GOS :: Volume #9

#857: The heart of darkness

Before manor gate that to the Ka Fu store thousand armor far Southwest, declining. 卡夫商铺千甲远的西南方,一处破落的庄园门前。 The Shi Yan three people stealthily come. 石岩三人一路鬼鬼祟祟而来。 To the entrance, Stone Gate of that manor opened wide silently, inside old tree withers, deathly silence heavy, does not have a fluctuation, the manor deep place, has several obsolete stone house. 才到门口,那庄园的石门无声无息的敞开了,里面古树枯萎,死寂沉沉,没有一点波动,庄园深处,只有几间老旧的石楼 The Shi Yan brow has not wrinkled, from attending. 石岩眉头没有皱一下,自顾进来。 Brother Ka Tuo neglect one, has not said a word, follows silently. 卡托兄弟忽视一眼,也没有言语,默默跟上。 Three people come, that Stone Gate automatically has closed, manor interior stone house, only Stone Gate, silent opens. 三人一进来,那石门又自动关闭了,庄园内部一间石楼,唯一的一堵石门,也无声打开。 The Shi Yan three people were also good. 石岩三人又行了进去。 stone house does not have the window, only then such a gate, when comes to three people, Stone Gate has closed, luminously has not appeared, pitch-dark darkness. 石楼没有窗户,只有这么一堵门,待到三人进来,石门关闭了,没有一点光亮显现,伸手不见五指的黑暗。 Wisp of dim light from the stone house front little appears, a shadow sits well on platform, lifts the black bamboo hat on face, reveals one to cover entirely the fierce scar fearsome facial expression. 一缕幽光从石楼前方一点点的显现出来,一道黑影端坐在高台上,掀开脸上的黑色斗笠,露出一张布满狰狞疤痕的可怖脸容。 Brother Ka Tuo looked at one, then two legs tremble, the complexion all of a sudden becomes extremely ugly. 卡托兄弟只是看了一眼,便两腿打颤,脸色一下子变得极其的难看。 They recognize this face! 他们认得这张脸! Dark Sky God Country is cruelest the crazy woman, the armed forces regimental commander of bloody regiment, five big feudal lord's heads, are shocking in the Lie Yan Star Field prestige, in the hand does not know that was stained with completely many blood. 天涅神国最为残暴疯狂的女人,血腥军团的军团长,五大诸侯之首,在烈焰星域威名震天,手上不知道沾满了多少鲜血。 Any Dark Sky God Country enemy, so long as sees him, the fearful balls will tremble, frightened restless, Brother Ka Tuo are no exception. 任何一个天涅神国的敌人,只要见到他,都会心寒胆颤,都会恐惧不安,卡托兄弟也不例外。 The Shi Yan complexion is faint, bows slightly, has seen Sir Lianna, does not know that you call me to come, have what instruction.” 石岩脸色淡漠,略略躬身,“见过莉安娜大人,不知道你唤我过来,有何吩咐。” Lianna on platform, the dark green eye pupil is gloomy, not having a wee bit mood to fluctuate, is only looks at he, silent did not say. 高台上的莉安娜,暗青色眼眸灰暗,没有丁点情绪波动,只是看着他,沉默不言。 She did not speak, an invisible pressure as if covered, the Shi Yan three people were whole body are uncomfortable, thought that in such a place, the life as if momentarily did not guarantee, compared with facing that Barrett and black corner/horn also wanted terrifying not to know many times. 她不讲话,一股无形的压力似乎笼罩下来,石岩三人都是浑身不舒服,觉得在这么一个地方,性命似乎随时不保,比面对那巴雷特、黑角还要恐怖不知道多少倍。 Some little time, Lianna slowly opens the mouth, „does Star Chart carry over the purgatory star by you?” 好一会儿,莉安娜才缓缓开口,“星图由你带出炼狱星的?” Shi Yan is astonished however, pours had not denied that „, is brought by me.” 