HDD :: Volume #8

#719: astrology

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Chapter 719 astrology 第719章星象 Dragon Tiger Mountain, Yellow Court blessed land, emaciated, but pure dragon qi fills the air here. 龙虎山,黄庭福地,一股孱弱但精纯的龙气在这里弥漫。 Sits cross-legged above the encrinite, looks to roll up one group, was being wrapped by cloud Qi, seems falls into the deep sleep scarlet dragon, the Zhang Chunyi vision moves slightly. 盘坐于石莲之上,看着蜷缩成一团,被云气包裹着,好似陷入沉睡的赤龙,张纯一目光微动。 Some time ago the Xu Zhi life was near, Zhang Chunyi had the induction, thinks matter of Struggle of Dragons and reincarnation that Central Land could not avoid, in the Zhang Chunyi heart had a new idea. 不久前徐志寿元将近,张纯一心生感应,想到中土避不开的争龙以及轮回之事,张纯一心中有了一个新的想法。 Yóu Qihe has been reincarnated successfully, this showed that reincarnation exists, is in Central Land, the matter of Struggle of Dragons is hard to avoid, seeks for one not to know that with it outside the hidden dragon of foundation, was inferior oneself grow out of nothing to train one, not only knows the whole story, can minimize backlash. 游启和已经成功转世,这证明轮回是真实存在的,身在中土,争龙之事是难以躲避的,与其在外寻找一个不知根底的潜龙,不如自己从无到有培养一个,不仅知根知底,也能将反噬降到最低。 Real dragon qi!” “真龙气!” Sizes up Xu Zhi to start the lax soul, in the Zhang Chunyi eye flashes through wipes the unusual look. 打量着徐志已经开始涣散的灵魂,张纯一眼中闪过一抹异色。 The paradise suppresses ten thousand laws, that feared that is one generation of Human Sovereign also can only practice Martial Dao to build up strength, cultivates to the apex life also several hundreds, does not get the immortal, but since as one generation of founding monarchies, does not have in the Barbaric Desolate land has to establish Great Qian royal dynasty, amends the regulation, to be popular the enlightened and powerful nation prosperous common people, results in the common people to respect, becomes one generation of male lords finally, Xu Zhi raised wisp of real dragon qi as before. 乐土压制万法,那怕是一代人皇也只能修行武道强身,修至顶点寿元也不过数百,不得长生,但作为一代开国君主,在蛮荒大地上从无都有建立起大乾王朝,修律法、兴教化、强国富民,得万民敬仰,终成一代雄主,徐志依旧养出了一缕真龙气 Although weak, but the essence is very high, but this also further nourished his fate standard, making him truly have the life of Human Sovereign. 虽然微弱,但本质却很高,而这也进一步滋养了他的命格,让他真正有了人皇之命。 Has Human Sovereign's fate, once the birth can gather great luck naturally, although the true achievement Human Sovereign possibility is extremely still low, but compared with general hidden dragon strong many, truly has this possibility at least, what rather than pure is the king forerunner.” “拥有人皇命,一旦诞生天然就能汇聚大运,虽然真正成就人皇的可能性依旧极低,但却远比一般的潜龙强的多,最起码真正拥有这个可能,而非单纯的为王前驱。” If my Dragon Tiger Mountain helps one another again, that “若再得我龙虎山相助,那・・・” The vision flashes, waves, the two kinds thing appeared before the body of Zhang Chunyi, respectively was rare treasure Five-colored Phoenix Garment as well as immortal tool Fortune Suppressing Cauldron, at this moment, seemed the sensation to anything, was stranded dragon child Qiuniu (Dragon-Bull) in Fortune Suppressing Cauldron crazy struggled, even continuously quiet rare treasure Five-colored Phoenix Garment also exuded radiance slightly, shone upon five-colors. 