HDD :: Volume #8

#733: The clear(ly) of judge

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The clear(ly) of Chapter 733 judge 第733章识人之明 The time passes, in a flash is five years, in the five years has many important matters to happen. 时间流逝,一晃就是五年,这五年有不少的大事发生。 First is the Central Road Yan Country turmoil subsides finally, after taking office King of Yan Yan Xingkong falls from the sky, in has the philosophers to snatch the throne, outside had major influences to peep, bases Central Land several tens of thousands of years of years Yan Country to have the potential of creakying immediately. 首先是中央道燕国的动乱终于平息下来,在上任燕王燕行空陨落之后,内有诸子夺嫡,外有各大势力窥视,立足中土数万年岁月的燕国顿时有了摇摇欲坠之势。 In fact, has background that in the past accumulated, has Yan Country nation's destiny, so long as King Yan Mansion various people can unite as one, can maintain the situation reluctantly, what pitifully is the King of Yan position is extremely noticeable, making one unable to stop to have greedy, after all that representative , is not only a throne, represents innate blessed land. 事实上,有着以往积累的底蕴,有着燕国国运,只要燕王府诸人能够团结一致,还是能够勉强维持局势的,不过可惜的是燕王的位置太过引人瞩目,让人止不住心生贪婪,毕竟那代表的不仅是一个王位,更代表一座先天福地 For this blessed land, a King of Yan department saves the world four Pure Yang cultivator to fall over one another nowadays, no one is willing to make concessions one step, but the critical moment, declared to the outside younger brother of Yan Xingjun fallen from the sky Yan Xingkong reappeared, suppressed to refuse to accept, became new King of Yan, it does not know when the achievement the boundary of Pseudo Immortal, in addition in his hand had also grasped complete immortal tool, no one was his rival. 为了这一座福地,燕王一系现如今存世的四位纯阳修士你争我夺,谁也不肯退让一步,不过关键时刻,对外宣称早已陨落的燕行空之弟燕行君重新出现,镇压一切不服,成为新的燕王,其不知何时已经成就了伪仙之境,再加上其手中还掌握了一件无缺仙器,无人是其敌手。 From now on, one turmoil of affecting entire Central Land such towering subsided, is quicker, but this that everyone expects also made one further see clearly the central three king influence background, took seriously non- general influence to compare. 自此,一场波及整个中土的动乱就这样突兀的平息了下来,比所有人预料的都要快,不过这也让人进一步看清了中央三王势力的底蕴,当真非一般势力可比。 The most important thing is Yan Xingjun is Pseudo Immortal, after it succeeds to the throne King of Yan, results in Yan Country great luck blessing the body , has invincible potential in the place of that Yan Country seriously, before all influence does not dare is too tight, but is the ignores that Yan Country compels their civil strife, is related with this nation's destiny. 最为重要的是燕行君本身就是伪仙,其继位燕王之后,得燕国大运加身,在那燕国之地当真有无敌之势,之前各方势力不敢将燕国逼的太紧,而是放任他们内乱,也与这股国运有关。 After Yan Xingjun succeeds to the throne, for Burying Heavens Ruin, has Pseudo Immortal to intend to probe in secret, but was actually easily repelled finally. 燕行君继位之后,为了葬天墟,暗中也有伪仙出手试探过,但最终却被轻易击退了。 But besides the Yan Country turbulence, the expansions of these year of Zodiac Association is also huge, but taking the Yan Country turbulent opportunity, Zodiac Association successfully completed the initial expansion, at present the situation has become, wants to contain again is very difficult, because many cultivator had realized that Dreamwalking Palace to the benefit that they provided, wants to make them turn head not simple again. 而除了燕国的动荡之外,这些年元辰会的扩张也是声势浩荡的,不过借着燕国动荡的机会,元辰会顺利完成了最初的扩张,目前大势已成,再想遏制已经很难了,因为很多修士已经体会到了梦游宫给他们带来的好处,再想让他们回头已经没有那么简单。 To a certain extent these people are also the Zodiac Association latent strength, although is unreliable, but is also noticeable, at this time all influence wants to contain the development of Zodiac Association is not not possible depending on some small methods again, only truly has to join up, by the powerful armed suppression is the most effective way, but wants to achieve this point to be very difficult, after all Zodiac Association is not a weak one, but they are also very difficult really to join up. 