GOS :: Volume #9

#859: The darkness covers

Such died really?” Kashewen appears extremely shocking, the complexion changes. “真的就这么死了?”卡修恩显得极其震惊,脸色微变。 He is also the boundary of Source God First Sky, is the same with Fan Ye, Fan Ye can be executed in Heaven Punishment City, this explained him , if not careful, meets divine soul entirely extinguished. 他也是源神一重天之境,和梵夜一样,梵夜天罚城能够被格杀,这说明他要是不小心,也会神魂俱灭 Un, died, dies in Heaven Punishment City, the news passed from Nine Star Chamber of Commerce.” Ao Guduo nodded, definitely this news Fan He was furious, the one person alone from Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, came toward Heaven Punishment City first, the potential must avenge a grievance for his younger brother. Fan Family Expert, will leave afterward then, how long could not want, this Heaven Punishment City must live it up.” “嗯,死了,就在天罚城死的,消息从九星商会传出来了。”奥古多点了点头,肯定了这个消息“梵鹤震怒之极,已经孤身先从九星商会出发了,直朝着天罚城而来,势要为他弟弟报仇雪恨。梵家强者,随后便会开赴过来,要不了多久,这天罚城就要热闹了。” , Ao Guduo said: Can affirm that is ambushing existence of extremely powerful in Heaven Punishment City, is governing the Heaven Punishment City order, anybody dares the as one wishes fight, will be punished. I do not dare in Heaven Punishment City, by such Expert staring, rob Star Chart this matter, must after Feng Ke they leave Divine Punishment Grounds.” 顿了一下,奥古多说道:“可以肯定,在天罚城内潜伏着一名极其强悍的存在,在掌管天罚城的秩序,任何人胆敢随便战斗,都会受到严惩。我可不敢在天罚城内,被这么一个强者给盯上,抢夺星图这件事,必须在丰岢他们离开神罚之地以后。” Kashewen and Zi Yao complexion is in vain serious. 卡修恩紫耀脸色徒然沉重起来。 Anna? Should the time calculate, should she first one step to? Hasn't contacted with you?” Ao Guduo asked curiously. “lì安娜呢?应该时间来算,她应该先一步到了?没有联系你们?”奥古多好奇问道。 Kashewen and Zi Yao shake the head, expressed that has not been seeing the armed forces regimental commander of this bloody regiment. 卡修恩紫耀摇头,表示没有见着这位血腥军团的军团长。 She affirms already in the city.” The Ao Guduo complexion sinks I to search to have a look, where having a look at her to stop over.” “她肯定已经在城内。”奥古多脸色一沉“我来搜寻看看,看看她在什么地方落脚。” Ao Guduo lets loose Divine Sense, the Heaven Punishment City sky had his eye likely, from the sky bird's eye view, is searching for Anna's aura. 奥古多神识放开,天罚城的上空像是有了一只他的眼睛,从天空俯瞰下面,搜寻着lì安娜的气息 He and Anna are foes, for these years has struggled, is familiar with Anna's aura, but his Realm is not lower than Anna, therefore he dares saying that is a little self-confident. 他和lì安娜是仇敌,这么多年来一直明争暗斗,对lì安娜的气息非常熟悉,而他境界也不低于lì安娜,所以他敢这么说,是有点自信的。 However, his Divine Sense lets loose soon, did not have the careful search, immediately discovered from a Heaven Punishment City direction, transmits a energy fluctuation of extremely terrifying fiercely. 然而,他神识才放开来不多久,还没有仔细搜寻,马上发现从天罚城一个方向,猛地传来一股极其恐怖能量波动。 A dark light wave, spreads from that region, the light wave the mistake such as arrives dark, all luminous gave to cover up. 一圈黑暗光波,从那个区域蔓延开来,光波所过处如黑暗降临,将一切光亮都给遮掩了。 In the dark light barrier region, any fluctuation becomes unclear, Divine Sense searches unable to lean. 在黑暗光幕区域内,任何波动都变得不明起来,神识探侧不出。 The Ao Guduo facial expression shakes, awakes to turn around suddenly. 奥古多神情一震,霍然醒转过来。 Is Anna!” Kashewen calls out in alarm fiercely. “是lì安娜!”卡修恩猛地惊叫。 That fluctuation was too intense, not only Ao Guduo can induce, perceived her including him really in Heaven Punishment City!” 那一股波动实在太强烈了,不但奥古多可以感应,连他也觉察了“她果然在天罚城!” In the past looked for her! Damn! Such intense dark fluctuation, will definitely alarm all Source God Realm Expert! Troubled!” The Ao Guduo complexion is ugly, ablazes with anger saying: She, as soon as exposes, everyone knows that we arrived, was impossible to start in secret.” “过去找她!该死!这么强烈的黑暗波动,肯定会惊动所有源神境强者!