目光闪动,一挥手,两样东西出现在了张纯一的身前,分别是异宝五彩凰衣以及仙器镇运鼎,此时此刻,好似感知到了什么,被困在镇运鼎内的龙子囚牛疯狂的挣扎起来,甚至连一直沉寂的异宝五彩凰衣也微微泛起光华,映照五彩。 Really Mandate of Heaven Returns.” “果真天命所归。” Saying a word, Zhang Chunyi received all things. 言语着,张纯一将所有东西都收了起来。 Since wants the layout, then natural wants to be safer.” “既然要布局,那么自然要稳妥一些。” In the heart the thought rotation, Zhang Chunyi has not been delivering Xu Zhi to enter reincarnation anxiously, because reincarnation is not controllable, sends in reincarnation Xu Zhi rashly, the possible result is unsatisfactory. 心中念头转动,张纯一并没有急着送徐志轮回,因为轮回不可控,冒然将徐志送入轮回,可能得到的结果并不如人意。 Like this thinking, Zhang Chunyi the news will be sending together. 这样想着,张纯一将一道讯息发了出去。 Soon, received the message Zhuang Yuan to bring Gongsun Lin to catch up. 不多时,收到消息的庄元带着公孙凛赶了过来。 Disciple pays a visit the teacher.” “弟子拜见老师。” Disciple pays a visit the founder.” “弟子拜见祖师。” As Zhuang Yuan bows to salute, feels naturally to fill the air from Zhang Chunyi, but qi of immortal spirit, the Gongsun Lin mind stagnates. 随着庄元躬身行礼,感受到从张纯一身上自然弥漫而出的仙灵之气,公孙凛心神不由一滞。 These years Dragon Tiger Mountain cultivates vigorously, quick that her cultivation base grows, achievement seven tribulations Yin God, is nowadays outstanding in Dragon Tiger Mountain 2nd generation disciple, in the future is expected achievement Yang God Realm hundred years ago, but at this moment, in the Zhang Chunyi front, she actually felt own tiny profoundly. 这些年得龙虎山大力栽培,她的修为增长的很快,现如今已经成就七劫阴神,在龙虎山二代弟子中也是出类拔萃的,未来有望在百年之前成就阳神之境,但此时此刻,在张纯一的面前,她却深刻感受到了自己的渺小。 Also at this time, the Zhang Chunyi modest words sound resounded quietly, smoothed instantaneously her alarmed and afraid, seemed has some strange strength. 也就是在这个时候,张纯一温和的话语声悄然响起,瞬间抚平了她内心的惊惧,好似带着某种奇异的力量。 Ok, got up, this I asked you to come to have a matter time to want you to manage.” “好了,都起来吧,这一次我找你们来是有一件事要你们办。” Saying a word, the Zhang Chunyi vision is falling on the body of Gongsun Lin. 言语着,张纯一的目光落在了公孙凛的身上。 Practices for dozens years, Gongsun Lin makings even more are fainily chilly or, that pair of deep blue pupil tranquil just like lake water, mighty waves, what is most essential is its whole body has an invisible strength to surround, making her separate faintly with this mortal world. 修行数十载,公孙凛身上的气质越发清冷或者说淡漠,那双蔚蓝的眸子平静的宛如湖水,波澜不起,最为关键的是其周身有一股无形的力量环绕,让她隐隐与尘世割裂开来。 Asked the founder to tell.” “请祖师吩咐。” The thoughts were agile, guessed correctly anything, Gongsun Lin said. 心思敏捷,猜到了什么,公孙凛开口说道。 Saw such Gongsun Lin, Zhang Chunyi came the interest of suddenly testing the school. 看到这样的公孙凛,张纯一突然来了一丝考校的兴致。 You have Heaven's Secret Star to care in the body, main cultivation Dao of Heaven's Secrets, at present it seems like has been able to inspire the Heaven's Secret Star strength, then might as well guess that my time looks for you for what matter? The guessing right words I deliver you a chance.” “你有天机星眷顾在身,主修天机道,目前看来已经能引动天机星的力量,那么不如猜猜我这次找伱们是为了何事?猜对的话我送你一场机缘。” The vision falls on the body of Gongsun Lin, Zhang Chunyi says. 目光落在公孙凛的身上,张纯一开口说道。 hears word, in the heart flashed through a surprise, Gongsun Lin will look at Zhuang Yuan, but Zhuang Yuan nods with a smile. 