GOS :: Volume #9

#858: How can also?

Heaven Punishment City...... Black Curtain Marauder headquarters. 天罚城……黑幕掠夺者总部。 The crushed stone scatters place, the da Yang's spacious broad da field gets sucked into a bulk, Barrett and black corner/horn whole body bloodstain, complexion ugly sitting well in the debris, the look is a little gloomy. 碎石散落一地,中龘央宽敞的广龘场深陷一大块,巴雷特和黑角浑身血迹,脸色难看的端坐在碎石堆内,眼神有点灰暗。 Feng Ke, Russell, Jie Nong and the others who comes, stand around the broad da field, looks at distressed Barrett and black corner/horn, the manner a little takes pleasure in others'misfortunes. 闻讯而来的丰岢拉塞尔介侬等人,都站在广龘场四周,看着狼狈的巴雷特和黑角,神态有点幸灾乐祸。 Many Black Curtain Marauder , the complexion is serious, the looks at two leaders do not know that should say anything. 很多黑幕掠夺者,也都脸色沉重,看着两位首领不知道该说些什么。 The fight of this Heaven Punishment City, has alarmed many people, Barrett and black corner/horn not can see power restraint God Body, maliciously was thrown from the Heaven Punishment City expansive sky to the headquarters, was being pressed the matter of move, has spread over the four directions. 这一场天罚城的战斗,惊动了很多人,巴雷特、黑角被看不见的力量束缚神体,从天罚城长空一路被狠狠扔向总部,被按着动弹不得的事情,不知不觉间已经传遍四方。 Everybody knows that struggle of Barrett and Shi Yan, the fight occurred when the Ka Fu store, is not naturally difficult to guess correctly Barrett and black corner/horn to start the shape. 大家都知道巴雷特石岩之争,战斗又发生在卡夫的商铺,自然就不难猜出巴雷特、黑角下手的时象。 But Shi Yan, only then God King Second Sky Realm, Brother Ka Tuo are also only God King Realm Warrior, Barrett as Source God Realm powerful exists, not only cannot result in recompenses the long-cherished wish, instead falls to so the paddies, seriously surprising puzzled. 石岩,只有神王二重天境界,卡托兄弟也只是神王境武者,巴雷特身为源神境强悍存在,不但没有能得偿夙愿,反而落到这般田地,当真让人惊讶不解。 Who in secret starting is, nobody can learn, but in everybody heart in the clear, this time Heaven Punishment City city, is ambushing one, if extremely terrifying Expert. 暗中下手者是谁,无人可以获悉,可大家心里面都清楚,此时的天罚城城中,潜伏着一若极其恐怖强者 This Expert looks like the great shade that cannot see, covers in the Heaven Punishment City place above, the bird's eye view the city, is maintaining the order in city silently. 这个强者就像是看不见的巨影,笼罩在天罚城的上方,俯瞰着城池,默默维护着城内的秩序。 Heaven Punishment City refuses the fight, if some people have violated this criterion, will be carried to teach, Barrett four big giants are also no exception. 天罚城严禁战斗,如果有人违反了这个准则,就会被拎出来教训一番,连四大巨头之一的巴雷特也不能例外。 Is very interesting?” Barrett, looks at of eyes torching comes the person agitated, clenches teeth secretly “很有趣么?”巴雷特烦躁不已,双眸喷火的看着来人,暗暗咬牙 Good, I indeed broke the rule, how? Also can pursue Heaven Punishment City to be inadequate me?” “不错,我的确破坏了规矩,怎么着?还要将我驱逐出天罚城不成?” He from Feng Ke, Russell and on the Jie Nong three people of faces, looked at the unfriendly mock, in the heart is annoyed, the expression will be certainly impolite. 他从丰岢拉塞尔介侬三人的脸上,瞧出了不友善的讥诮,心里面正恼火着呢,语气当然不会客气。 