麻烦了!”奥古多脸色难看,怒气冲冲道:“她一暴露出来,谁都知道我们到了,再也不可能暗中下手了。” Kashewen and Zi Yao have not said anything, is following close on Ao Guduo, the group fluctuate the obviously unusual region to fly rapidly toward that darkness. 卡修恩紫耀都没有多说什么,紧跟着奥古多,一行人迅速朝着那黑暗波动明显异常的区域飞去。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Heaven Punishment City several Source God Realm Expert, although disperses in the city each corner, induced arrival of strength of darkness, has hesitated, flushed away in that direction. 天罚城数名源神境强者,虽然分散在城内各个角落,也都感应到了黑暗之力的降临,迟疑了一下,也都朝着那个方向冲去。 Including Feng Ke, Russell, Jie Nong and Barrett, including Gester, including advocation of Li Yuefeng Li, with Hidden League commands Bi Tian greatly, these achieve the Source God Realm apex to exist, in that mildew that aura transmits, has affirmed the Anna's status. 包括丰岢拉塞尔介侬巴雷特,包括杰斯特,包括李家之主李岳峰,和幽盟的大统领碧天,这些达到源神境的顶尖存在,在那气息传来的那一霉,都肯定了lì安娜的身份。 In Lie Yan Star Field, the Anna ominous remoteness, black Dark Energy is she alone is, once exposes, who the people came the person immediately clearly are. 烈焰星域内,lì安娜凶名远扬,黑暗能量是她独属的,一旦展露出来,众人立即清楚来人是谁了。 Person who Heaven Punishment City Marauder, does not like three big influences, Anna as the Dark Sky God Country first executioner, naturally made them hate. 天罚城掠夺者,都不喜欢三大势力的人,lì安娜身为天涅神国的第一刽子手,当然更加让他们痛恨了。 Especially, dark fluctuation dot that at this moment erupts is a little special, appears is not quite stable, probably Anna is in comprehends the power deep meaning most delicate moment. 尤其是,这一刻爆发出来的黑暗波动有点丶特别,显得不太稳定,好像lì安娜处于领悟力量奥义的最微妙时刻。 If can seize the chance to start at this time, perhaps Anna cannot release completely power, even there is an enormous possibility, cutting to kill by them. 如果能够在这时候趁机下手,lì安娜或许不能将力量全部释放出来,甚至有极大的可能性,被他们给斩杀。 The people are excited excited to get up, toward speed that the Anna region clashes, has achieved the pinnacle. 众人都激动〖兴〗奋起来,朝着lì安娜区域冲来的速度,都达到了极致。 In pitch-dark darkness. 伸手不见五指的黑暗中。 Anna body side appears thick such as the ink darkness, terrifying black Dark Energy releases, sweeps across in all directions. lì安娜身侧显出浓稠如墨汁的黑暗,一股恐怖的黑暗能量释放出来,席卷四面八方。 Shi Yan and Brother Ka Tuo three people, have not been able to see the opposite party, cannot see Anna's silhouette, fell into the absolute darkness. 石岩卡托兄弟三人,已经不能看到对方,也看不见lì安娜的身影,陷入了绝对的黑暗。 However, the Anna's position can actually induce clearly, she looks like a giant dark Sun is common, appears in person Sea of Consciousness, sends out the energy fluctuation of world-shaking. 然而,lì安娜的位置却可以清楚的感应到,她就像是一个巨大的黑暗太阳一般,在人识海内显现出来,散发出惊天动地能量波动。 The darkness that since then spreads, toward covers in all directions, has only passed through the several minutes, puts in order now Heaven Punishment City, several thousand li (0.5km) region, unexpectedly by darkness covering! 从此地蔓延出来的黑暗,朝着四面八方笼罩,只走过了短短几分钟,整今天罚城,数万里的区域,竟然都被黑暗给笼罩了! Heaven Punishment City falls into the pitch-dark absolute darkness! 天罚城都陷入伸手不见五指的绝对黑暗! Between Warrior and Warrior, no one can see anyone, can only induce with the soul. 武者武者之间,谁都看不见谁,只能用灵魂进行感应。 Any can release luminous Crystal Stone and power, once blooms light, will be submerged by the darkness all of a sudden, seems in that black Dark Energy, is impossible to have the light to appear. 任何能够释放光亮的晶石力量,一旦绽放一丝光明,都会被黑暗给一下子淹没,好似在那黑暗能量中,绝不可能有光显现出来。 She...... She seems comprehending Darkness Deep Meaning!” In the absolute darkness, the Ka Fu sound a little trembles is so near, what accident that won't have we depend?” “她……她似乎在领悟黑暗奥义!”绝对黑暗中,卡夫声音有点发颤“我们靠的这么近,不会有什么意外吧?” Everybody cannot see each other, does not hinder with the spoken language exchange, Divine Sense to let loose, can grasp to opposite party aura accurately, knows the opposite party in that position. 