闻言,心中闪过一丝诧异,公孙凛不禁将目光投向了庄元,而庄元则是笑着点了点头。 Gets the affirmative answer, Gongsun Lin bows to be. 得到肯定的答案,公孙凛躬身应是。 The next instance, the group star reflects, Heaven's Secret Star blossoms in radiant splendor, most profound aura fills the air from Gongsun Lin within the body, this is earthly fiend technique that she has divination. 下一个瞬间,群星倒映,天机星大放光明,一股玄之又玄的气息从公孙凛体内弥漫出来,这是她所拥有的地煞术观星 The main cultivation «astrology», this together heaven's secret inheritance is Zhuang Yuan this teacher refines from Heavenly Star Sect basic legacy «Myriad Manifestations Heavenly Book», for this reason also asked Zhang Chunyi, fused the multi-channel incomplete heaven's secret inheritance, finally can take shape, although was not immortal legacy, but decided lofty, in the future will have the possibility that continued to derive, it mainly surveyed the heaven's secret change through the observation stars revolution. 主修星象》,这一道天机传承是庄元这位老师从天星宗根本传承万象天书》中提炼出来的,为此还求上了张纯一,融合了多道残缺的天机传承,最终才得以成型,虽然算不上仙道传承,但立意高远,未来还有继续衍生的可能,其主要通过观测星辰运转来测算天机变化。 Although Zhuang Yuan main cultivation Dao of Formations, but also browses regarding heaven's secret together, covers, because stars Dao of Formations and Dao of Heaven's Secrets have extremely high conjunction, but for his disciple, Zhuang Yuan also spends the time a lot. 庄元虽然主修阵道,但对于天机一道也有涉猎,盖因为星辰阵道天机道有着极高的契合度,而为了他这个弟子,庄元也没少花费功夫。 Gongsun Lin can have such achievement in present this age, resulted in Heaven's Secret Star to care except for she, aptitude uncommon beside, adoring training with Zhuang Yuan could not withdraw the responsibility. 公孙凛能在现在这个年纪拥有这样的成就,除了她自身得了天机星眷顾,资质不凡之外,也与庄元的倾心培养脱不开干系。 Over time, Gongsun Lin peripheral astrology constantly changes, finally changes to the shape of fish dive Dragon Gate, in this moment, Gongsun Lin opened the eyes. 随着时间流逝,公孙凛周边的星象不断变化,最终化作鱼跃龙门之象,也就是在这一刻,公孙凛睁开了双眼。 „The founder, the disciple must the teacher raise the point to know this matter reply indistinctly to be concerned with Struggle of Dragons, but founder fate standard is extremely expensive, cultivation base near immortal, the disciple has not dared to peep, therefore surveyed itself, knowing this is the disciple chance is, so long as complies to have the opportunity of fish dive Dragon Gate, therefore the disciple speculated boldly the founder perhaps hopes the disciple is Dragon Tiger Mountain calculates the opportunity of Struggle of Dragons about the strength of teacher.” “回禀祖师,弟子得老师提点知晓此事隐约与争龙有关,但祖师命格极贵,修为已然近仙,弟子不敢窥视,故测算了自身,知晓这就是弟子机缘所在,只要答应下来就有鱼跃龙门之机,故弟子大胆推测祖师或许希望弟子合老师之力为龙虎山推算争龙之机。” The words were low and deep , without slight concealment, Gongsun Lin to say own guess. 话语低沉,没有丝毫的隐瞒,公孙凛说出了自己的猜测。 hears word, looked at one to stand in Zhuang Yuan that the one side seemed has no immediate concern to oneself, Zhang Chunyi cannot bear shake the head to laugh in spite of trying not , his disciple was always honest, has not actually thought that for the disciple can make unexpectedly gives the matter of answer in secret. 闻言,看了一眼站在一旁好似事不关己的庄元,张纯一忍不住摇头失笑,他这弟子一向老实,却没想到为了自家弟子竟然能做出暗中给答案的事情。 