HDD :: Volume #8

#718: Controlling dragon Bin heaven

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Chapter 718 controlling dragon Bin heaven 第718章驭龙宾天 Human Habitation Building, the paradise, after many years of development, Human Habitation Building 7th layer is occupied by the paradise completely, holds the life more than 1 billion. 人烟楼,乐土,经过多年的发展,人烟楼第七层已经完全被乐土占据,容纳生灵不下十亿。 The heavens 180 years, the Great Qian national capital does Capital, heavy snow everywhere, covered a silver for this ancient capital city. 乾元180年,大乾国都乾京,大雪漫天,为这座古老都城覆盖上了一层银装。 On the broad street lonely, had the pedestrian to pass by occasionally also goes on a trip in a hurry, this year's winter must be colder than the old times, at this time, resonant whistle transmitted from the suburb, increased a smoke anger for lonely doing Capital, that was the armored vehicle of long journey arrives. 宽阔的街道上一片冷清,偶有行人路过也是行色匆匆,今年的冬天要远比往年更冷一些,也就是在这个时候,一声嘹亮的汽笛声从郊区传来,为冷清的乾京增添了一份烟火气,那是远行的铁甲车到站了。 The armored vehicle is the Great Qian standard institute ten years ago inventions, it wore the iron armor and sword difficult wound, to be possible the day good thousand li (500 km), the manned shipment were innumerable, once were invented received attaching great importance to of Great Qian royal dynasty, latter improved repeatedly, finally unfolded comprehensively, because of so, Great Qian royal dynasty the area in the short time expanded expands again. 铁甲车是大乾格物院十年前的发明,其身披铁甲、刀剑难伤、可日行千里,载人载货无数,一经发明就受到了大乾王朝的重视,后多次改良,最终全面铺开,也正是因为如此,在短短的时间内大乾王朝的疆域一扩再扩。 Even therefore also expedited a group of explorers, their primary missions were to enter the unknown region, discovered that any valuable thing, was the expansion of royal dynasty prepares, so long as can return smoothly, full that basically can gain. 甚至因此还催生出了一批探险家,他们的主要任务就是走进未知的区域,发现任何有价值的事物,为王朝的扩张做准备,只要能顺利归来,基本上都能赚的盆满钵满。 Under such background, Great Qian royal dynasty presented the flower-decked sign, but Great Qian royal dynasty Emperor scarlet dragon Xu Zhi also therefore carried in the shrine, thinks that it was one generation of male lords, was the wise supernatural might synonym, the reputation prominent to the pinnacle. 在这样的背景下,大乾王朝呈现出了繁花似锦的迹象,而大乾王朝赤龙徐志也因此被人们捧上神坛,认为其是一代雄主,是英明神武的代名词,声名显赫到了极致。 Imperial Palace, Ascending Heaven Platform, sits by emperor Xu Zhi that the world venerates on the wheelchair, silently is sizing up this big doing Capital. 皇宫,登天台,被世人所尊崇的皇帝徐志坐在轮椅上,默默的打量着这诺大的乾京。 The is gray-haired, the body relaxes, the figure is thin, the leg top head the thick bear fur mats, that pair was once overlooking the world scarlet dragon eyes also to lose the original sharpness at this time. 其头发花白,皮肉松弛,身形消瘦,腿上盖着厚厚的熊皮褥,那双曾经俯瞰天下的赤龙眸此时也失去了原本的锐利。 What in this world is most brutal is the time, sighing the vegetation is on the wane, the beautiful woman is late in life, greatest as before is the time, no matter what you are true dragon or the god tiger, the meeting lackey under wearing down of time fallen, supernaturally brave no longer, can only roll up as in the corner trembles.” “这世上最无情的是时间,叹草木凋零,美人迟暮,最伟岸的依旧是时间,任你是真龙还是神虎,在时间的消磨下依旧会爪牙零落,神勇不再,只能蜷缩在角落里瑟瑟发抖。” In the muddy pupil reflected doing Capital City under curtain of night, Xu Zhi voiced opinions, in the words somewhat with cold wind symmetric dreary. 浑浊的眸子里倒映出夜幕下的乾京城,徐志发出了一声感叹,话语中有几分与冷风相称的萧瑟。 Practicing martial arts is not immortal cultivation, that feared that he once was suppressed the world seeing divinity martial artist, nowadays also arrives at the late in life year under the polishes of more than 200 years of time, was gradually old. 练武不是修仙,那怕他曾是镇压天下的见神武者,现如今在两百多年时光的打磨下也到了迟暮之年,垂垂老矣。 Hears this saying, stands opens the mouth to comfort in it behind young man hastily. 听到这话,站在其身后的年轻男人连忙开口宽慰。 