大家不能相互看到对方,可不妨碍用言语交流,神识放开来,也能准确的把握到对方的气息,知道对方在那一个位置。 What are you worried about?” Shi Yan snort|hum she , to kill you, you already died, do not sink suo.” “你担心什么?”石岩哼了一声“她若是想要杀你,你早就死了,别凹嗦了。” I feared that feared her power is uncontrolled, when the comprehension deep meaning forgets our existences. By her Realm and power, so long as catches up slightly, we must die without doubt, I fear the cangue... Will injure accidentally says us.” Ka Fu in the darkness, appears quite restless, the sound a little trembles. “我是怕,怕她力量不受控制,在领悟奥义的时候忘记我们的存在啊。以她的境界力量,只要稍稍发力,我们就必死无疑啊,我怕枷…会误伤道我们啊。”卡夫在黑暗中,显得颇为不安,声音都有点发颤。 the Anna reputation was too resounding, the blood-thirsty method is famous, in the Ka Fu heart feared her, now she shows all of a sudden may be called heaven shaking power comes out, fear even more was naturally restless. lì安娜名声实在太响亮了,嗜杀成性的手段闻名天下,卡夫心中本来就惧怕她,如今她一下子展现出堪称惊天力量出来,自然愈发的恐惧不安了。 „, She cannot control the strength of darkness easily, this Realm is impossible to fall into the unconsciousness the region.” In the Ka Tuo heart also lacks self-confidence, but also goes out of the word to comfort. “不会的,她能轻易的控制黑暗之力,她这种境界不可能会陷入无意识的境地。”卡托心中也没底,但还走出言宽慰。 Has Expert to arrive!” Shi Yan drinks lowly. “有强者降临!”石岩低喝。 Ka Tuo also induced more than one! motherfucker, Heaven Punishment City Source God Realm Expert, caught up probably completely! Right now troubles!” 卡托也感应到了“不止一个!妈的,好像天罚城源神境强者,全部赶过来了!这下子麻烦了!” What to do?” Ka Fu wants to cry but have no tears she is the Dark Sky God Country armed forces regimental commander, the first executioner, making Feng Ke these people know us here, cannot base in Heaven Punishment City with the fear. The charge of communicationing with the enemy secretly, makes we many years of base industry be destroyed in a moment sufficiently.” “怎么办?”卡夫欲哭无泪“她是天涅神国的军团长,第一刽子手啊,让丰岢那些人知道我们在此,以后怕是再也不能在天罚城立足了。私通敌人的罪名,足以让我们多年的基业毁于一旦。” Ka Tuo, could not find out comfort with a worried look the words, silent did not say. 卡托也愁眉不展了,想不出安慰的话语,也就沉默不言。 She in comprehending Darkness Deep Meaning, at this time...... Anything is very difficult to guarantee that if were disturbed at this time, may affect her the growth in deep meaning.” Shi Yan silent, suddenly said: We...... Should protect her with every effort, regardless of later will be what kind, everybody is a one of us, must help mutually.” “她在领悟黑暗奥义中,这时候……什么都很难保证的,如果这个时候被人打搅,可能会影响她在奥义上的增长。”石岩沉默了一下,突然道:“我们……应该尽力护住她,不论以后会怎样,大家是自家人,就应当相互帮助。” Senior Brother, I also want to help, but our three add, is not a Barrett match. But now comes, is all Heaven Punishment City Source God Realm Expert, even possibly also has Outsider, how can this help her? You offer advice to me. 师兄,我也想帮忙啊,可我们三个加起来,也不是一个巴雷特的对手。而现在过来的,可是所有天罚城源神境强者啊,甚至可能还有外来者,这要如何去帮她?你给我出个主意吧。 , Ka Tuo could not bear call. ,卡托忍不住叫了起来。 Such remarks, Shi Yan suddenly was also silent. 此言一出,石岩也突然沉默了。 Yes, what to do? How to help Anna resist the intensity? Depending on their three? Three God King Realm? 是啊,怎么办?如何帮助lì安娜抵御强度?就凭他们三个?三个神王境 He also all of a sudden has a headache, the feelings of some being at wit's end, spill over a helpless frustration. 他也一下子头疼起来,有种无计可施的感觉,泛出一股无能为力的挫败感。 Realm is too low, power is insufficient, if he has the Anna's general strength, naturally can help her oppose the enemy outside, but he is only God King Realm little warrior, facing that many Source God Realm fellows, how can also? 