HDD :: Volume #8

#732: Far of difference

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Chapter 732 bad far 第732章差的远 Dragon Tiger Mountain, Yellow Court blessed land, dao sound murmur. 龙虎山,黄庭福地,道音潺潺。 Both eyes empty gather, to empty extremely, defends calmly sincere, cultivates motionless heart, for the fan, does not cover the consciousness of Wu Mian, revolution earth manifestation divine ability, Zhang Chunyi is perceiving through meditation «Water Mother Primordial Scripture». 双目虚合,致虚极,守静笃,修得一颗不动心,不为道迷,覆盖无眠的意识,运转象地神通,张纯一参悟着《水母元经》。 Water to supple, nourishes the myriad things, passable good fortune.” “水至柔,滋养万物,可通造化。” Cannot have a thought mixed, makes inquiries into the world, in the Zhang Chunyi heart has all sorts of truth to interweave. 杂念不起,叩问天地,张纯一心中有种种道理交织。 White Lotus Cult presents White Lotus Old Mother is World Creation God, hearsay it wields the good fortune, ten thousand spirits all for its, but «Water Mother Primordial Scripture» as law that derives from cult-protecting classic «Old Mother's World Creation Scripture», similarly the trace of implication good fortune. 白莲教白莲老母创世神,传闻其执掌造化,万灵皆为其子,而《水母元经》作为从镇教经典老母创世经》中衍生出来的大法,同样蕴含造化的痕迹。 However the Earthly Immortal ancient book is unusual, each may be called broad and profound, being worth immortal cultivator with comprehending for a lifetime, but as the god dao scripture standard, «Water Mother Primordial Scripture» obviously obscure. 不过地仙典籍非同一般,每一部都堪称博大精深,值得修仙者用一辈子去参悟,而作为神道经典,《水母元经》更显晦涩。 Regarding this point, Zhang Chunyi has the extremely clear cognition, although complete Earthly Immortal ancient book in hand, but Zhang Chunyi actually discarded Earthly Immortal part profundities decisively, comprehends Earthly Immortal profundities such as to read the heavenly book by his present boundary. 对于这一点,张纯一有着极其清楚的认知,虽然完整的地仙典籍就在手中,但张纯一却果断舍弃了地仙部分的玄妙,以他现在的境界去参悟地仙玄妙如看天书。 The time was limited, spends three days of time to thoroughly comprehend «Water Mother Primordial Scripture» mediocre, Zhang Chunyi places its immortal ascension to close to emphasis. 时间有限,花费三天时间悟透《水母元经》凡俗篇,张纯一重点放在了其登仙一关上。 „The Water Mother Primordial Scripture heavy accumulation, the heavy good fortune, may lighten 6 immortal apertures taking advantage of this immortal ascension, if there is exceptionally gifted, or may lighten.” 水母元经重积累,重造化,借此登仙可点亮六处仙窍,若有天赋异禀者,或可点亮更多。” We should sharpen ourselves with others'experience, has no intention to take the road of Divine Dao, knows oneself want anything, Zhang Chunyi is catching " Water Mother Primordial Scripture » this Earthly Immortal inheritance flash/crucial point unceasingly, seeks thing that oneself want. 他山之石可以攻玉,无意走上神道之路,知道自己想要什么,张纯一不断捕捉着《水母元经》这道地仙传承的闪光点,寻找自己想要的东西。 But as the Earthly Immortal classics, «Water Mother Primordial Scripture» is lightening the immortal aperture quantitative aspect, although compared with «Grand Dream True Scripture», but also has own originality. 而作为地仙经典,《水母元经》在点亮仙窍的数量方面虽然比不过《大梦真经》,但同样有着自己的独到之处。 It regarding dantian hole concise far ultra common classics, not only can make the cultivator accumulate many magic force, may hold two types mutual promotion divine ability, this is can lighten 8 immortal apertures «Grand Dream True Scripture» is unable to achieve. 其对于丹田一窍的凝练远超一般的经典,不仅可以让修行者积累更多法力,更可容纳两种相生神通,这是可以点亮八处仙窍的《大梦真经》都无法做到的。 According to the records of many Immortal Dao ancient books, immortal cultivator are most when immortal ascension can lighten 9 immortal apertures, this is the human body limit, can lighten 8 immortal apertures «Grand Dream True Scripture» in this aspect has been possible be called the apex. 