HDD :: Volume #8

#720: Reflects the star

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Chapter 720 reflects the star 第720章映星 The time passes, in a flash is three years. 时间流逝,一晃就是三年。 On this day the glorious weather, a broad imposing manner ascends from Yellow Court blessed land, causes the world's spirit inspiration violent to walk, but this was limited in blessed land, the outside world remained unknown. 这一天风和日丽,一股恢弘的气势从黄庭福地内升腾而起,引得天地灵机暴走,不过这一幕都被局限在福地之内,外界无从得知。 The roar, flood dragon long recited, a head length hundred zhang (333 m), was all over the body gloomily blue, embellishes the golden luminous spot flood dragon expiration and inspiration eight side spiritual inspiration, aura spanned an invisible boundary suddenly. 吼,蛟龙长吟,一头长百丈,通体幽蓝,点缀金色光点的蛟龙吐纳八方灵机,一身气息猛然跨越了一层无形界限。 star roaming flood dragon, rare species flood dragon, has the superior root bone, is Gongsun Lin main force monster creature, nowadays it crosses the essential threshold finally, successfully enters step Monster King. 星游蛟,异种蛟龙,拥有上等根骨,是公孙凛的主力妖物,现如今它终于跨越了关键门槛,成功进阶妖王 Meanwhile, receives the feedback of star roaming flood dragon, revolves nine revolutions of also pill mystic art, Gongsun Lin also starts to cross the extreme Yin create Yang threshold. 与此同时,得到星游蛟的反馈,运转九转还丹秘法,公孙凛也开始跨越阴极阳生的门槛。 Some moment, the invisible imposing manner bursts out, the long hair dances in the air, air/Qi of share of Yang and starts born in the Gongsun Lin divine soul deep place, Earth Furnace, Stellar Sea and Dragon Tiger Golden Dome these three inner scenery 11 obviously. 某一刻,无形的气势迸发,长发飞舞,一股阳和之气开始在公孙凛神魂深处诞生,大地烘炉星海龙虎金顶这三座内景地一一显化。 Two years refine the heart, one year maintains mental tranquility, finally fish dive Dragon Gate.” “两年炼心,一年养神,终于鱼跃龙门。” Feels itself as well as star roaming flood dragon change, opens eyes, whether there is to perform joyfully gushes out from the Gongsun Lin heart deep place. 感受到自身以及星游蛟的变化,睁开眼,有无尽的喜悦从公孙凛内心深处涌出。 Follows Zhang Chunyi to practice, she first time existence that knew Nether Yin Heaven, then with protecting and sustaining and help of Wu Sheng (lifeless), it tempers own state of mind taking advantage of tragic death river. 跟随张纯一修行,她第一次知道了阴冥天的存在,而后在无生的护持和帮助下,其借枉死河锤炼自身的心境。 During this, she once encountered multiple dangerous, she nearly loses several times, but at the critical moment, founder Zhang Chunyi will appear. 这期间她曾遭遇多次危险,好几次她都险些迷失自我,不过每到关键时刻,祖师张纯一就会出现。 Then, from starting the roughness, to really calmed the mind afterward, spends for two years, under the adoring guidance of founder Zhang Chunyi, she built bright mirror heart finally. 就这样,从开始的磕磕绊绊,到后来真的静下心来,花费两年时间,在祖师张纯一的倾心教导之下,她终于修成了明镜心 In that moment, her first time clear saw clearly own dao path, then with the help of innate soul qi, her Yin God starts to expand rapidly, arrived in the Yin God limit rapidly, but this did not finish, has founder monster creature Black Mountain for its Protector, with the help of massive demon calling pill, lures and kills magnanimous heavenly demon, she three inner scenery cultivation perfection. 在那一刻,她第一次真切的看清了自己的道途,而后在先天魂气的帮助下,她自身的阴神开始飞速壮大,迅速抵达了阴神极限,而这还不是结束,有祖师妖物黑山君为其护法,在大量唤魔丹的帮助下,诱杀海量天魔,她先后将三座内景地修持圆满 From now on her cultivation base arrived in the Yin God limit truly, but now she completes ultimate leapt, is about three years, she completed many people for a lifetime not the transformation that will be possible to complete, such good fortune will be extremely astonishing, will make her realize the sect background for the first time clearly. 自此她的修为真正抵达了阴神极限,而现在她则完成了终极一跃,前后不过三年,她就完成了许多人一辈子都不可能完成的蜕变,这样的造化是极其惊人的,也让她第一次真切意识到宗门的底蕴。 Must know that even takes a broad view at entire Great Profound World, Daoist Realm is a side character, at least at the present this time point is this. 要知道就算是放眼整个太玄界,道人境都算是一方人物,最起码在现在这个时间点是这样的。 