石岩讶然,倒也没有否认,“嗯,由我带出来的。” Divine intervention.” Lianna whispered, as if fell into the recollection, is the period of time silence, then said: You know that was who saves you two?” “天意。”莉安娜嘀咕了一句,仿佛陷入了回忆中,又是好一阵子的沉默,然后才说道:“你知道是谁救你两次了?” understood.” Shi Yan honest nod. 知道了。”石岩老实点头。 You may know why she does rescue you?” Lianna asked again. “那你可知道,她为何搭救你?”莉安娜再问。 Hesitant, Shi Yan looked at blood slaughter Ka Tuo and Ka Fu, indefinite saying: Is related with my mark?” 犹豫了一下,石岩看了一眼血屠卡托卡夫,不确定的说道:“和我的一个印记有关?” You are very intelligent, the luck is also extremely good, came Heaven Punishment City soon, then to seek her, seriously was the good chance, no wonder can be inherited.” Lianna nodded, shot a look at blood slaughter Ka Tuo, shouted to clear the way lowly: Ka Tuo, your mark revealed that shows me?” “你很聪明,运气也极好,才来天罚城不多久,便寻上了她,当真是好机缘,难怪可以得到传承。”莉安娜点了点头,瞥了一眼血屠卡托,低喝道:“卡托,你的印记显露给我看看?” What mark?” Ka Tuo bewildered saying. “什么印记?”卡托莫名其妙的说道。 Shi Yan smiled, the putting out a hand point to forehead, hints to Ka Tuo. 石岩笑了笑,伸手点向额头,向卡托示意。 Ka Tuo awakes to turn around fiercely, at once urges round of power, revolution Chaos God's Domain, eyes to turn into blood-red, a forehead faint mark, gradually becomes clear, five bloody cloud clusters. 卡托猛地醒转过来,旋即催发力量,运转混乱神之领域,双眸变成血红色,眉心一个淡漠的印记,渐渐变得清晰起来,五朵血腥云团。 Really is, no wonder you can turn danger into safety several times.” Lianna eye one bright, muttered whispers. “果然是,难怪你能化险为夷几次。”莉安娜眼睛一亮,喃喃低语。 Turns danger into safety several times?” Blood slaughter Ka Tuo is startled however, good half sound, suddenly excited saying: „,......” “化险为夷几次?”血屠卡托怔然,好半响,突然激动的说道:“难道,难道……” He stayed many years in Divine Punishment Grounds, several times were encircled kill, almost wants divine soul entirely extinguished, may each time, fight, the match will be sudden the strength to use up, as if cultivation had something go wrong, accidentally discharges Bedevilment generally, the power interim release, instead was killed by him. 他在神罚之地呆了很多年,有几次被人围杀,差一点就要神魂俱灭,可每次,在战斗之中,对手都会突然力竭,似乎修炼出了岔子,走火入魔了一般,力量暂时释放不出,反而被他所杀。 Also because of that several times luck, he harvests greatly, gradual in Marauder budding, had own secondary roles. 也是因为那几次的幸运,他收获巨大,才逐渐的在掠夺者中崭露头角,有了自己的班底。 Before early, Ka Tuo has helped him in some suspicion people, otherwise not every time that lucky, whenever must die, the enemy will have something go wrong bewilderedly, making him think that he obtained the heaven to care , the heaven did not make him die, is doomed to make him rise. 很早之前,卡托就在怀疑是不是有人帮过他,要不然不会每一次都那么的幸运,每当必死的时候,敌人都会莫名其妙出岔子,让他以为他得到了上天眷顾,老天不让他死,注定要让他崛起。 But today, by a Lianna such saying, he fiercely awakens. 可今天,被莉安娜这么一说,他猛地醒悟过来。 It is not the heaven is helping him, but has the person, got rid to rescue his several times. 不是老天在帮他,而是真的有人,出手搭救了他好几次。 