HDD :: Volume #8

#735: Bottle Gourd Immortal

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Chapter 735 Bottle Gourd Immortal 第735章葫芦仙 Endless void, performing is the profound darkness, the aura of destruction here vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, just like a huge vortex, here is the place of myriad things dying out, is one of the Ten Lands Returning to Ruins, destroys and symbol of apocalypse. 无尽虚空,尽是深邃的黑暗,毁灭的气息在这里纵横,宛如一个巨大的漩涡,这里是万物寂灭之地,也是十地之一归墟,是毁灭和终末的象征。 Some moment appears brightly, is been deep and shallow, illuminated this side to be void gradually, as brilliance was getting more and more bright, its appearance/portrait also appeared gradually, it took the form of bottle gourd, an embodiment side broken world, lingered is letting decaying aura that all living things scared murderous aura and could not cover up, impressively was celestial grotto that a side bordered on to be shattered. 某一刻一点光明浮现,由深及浅,渐渐照亮了这方虚空,而随着光辉越来越灿烂,其真容也渐渐显现,其形似葫芦,内蕴一方残破天地,萦绕着让众生胆寒的杀气和遮掩不住的腐朽之气,赫然是一方濒临破灭的洞天 Great Profound World main plane, seriously is the place, only pitifully already the people are no longer the same!” 太玄界主位面,当真是久违的地方,只可惜已经物是人非!” The imminent reality, remnant will recovers from Bottle Gourd Celestial Grotto in together. 迫近现实,一道残念葫芦洞天内复苏。 Hopes that my beforehand sensation not wrong, in any event, the inheritance of my Bottle Gourd Sword Sect cannot break.” “希望我之前的感知没有错,无论如何,我葫芦剑宗的传承不能断。” a thought emerged, has radiant immortal light to flow from broken celestial grotto, will have zheng zheng the sound of sword cry to resound through in this forever the lonesome place. 一念泛起,有璀璨的仙光自残破洞天内流淌而出,有铮铮剑鸣之音响彻在这永寂之地。 bottle gourd sword art, cuts!” 葫芦剑诀,斩!” The sound of murdering plays, the endless immortal light gathering, turns over to the nest just like the group bird, is between in visible and invisible between sword light together comes out concise, it aims at the intersection point of Returning to Ruins and reality, cuts ruthlessly. 杀伐之音奏响,无尽仙光汇聚,宛如群鸟归巢,一道介乎于有形与无形之间的剑光被凝练出来,其对准归墟与现实的交界处,狠狠一斩。 In this instance, the myriad things turns into air, revolves all day long continuous, wore down the myriad things Returning to Ruins to have stagnation of twinkling in this moment, then that as concise tore as pinnacle sword light void, sentenced to beheading a gap in the common border of Returning to Ruins and reality, that feared that can wear down the Immortal dharma body destruction aura also to belong to the nihility in this moment quietly, had nothing under this sword light does not cut, including principle. 在这一个瞬间,万物成空,终日旋转不休,消磨万物的归墟在这一刻都有了瞬息的凝滞,然后那凝练到极致的剑光撕裂虚空,生生在归墟与现实的交界处斩出了一个缺口,那怕那能消磨仙人法体的毁灭气息在这一刻也悄然归于虚无,在这道剑光之下无有不斩,包括法则。 After cutting broken Returning to Ruins, that sword light castrates together continues, opens void, disregarded many hindrance, many barriers, cut a channel to Central Land, in this moment, radiant sword light shone upon void, entire Great Profound World seems to be illuminated, four seas and eight desolates completely all had the induction. 斩破归墟之后,那一道剑光去势不止,开辟虚空,无视了诸多阻碍,诸多壁垒,生生斩开了一条通往中土的通道,在这一刻,璀璨的剑光映照虚空,整个太玄界似乎都被照亮了,四海八荒尽皆有感应。 My Bottle Gourd Sword Sect was born in Central Land, today the Chinese angelica, Emperor Ying, my Bottle Gourd Sword Sect will not extinguish.” “我葫芦剑宗生于中土,今日当归,赢帝,我葫芦剑宗是不会灭的。” The sword called zheng zheng, following channel that sword light cut, took the form of bottle gourd celestial grotto to leap from Returning to Ruins immediately, in this instance, the world vibrated. 剑鸣铮铮,顺着剑光斩开的通道,形似葫芦洞天顿时从归墟中一跃而出,在这一个瞬间,天地震动。 Of Barbaric Desolate whole wide worlds, Confucianism Saint once passing on the dao in this, enlightens ten thousand spirits, lays the Confucian Dao foundation, here is distanced with Returning to Ruins near, has turbulent that moment in Returning to Ruins, here earliest possible time discovered exceptionally. 