Finally became, has not disappointed teacher's guidance finally.” “终于是成了,总算没有辜负老师的教导。” Looks to complete the transformation Gongsun Lin, on the face of Zhuang Yuan revealed a gratified color, as the teacher, can see that own disciple grows, this absolutely is a matter that is worth giving birth for the first time. 看着完成蜕变的公孙凛,庄元的脸上露出了一丝欣慰之色,作为老师,能看到自己的弟子成长起来,这绝对是一件值得开怀的事情。 hears word, Zhang Chunyi shakes the head. 闻言,张纯一摇了摇头。 She has this value, moreover can step forward these quickly step is also she makes every effort to succeed.” “她有这个价值,而且能这么快跨出这一步也是她自己争气。” The vision falls on the body of Gongsun Lin similarly, Zhang Chunyi says. 目光同样落在公孙凛的身上,张纯一开口说道。 Has demon calling pill, innate soul qi, tragic death river and so on valuable resources, even a pig Dragon Tiger Mountain can still advance the Yin God limit him now, but can step forward this last step, the key also lies in he. 唤魔丹先天魂气枉死河等等珍贵资源在,就算是一头猪现在龙虎山也能将他推到阴神极限,只是能不能跨出这最后一步,关键还在于他个人。 Is good because of Gongsun Lin is Heaven's Secret Star favored, has this aptitude, what is most essential is this method is too big regarding the resources as well as his energy consumption, at all not suitable promotion. 好在公孙凛天机星眷顾者,拥有这份资质,最为关键的是这种方法对于资源以及他自身的精力消耗太大,根本不适合推广。 If not Gongsun Lin has this aptitude, and Dragon Tiger Mountain needs the Gongsun Lin ability now, Zhang Chunyi is impossible to invest such big price, moreover spoils things by excessive enthusiasm most of the time is not a good deed. 若非公孙凛拥有这份资质,且龙虎山现在需要公孙凛的能力,张纯一根本不可能投入这么大的代价,而且揠苗助长大多时候都不是一件好事。 In fact all these can conduct is so smooth, built bright mirror heart to have the huge relations with Gongsun Lin ahead of time, the enough powerful mind can grasp the enough powerful strength. 事实上这一切能进行的这么顺利,与公孙凛提前修成了明镜心有巨大关系,只有足够强大的心灵才能掌握足够强大的力量。 If not built bright mirror heart ahead of time, Gongsun Lin with the help of Dragon Tiger Mountain truly can as in a short time the boundary of achievement Pure Yin, but thinks that extreme Yin create Yang was very difficult, not to mention helped monster creature comprehend Grand Dao's true meaning. 若非提前修成了明镜心,在龙虎山的帮助下公孙凛确实依旧可以在短时间内成就纯阴之境,但想阴极阳生却很难了,更不用说帮助妖物领悟大道真意了。 However Gongsun Lin can practice successfully bright mirror heart in two years, besides the help of Zhang Chunyi, her experience and natural talent is important. 不过公孙凛能在两年的时间内修成明镜心,除了张纯一的帮助之外,她自身的经历和天资才是至关重要的。 When young sect destruction, this is the misery, but also made her foster the tenacious disposition, but Heaven's Secret Star this fate star has the function of nourishing mind, so made her practice successfully bright mirror heart smoothly, but other disciples were very difficult to achieve this point. 年幼时宗门覆灭,这是苦难,但也让她养成了坚韧的心性,而天机星这颗命星本身更是有着温养心灵的作用,如此才让她顺利修成了明镜心,而其他弟子是很难做到这一点的。 Hears this saying, in the Zhuang Yuan heart understands clearly. 听到这话,庄元心中了然。 Quick, all sort of phenomenon restraining, all subside, extremely young daoist cultivator was born like this, to cultivation the speed theory only, she must surpass Central Land these Heaven's Chosen. 很快,诸般异象收敛,一切都平息下来,一位极其年轻的道人修士就这样诞生了,单以修炼速度论,她还要超过中土那些天骄。 Disciple thanks politely the founder, Teacher.” “弟子拜谢祖师,老师。” The star light circulation, arrives at Zhang Chunyi and Zhuang Yuan front, the look was solemn and respectful, has veneration of the heart, Gongsun Lin bows good a ritual, she knows that she can have the cultivation of this time good fortune all Teacher Lai as well as founder, otherwise that feared that she resulted in care of Heaven's Secret Star is not not possible to step forward quickly this step. 星光流转,来到张纯一庄元的面前,神色肃穆,有着发自内心的尊崇,公孙凛躬身行了一礼,她知道自己能有今时今日的造化全赖老师以及祖师的栽培,不然那怕她得了天机星的眷顾也不可能这么快跨出这一步。 Facing this ritual, Zhang Chunyi and Zhuang Yuan confidently by it. 面对这一礼,张纯一庄元坦然受之。 