按照诸多仙道典籍的记载,修仙者登仙之时最多可以点亮九处仙窍,这是人体极限,在这一方面可以点亮八处仙窍的《大梦真经》已经堪称顶尖。 Even when this immortal scripture creator Nan Huazi immortal ascension relied on own exceptionally gifted to lighten 9 immortal apertures directly, but the successor was hard to duplicate, but this cannot deny «Grand Dream True Scripture» profundities. 甚至这部仙经的创造者南华子登仙之时凭借着自己的天赋异禀直接点亮了九处仙窍,只是后来者难以复制而已,不过这不能否认《大梦真经》的玄妙 Naturally, lightening of immortal aperture the more better, once immortal aperture lightens on the nature becomes dharma body part, but each immortal aperture has own characteristics, divine ability that it can hold has the limit. 当然了,仙窍的点亮并不是越多越好,仙窍一旦点亮就自然成为了法体的一部分,而每一个仙窍都有着属于自己的特性,其能容纳的神通是有限制的。 cultivator wants dharma body perfection, lightened immortal aperture cannot the blank, if lightened immortal aperture unable to find appropriate divine ability to hold blindly, was alienates oneself dao path. 修士想要法体圆满,被点亮的仙窍就不能留白,若是盲目点亮仙窍而找不到合适的神通容纳,那么就是自绝道途 The Grand Dao inheritance is precious, this point is important, after immortal ascension, even if the generations of some exceptionally gifted lightens many immortal aperture without profound inheritance, but still has the possibility, because does not have the appropriate divine ability carrying/sustaining thus wasting time life. 大道传承之所以珍贵,这一点至关重要,登仙之后,就算有一些天赋异禀之辈在没有高深传承的情况下自行点亮多个仙窍,但也有可能因为没有合适的神通承载从而蹉跎一生。 Naturally, the road is the person walks, if has enough talent and chance, that feared that has not inherited the direction, cultivator can take an own road similarly, one such as once older generation. 当然了,路是人走出来的,如果有着足够的天赋和机缘,那怕没有传承指引,修士同样可以走出一条自己的路来,一如曾经的先辈。 But this road and difficult to walk, not only the thorn, may walk to discover that everywhere front did not have the road, what can walk truly was only few, might be called extremely rare. 只不过这条路并不好走,不仅遍地荆棘,更有可能走着走着就发现前面没有路了,真正能走出来的只是极少数,堪称凤毛麟角。 Some moment, the dao sound dissipation of echo, Zhang Chunyi opened the eyes, he obtains the thing that oneself wanted. 某一刻,回响的道音消散,张纯一睁开了双眼,他已经得到了自己想要的东西。 immortal aperture how much be related with may carrying/sustaining divine ability many, but divine ability may derive dao mark, if divine ability of cultivator carrying/sustaining are too few, dao mark is insufficient, is unable to let own dharma body perfection, after all 360 dao mark are not a small number.” 仙窍的多寡与可承载神通的多少有关,而神通可衍生道痕,若是修士承载的神通太少,道痕不足,根本无法让自己的法体圆满,毕竟360条道痕可不是一个小数目。” immortal aperture many cultivator that to a certain extent, lightens are more likely by oneself dharma body perfection, naturally, all these premises were cultivator have appropriate divine ability to go to the carrying/sustaining.” “从某种程度上来说,点亮的仙窍越多修士越有可能让自己的法体圆满,当然了,这一切的前提都是修士有合适的神通去承载。” „After fact is the minimum boundary, is four immortal aperture, the immortal aperture quantity that immortal cultivator has the more better, what is more important is the construction of divine ability system.” “不过事实上达到最低界限之后,也就是四个仙窍,修仙者拥有的仙窍数量也并不是越多越好,更重要的是神通体系的构建。” In the jet black eye pupil has the divine light circulation, Zhang Chunyi is pondering own path. 漆黑的眼眸中有神光流转,张纯一思考着自己的道路。 The detail when had «Water Mother Primordial Scripture» as the comparison, Zhang Chunyi sees clearly some to comprehend «Grand Dream True Scripture» has not noticed, especially immortal aperture quantity how much. 有了《水母元经》作为对照,张纯一看清了一些自己参悟《大梦真经》时并没有注意到的细节,特别是仙窍数量的多寡。 «Grand Dream True Scripture» not to mention, «Water Mother Primordial Scripture» stems from White Lotus Cult, this is side true major influence, has immortal classics «Old Mother's World Creation Scripture» is handed down for generations, the method of grasped survey immortal aperture are inevitably many. 大梦真经》且不说,《水母元经》出自白莲教,这是一方真正的大势力,拥有不朽经典《老母创世经》传世,掌握的测量仙窍之法必然不少。 But reason that «Water Mother Primordial Scripture» can only lighten six immortal aperture, this is not the creator has not grasped to lighten other immortal aperture methods, but was these six immortal aperture constituted a perfect system exactly, many added something superfluous and ruined the effect again. 而《水母元经》之所以只能点亮六个仙窍,这并不是创造者没有掌握点亮其他仙窍的方法,而是这六个仙窍恰好构成了一个完美的体系,再多就是画蛇添足了。 I, although is unable to grow out of nothing to open exceedingly high Grand Dao like the older generation, but I can actually stand on the shoulders of innumerable older generation take a own road.” “我虽无法像先辈一样从无到有开辟出一条通天大道,但我却可以站在无数先辈的肩膀上走出一条属于自己的路。” Moreover compares in these older generations, I have my advantage, that is sage body.” “而且相比于那些先辈,我还有自己的一个优势,那就是至人体。” In the heart the thought is firm, although Grand Supreme Dragon Tiger Concept Immortal has not taken shape, but Zhang Chunyi has the clear goal, is diligently and firm toward this direction walks. 心中意念坚定,虽然太上龙虎观仙人篇尚未成型,但张纯一已经有了清晰的目标,接下来就是努力而坚定的朝这个方向走下去。 a thought emerged, all sort of classical careful flows in the hearts, Zhang Chunyi immerses during the cultivation again, does not have to comprehend as for «Water Mother Primordial Scripture» him again, he already the thing that oneself wanted. 一念泛起,诸般经典的经意在心间流淌,张纯一再次沉浸于修炼之中,至于《水母元经》他没有再去参悟,他已经得到自己想要的东西了。 But another side, sensed to the harvest of main body, Wu Mian " Water Mother Primordial Scripture » originally gave back to Sang Qi. 而另外一边,感悟到本尊的收获,无眠将《水母元经》的原本还给了桑祈 Fellow Daoist, the time has not arrived in January/one month, you can also comprehend some time again.” “道友,一月时间尚未到达,你还可以再参悟一段时间。” Did not have first to receive Water Mother Primordial Scripture, looked to Wu Mian, on the face of Sang Qi revealed color of the hesitation. 没有第一时间接过水母元经,看向无眠,桑祈的脸上露出了一丝迟疑之色。 How long although the time has not passed by, the information that but according to Wu Mian gives, is relying on the channel in Zodiac Association as well as White Lotus Cult, she had found several qualified land of extreme yang. 虽然时间没有过去多久,但根据无眠给出的情报,凭借着自身在元辰会以及白莲教内的渠道,她已经找到了几个符合条件的极阳之地 Although is unable to determine whether its interior has Yin-Yang Locust Tree this immortal plant growth, but saw a ray of hope finally, if really can find, then the beforehand transaction she gained in a big way, this had on behalf of her entered 10th heaven ahead of time the qualifications of Nether Yin Heaven, are unable to reverse even innate, but other good fortunes were inevitably many, after all this was a side world that just bred. 虽然无法确定其内部是否有阴阳槐木这种仙植生长,但总算看到了一丝希望,如果真能找到,那么之前的交易她就赚大了,这代表她拥有了提前进入第十天阴冥天的资格,就算无法逆转先天,但其他的造化必然不少,毕竟这是刚刚孕育出的一方天地。 But in comparison, comprehending of Wu Mian does not seem smooth, but this is also very normal, after all the Earthly Immortal ancient book is mostly obscure, «Water Mother Primordial Scripture» is different from the orthodox god dao scripture standard. 而与之相比,无眠的参悟似乎并不顺利,不过这也很正常,毕竟地仙典籍大多晦涩,《水母元经》更是有别于正统的神道经典。 Suddenly Sang Qi is actually thinking must lengthen points to comprehend the time for Wu Mian, but seemed at this time saw in her heart thinks, Wu Mian shakes the head. 一时间桑祈竟然在想要不要为无眠延长一点参悟时间,而就在这个时候好似看出了她心中所想,无眠摇了摇头。 