八荒之一的蛮荒,儒家圣人曾在此传道,教化万灵,奠定儒道根基,这里与归墟相距极近,在归墟产生动荡的那一刻,这里第一时间发现了异常。 Culture Shrine, Saint statue vibrates, originally is clay sculpture Saint statue opens the eyes suddenly, will look at Returning to Ruins, in this moment scene completely all in his eyes obviously, including that bottle gourd vine that will take root in celestial grotto, nearly to lose plant. 文庙,圣人像震动,本是泥塑的圣人像突然睁开双眼,将目光投向了归墟,在这一刻万般景象尽皆在他的眼中显化,包括那一株扎根洞天、近乎枯死的葫芦藤 Bottle Gourd Sword Sect, never expected that they sent into exile initially unexpectedly in Returning to Ruins Bottle Gourd Celestial Grotto, is really the big breadth of spirit, no wonder Emperor Ying once search through heaven and earth cannot find their existences.” 葫芦剑宗,没想到他们当初竟然将葫芦洞天放逐进了归墟之中,真是好大的气魄,怪不得赢帝搜天索地也未能找到他们的存在。” Is perceptive of the finest detail, all sort of traces interweave , the consciousness in Saint statue saw through the beginning to end of matter. 明察秋毫,诸般痕迹交织,一眼之下,圣人像中的意识看穿了事情的始末。 Returning to Ruins is one of the Ten Lands, is born in the beginning of Heaven-Creating, the essence is extremely high, is symbolizing the destruction and end, any will crash into thing to be worn down, including Immortal, never some people after crashing into Returning to Ruins can also walk, Earthly Immortal and Heavenly Immortal will also evade it less, but this iron rule was broken today. 归墟十地之一,诞生于开天之初,本质极高,象征着毁灭与终结,任何坠入其中的事物都会被消磨一空,包括仙人,从未有人在坠入归墟之后还能从中走出来,就连地仙天仙也避之不及,不过这一铁律在今天被打破了。 nourishing a sword of era, was seriously extraordinary.” 温养了一个纪元的一剑,当真非凡。” Only Bottle Gourd Sword Sect underestimated pitifully eventually the place of Returning to Ruins, experiences wearing down of more than era, that feared that Bottle Gourd Sword Sect is prepared early, nowadays has also come to the end.” “只可惜葫芦剑宗终究还是低估了归墟之地,经历一个多纪元的消磨,那怕葫芦剑宗早有准备,现如今也已经走到了尽头。” If can endure change of Heaven to arrive, perhaps a slim chance of survival, but now “若是能熬到天变到来,或许还有一线生机,但现在・・・” Sent out a sigh, Saint statue closed the eyes quietly. 发出一声叹息,圣人像悄然闭上了双眼。 Meanwhile, as Bottle Gourd Celestial Grotto leaps Returning to Ruins, the Eastern Desolate Daoism and Western Desolate Buddhism and Northern Desolate Demon Sect and other ancient dao lineage stations has the phenomenon in abundance obviously. 与此同时,随着葫芦洞天跃出归墟,东荒道门西荒佛门北荒魔门古老道统驻地纷纷有异象显化。 Eastern Desolate, Divine Firmament Dao, this is in Daoism many dao lineage most expensive one, once had the name of various say/way source, because it is Dao Ancestor own biography, is Daoism is authentic. 东荒,神霄道,此为道门诸多道统中最贵的一支,曾有诸道源头之称,因为其是道祖亲传,为道门正宗。 Nine Firmaments Peak, the Divine Firmament Dao station, hearsay it is Dao Ancestor accomplishes by, it bases void, enters 9-layered heavens, for world rare Divine Mountain. 九霄峰,神霄道驻地,传闻其是道祖以雷法造就而成,其立足虚空,直入九重天,为世间少见的神山。 The Divine Firmament Dao disciple after achievement Yang God, does not need the god to enter 9-layered heavens thunder tribulation, only need climb up Nine Firmaments Peak unceasingly, so long as can reach the peak smoothly, nature nine tribulations completely, Pure Yang has become. 神霄道弟子在成就阳神之后,不需神入九重天雷劫,只需不断攀爬九霄峰,只要能顺利登上峰顶,自然九劫尽过,纯阳自成。 Because world itself/Ben does not have 9-layered heavens, more excessive thunder tribulation quenchinged Yang God saying that but was Dao Ancestor pities the world to practice difficultly, therefore opened 9-layered heavens by great divine ability, paved ascending to heaven steps for all living things. 因为世间本无九重天,更无度雷劫淬炼阳神之说,只不过是道祖怜世人修行艰难,故以大神通开辟九重天,为芸芸众生铺就了一条登天阶梯。 The peak, a palace is bathing the thunder, its Honoured Thunder. 峰顶,一座宫殿沐浴着雷霆,其名钧雷 Thump, thump and thump, the depressed drumbeat resounds, whether there is the thunder crack, a long-slumbering young Daoist opened the eye suddenly. 