还是境界太低,力量不足啊,如果他有lì安娜一般的实力,自然可以在外面帮助她对敌,可他只是一个神王境界的小武者啊,面对那么多源神境的家伙,又能如何? In three people cannot find way out, in the dark room, broadcasts a hoarse sound: „ Dead girl, knows that I will not sit by and do nothing here, therefore dares not to have acting unreasonably of worry, the sound falls, was not affected the dim light to appear only dark, has illuminated this stone chamber, that year old Fei Lan, no longer hid in the hidden place finally, first time has stood. 就在三人一筹莫展之时,黑暗房间内,传来一个沙哑的声音:“死丫头,知道我在这儿不会坐视不管,所以才敢无所顾忌的乱来,声音落,唯一不受黑暗影响幽光显现出来,照亮了这间石室,那年老的费兰,终于不再隐藏在暗处,第一次站了出来。 „Before ,...... Senior.” Ka Tuo whole body shakes, is all of a sudden excited, the knees are well-grounded to kneel down fiercely, kowtow saying: Many thanks these years Senior take care of, Ka Tuo lifelong does not forget!” “前……前辈。”卡托浑身一震,一下子激动起来,猛地双膝着地跪下,磕头道:“多谢这些年来前辈照顾,卡托终身不忘!” Fei Lan snort|hum you have not needed to thank me, I look in the face of your forehead mark, otherwise, I no matter your life.”, She looked to Shi Yan: You are good, not when the discovery crisis approaches, is thinking staying out, but wants to help with every effort.” 费兰哼了一声“你不用谢我,我只是看在你额头印记的面子上,不然,我才不管你死活。”顿了一下,她又看向石岩:“你还不错,没有在发现危机来临之时,想着置身事外,而是想要尽力帮忙。” Shi Yan is a little awkward my Realm power to be too low, although has a mind, does not have the means to help, talks big but do nothing to shout that these fellows must walk, I only feared that only remains the butchered share.” 石岩有点尴尬“我境界力量太低,虽然有心,却没有办法帮助,也只是空喊喊罢了,那些家伙真要走过来了,我只怕只剩被宰的份。” Has this heart on enough.” Fei Lan nodded, said lightly: Your three fellow shunts of being in the way, keep here disciple to annoy the person to be tired, but must divert attention take care of you, goes.” “有这份心就够了。”费兰点了点头,淡淡说道:“你们三个碍事的家伙都闪开吧,留在这儿徒惹人烦,还要分心照顾你们,去吧。” Gentle energy, binds to tie up Shi Yan and Ka Tuo three people, has carried over this them directly, was abandoned by far in the darkness, does not know that threw where. 一股轻柔的能量,裹缚着石岩卡托三人,直接将他们带出了这一块,在黑暗中被远远抛开来,也不知道扔在了何处。 After the Shi Yan three people fall to the ground, was unable to induce to Anna's existence, knows that should have very big distance to just region. 石岩三人落地后,已经不能感应到lì安娜的存在,知道应该离刚刚的区域有了很大一段距离。 Senior Brother, is really she, is really she!” Ka Tuo still excited inexplicable she acknowledged that is she has been helping me in secret, making me several times not die, my this, such had not been taken for a lifetime care.” His from the heart is moved. 师兄,真的是她,真的是她老人家啊!”卡托依然激动莫名“她承认了,是她一直在暗中帮我,让我几次都没有死掉,我这一辈子,还从来没有被人这么照应过。”他是发自内心的感动。 Because this life is difficult, has struggled in the death edge, so had not been treated, once understands, the gratitude in heart will well up like the mountain torrent, fills up the entire heart. 因为这一生艰辛坎坷,一直挣扎在死亡边缘,从没有被人如此对待,所以一旦明了,心中的感激才会如山洪般涌出来,填满整个心。 Shi Yan believes that after this, regardless in the future Ka Tuo is how formidable, will not forget always the Fei Lan gracious gift, even if Fei Lan some day makes him die, perhaps he will not have slight hesitation. 石岩相信,经此一遭,将来不论卡托如何强大,都会永世不忘费兰的恩赐,就算是费兰有朝一日让他去死,他或许都不会有丝毫的迟疑。 Although this fellow hot tempered very ruthless, may if really feels grateful to a person, will always remember absolutely for a lifetime that meets the life to feel grateful. 这家伙虽然暴躁狠辣,可真要是对一个人感激之极,绝对会一辈子铭记,会一生都感激着。 Un.” Shi Yan responded to one indifferently, closes one's eyes, lets loose attaches Space Deep Meaning Divine Sense, understands clearly to fall into dark Heaven Punishment City internal change to move absolutely. “嗯。”石岩淡然回应了一句,闭着眼睛,放开附有空间奥义神识,去洞悉陷入绝对黑暗的天罚城内变动。 He knows that one will alarm the Lie Yan Star Field war, may perform quickly, he is very excited, anticipated very much. 他知道,一场将会惊动烈焰星域的大战,可能很快就会上演,他很激动,也很期待。
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