Shi Yan makes you come out with ten thousand high grade Divine Crystal, shouldn't? Is your life, unworthy 10,000 high grade Divine Crystal to be inadequate?” A Lianna face ridiculed, none who does not became, did you think your luck to that degree really well?” 石岩让你拿一万上品神晶出来,难道不该?你的命,难道还不值10000块上品神晶不成?”莉安娜一脸嘲弄,“莫不成,你真的以为你运气好到那种程度?” The Ka Tuo tiger body trembles, in heart flood the intense gratitude, the eye was a little moist, is absentminded saying: „ Unexpectedly...... 卡托虎躯一颤,心中泛起了强烈的感激,眼睛都有点湿润了,失魂落魄道:“竟然…… Unexpectedly is she, she rescues my several times unexpectedly, I really damn, has thought does not understand...... ” 竟然是她,她竟然救我好几次,我真该死,一直都想不明白……” Ka Fu thorough was also scared, suddenly realized that on his big brother’s body, had certainly some him to watch not the clear unusual matter. 卡夫也彻底傻眼了,忽然意识到在他大哥的身上,一定发生了一些他看不明白的不同寻常之事。 Also was at this time, he knows that his big brother was unexpectedly good one time almost dead, because some people rescued, can live now, can have today's status and Earth Realm. 也是这时,他才知道他大哥竟然好一次差点死了,只是因为有人搭救,才可以活到现在,可以拥有今天的身份和地位 That person, is Fei Lan. 那个人,就是费兰 Your forehead has that mark, was understood clearly by her, you early die.” Lianna faint say|way. “你要不是额头有那个印记,又被她洞悉,你早死,了。”莉安娜淡漠道。 i got it, I understood finally, in thanking you told me all these.” Ka Tuo thanked profusely, saluted respectfully, tiger overflowed the tears unexpectedly. 我知道了,我终于明白了,啊于谢你告诉我这一切。”卡托千恩万谢,恭恭敬敬行礼,虎目竟然溢出泪水来。 Nobody knows that his difficulty, he struggled from not well-known little warrior for these years in the place of god carrying together begged many pain negligently, the water transport many crimes...... Is links his brothers Ka Fu running away plutonium to be clear. 没有人知道他的艰辛,这么多年来他从一个不知名的小武者挣扎在神舁之地懈乞了多少苦痛,漕了多少罪……甚系连他兄弟卡夫逃钚清楚。 He knows that he can have today, is really not easy, he has thanked the heaven, thought that the heaven cares for him, repeatedly Immortal, tenacious lives. 他知道他能够拥有今天,实属不易,他本来一直感谢上天,觉得上天眷顾他,才会屡屡不死,顽强的活下来。 May until today, he discover that the eyes eyeball, in looks at he, has been helping his take care of in secret he, the feeling of this type protected, he does not have for a lifetime. 可直到今天,他才发现暗中有一双眼睛,一直在看着他,在帮助他照顾他,这种被人呵护的感觉,他一辈子都没有过。 Was informed fiercely, awakes to turn around from ignorant, move of Ka Tuo innermost feelings, expressed 12 in the spoken language truly difficult. 猛地被人告知,从浑浑噩噩中醒转过来,卡托内心的感动,实难用言语表达12。 Knows that you initially destroyed my battleship, why can also live, knows well why Ao Guduo must kill you, can I protect you?” A Lianna line of sight revolution, looks to Shi Yan. “知道你当初毁我战舰,为何还能活的好好的,知道为何奥古多要杀你,我要护住你了?”莉安娜视线一转,又看向石岩 Already understood.” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, in me discovered that you use the power deep meaning that moment, guessed a point, thanks.” He also bent the waist good a ritual. “早就知道了。”石岩淡然一笑,“在我发现你动用力量奥义的那一刻,才猜测出了一点,谢谢。”