Sovereign grandfather you seeing divinity has not gone bad, the life is long, if still the mountains and rivers are stable, what came the late in life saying.” “皇爷爷你已见神不坏,寿元悠长,犹若山河般稳固,何来迟暮一说。” Saying a word, in the words of young man is taking wiped to be hoarse and sad, its facial features are pretty, bring the light martial-looking air/Qi, Xu Zhi when with young resembles, he is grandson of Xu Yuan Xu Zhi. 言语着,不知不觉间年轻男人的话语中带上了一抹沙哑和感伤,其面容俊秀,带着淡淡的英武气,与年轻时的徐志十分相像,他是徐志之孙徐远 Sees the Xu Zhi form, Xu Yuan has not removed on the immature face completely full is the sad color. 看着徐志的身影,徐远尚未完全褪去稚嫩的脸上满是悲戚之色。 „Is birth and death, why a person of common sense makes so the daughter stance?” “生老病死,乃是人之常理何故做如此女儿姿态?” The tiger dies not but actually, both eyes stare, a terrifying power and influence bursts out from Xu Zhi within the body. 虎死架不倒,双目一瞪,一股恐怖的威势从徐志体内迸发出来。 Was stirred up by this pressure, Xu Yuan depressed the sadness of innermost feelings forcefully. 被这股威压一激,徐远强行压下了内心的悲伤。 Sees the Xu Yuan so appearance, at heart one soft, Xu Zhi sends out a sigh, all pressure completely all restrain. 看到徐远如此模样,心里一软,徐志发出一声叹息,所有威压尽皆收敛。 Birth and death, this is a person of common sense, although I am a emperor, but must walk similarly this time, moreover my town/subdues beast disaster and prosperous country and develop the territory to have no good regret for a lifetime.” “生老病死,这是人之常理,我虽是帝王,但同样要走这一遭,而且我这一辈子镇兽灾、兴国家、拓疆土已经没有什么好遗憾的了。” Small far, you looked what at this time this does do Capital City to feel?” “小远,你此时看这乾京城有什么感受?” Looks into the distance to do Capital City, Xu Zhi opens the mouth to ask. 眺望乾京城,徐志开口问道。 Hears this saying, Xu Yuan frowns. 听到这话,徐远皱起了眉头。 Lonely!” “冷清!” Hesitant, Xu Yuan said own true feeling, compared in the past liveliness, under the background of this heavy snow everywhere, did Capital City chilly especially. 犹豫了一下,徐远还是说出了自己的真实感受,相比于以往的热闹,在这大雪漫天的背景下,乾京城格外的清冷。 hears word, Xu Zhi nods, shakes the head. 闻言,徐志点了点头,又摇了摇头。 you said right, is truly lonely, but this is only the representation, by the representation, I saw abundantly.” “伱说的没错,确实冷清,不过这只是表象,透过表象,我看到了富足。” Heavy snow everywhere, under the curtain of night, the road no starving to death bones and ten thousand all have the lights, this perhaps is my this lifetime greatest achievement.” “大雪漫天,夜幕之下,路无饿死骨、万家皆有灯火,这或许就是我这辈子最大的成就。” Saying a word, looked back on the years, in the Xu Zhi words sobbed in the past completely, in his opinion he maximum merit did not open up territory to develop the earth, but brought the calm and steady and abundant life for these common people, only then experienced the initial turmoil to understand this calm and steady value. 言语着,回首往昔岁月,徐志的话语中满是唏嘘,在他看来他最大的功绩不是开疆拓土,而是为这些平民百姓带来了安稳且富足的生活,只有经历过当初的动乱才能明白这一份安稳的可贵。 hears word, looked at this to do Capital City again, Xu Yuan had the different views immediately, but resounded at this time Xu Zhi words sound again. 闻言,再看这乾京城,徐远顿时有了不一样的看法,而就在这个时候徐志的话语声再次响起。 Yuan'er, in my descendants only has you most to look like me, your father is one good-for-nothing, Martial Dao is inadequate, does not have many year of good work, on this day under eventually is your, remember, regardless of you cannot put down practicing of Martial Dao when where, this is the foundation that my Xu bases, initially I can capture the world, relied on and is not only only benevolence, what are more is this unmatched in the world Martial Dao.” 远儿,我的子孙中唯有你最像我,你父亲是一个不成器的,武道不成,已经没多少年好活了,这天下终究是你的,记住,无论何时何地你都不能放下武道的修行,这才是我徐家立足的根基,当初我能夺得天下,凭借的并不仅仅只是仁义道德,更多的还是这一身无敌天下武道。” If you will want you saying that in the future some people listen, then you must have the skill that makes them have to listen, so you are that the emperor of effective and influential word.” “如果你将来想要你说的话有人听,那么你就要有让他们不得不听的本事,如此你才是那一言九鼎的皇帝。” Turns the head, looks to Xu Yuan, the double pupil of Xu Zhi changes to the red, seems has two bunches of flame to burn. 