No, we come are not send a punitive expedition.” Feng Ke has pulled the corners of the mouth strangely has smiled “不,我们过来并不是兴师问罪的。”丰岢扯了扯嘴角古怪的笑了起来 Said again, you obtained the penalty, we will not continue to create obstacles for you. Hey, Barrett Barrett, your luck is not quite as if good “再说了,你已经得到了惩罚,我们不会继续刁难你。嘿,巴雷特巴雷特,你运气似乎不太好啊 From arriving at Heaven Punishment City starts, is has been very despondent? ” 从来到天罚城开始,是不是一直很抑郁?” Jie Nong and Russell smile lowly, expression difference 介侬拉塞尔低笑,表情异样 As if is also the secret taunt. 似乎也是暗暗嘲讽。 Your three people come, won't be will visit me to laugh?” Barrett calm face “你们三人过来,不会是看我笑话吧?”巴雷特沉着脸 In eye anger flaming, this thinks in Heaven Punishment City, our four biggest, has not expected we outwardly on control order, some people are in secret more formidable than us, in way control city that as if is in sole possession of by him, are you willing to seize power?” 眼中怒火熊熊,“本以为在天罚城内,我们四个最大,没料到我们只是明面上的掌控秩序者,暗中有人比我们强大,似乎在以他独有的方式掌控城内,你们就甘愿被人夺权?” How can?” Jie Nong helpless shaking the head, situation nobody, has to lower the head, opposite party Realm so is as deep as a well , seems to be well-meant to us, do we why bring upon oneself dully? The Heaven Punishment City custom, has such a character strictly to protect, perhaps is not the misdemeanor.” “又能如何?”介侬无奈的摇了摇头,“形势没人强,不得不低头啊,对方境界如此高深莫测,对我们似乎也没有恶意,我们何必自找没趣?天罚城的规矩,有这么一个人物严格守护着,说不定也不是坏事。” Yes, what to do isn't convinced can?” The Russell forced smile, he can trig you easily, we are not the matches. This person should exist many years, to cope with us, we can the calm and steady comfortable these many years? Very obviously, he maintains the order in city, is the same with our original intentions, such being the case, why worries over for nothing?” “是呀,不服气又能怎么办?”拉塞尔苦笑,“他能够轻而易举的制住你,我们也不是对手。这个人应该存在很多年了,如果真想要对付我们,我们能够安稳舒服这么多年?很显然,他只是保持城内的秩序,和我们的初衷一样,既然如此,何必自寻烦恼呢?” How I do not know that in Heaven Punishment City, there is such a character to exist?” Barrett complexion unusually poor. “我怎么就不知道,在天罚城内,有这么一个人物存在?”巴雷特脸色奇差 We also know soon.” Jie Nong and Russell neglect one, a little dejected statement. “我们也是才知道不多久。”介侬拉塞尔忽视一眼,也有点颓然的表态。 „The time that I know is earlier.” “我知道的时间早一些。” People rank highest Feng Ke, inspired, may I think is only the rumor, does not have to care , if no Fan Ye and your two crops matter, perhaps...... I still only consider the rumor. But people of our time...... I indeed believed.” 众人辈分最高的丰岢,吸了一口气,“可我一直以为只是传言罢了,也没有真的放在心上,如果没有梵夜和你的这两茬事,或许……我依然只当是传言。但今人……我的确相信了。” You come, what wants to say? To urge me don't in the Heaven Punishment City recklessly unseemly behavior? Let me let off that boy?” Barrett shouted to clear the way. “那你们过来,想说什么?想要劝我别在天罚城肆意妄为?让我放过那小子?”巴雷特喝道。 No, we had not said that you , to continue to start, might as well tries, we will also be glad to have a look at the consequence to be what kind.” Russell strangely chuckled gets up, as if not mind in secret some people in Heaven Punishment City, maintenance order silently. “没有啊,我们没说啊,你如果想继续下手,不妨试试去,我们也乐得看看后果会怎么样。”