从某种程度上来说这些人也是元辰会的潜在力量,虽然并不可靠,但也不可忽视,这个时候各方势力再想遏制元辰会的发展光凭一些小手段已经不可能,唯有真正联合起来,以强大的武力镇压才是最有效的办法,但想要做到这一点很难,毕竟元辰会不是弱者,而他们也很难真的联合起来。 But besides these two influence entire Central Land important matters, other say/way is not tranquil, after King of Qin Yuwen Hua, other say/way have the name King to appear one after another, although mostly is only a bandit chief, but some truly many outstanding appearances, even was born was similar to Yuwen Hua such real king. 而除了这两件影响整个中土的大事之外,其余各道也并不平静,继青王宇文化之后,其余各道相继有称王者出现,虽然大多都只是草头王,但确实有不少头角峥嵘者出现,甚至诞生了类似于宇文化这样的真王。 Suddenly enormous and powerful Central Land seems a pot by the water of boiling, the surges continuous, under the environment of such turmoil, the Central Land south region unexpected tranquility, is actually incompatible with the environment. 一时间浩荡的中土就好似一锅被煮沸的水,翻腾不休,不过在这样动乱的大环境下,中土南方区域却出乎意料的平静,与大环境格格不入。 Longevity Dao Alliance in the self-torture internal strength, the popularization of Immortal Dao education starts to have the initial fruit as before, although young generation not yet achievement Daoist Realm, but True Person of Yin God actually emerges one after another incessantly, at present has officially replaced the older generation to become the dao alliance nucleus. 长生道盟依旧在苦修内功,仙道教育的普及开始结出最初的果实,年轻一辈虽然尚未成就道人境,但阴神真人却层出不穷,目前已经正式接替老一辈成为道盟的中坚力量。 But compared in these not happily once, by the misery, already the older generation who gave birth to is depressed, these young cultivator bathed the dao alliance brilliance for a long time, they have in the self-confidence from bone, injections of these fresh blood made dao alliance start to have the subtle change. 而相比于那些曾经不得意、饱受苦难、已然生出暮气的老一辈,这些年轻修士沐浴道盟光辉已久,他们有着发自骨子里的自信,这些新血的注入让道盟开始发生微妙的变化。 Regarding this change, lives in dao alliance top daoist cultivator to have feels hard to adapt much, especially long before on achievement Daoist Realm these Central Land cultivator, they paid great attention calmly and steadily, the point that these young cultivator expose makes them worry, even there is a plan that makes a move to suppress. 对于这种变化,身居道盟高位的道人修士有不少感到难以适应,特别是很早以前就成就道人境的那些中土修士,他们更注重安稳,这些年轻修士展露出的锋芒让他们感到担心,甚至有出手打压的打算。 But the support of Dragon Tiger Mountain made them give up this idea silently. 只不过龙虎山的支持让他们默默放弃了这种想法。 But beside dao alliance, the quiet many years, digested once accumulation completely, occupies Southwest Road King of Qin Yuwen Hua also had several points of eager stance, but has not manifested suddenly temporarily, after these years governance, he had integrated own grasping Southwest Road completely, established the true state, in addition the support of Confucianism Jixia Academy, these year of Southwest Road even more were prosperous, truly had several points of prosperous times imposing manner. 而在道盟之外,沉寂多年,完全消化了曾经的积累,占据西南道青王宇文化也有了几分跃跃欲试的姿态,只不过暂时还没有发作而已,经过这些年的治理,他已经将西南道完全纳入了自己的掌握,建立起了真正的国度,再加上儒家稷下学宫的扶持,这些年西南道越发兴盛,真正有了几分盛世气象 In comparison, Main Southern Road these years that Seven Phoenixes Palace governs completely went to another extreme, Benevolent King Ji Rang drank wine to make music all day, are infatuated with the poems and songs, paid no attention to the royal government, the Southwest Road administrative style and achievements of local officials ruined, people live in destitution, but regarding this Seven Phoenixes Palace was unresponsive, seemed has not noticed the Ji Rang action to be the same. 与之相比,七凰宫治下的正南道这些年完全走向了另外一个极端,仁王季让整日饮酒作乐,醉心诗词歌赋,不理朝政,以至于西南道吏治败坏,民生凋敝,而对此七凰宫毫无反应,就好似没有注意到季让的举动一样。 