转头,看向徐远,徐志的双眸化作赤色,好似有两簇火焰在燃烧。 Hears this saying, knows that Xu Zhi has the meaning of confession things to do after death, Xu Yuan numerous nods , may be unable to bear red the eye socket. 听到这话,知道徐志已经有了交代后事的意思,徐远重重的点了点头,可还是忍不住红了眼眶。 Saw such Xu Yuan, Xu Zhi also melted just like the feelings of iron stone quietly, was old, was old, the person became sentimental. 看到这样的徐远,徐志原本宛如铁石的心肠也悄然融化了,老了,老了,人就变得多愁善感起来。 Yuan'er, you do not need so, this dead to me not necessarily are not a good deed, sometimes the death was not ended, as the Great Qian future monarchy, you must know this beyond the heavens to have the day.” 远儿,你不必如此,对我来说这一死未必不是一件好事,有时候死亡并不是结束,作为大乾未来的君主,你需知这天外有天。” Comforted Xu Yuan one, Xu Zhi looked up to Vault of Heaven, by that deep curtain of night, he seemed saw beyond the heavens. 安抚了徐远一句,徐志抬头看向了苍穹,透过那深沉的夜幕,他好似看到了天外 Hears this saying, Xu Yuan stares slightly. 听到这话,徐远微微一愣。 Regarding existence of beyond the heavens, Xu Yuan knows 12, knows that is not fabricated, because in this world only immortal gate Dragon Tiger Mountain came from beyond the heavens, but he has not thought Xu Zhi will say such words. 对于天外的存在,徐远是知晓一二的,也知道那并不是虚妄,因为这个世上唯一的仙门龙虎山就来自于天外,但他怎么也没有想到徐志会说出这样的一番话来。 Sovereign grandfather, after you mean you die, will go to beyond the heavens? Will we also meet?” “皇爷爷,你的意思是你死后会前往天外?那我们还会相见吗?” Guessed correctly that some possibility, Xu Yuan could not bear ask. 猜到某个可能,徐远忍不住开口问了出来。 hears word, thinks that dream that before had, Xu Zhi nods. 闻言,想到之前做的那个梦,徐志点了点头。 Regarding this answer, he is in fact indefinite, but feels the care and joy that Xu Yuan that is from the heart, Xu Zhi gave the affirmative answer. 对于这个答案,他实际上也并不确定,但感受到徐远那发自内心的关心和喜悦,徐志还是给出了肯定的答案。 In the future we will also meet, but the premise is you practices well Martial Dao, perhaps otherwise you will die in front of me.” “未来我们还会相见的,但前提是你好好修行武道,不然你恐怕会死在我前面。” Knows that own time of death, Xu Zhi was Xu Yuan set a goal. 知道到自己死期将至,徐志徐远树立了一个目标。 Hears this saying, in the heart rouses completely, Xu Yuan serious nod, although since birth is the day of dye paper noble descent, but regarding practicing martial arts he from having nothing relaxation, this point and his father are entirely different. 听到这话,心中满是振奋,徐远郑重的点了点头,虽然生来就是天潢贵胄,但对于练武他从没有任何的放松,这一点和他的父亲大不相同。 Saw such a, Xu Zhi smiled, at this time, he was clear about the sensation to passing of oneself life. 看到这样的一幕,徐志笑了,也就是在这个时候,他清楚感知到了自己生命的流逝。 reincarnation, does this world really have reincarnation to exist? Heaven beyond the Heavens is what appearance, if really can be reincarnated comes again, I must establish more powerful Great Qian surely.” 轮回,这个世界真有轮回存在吗?天外天又是什么样子的了,如果真的可以转世再来,我定要建立一个更加强盛的大乾。” No lack of successors to conduct, puts aside all anxieties, has some anticipations, the life aura radical dissipation of Xu Zhi. 后继有人,放下所有忧虑,带着些许期待,徐志生命气息彻底消散。 Meanwhile, has heavenly gate to open in the nighttime sky, scarlet dragon leaps up from Imperial Palace, ascends to heaven to go, sees such a, Xu Yuan kneels down. 与此同时,在夜空中有天门打开,一条赤龙皇宫内蹿出,登天而去,看到这样的一幕,徐远跪倒在地。 Grandson sees off sovereign grandfather Bin heaven.” “孙儿恭送皇爷爷宾天。” Is mixing with sadly, under the curtain of night, the Xu Yuan sound spreads is very very far. 夹杂着悲戚,在夜幕下,徐远的声音传出很远很远。 In Great Qian great ancestor Xu Zhi controlling dragon Bin heaven of this day, died at the age of 240 years old, it dies year after next 70 crown prince slow Deng to succeed to the throne, sets up Xu Yuan for the crown prince, from now on Great Qian royal dynasty will open the new page. 在这一天大乾太祖徐志驭龙宾天,享年240岁,其死之后年70的太子徐登继位,立徐远为太子,自此大乾王朝翻开了新的一页。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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