咚、咚、咚,沉闷的鼓声响起,有无边雷霆炸响,一位沉睡已久的年轻道人猛然睁开了眼。 „Did thunder drum six sounds, this world have Earthly Immortal born? But less than is the time, now at this time also born brings about own destruction?” “雷鼓六响,这世间有地仙出世了?可现在还不到时间啊,此时出世岂不是自寻死路?” The gods about 9-layered heavens, the young Daoist saw Bottle Gourd Celestial Grotto. 神合九重天,年轻道人看到了葫芦洞天 Originally is Bottle Gourd Celestial Grotto, what a pity missed eventually one step, the past is the present is also, seriously pitiful lamentable, road of achieving the dao was how difficult.” “原来是葫芦洞天,可惜终究差了一步,过去是现在也是,当真可悲可叹,成道之路何其艰难。” Wields the Daoism ear, the young Daoist is clear regarding the Bottle Gourd Sword Sect past events, at this time sees such a, said that in people's heart all things are bright. 执掌道门牛耳,年轻道人对于葫芦剑宗的往事一清二楚,此时看到这样的一幕,道人心中万事已明。 This is the Bottle Gourd Immortal Monarch last chance, if at this time is not born, it really will be perhaps quiet forever in Returning to Ruins, was not again heavy day of every day/sees the sky light.” “这已经是葫芦仙君最后的机会,此时若是不出世,其恐怕真的会永远沉寂在归墟之中,再无重见天光之日。” Looks the direction that Bottle Gourd Celestial Grotto goes far away, the youth Daoist sends out one a sigh, he can realize the helplessness of Bottle Gourd Immortal Monarch. 看着葫芦洞天远去的方向,青年道人发出一了声叹息,他能体会到葫芦仙君的无奈。 Although Earthly Immortal the life is glorious, may be unable to achieve the number of era, not to mention must undergo wearing down of Returning to Ruins, Bottle Gourd Immortal Monarch, although lived reluctantly second taking advantage of mystic art, continued the life, but is dying now as before, people are just the victims of fate, he missed such a step. 地仙虽然寿元悠久,可也达不到纪元之数,更不用说还要经受归墟的消磨,葫芦仙君虽然借秘法勉强活出了第二世,延续了生命,但现在依旧要死了,造化弄人,他就差了那么一步。 Meanwhile, in Bottle Gourd Celestial Grotto, seemed like feels the thought of youth Daoist, bottle gourd vine that nearly lost plant sent out the glistening brilliance. 与此同时,在葫芦洞天之内,似乎是感受到了青年道人的意念,那一株近乎枯死的葫芦藤散发出莹莹光辉。 innate thunder spirit? This aura somewhat seems to be familiar, is Immortal Monarch Pu Yuan, never expected that he not only heavy labor first, but also the incarnation is innate thunder spirit, is this must take the Innate Thunder God path? Has that support, pours not necessarily cannot become, I could not only see pitifully.” 先天雷灵?这个气息似乎有些熟悉,是普元仙君,没想到他不仅重活一世,而且还化身为先天雷灵,这是要走先天雷神的道路吗?有那位支持,倒未必不能成,只可惜我看不到了。” An old thought exudes, somewhat sighed, somewhat sobbed, but in the next instance, had the incomparable point to burst out from his body. 一个苍老的念头泛起,有几分感叹,也有几分唏嘘,不过就在下一个瞬间,有无匹锋芒从他的身躯内迸发出来。 You want me dead, but must make me leave behind the inheritance at least.” “你想要我死可以,但最起码也要让我留下传承。” Looked straight ahead Heaven, Bottle Gourd Immortal Monarch saw an eye, it kept aloof, overlooks ten thousand spirits, that was Eye of Heaven. 直视苍天,葫芦仙君看到了一双眼睛,其高高在上,俯视万灵,那是苍天之眼 Heaven is brutal, not for myriad things, what it must do maintains the steady running of the world order, but present Bottle Gourd Immortal Monarch is the destroyer of that order, it offended two iron rules ; first, immortal tool may not to become monster ; second, Immortal Deity this kind exists should not this time be born. 苍天无情,不为万物所动,它要做的是维持天地秩序的稳定运转,而现在的葫芦仙君就是那个秩序的破坏者,其触犯了两条铁律,一是仙器不可成妖,二是仙神这类存在不该此时出世。 Rumble, as powerful as a thunderbolt, bloody thunder tears void, an ancient scaffold melts obviously, above once dyed the blood of Immortal Deity, appeared that moment has the shocking murderous intention to reveal, as if fell into to stagnate during this moment time and space. 轰隆隆,雷霆万钧,血色雷霆撕裂虚空,一座古老的处刑台显化出来,其上曾染仙神之血,出现的那一刻就有惊世杀机显露,在这一刻时间与空间似乎都陷入到了凝滞之中。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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