ruinsimmediately, inthisinstance, the worldvibrated.
Of Barbaric Desolatewhole wide worlds, ConfucianismSaintoncepassing on the daointhis, enlightensten thousandspirits, lays the Confucian Daofoundation, hereis distancedwithReturning to Ruinsnear, hasturbulentthat momentinReturning to Ruins, hereearliest possible timediscoveredexceptionally.
八荒之一的蛮荒,儒家圣人曾在此传道,教化万灵,奠定儒道根基,这里与归墟相距极近,在归墟产生动荡的那一刻,这里第一时间发现了异常。Culture Shrine, Saint statuevibrates, originallyisclay sculptureSaint statueopens the eyessuddenly, will look atReturning to Ruins, inthis momentscenecompletelyallin his eyesobviously, includingthatbottle gourd vine that will take root incelestial grotto, nearlyto lose plant.文庙,圣人像震动,本是泥塑的圣人像突然睁开双眼,将目光投向了归墟,在这一刻万般景象尽皆在他的眼中显化,包括那一株扎根洞天、近乎枯死的葫芦藤。„Bottle Gourd Sword Sect, never expected thattheysent into exileinitiallyunexpectedlyinReturning to RuinsBottle Gourd Celestial Grotto, is really the bigbreadth of spirit, no wonderEmperor Yingoncesearch through heaven and earthcannotfindtheirexistences.”
“葫芦剑宗,没想到他们当初竟然将葫芦洞天放逐进了归墟之中,真是好大的气魄,怪不得赢帝曾搜天索地也未能找到他们的存在。”Is perceptive of the finest detail, all sort oftracesinterweave , the consciousness in Saint statuesaw through the beginning to end of matter.
明察秋毫,诸般痕迹交织,一眼之下,圣人像中的意识看穿了事情的始末。Returning to Ruinsisone of the Ten Lands, is borninthe beginning of Heaven-Creating, the essenceis extremely high, is symbolizing the destruction and end, anywill crash intothingto be worn down, includingImmortal, neversomepeopleaftercrashing intoReturning to Ruins can also walk, Earthly ImmortalandHeavenly Immortalwill also evadeit less, butthisiron rulewas brokentoday.归墟为十地之一,诞生于开天之初,本质极高,象征着毁灭与终结,任何坠入其中的事物都会被消磨一空,包括仙人,从未有人在坠入归墟之后还能从中走出来,就连地仙与天仙也避之不及,不过这一铁律在今天被打破了。„nourishing a sword of era, was seriously extraordinary.”
“温养了一个纪元的一剑,当真非凡。”„OnlyBottle Gourd Sword Sectunderestimatedpitifullyeventually the place of Returning to Ruins, experienceswearing down of more than era, thatfeared that Bottle Gourd Sword Sectis preparedearly, nowadayshas also come to the end.”
“只可惜葫芦剑宗终究还是低估了归墟之地,经历一个多纪元的消磨,那怕葫芦剑宗早有准备,现如今也已经走到了尽头。”„Ifcanendurechange of Heavento arrive, perhapsa slim chance of survival, butnow”
“若是能熬到天变到来,或许还有一线生机,但现在・・・”Sent out a sigh, Saint statueclosed the eyesquietly.
发出一声叹息,圣人像悄然闭上了双眼。Meanwhile, asBottle Gourd Celestial GrottoleapsReturning to Ruins, the Eastern DesolateDaoismandWestern DesolateBuddhismandNorthern DesolateDemon Sectand otherancient dao lineagestationshas the phenomenonin abundanceobviously.
与此同时,随着葫芦洞天跃出归墟,东荒道门、西荒佛门、北荒魔门等古老道统驻地纷纷有异象显化。Eastern Desolate, Divine Firmament Dao, thisisinDaoismmanydao lineagemost expensiveone, oncehad the name of varioussay/waysource, becauseitisDao Ancestorownbiography, isDaoismis authentic.东荒,神霄道,此为道门诸多道统中最贵的一支,曾有诸道源头之称,因为其是道祖亲传,为道门正宗。Nine Firmaments Peak, the Divine Firmament Daostation, hearsayitisDao Ancestoraccomplishesby, itbasesvoid, enters9-layered heavens, forworldrareDivine Mountain.九霄峰,神霄道驻地,传闻其是道祖以雷法造就而成,其立足虚空,直入九重天,为世间少见的神山。
The Divine Firmament DaodiscipleafterachievementYang God, does not need the godto enter9-layered heavensthunder tribulation, only need climb upNine Firmaments Peakunceasingly, so long ascanreach the peaksmoothly, naturenine tribulationscompletely, Pure Yanghas become.神霄道弟子在成就阳神之后,不需神入九重天度雷劫,只需不断攀爬九霄峰,只要能顺利登上峰顶,自然九劫尽过,纯阳自成。Becauseworlditself/Bendoes not have9-layered heavens, more excessivethunder tribulationquenchingedYang God saying that butwasDao Ancestorpities the worldto practicedifficultly, thereforeopened9-layered heavensbygreat divine ability, pavedascending to heavenstepsforall living things.