他也弯腰行了一礼。 Un?” This time traded Lianna to be surprised, the brow tip moved, „ can you understand quickly? You by what? “嗯?”这次换莉安娜惊讶了,眉梢一动,“你能那么快明白?你凭借什么? „The dark power deep meaning, I have seen.” Shi Yan explained. “黑暗力量奥义,我见过。”石岩解释。 Lianna eye one bright, did not speak, was only looks at he, waited for his explanation. 莉安娜眼睛一亮,也不讲话,只是看着他,等他的解释。 On Grace Mainland, I obtains War Devil, a black iron puppet, as far as I know probably is Lao Luo dark Clone, I...... Your cultivation should Darkness Deep Meaning, a little relate with his how many?” The Shi Yan probe asked. “在神恩大陆上,我得到一具战魔,一具黑铁傀儡,据我所知好像是烙猡的黑暗分身,我嗯……你修炼黑暗奥义,应该与他多少有点关系吧?”石岩试探问道。 Lao Luo?” Lianna shook the head, seems not clear, has not listened to this person, his also cultivation Darkness Deep Meaning?” 烙猡?”莉安娜摇了摇头,似乎并不清楚,“未曾听过此人,他也修炼黑暗奥义?” Good, exactly the same deep meaning.” Shi Yan also surprise, „ you , if not know Lao Luo, why also understands Darkness Deep Meaning? Does not suit “不错,一模一样的奥义。”石岩也诧异,“你要是不知道烙猡,为何也懂得黑暗奥义?不太对劲呃 Was saying, his thought moves, releases War Devil from Blood Vein Ring. 这么说着,他念头一动,从血纹戒内将战魔释放出来。 The black iron puppet he has not used for a long time, power that War Devil can release is limited, displays fully also only then God Passage peak Realm power , compared with him now insufficiently looked from afar, therefore he has forgotten the period of time. 黑铁傀儡他许久不曾动用了,战魔能够释放的力量有限,全力施展也只有通神巅峰境界力量,和他现在相比远远不够看,所以他遗忘了好一阵子。 The eye of Lianna, glistens suddenly, the strength of darkness moves, her silhouette fell to War Devil side, appears the excited color, „the heart of darkness, this dwarf puppet within the body has the heart of darkness, the day, I know that I knew any reason!” 莉安娜的眼睛,骤然闪亮起来,黑暗之力一动,她的身影已落到战魔身旁,显出激动之色,“黑暗之心,这倭儡体内有黑暗之心,天,我知道,我知道什么原因了!” During the speech, her Soul Altar gyrates, a marvelous attraction releases from her within the body. 讲话间,她灵魂祭台旋动,一股奇妙的吸引力从她体内释放出来。 The crustification in the dark heart of War Devil chest, changes into the jet black light group to fly fiercely, fell into the Lianna chest instantaneously, has been hidden all of a sudden, as if has become part of Lianna body. 镶嵌在战魔胸口的黑暗之心,化为漆黑的光团猛地飞出来,瞬间落入了莉安娜胸口,一下子隐没了,似乎成了莉安娜身体的一部分。 Extremely gloomy evil aura, releases from Lianna, she sat not silently, closes one's eyes, seems trying the heart of absorb fusion darkness, expression is serious. 一股极其阴森邪恶的气息,从莉安娜身上释放出来,她一言不发的坐了下来,闭着眼睛,似乎在试着吸纳融合黑暗之心,神色严肃凝重。 That black iron wound puppet, after the heart of darkness flies, loudly the collapse, broken becomes the flying chip, has become sediment of place, did not have a mystery with power. 那具黑铁伤儡,在黑暗之心飞出来后,轰然倒塌,碎成飞屑,成了一地的渣滓,没有了一丝的奥妙和力量 War Devil dissipates. 战魔消散。 Lianna is actually in high spirits, dignified eyes closed realized that the corners of the mouth appear the excited excited meaning. 莉安娜却神采飞扬,凝重的闭目体会,嘴角显出激动兴奋之意。 