Your formation arrangement how?” “你阵法布置的如何了?” Confirmed that the Gongsun Lin foundation is stable, saying a word, Zhang Chunyi is looking at Zhuang Yuan. 确认公孙凛根基稳固,言语着,张纯一将目光投向了庄元 Reply Teacher, the great formation foundation has become, but wants to use truly must make the slight adjustment again, about three months later can complete.” “回禀老师,大阵根基已成,只不过想要真正动用还需再做细微调整,大约三个月后就可以完成。” Confident, is welcoming the Zhang Chunyi vision, Zhuang Yuan gives the answer immediately. 胸有成竹,迎着张纯一的目光,庄元立刻给出了答案。 Hears this saying, Zhang Chunyi nods, Zhuang Yuan handles matters he to feel relieved. 听到这话,张纯一点了点头,庄元办事他还是放心的。 Such being the case, that three months later starts, this matter was not suitable to drag again.” “既然如此,那就三个月后开始,这件事也不适合再拖下去了。” a thought emerged, in the Zhang Chunyi heart had the decision. 一念泛起,张纯一心中有了决定。 hears word, the look is solemn and respectful, Zhuang Yuan nods, he knows the importance of this matter. 闻言,神色肃穆,庄元点了点头,他知道这件事情的重要性。 Quick Zhuang Yuan brought Gongsun Lin to leave together, just entered step Daoist Realm, some Gongsun Lin also many doubts must consult to Zhuang Yuan, these three months , was not only Zhuang Yuan debugs the great formation time, was Gongsun Lin is familiar with the strength the time. 很快庄元就带着公孙凛一起离开了,刚刚进阶道人境,公孙凛还有许多疑惑要向庄元请教,这三个月的时间不仅是庄元调试大阵的时间,也是公孙凛熟悉自身力量的时间。 The time passes, three months in an instant. 时间流逝,三个月的时间转眼就过。 On this day the clear weather, the genial sunlight sprinkles the land, is actually a rare fine weather, is most suitable to invite 35 good friends, goes for a walk to play, but in Dragon Tiger Mountain dignified and solemn and respectful aura are actually filling the air at this moment, the pressed complete silence, in pill clouds lake usually took pursuing the spirit fish also as if detects anything as the happy small flood dragon, peaceful lying in lake bottom, motionless. 这一天天朗气清,和煦的阳光洒落大地,却是一个少见的好天气,最适合邀三五好友,踏青游玩,不过此时此刻龙虎山内却有一股庄严、肃穆的气息在弥漫,压的鸦雀无声,就连丹霞湖中平常以追逐灵鱼为乐的小蛟也似乎察觉到了什么,安安静静的趴在湖底,一动不动。 Some moment, numerous Dragon Tiger Mountain disciple simultaneously catches up, side great formation revolves, everywhere star light obviously, melting during the daytime is at night, camouflaged the skylight. 某一刻,众多龙虎山弟子齐齐发力,一方大阵运转,漫天星光显化,化白天为黑夜,遮蔽了天光。 This great formation named Star Reflecting Great Formation, regardless of the daytime night, the shadow of group star, although has in Great Profound World obviously, but the mortal or cultivator can see is only a small part. 这一大阵名为映星大阵,无论白天黑夜,群星之影虽然都在太玄界内有显化,但无论是凡人还是修士能看见的都只是其中的一小部分而已。 But the function of this great formation shines upon heavenly stars revolution as far as possible, letting cultivator can sneak a peek at their revolution traces, although as before ten less than one, but is extraordinary, to deduce this great formation, Zhuang Yuan made the enormous effort. 而这一座大阵的作用就是尽可能映照周天星辰,让修士能窥见它们的运转痕迹,虽然依旧十不足一,但已然非凡,为了推演出这一座大阵,庄元耗费了极大的心力。 Started!” “开始了!” Stands on Flying Peak, Zhang Chunyi silently looks at this, Hong Yun, Liu'er (six ears), Black Mountain, Wu Sheng (lifeless) and Chi Yan gathers together, looks at this bright everywhere star light. 站在飞来峰上,张纯一默默的看着这一幕,红云六耳黑山无生赤烟久违的聚在一起,同样看着这灿烂的漫天星光。 But at this time, was responsible for managing great formation Zhuang Yuan and Gongsun Lin acts. 而就在这个时候,负责主持大阵庄元公孙凛出手。 divination peeps the life!” 观星窥命!” Is primarily Gongsun Lin, takes Zhuang Yuan as auxiliary, two people seize the time, stimulated to movement divine ability that peeps at heaven's secret. 公孙凛为主,以庄元为辅助,两人把握住时机,催动了窥视天机神通 In this moment, the astrology extreme speed in sky changes, everywhere stars revolving continuous, just like a huge vortex, seeming to swallows Gongsun Lin as well as Zhuang Yuan. 在这一刻,天空中的星象极速变化起来,漫天星辰旋转不休,宛如一个巨大的漩涡,好似要将公孙凛以及庄元都吞噬进去。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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