The peak, a palaceis bathing the thunder, itsHonoured Thunder.
峰顶,一座宫殿沐浴着雷霆,其名钧雷。Thump, thumpandthump, the depresseddrumbeatresounds, whether there is the thundercrack, a long-slumberingyoungDaoistopened the eyesuddenly.
咚、咚、咚,沉闷的鼓声响起,有无边雷霆炸响,一位沉睡已久的年轻道人猛然睁开了眼。„Did thunderdrumsixsounds, thisworldhaveEarthly Immortal born? Butless than is the time, nowat this timealso bornbrings about own destruction?”
The godsabout9-layered heavens, the youngDaoistsawBottle Gourd Celestial Grotto.
神合九重天,年轻道人看到了葫芦洞天。„OriginallyisBottle Gourd Celestial Grotto, what a pitymissedeventuallyonestep, the pastis the present is also, seriouslypitifullamentable, road of achieving the daowas how difficult.”
“原来是葫芦洞天,可惜终究差了一步,过去是现在也是,当真可悲可叹,成道之路何其艰难。”Wields the Daoismear, the youngDaoistis clearregarding the Bottle Gourd Sword Sectpast events, at this timesees such a, said that inpeople's heartall thingsare bright.
执掌道门牛耳,年轻道人对于葫芦剑宗的往事一清二楚,此时看到这样的一幕,道人心中万事已明。„Thisis the Bottle Gourd Immortal Monarchlastchance, ifat this timeis not born, itreallywill be perhaps quietforeverinReturning to Ruins, was not again heavyday of every day/sees the skylight.”
“这已经是葫芦仙君最后的机会,此时若是不出世,其恐怕真的会永远沉寂在归墟之中,再无重见天光之日。”Looks the direction that Bottle Gourd Celestial Grottogoes far away, the youthDaoistsends outone a sigh, hecanrealize the helplessness of Bottle Gourd Immortal Monarch.
看着葫芦洞天远去的方向,青年道人发出一了声叹息,他能体会到葫芦仙君的无奈。AlthoughEarthly Immortal the lifeis glorious, may be unable to achieve the number of era, not to mention must undergowearing down of Returning to Ruins, Bottle Gourd Immortal Monarch, althoughlivedreluctantlysecondtaking advantage ofmystic art, continued the life, butis dyingnowas before, people are just the victims of fate, hemissed such a step.地仙虽然寿元悠久,可也达不到纪元之数,更不用说还要经受归墟的消磨,葫芦仙君虽然借秘法勉强活出了第二世,延续了生命,但现在依旧要死了,造化弄人,他就差了那么一步。Meanwhile, inBottle Gourd Celestial Grotto, seemed likefeels the thought of youthDaoist, bottle gourd vine that nearlylost plantsent out the glisteningbrilliance.
与此同时,在葫芦洞天之内,似乎是感受到了青年道人的意念,那一株近乎枯死的葫芦藤散发出莹莹光辉。„innate thunder spirit? Thisaurasomewhat seems to be familiar, isImmortal Monarch Pu Yuan, never expected thathenot onlyheavy laborfirst, but also the incarnationisinnate thunder spirit, is thismusttake the Innate Thunder Godpath? Hasthatsupport, poursnot necessarilycannotbecome, Icould not only seepitifully.”
An oldthoughtexudes, somewhatsighed, somewhatsobbed, butin the nextinstance, had the incomparablepointto burst outfromhisbody.
一个苍老的念头泛起,有几分感叹,也有几分唏嘘,不过就在下一个瞬间,有无匹锋芒从他的身躯内迸发出来。„Youwantme dead, but must makemeleave behind the inheritanceat least.”
“你想要我死可以,但最起码也要让我留下传承。”Looked straight aheadHeaven, Bottle Gourd Immortal Monarchsaw an eye, itkept aloof, overlooksten thousandspirits, thatwasEye of Heaven.
直视苍天,葫芦仙君看到了一双眼睛,其高高在上,俯视万灵,那是苍天之眼。Heavenis brutal, notformyriad things, whatitmustdomaintains the steady running of the world order, butpresentBottle Gourd Immortal Monarchis the destroyer of thatorder, itoffendedtwoiron rules;first, immortal toolmay notto becomemonster;second, Immortal Deitythiskindexistsshould notthis timebe born.苍天无情,不为万物所动,它要做的是维持天地秩序的稳定运转,而现在的葫芦仙君就是那个秩序的破坏者,其触犯了两条铁律,一是仙器不可成妖,二是仙神这类存在不该此时出世。Rumble, as powerful as a thunderbolt, bloody thundertearsvoid, an ancientscaffoldmeltsobviously, aboveoncedyed the blood of Immortal Deity, appearedthat momenthas the shockingmurderous intentionto reveal,as iffell intoto stagnateduringthis momenttime and space.
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