拉塞尔嘿嘿怪笑起来,似乎一点不介意暗中有人在天罚城内,默默的维持秩序。 I do not want dead is so early.” The Barrett facial expression stagnates, complexion stiff say|way. “我不想死的那么早。”巴雷特神情一滞,脸色僵硬道。 The black corner/horn is dejected, the face was saying painstakingly: „His is only the lesson, does not have really under the heavy hand, if one time, has not guaranteed seriously certainly.” 黑角更是垂头丧气,苦着脸说道:“他这趟只是教训,没有真的下重手,如果还有一次,当真保不准了。” „Is Shi Yan what kind of? Has the matter?” In Feng Ke behind silent some little time Feng Rao, cannot repress the worry finally, knits the brows the inquiry. 石岩怎么样?有没有事?”在丰岢身后沉默好一会儿的丰娆,终于按捺不住担心,皱眉询问。 His boy live well!” Barrett is furious suddenly, Feng Rao, well what does he have? However is the luck good point fellow, the back does not have the influence to support, why do you elect him?” “他小子活的好好的!”巴雷特霍然震怒起来,“丰娆,他有什么好的?不过是个运气好一点的家伙,背后也没有势力支撑,为何你选他?” Feng Rao elegant face one cold, has nothing to do with you!” 丰娆俏脸一冷,“与你无关!” She must with, be wants to determine that Shi Yan is whether safe and sound, is a favorable impression owes to present to Barrett, knows that Shi Yan does not have the matter, a heart also calm, naturally cannot have the good complexion to Barrett. 她非要跟过来,就是想要确定石岩是否安然无恙,对巴雷特是一点好感欠奉,知道石岩没有事情,一颗心也就镇定了下来,对巴雷特自然不会有好脸色。 „!” “叮铃铃!” Quickly, from the Feng Ke sleeve cuff, transmits a while buzz the cry, low and deep rapid, such as mosquito chaotic dance. 倏地,从丰岢的袖口内,传来一阵子嗡鸣,低沉急促,如蚊虫乱舞。 A Feng Ke brow wrinkle, in a hand retracting sleeve cuff, looked close the eye foot seems inducing any N 丰岢眉头一皱,一只手缩回袖口内,闭看眼脚似乎感应着什么N ` His complexion unexpectedly changes, appears the panic-stricken color, is out of control to shout to clear the way lowly: Fan Ye died!” 他脸色蓦地一变,显出惊骇之色,禁不住低喝道:“梵夜死了!” Such remarks, the people all are whole body shake, inconceivable looks to him. 此言一出,众人皆是浑身一震,不可思议的看向他。 Just received the message, avaricious Lord the Fan He one person alone to start off, caught up toward our Divine Punishment Grounds. “刚刚收到消息,婪家之主梵鹤孤身上路,往我们神罚之地赶来了。 Nine Star Chamber of Commerce is not too far from this place, by Fan He Realm cultivation base, the words that catches up with fully, how long should then to arrive. ” Feng Ke deeply inspires, complexion unprecedented is dignified, news came from in Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, reason that said Fan He is furious , because his blood brother Fan Ye was killed in our Heaven Punishment City.” 九星商会离此地不算太远,以梵鹤境界修为,全力赶来的话,应该要不了多久便会到达。”丰岢深吸一口气,脸色前所未有的凝重起来,“消息来自于九星商会内部,说梵鹤之所以震怒,是因为他亲弟弟梵夜在我们天罚城被杀了。” Good that dying! Dying good! Ha Ha!” Russell stayed, at once laughs wildly loudly, the manner is demented. “死的好!死的好啊!哈哈!”拉塞尔呆了一下,旋即放声狂笑起来,神态癫狂。 Really good of death! Gets what one deserves!” Feng Rao is also the beautiful pupil one bright, cheers excitedly. “果然死的好!活该!”丰娆也是美眸一亮,兴奋欢呼起来。 Eats Marauder that Fan Family has owed, after hearing this news, is in abundance excited, laughs. 