But this also further encouraged many bad styles, making Ji Rang movement secretly more and more frequent, saves the strength unceasingly, hopes that some day can shake off the shackles, overthrows Seven Phoenixes Palace, becomes the true king. 而这也进一步助长了许多不良风气,让季让暗地里的动作越来越频繁,不断积蓄力量,希望有朝一日能挣脱枷锁,推翻七凰宫,成为真正的王。 However regarding this, Seven Phoenixes Palace is in fact well aware, but chose desirably the ignores, now Ji Rang seemingly harvested many resources, but had in fact lost massive popular support, this thing seems like unimportant, but is essential regarding a King. 不过对此,七凰宫实际上心知肚明,只不过选择了刻意放任而已,现在季让看似收获了不少的资源,但实际上已经失去了大量的民心,这东西看似不重要,但对于一个王者而言却是必不可少的。 But now the Ji Rang evil conduct will become the good conduct of successor in its moment of falling from the sky finally, has the contrast to have the clear cognition, only then there is a Ji Rang this unenlightened ruler before, can show wise of successor, this is also gathers the popular sentiment one method. 而现在季让的恶行在其陨落的那一刻终将成为继任者的善行,有对比才有清晰的认知,只有有季让这位昏君在前,才能彰显后来者的英明,这同样是汇聚民心的一种方法。 Also because of so, Seven Phoenixes Palace chose the ignores regarding the Ji Rang behavior, in their opinion this is the Ji Rang final value, regarding backlash of Ji Rang, they were not worried how could the ant does shake the elephant truly? 也正是因为如此,七凰宫对于季让的行为才选择了放任,在他们看来这已经是季让最后的价值,至于说季让的反噬,他们并不担心,蚂蚁又岂能真正撼动大象? Meanwhile, a baby in Seven Phoenixes Palace grew into quietly, changed into a young lad, it was since birth uncommon, a day can say, in January/one month can walk, six months later walk as if flying, the rebirth has pair of scarlet dragon eyes, the power and influence unparalleled, was alive just like true dragon. 与此同时,在七凰宫内一个婴儿悄然长成,化为了一个童子,其生来不凡,一天能言,一月能走,半年之后已经健步如飞,更生有一双赤龙眸,威势无双,宛如真龙在世。 The Ji Xian, although now is about eight years old, but conduct already extremely rich orderliness, just like an Sir, to verify his ability, the entire Seven Phoenixes Palace miscellaneous matters had given him to process long before, but he does compared with being better that everyone expects. 其名季羡,现在虽不过八岁,但行事已经极富条理,宛如一个大人,为了印证他的才能,很早以前整个七凰宫的杂事都已经交给他来处理,而他做的比所有人预料的都要好。 He analyzed originally just like the hodgepodge odd job palace, sets aside small departments it, the fuzzy power and responsibility division will be clear, making everyone know oneself should make anything, how should do. 他拆分了原本宛如大杂烩的杂务殿,将其划分出一个个小的部门,将原本模糊的权责划分清楚,让所有人都知道自己应该做什么,该怎么做。 What is most essential was it established supervision department, was responsible for supervising various, making the regulatory section be responsible for singing the white face, but oneself that on substitute person sang the red painted-face outwardly. 最为关键的是其建立了监管部门,负责监察各部,让监管部负责唱白脸,而自己那个明面上的替身则唱红脸。 In such a case, in several years within, its, not only cleared off the Seven Phoenixes Palace odd job, but also harvested massive people's heart. 在这样的情况下,短短几年之内,其不仅理清了七凰宫的杂务,还收获了大量的人心 After this, clearly realized that the Ji Xian ability, thinks some possibility, Qing Yin resists opposition, making Ji Xian further control Seven Phoenixes Palace privilege. 在这之后,清楚意识到季羡的能力,想到某个可能,青吟力排众议,让季羡进一步掌控七凰宫权利 In this process, although Ji Xian has also had the mistake, but roughly the direction is good, but in this process, Ji Xian constantly is also growing, its seems has the ability of some type of control inborn, can always clear off all sort of numerous and diverse things, what is most essential was he has the clear(ly) of rare judge, can always find the right person to do the appropriate matter, his eye was since birth uncommon. 在这个过程中,季羡虽然也有过失误,但大体方向还是好的,而在这个过程中,季羡也在不断成长着,其好似天生拥有某种统御的能力,总能将诸般繁杂的事情理清,最为关键的是他拥有超乎寻常的识人之明,总能找到合适的人去做合适的事,他的那双眼睛生来不凡。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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