Does not use, I obtain me to want.” “不用了,我已经得到了我自己想要的。” The words are gentle, does not have any fluctuating, Wu Mian says. 话语平和,没有任何的起伏,无眠开口说道。 Hears this saying, feels that under Wu Mian light words to be calm and self-confident, Sang Qi is startled, but resounded at this time Wu Mian words sound again. 听到这话,感受到无眠平淡话语下的那种从容和自信,桑祈不由微怔,而就在这个时候无眠的话语声再次响起。 „The Sang Qi fellow daoist, Divine Dao stern and harsh by far Immortal Dao, the art cares, if the fellow daoist really wants to walk in this road, must be careful.” 桑祈道友,神道之森严、苛刻远胜仙道,讲究奉养,道友如果真的想在这条路走下去,恐怕要小心了。” Leaves behind a few words, the Wu Mian form vanishes does not see. 留下一句话,无眠的身影消失不见。 Comprehends Water Mother Primordial Scripture, besides clearly becomes aware some dao and truth, Zhang Chunyi also penetrates this classics saw Divine Dao some, unlike pursue unique Immortal Dao, the Divine Dao class is distinct, is hard-to-pass, what art is layer upon layer the control, by ten thousand cares for oneself body spirit. 参悟水母元经,除了明悟部分道和理之外,张纯一也透过这部经典看到了神道的部分真实,与追求超脱的仙道不同,神道阶层分明,难以逾越,讲究的是层层统御,以万灵奉养己身。 Besides a few stands erect in top existence, other exist are just the capital grain and tool, but as far as he knows, the social class in White Lotus Cult seems to have taken shape, the successor wants to span, definitely will bring in backlashes. 除了少数屹立于顶尖的存在之外,其他存在只不过是资粮和工具而已,而据他所知,白莲教内的阶级似乎早已成型,后来者想要跨越,必然会引来反噬。 Hears this saying, the Sang Qi look changes, in this moment she really believes that Wu Mian has comprehended part «Water Mother Primordial Scripture». 听到这话,桑祈神色微变,在这一刻她真的相信无眠已经参悟了部分《水母元经》。 Many thanks the fellow daoist reminded, Sang Qi knew fairly well.” “多谢道友提醒,桑祈心中有数。” To the direction that Wu Mian is departing, Sang Qi bows slightly good a ritual. 对着无眠离去的方向,桑祈微微躬身行了一礼。 Completed this transaction, both sides had deeper happening together and establish dream oath, Sang Qi did not have intentionally to hide oneself identity again, resists White Lotus Cult for later, she needs the ally, but Wu Mian as well as its back Dragon Tiger Mountain is a good choice, although the background is insufficient, but the potential is unquantifiable. 完成了这一次交易,双方有了更深的交集并立下了梦誓,桑祈也没有再刻意隐瞒自己的身份,为了以后对抗白莲教,她需要盟友,而无眠以及其背后的龙虎山就是一个不错的选择,虽然底蕴不足,但潜力却难以估量。 Big world approaches, entered Nether Yin Heaven ahead of time, can you be the person who plays in the surf of this time?” “大世来临,又提前进入了阴冥天,你会是这个时代的弄潮儿吗?” Gazes after Wu Mian to go far away, Sang Qi in a soft voice twittering. 目送无眠远去,桑祈轻声的呢喃着。 Spreads the view past and present, such as Emperor Ying, such as Dao Ancestor, these greatness mostly resulted in good fortune of one Heaven, although present Wu Mian cannot compare these to exist by far, but really had several points of such symptom, but resounded at this time Monarch Miao words sound quietly. 遍观古今,如赢帝,如道祖,这些伟岸者大多得了一天之造化,现在的无眠虽然远远比不上这些存在,但确实有了几分这样的苗头,而就在这个时候淼君的话语声悄然响起。 He is a person is truly outstanding, but also difference compared with that several was far.” “他确实算是一位人杰,但和那几位相比还差的远了。” Felt the idea of Sang Qi, Monarch Miao expressed own view. 感受到桑祈的想法,淼君表达了自己的看法。 hears word, Sang Qi is silent, has not exported to refute anything, just idea also was just her temporary fantasy, such as the Dao Ancestor character, an era was also not necessarily have one like that far of Wu Mian truly also difference. 闻言,桑祈默然,并没有出口反驳什么,刚刚的想法也只不过是她一时的狂想而已,如道祖那般人物,一个纪元也未必能出一个,无眠确实还差的远。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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