吃过梵家亏的掠夺者,听到这个消息以后,也是纷纷激动,哈哈大笑起来。 In the Divine Punishment Grounds numerous Marauder hearts, Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Fan Family is the most loathful disgusting family, these years spare no effort to encircling of Marauder seriously, if not for they can hide in forbidden land, many Marauder will be suppressed kills cleanly. 神罚之地众多掠夺者心中,九星商会梵家是最令人讨厌恶心的家族,这些年来对掠夺者的围剿当真不遗余力,若不是他们能够藏匿在禁地中,很多掠夺者都会被剿杀干净。 Russell and Fan Family have the bitter hatred, the Feng Rao big brother are also massacred by the Fan Family influence, many Marauder friend family members, similarly tragic death in the Fan Family hand. 拉塞尔梵家有深仇大恨,丰娆的大哥也是被梵家的势力杀掉,还有很多掠夺者的朋友亲人,同样惨死在梵家手中。 Therefore, hears this news, the people look excited, cannot bear cheer to be excited. 因此,一听到这个消息,众人神情兴奋,都忍不住欢呼激动起来。 Fan He came.” Feng Ke silent a while, suddenly drinks lowly, the complexion is dignified. 梵鹤来了。”丰岢沉默了一会儿,忽然低喝,脸色凝重。 Laughter of noise, because his these words stopped immediately, the people complexion gradually is also dark, the look dreaded that appears extremely anxious restless. 喧嚣的笑声,因为他这一句话顿时停了下来,众人脸色也都渐渐幽暗起来,眼神忌惮,显得极其的紧张不安。 In Lie Yan Star Field, Fan Family Family Head Fan He with Du Tianji same is most fearful existence, Source God Third Sky Realm cultivation base, is well-known each star of life corner in the Lie Yan Star Field powerful, it may be said that is existence of most peak. 烈焰星域中,梵家家主梵鹤镀天奇一样都是最为可怕的存在,源神三重天境界修为,在烈焰星域的强势闻名每一个生命之星的角落,可谓是最巅峰的存在。 Now, such an extraordinary character, must arrive at Heaven Punishment City, who can not be anxious? 如今,这么一个超绝的人物,要亲临天罚城,谁能不紧张? By our power, seriously is not the enemy of Fan He, can this not know what to do?” Jie Nong hesitant, asking that a little has a headache about. “以我们的力量,当真不是梵鹤之敌,这要如何是好?”介侬犹豫了一下,有点头疼的问道。 Immediately organizes the personnel, evacuates Heaven Punishment City. Un, making all leaders prepare, we, leave for at the maximum speed directly to the Star Chart roll-call region, is good, we should leave.” Feng Ke has hesitated a while, suddenly said: If in our Divine Punishment Grounds that Expert, shelters Heaven Punishment City wholeheartedly, even if were Fan He came, may not ruin this to stand erect several thousand years of city not but actually, when we solved the riddle of Star Chart, was more formidable, Fan He was not fearful.” “立即组织人员,撤离出天罚城。嗯,让各方魁首准备一下,我们以最快速度出发,直接开赴向星图点名的区域,也好,我们本来就该离开了。”丰岢沉吟了一会儿,忽然说道:“如果在我们神罚之地的那个强者,一心庇护天罚城,就算是梵鹤过来了,也不一定能毁掉这个屹立数千年不倒的城市,等我们解开星图之谜,更加强大了,梵鹤也就不可怕了。” Such remarks, immediately wins the approval of people, the nod expressed willingness to gather the evacuation. 此言一出,立即得到众人的赞同,纷纷点头表示愿意聚集起来撤离。 Father, Shi Yan he...... Did not know where.” Feng Rao small sound track. “父亲,石岩他……不知道去了何处。”丰娆小声道。 