Naturally, from beginning to end Zhuang Yuan does not have the plan to hide the truth from him truly. 当然了,从始至终庄元就没打算真正瞒过他。 You are actually resourceful, but practices heaven's secret truly to need this resourcefulness, heaven's secret is inobservable, if not know flexible, takes advantage of divine ability to run amuck, sooner or later will have disaster is imminent, even if this time you passed, you will keep Yellow Court blessed land to accompany me to practice over the following three years.” “你倒是机敏,不过修行天机者确实需要这份机敏,天机不可测,若不知变通,依仗神通横行,早晚会有大祸临头,这一次就算你过关了,接下来三年你就留在黄庭福地陪我修行吧。” In the heart had the decision, Zhang Chunyi said. 心中有了决定,张纯一开口说道。 Hears this saying, the mind moves, Gongsun Lin knows that this is own chance is. 听到这话,心神一动,公孙凛知道这就是自己的机缘所在。 As the Dragon Tiger Mountain pioneer, bringing Dragon Tiger Mountain to reach nowadays this situation from the place of mind/square inch, Zhang Chunyi is a legend, can obtain his direction this is the innumerable Dragon Tiger Mountain disciple long-awaited matter, previous Mid-Autumn Festival preach the dao Dragon Tiger Mountain has many disciples to benefit greatly. 作为龙虎山的开辟者,带着龙虎山从方寸之地走到现如今这个地步,张纯一本身就是一个传奇,能得到他的指点这是无数龙虎山弟子梦寐以求的事情,上次中秋讲道龙虎山就有不少弟子受益匪浅。 As only pitifully Zhang Chunyi cultivation base is getting higher and higher, he has rarely appeared before the ordinary disciple again, bumps chance general preach the dao besides that generally the disciple wants the direction of Zhang Chunyi is not nearly impossible, but now this opportunity appears in her front like this. 只可惜随着张纯一修为越来越高,他已经很少再出现在普通弟子面前了,除了那碰机缘一般的讲道之外,一般弟子想要得到张纯一的指点近乎不可能,而现在这个机会就这样出现在了她的面前。 Disciple many thanks founder.” “弟子多谢祖师。” The tranquil heart lake exudes the mighty waves, Gongsun Lin bows to salute, but at this time Zhang Chunyi will look at Zhuang Yuan. 平静的心湖泛起波澜,公孙凛躬身行礼,而这个时候张纯一将目光投向了庄元 Like this can you satisfy?” “这样你可满意?” On the face has the happy expression, Zhang Chunyi to open the mouth to ask. 脸上带着笑意,张纯一开口问道。 hears word, Zhuang Yuan also bowed good a ritual. 闻言,庄元同样躬身行了一礼。 Disciple many thanks teacher.” “弟子多谢老师。” As the Zhang Chunyi disciple, Zhuang Yuan very clear Zhang Chunyi makes Gongsun Lin follow him to practice, not only the pure direction, this inside will have the large amounts of treasuring resources to invest, including innate soul qi that treasures nowadays extremely. 作为张纯一的弟子,庄元很清楚张纯一公孙凛跟随他修行并不只是单纯的指点,这里面会有大量的珍惜资源投入,包括现如今极其珍惜的先天魂气 Had this opportunity, Gongsun Lin does not need to accumulate again slowly, can definitely obtain the qualitative leap in a short time, the Daoist Realm front door has opened in her front, moreover did not have the future trouble, this was in Dragon Tiger Mountain 2nd generation disciple the alone treatment, but in this blustery age, one step had the possibility to be step by step quick quickly, verified astrology of fish dive Dragon Gate seriously. 有了这一机遇,公孙凛将不必再慢慢积累,完全可以在短时间内获得质的飞跃,道人境的大门已经在她的面前打开,而且还无后患,这是龙虎山二代弟子中独一份的待遇,而在这个风起云涌的年代,一步快就有可能步步快,当真印证了鱼跃龙门的星象 Two chapters, un. 两章,嗯。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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