Senior Brother, she resembles early morning...... Is accepting the inheritance deep meaning, was initially same as me.” Ka Tuo saying cautiously. 师兄,她好像晨……在接受传承奥义,和我当初一样。”卡托小心翼翼的说道。 Shi Yan nodded, saw clue, the heart of that darkness to cultivation Darkness Deep Meaning Lianna, as if extremely important, seems containing the exquisiteness of inheritance, such as the star checks cultivation Strength of Stars him like that has the huge help. 石岩点了点头,也看出了端倪,那黑暗之心对修炼黑暗奥义莉安娜来说,似乎极其的重要,似乎蕴含着传承的精妙,又如星核对修炼星辰之力的他那般,有着巨大的帮助。 This time Lianna, initially fused the star nucleus to be the same with him, is fusing the heart of that darkness, causes into part of body. 此时的莉安娜,就和他当初融合星核一样,在融合那黑暗之心,使得成为身体的一部分。 How is a matter?” Ka Fu is puzzled, discovered all that today experiences, are flooding mystical and surprise, making him hoodwink all of a sudden, just like having a dream, does not know all that now sees. “到底是怎么一回事?”卡夫最是困惑,发现今天经历的一切,都充斥着神秘和惊奇,让他一下子蒙了,跟做梦一样,不知道如今看见的一切,到底是不是真的了。 Air/Qi...... That I am not specially clear, must ask Senior Brother. ” A Ka Tuo also face solves, deeply looks to Shi Yan. 气……那个我也不是特别清楚,要问师兄了。”卡托也一脸求解,深深看向石岩 The Shi Yan complexion is strange, he is not very clear, as if the line implicates the people in secret, but he, but also cannot dispel doubt for Brother Ka Tuo, hesitated, the talent said with a smile: Do not be anxious, when Sir Lianna awoke to turn around, we inquired together then.” 石岩脸色古怪,他也不是很明白,暗中似乎有一条线将众人牵连,可他,还真的不能为卡托兄弟解惑,迟疑了一下,才干笑道:“别急,等莉安娜大人醒转过来了,我们一起询问便是了。” Brother Ka Tuo are astonished however, but has not continued to closely examine, silent looks to Lianna, waits for her to fuse the heart of darkness. 卡托兄弟讶然,但也没有继续追问下去,都沉默的看向莉安娜,等着她融合黑暗之心。 , In Lianna of heart of fusion darkness, in forehead, a little fuzzy mark, gradual increasing, becomes is gradually getting more and more clear. 渐渐地,在融合黑暗之心的莉安娜,眉心之中,有一点模糊的印记,逐渐的变大,变得越来越清晰起来。 Five scarlet cloud clusters. 五朵血色云团。 With the mark of Ka Tuo forehead, with the small shield of Fei Lan store on, exactly the same. 卡托额头的印记,和费兰商铺的小盾牌上的,一模一样。 The Ka Tuo facial expression shakes, panic-stricken directional Lianna forehead, „this this mark......” 卡托神情一震,惊骇的指向莉安娜额头,“这个这个这印记……” Un, is this mark, really reappeared, I know.” Shi Yan had already suspected, after the Lianna forehead discovers that mark, immediately has affirmed, said with a smile. “嗯,就是这个印记,果然浮现出来了,我就知道。”石岩早就怀疑了,在莉安娜额头发现那印记以后,马上肯定了,微笑道。 Is related with this mark? Does Senior Brother, none who does not become you also has this mark?” Ka Tuo surprised shouting to clear the way. “都和这个印记有关?师兄,莫不成你也有这个印记?”卡托惊奇之极的喝道。 Good, I have.” Shi Yan nodded, just your marks, in the God Body forehead, but my, da Yang in Divine Soul, this is the only difference.” “不错,我也有。”石岩点了点头,“只不过你们的印记,在神体额头,而我的,在神魂中龘央,这就是唯一的差别。” Ka Tuo with amazement. 卡托骇然。
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