These many people are impossible to leave behind he, does not have long time among too, if he before we have not walked comes well, otherwise...... Also.” Feng Ke knits the brows, „ he does not explore Star Chart, not necessarily is the misdemeanor, so long as we can harvest, his “这么多人不可能留下等他,也没有太多时间,他如果在我们没走之前过来最好,不然……也就算了。”丰岢皱眉,“他不去探索星图,也不见得就是坏事,只要我们能够有所收获,他的那一呃 ...... Little will not give him. ” ……不会少给他的。” Feng Rao also knows the people not because Shi Yan will take risk to stop over, listening to her father such to take a stand , can only but nodded, in the heart secretly worried, hopes that Shi Yan appeared as soon as possible. 丰娆也知道众人不会因为石岩冒险逗留,听她父亲这么表态了,也只能无奈点头,心中却还是暗暗着急,希望石岩尽早出现。 Heaven Punishment City another covert manor. 天罚城另外一处隐蔽的庄园。 Kashewen just and Zi Yao code, the brow tip moves quickly, has stood fiercely, went to the small garden in manor. 卡修恩正和紫耀密语,倏地眉梢一动,猛地站了起来,去了庄园内的小庭院。 There, Ao Gela appeared, the smiling face of whole face sunlight, just and a person spoke. 那儿,奥格拉斯已经出现了,满脸阳光的笑容,正和一人讲话。 Sir Ao Guduo!” Zi Yao comes out hurriedly, sees the person, in the heart shakes, salutes to pay respects fiercely. 奥古多大人!”紫耀急忙出来,一看到来人,心中一震,猛地行礼请安。 Princess is still gorgeous unparalleled.” Ao Guduo of five big feudal lords crack into a smile R Hehe saying: No wonder Ao Gela that boy, my continually detains does not manage, must with you. He He, from attending to the heroic beautiful woman shines mutually, you and this boy, match seriously certainly.” “公主殿下依然艳丽无双啊。”五大诸侯的奥古多咧嘴一笑R嘿嘿说道:“难怪奥格拉斯那小子,连我的连番挽留都不管,非要跟着你。呵呵,自顾英雄佳人相互映照,你和这小子,当真是绝配啊。” In the Zi Yao heart hates darkly, expression indifferently as usual, not having the exit / to speak to reply. 紫耀心中暗恨,神色却淡然如常,没有出口答话。 You come just in time, these Marauder as if had the sound, wanted to leave from the city as soon as possible.” Kashewen optional saying, „, once they leave Heaven Punishment City, may be difficult to manage in these forbidden land, their more familiar that. If must begin, should better the two days.” “你来得正是时候,那些掠夺者似乎有动静了,想要尽快从城内离开。”卡修恩随意的说道,“一旦他们离开天罚城,在那些禁地中可就难办了,他们更加熟悉那一块。如果要动手的话,也就最好这两天。” Begins?” Ao Guduo shook the head, the complexion is not quite attractive, I do not want to be the same with Fan Ye, bewildered was killed.” “动手?”奥古多摇了摇头,脸色不太好看,“我可不想和梵夜一样,莫名其妙的被人杀死。” Kashewen, Zi Yao and Ao Gela three people, listened to his such saying, was the facial expression is panic-stricken. 卡修恩紫耀奥格拉斯三人,听他这么一说,都是神情惊骇。 They know that the Fan Ye inexplicable missing incident, actually does not know Fan Ye dies, therefore very reacted, a Source God Realm Warrior no small matter, once died, will spread over entire Lie Yan Star Field. 他们知道梵夜莫名失踪一事,却不知道梵夜一死,所以非常震动,一名源神境武者非同小可,一旦死亡,会传遍整个烈焰星域的。 In Heaven Punishment City, there is terrifying Expert, this point can affirm extremely.” Ao Guduo complexion dignified saying, manner is slightly is also alarmed and afraid, as if also the heart has the worry, does not dare to offend rashly. “在天罚城内,有个极其恐怖强者,这一点可以肯定了。”奥古多脸色凝重的说道,神态也是略显惊惧,似乎也心有顾虑,不敢冒然得罪。
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